Focus Newspaper December 2018

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FOCUS Issue Three - December 2018

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When Secr et Snowflake Flakes... Exploring The Shortcomings of our Holiday Traditions

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it?s immensely successful when ever yone par ticipates.? Even though the Secret Snowflake progr am str ives to spread cheer throughout the entire campus, there are unfor tunately

By: Katia Campos '22


With Thanksgiving long since passed, I think it?s safe to

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say that winter is approaching. With winter comes the joyous holiday of Chr istmas. We at FCS have a special way to show our school spir it and love for the holiday... a little something called ?Secret Snowflake? (though many still call it "Secret Santa"). For those of you that are unaware of what Secret Snowflake is, it?s an annual tr adition in which the Student Council r andomly assigns each upper school student and teacher a fellow classmate or colleague to purchase a small treat for r ight before Chr istmas. In the past, the Student Council has suggested that nobody spend more that $5 on a gift. According to Student Council Vice President McKenna Blinman ?19, the event has been ar r anged for many year s. ?We continue this [tr adition] because it is a relatively easy way to spread holiday cheer and show other s in the community how much you care about them,? says McKenna. She continues, ?the joy of getting a gift from someone but not knowing who it is, [and] seeing the work they put into shar ing a little happiness [is] unbeatable. Witnessing your per son?s joy as they open their present from you might be even more gr atifying than getting a gift.? McKenna ends her inter view by saying, ?the event is really about spreading happiness and holiday cheer around our campus, and

In This Issue: Quaker ism + Spor ts? (P2) Skiing Reccomendations (P3) Featur ed Ar tist (P4) New iPad: Wor th It? (P5)

Film Review (P8) Video Game Review (10) New Music Review (15) Spor ts Review (6)

Issue Three - December 2018

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'Secret' COTD. from Page 1 where people end up not receiving anything from their Secret Santa, causing them to feel let down. Focus repor ter s went out in search of people who hadn?t received gifts in year s past to see what their exper iences were like. Max M. Cohen ?19 says that he has exper ienced this situation before: ?I had spent a few days tr ying to figure out what I would get from my Secret Santa, and I had picked a pretty cool gift, candy of some sor t. I was thinking, ?I can?t wait to see what I received.? You know, like a letter of some sor t, something small. I kept waiting, ever y day. It never came, and I was really disappointed.

Sadly, Max wasn?t the only one not to receive anything from a Secret Santa. Pierce Hayton ?20 received the same treatment when he was in ninth gr ade: ?It was the last week before Winter Break and I was waiting the whole week. I was excited, it [was] my fir st year of high school, my fir st Secret Santa, and Fr iday comes and goes and I received nothing.? Despite Pierce not receiving anything that Fr iday, he didn?t give up hope. Pierce says, ?I [thought] to myself, ?Maybe they just missed it, I?ll get something after break.? Then, the fir st week after break [came and went] and it was a huge disappointment.?

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In Quaker Spor ts, Good Char acter is the Name of the Game By: Miles Johnson ?19,

T he Quaker SPICES,

incident unfolded in the midst of an intense playoff

Simplicity, Peace, Integr ity, game, both teams stopped Community, Equality, and

what they were doing and

Stewardship, are known to checked on the player. At guide the behavior of

the end of the game, we

Fr iends?Centr alites in the

lost one- zero and were

classroom. The school also knocked out of the Fr iends Despite the sadness of Pierce?s ninth gr ade exper ience, the stor y has a silver lining, because in tenth gr ade, he did receive a gift. He reflects on how it felt: ?It was fantastic. It was just so nice. I finally felt that somebody actually thought of me, and it made a huge difference.? Students not receiving anything for Secret Santa can be quite devastated. The Student Council encour ages that ever yone par ticipate to avoid this situation. Let?s all get into the r ing and fight the injustice of not receiving a gift together. This year, let us leave none of our classmates or teacher s behind, and actually have fun tr ying to sur pr ise the per son that we?ve been assigned to. You never know, sometimes all someone needs is a little gift to keep them going, to give them hope for a new day. On that note, happy holidays!

expects that its

League Playoffs. Despite

student- athletes will uphold this, our player s handled these values outside of the

the loss with the SPICES in

classroom, even while

mind. A day after the loss,

competing in athletic

the head coach of the team,

progr ams. As an institution Galen Guindon ?06, said to routed in Quaker values,

his player s, ?I received an

Fr iends?Centr al aims to

email from the MFS coach

instill in student- athletes

today. He wanted to thank

strong mor al char acter on

you all for the kind words

and off the field, even

and classy way you handled

though coaches of cour se

their player getting injured.

ur ge their teams to win.

