FCS Middle School New Parent Handbook 2016-2017

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FCS MIDDLE SCHOOL New Parent Handbook


FAST FACTS w Homeroom begins at 8:25 am w School ends at 3:10 pm

New Student Orientation Thursday, September 1, 9:30 am

Middle School Principal’s Coffee Tuesday, October 18, 8:15 am

w Bus pick-up is from 3:10-3:25 pm

First Day of School - All Students Tuesday, September 6, 8:25 am

Parent-Teacher Conferences Friday, November 4

w Homework posted by 3:30 pm on Veracross

Middle School Curriculum Night Thursday, September 15, 7 pm We’ve listed these fall dates to give you a head start, but don’t let the rest of the year sneak up on you! Please look through the School Calendar, friendscentral.org/calendar, and mark down important dates through the year.

Parent pick-up (PPU) begins at 3:25 pm

w Snow closing number 345 w Weekly School Newsletter - Just the FaCtS

E-newsletter emailed on Fridays

w Call the Middle School Attendance Line

at 610.645.5137 if your child will be staying home

w Back-To-School Info:


DEAR FAMILIES NEW TO MIDDLE SCHOOL, We are so happy to welcome you to the Friends’ Central Middle School community! This handbook includes information that will be useful to you in preparing for the school year and once school begins. You will also want to refer to the Back-to-School page on the Friends’ Central website, friendscentral.org/backtoschool2016, where you will find important information such as links to health forms, which we ask parents to have completed by the beginning of the school year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out! I would be happy to talk with you about any questions - whether they be general or more specific to your child and family.

Best, Alexa Quinn



Alexa Quinn Middle School Principal aquinn@friendscentral.org

q Submit Health Forms q Check Supply List & Prepare School Supplies q Set up Email and/or Text Alerts q Mark Important Fall Dates q Purchase iPad & Download Required Apps q Transportation Plans q Lunch Plan q Summer Reading (Books & Assignments)

Mark Fifer Middle School Assistant Principal mfifer@friendscentral.org Keino Terrell Dean of Students kterrell@friendscentral.org Marian Petrarca Middle School Administrative Assistant mpetrarca@friendscentral.org



Upcoming Events & Fast Facts.........................................1 Letter From the Principal, Helpful Contacts, & New Parent Checklist......................................................2 Orientation Day, Information & Communication..............4 Arrival & Departure Procedures......................................5 Dining Services, Recess, & Lunch....................................5 City Avenue Campus Map.................................................6 Health Requirements.......................................................7 Academic Schedule & Classes.........................................7 Grades & Report Cards....................................................9 Student Support..............................................................9 iPads & Technology..........................................................9 Extracurricular Activities..............................................11 Athletics........................................................................11 Other Helpful Information.............................................13 Helpful Links & Resources.............................................14


SEPTEMBER ORIENTATION Thursday, September 1 is Orientation Day! Orientation Day is designed for the entire sixth grade and students new to seventh and eighth grade. Students will meet teachers, learn the locations of classes, learn how the schedule works, and more! Parents are also welcome to stay for an orientation during this same time. Please check the Back-to-School page, friendscentral.org/backtoschool2016, for more information about Orientation Day. In addition, there is a Middle School Curriculum Night for all Middle School parents on Thursday, September 15 at 7 pm. We hope you will attend to meet your child’s teachers and to learn more about the curriculum.

JUST THE FACTS (JTF) Just the FaCtS (JTF), our electronic newsletter about events and news, is sent to all parents every Friday. It is critical that you read JTF every week since it has the most current information and upcoming events posted a month in advance. WEBSITE - CAMPUS LIFE INFORMATION The Friends’ Central website, friendscentral.org, is a constant and current source of information on the life of the School. There, you will find School news and events, the academic calendar, photo galleries, athletics updates, lunch menus, and information on what is happening at FCS. For the information you need before school starts, visit the Back-toSchool page, friendscentral.org/backtoschool2016.

INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION Please spend some time exploring the School’s website, friendscentral.org, and the Veracross portal. Both are extremely helpful sources of information. You can continue to use the Veracross credentials you used to sign into the Admission and Enrollment portals. If you are not new to the School, the credentials you used in Lower School will continue to work. If you have forgotten your password, go to the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, and click on the “forgot username or password?” link to receive an email with your username and a link to use to reset your password. VERACROSS - ONLINE PORTAL FOR ACADEMIC INFORMATION As an FCS parent, you can access the Veracross Parent Portal to view your child’s schedule, attendance records, conference sign-ups, and report cards. Veracross is where all Middle School teachers post students’ homework assignments, so you can use your Veracross Parent Portal to view your child’s current and upcoming assignments and, if necessary, there will be assignment notifications from teachers through Veracross about any outstanding homework. Veracross also contains the School directory and allows you to search for families that live nearby. For help using Veracross, visit parenthelp.friendscentral.org.


ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE PROCEDURES ARRIVAL wS chool begins at 8:25 am. Students should arrive at school between 8 am and 8:25 am so they can prepare for the day. Homeroom begins promptly at 8:25 am and ends at 8:30 am. w If you plan to drive your child to school, the car line travels

around the curve of the City Avenue driveway. Parents/ guardians pull over to let students out and then continue along the driveway.

LATE ARRIVAL If students need to arrive late, a parent should notify the Middle School office by calling or emailing Marian Petrarca, MS Administrative Assistant. Once the student arrives, s/he must sign in at the MS office. DEPARTURE wS chool ends at 3:10 pm, unless a student is involved with an athletic event or play practice. If students are awaiting pick-up, they are expected to be in front of Shallcross Hall or in the library. wA t the end of the day, the parking lot driveways are reserved

for buses from 2:45 pm until 3:25 pm. We realize that parents want to pick up their children, but we ask that you wait until at least 3:25 pm to arrive in your car. This is both safer and more efficient, since it eliminates the need for students to cross through bus traffic to get to parked cars.

w I f you do arrive before 3:25 pm, a staff member will direct

you to form lines in the parking lot until the buses are clear.

EARLY DISMISSAL A parent must call, write a note, or email the MS Office with any details regarding early dismissal. When it is time to leave, the child must go to the MS Office to sign out.

EXTENDED DAY In the Middle School Extended Day program, students can do homework or read in the library until 6 pm. This program is supervised by a teacher who can also offer guidance for completing work, though the teacher is not meant to be an individual tutor. This program is for any students who stay after school whose parents would like them to be supervised by an adult. To learn more about the MS Extended Day Program, please visit friendscentral.org/extras. Please note that students who are not enrolled in Extended Day and plan to stay after school must be in front of Shallcross Hall or in the Shallcross Hall art gallery while waiting to be picked up. TRANSPORTATION wT o arrange for your child to take a township/school district bus, please contact the township/school district directly. They will add your child to a route and send you the bus number and pick-up/drop-off times in the summer. wP rivate buses: To arrange for your child to take a Friends’

Central bus/van, including the shuttle to or from the Lower School campus, please visit: friendscentral.org/extras.

wT he FCS shuttle arrives at 3:15 pm to take students to the

Lower School campus.

w I f you need assistance with transportation questions,

please contact our Director of Transportation JB Bowie at jbbowie@friendscentral.org. CONTACTS & RESOURCES wM iddle School Office: 610.645.5063 wA bsentee Line: 610.645.5137 wT ransportation: jbbowie@friendscentral.org wM S Administrative Assistant: mpetrarca@friendscentral.org wE xtras: www.friendscentral.org/extras

DINING SERVICES, RECESS, & LUNCH DINING SERVICES Some students bring snacks and lunches from home, while others purchase food from the dining hall. Each student will receive a pin number allowing him/her to purchase food with a debit system that can be replenished with cash, check, or via a credit card online. There are several options for school lunch plans. Please visit friendscentral.org/extras for more information on our dining services. 5

RECESS AND LUNCH wS tudents have a 15-minute recess each day (around 10:30 am) that allows them to play outside or in the gyms, eat a snack, and socialize. wL unch is a 40-minute period, and all Middle School students

and teachers eat lunch together in the dining hall or at our picnic tables. When students are finished eating, they are welcome to play outside or in the gyms.



