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F CUS Friends’ Central School

Volume XXXVI Issue V

1101 City Avenue Wynnewood Pennsylvania 19096

February 2011 Edition

Behind the Wheel - A Study of FCS Student Driving Habits By Benjamin Yahalomi ‘11 & Graphs by Matthew Karliner ‘11

While teenage driving accidents and the issues surrounding distracted and intoxicated driving are a mainstay in national media, it is rare that we have the opportunity to discuss these issues with fellow students. Students are uncomfortable discussing their driving habits with others, and often, parents and educators feel similarly. Several weeks ago, Focus sent out a survey to current juniors and seniors, polling each class on issues surrounding teen driving, such as distracted driving, speeding, and alcohol/drug use. The results indicate marked disregard for safe driving habits, among some polled juniors and seniors, more so than the staff had expected. Our students pride themselves on their driving techniques, and to many, this survey may be a significant wake-up call. While a majority of FCS students have avoided both an accident and ticket thus far, a notable proportion are engaged in dangerous driving behaviors. Overall, our staff was troubled by the incidence of these practices, and the risks they pose to the safety of our community. The result which has been most divisive, in our staff discussions surrounding the survey, concerns alcohol and drug use while driving. During senior year, some students, it appears, begin to push the limits, and as students gain more driving experience, dangerous techniques seem to follow. It is common for students to drive to and from parties, because in our suburban area it is the easiest option. However, we stress that students can find other options, such as public transportation, taxis, and designated drivers. While a large majority of students do not drink and drive, or smoke and drive, many seniors do. When the class of 2011 was polled on this issue, more than 33% of the class responded; 20% of respondents said they had driven under the influence of alcohol, and 25% under the influence of drugs. When juniors were asked the same questions, 7.1% and 6.1% of students answered yes, respectively. Nationally, teenage drunk-driving continues to claim lives. The US Department of Transportation reported that since they began tracking teenage drunk-driving fatalities in 1982, deaths were at an all-time low in 2009. Nevertheless, there were 1,077 fatalities - the loss of nearly 3 teenagers per day! While the staff expected some

incidence of these behaviors among seniors, the results are nonetheless disconcerting. The Focus staff discussed the implications of survey results. We strongly assert the necessity of abstaining from these risky behaviors, and urge all in our community to do so, to ensure their safety and the safety of others. Texting while driving is an issue which has overtaken our media over the last few years, as reports stream in of accidents as a result of this alarming activity. In fact, a study by the University of North Texas Health Center determined that between 2001 and 2007, accidents involving texting drivers claimed 16,141 lives. Pennsylvania has not yet implemented a ban on texting, so unless you are inside the Philadelphia city limits, it’s perfectly legal to pick up your phone while on the road. One day,

while driving down Montgomery Ave, I noticed that a young driver in the left lane had his eyes off the road. He was rapidly texting, and engrossed in his phone, managed to only glance at the road every 5 seconds or so -- this continued for 15 minutes, from the City Avenue area to Haverford. When seniors were asked whether they texted while driving, 48.3% of respondents answered yes. When juniors were asked the same question, 28.6% of respondents answered yes. AAA reports that nationally, almost 50% of teenagers admitted to texting while driving. The staff believes that while students are aware that texting while driving can claim lives, many are confident in their abilities. Several months ago, a senior statistic class discussed texting while driving -- several students said that as an impulse, they must look at their phone when they hear a beep indicating

