How to present special edition

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IN THIS ISSUE Michelle Bowden CSP, shares her tips for Persuasive Presenting in Business Microphone Tips Style Tips Don’t Stress Impromptu Presenting Tips The Power of BECAUSE You’ve got 5 minutes! Be the Best It Doesn’t Matter how Good Your Message is if no one‘s Listening! Be PRESENT! Stop BLUSHING! You’re embarrassing me!

PLUS: 10 Steps to Become Less BUSY Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse! How to Present Magazine



DIARY DATE PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS MASTERCLASS (2-day Public Program) Join Michelle at her next public program in: SYDNEY MELBOURNE BRISBANE ADELAIDE CANBERRA TASMANIA To register or chat about your specific needs please http://

WHO IS MICHELLE BOWDEN? Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 650 times with many thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year 6 years running. Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to: Remember it doesn’t matter how good your message is if no one is listening. Michelle Bowden

Michelle’s Update Welcome to this special edition of How to Present magazine. This special issue is my way of saying thank you for subscribing to this wonderful magazine that I am so proud of! I just know you’ll love the articles I’ve personally selected for you to help you to present with greater confidence and influence at work. And from now on, your very own editions will pop into your inbox in the first week of every month rain, hail or shine! I know from my research that around 80% of people have some sort of fear or anxiety when it comes to presenting in public at some point in their life. This fear causes people to ramble, overuse PowerPoint, disengage instead of engage their audience and generally look incompetent. It’s a career path to nowhere and a big shame as everything is FIXABLE! I also know that after the most recent presentation only 28% of respondents went back to their desks and did anything with the information. This means we are all going to way too many boring meetings where the information is irrelevant at best and dead useless at worst. Turn to page 6 and click on our Michelle Bowden Enterprises baby who will enlighten you further in a fun and creative way. In this special edition I want to help you improve your presenting quickly so I’ve shared some of my Microphone TIps, Impromptu Speaking Tips, Recovery Strategy Advice, How to STOP Blushing! And I’ve also explained The Power of Because. Plus Ty Bennett encourages you to Be the Best and Robin Powis gives us her invaluable Style tips. Keep reading where Domonique Bertolucci reminds us: Don’t stress, and I remind you to Be Present and It Doesn’t Matter How Good your Message is if no one’s Listening! Plus: You’ve only got 5 Minutes! David Keane gives you 10 Steps to Become Less Busy! Plus you can also read some inspiring Success Stories. So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System using techniques that actually work Do you get nervous when presenting at work? Do you want to showcase your knowledge, Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting? How to Present skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an

How to Present will help you:

There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting. the art of persuasion

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How to Present Magazine



SUCCESS STORIES! from study, to working in the fitness industry. As a group fitness instructor, I deliver classes each week to an audience ranging from 20 – 60 people.


And apart from fitness, I regularly present in a number of professional speaking roles working as an MC, Online Presenter and Voice Over Artist. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? I was introduced to the program by Justin Tamsett (Justin appeared in the October Issue of How to Present magazine!) After completing Michelle’s Influential Presentation Skills program himself, he suggested I would equally enjoy it – and I did! I loved it! I have done advanced presentation skills training in the past, but none of my previous facilitators had the level of experience that Michelle was able to share. How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? I love presenting, so I didn’t need convincing of the importance of it as a part of my skill set. What it reinforced, however, was the importance of preparation, especially when it comes to presentation structure and delivery. The analysis and design phases are where you can achieve great success as a presenter. Chantal is a passionate promoter for leading a healthy, active and happy life and strives to support others to do the same. With a corporate background in sales and marketing, and as a qualified personal trainer and group fitness instructor, Chantal works with fitness professionals as a coach and educator. What kind of presenting do you do at work? Currently I present across a range of areas. I deliver business-based presentations to students who are in the process of transitioning

In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? Working to Dr. Bernice McCarthy’s very structured 4Mat design has made me feel more confident about the way in which I deliver my presentation content. Following the course I restructured some of my old presentations and by following Michelle’s tips I was able to create a much simpler, yet more effective presentation.

