Lee Kum Kee BBQ Party Recipes

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Recipes 後4頁附有中文食譜

lee kum kee Love party and barbecue? Why not plan a special BBQ party with some new flavours to surprise your family and friends. Try our Mini Beef Steak Burger in Char Siu Sauce for a twist! Along with many more quick and easy recipes. Chinese Sauce Tips for BBQ Our sauces are very concentrated, so just use by the spoonful. Pre-marinate the meat before the barbecue without any hassle; quick & easy! Oyster Sauce as a core marinade works well with any top up flavour. But always choose Lee Kum Kee’s “Premium Brand”.

Who is Lee Kum Kee? The number one Chinese sauce brand in Hong Kong and worldwide. Lee Kum Kee sauces were selected & went with the Chinese astronauts on the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft launch. The brand used by top Chinese chefs and Michelin starred Chinese restaurants. Inventor of Oyster Sauce in 1888.









ready sachet


once pouch, one dish


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roast spare ribs in char siu sauce Serves 4 Ingredients:

800g meaty rack of pork ribs 3 tbsp honey



6 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Char Siu Sauce


1. Marinate ribs in Char Siu Sauce, then set aside for at least 1 hour, or for even better taste marinate overnight. 2. Barbecue in grey ashen coals, not too hot but still in good heat, turning occasionally for 20 minutes or cook until it is done. 3. Brush on honey and char to your liking before serving the sticky glaze ribs with salad for a balanced meal. Alternatively roast the ribs at 170째C / Gas 3 in pre-heated oven for 1 hour, turn once and until cooked. Brush on the honey and bake for a further 3 minutes.

grilled chilli salmon 4

Serves 4 Ingredients:

800g salmon with skin Pinch of pepper 1 lemon, sliced 1 medium red chilli


2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Double Deluxe Soy Sauce (or Premium Light Soy Sauce) 1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Chiu Chow Chilli Oil


1. Brush the marinade on salmon and set aside for 10 minutes. 2. Grill or barbecue salmon for 10 minutes or to your liking. 3. Serve with pepper, lemon and finely chopped chilli.

plum glazed pork belly 6

Serves 6 Ingredients:

1kg pork belly, skinless


8 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Plum Sauce 2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 2 tbsp mustard powder


1. Marinate pork belly and set aside for 2 hours, or overnight. 2. Pre-heat oven at 170째C / Gas 3 and roast for 1 hour, turning once. 3. Brush leftover marinade onto pork belly and cook for a further 5 minutes or until it is cooked. 4. To serve, cut the glazed pork belly into 3cm cubes and skewer with cocktail sticks for perfect party food.

satay chicken skewers 4-6

Serves 4-6 Ingredients:

6 chicken breast fillets


6 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Satay Sauce 2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 1 tbsp sugar

Dipping Sauce:

2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Satay Sauce


1. Cut chicken fillet into 2cm cubes and toss in marinade, set aside for 2 hours or overnight. 2. Thread chicken cubes onto pre-soaked wooden skewers. 3. Barbecue or grill chicken for 2 minutes on each side or until cooked through.

teriyaki chicken skewers


Serves 4-6 Ingredients:

600g chicken breast, cut into 3cm cubes 2 green peppers, cut into 3cm pieces 2 red peppers, cut into 3cm pieces 2 onions, cut into 3cm chunks 2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Teriyaki Sauce


4 tbsp of Lee Kum Kee Teriyaki Sauce


1. Marinate cubed chicken breast for 30 minutes. 2. Thread chicken pieces evenly onto 8 wooden skewers alternately with the green and red pepper, and onion pieces. 3. Grill or barbecue for 3 minutes on each side or until the meat is cooked through. 4. Brush on additional Teriyaki Sauce before serving.

mini beef steak burger in char siu sauce Mini

Serves 16 mini burgers for party portions Ingredients:

750g rump steak 16 mini rolls selection

Optional Ingredients:

16 pcs cheddar cheese (or blue cheese for stronger taste) 16 pcs lettuce 4 tomatoes, sliced 4 onions, sliced


3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 6 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Char Siu Sauce Pinch of pepper


1. Marinate steak and set aside for 30 minutes. 2. Barbecue or grill the steak for 2 minutes on each side or until cooked to your liking. 3. Let the steak rest on cutting board for 10 minutes before thinly slicing for medium tender steak slices. 4. Evenly divide steak slices into mini rolls, then mix and match dressings & optional ingredients for varieties.