a text. Students who admitted texting while driving also conceded they were aware of the risks associated, but nonetheless continued to put lives at risk. The issue lies in the overconfidence of young drivers-- many students believe they truly can safely drive and text, and avoid the serious consequences which can follow. I urge all of you to stop texting while on the road; it’s something I’ve pledged not to do. As we all know, speeding to arrive somewhere is never safe. With that being said, it is a common activity among FCS students. Only 25% and 30% of juniors and seniors, respectively, said they don’t speed (>10 mph over limit) to arrive on-time to school on a weekly basis. Students’ risky behavior puts them and others at serious risk -- is arriving on time to homeroom really worth an accident, or worse? The effect of teenagers’ choices can be catastrophic. Overconfidence is a major issue among young drivers, and something which has affected me personally. Last winter, after a major snowstorm which limited driving conditions, I drove aggressively on the way to school. A family friend had passed away, and I was soon to be headed to the funeral. As I was approaching an intersection in the left lane, I noticed the car ahead of me was stopped, waiting to turn left. Distraught, impatient, and eager to arrive on-time to school, I quickly looked into my side mirror and pulled into the right lane. Needless to say, I swerved into a car which was stuck in my blind spot, and did not allow me the space to pull in. While this was not a serious accident, it was a major wake-up call, and after this collision I have made an effort to drive slower and more cautiously. Previously, I was often distracted in the mornings, whether tired from a lack of sleep or pre-occupied with thoughts about my next exam. Additionally, I felt I had to speed in order to arrive on-time to campus. Luckily, most students have avoided an accident thus far. According to the survey, 0% of juniors who responded have been involved in an accident while driving (a statistic our staff has reason to doubt.) In contrast, 25.7% of seniors surveyed were involved in 1 or 2 accidents. Nonetheless, I can offer you all some candid advice. Improve your driving habits, or you could be next. Follow these three basic rules; don’t drink and drive, don’t text and drive, and don’t be distracted. If you don’t follow these three rules, you’re putting lives at risk. I’ll ask you again, is it really worth it? The Coalition for Youth of Lower Merion and Narberth sponsors the “Make the Call, Take the Call” program. For more information visit http://


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February 2011

Oscar Watch 2011: Sizing Up the Major Races

By Louis Lesser ‘11

Come February 27th 2011, Hollywood will be abuzz over the 83rd Academy Awards show, the famous annual ceremony. Nominations were announced on January 25th, and besides some notable snubs (namely Christopher Nolan for directing Inception), the nominees are in line with most pre-Oscar awards shows, such as the Golden Globes and the SAG Awards. Here is a peek at the races in the four major categories: Best Actor, Actress, Director and Picture of the Year. Best Actor: Colin Firth, The King’s Speech Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network Jeff Bridges, True Grit James Franco, 127 Hours Javier Bardem, Biutiful Despite the inclusion of Javier Bardem, the rest of the nominees have been considered sure-fire bets since their films’ releases. The favorite is clearly Colin Firth, whose role as the vocally impaired King George has met

universal praise, and has already won most of the big pre-Oscar prizes. His biggest competition is Franco, who will be co-hosting this year’s awards with Anne Hathaway, but it seems that Firth may have this race locked up. Best Actress: Natalie Portman, Black Swan Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone Michelle Williams, Blue Valentine Natalie Portman has emerged as the clear front runner. Her portrayal of conflicted ballerina dancer, Nina Sayers, has earned her the best reviews of her already acclaimed career. She awaits her first Oscar award! Her closest competition is Bening, who won the Golden Globe for her performance (albeit in the Comedy-Musical category, with little competition), but look for Portman to continue her awards season domination. Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan Joel & Ethan Coen, True Grit

David Fincher, The Social Network Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech David O. Russell, The Fighter This may be the most challenging category to predict this year. David Fincher has been praised for his ability to helm the “Facebook” movie, while relative newcomer Tom Hooper has seen accolades for his work with The King’s Speech, transforming a play into an entertaining film. Aronofsky also has a shot, considering his unique perspective inside the world of cultural art, yet it seems that Fincher, based on his previous body of work, will eke out a victory. Best Picture: 127 Hours Black Swan The Fighter Inception The Kids Are All Right The King’s Speech The Social Network Toy Story 3 True Grit Winter’s Bone Oscar pundits have already deemed this category a two-horse

race between The Social Network and The King’s Speech, and at this point, it is highly likely that the producers of one of these two films will walk away from the Kodak Theatre with trophy in hand. It is a match-up of two very different styles of film: Speech is a traditional, light-hearted film that will appeal to older voters in the Academy, while Network is a modern “talkie,” critically acclaimed as a brilliant representation of contemporary society. Speech leads all films with 12 nominations, and Network has nearly swept all critical prizes thus far. Yet, due to the Academy’s new voting procedure, votes may be split between these two films and a surprise will sneak into the top spot. What movie has the best chance of doing this? The Fighter, True Grit, or Toy Story 3, which would become the first animated feature to ever win the top prize (it is only the third animated film to receive such a nomination). The Academy Awards air Sunday, February 27th on ABC.

