The Fringe, formerly the Titirangi Tatler, for March 2020

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ISSUE 190, MARCH 2020

community news, issues, arts, people, events


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The Fringe MARCH 2020

Monday - Friday 6am - 7pm advertise with the fringe & -reach Weekends 7am 7pm70,000+ readers


Letters: kauri dieback and the state of our Village.................................4 It’s all about the connections.................................................................5 Professional surfing returns to Piha.......................................................6 Sweep for New Lynn Scouts; Rebrand for Waitākere Estate..................7 Seniors sharing movement and fun through dance...............................8


The history of Titirangi’s own yacht club..............................................10 Feature: Titirangi Festival of Music 2020.....................................12 – 15 Places to go: Events listing...........................................................16 – 17 Millennials driving growth of organic ‘bio-wines’................................18 EcoFest West: A month to look forward to!.........................................19 Bandstanding: Phil Toms.......................................................................20 Art and about with Naomi McCleary....................................................22 Titirangi Theatre; Still Life with Moving Parts......................................23


Caring about New Lynn’s historic potteries; Community kindness growing and prospering.....................................24 At the libraries......................................................................................25 Proud Bailey keeps wheels turning......................................................26 Weeds to watch out for........................................................................27 Sustainable solutions: It’s all a bit of give and take.............................28 Naturally West: Kōura, our freshwater crayfish...................................29 Live @ the lounge; Weather by the moon...........................................30


Advertisers’ Directory...........................................................................31

On our cover: Cat Tunks is to bring her Bona Fide Band to Titirangi Festival. See

pages 12 – 15 for more, and keep you eyes open for her next big gig, playing support for John Mayall (of Bluesbreakers fame) on his New Zealand tour. Photo: Laura Tait. 21,000 copies delivered free to letter boxes, post boxes, libraries and selected outlets throughout Titirangi, Glen Eden, Green Bay, New Lynn, Kelston, Konini, Wood Bay, French Bay, South Titirangi, Waima, Woodlands Park, Laingholm, Parau, Cornwallis, Huia and Oratia.

Published by: Fringe Media Ltd, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi, Auckland 0642

Editor: Bevis England 817 8024, 027 494 0700


Features: Moira Kennedy 021 723 153 Adriano De Souza is to join Kelly Slater, Carissa Moore and many of the world’s best surfers, including 22 from the World Surf League’s elite Championship Tour, at the Corona Piha Pro later this month. See page 6 for more.

Every issue of The Fringe (and the Titirangi Tatler before it) since April 2011 is on-line at Like us on Facebook ( FringeWest) to hear when each issue is available and get other updates. please support our advertisers – they support us

Writers and contributors: Jade Reidy, David Thiele, Naomi McCleary, Susannah Bridges, Fiona Drummond and Michael Andrew.

Advertising deadline for April 2020: March 13. The Fringe MARCH 2020



Dear Editor, In the face of the misinformation being spread regarding kauri dieback disease and the closure of tracks in the Waitākere Ranges, we write to clarify the situation. The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act does indeed require Council to “balance conservation and recreation” but this does not mean that all the tracks should be reopened. Rather, allowing the forest to die by promoting recreation when we know that that will contribute to the spread of a disease which is an existential threat to the forest itself would indeed be a breach of the Act. Opposition to track closures within the Waitākere Ranges ignores a number of facts. For a start there is the fact that 40 tracks are still open. Then there is the fact that it is Phytophthora agathidicida that is causing trees to die: not climate change, 1080, glyphosate, 5G or any of the other crackpot theories being promoted. Then there is the proven fact that people are the number one vector for spreading the disease in the Waitākere Ranges. This is evidence-based fact, backed by monitoring data collected over nine years by qualified plant pathologists and biosecurity officers with decades of experience. The Auckland Council Monitoring Report was peer reviewed by the Department of Conservation prior to its release. It has subsequently been reviewed by the Council’s RIMU department and by one of the top international Phytophthora experts in the world. It is credible, evidence-based, scientific fact. Kauri dieback has been described by Jack Craw, ex Biosecurity Manager for Auckland Council as “easily the most daunting and dangerous organism l have encountered in my 40 years in biosecurity” – and it is. The control of this disease is extremely difficult as it is a new organism to science and there are so many unknowns. We don’t know how to kill it, what else it infects, or exactly where it is. We don’t know how long it takes between infection of a root, expression of symptoms in a tree and death. But we do know that it kills kauri. It kills all trees that it infects. It kills trees of all ages and all health conditions. We also know that it lives in the soil as microscopic spores that are so small that you can get 1000 of them in a pinhead of soil. It takes a single spore to infect a new tree – or a new forest if a person takes that soil somewhere else. The only management tool available is quarantine – and this is what the rāhui and its enforcement by the Council closures aims to do: to prevent further spread of this disease within and out of this infected forest. We need to wake up to what kauri dieback could really mean for New Zealand’s forests and stop moaning about the fact that we need to go somewhere else for a walk while the tracks are upgraded. We need to be grateful that Te Kawerau ā Maki took the huge step of placing the rāhui and that the vast majority of the public are respecting it and staying out of the forest. We need to be grateful that Auckland Council are taking this far more seriously than the Government and have actually done detailed surveillance monitoring over the last nine years to track the spread of the pathogen. We need to be grateful that the Auckland public overwhelmingly voted to spend $100 million of our

money over the next 10 years on fighting this disease and upgrading tracks so that we can all get back into the parts of the forest that it is safe to enter. But we must have patience. This work will take time and needs to be done properly. Track closure is proven to stop disease spread. This is something we need to do until a cure is found, or until tracks can be board-walked and made safe. Yes, we are all heartbroken that the Waitākere Ranges tracks are closed. Yes, many of our personal favourite tracks are unlikely to be reopened in our lifetime, because they lead to areas of currently healthy kauri that we must protect if the species is to survive. Yes, we all love the bush and being in the bush. But this isn’t about what we want. This is about protecting the Waitākere Ranges forest and the other kauri forests in New Zealand so they are still there for future generations. It is about Auckland Council being a responsible manager of the public lands and the indigenous forest that it is tasked with protecting by the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act, the Biosecurity Act, the Local Government Act and the Resource Management Act. Dr Mels Barton, The Tree Council John Edgar, Waitakere Ranges Protection Society Jack Craw, Auckland Council Biosecurity Manager 2003-14

Dear Editor, I wonder if anyone else thinks our once pretty little Village is now dirty and shabby. Such a shame. I’m sure others must be aware of what’s happening – either that or I’m a grumpy individual! Even the bus stop looks like it’s been dropped off the back of a rubbish truck. Louise Nicholson

One-day festival planned for Green Bay Melanie Wittwer from Green Bay Writers has been teaching a kids creative writing class in Green Bay for a year while Louise Stevenson has been teaching art classes, also in Green Bay. Together they are organising a Kids Art and Writers Festival for Saturday 28 March, 11am-3pm at the Green Bay Community House, Barron Drive, Green Bay. There will be art and writing activities, a story corner and food and refreshments. The desired outcome of the festival, apart from getting kids interested in art and creative writing, is to create a poster that represents the community of Green Bay. Everyone is invited and attendance is free.


The Fringe MARCH 2020

Got something to say or know of a great story idea? Let The Fringe know... Email or write to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi

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It’s all about the connections “We want people to step away from their keyboards and not be keyboard warriors.” That was the word from Louise Grevel, chairperson of Neighbourhood Support New Zealand at a recent pop-up event with local coordinator, Sharon Peters. The event was all about getting all levels of community to connect with each other. “We want people to talk to each other and share information,” says Sharon. “A well connected community helps improve the safety and well-being of all residents.” Neighbourhood Support Waitākere is a community-based programme that aims to make homes, streets and neighbourhoods safer and make our communities more caring places to live. It has strategic partnerships with New Zealand Police, Auckland Council, New Zealand Fire and Civil Defence. They all have their role to play sharing the “Communication, Connecting and Community” message along with a range of other information to benefit everyone in the community. “You’d be surprised how many people don’t know what to do in an emergency,” says Sharon. Many go straight to social media thinking that that’s the right thing to do if they see something suspicious but Sharon and Louise agree it achieves little. “They’re not actually reporting what they see to the right channels. And if it’s not reported, it’s not likely to be followed up. Make the right community connections,” says Louise. And that’s where Neighbourhood Support comes to the fore. “One of our sayings is ‘see something, do something’ and by connecting with us we can ensure the right information gets through to the right people,” says Sharon. “Neighbours had good connections with each other in the 1950s and 60s, but it’s different times now and so many people are out at work

or involved in other activities and don’t know their neighbours. We want to reconnect communities, getting people to talk to each other and sharing information.” The network has more than 8,000 households registered in the Waitākere area and is Sharon Peters and Louise Grevel – connection always on the lookout is key. for more. “Our best day scenario is engaging with the community and getting the ‘connection’ message out there,” says Sharon. “It’s a great way to gain tips and resources to improve your household and neighbourhood safety. “By working together Police and volunteers help out the Neighbour we can support each Support Waitakere team at meet-and-greet other, solve local issues pop up community events. and make our neighbourhoods safer and more welcoming,” she says. For more information, 09 838 0132 or email – Moira Kennedy

The long hot summer We are in the middle of a gloriously warm summer. Also dry, too dry for a number of Westies. At the time of writing we have had a record 40 days without rain. It has been glorious but some locals are starting to feel the pinch. Although the West Coast dams are reasonably full, about 70% full on average, the water distribution system has been thrown out of kilter by the need to regulate water flows in filling stations used by private water suppliers to fill up their tankers. This coupled with unprecedented demand means that delivery times have stretched out to months. And a number of people who rely on rain water are under considerable stress, as the warm weather and lack of supplies has caused their water reserves to dwindle. Titirangi itself is fine thanks to the reticulated water supply system. But parts of Cornwallis, Huia, Karekare, Piha, Te Henga, Waitakere and Waiatarua are struggling. To help out Auckland Council is investigating a number of options. Tanks are proposed for Piha, Cornwallis and Waitakere where people can come and fill up 20 litre containers for free. West Wave is offering free showers to locals. The local board has suggested that we need to investigate other facilities closer to affected areas and this is being looked into.

