First Sunday in Advent / 12.01.13

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Happening This Week Mon. Dec. 2

Tues. Dec. 3

Wed. Dec. 4 Fri. Dec. 6 Sat. Dec. 7

6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM

Boy Scouts (Pastor Carol’s Room, Cabin) Brownies & Daisies (Youth Room) Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Kitchen, FH) Girl Scouts (Primary, Kindergarten)

11AM Women’s Fellowship Circle 1 (Kit, FH, Parlor) Covered Dish Luncheon 4PM Daycare - Pictures (Seekers) 7PM Women’s Fellowship Circle 2 Hostesses: Dana Rushing, Linda Jarvis Jennifer Smitherman (FH, Parlor, Kit)

First Sunday in Advent December 1, 2013 Our purpose is to make the Lord Jesus Christ a reality in the lives of people.

8:30AM Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) 6PM Happy Love Ringers (Music Room) 7PM Choir Practice (Music Room) All day Set-up for Angel Breakfast (Whole Church) 8AM Angel Breakfast (All of Church) Clean-up from Angel Breakfast (All of Church) 5PM W-S Good Sam Camping Club Dinner (FH)

Church Calendar for 2014 Activities and Events Some of you have already placed your request for events and activities on the Church calendar for 2014. Those of you who have not need to contact the office ASAP; dates are going fast! Attendance November 24, 2013 Offering November 24, 2013 Offering needed to meet the Budget weekly = $8,019.80)

210 6,699.50

Total Budget for 2013 as approved by Church Council


Actual Year-to-Date Offerings


Year-to-Date difference to meet weekly budget


Year-to-Date Balance needed to meet Year-End Budget


The Rev. David H. Merritt, Senior Pastor The Rev. Carol A. Foltz, Associate Pastor 2750 Friedland Church Road • Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Telephone (336)788-2652 • Fax (336) 788-0305


Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus setting by Kristina Langlois Based on Jefferson

(During the prelude, please be in reverent preparation for worship, and please remember to sign the Guest Book and Ritual of Friendship.)

Welcome and Announcements Moment of Prayer Hymn

Rejoice, Rejoice Believers Candle Lighter: Emily Brooks

Page 49 No. 239

Advent 1 Liturgy Hosanna Scripture

No. 256

Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44

Children’s Sermon Offertory Anthems Christmas Angel Little Drummer Boy

Children’s Church (up to 2nd grade) Happy Love Ringers arr. Michael Helman arr. Daniel E. Hermany

Doxology Hymn Sermon Hymn

Rejoice, Rejoice the Kingdom Comes

No. 260

“Now is the Time” O Come, O Come Immanuel

No. 274

Benediction Postlude

People, Look East!

Kristina Langlois

Watchword for the week: Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord! Isaiah 2:5

The Advent Wreath on the altar today is presented to the Glory of God and in celebration of the First Sunday of Advent as we light the candle of Hope by the Women’s Fellowship. Today, December 1

9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 4:00 Faithful Ringers (Music Room) 4:00 Women’s Exec. Board Meeting (Parlor) 7:30 Hosanna Ringers (Music Room) Children’s Church: Patsy Miller Toddler Nursery: Betty Foster Infant Nursery: Becky Fagge and Alicia McMillon Next Sunday, December 8 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 4:00 Handbell Concert 5:00 Family Advent Night/Potluck Dinner 7:00 Elders Meeting (Parlor) 7:00 Trustee Meeting (Seekers) Children’s Church: Dana Rushing Toddler Nursery: Betty Foster Infant Nursery: Mary Freeman and Debbie Newell Mission Prayer Focus Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 Praise God for the ten Labrador Moravians, plus two, who are participating in the Bible Initiative Study led by Rev. Glenna Tasedan in Happy Valley/Goose Bay, Labrador. 2014 Daily Text are available in the church office while they last. Small print are $10.00 and large print are $12.00.

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