Op-Ed: Is Rotation a Necessity?

would be genuinely excited to take? Does it make any sense that I am unable to pursue a subject I am By Jack Kornblatt ‘13 very much interested in and will most likely pursue professionally, like computer science, because the There are many aspects of Friends’ Central school deems it necessary that I learn about things that do not seem to make much sense. Why we have which are not of particular interest to me? school on Rosh Hashanah, when close to half of Of course, I do not believe rotation is an the school is not there. Why the Library suddenly decided that nobody needed to do color printing, and entirely bad system. As a Quaker school, it makes sense that there is at least one class on Quakerism; therefore got rid of the color printer. But of all the seemingly illogical things that go on at this school, the and having something similar to rotation freshman year makes some sense as well, since it allows students one that I find most perplexing is rotation. to get a basic understanding of what art and music Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely classes would be like. But it does not take that long to think that subjects like art and music are important acquire a basic understanding. It does not take very classes, and students should be encouraged to take them. They should not, however, be mandatory. As long to understand whether or not one is interested in pursuing a career in art or music. And it does not someone fast approaching college, I can say with take very long for one to realize that there are other near certainty that I will never do anything musical subjects that they would much rather pursue than or artistic in my professional career. Why then do I have to take those classes? Why is it that I have been those offered in rotation. Courses like drivers’ ed, required to learn about things that I have no interest a history of modern rock, cooking classes --or even study hall --could be possibilities. Additionally, we in when there are a whole range of courses that I

The Quake

teachers, don the famous white and blue Quake t-shirts to support our teams. Now By Max Ginsberg ‘14 you know where the If you have been famous near the Shimada Athletic quote Center this winter season, “Quake you’ve heard the chirping of what ya whistles and the pounding mama of basketballs, but even gave ya” louder than that, you hear comes the constant pot-banging from. At and unending cheering and Friends’ shouting of the student cheer Central section, also know as the we take Quake. The Quake has been great pride the buzz around campus, in our as it has grown into being athletic one of the biggest and most teams, especially basketball. vociferous clubs in the school. So, co-presidents of the Many students, and even some Quake, Jaime Ulrich, Jordan

Lucoff, and Zach Barron decided to create a club devoted to supporting our

favorite athletic teams. The Quake has a wide and creative range of cheers

must take one art course junior or senior year. And if rotation is not fair for the students, it must be even worse for the teachers. Because of the rotation system, teachers are condemned to teach uninterested and unenthusiastic students who cannot truly appreciate the material. Because of the rotation system, teachers are required to teach a very watered down curriculum, rather then something specialized for a group of people who truly want to be there. Because of the rotation system, learning is hindered, productivity is marginalized, and enthusiasm becomes nothing more than the hope in a student’s eye as the hands on the clock move ever closer to the time when he or she can finally escape from the dreaded feeling of boredom that accompanies the class. Letting students choose from even a limited selection of courses for rotation would improve on these problems, and students and teachers would be more passionate about the material. The staff welcomes replies and reactions. Our email address is

and animated sounds that, along with the loud tunes that our famous three-piece band play, make playing at FCS a hostile environment. At most schools, the fans go through phases of silence, but the Quake does not. For the entire thirty-two minutes of every game the Quake is shouting about something, whether supporting our team,

questioning a call, or distracting the opposing free throw shooter. At times it sounds like Q102 when Munir Shakur sings his famous version of “Bottoms Up.” With cheers such as the worldwide “Defense” to the famous “Quake Shake” and even “Hail to the Chief,” the Quake legitimately quakes the bleachers. As a bench player, I get to see all of their antics from a super vantage point, and I find myself laughing with the Quake constantly. But the best part is seeing Jaime Ulrich’s bright tomato red face after a big W.


February 2011

Dating: A Lost Art By Keira Sultan ‘12 Valentine’s Day is past, and love is still in the air….or is it? Think for a moment. How often do you see people who are under the age of 25, and who are not involved in a long-term serious relationship, using a Saturday night - the official “date night,”- to mingle with someone on an actual date? When was the last time you have asked, or been asked to “go steady”? These days, Saturday night restaurants are just about empty of young couples, who instead choose parties and social events. Many teens choose to keep it casual, making the once common question, “Do you want to go steady?” rare in this age-group. Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself…. “Where has all the dating gone?” Over just the past 40 years, the high school dating scene has transformed or, some would argue, disappeared all together. Even teenagers sense that the dating scene was once very different. But how specifically has it changed? To figure this out I talked to Mr. Nic, who described the encounter that led up to a date when he was in high school, and and then compared this to contemporary “dating,” if it is even appropriate to call it that. Later, I spoke to several teachers and students, and inquired about whether they believed the changes were positive. Answers varied, and pointed to the pros and cons of each dating style. Mr. Vernacchio pointed out that as a result of current technology, such as social networking and text messaging, there is a lot less face-to-face contact when it comes to dating. Mr. Nic and several students, on the other hand, commended the freedom kids are presented