Council is also investigating the use of milk tankers filled with water placed at strategic sites to speed up the private tanker filling process. The quicker they can be refilled and put back into circulation the better. So what can locals do? Please go easy on the water consumption. Current consumption levels are very high and there is no end to the current dry weather in sight. The reticulated urban area is not struggling yet but a continuation of this weather and it will. And dare I say it but more extreme heat and fractured weather patterns are exactly as foretold by climate scientists. Our climate is changing. We need to look after it and protect it. So go easy on your water consumption and check on your neighbours, particularly those out West in the unreticulated areas. And go easy on the planet. She is the only one we have. Greg Presland, Co-Chair Waitakere Ranges Local Board


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The Fringe MARCH 2020


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Professional surfing returns to Piha The Corona Piha Pro, happening this month at Piha, is the second in the World Surf League’s Challenger Series for the 2020 season and plays an important part in elite Championship Tour qualification. It is set to attract many of the world’s best surfers. The main competition will be preceded by both junior and national surfing competitions for aspiring New Zealand surfers, making Piha a mecca for those who love the surf. Kiwi up-and-comers Elliot Paerata-Reid and Kehu Butler have already been awarded wildcard entry into the Piha Pro and they will be joined by some of the top surfers from around the world, including Kelly Slater, Carissa Moore and Adriano De Souza. Kelly Slater (pictured left) is widely regarded as the greatest professional surfer of all-time, with the most world championship victories (11) and event wins (55). He also holds the record for being both the youngest and oldest World Champion in the men’s ranks. This will be the first time Kelly has competed in New Zealand since 1993, but the Floridian sees the beach breaks of Piha as the perfect place to get his 2020 season underway. “I’m excited to be surfing again in an event in New Zealand and seeing all my fans there,” says Kelly. “I love the country and all it has to offer… incredible surf, golf and so much more.” Four-time world champion Carissa Moore (pIctured right) from Hawaii has also confirmed her participation. The reigning titleholder became the youngest ever world champion when she claimed her first title in 2011 at the age of 18, before taking the title again in 2013, 2015 and 2019. Carissa has tasted success in New Zealand before, winning the inaugural edition of New Zealand’s only women’s Championship Tour event in Taranaki during her rookie season in 2010. “I’m so excited about returning to New Zealand,” said Carissa. “There is something really special about the people, the waves and the places in New Zealand, and I can’t wait to reconnect.” The 2020 Corona Piha Pro WSL Challenger Series event will run from

March 16 – 22. Due to expected traffic congestion and limited parking, vehicle access into Piha will be restricted to pass holders. Visitors will need to book a vehicle permit through Once all the permits are sold, shuttle buses will be available from Glen Eden. Once in Piha, access to Piha Beach will be free of charge. The event will be live on Sky Sport. Visitors should bring sunscreen, hat, towel, footwear (the black sand will be hot), camera and a reusable water bottle. Single-use plastics, drones and BYO alcohol are banned from this event. There will be various food and coffee vendors on site, along with a public Corona Bar. “Moved by Mr C R Holt and C F Holt that a Surf Club be WIN formed at Piha – Carried” In this formal way, the legendary Piha Surf Life Saving Club came into being. The formality of the proceedings belied the fact that the meeting consisted of five men sitting around a table in Frank Ross’ Henderson house with a bowl of sausages and a keg of beer to help things along. As well as Ross, the three Holt brothers were there – Bert, Cliff and Stan – along with Laurie Wilson. Ross was elected the inaugural chairman, Cliff Holt the secretary and Wilson the club captain. This was on Wednesday January 10, 1934. The history of the club is told in Sandra Coney’s lavishly illustrated book Piha Guardians of the Iron Sands: The first 75 years of the Piha Surf Life Saving Club from which the above extract is quoted. The Fringe is privileged to have a copy to give away, thanks to the author’s generosity. To go in the draw, write the year the club was formed with your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and post it to Surf Club, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi or email your answer and details to with Surf Club in the subject line. Entries must be received by March 13.


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The Fringe MARCH 2020

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Sweep for New Lynn Sea Scouts Auckland threw on another magic day for the Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta when the New Lynn Sea Scouts entered seven boats in the 180th anniversary of the event. Unfortunately the wind was very fickle and variable but after a wait of an hour it was decided there was just enough wind to get a race under way. However, the outgoing tide proved to be stronger than the wind for much of the first hour on the water making headway challenging. Many crews simply gave up in frustration and got out their oars to propel themselves along, but the patience shown by the New Lynn crews saw them eventually take line honours, second and third place. This is thought to be the first time that one group has taken all three line positions for this race. It was not until the boats were all back on shore that the wind picked up. Some of the New Lynn crews went back out on the water on the pretext of practicing capsize drills to take advantage of a refreshing dip in the water! The New Lynn Sea Scout Group caters for boys and girls aged 5 – 19 years. So if you want a slice of the summer action give Andrew a ring on 027 6939 756 or check out Note: Unlike other groups, New Lynn Sea Scouts is not closing down.

Rebrand for Waitākere Estate Nestled in the Waitākere Ranges, the family owned property known as Waitākere Estate for the past 30 years has been rebranded Waitākere Resort & Spa. Managing director and owner Reg Nevill-Jackson will be stepping down at the end of March and has announced that Capstone Hotels & Resorts who already work with 14 properties in New Zealand will take over management of the hotel from April 1. The property has undergone major investment and changes over the past few years, including the opening of the South Wing in November 2018 which includes eight premier rooms. Along with a new gym and sauna, recently established guest facilities include the Wairua Day Spa offering two treatment rooms and introducing a strong focus on wellness as part of the guest experience. Plans are underway for refurbishment of the common areas within the main hotel building including the guest lounge and dining areas and regular wellness retreats are planned, in conjunction with Titirangi’s Soul Centre. For more information visit

6.30pm, Tues 7 April Titirangi War Memorial Hall BOOK Members of the successful New Lynn Scouts crew following the prizegiving. Left to right: Samuel Nan, Blake Kite, Fletcher Martin, William Phillips, Taane Rhynd and Jacob Kite with Marshall Martin in front. As well as picking up the line honours trophy, Samuel won the coveted youth prize of a 10-day voyage on the sail training ship, Spirit of New Zealand.


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The Fringe MARCH 2020


things to do

Seniors sharing movement and fun through dance .... “Less tired, more energetic and peaceful.” Titirangi woman Helen Spencer has just finished a class in a dance group she joined last year and is ready to head off for coffee with new friends. Helen, who had never danced before except for some Primer One folk dancing, now dances twice a week and says it’s helped her hugely with balance following a number of injuries, including to her brain. “I love this dancing. I give myself up to the music and it’s wonderful. It gives me a sense of freedom that brings me all together. Mind, body, spirit.” Helen is one of a number of local women (and the occasional man) who feel they’ve really landed on their feet discovering the joys and health benefits of senior dance led by internationally-renowned contemporary dancer Anna MacRae and her former ballet dancer mother Sue MacRae. In her 70s, and with an ACC tick for balance and mobility, it’s Sue’s third year teaching dance to seniors. In her youth she had danced with the Royal New Zealand Ballet before setting up her own dance school and choreographing numerous community events. She then became a teacher working with gifted and talented children and achieved a Masters degree in Creative and Performing Arts (dance) to help their development. “You’re constantly thinking of new ideas when teaching, particularly with talented children. In retirement, I was missing that so much, and my mind was still active,” she says. Seniors Dance had come into being in Auckland in 2011 and it was the perfect opportunity for Sue. “It was such a great chance to bring joy and meaning into the lives of seniors and to acknowledge that older people are not withering away,” she says. “We have a voice and we’re keen to express who we are, what we’re thinking and to share movement with others.” When Sue’s hip needed replacement, Anna stepped up and taught some of the classes while her mother was recuperating. Anna had started ballet classes when she was six but in her early teens discovered contemporary dance was her true dance love. Graduating from Unitec Performing and Screen Arts in 1996, she went on to local dance success before heading overseas for a decade, making a name for herself on the international scene in dance, choreography and teaching throughout Britain, Europe and the USA. Out of hospital with a new hip, Sue was only in recovery at home for two weeks before she was back on the sideline at classes watching Anna with her over-60s seniors. “People just respected her talent and

loved watching her movement. It was inspiring and not threatening to the seniors.” And Anna loved her new role. “The seniors are very receptive to dance. They’re curious and want to learn new things. They become less inhibited and more free, and take it seriously while having fun at the same time,” Anna says. “They have a hunger for doing something different, something new, and I really like their enthusiasm.” “The range of movements helps with confidence, posture, fitness, balance and memory. By learning a range of different dances, the seniors realise they’re challenging their memories and achieve such a huge sense of satisfaction when they do remember the various movements. It’s a very positive experience to be comfortable expressing feelings in dance form, without being self conscious,” says Sue. Others in the class agree. “My balance is dreadful, my memory isn’t great and I have COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I’ve got a hip that’s not flash and let’s not talk about my fitness levels,” says one student. “But Sue and Anna’s classes are terrific and you do what you can without any pressure. The fun and laughter along the way are icing on the cake.” Another student says she always feels happy and free after class. “It’s just such a good thing to do for myself and my body feels stronger and fitter.” With Anna leading classes, Sue has the opportunity to watch her students and perhaps establish if anything is bothering them. “Some people will maybe have personal problems when they first come. They’re likely very tense and stressed in their lives and gradually as they assimilate the idea of dance, and relax and let it come to them, they change. We can see that. “I have a little concern that dance isn’t really part of our lives in our society. In some cultures it’s very much part of life. Dance is one way we can share what we know, what we experience, and what we love. It’s just a wonderful thing to do,” Sue says. “We can be a little bit silly and eccentric in our classes, but where else can you do that? Dancing is a new chapter in the lives of many seniors. This has become my life.” Sue and Anna’s classes are held in New Lynn and Titirangi with Blockhouse Bay starting this month. Following the interest in senior dance classes, Anna is now considering running similar groups for younger age groups if there is strong interest. Call Sue MacRae 022 640 9852 or email for more information. – Moira Kennedy

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The history of Titirangi’s own yacht club

Above: French Bay beach on a crowded sailing day. Below: Club members building the reclamation at French Bay.