Mixed Sauces of Your Choice:

1. 1 tsp Lee Kum Kee Chilli Garlic Sauce + 2 tbsp mayonnaise, adjust to taste 2. 1 tsp Lee Kum Kee Chilli Bean Sauce + 2 tbsp ketchup + 1 tsp squeezed fresh lemon juice, adjust to taste 3. Lee Kum Kee Hoisin Sauce

chicken wings in 3 flavours Mini

Serves 12 party portions Ingredients:

1.5kg chicken wings

Honey Soy Ginger Marinade (for 500g chicken wings):

2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 5 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Double Deluxe Soy Sauce (or Premium Light Soy Sauce) 1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Minced Ginger or grated fresh ginger 2 tbsp honey

Char Siu Honey Marinade (for 500g chicken wings):

1 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 4 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Char Siu Sauce 2 tbsp honey

Chilli Garlic Marinade (for 500g chicken wings):

2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 3 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Chilli Garlic Sauce 2 tbsp honey 3 tbsp Greek yogurt


1. Marinate chicken wings in 3 different marinades, set aside in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight. 2. Grill or barbecue the chicken wings for 15 minutes or until cooked, turning twice during cooking.


Why not serve with honey soy ginger glazed barbecued sweetcorn for a perfect party combo.

spicy fennel seed lamb kebab 4

Serves 4 Ingredients:

750g lamb leg, trimmed fat and gristle, cubed into 4cm chunks 2 small red onions, halved 2 medium red peppers, chose of colours, cubed


2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Chiu Chow Chilli Oil 2 tbsp Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce (or Panda Oyster Sauce) 2 tsp fennel seeds


1. Mix marinade in a bowl and toss in the lamb cubes until all are evenly coated. Set aside for 30 minutes. 2. Thread the cubed lamb with pepper and onion onto 8 wood/metal skewers. 3. Grill or barbecue for 5 minutes, turn once during cooking until golden brown, or to your liking then serve.

烤辣味 三文魚


4人份量 材料:

連皮三文魚800克 少許胡椒粉 切片檸檬1個 中等大小的紅辣椒1個


李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)2湯匙 李錦記雙璜生抽(或特級生抽)2湯匙 李錦記潮州辣椒油1湯匙


叉燒醬 烤排骨

1. 將三文魚刷上醃料,並放置10分鐘。在三文魚 上撒上辣椒。 2. 將三文魚燒烤10分鐘,或根據個人喜好自定時 間。 3. 以胡椒、檸檬和切碎的辣椒作配菜。


4人份量 材料:

肉豬排800克 蜜糖3湯匙




1. 用叉燒醬醃製排骨,然後放置至少1個小時。若 醃製過夜,口味更佳。 2. 使用灰白煤炭燒烤,溫度無須太熱然而仍需保持 一定熱度,偶爾翻轉。燒烤20分鐘或烹飪至熟 為止。 3. 上菜前可根據個人喜好刷上蜜糖,烤製排骨肉質 外焦裡嫩,還可搭配沙律以達至平衡膳食。另 外,亦可在預先弄熱的焗爐中以170℃將排骨烘 焗1小時,其間翻轉一次至熟。刷上蜜糖後再烘 烤3分鐘。

沙爹雞 肉串


4-6人份量 材料:



李錦記沙爹醬6湯匙 李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)2湯匙 糖1湯匙




1. 將雞肉切成2立方厘米雞丁,調入醃料,放置2小 時或過夜。 2. 將雞丁穿入預先泡浸過的竹籤。 3. 將雞肉每面燒烤2分鐘或直至熟透。

梅子五 花肉


6人份量 材料:



李錦記蘇梅醬8湯匙 李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)2湯匙 芥末粉2湯匙


1. 醃製五花肉,並放置2小時或過夜。 2. 將焗爐預熱至170℃,並烘烤1小時,翻轉一次。 3. 在五花肉上刷上剩下的醃料,再烘烤5分鐘或至 熟。 4. 供應前,將已烤熟的五花肉切成3立方厘米的肉 丁,並用短竹籤串起。適合派對食用。

叉燒醬迷你 牛扒漢堡


16個迷你漢堡,可供聚會 材料:

大塊牛排750克 自選迷你麵包卷16份


切達奶酪(或味道更強的藍奶酪)16片 生菜16片 蕃茄4片 洋蔥4片


李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)3湯匙 李錦記叉燒醬6湯匙 少許胡椒粉


照燒雞 肉串


4-6人份量 材料:

雞胸肉600克,切成3立方厘米雞丁 青椒2個,切成3厘米方塊 紅辣椒2個,切成3厘米方塊 洋蔥2個,切成3厘米方塊 李錦記照燒汁2湯匙




1. 將雞胸肉丁醃製30分鐘。 2. 將雞丁均勻穿入8串木棍中,交替穿入紅辣椒、 青椒和洋蔥片。 3. 將每面燒烤3分鐘或直至雞肉熟透。 4. 食用前可另外刷上少許照燒汁。

1. 醃製牛扒並放置30分鐘。 2. 根據個人喜好,將牛排每面燒烤2分鐘或至熟。 3. 將牛排放置於砧板上10分鐘,然後切成中等嫩度 的牛排薄片。 4. 將牛排薄片均勻分配並放入迷你麵包卷中,然後 混入醬料並搭配可選配料。


1. 李錦記蒜蓉辣椒醬1茶匙 + 蛋黃醬2湯匙,根據 口味調整用量 2. 李錦記辣豆板醬1茶匙 + 番茄醬2湯匙 + 新鮮檸 檬汁1小勺,根據口味調整用量 3. 李錦記海鮮醬

辛辣茴香籽 烤羊肉串


4人份量 材料:

3種口味 的雞翅

羊腿肉750克,除去脂肪及軟骨,切成4立方厘米 肉丁 紅色小洋蔥2個,切半 中等紅辣椒2個,可自選顏色,切丁


12人派對份量 材料:


蜜汁豉油薑汁醃雞翅(500克雞翅): 李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)2湯匙 李錦記雙璜生抽(或特級生抽)5湯匙 李錦記薑蓉1湯匙 或切碎的新鮮生薑 蜜糖2湯匙

叉燒蜂蜜汁醃雞翅(500克雞翅): 李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)1湯匙 李錦記叉燒醬4湯匙 蜜糖2湯匙

蒜蓉辣椒汁醃雞翅(500克雞翅): 李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)2湯匙 李錦記蒜蓉辣椒醬3湯匙 蜜糖2湯匙 希臘乳酪3湯匙


1. 使用3種不同的醃料醃製雞翅,在冰箱中放置2小 時或過夜。 2. 烤或燒烤雞翅15分鐘或至熟,過程中翻轉兩次。


上菜時可搭配蜜糖、醬油及生姜汁 配上烤甜粟米,即成完美的派對食品。


李錦記潮州辣椒油2湯匙 李錦記舊庄特級蠔油(或熊貓蠔油)2湯匙 茴香籽2茶匙


1. 在碗中將醃料混合,拌入羊肉丁,直至所有肉丁 均勻沾上醬汁。放置30分鐘。 2. 將羊肉丁、辣椒和洋蔥穿入8個木支/金屬支。 3. 烤或燒烤5分鐘,烹飪過程中翻轉一次直至肉丁 呈金啡色,或根據個人喜好。然後上菜。

The Leader in Authentic Chinese Sauces General enquiries: enquiry.europe@LKK.com More recipes are available at www.LKK.com

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