with these days, in comparison to more traditional or rigid relationships of the past. Are you satisfied with today’s style of dating, or do you wish you could step into a time a machine and be transported back in time forty years? You can decide, but first, read the comparisons below. Then (as told by Mr. Nic): 1) A guy asks out a girl on an official date. 2) The guy picks his date up at her home, and meets her parents before leaving. 3) The two go out on a date - to dinner, a movie, or both. 4) If the couple continues to go out, the guy will consider the “next step” in their relationship, and will most likely ask her to go steady within several months. If she says yes, he will usually present her with an object, such as a pin, to identify themselves as an official couple. Now: 1) Two people hang out at a party or other group setting. 2) Parents are normally met after, and most importantly, if the couples starts seriously dating. 3) If the two want to hang out, they can do so at one of their houses. 4) Even though it doesn’t always happen this way, most commonly the guy asks the girl whether she wants to go out. In a traditional sense, the guy doesn’t give her something to present themselves as an official couple. The modern equivalent has become the Facebook relationship request. Sometimes, these relationships become intimate and exclusive, but much less frequently than in the past.

On behalf of the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams we’d like to thank everyone who made it out to a game to support the teams this season, especially all the members of the Quake. We believe we have the greatest fans in the Friends League and your support helped push us through many games. We look forward to you rockin’ the Blue and White next year as well! Sincerely, Coach Polykoff and Coach Annas

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The Goodman Family Goes to College By Rachel Goodman ‘11 While many parts of the college process are, indeed, strenuous, I challenge anyone to argue that essay-writing and form-completing are even the slightest bit worse than touring colleges with the entire Goodman family. For some strange and foreign reason, my parents thought it would be beneficial for us to visit the universities together. After reflecting on my experiences this summer, my only question is: Beneficial for whom? At a NYU information session, my mother, Deborah, raised her hand and told the Head of Admissions that she liked her outfit, pausing for a moment before eagerly adding, “Especially those shoes!” with a much noticed wink. After learning that our tour guide was only a sophomore at NYU, my mother offered to show the “21 & Over” crew where the good bars in New York were. Of course, nothing compares to the time that Deborah slyly entered my room, flopped onto my bed, smiled, and asked, “Do you think you want to go to the University of Michigan because you were conceived in Michigan?” Unfortunately, the embarrassment and harassment didn’t stop with my mother. Before beginning the Penn State tour, our vivacious tour guides warned us that PSU students

may stop us along the way to yell, “We are!” and we were to respond, “Penn State!” After several choruses of “We are…Penn State!” my father seemed to get the hang of it. He began initiating the cheer himself, and when we passed Beaver Stadium, Dad’s eyes widened as he softly whispered to himself, “We are Penn State.” Please note that Fred Goodman never attended any of Penn State’s campuses. My younger sister, Molly, was not innocent of the misbehaving and mortification either. In an effort to include Molly, my parents decided to buy her a “travel memory” from every college town as we saw the desired school. Several visits later, Molly skipped and sang through a tour in Chicago, happily wearing a purple XXL “Proud Northwestern University Dad” shirt as a dress with a Wildcats sweatband to match. The shenanigans continued. As I slept in the back through the tumultuously boring five hour drive to New England, Oliver entertained himself in the second row by silently puffing baby powder into my parents’ hair. Consequently, the Goodmans toured two colleges in historic Boston with parents sporting powdered wigs. I would encourage all students who have parents who act sensibly, dress in postseventeenth century fashion, and do not reveal the place in which their children were made to gratefully count their blessings.