Yesterday wasn?t our day,

A beautiful example of ?char acter over outcome? occur red at a recent boys? soccer game. The team had

but I am always proud of the way you represent our school and progr am!? I inter viewed Liam

a four- seed ver sus five- seed Sullivan ?19. Liam is a playoff game against

four- year var sity soccer

Moorestown Fr iends School. player and has been one of Seven minutes into the

the captains of the boys?

game, one of the player s

soccer team since his

from Moorestown Fr iends

junior year. Liam told me

was laid out on the ground

that before he went to

injured. Ever yone eventually Fr iends?Centr al, he was a lear ned that the player

competitive player, but

broke his leg and after 20- 25 was never really concer ned minutes, he was car ted off

with spor tsmanship until

the field by an ambulance.

he came here.

Although this unfor tunate

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Page 3

Slope?s Up! Wher e to Ski Her e in PA by Aiden McLean '21, Guest Contr ibutor

With winter here, it?s all

accommodates all of our needs and desires in a way

too easy to remain indoor s,

that other local mountains

curled up in a blanket, and

don?t. For example, Bear

binge- watch Netflix. While

Mountain has ver y few

the fr igid weather cer tainly

slopes from which to choose.

prevents us from visiting the

The pr ice for a season pass

beach or taking a dip in the

at Blue Mountain ($599) is

pool, it actually allows us to

just r idiculous! We heard

Elk has it (except for

There are only three

par ticipate in an ar r ay of

from some fr iends that

ver tical drops and cliffs).

problems with Elk. Fir st,

outdoor activities only

For those even more Camelback wasn?t possible in the winter. Skiing necessar ily the best choice. extreme skier s, there are and snowboarding are some This reduced the list down to two challenge cour ses to of the most popular winter tr y. Each tr ail and slope is one: Elk Mountain.

it is a two- hour dr ive

spor ts. My family has been

different and offer s

and last, the time it

different challenges.

takes the lift to get you

admittedly on a much

The tr ails at Elk are

to the top can feel like

smaller scale. This place is

groomed daily and kept in

an eter nity. However,

the best spot to go for both

exquisite condition. There

Elk?s amazing slopes

exper ienced daredevils and

are medical and ski

make up for all of these

newer people just tr ying out

suppor t staff all over the

shor tcomings. Whatever

skiing. There is a lar ge

place, ready to aid any

level skier or

bunny slope and they have

mishap within minutes.

snowboarder you are,

going skiing regularly ever y winter for the past four year s. In December of 2015, my dad took us to Color ado, and we skied in Breckenr idge, one of the best ski resor ts in the countr y. After that, we developed a taste the spor t and wanted more. We can?t afford to go to Breckenr idge ever y winter, so we decided that each year we would rent skis from a local shop and hit the slopes here in our own state. There are many mountains to choose from in Pennsylvania, all with different var ieties of slopes, cour ses, and skier s. In this ar ticle, I?ll review our favor ite slope, Elk Mountain, and explain what makes it unique.

Elk mountain reminds me so much of Breckenr idge,

great classes to choose from. The staff is always ready to

from Philadelphia. Second, there just aren?t enough areas to tree ski,

Elk can accommodate

The only green slope,

help. The lodge at the


?Tioga,? is an easy tr ail to

bottom of the mountain

Despite the long dr ive, it

per for m, yet still fun for

has some decent food,

is still possible to have

more exper ienced skier s. For candy, and hot chocolate,

just a day ski, if your

inter mediate skier s and

per fect after a long day of

group has a well

snowboarder s, a var iety of

skiing. It even comes with

laid- out plan of leaving

blue tr ails are available. All

its own separ ate restaur ant

home early and leaving

are fun to go down. Some are with better food.

Elk a little bit early as

winding, some have spots

Additionally, there are

well. From 5- 10pm, Elk

good for jumps, and a few

many restaur ants just a

has a few slopes

have areas for tree skiing.

twenty- minute dr ive away

available for night

For the more exper ienced

from the lodge. For the

skiing! If you are looking

people like myself, the black

parents and adults in your

for a mountain that is

tr ails are awesome. Mogoles, group, there is a bar and

vir tually guar anteed to

One of the reasons our

steep drops, extreme speeds, beer garden with beer and

satisfy you, Elk

family fell in love with Elk

tree skiing, whatever you

dr inks, as a reward for a

Mountain is because it

love about a black diamond,

hard day?s work.

Mountain is the one.

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Page 4

Ar tist in Focus: The Cr eative Pur suits of Nir Netz By Julian Duvivier '22

T welfth gr ader, Nir Netz ?19, has a love for ar t in many interested in composing for ms. He has been dr awing

electronic music (Ambient,

since he was ver y young and

Raggacore, Metalstep),

his many talents. He

possible colleges

is cur rently enrolled in Ms.

though he feels that he lacks

enjoys numerous

including the ar t schools

Mur phy?s Visual Ar ts Cour se. the time.

animated shows such as

MICA and MassAr t, and

His pastimes include

Motor City, as well as

the liber al ar t schools

many animated movies,

Bennington and Sar ah

including The Secret of

Lawrence. He plans on

listening to music and reading comics, notably Page by Paige and Homestuck. Additionally he enjoys creative wr iting and has a fondness for nature, mar ine biology, and entomology.