11 12 9


3 7




6 17



5 4 18 19


8. Linton Gym

15. Girls’ Field Hockey & Girls’ Lacrosse Field

2. L anguage Building

9. Shimada Athletic Center

16. JV & Middle School Softball Field

3. F annie Cox Center (FCC)

10. Tennis Center

17. Felsen Common

4. S hallcross Hall

11. Swimming Pool

18. Visitor Parking

5. M iddle School

12. Varsity Softball & JV Soccer Field

6. B lackburn Library

13. Track, Boys’ & Girls’ Soccer Field

19. P ick-up & Drop-off Area (Buses only between 2:45 and 3:25 pm)

7. Rex Gym

14. Additional Playing Fields 6

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS HEALTH FORMS Health forms can be found on the homepage of our website in the top navigation bar under Quick Links. Upon entering Friends’ Central, a Physician’s Report of Physical Examination is required for every incoming student. This form must be updated annually. Also required annually for all students is the Emergency Consent Form, which should be completed and submitted online. Additional information and links to required health forms can be found at friendscentral.org/ healthforms. These forms must be received by the School in order for your child(ren) to attend class. A Dental Examination Form is required for all new students upon entry into Kindergarten through grade 12, and for returning students in Kindergarten, grade 3, and grade 7. Students are not allowed to carry prescription or overthe-counter medications in school or self-administer. A Medication Request Form and a Physician Order for prescription medication are required for any student who needs to have prescription medication, daily medication, EpiPen, inhaler, insulin, etc., kept at school. The original pharmacy-labeled container is acceptable in lieu of a written prescription. ALLERGY INFORMATION In the interest of safety and equity, we have made a considered decision NOT to exclude any of the common food allergens from our environment and have opted instead to provide education to all students and close supervision by informed teachers. Parents should inform the Health Office directly by phone or in person prior to the first day of school if their child has a food or insect allergy. We require completion of an Emergency Health Care Plan, and parents must provide two unexpired Epinephrine injectors. We cannot guarantee the contents of cafeteria foods, which change daily, and recipes are altered over time using novel ingredients. Placards identifying food options often do not reflect every ingredient in the food and do not take into account the possibility of cross contamination. We strongly recommend all students with food allergies consume only food brought from home.

SCHOOL ABSENCES Parents are expected to keep sick children at home. Children who have experienced fevers or vomiting should not return to school until 24 healthy hours have passed. If you are keeping your child at home, please call the Middle School Attendance


Line at 610.645.5137 by 9 am. School assignments missed during the child’s absence may be obtained by notifying the Middle School Office. Students are encouraged to consult their Veracross Student Portal for information about assignments.

ACADEMIC SCHEDULE & CLASSES SCHEDULE & CLASSES One of the biggest changes for students as they move to Middle School is the rotating class schedule. The students have a six-day rotating class schedule - A Day through F Day - that rotates across the days of the week with Wednesday - W Day - always staying the same. It is helpful for students to know what letter day it is prior to coming to school in the morning. The letter days appear on the School’s printed calendar, the Veracross calendar and are also posted in the Middle School building and classrooms. Students do not travel from class to class as a group but are mixed up in each of their classes, so it is important that they consult their individual schedules. HOMEWORK Homework for each day is posted on Veracross before 3:30 pm. Each Middle School student has a Friends’ Central email address, Google Drive account, Veracross account, and eBackpack account. w F CS Email: Students should check email regularly for

any timely messages from teachers. Each student’s email account will be through Gmail, but the address itself will be an @friendscentral.org address that is managed by our Technology department.

w G oogle Drive: Google Drive is the place where students

produce much of their work. It allows students to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more and easily share them with teachers. This work is stored in the cloud, so students can access it from any device connected to the internet. Our Technology department sets up convenient folders in Google docs at the beginning of each year so that the students will have folders corresponding to their classes.

w V eracross: Veracross is where teachers post homework

assignments and often attach relevant resources that students will need to complete or review at home. Students can use Veracross to see different views (weekly vs. monthly) for assignments that are approaching.

w e Backpack: eBackpack is what we use for work flow.