“Why Is Everyone Wearing Malique’s Hat?” The Rise of a Fashion Trend at FCS

over the ears for extra warmth. The hats have seemingly appeared everywhere on campus, in By Louis Lesser ‘11 various colors, styles and even shades of fur. During the school day, it is not But, why has the “Trapper Hat” intrigued an uncommon to find students congregating in the entire student body? This reporter set out cafeteria, walking jovially around the oval, or to find answers. Some say the trend started even having a heated discussion in the common due to Malique Killing ’11, who has been room in the Language Building. However, this wearing his Trapper Hat since the fall of 2007. winter in particular, these typical activities have Killing has stated that while he does not feel been interrupted by the overwhelming presence he is responsible for the trend, he does find it of a particular fuzzy, wilderness style item of “funny that some people think [he] started it,” head apparel. That’s correct, the “Trapper Hat” and finds it especially amusing that in some has taken Friends’ Central School by storm this social circles the hat has even become known season, topping the heads of students all across as “the Malique hat.” Others, however, have campus and even those of the Friends’ Central been turned off by the trend. Upon exiting a faculty. recent Friday assembly, David Weiss ’11 was The hat has also inspired other funky, woolly able to count approximately 21 “Trapper Hats” head-wear that does among the student body, not fit the “Trapper including two worn by Hat” style (see Aengus Middle School students. Culhane ’11 and his Weiss said, “It’s really unique top). The hat, kind of funny that so which can be found at many people are copying several area retailers, Malique and wearing such as American Eagle the same hat, although and Urban Outfitters, it does look ridiculously can also be identified as comfortable.” an aviator hat, earflap While the trend persists, hat, Elmer Fudd hat, or the FCS student body will Alaskan ski hat. Many undoubtedly continue to designs of “Trapper take part in wearing this Hat” have ear flaps, stylish and insulating headwhich may or may not wear, although perhaps have ties or clips on the now, people will be more end so they can be worn informed of the rise of the up at the top or back “Trapper Hat.” of the hat, or let down

FCS Profiles

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Phoenix In the Phast Lane

Maureen Donovan – Girls Cross Country With Germantown Friends as FSL Champions 8 years running, there is a new face on the upper school campus looking to change the trend. Maureen Donovan has only been in high school a few weeks and is already impressing coaches with her performances. “We can’t By earning his 100th win, in a 9-0 shut out-victory over Westtown’s wait to see what she does with the rest of her season,” said Coach Nina Ethan Tankel, Cary Snider became a member of Friends’ Central wrestling Morton. Maureen ran her first race of the season with an exciting 24:24 history. This elite club of Phoenix wrestlers has just four members (Stuart mark. Perhaps more impressive for the girl who’s been running since Warshawer (113 wins), Fernando Jones (105) and Matt Weaver (103)). 6th grade was her 6:35 first mile split. A long career of winning lies His opponent in this historic match was no pushover, as Tankel is a 100 ahead for the Friends’ Central Girl’s Cross-Country team, thanks in win club member himself. Cary is a stunning 100-25 lifetime, and has large part to Maureen Donovan. dominated the mat during his career for the Blue ‘n White. Snider fully understands the magnitude of his accomplishment. He commented, “This Samuel Siegel-Wallace – Boys Water Polo was a big moment for me, an accomplishment that will mark the walls of Hopefully everyone on campus is aware of the aquatics success FCS long after I'm gone.” on campus. Varsity Boys and Girls Swimming have developed into lo Coach Ed Soto is quick to point out that “Cary has been a dedicated cal powerhouses, capturing league titles on a yearly basis. A sport that wrestler for the past 4 seasons. He motivates the other wrestlers in the has yet to bring home the hardware in the pool has been Varsity Water room to practice hard, wrestle hard and have fun. He set a goal as a Polo. The winds of change are blowing in the Shimada pool however, freshman to be the next 100-win wrestler at FCS, and after a stellar senior and the team is looking to capture its first win of the season. Playing season, he has accomplished this mission. His current goals are to place a large role in the team’s competitive streak has been Sam Siegelat PSISSA (Prep School States) and Prep Nationals. Cary’s legacy is more Wallace. Sam brings a passion to the sport than just about his win count. A leader since no one can deny. He explains, “My brothers freshman year, Cary will be remembered for his both played and I fell in love from the first pracrole as a team co-captain, and the four All League tice.” Sam is a spark plug on offense and is honors he has earned. enjoying a break out senior season. He had a career-high three goals against Pennington and is looking to continue his success. Teammate Mike Fires praised, “Sam is an excellent player, who brings a lot to the team. He is a threat from the outside to shoot and is one of the best swimmers on the team.” Fires added, “Out of the pool From: Sam is also a great