The thriving sailing club at the bottom of Otitori Bay Road in French Bay, Titirangi has a history that reflects how our city, and community, has developed over the last century. The origins of organised sailing at French Bay hark back to August 1891, when the Manukau Sailing Club was formed in the bay. Boating and sailing was a huge part of the lives of Aucklanders, both for recreation and for transport. On the Manukau, a wide range of vessels criss-crossed the harbour, ferrying goods and people every day, but the idea of enjoying the water for sport and recreation intensified through the first half of the 20th century. French Bay Yacht Club itself was founded in 1956, in a small building on the western side of the beach, and, as in many other beach communities around Auckland, it became the heart and soul of its local community. “In those days there was no LynnMall, no cinemas or cafés, few overseas holidays and few other recreational opportunities,” says commodore Allan Geddes. “People sailed. They built boats, looked after them, sailed them, and socialised together at the club before and after sailing. The Club was at the centre of everything for many people, whether sailors or not.” By 1964 membership hadn’t slowed down, and the sandy beach was getting over-crowded with sailing boats – often to the detriment of bathers. It was clear the club needed more space. Plans were drafted not only for a new club house, but for the reclamation area on the western end of the beach, to provide space for boat storage and rigging. The princely sum of $15,000 was needed to make it happen and a massive fundraising project ensued: carnivals, sausage sizzles, bottle drives and even building P-Class dinghies to raffle off at shopping centres. In the end, bottle drives raised the majority of funds and convoys of cars and trailers were often seen

travelling through the local area, scrounging for stashes of bottles to collect and return. A loan from the Auckland Harbour Board and a Golden Kiwi Grant topped off the budget, albeit at a reduced level of $11,000. To get the project across the line, most of the manual work for the build of the clubhouse was done by club members, who spent their weekends and evenings for many months undertaking the backbreaking chores of forming concrete foundations and building retaining walls. Since it reopened – with much fanfare including a circus elephant – French Bay Yacht Club has continued to provide decades of sailing opportunities. The club has been through its ups and downs, the most notable being around 15 years ago when it was down to just a handful of members and nearly defunct. But just as the volunteers put their backs into building the club from the foundations upwards in the 1960s, volunteers once again put a tremendous amount of energy into fundraising, building membership, maintaining and upgrading the heritage clubhouse, and running sailing events, to bring the club back into focus as a sailing club to be taken seriously and one that is contributing to its community. “Today, the club remains a volunteer-run sailing club that is at the heart of the Titirangi community. It is still a place where the community – sailors and land lubbers alike – congregate for a wide range of reasons, whether that be sailing, yoga, celebrations or food markets,” says Allan Geddes. In 2010 it was recognised with a special commendation by Yachting New Zealand for such a successful turnaround and the club is still regarded as one of the most successful ‘grassroots’ sailing clubs in the country, giving all ages the opportunity to hit the water, and even producing occasional national champions! Sailing fever is high right around New Zealand with the 36th America’s Cup due to be raced in less than 12 months and in French Bay, on any sailing day when the tide is high at the right time of day, you’ll see the deck and reclamation scattered with sailing dinghies, and sailors aged from seven through to 77 in a hive of activity getting ready to enjoy the joy of the Manukau Harbour. “If you’d like a trip down memory lane, you are very welcome to visit us – our sailing calendar is published on Come down on a sailing day and say hello,” says Allan.

Linda Cooper

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The Fringe MARCH 2020


Titirangi Festival of Music 2020 The 2020 Titirangi Festival has a great free music programme featuring lots of activities for kids and families, with the focus well and truly on awesome local music. Here are some highlights:

Festival Hub (outside the hall) 12 noon till 6.30pm: Saturday, April 4. A huge variety of free music will be showcased on the Main Stage outside the Titirangi War Memorial Hall starting with Mr Roberelli, a Kids Disco with prizes, a Hula demonstration, and Avondale College young musicians from noon until 3pm.

Park Rd

Indie Waves: 3-4.30pm This new feature is headlined by local sensations Park Rd whose song Surfer boy paradise has racked up well over 300,000 streams on Spotify. They’ll be joined by Lucky Boy surrounded by lush, experimental and fruity soundscapes and Being whose music has been described as “crushingly tender, open-hearted indie pop” with “clear-eyed lyrics. Come and see what the future music of Aotearoa looks like!”



The Fringe MARCH 2020

Lucky Boy

Mango Beach: 4.45 to 5.30pm Legendary musician Phil Toms takes the stage in the Roots/ Latin combo ‘Mango Beach’ . Phil is an inductee into the NZ Music Hall of Fame and former member of classic bands Herbs, Mango Beach Neighbours and Hattie and the Hotshots. In Mango Beach, Phil is joined by top Latin drummer Luis Moreno from Chile and bass player Guy Halpe from Sri Lanka. And for this special show the band will be joined by guest flautist Leonie Clapham. Don’t miss it. Cat Tunks and her Bona Fide Band: 5.45 to 6.30 To wrap up the afternoon of free entertainment Cat Tunks, a selfdescribed musical gypsy brings her Bona Fide Band to the stage. Cat has performed and recorded in Ireland, Germany, the South Pacific and from Nashville to New York. In the style of big-voiced gals with attitude, one Cat Tunks can hear influences from Bonnie Raitt to Etta James and Emmy Lou Harris. Expect country blues wrapped up with a rock’n’roll edge stemming from the band’s thoroughbred West Auckland roots. Yeehah!

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Titirangi Festival of Music 2020

Photo: Giona Bridler

Photo: Giona Bridler

For the kids (of all ages) There’s a great selection of other things to do around the festival hub: Food trucks will be serving vegetarian delights, Brooklyn dogs, Gelato ice cream, coffee and more all afternoon. The Te Uru Art trail will engage young kids and old to make a mask or a musical instrument. For the first time we have the ‘Hands on Creatures’ team with exotic insects, spiders and animals for an up-close experience with the Photo: Giona Bridler animal kingdom. The ‘Silent Disco’ is always a hit and the discs will be spinning all day. Ngaire will offering Face-painting till 4pm and look out for the Kids dance-off on the main stage at 12.45 and maybe you could win a prize!

Around the Hub We’re very lucky to have support again from the Playcentre and Community house and the Titirangi Library whigh will again be running a free music programme from 12 till 4pm with a selection of young musicians (Green Bay High School), The Fringe ukes and lots more. So come and join the party all day before catching one of the evening performances.

Special Workshop with Classical Indian music master Pt Salil Bhatt Titirangi Theatre, Saturday April 4, 11.30am-12.30pm Performing before his concert in the central city the same night, global Indian musician Pt Salil Bhatt presents a workshop as part of our festival. Part performance and part informative discussion Salil will demonstrate his unique instrument the ‘Satvik Veena’ (or Indian slide guitar), discussing how it fits into classical Indian music tradition. Salil (pictured right) is the son of Grammy winner Pt Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and this will be a must for anyone interested in world and Indian music. Ticket and booking information:

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TFM 2020 In the Theatre

Festival Director, David Parker, says the Theatre programme is designed for those who are interested in exploring something new in music, a genre defying mixture of music, theatre and poetry. Expect to be surprised, stimulated, enthralled and entertained. Sounds interesting! Titirangi Theatre April 3, 8pm-late Featuring Freaky Meat, Sally Stockwell and Kingsley Spargo Freaky Meat – Locally revered, this combo combines the elements of jazz, funk, rock, and a little bit of metal, with beat-speak styles. It’s freaky, it’s meaty, and it’s a whole lot of fun. Sally Stockwell – weaving songs, poetry, soundscape, story and movement into a dynamic and heartfelt delivery. ‘A thoroughly engaging artist with the spirit of a genuine songwriter,’ writes Graham Reid.


locals supporting ^ locals Opening soon in Blockhouse Bay You might recognise this building in the Bay. We’re happy to give a new lease of life to the old Senior Citizen’s hall on the corner of Blockhouse Bay Road and Exminster Street. Our new office fit out is well underway and we are looking forward to opening next month and helping you with your real estate needs.

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The Fringe MARCH 2020


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TFM 2020 Kingsley Spargo – A top draw band performing sublime, atmospheric music from their recent album Chasing Spirits - featuring Kingsley, Neil Watson, Chris Orange and the incomparable Alan Brown. Their sound palette aims to captivate and confront. Come on the journey! Ticket and booking information at Sounds interesting! Titirangi Theatre April 4, 8pm-late Featuring Andrew Fagan and the People, Bernie Griffin with Kirsten Warner and Snapper and Chips Fagan’s career spans over 40 years, from his time as frontman of punk rock group The Ambitious Vegetables and new wave group The Mockers to his ongoing solo career. Returning with gleeful lyrical antagonism and emotional insight, one of the pioneers of kiwi new wave presents his new album Act Normal as Andrew Fagan and The People. Bernie Griffen, the godfather of roughhouse folk, never steps far from the blues. Kirsten Warner is a member of Bernie’s swinging, groovy, bluesy, swamp-folk, psychedelic, country band The Thin Men. They perform together here as a duo, singing their own songs and some classic folk-country covers, expressing the music with the wonder of a close musical partnership. Snapper and Chips – a local legend comes in from out-back Laingholm to present his new incarnation as a banjo-thrashing captain, together with compadres Sandy on guitar, Shelley on Bass, Darryn on guitar and Mandy on vocals. Anyone who has witnessed Snapper’s performances with the Nukes and elsewhere will know to expect the unexpected. Ticket and booking information at www.

