FCS Middle School New Family Guide 2022-2023

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Friends’ Central Middle School NEW FAMILY GUIDE 2022-2023
From the Home & School Association


Getting-to-Know-You Conferences

Thursday, Sept. 1 & Tuesday, Sept. 6 20-minute parent/caregiver conferences with your child’s advisor

New Student Orientation - for all grade 6 and all NEW grade 7 & 8 students Tuesday, September 6, 9:00-11:00 am Parent/caregivers are invited to drop in for coffee on the Main Building patio starting at 8:15 am and are welcome to stay for a parent/caregiver orientation at 9 am

First Day of School - All Students Wednesday, September 7, 8:20 am

Middle School Picture Day Tuesday, September 13

Middle School Curriculum Night Thursday, September 15, 7 pm

Community Celebration Sunday, September 18, 2-4 pm City Avenue campus Join us for this fun-filled afternoon of music, bounce houses, games, and ice cream!

Ice Cream Social hosted by Parents of Students of Color (PSOC) Saturday, September 10, 1 pm

All-School Parent/Caregiver-Teacher Conferences Friday, November 4 (no classes)


Andy White

Middle School Principal awhite@friendscentral.org

Jill MacDougall

Interim Middle School Assistant Principal jmacdougall@friendscentral.org

Marian Petrarca

Middle School Administrative Assistant mpetrarca@friendscentral.org

We’ve listed these fall dates to give you a head start, but don’t let the rest of the year sneak up on you! Once the school year begins, the most up-to-date information will be in the monthly calendar which is shared via our weekly newsletter, JtF, and can always be found on the Veracross parent/caregiver portal. For long-term planning, check out the Important Dates Calendar (also shared in JtF and Veracross).


It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the Friends’ Central community! As you will soon discover, the Middle School years at FCS are filled with joy, creativity, exploration, and a whole lot of laughter. I am thrilled to be with you all on this journey.

In anticipation of your arrival in the fall, we have put together this guide to support your family’s transition to Friends’ Central’s Middle School. Below, you’ll find practical information regarding schedules, transportation, dining services, technology, and communication, just to name a few. I hope this resource will be useful to you in preparing for the school year ahead. As you make your way through the summer, please remember that the Middle School community is here to answer any specific questions you might have about the program or life at FCS in general. Feel free to reach out anytime. And if you would like to schedule a time to connect via phone or Zoom, I am happy to do that as well.

I am so grateful to be joined by this incredible Middle School faculty who are eager to meet you and your students in September. I also look forward to getting to know each of you in the months to come. Have a wonderful summer, and I’ll see you soon!



w Homeroom begins at 8:20 am w School ends at 3:00 pm w Bus pick-up is from 3:10-3:20 pm w Car pick-up (PPU) begins at 3:25 pm w Homework is posted by 3:30 pm on Canvas w Weekly School Newsletter - Just the FaCtS is emailed on Fridays

w Call the Middle School Attendance Line at 610.645.5137 or email msattend@friendscentral.org if your child will be staying home

w Back-to-School Info is on Veracross (myfcs.org)


q Submit health forms through the Magnus Health Portal

q Review summer reading list

q Check supply/book list in Veracross & prepare school supplies

q Mark important dates

q Set up Canvas preferences in the Canvas parent portal in Veracross

q Set up MyKidsSpending.com to fund dining hall purchases

q Confirm transportation plans

q Review contact information in Veracross (myfcs.org)

3 CONTENTS Upcoming Events & Helpful Contacts ................................ 1 Letter From the Principal, Fast Facts, & New Parent Checklist ....................................................... 2 Orientation Events, Information & Communication........ 4 Arrival & Departure Procedures......................................... 5 School Absences .................................................................. 5 Transportation ...................................................................... 6 Dining Services, Recess, & Lunch ...................................... 7 Health Services ..................................................................... 7 Student Support Services ................................................... 7 Academic Schedule & Classes ........................................... 7 City Avenue Campus Map ................................................... 8 Grades & Report Cards ........................................................ 9 Technology............................................................................ 11 Our Quaker Culture..............................................................12 Diversity, Equity, Belonging, & Inclusivity ...................... 14 Extracurricular Activities .................................................. 14 Athletics ................................................................................15 How to Get Involved ............................................................ 16 Other Helpful Information ..................................................17 Helpful Links & Resources ................................................ 18


Tuesday, September 6 (9:00-11:00 am) is Orientation Day!