Though Nir finds enjoyment in more tr aditional studio ar t for ms, he focuses his talent on sketching or iginal char acter s. He showed me a ser ies of these sketches and I was enamored by how interesting and

Nir has worked in many

per sonality- dr iven they all

different creative mediums.

were. Alongside these, he let

His most- studied medium is me look at a handful of dr awing with pencil and action sketches he had done, paper, but it is far from his

each of which took about two

only. He has an affinity for

minutes to dr aw. These are

charcoal, pastels, and digital

par t of his dream to create

ar t tools such as Photoshop

an animated ser ies, which

and Procreate, and has

would allow him to channel

dabbled in many other areas of creative expression. The inspir ation for his ar t often stems from his ador ation of music. He has eclectic tastes spanning many genres and r uns the Music Appreciation Club that meets ever y Fr iday from 1:15 - 1:50 in the Main building, room 20. He has tr ied his hand at composition, and is

Nimh and Coraline, which continuing to create char acter s and pur sue his have inspired him and fueled his desire to

goal of wr iting an


animated ser ies. He is

seemingly on his way to Nir intends to continue his becoming a success in the pur suits through ar t visual ar ts. school and is cur rently looking at a number of

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Page 5

Tech Focus By: Jer r y Yu?19 having a more power ful chip,

Apple fir st introduced the 12.9- inch iPad Pro in 2015, followed by the 9.7- inch model in March of 2016. Since then, the design of the iPad Pro line remained unchanged, until Apple?s third- gener ation iPad Pro. Launched in November of 2018, the design overhaul comes in both 12.9- inch and 11- inch sizes, features an all- screen display with minimal bezels, and has no home button. The new iPads also feature Apple?s Tr ueDepth camer a system

its limited disk space proves to percent increase from its

snap the Apple Pencil on

predecessor and cr ushes

the sides of their iPads,

the new Samsung Galaxy

and car r y them with

Tab S4 that spor ts a

their devices, allowing

Qualcomm Snapdr agon

more convenience and

845, one of, if not the most, safety as the old Pencils power ful non- apple mobile were quite prone to chip by almost 3 times.

losing. USB- C por ts, on

When compared to laptops the other hand, can released in the same year, provide enough power multi- core scores show no for the power ful chips compromise against Dell?s and can allow XPS 15 2- in- 1, and are

significantly faster data

lighter and thinner than

tr ansfer, and connection

the other s.

to extremely

and updated FaceID

What does this power

technology, allowing for

tr anslate to? Full- sized

secure and r apid unlocks

desktop apps on a mobile

high- resolution displays. All these changes result

not possible on the recent

in smoother user platfor m! Adobe promised exper iences both for Photoshop CC?s release on school and

iPhone Xs line.

iPad Pros by 2019, and

The iPad Pro is marketed as

Bethesda is releasing a new from $799 for 56GB Skyr im for iPads. (Yes, we ver sions, however, it is will talk about games this not the most economic

from all angles, which was

a por table powerhor se, and the latest benchmarks of the

enter tainment. Star ting

back that claim up. Apple

time). For the fir st time, we choice, as despite of can hold a tablet in our

makes many claims about

hands and work on

the new device: it has twice

hundreds of layer s in

the gr aphics per for mance of

Photoshop, instead of one

the A10X; it has 90 percent

single photo on the cur rent

faster multi- core

Photoshop mobile build,

per for mance than its

allowing for more creative

predecessor ; and it

freedom since ar tists can

per for ms equally as GPU

liter ally edit on the go.

A12X inside the 2018 models

power of the Xbox One S game console. The Geekbench scores of the systems prove this claim is no joke; single core scores show a more than 30

The new iPad pro also has redesigned i/o, including extr a smar t connector s, and a USB- C to replace Lightning. Now, user s can

be a significant dr awback. 56GB is hardly enough for many movies and games, which are wor thy challenges for the upgr aded CPU and GPU, and the topic for this edition?s special section, Gaming Focus. Read it in this issue!

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Editor 's Note: I extend special thanks to Julian Duvivier '22, who has gone above and beyond in his contributions to our Layout and Deisgn Team. As always, I also thank Mrs. Luzuriaga for her continued support and guidance.

Go Philly!

By Max Mar inelli '22

Max?s Flying Eagles Update, Week 10: Eagles vs. Cowboys (Loss: 27 - 21)

T he game star ted off as possibly the wor st half of football in year s. There were pr actically no yards of offense for the Eagles through the fir st half and only three points combined for both teams through the fir st quar ter. In fact, heading into the last minute of the fir st half, no team had scored a touchdown until a fateful third and 15 for the Cowboys inside their own half. The Eagles had already called two timeouts to stop the clock after

four th quar ter. They then

15, so he may be able to For the rest of the year,

proceeded to collapse and

pull out a cr ucial

we will be in a ver y

let the Cowboys score

season- swinging win.

similar position to the

another touchdown, giving

In the meantime, the

one we were in at the

themselves 56 seconds and

Eagles need to focus on end of last year :

no timeouts to score a

fixing problems on both underdogs, going into

touchdown. Wentz threw a

sides of the ball. The

nearly ever y game. As

40- yard pass to Er tz,

secondar y is cur rently

Jason Kelce said,

getting the Eagles all the

paper thin, so those

?Hungr y dogs r un

way to the seven yard line.