Proudly Supporting our Local Community The merged practices of Thomas & Co Lawyers Ltd and Titirangi Law Centre are proud to continue their sponsorship of the Titirangi Festival of Music. Ray Ganda and Don Thomas have years of experience working in the Titirangi and New Lynn areas and are committed to the community. We can help you with: PROPERTY: Residential Property, Commercial Property, Leases, Subdivisions BUSINESS: Business Sales, Purchase, Company Incorporation, Partnerships, Leases, Employment PERSONAL: Trusts, Wills, Matrimonial, Relationship Property, Family, Parenting, Custody, Powers of Attorney


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The Fringe MARCH 2020


places to go


Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person wherever possible.

march w – 1, The Future of our Kids – nuclear testing is too

often interpreted through a historic lens: this exhibition re-orients our focus towards present and future actions; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Phone 817 8087. w – 15, Recent paintings by Zeke Wolf; West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha. Phone 812 8029, www. w – April 5, Paint etc., a group show featuring the work of artists who challenge the notion of traditional painting. Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w – April 5, In The Flesh, succulent photo-montages by Megan Archer depicting human bodies digitally manipulated into near-abstract forms; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w – May 17, Listening, twitching. Nicola Farquhar’s work examines what it is to be human in a time of ecological crisis; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 8087. w – May 17, 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea, a series of performances by New York-based artist Sarah Cameron Sunde. It is a radical call to reconsider our relationship with water; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087. w 1, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia

Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w 4 and 18, PowerTalk Waitâkere can help you speak publicly with confidence: New Lynn Community Centre, 45 Totara Avenue, New Lynn; 7.30pm. Phone Sheridan on 828 7999 or 027 282 8799. w 5, Flicks presents SEAWEEK SPECIAL: The Shark Feeders and Aotearoa – Land of Ice and Fire, plus shorts in a 75-minute programme, with a Q&A presented by film-maker Robin Kewell; Seminar Room, 1st floor, Lopdell House; 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4pm and 6pm. Free. Full details at w 6, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, guest speaker and morning tea; Kelston Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945. w 6, Art Spark presents Painting Abstractions, an artist talk featuring Philippa Blair, Nicola Farquhar and Stella Corkery; Green Bay Community House, Barron Drive, Green Bay; 7pm; Free. w 7 – May 31, Split Level View Finder: Theo Schoon and New Zealand art, the first comprehensive Theo Schoon exhibition in decades; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087. w 8, Flicks presents an International Women’s Day special: The Women's Adventure Film Tour; Seminar Room, 1st floor, Lopdell House; 6pm through to 8pm; Tickets $20, including refreshments, from eventfinda. Early booking advised as tickets are limited. Text bookings to 0210 222 5558. Full details at flickscinema. w 10, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland

Coming up in Our April issue will be the last opportunity for sponsors and supporters of the Titirangi Festival of Music to promote their commitment to our community ... April will also see the first hint of autumn and many local residents and readers will be thinking about how they will warm their homes this winter ... To be part of these features and be seen by up to 70,000 people, contact The Fringe at 817 8024 or 027 494 0700 or email

Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email w 13, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484. w 14, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Martin Pearson, floor singers in first half; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 8pm; $12 or $8 for members; w 17, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635. w 19, Waitakere Grey Power General Meeting with guest speakers from Ryman Healthcare; Te Atatu South Community Centre, 247 Edmonton Rd, Te Atatu South; 1.30pm. Phone Mate Marinovich 838 5207. w 19, Waitakere Forest & Bird Lecture Series with Professor Roger Davies, Professor of Climate Physics at the University of Auckland provides an overview of the science behind climate change; Kelston Community Centre, corner Awaroa and Great North Roads; 7:30pm; Koha appreciated. Phone Liz 027 476 2732 or email w 20, Art Spark presents Repeating Cycles, an artist talk featuring Kathy Barry, Tracey Tawhiao and Sarah Munro; Green Bay Community House, Barron Drive, Green Bay; 7pm; Free. w 21, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639. w 21 – April 19, Rita Konig – sculpture; West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha. Phone 812 8029, www.


Your Local MPs Hon Carmel Sepuloni

Dr Deborah Russell

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Authorised by Carmel Sepuloni MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington


The Fringe MARCH 2020

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places to go w 24, Titirangi U3A – meet interesting people 60-years

There is so much happening in and around our community, including many weekly events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. To find out more about whatever you are interested in, visit:



and older; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm; gold coin. Contact 818 8890, 027 699 5480 or w 25, Flicks presents PAVAROTTI, a special screening of this wonderful tribute to a remarkable man; Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House; Doors/bar open 7pm, film starts 7.30pm; Tickets $15 / $12 from and on door (if not sold out), text bookings to 0210 222 5558. Full details at w 27, The Combined Probus Club of Glen Eden, fellowship, speakers, monthly trips; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 10-11.30am. Phone Brian Holt 838 5857. w 27, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Friday Folk and Jam, an informal singaround; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 7.30pm; $5. www. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289. w 28, Kids Art and Writers Festival with art and writing activities, a story corner, cake stall, sausage sizzle; Green Bay Community House, Barron Drive, Green Bay; 11am – 3 pm; Free. Email Melanie on greenbaywriters@gmail. com. w 29, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on or phone 022 631 9436.

• Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mount Lebanon Lane, Henderson; 10am–4.30pm daily. 838 4455. • EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn; Wednesday – Sunday 10am-2pm. 826 4276, info@ecomatters. • Flicks cinema, Lopdell House Theatre. 818 2489, • Kelston Community Centre, corner of Awaroa and Great North Roads, Kelston. • McCahon House Museum, 67 Otitori Bay Rd; Wednesday – Sunday, 1-4pm, except public holidays. 817 6148, mccahon@ • Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden. 818 5751. • Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 8087, info@ • Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House Theatre; Titirangi. 817 5812, infoline 817 5951, • Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 4278, www. • West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha; Wednesday – Sunday, 10am–4pm. 812 8029,

So keep your shower performances short

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The Fringe MARCH 2020


our place

Millennials driving growth of organic ‘bio-wines’ Health-conscious West Auckland millennials are behind a rapid growth in organic, sustainable and vegansuitable wines, but more needs to be done to foster this market as demand for traditional New Zealand wine slows, according to industry experts. Data from The Trusts West Auckland shows a 45% lift in naturally produced or organic wines over the past 12 months compared to only a 3% growth in sales of traditional wine. The Trusts hospitality development manager Jenny Mukerji says the organic wine category is growing even faster globally with estimates suggesting consumption will reach a billion bottles per annum by 2022. Jenny says one in every 20 bottles sold in their stores is organic, sustainable or vegan and they are particularly popular with millennials looking for wines which are aligned with their lifestyle and philosophies. She says there is a diverse range of niche wines and subcategories emerging to cater to this new market. “In addition to the organic wines which have been certified as made from grapes grown without chemical additives, we also have ‘natural wines’ which are fermented without commercial yeast or chemicals. There are also new biodynamic wines which are grown under a set of holistic biodynamic principles and practices that regard the whole vineyard as one big living organism. “Similarly, sustainable wines are governed by production practices that are ecologically responsible and economically viable.


“There are also vegan wines which are free from contact with any animal products, such as gelatin or egg white sometimes used in the fining process which softens the wine,” she says. Professional sommelier Valentina Verardo says that the production of organic wines has become more mainstream. Jenny Mukerji: more needs to “With more be done to support the organic customers looking for wine market. low-sulphite wines, wineries that were previously not producing organic wines are converting their vineyards or adding an organic wine to their portfolio,” she says. Mike Farrugia managing director of RM Wine Partners says their growth figures in the imported organic, veganfriendly and preservative-free wine categories mirror that of the Trusts and says it is a result of an increase in consumer awareness of how a wine’s origins impact its taste. “There have been very good studies showing that organic grapes tend to have lower yields, which gives you a better grape with more concentrated flavour and, thus, a better wine,” he says.


Sunday, 15 March 10am - 3pm Parrs Park meadow behind The Waterhole, Glen Eden A fun family day to celebrate our kauri trees and environment! • Live music and performances • Environmental workshops • Children’s entertainment and • Food stalls activities A smoke-free and zero-waste event. Find out more: phone 09 301 0101 waitakereranges

1820-PRO-1231 The Fringe MARCH 2020 - Kauri Karnival 2020 The Fringe.indd


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places to go

A month to look forward to! West Auckland is set to welcome the return of EcoFest West, the annual environmental festival bringing together over 100 events from March 21 to April 19. This year’s programme features interactive workshops, experiences and activities that celebrate and restore our natural environment and teach ways to live more sustainably in our neighbourhoods. The festival opens with the EcoHub Market Day, a free, familyfriendly day of hands-on activities, give-aways, food and drink stalls, and entertainment on Saturday March 21. It’s a taste of all the great events you can enjoy during the month of EcoFest West. The market day takes place at the heart of the festival, the EcoMatters hub in Olympic Place, New Lynn. Titirangi brings its signature artistic flair to the 2020 festival across the festival’s six categories covering food, art, household hacks, transport, and nature. New York-based artist Sarah Cameron Sunde’s 36.5 series of performances Join local artists at one of the Maker’s Mayhem workshops. reveals the actions countries as diverse as The Netherlands and Bangladesh are taking to reconsider their relationships to water, a vital element of life in our local suburbs. And the re:generate Kids Market will be a space to pick up and pass on quality children’s items. WIth over 40 stalls, this market will also serve as a platform for encouraging re-using, recycling, and revolving goods. Other activities include the opportunity to bring the whole whānau

to learn about freshwater life in our streams, or take in some spoken word from young poets with solutions to climate change while perusing the local market. You could even refresh your entire wardrobe at New Lynn Library’s clothes swap. There are so many ways each and every person can take part in West Auckland’s love for our environment, and learn ways to live more sustainably at EcoFest West. Among the festival highlights are: • Sarah Cameron Sunde’s 36.5: A Durational Performance With The Sea; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; February 22 – May 17. • Titirangi Earth Festival; Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios Place, Titirangi; Saturday April 4, 8.30am-7.30pm. • A Little Gem In Glen Eden; Milan Reserve, Milan Drive, Glen Eden; Sunday March 22, 10am-4pm. Most EcoFest West events and free and • Brunch At French Bay; family-friendly. French Bay Yacht Club, Otitori Bay Road, Titirangi; Sunday March 22, 9am-2pm. Visit for the full EcoFest West 2020 Programme. EcoFest West is brought to you by EcoMatters Environment Trust and funded by the Henderson-Massey, Waitākere Ranges and Whau local boards, and The Trusts Community Foundation.

