The Fringe, September 2020

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community news, issues, arts, people, events

the big picture

A rainbow over the Manukau Harbour from Okewa Road, Titirangi, captured by Zoe Hawkins, and a solitary kererō on a misty morning at Titirangi Beach, captured by Bevis England – images of a special place.


The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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Don’t let the rain run away!...................................................................4 Woodlands Park gets food pantry..........................................................5 Places to go: Earth Festival; Clothing Swap............................................6 Teacher’s encouragement bears fruit 30 years later..............................7 Art and about with Naomi McCleary................................................8 – 9


Feature: General Election.......................................................................9 Our place: Money for kauri urgently needed.......................................10 Keeping it local: local news and updates.............................................11 Places to go: Events listing...........................................................12 – 13 Bandstanding: Dana Sulikosky – ‘Music is my happy place’.................14 Our place: Titirangi Theatre; At the libraries........................................15


Post-Covid community spirit at work ..................................................16 Ark in the Park appoints new programme manager............................17 Naturally West: Got the springtime sniffles?.......................................18 Sustainable solutions: Product stewardship at work............................19 Walking West: The newly reopened White Track.................................20 Living in the Waitākere ranges, part 4..................................................21


Live @ the lounge; Weather by the moon...........................................22 Advertisers’ Directory...........................................................................23

On our cover: Spring blossoms are a welcome sight after a winter of Covid and lockdowns. Photo by Bevis England.


Green Bay author Amy McDaid has celebrated her life-long love of language and words with the recent launch of her first book, Fake Baby. (See page 7 for more.)

Described as a ‘tender and funny exploration of the power of words,’ the book is being highly praised and Amy’s publisher, Penguin Random House New Zealand, has offered a signed copy for a lucky reader of The Fringe. To go in the draw to win this special prize write the name of the lead character in Amy’s next book, together with your name, phone number and address on the back of an envelope and post it to Fake Baby, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi or email your answer and contact details to with Fake Baby in the subject line. Entries must be received by September 18.

Got something to say or know of a great story idea? Let The Fringe know... Email or write to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi Every issue of The Fringe (and the Titirangi Tatler before it) since April 2011 is on-line at Like us on Facebook ( FringeWest) to hear when each issue is available and get other updates. please support our advertisers – they support us

21,000 copies delivered free to letter boxes, post boxes, libraries and selected outlets throughout Titirangi, Glen Eden, Green Bay, New Lynn, Kelston, Konini, Wood Bay, French Bay, South Titirangi, Waima, Woodlands Park, Laingholm, Parau, Cornwallis, Huia and Oratia.

Published by: Fringe Media Ltd, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi, Auckland 0642

Editor: Bevis England 817 8024, 027 494 0700


Features: Moira Kennedy 021 723 153

Writers and contributors: David Thiele, Naomi McCleary, Susannah Bridges, Fiona Drummond, Zoe Hawkins and Michael Andrew.

Advertising deadline for October 2020: September 18. The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


our place

Don’t let the rain run away!

It might have rained since this photo of Nihoputu Dam was taken but we are still in a drought and water restrictions remain in place.

It might be raining as you read this but the situation for Auckland’s water supply network remains dire. At August 20, our dams were about 62% full and the likelihood of more rain over the rest of August was relatively low. Auckland’s drought is unlikely to be broken in the near future and water restrictions will remain in place. But there is something that can be done: storing the rain water that falls on our roofs and using it to water gardens, flush toilets, wash cars and even drink (with appropriate treatment) has become easier. Auckland Council has announced it is scrapping resource consent fees for the installation of rainwater tanks at residential properties. Other measures to encourage residential rainwater collection are also being considered by the council, including removing the current consenting requirements for rain tanks in residential zones through a change to the Auckland Unitary Plan, and making water tanks a requirement for new developments. Mayor Phil Goff says household rainwater tanks can play an important role in Auckland’s overall water conservation, and the change is long overdue. “It makes sense to capture the rainwater that falls on our roofs, ease the pressure of sudden downpours on our stormwater system and utilise the water for things like watering the garden and washing the car. “As we face the worst drought in our history, using rainwater also eases the demand on our water supplies. "With continued drier than usual weather predicted for winter and spring, we need to look at every option for supplementing our water supply to offset a critical shortage of water this summer.