who are still left need to faster, and that?s this

Yet, the time expired, and

be playing their hear ts

team.? I think all of

the Cowboys left the game

out. As for offense, I

Philly is hoping for a

victor ious, giving the

don?t under stand the

strong playoff push to

Eagles a four- five record

problem because the

end the season as we go

through the fir st nine

team isn?t r iddled with

into the final stretch of


injur ies. Therefore, they six games.

completely shutting down

A playoff picture is fading

the Cowboys?fir st two

away from the Eagles as

plays. On a third and 15, the

they played an

Eagles folded and allowed a

embar r assing game the

fir st, star ting the Cowboys

next week, losing 48- 7 to

march down the field for a

the nine- one Saints. The

touchdown made possible

Eagles?record stands at

cour tesy of the Eagles?poor

four- six. To even make the


playoffs, they would most

Going into the second half, the game had been a defensive str uggle at 13- 3. The second half ended up more of the opposite with offenses tr ading touchdowns. The Eagles went on to tie it at 20- 20 with little time left in the

likely need to win all of the remaining divisional games or split with the Redskins and win against the Texans. At this r ate, a cr ushing loss to the Rams is almost imminent. However, it is Wentz?s redemption game in week

need to get their heads back in the game and recover some of last year ?s dr ive.

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Page 7

Go Philly! Gr eeting Gr itty: The New Mascot of the Philadelphia Flyer s By: Caroline Blackman '20,

Right before the star t of

public in his early

their 2018- 19 season, the

moments of existence,

Philadelphia Flyer s

what seemed to be a total

announced an exciting new

flop of a marketing move

addition to their

quickly tur ned itself

or ganization: a tough,

around. After his fir st few

retweeted a photo of

there is one major issue

ener gy- filled individual

days on the job, the

Gr itty adding a

that I can?t seem to look

with an intimidating height

Philadelphia community

condescending caption of

past, and it?s not those

of 7 feet... their new

couldn?t help but star t to

?lol ok,? to which

r idiculous eyes. It?s the

mascot, Gr itty!

fall in love with the

@Gr ittyNHL responded

fact that although he

Within minutes of Gr itty?s

funny- looking monster...

?Sleep with one eye open

wear s the Flyer s jer sey

googly- eyed, fluffy, or ange

or creature...whatever you tonight, bird.? If there?s one thing Flyer s?fans can want to call him! He

char acter gained a lot of

proved to be an

bond with other s over,

really need is an exciting

attention inside and

enter taining spectacle at

it?s their (good- spir ited)

new source on ener gy on

beyond the spor ts world.

the games: flying in from

hatred of the Penguins,

the ice. Time and time

reveal, the big,

and helmet, Gr itty doesn't play! What the Flyer s

received par ticularly well;

the r after s, dancing cr azily so Gr itty?s tweet cer tainly again, the team finds on the big screen, kissing boosted his popular ity. In itself lacking consistency

many took to social media

fans for the kiss cam, and

a matter of weeks, he had

and fr ankly lacking

to share their har sh views

intimidating anybody

gone from being a

success dur ing the

on the new mascot. #Gr itty

cheer ing for the opposing

laughing stock to being a

regular season. Of the

Initially, Gr itty was not

teams. I recently went to a beloved figure in Philly. So let?s give Gr itty some game and ever ywhere I

past six seasons, they three times. If the Flyer s

marketing team had hoped

looked, fans were wear ing credit where credit is due. After all, it?s not Gr itty shir ts or hats that

when they created the

featured the mascot?s

exactly easy to sway the

creature. Nightmare fuel,

signature or ange hairdo.

passionate and somewhat oh- so- familiar place in

muppet gone wrong, and

Perhaps what tr uly ear ned

an embar r assment to the

the ador ation of Philly fans

fans of the Flyer s are just a few examples of the nature

was the mascot?s response I think it?s safe to say that the addition of Gr itty was to a mocking tweet from

of the cr iticisms Gr itty

the Pittsbur gh Penguins,

received. Though Gr itty faced the

ar guably the Flyer s?biggest proved to be an exciting new source of ener gy for r ivals. The Penguin?s

unfor giving words of the

twitter, @penguins

became a trending topic on Twitter, though probably not in the way the Flyer s?

have missed the playoffs want to stop finding themselves at their

stubbor n minds of

the middle of the league,


they?re going to need to

an over all success. He?s

the or ganization. Still,

think bigger... or smaller... than Gr itty.

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Page 8

This Month in Film Bohemian Rhapsody: Wor thy of the Name By Riley Roche '22,

The life of Freddie Mercur y is por tr ayed honestly and tastefully, and the songs and band dynamic are just a joy to watch. Over all, I would give Br yan Singer ?s Bohemian Rhapsody an 8/10 and, cur rently, it is my choice for best picture this

What happens when a revered band is given a high- budget biopic? Simply put, amazing things. This past month, we saw the release of the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody, directed by Br yan Singer. Bohemian Rhapsody focuses on the star t of the ever- popular band, Queen, and its band member s?exper iences and songs that eventually lead to their br illiant per for mance at the 1985 Live Aid Char ity Event.