Orientation Day is designed for the entire incoming sixth grade as well as seventh and eighth grade students new to Friends’ Central. Students will meet teachers, ask questions, go over the schedule, learn the locations of classes, and much more!

Parents and caregivers are also encouraged to stay for a Q&A during this same time. The Home and School Association will be having a coffee on the Main Building Patio for parents and caregivers to stop by and chat with other new and returning parents/caregivers. The coffee is from 8:15 am to 9:00 am, so stop by anytime!

Please check the Back-to-School page on the Veracross portal for more details about Orientation Day.

Middle School Curriculum Night will take place on Thursday, September 15 at 7 pm. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend. We hope you will join us for a chance to meet your child’s teachers, learn more about the curriculum, and meet other families.



For FCS parents and caregivers, the Veracross parent portal is the central online information hub for the School. This is where you can view back-to-school information, your child’s schedule, attendance records, and report cards as well as schedule your conference in November. Veracross also keeps a log of the emails that have been sent to you by the School and has helpful links to the School directory, the Magnus Health portal, and tech help. There is also a button on your Veracross home screen that enables you to access Canvas, our student workflow and class management program.

You can continue to use the Veracross credentials you used to sign in to the Admission and Enrollment portals. If you are not new to the School, the credentials you used previously will continue to work. If you have forgotten your password, go to the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, and click on the “forgot username or password?” link to receive an email with your username and a link to use to reset your password.


Every Friday, Just the FaCtS (JtF), our electronic newsletter about events and news, is sent to all households. It is critical that you read JtF every week since it has the most current information and may have important messages from the Principal and the Head of School. JtF also has links to the monthly calendar and the important dates calendar. Important information and invitations will also be shared with you via email from the FCS Communications Office. In the event of a weather-related closing or other urgent communication, you will be notified via text and email.


Follow Friends’ Central on social media to see what’s happening on campus, support student/faculty achievements, and to stay engaged with the community no matter your location.

The Friends’ Central website, friendscentral.org, is another source of information on the life of the School. There, you will find School news and events, photo galleries, athletics updates, and other helpful information.




w School begins at 8:20 am. Students should arrive at school between 8 am and 8:15 am so they can prepare for the day. Homeroom begins promptly at 8:20 am.

w If you plan to drive your child to school, the car line travels around the curve of the City Avenue driveway. Parents/ caregivers should pull over to let students out and then continue along the driveway.


w If students come to school late, they must sign in at the kiosk in the Middle School Office upon arrival.

w If it is an excused late arrival, a parent/caregiver should notify the Middle School Office by calling 610.645.5063 or emailing Marian Petrarca, MS Administrative Assistant, at mpetrarca@friendscentral.org


w School ends at 3:00 pm unless a student is involved with interscholastic athletics or play rehearsal. If students are awaiting pick-up, they are expected to be in front of Shallcross Hall. Students may also wait in the library after school, which is open until 4:00 pm.

w At the end of the day, the parking lot is reserved for buses from 2:45 pm until 3:25 pm. We realize that families want to pick up their children, but we ask that you wait until at least 3:25 pm to arrive for pick-up. This is both safer and more efficient, since it eliminates the need for students to cross through bus traffic to get to parked cars.

w If you do arrive before buses have departed, a staff member will direct you to form lines in the parking lot until the buses are clear.

w There is no cell phone use during drop-off or pick-up. Please follow the directives of staff members.


If a student needs to be dismissed early, a note or email must be sent to the Middle School Office with any details regarding the early dismissal. When it is time to leave, the child must sign out in the Middle School Office.