Cary Snider '11 – Wrestling

If you haven’t seen Jordan Taffet’s photos, you haven’t seen a prime source of photographic talent at Friends’ Central. Jordan is not only the star pupil in Josh Weisgrau’s popular photo class, but he is also the proud founder and leader of the new photo club at our school. Though Jordan looks like a long time pro, he only started getting into photography during the summer of his 9th grade year. He went on a trip with a simple point and shoot, a camera that Jordan would now probably gasp at, and fell in love with taking pictures. Flash-forward to 2011, a Nikon D90 in hand, and Jordan is fully committed and engaged in his passion: capturing moments to share with the world. Jordan explains that he enjoys taking photographs of people, whether in color or black and white. He has dabbled in different ways to shoot his subjects, including street scenes, studio, light graffiti, and nature. An avid traveler, Jordan has been able to take some of his greatest shots on the other side of the world. He was recently in China, and explains, “I got right down to the dirtiest places, and got right in everybody’s faces so that I could capture them at their essence. I took pictures as they did whatever they were doing. I wanted to convey to my viewers the feelings that I myself felt when I actually took the photo, but without staging it at all. I wanted these photos to be an extension of the emotions that were already present.” And if you look at any one of his images, he does just that.

by Jamie Ulrich ‘12

Victoria Gillison ‘13 – Swimming Victoria had one of the best freshman seasons in Phoenix history last year. Her dedication this winter paid off, and played a large role in bringing home the FSL title for the Blue n’ White -- at the end of the season. Victoria has been honored with a 1st team all FSL selection for her outstanding season. In last year’s Friends Schools League championship meet, Victoria’s 200 yard Medley Relay team took home the gold and set a new league record. Victoria finished first in the league last year, and is also the record holder in the 100 yard Backstroke for Friends’ Central. Her crowning achievement came last season, when she qualified for Eastern Championships last year at LaSalle University, an unheard of accomplishment for a freshman. Victoria gets her drive and passion for aquatics from her family. She explained, “My dad got both my sister and me to start swimming when we were really young. He really wanted us to know how to swim.” Victoria’s older sister Olivia is one of the most decorated swimmers in Friends’ Schools League history, winning a league championship and being named first-team all league in each of her four years here at Friends’ Central. Only a sophomore, Victoria will have a chance to make more waves in the pool after this season.

Artists In The Spotlight Jordan Taffet ‘12

February 2011

by Keira Sultan ‘12

Anneka Allman ‘13

It might come as a surprise to many of you that Anneka Allman is a photographer, mostly because she does not take photo class at school, nor is she a member of the club. However, Anneka is worth your attention. She is a talented and wildly creative photographer who learned from a young age that she loved being the girl behind the camera. As an art lover, Anneka paints and draws, but claims that she always has had issues figuring out what or who her subject should be. Photography, though, is a different story. “With photography it’s not about what you have to imagine,” comments Anneka, “it’s about trying to portray something you see in a single frame image, so I find I can work with it so much more easily.” For Anneka, inspiration is not hard to find. She told me that she is inspired by other people’s photos online, but mostly by her best friend Madison Archard, who is also her main model. Though Anneka hesitates to put a label on her style, she says that her general interests revolve around people, portraits specifically. The unpredictable aspect is something she really appreciates, because capturing any particular moment is much harder for her, or so she says. It’s highly doubtful, though, that any one of Anneka’s shots would be short of a great success. As only someone who truly loves what they do can say, Anneka tells me, “Photography has definitely changed how I view the world, mainly because when I first look at something, almost anything now, I’ll immediately judge whether it could look good in a photo. Unfortunately it means a lot of places lose their charm when all I can think about is whether I would or wouldn’t want to take a picture there.” Now if that isn’t total photographic immersion, I don’t know what is.

FOCUS EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Matthew Karliner ‘11 Benjamin Yahalomi ‘11 NEWS EDITOR: Sami Resnik ‘12 PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR: Jacob Davidson ‘11 ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR:

Louis Lesser ‘11


Keira Sultan ‘12 SPORTS EDITOR: Jamie Ulrich ‘12 STAFF WRITERS: Hannah Albertine ‘12 Zack Barron ‘12 Alex Flick ‘12 Ben Fogel ‘13 Max Ginsberg ‘14 Wesley Kaminsky ‘11 Jordyn karliner ‘14 Jack Kornblatt ‘13 Hilda Njanike ‘13 Oliver Goodman ‘13 Rachel Goodman ‘11 Daniel Yahalomi ‘14 FACULTY ADVISORS: Marilyn Lager Steve Patterson Email:

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