If a teacher wants a student to complete something (a worksheet, a set of math problems, etc.), the teacher will push it out to students’ eBackpack accounts. The student then completes the work and submits it, much as you would turn in homework. Teachers also use eBackpack to give feedback to students on their completed work.

lives. The Middle School has Meeting for Worship every Thursday from 9:50 am to 10:25 am. Some Meetings are held with the entire student body, while others are held with smaller groups, such as grades or advisories. Parents are welcome to attend Meeting for Worship!

MEETING FOR WORSHIP (MFW) Quakers believe that the Light of the Divine resides in each and every person. Meeting for Worship is a time when we gather together, still our bodies and minds and open our hearts, so that we might connect with the guiding Light within. We make every effort to ensure that students understand why we hold Meeting for Worship and how the silence and stillness can help them in other aspects of their






Math 6 or Pre-Algebra*

Pre-Algebra or Algebra I*

Algebra I or Geometry*

Language Arts

Language Arts

Language Arts




Social Studies (World History)

Prima Lingua



Drama Music Quakerism

* Math levels are determined by placement tests, grades, performance in the previous class, and teacher recommendation. The majority of our students progress from Math 6 to Pre-Algebra to Algebra I. Students then take either Geometry or Advanced Geometry in ninth grade.

Social Studies

Social Studies

(American History 1600-1865)

(American History 1865-2015)

Spanish, French, or Latin**

Spanish, French, or Latin**









Computer Science

Computer Science

** Students and parents choose from Spanish, French, and Latin for seventh grade. Students take this same language in eighth grade; level I of that language is taught over the course of two years. Students can then continue in the next level of that language for ninth grade or take a different language.


GRADES & REPORT CARDS We provide narrative comments, grades, and a developmental scale on our report card in the Middle School. The narrative comments articulate a student’s strengths, progress and areas for improvement. The letter grade, an A-F scale, is calculated for things like homework, projects, and tests/ quizzes. Teachers use a developmental checklist - secure, developing, or beginning - for skills like participation, work habits, and citizenship. We are on a semester schedule, so families receive report cards in late January and at the end of the school year in June. Between the report cards, teachers complete mid-semester reports (mid-November and mid-April) that include narrative comments and the same developmental scale used for the report cards. The primary difference between the mid-semester reports and report cards is final grades. Every fall, we have face-to-face parent-teacher conferences to enable advisors to share observations about the beginning of the school year and to allow parents to help us know their child better. Conference Day for 2016 will take place on Friday, November 4. You will be able to sign up electronically, via Veracross, for your conference time a few weeks before the Conference Day.

STUDENT SUPPORT ADVISORY We find that most students have a very smooth transition, one that is supported by caring teachers, small classes, and welcoming students. The advisory system is an important component of the transition to Middle School. w Y our child’s advisor is the homeroom teacher. Advisors are

charged with being an advocate for your child at school and for overseeing a student’s overall progress, including each child’s social-emotional well-being. The advisor is also meant to be a point person for parents to answer questions and to connect you to the School.

w There is an advisory period for 40 minutes each Monday,

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This gives your child time to work on homework, to seek help from teachers, or to work on group projects.

w During their advisory period, students may also participate

in Chorus, Orchestra, or Jazz Band.


STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES There are a variety of support systems in place for students’ learning, social, and emotional needs. The Middle School has a learning specialist, Dianne Forman at dforman@ friendscentral.org, and shares a school psychologist, Frederick Pratt at fpratt@friendscentral.org, with the Upper School. Teachers and advisors also offer a great deal of support to students in all aspects of their school life.

iPads & TECHNOLOGY Each student in the Middle School is required to have an iPad, which is used in classes and for school work. There is a list of required apps that we ask students to have on their iPads. The list of required apps is included on the Back-To-School webpage, friendscentral.org/backtoschool2016, along with summer reading information. We highly recommend that students have both a keyboard and a case to protect the iPad. The Back-to-School webpage includes details on the iPad models that are compatible with our program. iPad USE Students will be asked to use their iPads for a range of assignments and school work-related activities. While students may use their iPads until 8:15 am, there is no iPad use during homeroom, recess, or lunch. We consider these times important for social interaction and essential for a break in students’ screen time. CELL PHONE USE Student are permitted to have cell phones, but they must remain off and in their lockers during the school day. If you wish to communicate a message to your child during the day, please do so by calling the Middle School office. Students are permitted to use our classroom or office phones at any time should they need to reach a parent or guardian.