How to Present Magazine



SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT.) prepared. Having my presentations finished 3 weeks in advance allows me to feel in control, prepared and well practiced. Another key area I have focused on is building rapport with my audiences through visual connection and body language. I regularly MC an event aimed at women which touches on personal health and lifestyle topics, and this has been particularly effective skill to implement in those sessions. What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? 1. My first take away was not content-driven or structural – it was physical! Michelle taught us how to “calm the butterflies” (or rather, contain the excitement!), which I used with great success the week after my course, and have used in every presentation since! 2. I re-visited the ‘why’ part of my presentations and as a result have changed the opening structure of most of my formal presentations so they now follow Michelle’s design steps. In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training? Since completing the course I have re-evaluated my presentation preparation. It was one of the most beneficial and fundamental lessons I took away from the course – the importance of being

3. I came to the harsh realization that I was dramatically overusing PowerPoint in my formal presentations! Too many slides with too many words! I have now applied Michelle’s ‘Rule of 3’ to all of my presentations. They are visually more appealing and now I spend my preparation time thoroughly practicing the content (that used to be written on the slides!)

TESTIMONIAL FROM LUCY RAYMOND, ACQUISITIONS EDITOR, JOHN WILEY & SONS Thank you Michelle! I put your presentation skills model to the test when preparing for a really important meeting. Not only did my colleagues give me a few nods, we also won the business! I was really thrilled with how well prepared I was. It will take a few more attempts to really feel natural, but I have your excellent How to Present book within arm’s reach so you are always right by my side! For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine



HOW CAN THIS BABY HELP YOU? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN This baby is smarter than you might think! In 2010 we surveyed more than 800 respondents from across industry. We asked them about their own presentation experience as well as their experience sitting in a business audience like a conference or business meeting. I’ve teamed up with Antonia Grimard from AOK (designer of awesome, creative slides) to show you the results of our research. Take a look here: Alarming feedback about presentations...

MICROPHONE TIPS BY MICHELLE BOWDEN The aim of a microphone is to help you sound as close to natural as possible in an unnatural environment. The human voice doesn’t have too much bass or treble and that’s what the mic should replicate for you. Here are some helpful tips for you:

Positioning. If you place it too close to your mouth, it will sound like you are talking down a pipe. If it’s too far away it’s ineffective. A hand held mic is uni directional which means you should talk into the top of the mic, not to the side - or it will sound really funny. Whereas a headset mic is multi directional so place it to the side of your mouth for a natural sound. Trust. Let the staging people set you up and then don’t fiddle with the switches! Tidy Up. Remember to tuck the cords down your pants or skirt so you look as professional as possible. Messy cords tend to flip around and distract. Watch feedback. If you have two microphones be very careful with the frequencies you use. Familiarise yourself with what’s in the room. Where can you and can’t you walk? Don’t assume you can walk anywhere.!

How to Present Magazine




When people think about entertaining, engaging presenters, mostly television presenters come to mind. I recently conducted a survey with over 800 respondents from the corporate world and personalities like Rove McManus, Hugh Jackman, Andrew Denton and Paul McDermott were frequently mentioned.

Only 38% of respondents thought presenters understood their needs as an audience member.

More than half the respondents said that presenters generally read from their PowerPoint slides.

You’ve got 5 minutes if you’re lucky!

Only 40% of respondents found presenters to be engaging.

Audience members typically give presenters less than 5 minutes to prove themselves before switching off.

Only 28% of respondents said that they were moved to action after seeing presenters.

When asked about workplace presenters they had seen in the last 12 months:

How to Present Magazine



YOU’VE GOT 5 MINUTES (CONT.) We know we need development

What does it all mean?

When asked about presenting they do at work: •

Over 60% of respondents admit to using their slides to help remember what to say.

Nearly 60% of respondents admit to being frequently nervous prior to presentations.

Only 37% of respondents feel that they are influential, persuasive presenters.