“If only one percent of Auckland’s urban households were to use a rainwater tank in the winter seasons to cover their entire non-potable requirements this could equate to approximately one million litres per day of water over winter being served by rain tanks instead of Auckland’s dams,” Phil Goff says. Tank size, water usage in the household, household occupant numbers and seasonal rainfall will impact the degree to which rainwater tanks can contribute to household water supply, so naturally these variants would need to be considered before choosing a tank. This new initiative is also supported by a new Do I need a Consent? tool for rainwater tanks, launched on the Auckland Council website. The tool helps people through the consenting process and provides basic compliance advice. Planning Committee chair, Councillor Chris Darby, says “This is the right time of year for people to install a tank, when rainfall is traditionally at its highest, so Auckland Council has streamlined the process to encourage the installation of as many tanks as possible in homes across Auckland. “Rainwater tanks don’t just retain a supply of water for toilet flushing, laundry use and outside taps, they also help alleviate flooding. Using rainwater can also mean lower water supply charges as well as lower volumetric wastewater charges. “The financial and environmental benefits combined with the streamlined process make installing a rainwater tank more attractive than ever,” he said. Residents taking advantage of the resource consent fee waiver to install a tank will still need to comply with resource, building and health and safety codes, and use licensed installation professionals where required. Qualifying criteria will be provided on the Auckland Council website. Under Auckland’s Unitary Plan, resource consent is often required when installing domestic tanks to ensure they meet development standards such as its proximity to a boundary. If a tank is to be connected to internal plumbing to use for toilet flushing or laundry use a building consent is also needed. However, some tanks for external water use are exempt from needing a building consent. More information about these exemptions and installing rainwater tanks can be found on the Auckland Council website.

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers

our place

Woodlands Park gets food pantry A new Woodlands Park Free Food Pantry (also known as pataka kai) has been installed outside 20 Minnehaha Avenue (next door to the kindergarten). Free Food Pantries are resident-led, crowd-sourced solutions to immediate and local needs, rescuing food and encouraging sharing between neighbours to strengthen communities. Whether you need food or have food to share, a free food pantry facilitates neighbours helping neighbours. The idea is to take what you need and leave what you can. The Pantry is a community effort and is open 24/7 with no appointment required, no form filling, no criteria, no donation tin and no money exchanged. Local resident Tracy Wahrlich who is coordinating this new initiative says “if you need something, help yourself and if you can leave something, know that your community thanks you. Those who wish to contribute may do so whenever convenient.” The pantry is only for food, non-perishable, shelf-stable and fruit and veggies from your garden. Do not leave pre-cooked or hot food and ensure that food you drop off is in a condition that you would eat yourself. Tinned and shelf-stable packet food is the best. Tracy is looking for contacts in the community who can secure weekly donations of rescued produce and shelf-stable food that would otherwise be thrown away. For more information, the pantry is on Facebook (search for Woodlands Park Free Food Pantry) and Instagram (#woodlandsparkfreefoodpantry) or you can email Tracy on

Watercare Services has begun the restoration of the old Nihotupu filter station. The 1980s 3-level office addition to the north of the building has been demolished with the intention of making the heritage building more secure. Last summer, some of the wooden structures at the rear of the addition were set alight by vandals. The future purpose of the historic building at the junction of Scenic Drive, Woodlands Park Road and Exhibition Drive is yet to be finalised although many ideas have been suggested, including a café and a museum. What would you like to see there? Let The Fringe know by emailing info@ or writing to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi.

‘The system is the problem’ Good maintenance is one of the keys to Auckland’s long-term financial stability. It’s not Covid-19 stopping Council from making ends meet, nor is it climate change causing our drains to overflow. It’s Council’s own fault. The cancellation of scheduled maintenance in favour of only responding to complaints about maintenance issues (deceptively named ‘outcomes based maintenance’) is just reducing maintenance spending in the false belief this saves money when it really just drives up capital expenditure. A lot of Council’s capital costs are a result of a lack of maintenance. This is particularly true in the areas of roading and drainage. Council has lost touch with the practical actions of cleaning drains and fixing roads because they no longer directly employ the people doing these jobs. Of course there are good knowledgeable people within Council, but they’re constrained by (amongst other things) risk management procedures where the procedural costs have not been evaluated against the level of risk, and this is leading to extraordinary sums of money being needed for small and simple maintenance. To make matters worse Council is both the procurer looking for the lowest price, and in most cases also the regulator looking for the highest standard.

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Council then front-loads bulk funding, but as the contract period progresses Council applies variations, often by way of dictating changes to required work practices, but due to their remoteness from the practical work Council fails to recognise and/or understand the extra costs the contractors incur. This results in maintenance jobs being divided into smaller and smaller portions, each being done by single action, lowest price subcontractors with little or no understanding of each other’s operational roles. To paraphrase, ‘the system is the problem’. So how do we fix it? Well, in my humble opinion, Council needs to set a maximum geographic size for ‘maintenance contract areas’ regardless of population density and manage maintenance services within each area with a dedicated team that has its own procurement budget. These locally based teams should oversee a wider range of maintenance problems on behalf of the entire Council family, coordinating with CCO’s and utility providers. Auckland Council regularly trumpets the virtues of emergency preparedness, and of building resilient communities, These objectives will never be achieved without well-maintained infrastructure. – Ken Turner

The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


places to go

FRIDAY 25th SEPT. 6:30PM-9PM Speaker & Supper Evening A progressive and informative evening of leading edge speakers, as we weave together inspiration and solution into the topic of resilience with Niki HarrĂŠ, John Lawry, Andrew Chin, Hone Edmonds, and Dr. Jaqs Clarke. SATURDAY 26th SEPT. 8:45AM-8:30PM Full day offering of workshops Over 40 different workshops for the whole family, including: Circus, Stilt walking, Rongoa Plant Medicine, Water, Metal and Clay workshops, Wood Whittling, Bush Craft, Biodynamics, Permaculture, Seed Saving, Native Plant Propagation, Art and Sculpture, Story Telling, Dance, Drumming, Health and Wellbeing and much more... Book now at eventbrite for day passes: Titirangi Earth Festival