EcoFest West Bikes Food Nature Arts

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21 MARCH -19 APRIL The Fringe MARCH 2020


bandstanding: music in the west with susannah bridges

‘I remember as a child of four walking past a cathedral ...’ ’Tis the time of year when festivals abound, the weather is sweet and energy is high. Parks and streets are alive with activity, music, food and fun for all. And so our own Titirangi Festival of Music approaches yet again – kicking off on April 3 and bringing us fabulous top class entertainment across the weekend. Instrumental jazz trio Mango Beach are among the opening acts – performing on the stage outside the War Memorial Hall. Latin drumming virtuoso Luis Ramero is from Chile and Guy Halpe from Sri Lanka is a fretless bass exponent. Guitarist Phil Toms from New Lynn makes up the trio, and yes, he was in Herbs. “I joined Herbs as bass player in 1981. We recorded What’s Be Happen?, the first ever Pacific reggae album. I wrote and sang One Brotherhood and co wrote Reggae’s Doin’ Fine, later collaborating on Sensitive to a Smile. We toured the North Island with English reggae band Black Slate, and played support in Auckland for UB40.” According to Wikipedia What’s Be Happen? ‘set a standard for Pacific reggae which has arguably never been surpassed.’ But let’s go back to the beginning … of Phil’s musical forays that is. “I remember as a child of four walking with my Dad past a cathedral from where the most beautiful sound was emanating. We went inside and there was a man playing a cathedral organ to an empty room. I was thrilled to find such beautiful sounds exist in the world.” Arriving in New Zealand from Surrey, England, when Phil was five, Phil’s Dad played violin and guitar and sang and recorded with the legendary kiwi folk song writer Peter Cape. He was also a founding member of the Wellington Folk Club. Phil was handed a recorder at this tender young age and subsequently subjected the neighbourhood to his rendition of the tune Peas Pudding Hot. At 11 he started playing guitar. “I was encouraged to learn classical tunes and to read music. At about the age of 14 rock and pop music was taking the world by storm – The Beatles, Cream, Traffic, Hendrix, and dozens of colourful original bands and artists. The family moved to Auckland when I was 16, living in the house next to the Titirangi supermarket. My parents joined the Titirangi folk club where I did some of my first performances. By the time I was 17 it was all about Woodstock and Vietnam, and a kind of revolutionary movement with music a major component.” While working as a solo guitarist in restaurants around Auckland in his early 20s, Phil also formed a band in Waiatarua called Head for the Hills with his wife Leonie, who sang and played flute. The couple then took up pottery and moved to Coroglen, on the Coromandel. “We formed an original jazz rock band Tribrations and played at the Nambassa and Sweetwaters festivals. I played guitar and sometimes bass. Nambassa ‘79 was a highlight, playing electric guitar to thousands in the sun.”

After that came Herbs. And after Herbs came a whole lot more. “When I parted ways with Herbs I joined the Neighbours, touring New Zealand with Rick Bryant and co playing bass on rock and R&B. I then did a stint with Hattie and the Havana Hot Shots, followed by a residency on bass at the Fisherman’s Wharf Restaurant.” Phil wrote and produced his first solo album Storm Warning in 1999. The inaugural performance of his second album, Tall Stories From Beyond the Grassy Knoll, took place to a full house at Lopdell Theatre in 2008, performed by Phil’s then band The Electric Car. He had a minor hit with the track I Wanna Be GE Free and co-founded the Titirangi RSA jam night – which is still going strong today, a decade later. “I greatly enjoy playing R&B bass and more recently played in a band called Sweet As, with Mary and Johnny Bradfield, playing pubs, private functions and festivals.” In 2012, Phil was inducted into the New Zealand Music Hall of Fame as a member of Herbs. What’s Be Happen?” was awarded the Taite Independent Classic Album Award in 2015, and the band was also given a lifetime achievement award at the Pacific Music Awards. Phil was involved in the making of the Herbs movie Songs of Freedom, released and screened in theatres last year, and also available on DVD. “The reunion concert with Herbs at Q Theatre, Queen Street was very special … the packed house gave me very warm applause and cheers,” Phil says. Be sure to get along to see Mango Beach on Friday April 3, on the main stage in the Festival Hub (outside the Titirangi War Memorial Hall) at 4.45pm. You can also book Mango Beach to play at your private function, wedding, birthday party, that sort of thing. They play mostly instrumental jazz favourites 1plus15/11/16 some latin16:33 and dance grooves – email FRINGEADLTD.pdf

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The Fringe MARCH 2020

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The Fringe MARCH 2020


art & about with naomi mccleary

Time and tide People move on. It’s in the nature of modern life, and the arts world, that career paths take a trajectory through places and institutions. Change is good; it’s invigorating for individuals and institutions. Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery is embracing such a change at the moment with the appointment of a new curator (Kaitiaki Whakaaturanga) Chloe Geoghegan (pictured left) has moved, with her family, from Dunedin to Titirangi. Most recently the Curator Art for the pictorial collection at the Hocken Library, and previously the director of Dunedin’s Blue Oyster Art Project Space, she brings an impressive mix of experience and skills. Te Uru director, Andrew Clifford comments that, “she has worked with a range of independent contemporary spaces that have distinctive relationships to their communities, including running programmes in post-earthquake Christchurch.” This experience working with a wide range of stakeholders and cultural groups is where the fit with Te Uru promises much. Chloe replaces outgoing curator, Ioana Gordon-Smith, who had been with Te Uru since the gallery opened in 2014 and who is now Curator Māori/Pacific for Pātaka in Porirua. Ioana has made a substantial contribution to shaping Te Uru’s programme over its first five years with a skilful blend of the challenging while maintaining accessibility. Some of Chloe’s more recent independent curatorial projects include Lost in Air (Poneke/Wellington), Abject Failures (Hastings City Arts Gallery) and Cul-de-sac (Melbourne). She is also a trustee for Contemporary HUM, a review platform for New Zealand artists working internationally. Chloe also has international experience including being selected for the 2016 Asia New Zealand/Creative New Zealand curator’s tour to China and Korea, attending the Independent Curators International (ICI) Fall Curatorial Intensive in New York in 2015, and undertaking part of her curatorship studies at the Ruskin School of Fine Arts at the University of Oxford in 2011. She holds a BFA (Hons) from the University of Canterbury in Graphic Design and Art History, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Art Curatorship. “I am excited to be chosen for this role,” says Chloe. “Te Uru is an institution I have long aspired to work in, being a leading regional gallery within an exciting locale. Being situated in Titirangi, on the periphery of Auckland, is a unique position from which to think about exhibition-making and to develop a curatorial programme. “I have watched Ioana work hard to establish a significant and successful programme at Te Uru and I have some big shoes to fill,” says Chloe. “I am enthusiastic about contributing to the next stage in the development of the gallery and joining the Titirangi community with my young family and meeting Te Uru’s audience and supporters.”

Play on

To add to the range of musical experiences out West, musicians from New Zealand Barok are bringing their first concert in a chamber music series called 4-3-2 to Old St Michael’s Church in the Corban Estate Arts Centre on Sunday March 29, from 2pm. This idyllic and intimate setting provides perfect acoustics for the one-hour concert of elegant, easylistening classical music. This heralds a brand new musical partnership in the West, as well as an innovative approach to programming. All leading baroque specialists, the musicians interact with the audience by talking about the music they are performing and the instruments they play, breathing fresh life and vitality into baroque and classical masterpieces and lesser-known musical treasures from the 18th century. Graham McPhail (violin), Amelia Giles (violin), Alison Salmons (viola), and Helen Brinkman (cello) with guest Sally Tibbles (flute) will perform works by Boccherini and Mozart. McPhail (pictured right) has been at the forefront of historical performance practice in New Zealand and along with Helen Brinkman, formed New Zealand Barok in 2004. His creative leadership has been pivotal in the success of New Zealand Barok’s 16 years of concerts throughout New Zealand. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to play smaller-scale chamber music in Old St Michaels Church, with its lovely acoustics,” he says. “The beautiful and serene atmosphere is very special and we’re really looking forward to performing there. And to trying out some novel programming, given the series starts off with quartets, then trios in August and finally with duos in November.” Seating is limited. Book on iTICKET:, phone 361 1000. Tickets are $25. I recommend that you book for the concert, but allow time around it to explore the gallery exhibitions and shop and, depending on the weather, bring a picnic.


Hobsonville Point is celebrating the completion of the last of nine significant public artworks by launching the Didsbury Arts Trail; so named after Richard Didsbury of Brick Bay Sculpture Park fame. Richard was a director of the Hobsonville Land Company in the early years of the development and a staunch supporter of the importance of public art as part of the fabric of the area. March 7 and 8 will be community days for folks to explore the artworks, aided by podcast interviews with the artists, and to have family fun with art workshops run by experienced community artists.

Susannah Bridges

c e ra m i c o b j e c t s a n d l i g h t s

Ice Bowls – available locally from Te Uru, Titirangi


The Fringe MARCH 2020

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art & about Titirangi Theatre is already well into its new year, with rehearsals for A Skull in Connemara in full swing. This black comedy, by renowned Irish playwright Martin McDonagh, is being headed up by Paul Roukshan, in his directorial debut at Titirangi. The play centres on the literal digging up of the bones of the ancestors. The dead cannot rest in peace, but must be yanked from the ground to make room for the new corpses that are queuing up to occupy it. And despite the fact that he saw his wife die at the wheel of their car, Mick Dowd coped with the inquests and can live with the persistent local rumours. But Mick is also the local grave digger and, when the village graveyard is full, he is the one who has to dig to make room for the new tenants. The trouble is, this time, more than old bones come to the surface. The play calls for some imaginative set design on the theatre’s small stage, but Paul and his crew are doing a great job. And then, of course, there are the skulls .… A Skull in Connemara opens on March 10 and runs until March 21, with performances at 8pm, Tuesday to Saturday, and also at 2pm on Saturday March 14 and 6pm on Sunday March 15. Bookings can be made at Titirangi Pharmacy or online at In June we will present Waiting for God, repurposed for the stage from the delightful television comedy. Feisty rest-home resident Diana Trent is always looking for ways to outwit the conniving home manager and his put-upon assistant. Diana finds an ally when kindly Tom Ballard arrives in the home. There will be an opportunity to meet the director (Bob Lack) and have a read through on March 18, 7.30pm in the Treasure House. Auditions will be held in the theatre on Tuesday March 24 at 7.30pm. The cast requires one elderly couple, a couple in their 30s, plus other shared roles. Later in the year the theatre will present Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams and directed by Liz Watkinson. And a pantomime Jack and the Giant Kauri Tree, a celebration of all things Titirangi-ish written by Kerynn Walsh and Ella Bernstone, will round out the year. – Phoebe Falconer

Still Life with Moving Parts Outsider art is art by self-taught or naïve art makers. Typically, those labelled as outsider artists have little or no contact with the mainstream art world or art institutions. Outsider art illustrates different visual constructions, a different way of seeing, unconventional ideas, or elaborate fantasy worlds – and hopefully for the viewer a new and enlightening experience. Artists from A Supported Life meet each week at a workshop in the Titirangi bush where art facilitator Anna Crichton provides the artists with brushes, canvas and paint to create their own ‘outsider art’. It’s a quiet, focused time away from the often chaotic world of 249 Edmonton Road, Te Atatu where the residents of A Supported Life are based. An exhibition of the work these artists have developed is to run March 10 – May 10 in the Long Gallery, Pah Homestead, Monte Cecilia Park, Hillsborough, with the official opening on Wednesday March 11, 6-8pm, featuring the rock band Mutes from Mars (with all musicians from A Supported Life).