75% of respondents believed that they would gain more respect for their knowledge and expertise if they were better public speakers.

Death by PowerPoint isn’t working!

When asked about workplace presenters they had seen in the last 12 months: •

50% of respondents thought presenters were a bit boring.

Only 52% of respondents thought presenters delivered a relevant message.

70% of respondents said that workplace presenters generally relied heavily on PowerPoint slides.

There’s definitely room for workplace presenters to improve the way we present and influence. If we want our messages to ‘cut through’ more thought needs to be given to our audience’s needs. I teach the 5-Step Analysis model in my training to help you work out a) what the audience needs to hear and b) what you need to achieve as the presenter. More thought must be given to the way we use PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a visual aid - it’s purpose is to reinforce your key messages for your audience. It’s not to remind you what to say next! Consistently relying on PowerPoint as a ‘script’ is boring for your audience and doesn’t do you any favours either. I recommend you learn how to use Disney’s Storyboarding and McCarthy’s 4Mat so you can design fast and present without notes. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



IMPROMPTU SPEAKING TIP #2 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Ever had to speak “off the cuff” in an impromptu situation? Did you freak out? It’s a very different skill to presentation skills because great presentation skills are all about understanding your audience/analysing what they need; structuring your message cleverly and crafting linguistic devices throughout to increase your persuasiveness; and then rehearsing. You can’t really do too many of these things expertly “off the cuff” unless you’ve had a good amount of practice at them over an extended period of time. Here’s the great news....there’s a terrific model that you can use for your impromptu presentations. It’s called the 5Ws+ 1H. Here’s a quick summary for you: • • • • • •

Who is it about? What happened? When did it take place? Where did it take place? Why did it happen? How did it happen?

I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who.

This is why the "Five Ws and One H" problem solving method is also called as the "Kipling Method", which helps to explore the problems by challenging them with these question.

The "Five Ws" (and one H) were memorialized by Rudyard Kipling in his "Just So Stories", in which a poem accompanying the tale of "The Elephant's Child" opens with:

See how you go applying the 5Ws + 1H to your next workplace presentation where you’re not given time to plan or prepare and you want to make a great impression. Happy Presenting!

WHAT’S YOUR RECOVERY STRATEGY? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Slip-ups happen to even the best speakers. If you happen to go blank or do something wrong, keep calm and don’t apologise! Take a deep diaphragmatic breath and focus on keeping your cool. Look your audience right in the the whites of their eyes and do what you can to get back on track as soon as possible. And here’s one extra idea....have something funny ready to talk about if you encounter a technical problem and need a few minutes for the staging people to bring your computer back on line, suggest a quick break. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



IF YOU DON’T FEEL GOOD TRY THIS... BY JAN TERKELSEN Get clear about how you want to feel. Most of us are very clear about what we don’t want, yet when asked, “What do you want?” we get stuck. Follow your energy. What are you being drawn to do and how does that make you feel? Focus on what you want.

any situation. How did I contribute to this? What can I learn from this? If you are going through challenges, what constructive strategies could you use to feel good?

Have a dream or a goal that excites you. Learn you can’t control everything. Your job is to step forward in the general direction of your dreams and goals. Do what you can with what you have, in the moment. Surround yourself with inspiring people, books and resources – these are great sources of nourishment, inspiration and creativity. Learn to be your biggest cheerleader and wisest coach. This takes practice. One of the best ways to practice this is to ask 2 questions in

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM KARIN ADCOCK, FOUNDER OF PANDORA IN AUSTRALIA I loved getting tangible tools to use in my daily life when conducting meetings and doing presentations. Stating the obvious, it is a great help to do more of what works well and eliminate what is not effective. I liked the build-up over the two days from the 5-Step Analysis, to WIIFM and POO! Now I am aware I can be much more effective! The program had highly relevant content presented in a wonderful, fun and highly contagious way. Thank you! For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