CONTACTS & RESOURCES w Middle School Office: 610.645.5063 wM iddle School Counselor: Frederick Pratt

fpratt@friendscentral.org • 610.645.5134 wM iddle School Learning Specialist & Diretor of Support Services: Dianne Forman dforman@friendscentral.org • 610.658.5612


EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Middle School offers a range of extracurricular activities from which students may choose. The School is committed to supporting and celebrating the diversity of its students, enabling students to develop into strong, confident, and capable young people by pursuing their innate interests and exploring interests that may be new to them. The range of choices may at first seem daunting, but making these choices is an important part of students developing aspects of their identities and commitments to service. CLUBS & SERVICE Each Middle School student participates in a weekly service project and club, both of which are part of the school day. Service takes place from 10:30 am-12 pm on Wednesdays. Clubs take place from 9:50-10:25 am on Fridays. Students sign up for service projects twice per year, with the exception of some year-long projects. Students also sign up for clubs twice per year. You can see some of our service project and club options from this year on the Friends’ Central website: friendscentral.org/signatureprogramsMS. AFFINITY GROUPS Middle School students participate in affinity groups based on particular aspects of their identity, such as gender or religion. Affinity groups meet once per month, led by a faculty advisor and two student leaders, to discuss some of the challenges and rewards that come with that particular identity. Each group facilitates an assembly presentation to help educate members of the community. For example, the Christian affinity group talked about assumptions that are often made about all Christians, while our Muslim affinity group taught the student body about four of the most important holidays in Islam.

MINI-COURSES “Mini-Course” is a signature program in the Middle School that occurs the week prior to spring break. Teachers design three-day interdisciplinary courses that cross grade levels and culminate in special field trips related to the subject. Recent courses have included the History of Medicine, Sports Stadium Architecture, and Filmmaking. DRAMA PROGRAM The Middle School performs two plays each year - one in the fall and one in the spring. All students are welcome and encouraged to participate! Before the start of school in September, the Middle School drama director, Julie Gordon, will share information about the fall play, as well as the audition and rehearsal schedule. Students then sign up for the fall play within the first two weeks of school. Middle School play rehearsals are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:30-5:00 pm. Participating in the play does not conflict with participation in sports. MUSIC PROGRAM The Middle School performs two concerts each year to showcase Chorus, Orchestra, and Jazz band. Chorus and Orchestra are open to all Middle School students, but Jazz Band is formed by audition. The rehearsals for vocal and instrumental groups take place during the advisory period in our schedule, so they are built into the day. Our school also offers private vocal and instrumental lessons that we schedule during the day. If you have inquiries about vocal or instrumental lessons, please contact music teacher Carl Bradley at cbradley@friendscentral.org.

ATHLETICS All students participate in our athletics program. Middle School students sign up for fall athletics during the first week of school. There is no preseason for the Middle School athletic program. Middle School athletic practices are built into the school day (2-3 pm on M, T, Th, F; 2:30-3 pm on W). Game days for interscholastic sports are Mondays and Wednesdays. Students ride the bus to and from games, and parents pick up children at FCS after the game. Some of our opponent schools are quite a distance from FCS, so parents will need to plan for their child to be picked up late on game days, Mondays and Wednesdays. Coaches can usually give 11

a good estimate of the arrival time back at school following an away game, and we do encourage students to use cell phones, when possible, to stay in touch with parents about late pick-up. Please check the Athletics section of the website for schedule and location of games. Schedules can be found at friendscentral.org/teams_schedules. There are intramural and interscholastic options for each of the three seasons, and the interscholastic teams generally have two levels - A & B - to accommodate different levels of skill and experience. Every student makes the team. Any questions, please contact Phillip Annas at pannas@friendscentral.org.