Enjoy these moving works not for what they are ‘worth’ but for the artists’ pure joy of expressing ideas and passions that might not otherwise come easily.

Waitakere Ranges 2020 Vision (continued)

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have for the future including good transport, good public infrastructure, thriving local businesses, good local jobs, and protection and enjoyment of our local parks. These are: 1. People understand the objectives and heritage features of the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Act and work together to enable them. 2. Strong, safe and healthy communities where people feel proud about where they live. 3. Local businesses are enabled to prosper and give quality jobs so people can work locally. 4. Our public infrastructure and facilities are maintained to a high standard. 5. Our community spaces, parks, sports, arts and recreation facilities meet local needs and are kept open. 6. Coastal and rural communities where everyone can easily and safely get around on foot, car and bus with good connectivity to our urban centres and train services. Let us know what you think so we can represent you well. michelle.clayton@ or 021 066 6262 – Ken Turner, WestWards


Before I continue on the topic I wrote about last month, I hope we have had some decent rain by the time you’re reading this. If we haven’t then we’re heading towards a serious problem. In mid-February the homes most affected by drought were those who rely on tank-stored rainwater, of which there’s approximately 50,000 across Auckland. And therein lay the main problem: a shortage of water tankers to transport the volumes required. If we haven’t received rain by March a true water shortage will be unfolding, the only advice I can give is conserve, conserve and then conserve some more. Rain will come eventually. Our Board is in the process of refreshing the Waitakere Ranges Three-Year Plan. We have some public consultation meetings planned, and these are advertised on the Board’s Facebook page. I strongly urge you to have your say because this consultation matters. The Plan is anchored by six ‘Outcomes’ to which all subsequent work programmes, budgets and public spending must be linked. I listed the existing ‘Outcomes’ in the last Fringe and on Facebook which generated a good discussion. Based on this I have written six new ‘Outcomes’ retaining some of the existing objectives while trying to capture the aspirations our communities

The Fringe MARCH 2020


our place

Caring about New Lynn’s historic potteries Since its inception in 2005 Te Toi Uku Museum has steadfastly worked to share the stories of the clay industries around New Lynn and West Auckland, including, of course, that of Crown Lynn. Curator Rosemary Deane took up her role in October, 2019. She had previously worked for the Portage Ceramics Trust to manage the project to catalogue the Richard Quinn collection, which forms the basis of what is now Te Toi Uku. Prior to this she had worked in Libraries and Museums, and undertook a Museum Studies qualification from Massey University. After working at Te Awamutu, Cambridge and Rotorua Museums, Rosemary returned to Auckland “I wanted to come back and this job came up which is perfect for me, but very challenging.” With funding provided by Council for only one full time staffer, Rosemary certainly has a lot on her plate (no pun intended!). Since she started work at Te Toi Uku, she’s been getting her head around the collection and what needs to be done. “My main focus has been on the core museum functions – which are collection, management and interpretation. There is a bit of a backlog of donations yet to be dealt with, and I hope to get funding to pay for a person to catalogue them. I have applied for an unpaid intern from Victoria University as well.” While the main purpose of the museum is to present the history of the clay industry around New Lynn and West Auckland, Rosemary has plans to develop the profile of Te Toi Uku and extend its reach into the wider community. “We aren’t interested in collecting every pattern or shape of Crown Lynn. Our aim is more to tell the stories of the people and culture, and how the products were made. The Quinn collection includes an archive and tools and equipment from the factory. We also focus on the early brick and pipeworks that were around before Crown Lynn came on the scene.” New initiatives include a Friends Group where people pay $20 to join and become either a Member or a Committee member. Friends will receive invitations to special events, and the Committee will organise events to raise money for the museum and to raise its profile. One of the upcoming events is the Crown Lynn Collector’s Market which is run twice a year. The next one is on April 26, and is held around the old Ambrico kiln. There are a lot of regular stall holders who sell and trade their Crown Lynn wares, and the market has become a wellknown and much-anticipated event.

Among the new challenges for Rosemary is a gallery redevelopment. “Over the coming months we will use funds from a grant we received from Foundation North. We will be putting effort into better presenting and sharing the stories of the ceramics industry, the families and companies behind it, and how products were made. We hope it will make for a better visitor experience. Later in the year we want to undertake an oral history project focusing on the Māori and Pacific people who worked at Crown Lynn, so I am interested in hearing from anyone who worked there or who has parents or grandparents who Rosemary Deane has a lot on her plate. worked there.” Rosemary has already recruited a number of volunteers, including two who will be doing talks to groups. She hopes to also work with Robyn Mason, who currently conducts a walk around New Lynn called Remains of the Clay, which ends at the museum. To top it all off there will be a Community Neighbour’s Day on March 28 for all the people in Ambrico Place, “so we can meet them and they can visit the museum and meet each other.” Rosemary says she’s very busy but “it is all very interesting and I meet great people who come into the museum, including some who once worked at Crown Lynn or the brickworks.” There will be more news from Te Toi Uku in the not too distant future – and be sure to get in touch to book your stall at The Crown Lynn Collectors Market. Email or, to talk to Rosemary, email And if you have stories of parents or grandparents who worked at Crown Lynn – or if you worked there yourself – Rosemary really wants to hear from you. Te Toi Uku is located at 8 Ambrico Place, New Lynn. Phone: 827 7349. Email: Web: portageceramicstrust. – Susannah Bridges

Community kindness growing and prospering Nine tonne of perfectly edible food rescued from a trip to landfill seems like a likely story. But it’s a fact and one Heather Tanguay from the Glen Eden Community Pātaka Kai Project is happy to share. Heather was one of a number of members of the Glen Eden Resident’s Association to look at the viability of starting two or three community pātaka kai (free food pantries) in 2018. “It was obvious from the number of people seeking help with food donations on local social media pages that some were under unbelievable stress,” she says. “They might have had an emergency that week, or rents are so high that people working two or even three jobs just can’t make enough money for food.” Four pātaka kai were formed with help The pātaka Kai in Vardon Road, Green Bay. from a local builder, Eco Matters and concerned community members, and another was set up for bathroom items.


The Fringe MARCH 2020

“The movement has grown considerably since then. We now have more than 1,000 members on the Facebook page we set up for those contributing food items or needing assistance. We have a number of local business that support us and the Waitākere Ranges Local Board gave us assistance last year,” Heather says. “Food banks are under stress with record numbers of families, young people and seniors requiring food. We meet people at the pātaka working two part-time jobs, one low-paid full-time job, on sickness benefits, disability benefits, seniors, all trying to feed themselves. It takes just one emergency in the home – say costs for a dentist, doctor, school uniforms, car troubles, school books, school trip or funeral – for a tiny food budget to suffer and that means no food in the cupboard. We see people at pātaka trying to survive on a food budget of $20.” Heather says the movement’s efforts to avoid food waste have grown too, with people in the community now sharing food if they have more than they need or if they cook too much. “These people put a note on the Facebook page and people collect directly or it is delivered to a pātaka with a note to collect immediately. “In three months leading up to Christmas one of our volunteer hosts Continued on page 29 >>

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places to go

At the libraries Titirangi Library Titirangi Library’s seed library is up and running as we have had many generous donations from the community and now have enough seeds to share. Come and visit our display in the entrance to the Library and bring some seeds to swap. We have assorted herbs, flowers and natives ready to go to their new forever homes! Steve Carr has been working as the artist-in-residence at McCahon House, across the media of sculpture, moving image and photography. On Saturday March 21, 10.30-11.30am, he will present a one-hour slide presentation, followed by the option to stay another hour for four of his short films. Complimentary tea or coffee will be available. The library runs two monthly adult book chats where you can join discussions about what you’ve been reading. It’s also an opportunity to meet like-minded readers and Titirangi Library’s seed library is now up and running. discover a new favourite book. All welcome, just turn up. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. The book chats happen on the first Saturday and Tuesday each month, 2-3pm. And look out for the musical performances the library will be hosting in early April as part of the Titirangi Festival of Music. Details will be on the library’s Facebook page closer to the time. There is an exciting evening for the kids coming up at the end of the month: a Teddy Bear Sleepover. Kids are invited to bring their favourite teddy, dolly or toy animal to stay the night in the library. Listen to bedtime stories together then tuck your teddy in to bed and call back the next morning to reunite and see what they got up to during their sleepover. Bring your teddy in on Friday March 27, 5:00-5:30pm and pick it up again on Saturday, March 28. The library’s Minecraft Club meets on Thursdays, 3:30-4:30pm. This after-school social gaming gathering is an opportunity to get creative and build and play in imaginative worlds. The club is open to novices or experts. Join the club and meet other crafters, play with your friends and swap tips and tricks. Own device and Minecraft logon required. No registration required. Suitable for ages 5+. Words on Wednesday, at 10.00am, is a preschool learning session featuring stories, songs and interactive learning that encourages a love of reading while developing listening and social skills. Great fun for 3 – 5 year-olds.

Tuesday, 9.30-10am, and Friday, 11-11:30am, and Lego Club every Saturday, 2-4pm. Glen Eden Library’s Book Chat group will meet in the library’s meeting room on March 4, 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is welcome to attend and share what they’ve been reading.

New Lynn Library eBook How To Workshop, Thursday March 12, 4-5pm. Learn about using Libby and BorrowBox eBooks and eAudiobooks. Get help and advice using them. Take your own device and library card with you for this workshop. Open to all ages. Lego Build Session, Friday March 20, 4-5pm. A monthly free play Lego session. Age 5+ Family Day, March 21 from 1pm. New Lynn Library will be celebrating Race Relations Day with a family day, as a reminder of the connections that bind us together as a community and family. The library has teamed up with lots of special people to offer creative workshops, music, dancing, food and games. There will be something for the whole family. Beeswax Wraps, Wednesday March 25, 10.30-11.30am. As part of EcoFest West, learn how to keep your food fresh in an environmentally friendly way and how to make yourself some beeswax wraps. Materials provided, but feel free to bring along your own fabric to upcycle. Ages 16+. Free but limited spaces – booking essential. RSVP to newlynn. Fort Building, Thursday March 26, 3:30-5:00pm. Create a fort in the library using cardboard, tables, chairs and fabric. Make one on your own or team up to build a larger structure. Ages 6+. How Tuesday, every Tuesday, 4:00-5:00pm. An hour of crafting and creation in the library. Ages 5+.