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THE POWER OF ‘BECAUSE’ BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Some people are influential because they are good at using right words at right time. One of those 'right words' is the word 'because'. The power of 'because' has actually been documented by social psychologist Ellen Langer. Langer performed an experiment where people asked if they could push in where there was a line of people waiting to use a photocopier. She tested three different ways of asking, and recorded the results: "Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?" 60% said "OK" - not bad really. People are actually a lot more accommodating than I first thought! "Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush?" 94% said "OK" which was to be expected. After all, the person said they were in a rush and most of us can appreciate what it’s like to be in a hurry. Giving the 'reason why' of "because I'm in

a rush" boosted the effectiveness of the request by 34%. The researchers concluded that when the reason is believable and robust in it’s nature the use of the word ‘because’ is effective. Here's the most remarkable find in this experiment: "Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?" (I mean honestly? "Because I have to make some copies" - what else would you be doing in a line at a photocopier?) Guess how many people let them in? 93% said "OK" - an increase from the original 60% of 33%! The word "because" is so powerful that the "reason why" didn't really seem to matter. What can you do with this information? Try using the word ‘because’ more often in your day-to-day communication. It will prompt you to find a robust reason for your request and will increase the likelihood that you will achieve your desired outcome.

How to Present Magazine



BE PRESENT BY MICHELLE BOWDEN When you present, you need to BE PRESENT! A blinding flash of the obvious I hear you say! So why don’t speakers demonstrate this? It’s not as easy as it sounds to concentrate, marshal all your faculties, focus on what you’re saying, read the signals on the faces of your listeners, and when they drift off, pull them back into the moment. Remember that your audience could be somewhere else, but they’re not – they are here with you. And as the speaker, it’s your job to make this the best hour they are going to have all day. Let’s make it relevant and impressive! There’s only one way to do that, an that is to be there for them - be present. Serve your audience. Remember it’s not about you it’s all about the audience. So prepare your space, look into their eyes and smile at them and connect.

Then engage in a conversation with them. Interact with them if you can – that really helps you to be present. Next time you present, take some time before hand to plan what you’ll do to be in the moment, to be present with your audience. Happy Presenting!

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training “I would recommend Michelle Bowden’s Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass to anyone who really wants to accelerate their career. If you want to improve your presentation skills then I suggest you think seriously about connecting with Michelle. I wouldn't be in my excellent position in business if I hadn't invested my personal money and time attending Michelle's workshops. Thank you!!" Marco Scannone, Divisional Manager B.Braun For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

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DON’T STRESS! BY DOMONIQUE BERTOLUCCI “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension." George F Burns It’s time to focus on raising your awareness to the various sources of stress in your life and the level of influence or control you have over each stressor. When you find your stress levels increasing, ask yourself: ‘what is the real cause of my stress?’ ‘Is this situation within or beyond my influence?’ and ‘what action do I need to take to manage both the cause and the impact of this stress?’ You will find that simply taking a moment to refocus in this way gives you a sense of control and has an immediate positive impact on your stress levels. And, if you get into the habit of asking these three simple questions every time you feel stressed, you will find that your ability to manage any necessary stresses in your life improves dramatically.

STYLE TIPS BY ROBIN POWIS This is Your Year - Make it Work for you. Define Your Style To develop your signature look give your style specific names eg. My style is Striking, Sophisticated and Cheeky. Having descriptive word helps clarify in your mind what you love and want you want to emulate. Think about how you want to look and feel. Get the Mindset Focus on being fulfilled and confident so that your beauty shines through. Once you are confident of your look, you’ll relax and be able to concentrate on the more important aspects of your life. Smile More Research has found that people who genuinely smile are considered more attractive.

Get Active Inspire an active mood by wearing sports clothes that provide a fresh and invigorating approach to working out. Dressing in brights and metallics packs a punch so you feel just as good in the gym as out. Robin Powis is an image consultant who believes some people are born stylish whilst others need to learn about style. She’s passionate about colour and creating a fresh and stylish new YOU.

How to Present Magazine



SUCCESS STORIES! interesting and a bit fun. I thought Michelle was perfect to give me the skills to do this.