Parents/Caregivers are expected to keep sick children at home. Children who have experienced fevers or vomiting should not return to school until 24 healthy hours have passed. If you are keeping your child at home, please call the Middle School Attendance Line at 610.645.5137 by 9:00 am. School materials needed during the child’s absence may be obtained by notifying the Middle School Office. Students are encouraged to consult Canvas for information about homework and class assignments



Friends’ Central students get to school in many different ways, including private vehicles, school district buses, and SEPTA. There is an inter-campus shuttle service that runs in the morning and afternoon between the two campuses, and a shuttle service to the Overbrook train station. These services vary based on location. If you have any questions, please contact JB Bowie, Transportation Manager, at 610.247.3520 or jbbowie@friendscentral.org For more detailed transportation information, see the FCS website at friendscentral.org/transportation.

w Middle School Office: 610.645.5063
Attendance Line: 610.645.5137, msattend@friendscentral.org
Transportation: JB Bowie, jbbowie@friendscentral.org
MS Administrative Assistant: Marian Petrarca, mpetrarca@friendscentral.org
FCS Extras: friendscentral.org/aux_programs
Dining Services: Amanda Musto, amusto@sagedining.com



The Dining Hall at Friends’ Central School provides students with high quality, nutritious, and flexible options. We partner with SAGE Dining Services. Via MyKidsSpending, you will be able to conveniently add funds to your child’s account for use in the City Avenue dining hall. Please visit friendscentral.org/ aux_programs for more information about dining services. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Musto, Food Service Director, at amusto@sagedining.com.


w Students have a 15-minute recess each day (around 10:00 am) that allows them to play outside or in the gyms, eat a snack, and socialize.

w Lunch is a 35-minute period, and all Middle School students and teachers eat lunch together in the Dining Hall or at our outdoor tables. When students are finished eating, they are welcome to play outside or in the gyms.


The City Ave campus has a full-time Registered Nurse, Josh Van Dyke, overseeing the health of our student body. Students and parents/caregivers are encouraged to contact the nurse at healthservices@friendscentral.org with questions about managing illnesses, allergies, or medications at school. All necessary and required health information is found through our secure Magnus Health Portal that you can access through Veracross. Regular email reminders are automatically sent for any outstanding information related to your student.

A physical examination is required for each student every year. It is due on the month of your child’s birthday or on the anniversary of your child’s last physical examination. For new students, physical examination information is required before your child may attend the first day of school. For all the details about required medical information, consent forms, medication procedures, emergency health care plans, allergies, and immunizations, please visit the Health Services page of our website. For information around COVID-19 protocols, see the Health Services page of our website. If you have any

questions around health information or COVID-19, please email healthservices@friendscentral.org.


The Support Services Team supports students and teachers in a comprehensive and thoughtful way. There are a variety of supports in place for students’ learning, social, and emotional needs. The Middle School shares two clinical counselors –Frederick Pratt (fpratt@friendscentral.org) and Heather Tomes (htomes@friendscentral.org) – with the Upper School. Frederick and Heather provide short-term, solution-focused counseling. Middle School Learning Specialist Jill MacDougall (jmacdougall@friendscentral.org) also provides support to our students. Interns join our counseling team every year from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education as an integral part of their training towards becoming licensed professional counselors. All of the counselors work collaboratively with faculty members to help identify strategies which will enhance a student’s experience. If you have any questions about mental health, wellness, social/emotional learning, psychological/neuropsychological, or educational testing, please contact: Frederick Pratt, LPC at fpratt@friendscentral.org.



One of the biggest changes for students as they move to Middle School is the rotating class schedule. It is a shift for many, but students pick up the daily rhythm fairly quickly. A rotating schedule allows for greater variability in the day as well as equal instruction time across classes. The schedule operates on a six-day rotating cycle. Each day is assigned a letter (A-F), and each letter day features a different line-up of classes. It is helpful for students to know which letter day it is prior to coming to school that day. The letter days appear on the Veracross calendar and are also posted in classrooms. In Middle School, students do not travel from class to class as a group but are mixed up in each of their classes, so it is important that they consult their individual schedules.

8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CITY AVENUE CAMPUS MAP 1. Main Building 2. Language Building 3. Fannie Cox Center (FCC) 4. Shallcross Hall 5. Middle School 6. Blackburn Library 7. Rex Center for Design & Innovation 8. Linton Gym 9. Shimada Athletic Center 10. Tennis Center 11. Swimming Pool 12. JV & Middle School Softball & JV Soccer Field 13. Track, Boys’ & Girls’ Soccer Field 14. Additional Playing Fields 15. Girls’ Field Hockey & Lacrosse Field 16. Varsity Softball Field 17. Felsen Common 18. Visitor Parking 19. Bus Pick-up & Drop-off (Buses only between 2:45 & 3:25 pm) 19