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Glen Eden Library Rhymetime, Thursday March 12, 10:30-11:00am. Join local children’s author David Minty for a fun-filled story time featuring his colourful, interactive tale My New Red Car and his new release What’s in the Box?, perfect for preschool children. Pasifika Performance, Saturday March 28, 12pm. You are invited to be entertained and inspired by the talented students from Nu’ulua Performing Arts Academy. This group’s mission is to ‘ignite a passion in an emerging generation to value, embrace and express the beauty of culture. They have been invited to perform at the Hawai’i Kuauli Pacific & Asia Cultural Festival this May. The Job Café will be back in the library every Wednesday, 1-3pm. Whau Ace Adult and Community Education offer free support and advice including preparing a CV, career guidance, job search, online job applications and cover letters. The library also has a number of regular programmes, including Rhyme Time every Thursday, 10.30-11am, Wriggle and Rhyme every










GLEN EDEN The Fringe MARCH 2020



Proud Bailey keeps wheels turning Bailey Kenyon is on a mission: to give as many children as possible a bike to give them a chance for fun, fitness and confidence. From Glen Eden, the 16-yearold has set up Baileys Bikes For Kids which sees him rescuing old and broken bikes and refurbishing them for children in need. He’d ridden bikes since he was three-years old and when he spotted a little abandoned bike on the side of the road about six months ago, he picked it up and carried it home. His bike rescue work had begun and he set to fixing the rusted chain and flat tyres. The crank needed to be tightened and a friend helped him with that. He still has that little bike and is looking for a new home for it through a nomination process Bailey Kenyon says he has wheels in he started on his website. his blood. Half way through that first project, his father brought another bike home. “I needed to take it back to bare metal and repaint it because of rust damage and I’ve given that to a very nice little boy,” he says. Bailey’s done nine bikes now and he’s proud to pass them on to those who need them but who don’t necessarily have opportunities to get a bike. “I’m home-schooled so have a lot of time in which to work on the

bikes and I’m always on the lookout for donations of old bikes and parts,” he says. “I get a lot of satisfaction and I’m proud that we’re keeping these bikes out of the landfill and enabling kids to ride to school instead of being dropped off by car. It’s benefiting our environment – the reduce, reuse, recycle message is important.” Bailey’s also started volunteering at EcoMatters’ Bike Hub but says he plans to keep on doing his own thing as well, until he ‘runs dry.’ “I might even work with bikes all my life as I’ve grown up in a racing family so wheels are in my blood.” He says there’s been a lot of positive response from people impressed with what he’s doing and he’s received a lot of donations of parts and even helmets for his venture. “There’s a lot of good people out there,” he says. To donate old bikes or parts or to submit a nomination to receive one of Bailey’s bikes, contact him through – Moira Kennedy

Brent Bielby, team leader of EcoMatters’ Bike Hub Initiatives at New Lynn with some of the great children’s bikes available at the first of three EcoMatters bike hubs.

213 – 215 Woodlands Park Road, Titirangi, Auckland 0604 Phone: 09 817 8495 or 09 817 6188


The Fringe MARCH 2020

The New Lynn bike hub opened at Olympic Park in New Lynn in April 2017. It offers used bikes for sale and loan, maps and route information and bike parts and accessories. Community bike mechanics provide free advice and support, including inflating tyres and repairing punctures, configuring your bike, tuning and adjusting your brakes and gears and maintaining your chain. Visitor numbers continue to grow in New Lynn. In the year to June 2019, there were 3431 visitors and 1111 bikes repaired. In November 2018, EcoMatters opened a second bike hub in Henderson, in the Falls Hotel car park. After eight months this is seeing similar visitor numbers to New Lynn. Pop up bike hubs have been staged at Silo Park along with a series of Saturday Bike Fix drop in sessions in Glen Innes. These have proved so successful, EcoMatters opened a permanent hub there in December 2019. Search for EcoMatters Bike Hubs to join the Facebook group and think about donating old bikes to your nearest bike hub. New Lynn is open Thursday – Sunday, 10am-2pm and Henderson is open Friday – Sunday, 10am-4pm. The bike hubs are supported by the Whau, Henderson/Massey, Waitākere Ranges and Whau local boards, Panuku Development Auckland, and Auckland Transport.

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west’s pests

Weeds to watch out for With more free weed bins available between 1 and 31 March in various spots around your neighbourhood, now is a great time to tackle that backyard clean up. The Waitākere Ranges and Henderson-Massey local boards fund War on Weeds bins each March to give people a free and simple way to dispose of invasive weeds from their own backyards. This in turn halts the spread of weeds into our public green spaces. You can find bin locations and a full list of target weeds at but here’s how to recognise some of the top weeds on the wish list, chosen because they prevent our native plants from regenerating. Wild ginger – can quickly smother natives, preventing regeneration. Wild ginger has large wax-covered, lance-shaped leaves and its lemon yellow flowers with red stamens bloom between February and April. (Top left, photo by Trevor James.) Jasmine – an evergreen climber which creates an impenetrable ground cover. Its leaves are small, shiny and dark green when mature, but new growth has a red tinge. In spring it has lots of highly scented white tubular flowers. It also produces a glossy black fruit with dark red pulp. (Bottom left, photo by Neil Henderson.) Moth plant – yet another dominator, moth plant is also poisonous with sap that can cause irritation. It’s a vine with dark green arrowhead leaves. From December to May, you’ll recognise it by its small creamy coloured tubular flowers. By autumn going into winter, its large choko-like seed pods start to dry and split, releasing many seeds. (Top right, photo by Trevor James.) Tradescantia – also a serious forest floor competitor, smothering other vegetation. This is a hairless, succulent creeping plant with oval shining leaves forming a sheath around the stem. From about August to November, it has clusters of white star-shaped flowers. (Centre right, photo by Neil Henderson.) Climbing asparagus – as reflected in its name, this plant loves to climb or scramble, and will quickly take over, preventing native seedlings from growing. Recognise it by its fine, fern-like foliage, tiny white flowers (Sept-Dec) and round berries which ripen green to red-orange. (Bottom right, photo by Trevor James.) Weed information adapted from Auckland Council’s Pest Plant Search, found at


HENDERSON-MASSEY LOCAL BOARD 1 HENDERSON MPHS Carpark 27 Corban Ave 2 TE ATATŪ PENINSULA 580 Te Atatū Road 3 MASSEY Massey Leisure Centre, corner Westgate Drive and Don Buck Road 4 SWANSON Central Landscape Supplies, 598 Swanson Road WAITĀKERE RANGES LOCAL BOARD 5 LAINGHOLM Laingholm Hall carpark at 69 Victory Road, opposite Laingholm Primary School 6 PARAU 695 Huia Road, Parau 7 KAURILANDS Konini Primary School, 44 Withers Road 8 TE HENGA Regional Park carpark, next to 110 Te Henga Road 9 TITIRANGI Otitori Bay Road, French Bay carpark 10 TITIRANGI Tangiwai Reserve carpark, Huia Road PERMANENT WEED BINS 11 WAIMA Corner of Boylan Road and York Road PIHA DOMAIN Seaview Road 12 WAIATARUA Community Hall, 911 West Coast Road HUIA DOMAIN Huia Road 13 HENDERSON VALLEY 17 Mountain Road

Problems with bins? Go to or phone 09 826 4726

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The Fringe MARCH 2020


sustainable solutions with fiona drummond

It’s all a bit of give and take

Above: The main area of the Resource Centre has a wide range of materials Below: A customer checking out the fabric section of the Resource Centre.

The West Auckland Resource Centre, located in a green shed at the New Lynn end of Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn, is another of our lesser known local resource gems. The centre started operation in 1977 when a visionary lady, Marion Bennett, witnessed various useful items being dumped at the Refuse Station. Marion invited preschool managers to a meeting and a committee was formed, with the aim of forming a non-profit organisation to provide cheap resources for money-strapped early education facilities. Anne Welch, the centre’s treasurer in earlier days (and still involved in the West Auckland Resource Centre Trust) remembers the many bags of donated coins including 1, 2 and 5 cent pieces, dropped off in her letterbox by the duty person. Today, the centre caters for all community groups. In addition to schools and preschools, customers include church groups, art and craft groups as well as college and university students. In the last financial year 64 preschools, 63 schools, 15 art and craft groups and 16 community groups visited, with the most frequent customer being Blockhouse Bay Primary who visited 34 times.

Countdown to trial paper packaging Over the next few months Countdown is trialling paper bags and cardboard boxes in the produce section. Customers can choose to use the paper options provided, bring their own bags or add their produce loose into the trolley. The trials, in the Orewa, Ponsonby and Manukau stores, Plastic or paper packaging? will determine the store’s use of plastic in the future. A few products such as bagged lettuce and herbs would remain in plastic but where possible the plastic packaging would be recyclable PET or recycled rPET. Countdown wants to ensure that any changes they make are right for the future, and don’t cause larger issues down the track, like an increase in food waste and impacts on staff and suppliers. The Ponsonby Countdown manager Paul Maxwell said the initiative required behaviour change but he was heartened by the positive reaction he had already witnessed in store, and how his customers were quickly adapting to the change. However, it is worth noting that UK research suggests that paper bags need to be reused three times to have less of an environmental impact than a conventional plastic bag – storing paper packaging for reuse (as many of us do for plastic bags) will be required. Perhaps we should bring our own reusable produce bags.