How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? It has changed my complete style of presenting. My openings weren’t very strong and I learnt just how important it is to ‘win’ an audience over instantly with ‘pace, pace, lead’ using truisms. I feel a lot more confident leading into a presentation now and deliver a more exciting presentation tailored around the audience needs. How have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training? I am given a lot of pre-prepared presentations to make. Since the course, I now totally change each presentation to take on the ’13 step format’. I love the opening and I love the ‘hot spot’ and blanking out of the powerpoint screen to really bring the attention to the presenter. The number of pages of powerpoint has reduced to pictures and statements only and I have become more interactive with my audience. I am the State Underwriting Manager for Asteron Life WA with 11 years Life Insurance industry experience. I manage a team of underwriters and service consultants to assess the medical, financial and occupational risk factors on Life Insurance applications submitted through Financial Advisers. And importantly I am also the mother of two gorgeous kids: Amelia (4) & Koen nearly 3 - they are the lights of my life!

What kind of presenting do you do at work? Mostly to adviser groups at training sessions, development days, company launches. The groups range from approx 20-60 people. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? I really enjoy presenting to a lively audience and trying to make the very dry topic of underwriting

What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? Wow, to try to narrow it down to 3 is really difficult! I found the course an instant change to the way I think and approach presenting. I find myself analysing every other presenter now and am equally critical of myself. 1. The ‘13 steps’ was definitely a big one’, 2. Understanding how the audience perceives you compared to how you want them to perceive you; 3. Using powerpoint effectively. Michelle’s course was the best I have been on in a very long time. It was jam packed of critical and realistic information with ‘no fluff’. They say if you walk away with 1 new thing it was a good course.... I walked away with dozens and it was a brilliant course!

How to Present Magazine



STOP THAT BLUSHING - YOU’RE EMBARRASING ME! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Are you are someone who even blushes at the thought of blushing? Wikipedia says the following about blushing: “Some people are overly sensitive to emotional stress. Given a stimulus such as embarrassment, the person's sympathetic nervous system will cause blood vessels to open wide, flooding the skin with blood and resulting in reddening of the face. In some people, the ears, neck and upper chest may also blush. As well as causing redness, blushing can sometimes make the affected area feel hot.” Can you relate to this? I work with lots and lots people who are so worried about blushing that they blush! If this is you or a friend you know, here are some

tips for you to use or pass on: Exercise on the morning of the presentation. Just before the event try some meditation or listen to a calming CD like Paul McKenna’s I Can Control your Stress Wear a colour that doesn’t emphasise your reddening face just in case it happens despite you. Stop caring about the blushing – the more you fuss, the worse it’s going to get! Switch your focus from yourself and your embarrassment to your audience and their needs – look them in the whites of their eyes and remember you are here for them not you! Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine




A confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you! Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett. At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients. Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!


Fast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters. What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.


You can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for! If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler! An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

How to Present Magazine



4 Ds of BUSINESS & LIFE SUCCESS BY JUSTIN TAMSETT The best book I have read to help organise my diary is Take Back Your Life by Sally McGhee. I highly recommend it. You just need the discipline to use her concepts and see results. One of her concepts she shares relates to emails, which often leads to feeling like our life is spiralling out of control. She calls it the ‘Four Ds’ approach to emails: •

• • •

emails, meet with staff and other weekly tasks. This helps you maintain control. If you want to be successful in business and remain healthy, you must always be in control. Justin Tamsett is an author, speaker and 4th generation entrepreneur as well as an innovator, comfort zone challenger and thought leader.

Delete it – if it does not relate to the direction you are heading at that particular moment. Do it – if you can respond within two minutes and or file the email. Delegate it – send it to someone else to complete and track it. Defer it – transfer the email to your calendar with a note on when you will complete the response.