Homework for each day is posted on Canvas before 3:30 pm. Homework in the Middle School is meant to be meaningful and purposeful, allowing students to practice skills and deepen understanding. Each Middle School student has a Friends’ Central email address, Canvas Account, and Google Drive account.

w FCS Email: Students should check email regularly for any timely messages from teachers. Each student’s email account will be through Gmail, but the address itself will be an @friendscentral.org address that is managed by our Technology department.

w Canvas: Canvas is our classroom management and workflow program used by teachers and students. Parents/ caregivers also have their own Canvas account where they can view their Students’ assignments and access other community resources and information. If you are having trouble with Canvas, please view our helpful blogs under IT Help on the Parent Page of the website.

w Google Drive: Google Drive is the place where students produce much of their work. It allows students to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. This work is stored in the cloud, so students can access it from any device connected to the internet.


We provide both letter grades and narrative comments on our report card in the Middle School. We are currently on a semester system, so you will receive report cards in late January and early June. Between the report cards, we do write mid-semester reports in which teachers provide brief progress reports for your child. The mid-semester report for the first semester is discussed face-to-face during the November 4 Conference Day. The face-to-face parent/caregiver-teacher conferences enable advisors to share observations about the beginning of the school year and to allow parents to help us know your child better. Our Getting-to-Know-You Conference Days will be on Thursday, September 1 and Tuesday, September 6. Parents/ caregivers will be able to schedule a 20-minute in-person or video conference with their child’s advisor. Your child’s advisor will look forward to getting to know more about your child and your family, as well as sharing information about what to expect from your child in the first weeks of school. Our fall Conference Day for 2022 will be Friday, November 4. You will be able to

sign up electronically via Veracross for your conference time a few weeks before the Conference Day.


We find that most students have a very smooth transition to FCS, one that is supported by caring teachers, small classes, and welcoming students. The advisory system is an important component of the transition to Middle School.

w Your child’s advisor is their homeroom teacher. Their advisor will be their point person, advocate, and cheerleader! Advisors are charged with overseeing your child’s overall progress and social-emotional well-being. The advisor is also meant to be a point person for parents/caregivers to answer questions and to connect you to the School.

w There is an advisory period for 30 minutes every day. This gives your child time to work on homework, to seek help from teachers, or to work on group projects.

w During their advisory period, students may also participate in Chorus, Orchestra, or Jazz Band.



Each student in the Middle School will receive a School-issued and owned Chromebook, the leasing cost of which will be spread across FACTS tuition payments. This Chromebook will be used in classes and for schoolwork.


Students will be asked to use their Chromebooks for a range of assignments and schoolwork-related activities. While students may use their devices during the academic day, there is no device use during homeroom, recess, or lunch. We consider these times important for social interaction and essential for a break in students’ screen time.


Students are permitted to have cell phones, but they must remain off and in their lockers during the school day. This is also true of any kind of earbuds or headphones, which must be put away once a student arrives on campus and remain stored until 3 pm. If you wish to communicate a message to your child during the day, please do so by calling the Middle School Office. Students are permitted to use our classroom or office phones at any time should they need to reach a parent or caregiver.


This chart gives you an overview of the courses students take in Middle School.



Math 6 or Advanced Pre-Algebra* English 6: Identity & Movement Science: Topics in Life Science Human Geography Prima Lingua

Pre-Algebra or Advanced Algebra I* English 7: Windows & Mirrors Science: Chemical & Physical Exploration of this World & Beyond American History 1600-1865 Spanish I, French I, or Latin I**

Algebra I or Advanced Geometry* English 8: Dream a Better World Science: Earth in Motion American History 1865-1970 Spanish I, French I, or Latin I (continued)**


Art Drama Music

Quakerism Study Skills

*Math levels are determined by placement tests, grades, performance in the previous class, and teacher recommendation. The vast majority of our students progress from Math 6 to Pre-Algebra to Algebra I. Students then take either Geometry or Advanced Geometry in ninth grade.

Art Computer Science Drama Music Health

Art: CREATE Journalism: An Examination of Current Events

Drama: Walking in Another’s Shoes Music: Composing Through Time Economics: Financial Literacy

**Students and parents choose from Spanish, French, and Latin for seventh grade. Students take this same language in eighth grade; level I of that language is taught over the course of two years. Students can then continue in the next level of that language for ninth grade or take a different language.