CONTACTS & RESOURCES wM S Club & Service Options:

friendscentral.org/signatureprogramsMS w Drama: Julie Gordon, jgordon@friendscentral.org w Music: Carl Bradley, cbradley@friendscentral.org w Athletics: Phillip Annas, pannas@friendscentral.org w Athletics Schedules:




Cross Country





Wrestling Dance* Squash

Flag Football*


Water Polo

Winter Rotation*

Track Fitness*

(Fitness & Volleyball)





Tennis Lacrosse



Field Hockey Tennis


Lacrosse Softball

*Intramural sport

OTHER HELPFUL INFO INCLEMENT WEATHER & SCHOOL CLOSINGS In the event of an unplanned closing, a modification of regular school hours, or a school emergency, the School will post a notification on the homepage of our website, friendscentral.org. It is highly recommended that you sign up to receive an automated alert by email and/or text message. You can sign up by logging into the website portal by using your Veracross credentials. Visit bit.ly/FCSAlertsSignUp for information on how to sign up for alerts. The School’s snow closing number is 345 on KYW 1060 am radio under Montgomery County. Please check with your local school district regarding weather-related changes in transportation, if your child uses public school bus service.


PERMISSION FORMS All permission forms are completed online using the Chalk Document system. Each form will be sent to parents as an email with a link to the online document that requires an electronic signature. THE HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (HSA) The Home & School Association is the parent group designed to build community through organizing social events such as Book Fair and Martin Luther King Day of Service. HSA also facilitates communication between parents and the School through group events like All-Parent One FCS Meetings. If you’d like to get involved in school life at Friends’ Central, contact Andrea Nuneviller, HSA Coordinator, at anuneviller@friendscentral.org.

FRIENDS’ CENTRAL SCHOOL GIVING Annual gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund are an important way for parents, alumni/ae, faculty, and friends to demonstrate their commitment to Friends’ Central School. Each year, over 1,600 generous community members contribute to the School’s operating budget. This tremendous generosity allows the School to open its doors to talented students with limited financial means, retain outstanding faculty, and maintain two beautiful campuses. Last year, over 75% of parents made a gift to the Friends’ Central Fund. Participation at all levels

is welcome and makes a difference in support of the joyful learning experiences and unparalleled opportunities for all our students. Annual Fund volunteers are vital to the success of the Annual Giving Campaign. Tasks may include signing letters and making phone calls to community members or simply helping to stuff mailings. Becoming an Annual Fund volunteer has an immediate impact on the School and our ability to fulfill our mission. To become an Annual Fund volunteer, contact Kim Emmons-Benjet, Director of Annual Giving, at kbenjet@friendscentral.org, or call 610.645.4499.

HELPFUL LINKS w Alert Sign-up Help

bit.ly/FCSAlerts w Athletic Schedules

friendscentral.org/teams_schedules w Back-to-School Page


w Parent Website Page

friendscentral.org/parents w Veracross Help

ParentHelp.friendscentral.org w Volunteer Sign-up


w FCS Extras - Dining Services, Transportation,

Music Programs, & After-School Options friendscentral.org/extras


Phil Annas, pannas@friendscentral.org w Dining Services

Chris Rosenbaum, crosenbaum@friendscentral.org w Drama

Julie Gordon, jgordon@friendscentral.org

w School Nurse

Penny Rosenblum, prosenblum@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5084 wT ransportation Coordinator

JB Bowie, jbbowie@friendscentral.org

w Technology - parenthelp@friendscentral.org

w Home & School Coordinator

w Absentee Line - 610.645.5137

w Middle School Counselor


Andrea Nuneviller, anuneviller@friendscentral.org Frederick Pratt, fpratt@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5134

w Middle School Learning Specialist &

Director of Support Services Dianne Forman, dforman@friendscentral.org, 610.658.5612 w Music

Carl Bradley, cbradley@friendscentral.org Booklet designed by FCS student Josh Weinstein ’18

w JTF - Just The FaCtS (our weekly newsletter) w PPU - Parent Pick-up at the end of the day w MFW - Meeting for Worship w HSA - Home & School Association, FCS Parent Group w School Mascot - The Phoenix w School Colors - Blue and Grey


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