McGhee goes further and suggests that you should allocate time in your diary to respond to


“Best training course I have been to. Great presenter! I loved the 13 steps to exceptional presentation, the time to practice on the second day, that the presenter Michelle was very engaging the whole time, and that the content was relevant.” For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

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BE THE BEST BY TY BENNETT Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? Was it an astronaut, a baseball player, a fireman, actor, lawyer or a doctor? Regardless of what you chose, there is a common element to childhood dreams: Every child dreams of being "The Best in the World." Think about it - you didn't dream about being a casual, better than average basketball player. You dreamed about being in the NBA and winning a world championship. And you didn't dream about being a writer whose book never got published. You dreamed of writing the bestselling book of all time. Children dream big, and don't see past their goal to envision all the work it will take to get there - they just dream. Yet somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we lose the "best in the world" part of our dreams and settle for the "that's good enough" mentality. Why? Is it because others talk us down from our perch? Do we start to see how much work is entailed and decide we don't want to go there? Do we decide that our dreams are not "realistic", and in order to be respectable and acceptable, we have to crank it back a few notches? Or do we simply find other things more exciting, or even just achievable, as we get older? Does the "real world" take the wind out of our sails? What happens? I was reminded of this when I was having a conversation recently and told my friend, "I want to be the best speaker in the world." He looked shocked and surprised. To clarify - I don't anticipate or expect anyone to crown me as the best speaker in the world, but I have come to realize that we get what we expect. And when we have a "that's good enough" mentality - we don't achieve very much. I think all of us should strive to be "The Best in the World" at whatever we do, not because there is a contest and we will ever really be known as the best, but because if we strive to be "The

Best in the World", we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We take the extra step, go the extra mile to set ourselves apart from the rest of the crowd. We have a desire to be an example to others in our field of the way we believe it should be done. The Best in the World is constantly learning and progressing. The Best in the World is open to feedback. The Best in the World surrounds themselves with others who make them better. The Best in the World has high goals, takes appropriate action and holds themselves accountable for the results of their efforts and the effect it will have on the lives of others. The Best in the World is driven by passion and purpose. The Best in the World treats their business or passion as a profession and not a hobby. Ty Bennett is the author of The Power of Influence as well as the video training program, Facts Tell, Stories Sell. More than one million people from 50 countries have learned from Ty’s insights on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Communication.

How to Present Magazine



BEAUTIFUL BROWS TO FRAME YOUR FACE BY ROBIN POWIS The perfect arch opens up your eyes and frames your face. Follow Style Icons who embrace a natural shaped brow. Shape Up Tweezers are better than waxing as you will avoid 'barely there' brows. It's impossible to get your eyebrows to be identical, no parts of your body are. Outline your brows in powder to work out where the strays are. Use the right products to create definition. A brow powder creates a more natural looking stroke right at the roots and is easier to feather. It's the end of the brow that needs most definition so start at the tail, then feather into the arch and lastly the start point.

Robin Powis is an image consultant who believes some people are born stylish whilst others need to learn about style. She’s passionate about colour & creating a fresh & stylish new YOU.

REHEARSE, REHEARSE, REHEARSE! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Are you remembering to rehearse your presentation a number of times before you deliver it? Remember exceptional presenters rehearse everything! Allow plenty of time before the presentation to rehearse and rehearse.

sound like? Exceptional presenters rehearse and rehearse and rehearse!

Work back a few weeks and allocate time to rehearse with a ‘buddy’ who can give you some constructive feedback using the 4-step feedback method which outlines firstly what you think you did well and would like to improve and then what your buddy suggests you improve followed by what they believe you did effectively. Or why not rehearse with a camera and watch it back to see how you look and her what you

How to Present Magazine




IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence. Attend one of my Influential Presentation Skills programs.

generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…

It’s a life changing experience!

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle during the program.

Interactive and personalised.