At Friends’ Central, School life is steeped in Quaker values. At every level, we promote a commitment to learning through inquiry, reflection, action, and discovery – an approach that stems from two foundational beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends: that there is that of the Spirit in every one and that Truth is continually revealed. Our foundational beliefs call Quaker educators and students to a life of ongoing, joy-filled, Spirit-led discovery with one another. The daily impact of this philosophical grounding cannot be overstated. It informs the shape of curriculum, but more importantly, the way curriculum is delivered by faculty and embraced by students. We intentionally build an inclusive atmosphere that fosters the development of curiosity, openness, empathy, and respect for ideas and for one another


Foundational for Friends, or Quakers, is the belief that the Light of the Divine resides in each and every person. Meeting for Worship is a time when we gather together, still our bodies and minds and open our hearts, so that we might connect with the guiding Light within. We make every effort to ensure that students understand why we do Meeting for Worship

and how the silence and stillness can help them in other aspects of their lives. The Middle School has Meeting for Worship every Thursday morning during Community Block. Some Meetings are held with the entire student body while others are held with smaller groups, such as grades or advisories.


w Middle School Office: 610.645.5063

w Middle School Learning Specialist: Jill MacDougall, jmacdougall@friendscentral.org

w Director of Support Services and Middle School Counselor: Frederick Pratt fpratt@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5134

w Quakerism Coordinator: Robyn Richmond rrichmond@friendscentral.org

w Director of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusivity: Nefetaria Yates, nyates@friendscentral.org

w MS Club & Service Options: friendscentral.org/signatureprogramsMS w Instrumental Music: Carl Bradley, cbradley@friendscentral.org w Vocal Music: Michele Zuckman, mzuckman@friendscentral.org w Athletics: Michelle Crowley, mcrowley@friendscentral.org w Athletic Schedules: friendscentral.org/teams_schedules


Friends’ Central strives to be a deeply respectful and loving environment, rooted in Quaker values and committed to supporting individuals to have what they need to thrive. We recognize that some members of our community may face barriers due to their race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class background, religion, ability, family structure, and other social identities. We are engaged in an ongoing journey to become more aware of these barriers and provide opportunities and programming that foster greater equity and create an increasingly healthy, diverse, and inclusive environment for everyone.

Grounded in Quaker tradition and practice, we strive to embody our commitment to justice and equity through our policies, practices, and the culture we build together. We call upon all members of our community – faculty, staff, students, administrators, parents, trustees, and alumni/ae – to join us.

At Friends’ Central School, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Justice aims to (1) close opportunity gaps, (2) advance critical conversations and initiatives that promote equity, inclusion, and social justice, and (3) enhance our community’s committment to eliminating harmful bias and discrimination. Nefetaria Yates (nyates@friendscentral.org), our Director of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusivity leads these efforts through her inclusion, belonging, and equity work with students, faculty, and parents/caregivers. She is central to the coordination and implementation of our Plan 175 (strategic plan) Diversity goals. She provides training and support to colleagues with respect to curriculum and programming. As well as provides education and support to all of our parents and families through workshops and affinity and alliance group work. In the Middle School, Nefetaria guides our students through their affinity group work. She is their champion and cheerleader as they think about identity on a personal level and on a community level.


Middle School offers a range of extracurricular activities. The School is committed to supporting and celebrating the diversity of its students, enabling them to develop into

strong, confident, and capable young people by pursuing their innate interests and exploring new activities. The range of choices may at first seem daunting, but making these choices is an important part of students developing aspects of their identities and engaging in the community.


Each Middle School student participates in a weekly service project and club, both of which are part of the school day. Service takes place during Community Block on Wednesdays. Clubs take place during Community Block on Fridays. Students sign up for service projects twice per year, with the exception of some yearlong projects. Students also sign up for clubs twice per year. You can see some of our service projects and club options from this year on the Friends’ Central website at friendscentral.org/signatureprogramsMS.


Middle School students participate in affinity groups based on particular aspects of their identity, such as race, gender, or religion. Led by two faculty advisors, affinity groups meet regularly throughout the year Community Block. Through meaningful conversation, Middle School affinity groups seek to affirm identity, create networks of allyship, build community, and cultivate leadership. Each group facilitates an assembly presentation to help educate members of the community.