After seeing the tr ailer for this movie, I was, to say the least, not looking for ward to it. I just couldn't wr ap my head around why 21st Centur y Fox would choose Br yan Singer of all people to direct a biopic. For those who are unaware, Singer ?s most famous work is with the X- Men fr anchise, as he directed 2000?s X- Men and 2014?s X- Men: Days of Future Past. On top of this odd choice of director, the actor s didn?t seem promising either. Aside from Rami Malek, most of the cast member s were relative unknowns in the acting industr y and seemed to deliver weak per for mances in the tr ailer. Finally, after all the waiting and excitement from a fr iend of

year. the dynamic the real band member s had with br illiance and conveyed the per sonalities and emotions of these char acter s per fectly. The visuals were definitely better than expected, but got a little bland sometimes with some basic camer a angles. However, the music was incredible and the placement and usage of var ious Queen songs was ver y well done by Singer. The one gr ipe I have with this film is that Singer ?s There was obvious care tendency in the X- Men and hear t put into the film fr anchise to make the production of this movie. beginning of films too To star t, I would like to quick shined through in acknowledge Susie Figgis Bohemian Rhapsody. The for her work in casting. star t of the band in the Ever y single member of the beginning of the movie is band delivered incredibly too fast, and I would cut tr ue- to- life per for mances away some scenes towards that I couldn?t see anyone the end of act two to else pulling off. reduce the r untime. Specifically, Rami Malek If you have any spare time and Gwilym Lee rocked or are looking for their per for mances as Freddie Mercur y and Br ian something to do with other people or even by May, respectively. These your self, watch this movie. two were able to por tr ay

mine who is a huge Queen fan, the RT (Rotten Tomatoes) score was released and the movie was hover ing around the mid to high 50s. I couldn?t believe it: Fox was going to screw up a Queen movie. After I for got about the movie for a while, it was released. As the credits rolled, my whole opinion changed... this movie was fantastic! Bohemian Rhapsody is the fir st movie of the fall season I can confidently call ?good.?

Cr eed II: Even Better Than the Fir st One By Jared Miller '22

The Rocky fr anchise is ar guably one of the best movie fr anchises ever. The newest installment to the fr anchise, Creed II, which came into theater s on Nov. 21, did not disappoint. Creed II is about heavyweight champion boxer Adonis Creed, son of Apollo Creed, who is challenged by Viktor Dr ago, the son of Ivan Dr ago, the man who killed Apollo Creed in the r ing. It was an excellent movie with a wonder ful plot. It was a little bit predictable, as all Rocky movies are, but there were a few moments that definitely caught the viewer off guard. The best par t of this movie was the per for mance of Michael B. Jordan, who played the main char acter, Adonis Creed.

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This Month In Film 'Cr eed II Review' COTD. from Page 8 In both of those past movies, Michael was given a great scr ipt, and he executed the roles exceptionally well. Nothing is different in Creed II. He is given a lot to work with: a bunch of dr amatic scenes, a few aggressive scenes, and a few tr aining scenes. Co- star r ing alongside Michael B. Jordan is Sylvester Stallone, who has por tr ayed Rocky Balboa in ever y Rocky movie to date. In my opinion, he was not

so great in this movie. It wasn?t his fault though; he wasn?t given much of a scr ipt with which to work. This movie was almost per fect, ear ning an 82% on Rotten Tomatoes, and an 8.1/10 on IMDb. The one flaw in this film is that there are not enough tr aining scenes. There is only one big tr aining montage, which was ver y enter taining, but I think there should be more. All in all, Creed II is a fantastic movie and is a must- see for all that are interested.

Rewatch Recommendation Since it?s the holiday season, let?s take time to remember one of the best holiday movies of all time, Home Alone (1990). Home Alone is a fantastic movie about a boy who has to fight off bur glar s that are tr ying to break into his house on Chr istmas. Home Alone is directed by Chr is Columbus, who, before Home Alone, had not directed a big film. However, since Columbus did such a wonder ful job with Home Alone, his career launched a whole new chapter. Star r ing in this film is Joe Pesci, who is usually known for his more ser ious roles, but does a great job in a comedic role. It is an all- around great movie full of laughs, and you are sure to have a fun time watching it. Like what you're reading? There is a third ar ticle to be found by visiting