Address your specific, personal needs. Learning with lots of laughter. Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later. There’s no need for you to be nervous or miss a career opportunity ever again! This program is conducted monthly in Sydney and around Australia on nominated dates. To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle directly:

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 18 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

or go to

Absorb yourself in a

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM VARSHA KANWAR, BUSINESS PROCESS LEAD, CISCO I loved Michelle’s facilitation style, the structure and the practical sessions. I also valued the safe environment to try new things and be able to step out of my comfort zone without fear of failing, and making the presentation an “achievable” dream. In fact, I loved every bit of it! Thank you for empowering me Michelle! For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine




What kind of presenting do you do at work? Mostly sales presentations to customers and partners. My presentations are a very important part of business development and customer relationship management. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? When I was the ANZ Sales Director at Compuware we took employee development very seriously. We recognised that if we wanted to present effectively we needed to learn from the best so Michelle’s program was the program everyone did; especially pre-sales, sales and management. It was many years ago now, but I still use her techniques daily. How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? Michelle's program gave me a great "framework" that helps me build strong presentations and communicate more effectively in less time.

Van is the CEO of International IT Resources (iITr) which was founded in 2003. His key responsibility is to help expand the company's business to cover the region which includes Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Taiwan, and Hong Kong. iITr's key contributor to customer satisfaction is their ability to quickly and accurately identify the needs of their customers and provide the right solutions to meet those needs. Prior to iITr, Van worked for Compuware for ten years and his last two roles at Compuware were APAC Enterprise Sales Manager and then ANZ Regional Sales Director. It was at Compuware that he met and was coached by Michelle in Advanced Presentation Skills.

What positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? Presentations are a key part of the sales cycle. Strong presentations create a powerful impression for the customer which helps shorten the sales cycle. The presentations from Michelle's "13-step framework" are interesting, engaging and easy for my audiences to follow. And the good news for me is that with the "13step framework" my presentations can be prepared much faster and more effectively. What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? 1. Use the 13-steps as a presentation "framework" to help prepare presentations faster and more effectively. 2. Ensure your message is audience focused easy to follow, interesting, and engaging. 3. Despite the fact it was a while ago I still remember the training fondly. Working with Michelle is a great pleasure.

How to Present Magazine



10 STEPS TO BECOME LESS BUSY BY DAVID KEANE How often have you been asked the question, “Are you busy?” It’s an interesting question because behind it lurks some fundamental assumptions that influences how you might answer – irrespective of the truth. Perhaps the most significant assumption is that being busy is a good thing. But is this true? When you look at the lives of really successful people (as I have), you’ll notice that those who achieve extraordinary results don’t seem very busy at all. Indeed, one of the main reasons for their success is their ability to focus on the few things that really matter and then concentrate their attention until they achieve the outcomes they want. In contrast, less successful people tend to take on too much and have a more “scattergun” approach to their lives. If you want to become less busy, and more successful, it pays to look at all aspects of your professional and personal life.

3. In what ways do the things you say to

yourself keep you busy on the wrong things?

4. How do you interact with information?

Are you an information junkie? Are you addicted to social media, phones, or email? If so, you are likely to be spending your time on activities that make you “busy” but are you being successful?

5. What are your beliefs about being busy?

Do you see it as a badge of honour? Perhaps by reviewing your beliefs, you’ll begin to notice that it’s your beliefs that drive your behaviour and therefore the results you get in your life.

6. When you are less busy, you’ll have more energy for doing things that matter the most. On a scale of 1 to 10, where are you right now in terms of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy?

1. D o y o u k n o w w h a t ’s t r u l y important to you? Because we cannot do and be everything, we need to make choices about what we value, what our priorities are, and what we can ignore.

2. I f

there is excessive clutter in your life, what can be done to eliminate it?

How to Present Magazine



10 STEPS TO BECOME LESS BUSY (CONT>) 7. Are you a person who takes responsibility

for the circumstance of your life? If so, you’ll find it much easier to make good choices and live a life that is less hectic both professionally and personally.

8. When it comes to doing things, are you

able to maintain concentration, or are you easily distracted? People who achieve more success are better able to zone into what needs to be done.

9. How are you with managing your time?

We all have the same amount of time every week – 168 hours. We don’t manage our time, but the use of our time.