The Fringe MARCH 2020

The range of items is extensive with a focus on creativity. Regular items include paper, cork, fabric and wooden blocks but there is always something new and exciting turning up. One room is a treasure trove full of paper and other tactile items with another small room full of fabric samples and swatches. My advice is to walk around several times so as not to miss what’s there. For a donation of $10 per visit, customers can take away a pile of resources (within reason), although popular items have a limit on them. For small amounts, a lesser koha will be acceptable but for profit-making early childhood centres, $20 is charged. I went to visit on a Saturday when there were about 10 other visitors. I came out with some samples of polystyrene, melteca swatches and cork to show our technology teachers at Green Bay High, some clear adhesive covering, ballpoint pens, a bag of plastic bottle caps, as well as a large bag of grout, a drawing board, two sets of bag handles and various little bits and bobs. Way more than my money’s worth for sure. Although the centre presently has about 20 suppliers, it is hungry for more resources. If you are a company that has waste product that could be used creatively, think about gifting it to the centre. It’s a win-win, you don’t have to pay to dispose of your waste, and it could become a useful resource for someone. The centre has a van so has the capacity to collect large amounts from potential suppliers/businesses. However, the van is on its last legs and the Trust is hoping to gain funding to purchase a newer one. If anyone can help with that, please get in touch with Anne. If you work in a creative capacity and you haven’t already checked out the resource centre, make a visit and you might become another regular customer. And if you are interested in volunteering at this creative hub, the centre is always on the look out for new helpers to add to their 12 current volunteers. The West Auckland Resource Centre is at 2B Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. It is open on Wednesdays, 12-2pm and Saturdays, 10am-12.30pm. Phone Anne Welch on 021 579 081, email or visit

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naturally west with fiona drummond

Kōura, our freshwater crayfish In New Zealand we have two species of endemic freshwater crayfish, and the Waitākeres are home to the Northern Kōura (Paranephrops planifrons), the smaller of the two species at just 7cm in length. This common species has a wide range from coastal to subalpine and everywhere in between, living in freshwater lakes, streams, rivers and swamps throughout the North Island, in Nelson, Marlborough and the West Coast of the South Island. They have aquatic predators such as eels, perch, catfish and trout as well as terrestrial predators including rats, kingfishers, shags, stoats and kiwi. Large kōura may also eat their juveniles. Freshwater crayfish have a declining population due to overharvesting, habitat destruction and predation. Despite being a threatened species with populations in gradual decline, there is no permit required to catch them, and up to 50 can be taken per person, except in the Taupō region. Kōura are farmed commercially, and these crayfish are much larger, reaching 12 to 15cm in length. In Naseby, in Central Otago, forestry company Ernslaw One had the novel idea of farming them in the fire ponds of their South Island forests. They have long been a food delicacy for Māori, and are still caught and regarded as a customary food. Tau kōura was the favourite traditional fishing method for harvesting lake kōura by Te Arawa/Ngati Tuwharetoa. This involved resting bundles of bracken fern fronds on the lake bed for kōura to take refuge in and then lifting the fern bundles onto a net of woven flax (kōrapa) to prevent the kōura escaping as they were lifted out of the water. The tau kōura fishing method, using modern materials, has proved very useful in the present day for monitoring kōura populations in lakes for assessing sustainable harvesting levels and other resource management decisions. Kōura are nocturnal, moving into shallower waters at night and hiding under rocks and vegetation to avoid detection in daytime, though they are masters of camouflage. When ponds or wetlands dry up in a drought, they will bury themselves into mud to re-emerge when rain returns. They consume a variety of protein-based foods to aid their growth, >>

The Northern Kōura is one of two endemic freshwater crayfish. Photo by James Cooper.

including aquatic snails and midges and mayflies and even leaves. They are also omnivorous scavengers. Kōura have five pairs of legs, the first pair are also their pincers, used for scavenging food and warding off predators. These can generate a painful nip. The other four pairs of legs are used for most of their movement. When alarmed, kōura will flick their tail violently to propel themselves backward at speed. Though they have swimmerets, these are small and no use for swimming. Fortunately the female kōura is a prolific producer of eggs, carrying 20-200 eggs under the side flaps of her abdomen. This pregnant state is known as being “in berry” and the eggs will take three to four months to hatch. Hatched juvenile kōura cling to their mother’s abdomen using their pincers until they have attained a length of 4-10mm and it takes around four years for them to reach 2cm and be considered adults. These little crustaceans moult their exoskeleton up to nine times in their first year in order to grow. They then eat the moulted exoskeleton to absorb the calcium needed to harden their new shell. While their new shell grows they are more susceptible to predators. People can help to restore populations of kōura by planting native vegetation along the edge of streams and lakes, as kōura play their part in cleaning up our streams and lakes by the recycling they do through their scavenging behaviour. And how about an exciting nocturnal outing with your children and a torch to your local stream to search for kōura, but please remember, just enjoy them in the wild, and leave them be.

Community kindness growing and prospering, Continued from page 24

collected nine tonne of ‘Best by Used Date” food and delivered it to a pātaka. He made two trips to South Auckland on Christmas Eve and regularly goes to Silverdale to pick up animal food that is also destined for the landfill unless collected. “We have a host who collects fruit and vegetables destined for landfill and every day of the week our hosts collect food from local bakeries. This too would be destined for piggeries or landfill, but instead provides food for our local community.” Heather says recycling food destined for landfill is hugely important but the movement’s resources are limited and the cost of petrol to get to and from food collection points is an ongoing problem. “Often the food to be rescued is not in West Auckland. One of our main sources is a community house in South Auckland which is connected to supermarkets and similar and which can access large quantities of food approaching its use-by date. It’s perfectly fine to eat. “We can’t plan for that. We’ll get a message and we need to move quickly. The donations are shared throughout the region, as far south as Hamilton. That’s how we came to get the Christmas hams along with boxes of vegetables and salads that wouldn’t last over the holiday.” While Heather worries that things will get worse, “the feeling of community kindness is a feeling which we continue to see grow and prosper” and she celebrates the buy-in to the project from businesses (big and small), schools, day care centres, community groups, cafés, and fruit and vegetable shops across the area. Heather says a number of those helped when they were in a tight

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spot, now donate to the pātaka when they are able. There are pātaka kai at 14 Vardon Road, Green Bay; 2 Seabrook Ave, New Lynn; St Dominic’s Church, Bolton Street, Blockhouse Bay; Busby St, Blockhouse Bay; St Jude’s Church, Avondale; Holly St, Avondale; Victor St,Avondale; 46 Seymour Road; 53 Captain Scott Road; 27 Clayburn Road; 28 Aquarius Ave; Prospect School, Rosier Road; 375 Henderson Valley Road; 11 Finlow Drive; and 45 Routley Drive (bathroom items only). For more information: call Heather on 027 699 5480 or email . – Moira Kennedy

Food stuffs once destined for landfill but diverted to local pātaka.

The Fringe MARCH 2020


live @ the lounge

I guess we all need a mate Yeah gidday. How’s it going? Yet again I’ve had one of those weeks. Sorry to be a bore but I appreciate you letting me unload my frustrations. In fact, my inability to unload was why I drove to the chemist. The young assistant, who was the spitting image of a Bratz doll Chardonnay played with when she was a kid, suspected I need more fibre. I pointed out that at least eight blokes and two vans were laying fibre in my street as we speak. So instead, I bought a snazzy sun hat and an eye-liner pencil. When I left the chemist, Whitevan was halfway onto a tow truck. The uniformed ticket writer, who kinda looked like a member of some Russian militia group, said I hadn’t had a WOF or reg, ever. I said that, technically, because the plates were off a mate’s vehicle, he was actually towing the wrong van. Also, I’d changed the engine, wheels, doors, chassis and bumpers so was it even Whitevan? He then wrote out three further tickets and I started hitching home. Almost immediately a stylie Alfa Romeo Giulietta SZ from the 60s pulled over. I folded myself into the stunning leather bucket seat and sighed at the engine note as we sped off. I asked his name and what he did. “Charles. I’m a dentist.” “You have…” Before I could finish my sentence he almost yelled, “Please don’t ask why I got into dentistry. Everyone does, yet never enquires why a medical doctor got into practice.” I said that I was only going to point out he, now coincidently, had something stuck in his teeth. “Oh. Right. Still, why is dentistry always on the bottom of the pecking

order?” I told him that probably people that fix feet or maybe bum doctors were worse. “Don’t get me started on those smug chiropodists or bloody glory-seeking proctologists. Incidentally, it’s usually a blood test, not a cheeky finger. Sure, every mum wants her daughter to marry a successful heart surgeon and most men think being a gynaecologist pulls in the birds and that dentists are overpaid and under-worked.” “Why did you become a dentist?” I asked. “Actually it was mainly because of the money and the hours are fantastic. I’m down to a three-and-a-half-day week. But does anyone accuse their bank manager of being lazy or their plumber of being greedy?” I thought, actually yes. And their lawyer, and politicians, and soccer players, and pub owners. I said, “If you’ve got the day off, do you fancy a swim at Cornwallis before dropping me off?” He thought it would be great fun to spend a pleasant day with someone who wasn’t an academic and I thought it would be rather pleasant to spend the day with someone who might have some nitrous oxide because, so far, old Charlie was hardly all fits and giggles. So we had a swim, then back to mine for a couple of coldies. Lizard Junior even put on Novocaine by Fall Out Boy. Now that made us all laugh. I guess, we all need a mate. Even a bloke that works in the ‘murder house’. See ya on the road. Later, Lizard.

west auckland weather by the moon Ken Ring’s predictions for March March is expected to be wetter, sunnier and warmer than average. The month starts off mainly fine in the first week, with some light showers at the end. The pattern repeats in the second week. The lowest overnight minimum temperature is around the 8th, with heavy rain around the 12th. Despite having a cool night, the second week averages 1° warmer than the rest overall. Maximum daytime temperatures may get to 26° in some places around the 10th–12th. The third week may be the driest and sunniest, and the fourth week may be the cloudiest, with heavy rain once again around the 25th. The last week may average 1° cooler. The barometric average may be 1015mbs. Most winds are from the southwest.

For fishermen, the highest (king) tides are on the 11th, also the second highest for the year, with a lesser king tide on the 26th. The best fishing bite-times (in the west) are at or near noon on the 9th–11th and 23rd–26th, and in the east at around dusk on those days. Chances are also good in the west for dusk of the 1st–4th and 15th–18th, and in the east around noon of those days. For gardeners, the 6th–8th are the best sowing days, with the waxing moon ascending. The best pruning days are the 18th–22nd with the waning moon descending. If harvesting, for longer shelf-life choose lower water-table neap days of the 4th and 18th. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. For future weather for any date, visit © Ken Ring 2020.

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