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Page 10

Gaming Focus

Columnist's Opinions: G- Star 2018 and the future of MMORPGs By: Jer r y Yu '19

M any would claim that MMORPG is almost dead, when, in reality, it is more alive than ever, and what it needs is a shuffle. The Korean creator s, for year s the powerhouse in MMORPGs, are losing their Wester n audience. NCSoft?s popular PC titles like Guild Wars 2 is facing decline and even shut- down, while Blade and Soul?s dueling- focused PvP lacks innovation and its ar t style more sexualized than aesthetic. Long- anticipated new Korean releases like Bless, meanwhile, completely flopped in the West due to mediocr ity and greed. I think that the main reason why these games are not gaining much force is that they are designed based on a similar for mula. These companies focus too much on player looks, while the stor ies and worlds are flat and linear, with no exciting explor ations awaiting the player s. MMORPGs are ver y different from AAA games that release ever y year, in that player s pay less attention to the gr aphics and more to what they can actually accomplish in an ?alter nate reality? over year s of devotion, and the

developer s have to roll out new content, new maps, and new classes for the player s to explore for existing games, instead of completely new games. Bethesda?s Elder Scrolls Online is beginning to see long- ter m success. In its fantasy world, Tamr iel, player s are allowed to freely roam and for m or ganizations, or fight for one of the three kingdoms in the lore. Stor y- telling works differently in these games: as player s join one faction, they will fight for the faction for control, and their decisions actually matter to not only their exper iences, but also the entire game world, and millions of other player s. Meanwhile, this game offer s player s infinite oppor tunities by opening up the ?class? system with war r ior s, mages, and healer s, replacing it with open skill trees player s can customize to create heavy- ar mored mages, swift combat medics, or tanks with bows and ar rows. After the Morrowind expansion, the player base is repor ted to be over ten million, making it a direct competitor to the jugger naut in the genre,

World of Warcraft. Based on the old Elder Scrolls ser ies, this game managed to take tr adition to a new level. Maybe that?s where Bethesda went.

gover nments, wage war, and wr ite their own histor y. An issue with the stor y- dr iven model is that developer s have to constantly update new content, and it requires more and more resources to Ar med with similar ideas, continue, compared to indie developer s are flexing putting the continent in their muscles as well, after eter nal war, and sitting back game engines and power ful to do balance patches and ar t computer s are no longer overhauls. It is becoming exclusive to the r ichest more and more obvious what companies. Star Citizen the player s want: better r aised over $100M and has combat systems, fair ness, recently opened a free tr ial skill- based gameplay, and to its fir st working planet player choice. Developer s (they cr afted each planet, should pay attention to what unlike No Man?s Sky). the player s really want, and Crowfall, an Indie Game of tr y their best to deliver a Thrones - inspired MMORPG, game that fits the player s? meanwhile, r aised over $1M desires. The market should and is exper imenting on its no longer follow Vanilla fantasy world featur ing WOW?s patter ns of questing endless power str uggles and and gr inding, but allow the ter r itor ial war s. These player s more freedom in an games take the concept of open world they can tr uly player freedom to a new conquer. level, as there are no more stor ylines, and player s are free to bond, tr ade, for m

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Gaming Focus

E3. Gamescom. G- Star 2018. We were promised quite a few new games and gaming devices, and by now, most have been delivered. Here are a few notewor thy events in different game genres: Fallout 76 launched. Bethesda? Hello? IGN gave you 5/10!On E3, Bethesda announced the new installation to the vastly- popular Fallout fr anchise. Set in post- apocalyptic West Vir ginia after a devastating nuclear war, this game is expected to be ?the online prequel where ever y sur viving human is a real per son...the lar gest, most- dynamic world ever created in the legendar y Fallout univer se.? This game tur ned out to be lar ge and lonely. With some 20 people spread across a massive map compar able to that of Fallout 4 (an entire city), player s hardly see any

useful multiplayer inter actions, and all the quest- giver s are wander ing robots, dead, or AI constr ucts. No humans. There is no talking, no combat, just walking around and bad stor ies.

member of the EA marketing team, meanwhile, tweeted that player s ?shouldn?t buy the game if they don?t like it? to Battlefield V launched. angr y fans after the overly Better than Fallout 76. politically cor rect tr ailer Thanks, EA marketing team. featur ing disabled Br itish Battlefield V actually tur ned female frontline soldier s in out to be a great , but the frontlines of WWII. incomplete, game. DICE Sales were down by 63% tr ied to hide not being able percent compared to its to be as productive as BF1, so wildly successful they announced the Tides of predecessor BF1, and EA War ser vice, where live has to fire a few people and content is to be pushed to put ever ything on sale for player s (imagine ?Seasons? 50% to save the day. in Fortnite, LoL, or R6S). A However, unlike Fallout 76, it had great reviews. YouTuber s like JackFr ags, LevelCapGaming, and Angr y Joe all quite positive about the gameplay innovations, while IGN giving it an 7.5/10 score despite the fact it is unfinished.

Columnist?s Review: Assassin?s Creed Odyssey. What a AAA should be. Nice job Ubisoft Quebec.Gr and, majestic, and most impor tantly, fun. That is what you?d expect from a new Assassin?s Creed installation. It is set in the Peloponnesian war over 2400 year s ago, a decades- long str uggle between Athens and Spar ta. The player has much freedom in exper iencing the social, political, and war fare both on land and sea. Exper ience over 60 hour s of stor yline placing the hero/heroine in a conflict of money, patr iotism, and family conflict. It is beyond an exciting war game- - it is a thoughtful recreation of ancient Greece that we can enjoy fully. Over all, an exciting open- world RPG exper ience, but the sound is the only dr awback to the game.