The “Mini-Course” is a signature program in the Middle School that occurs the week prior to spring break. Teachers design three-day interdisciplinary courses that cross grade levels and culminate in special field trips related to the subject. Recent courses have included Genetic Mutation, Lego Engineering, and Filmmaking.


The Middle School performs two plays each year – one in the fall and Playwrights in Progress in the spring. All students are welcome and encouraged to participate! Lori Reed, the Middle School drama director, will share information about the auditions and rehearsal schedule at the beginning of the school year. Students then sign up for the fall play within the first two weeks of school. Middle School play rehearsals are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Participating in the play does not conflict with participation in sports.


The Middle School performs two concerts each year to showcase Chorus, Orchestra, and Jazz Band. Chorus and Orchestra are open to all Middle School students, but Jazz Band is formed by audition. The rehearsals for vocal and instrumental


groups take place during the advisory period in our schedule, so they are built into the day. Our school also offers private vocal and instrumental lessons that we schedule during the day. If you have inquiries about vocal or instrumental lessons, please contact music teacher Carl Bradley at cbradley@friendscentral.org.


All students participate in our athletic program. Middle School students sign up for fall athletics during the first week of school. There is no preseason for the Middle School athletic program. Middle School athletic practices are built into the school day from 2 pm to 3 pm. Game days for interscholastic sports are Mondays and Wednesdays. Students ride the bus to and from games, and parents/caregivers pick up children


at FCS after the game. Some of our opponent schools are quite a distance from FCS, so parents/caregivers will need to plan for their child to be picked up late on game days, Mondays and Wednesdays. Coaches can usually give a good estimate of the arrival time back at school following an away game, and we do encourage students to use cell phones, when possible, to stay in touch with parents about late pickup. Please check the Athletics section of the website for the schedule and location of games. Schedules can be found at friendscentral.org/athletics/teams

Most sports teams will have tryouts which will determine rosters based on skill level and with the understanding that in some sports the roster size is limited. If numbers dictate, then we will try to offer both “A” and “B” teams, which can vary in skill level. Player development – both skill and character – is emphasized as an essential part of the athletic program.

w On an “A” team, at the coaches’ discretion, playing and practice time may be limited and not equal; however,





*Interscholastic and Intramural


Basketball Squash*

(Students ride the bus to and from Cynwyd Club, returning to campus at 3:30 pm.)

Basketball Squash*

(Students ride the bus to and from Cynwyd Club, returning to campus at 3:30 pm.)

Lacrosse Softball

Cross Country* Intramural Flag Football Wrestling Swimming Track* Intramural Outdoor Games Baseball Tennis Soccer Field Hockey Tennis


coaches will work with players to find opportunities to play everyone during the course of the season.

w On a “B” team, the coach will work intentionally with players to provide equal playing and practice time.

Any questions, please contact Michelle Crowley, Director of Athletics and Wellness, at mcrowley@friendscentral.org.



The Friends’ Central Home & School Association (HSA) is the vibrant and vital FCS parent/caregiver volunteer organization that works collaboratively with the School to strengthen communication and foster enriching opportunities between parents/caregivers and the School. If you are new to FCS or new to the Middle School, please feel free to reach out to your HSA division co-chairs, Elisha Snedeker and Alison Siskin, with any questions you may have. They are helpful parent volunteers who are available to assist you as your family transitions to FCS and the Middle School.

You can play an important role as a volunteer helping in many ways, from being a class rep or a committee chair to

assisting at All-School events. HSA believes that parents and guardians are essential for the development and success of our students. We encourage you to find a role or come to an event that interests you. If you have any questions, contact Andrea Nuneviller, Director of Home and School Partnerships, at anuneviller@friendscentral.org.


For parents of students of color, our PSOC affinity group fosters communication within the school community between administration, faculty, staff, parents/caregivers, and children. PSOC supports efforts to develop greater awareness of the needs and values of children of color and to empower children of color within the FCS community as part of a unified whole. This year, we will build on our ongoing work creating a space for parent leadership development, building capacity, engaging in meaningful partnerships, and working together for our students’ success. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our PSOC Coclerks, Ily Houston and Simone Knight. Please save the date for our first meeting on Monday, October 17 at 7 pm.