10.Successful people constantly measure how they are doing. If you are a busy person, can you review your life and ask yourself some good questions?

Years ago, the philosopher Confucius said that “the person who chases two rabbits catches neither.” Would you agree the same can be said of excessive busyness? Dr David Keane is a speaker, author and coach and an expert on helping professionals achieve extraordinary success in their lives. His acclaimed book, The Art of Deliberate Success: Transform Your Professional and Personal Life, is published worldwide by Wiley.

I believe in who I am and what I stand for. I am constantly striving to be my personal best.

How to Present Magazine



IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW GOOD YOUR MESSAGE IS - IF NO ONE’S LISTENING! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN An engineer in one of my recent training programs said to the group, “but I’m an engineer, I don’t have to be interesting!” Argh! Are you serious? This is a classic misconception! This engineer is not the first person who thinks this kind of nonsense. It’s common for people to thinks that their superior intelligence, their technically robust subject matter and their overloaded PowerPoint slides are enough to WOW an audience. WRONG! People often think that their expertise and information will sell itself. This is actually not true. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how robust your research is, or how conclusive your opinion is if no one is listening! Surely the people who present the most technical and dry content need to try even harder than the rest of us to be interesting? How to help people to want to listen... Think about your audience - what do they WANT to hear? Structure your message with this in mind. Be sure to open with some kind of statement that reflects that you understand where your audience is coming from in relation to your message. Show them that you care about both them and their perspective - even if you disagree with them.

Work out what your emotional objective is. In other words, what do you want to your audience to feel? Make sure you feel it to, and convey it with every part of you! Make sure your delivery is engaging enough with lots of direct, connected eye contact, clear audience focused messages and excellent PowerPoint slides. Be sure to use a variety of interesting props, flipcharts, handouts, and gestures that all help your audience to focus on your key messages. Walk across your stage with purpose and direction. Use your stage positioning to reinforce your points. And while you’re at it - think about your voice. Speak loud and soft, high and low, fast and slow. Try some alliteration, emphasis and repetition. This way, people will want to listen to your message, no matter how technical or dry it is.

How to Present Magazine




What kind of presenting do you do at work? I’ve made around 100 presentations in the last year in a mix of community and corporate environments. I endeavour to inspire the discouraged to bounce back and thrive. In the corporate sector I show leaders and their teams how to create thriving tribes that can adapt to anything. Obviously this message is also essential to schools, families, and the community generally. Some of my messages and stories can be confronting for people, but I believe that only by discussing the elephant in the room can we stop little problems turning into big ones. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? I wanted to understand the science of presenting. Michelle comes from a strong training and development background and has chosen to specialize in this field for 20 years. I wanted to understand what she considered to be the key success factors of influence after all that time of learning and doing.

Graeme Cowan is obsessed with promoting proven mood enhancement strategies for a better world. In 2000 Graeme went through a 5 year episode of depression that almost destroyed him. This experience has fuelled his passion to prevent other people from suffering in a similar way. He is best known for his award-winning BACK FROM THE BRINK book series. He is also a Director of RUOK? Day.

In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? The more you present the more you evolve. Without doubt my capacity to connect with my audience and make my message relevant to everyone has improved greatly. My stories are now moving more people to take action. I believe Herbert Spencer - “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.”

How to Present Magazine



SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT.) In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training? Some of my material was difficult for me to present when I first started, because I was recalling a crisis in my past, and I often felt constricted when I told those stories. I’m not sure if it was because I was reliving a dark time of if it was because I speaking about something that no one speaks about. I think Michelle helped me understand that it wasn’t about me, and if I thought more about how I could serve my audience it might make it easier. This insight has

somehow helped me eventually move into a more flow like state. What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? 1. First start with why – Why should people

listen to you? What’s your motivation? 2. How to fast track a presentation’s

construction using Post It notes. 3. The authentic you is more powerful than

you can ever imagine.

How to Present Magazine



BOOK OF THE MONTH OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my website

CD OF THE MONTH Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website

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