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Focus in Photos By: Lydia Varcoe- Wolfson '19

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Focus in Photos

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Issue Three - December 2018 'Quaker Values' COTD. from Page 2 Liam reflected, ?I think what helped me develop this under standing of the impor tance of spor tsmanship was playing for Coach Galen. He always reminds us that whether we win or lose, we will do it with class, because that is what kind of progr am we are.? When you step foot on the field, cour t, pool, and tr ack, you are not only representing your self, but you are representing your school and the values for which it stands. Liam said that having good char acter is so impor tant because ?our actions on the field reflect our school whether we want them to or not. Keeping a good reputation for our school can help attr act more kids which will let the athletic progr am grow and develop.? Next, I inter viewed Raanee Smith ?19. Raanee is a Univer sity of Color ado commit and a four- year var sity basketball player. She has been the captain of the girls?basketball team since her junior year. Raanee explained the balance of staying competitive in order to win, as well as having good spor tsmanship on

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the cour t. She said, ?If I want to have a chance at winning, let alone actually win, then I have to compete. When incor por ating spor tsmanship into this idea of competitiveness, it acts a set of unspoken r ules that I abide by. Things as simple as picking up a member on the opposing team after a foul or handshaking at the end of the game are easy spor tsmanship- related things to do that do not impede on my competitive, game- dr iven mindset.? Being competitive, while at the same time valuing spor tsmanship, is not difficult for Raanee to balance. To Raanee, playing with good spor tsmanship is just an acknowledgment that she is playing basketball and having fun while doing it. Fur ther more, the impor tance of good spor tsmanship to her reflects the respect she has for the game. Of cour se, in any spor t, whether Quaker or not, scor ing a win is a goal ever y player str ives to achieve. While Quaker tr adition doesn?t totally disagree with competition, it ur ges player s to demonstr ate it in a way which reflects high ethical standards. As an example of a way this spor tsmanship can manifest itself, player s are able to be competitive and show that

they care without having an attitude if we get subbed off by our coach, or yelling at the ref after a bad call. Upholding integr ity and leader ship is something that ever y player can show while competing. This is the culture here at Fr iends?Centr al. Our Quaker culture is a social glue and this is what promotes a positive community.

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bench when they would r ather play? What we?ve lear ned from our player s with good values is that however a player responds, it should be in a way that upholds the testimonies we hold most dear- - especially in this year of integr ity. Developing solid spor tsmanship is a vir tue that will prepare us for life How does a player react to a well beyond the field, cour t, bad call? How should a player tr ack, or pool, and well beyond Fr iends?Centr al. react to being sent to the

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Music Focus: Muse?s Simulation Theory Can?t Simulate Good Music By: Lucas Chiang '22, and Calvin Mustokoff '22, Guest Contr ibutor Few things can be as

based around complex

depressing as watching your

musical par ts and vocals, or

favor ite band star t to

?theater rock,? while

cr umble to pieces. For the

Absolution featured more

English rock band Muse, no

bass- heavy punk rock.

one can deny that they had a

Simulation Theory?s theme

good r un, star ting with the

mainly comes from

album Showbiz (1999) and

electronic dubstep rock with

creating tons of famous songs and albums along the

an additional 80?s sci- fi retro "Propaganda." star ts off as a single "Thought stereotypical bad dubstep Contagion," a catchy and vibe, but honestly, some of

way, such as Absolution

the songs sound more like a

song before bur sting into

jamming song featur ing

(2003), Black Holes and

12 year- old?s fir st

some poppy

an Imagine

Revelations (2006), and The

Gar ageBand project.

Timberlake- style vocals.

Dr agons- style chor us.

come to an end, and that?s what happened on Nov. 9, when Muse?s eighth studio album, Simulation Theory (2018), was released. With a ver y under whelming tr ack list and a gener al uninspir ing sound, Simulation Theory is a musical mess.

The album star ts off with "Algor ithm," a r ather under whelming electronic dubstep. This type of music is heard quite frequently throughout the album, but r ight after that comes one of the better songs in the album, The Dark Side, which was also released as a single. The Dark Side definitely retur ns to more tr aditional

Muse was for med in 1994 by

Muse music, which means

singer and guitar ist Matt

using more bass and adding

Bellamy, bassist Chr is

a guitar solo but still keeping

Wolstenholme, and

the electronic synths of

dr ummer Dom Howard. For

Simulation Theory, and,

a long time, Muse was hailed

fr ankly, that?s what most of

as a band known for its

these songs should have

var iety; The 2nd Law (2012)

been like. Following this

featured an ar tsy synth rock

song comes the hit single,

vibe, while Drones (2015) was

"Pressure," a fun 80?s retro

a much heavier album with

rock with an appealing

more emphasis on the

guitar r iff backed by a br ass

guitar, bass, and dr ums.

section. Here, things take a

Origin of Symmetry (2001)

tur n for the wor se, however,

and The Resistance were

Luckily, next up is the

Next up is "Break It To Me," Honestly, it is just so

Resistance (2009). However, all good things eventually

as the next song,

which will probably sound

incredibly fun to listen

better live as it features a

to, and it actually has

lot of unique guitar

good synths that aren?t

techniques, such as

too heavily used. The

scr atching to create an

next song is "Get Up And

ambient noise solo.