Mark your calendar! Saturday, September 10 at 1 pm on the Lower School Campus, Ice Cream Social sponsored by Parents of Students of Color. Want to help out? Contact Andrea Nuneviller at anuneviller@friendscentral.org

CONTACTS & RESOURCES w Middle School Home and School Association Co-Chairs: Elisha Snedeker Alison Siskin w PSOC Co-Clerks: Ily Houston Simone Knight w HSA Co-Clerks: Osaru Anyumba Pam Kim w Director of Home and School Partnerships:
Andrea Nuneviller, anuneviller@friendscentral.org



Permission forms are completed online using the Informed K12 Document system. Each form will be sent to parents as an email with a link to the online document that requires an electronic signature.


Friend’ Central is fortunate to have a wonderful group of campus safety and security officers who patrol our campus daily and assist in the event of emergencies. We also have various layers of campus security that include our card access system, radio system, silent alarms, and more. All Middle School students have identification cards that they are required to wear on campus and that give them access to the school buildings. If they lose their card, you can purchase a replacement (for a fee) through Veracross. Visitors to campus must go to the Main Building to sign in and do not have access to buildings unless they are admitted by a receptionist or while escorted by an FCS employee.


In the event of a closing, a modification of regular school hours, or a school emergency, you will receive an alert by text and email. The School will also post a notification on the homepage of our website, friendscentral.org. Visit the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, to make sure the contact information we have for you is correct. Please check with your local school district regarding weather-related changes in transportation, if your child uses public school bus service.


Gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund are an important way for families, alumni/ae, faculty, staff, and friends to demonstrate their commitment to Friends’ Central. There is a strong tradition of giving at FCS, and the ongoing generosity of so many allows the legacy of support to continue year after year. Annually, over 1,500 generous community members contribute to the School’s operating budget.

The School’s operating budget directly impacts the people and programs that make an FCS education extraordinary. Specifically, gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund include tuition assistance for students, faculty and staff support, diversity, equity, and inclusion programming, student-life initiatives such as athletics and the arts, and much more. Participation in the Friends’ Central Fund at any and all levels makes a difference because it affirms belief in our mission and models the way for all members of our community to show support for our school.

Additionally, Annual Fund volunteers are vital to the success of the Annual Giving Campaign. Tasks may include connecting with community members (grade specific) through making phone calls, sending emails or text messages, or connecting through social media. Typically, volunteers are needed for community-wide Giving Days in the fall and the spring. Serving as an Annual Fund volunteer has an immediate impact on the School and our ability to fulfill our mission of excellence at every level. To become an Annual Fund volunteer, contact Melissa DiNofia - Bozzone at mdinofia@friendscentral.org, or call 610-645-5420.

18 HELPFUL LINKS w Athletic Schedules friendscentral.org/teams_schedules w Veracross Parent Portal and Back-to-School Page myfcs.org w COVID Updates and Resources friendscentral.org/healthservices w Health Services Pages friendscentral.org/healthservices w FCS Extras - Dining Services, Transportation, Music Programs, & After-School Options friendscentral.org/aux_programs w Parent Website Page friendscentral.org/parentupdates w Volunteer Sign-up friendscentral.org/parentupdates
LINGO & FUN FACTS w JTF - Just the FaCtS (our weekly newsletter) w PPU - Car Pick-up at the end of the day w MFW - Meeting for Worship w HSA - Home and School Association, FCS Parent Group w PSOC - Parents of Students of Color, Affinity Group w School Mascot - The Phoenix w School Colors - Blue and Gray HELPFUL RESOURCES w Athletics & Wellness Michelle
mcrowley@friendscentral.org w Director of Home & School Partnerships
anuneviller@friendscentral.org w Director of Support Services
w Middle School Learning Specialist
w Director of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion
w Instrumental Music
w Vocal Music
w School Nurse
w Transportation Coordinator
w Quakerism Coordinator
w Technology
w Absentee
Andrea Nuneviller,
Frederick Pratt, fpratt@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5134
Jill MacDougall, jmacdougall@friendscentral.org
Carl Bradley, cbradley@friendscentral.org
Michele Zuckman, mzuckman@friendscentral.org
Joshua Van Dyke, jvandyke@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5084
JB Bowie, jbbowie@friendscentral.org
Robyn Richmond, rrichmond@friendscentral.org
- parenthelp@friendscentral.org
Line - 610.645.5137 msattend@friendscentral.org

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