Fight" which received

However, the opening

more mixed reviews.

guitar r iff sounds pretty

Per sonally, I like it, but I

ter r ible and flat. After that

can see how longtime

comes "Something Human" Muse fans won?t previously released as a

appreciate the

single, and this is where I

vocaloid- style vocal

just ask, ?Muse, what in

opening. Per sonally, my

your r ight minds are you

favor ite par t of the song

guys doing?? Although

is definitely the ending

"Something Human" takes a keyboard. The following break from the painful

tune, "Blockades" is

dubstep, it instead uses a

cer tainly the highlight of

mellow guitar that sounds

the album. "Blockades,"

str aight out of a bad

has it all: a catchy

countr y album. With over

chor us, intr icate

half of the album done,

musical r iffs, and even

two- thirds of the songs

an incredible guitar solo

heard so far are well past

at the end. Honestly, I

under whelming.

could wr ite a whole par agr aph about just

COTD. on back cover

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Page 16

is. It has musical par ts

the songs are just sad. Not

imitative of Origin of

only are songs like

Symmetry, a guitar par t

Propaganda and Something

similar to Drones, and a

Human just depressing to

ver se and chor us alike to

listen to, Muse just lacks the

Absolution. Wolstenholme?s

same feel that they or iginally

bass and Howard?s dr ums

had. Chr is Wolstenholme?s

finally show up again,

bass par t, the same bass that

specifically the dr um beat

played the bass of Muse?s

dur ing the ver se, which is

Hysteria (2003), which was


just so catchy and fun to

considered by The Top Tens

Julian Brenman ?20, Editor- In- Chief

listen to. Although Pressure

to be the third best bassline

and Thought Contagion are,

of all time, is pr actically


despite how good they

nonexistent and when heard

Vicky Liu ?20, School News and Features

sound, r ather simple and

is constantly drowned out by

repetitive, Blockades could

the synths and vocals. To

have come str aight from

conclude, Simulation Theory

Katia Campos ?22, School News and Features

peak Muse albums such as

is just plain disappointing.

Julian Duvivier ?22, Arts and Technology

Black Holes and Revelations

This leaves us with the real

or The Resistance. If you?re

question: can Muse ever

scared of listening to this

retur n to its peak for m?

album because of ever ything

Back in 2012, when The 2nd

I said before, at least take a

Law was released, many fans

listen to Blockades.

were under whelmed by the

Jared Miller ?22, General

lighter, ar tsier sounds, only

Max Mar inelli ?22, Sports

Unfor tunately, things cer tainly get wor se from there with single "Dig Down" being r ather unremarkable on all fronts. As it?s a tr adition that the last song of ever y Muse albums is one of the wor st, the only thing "The Void" does well is keep that tr adition. Throughout the entire song, all I could think was, ?just add a guitar already.? It sounds less like a Muse song and more like the Stranger Things opening. This finishes Simulation Theory with 11 songs, maybe four of which are as good as older Muse songs. The rest of

Timberlake. I still have hope that Muse, at the ver y least, will remain to keep their incredible talent, and even Simulation Theory shows that Muse can become more mainstream while keeping their amazing music, as heard in songs like Pressure or Blockades. Therefore, for now, even if one of the most famous rock bands ever is star ting to fall into oblivion, I can at least know that Muse will always be who they always were.

Caroline Blackman ?20, Sports

Miles Johnson '19, Sports Yianni Krontir is ?22, Spor ts Jack Li ?20, Features

to be satisfied again once Drones came out, retur ning to Muse?s heavier roots. But now, any Muse fan would take The 2nd Law over

Riley Roche ?22, Reviews and Media Jer r y Yu ?19, Technology LAYOUT AND DESIGN TEAM

Simulation Theory any day of

Julian Duvivier '22, In- Pr int Layout Designer

the week. Simulation Theory

Lucas Chiang ?22, Webmaster

is unlike Muse not only stylistically but in ter ms of music quality. The only thing Muse could really do is

Katia Campos ?22, Digital layout Associate Peikun Shi ?22, In- Print Layout Associate PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM

to go way back to its roots, with more complex ?theater

Lydia Varcoe- Wolfson ?19, Senior Photographer

rock? and more guitar, bass,

Matthew Shen ?22, Photographer

and dr ums. But if anything, Muse is heading in the


opposite direction, into a

Vicky Liu ?20, Coordinator of Internal Relations

more pure pop style of


music. I still have hope that Muse, at the ver y least, will

Ms. Katie Dicker son and Mr. Thomas Soper

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