Got something on your mind? Let The Fringe know: Email or write to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi

Proudly Supporting our Local Community The merged practices of Thomas & Co Lawyers Ltd and Titirangi Law Centre are able to meet your every legal requirement. Ray Ganda and Don Thomas have many years of experience working in the Titirangi and New Lynn areas. Now, along with the Directors and staff of the combined practices, a wider range of skills and resources is offered. See our website,, for more details of our history and personnel. We continue to maintain and improve our level of service for our community and clients. There is always someone here with the necessary knowledge and experience to assist with any legal matters that might arise. Give us a call, or come in and visit us. We welcome enquiries and are happy to answer any questions. Details of our office location and on-site parking can be found on our website. We have lift access and are also handy to the Bus/ Train Interchange. Visiting our offices is convenient and easy.



The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

2nd Floor, 3 Totara Avenue, New Lynn (09) 827 5907 advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers


Teacher’s encouragement bears fruit 30 years later When Amy McDaid was a student at Titirangi Primary School in the late 1980s, her teacher Mr Smallfield, told her she would be a writer one day and she believed him. Just over 30 years later Mr Smallfield’s encouragement and faith in Amy’s early ability came to fruition with the recent publication of her debut novel Fake Baby. Much of the novel is set in the Titirangi and Green Bay area where Amy still lives and she says she was driven to write from childhood. “I love language, words, books. I was an early reader and hardly ever watched TV,” she says. “I love to write, I need to write. Writing is part of who I am.” She says she was “middling in high school English” and after leaving school did a nursing degree but continued to write short stories and poetry. For the past 12 years Amy years has been a neo-natal nurse at NICU, Auckland Hospital’s newborn intensive care unit. But writing never went away and as well as her fulltime job and a little girl of her own, Amy undertook a masters degree in creative writing at Auckland University in 2017. She won the Sir James Wallace prize which recognised the student taking the degree as having completed the highest-quality manuscript. She says the financial prize bought her time to take a year off work and help pay childcare costs for her daughter while she wrote full time. “I didn’t expect to get published,” Amy says. “Publishers only take on about one book a year from about 1,000 applications.” In 2019 she was the one selected by Penguin Random House New Zealand, and a year later Fake Baby was launched. The book tackles the themes of grief, anxiety and mental illness in a story of three intersecting lives over a nine-day period in Auckland. “I didn’t set out to write a novel about mental distress and while the characters are very much invented, I have worked in mental health areas in my job as a nurse. I’ve had personal experience too. I had a brother, Carl, who committed suicide when 16, and my brother Nicholas has bipolar disorder. I’ve had depression and anxiety on and off. “I didn’t know what I was going to write and had no structure when I started it,” Amy says. “I started with characters and took time to get to know them. I had an idea, then another idea and then another. I had to spend time in the characters’ worlds

to see how the story unfolded. “Walking is extremely valuable for writing. Many of my ideas came from walking 35-40 minutes each day. There’s something in the repetitive nature of step after step after step that just triggered ideas and thoughts.” Readers have been quick to comment on Amy’s vividly drawn characters. “A sharp satire on modern life. Wonderful dialogue. It was hard to put down,” wrote one. Others have admired this ‘intelligently written novel’; ‘superb, darkly humorous’; ‘a beautiful story of three characters with varying mental health issues. Their stories are told sensitively with laugh out loud moments’; ‘wry, lyrical and touching – a beautiful work.’ “The whole process has been stressful but also really enjoyable and exciting ... a bit like a roller coaster, but I’m really happy to have the book out there.” Amy says the seeds of another novel are already planted in her mind. “The character is called Cerys and she’s a bit of a trouble-maker. That’s all I’ll say but I’m looking forward to spending more time with her.” And Mr Smallfield? “I’ve been able to track him down on the North Shore and I’ve sent him a copy, thanking him for his encouragement.”

Local writer Amy McDaid: “Walking is extremely valuable for writing.”

– Moira Kennedy




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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


art & about with naomi mccleary

Ruminations on Level 3 Writing from inside the disappointment that is Level 3, where the magic of where we are and who we are wasn’t quite enough to thwart the invisible menace of Covid-19, this quote from Gertrude Stein has got me thinking: After all, any-body is as their land and air is. Any-body is as the sky is low or high. Any-body is as there is wind or no wind there. That is what makes a people, makes their kind of looks, their kind of thinking, their subtlety and their stupidity, and their eating and their drinking and their language.


Another writer on the demise of America as a world power talks about the pride of tradition, fidelity to the land, a spirit of place. I love that notion of fidelity to the land. Maybe the art of being in Aotearoa is that we are constantly in conversation about place as an entity, the environment as a treasure to be nurtured, language/s and the dignity we accord them in our public life. arts contribute significantly to that conversation. 1 The 15/11/16 16:33 (Note: If you want to hear te reo Māori seamlessly

woven into conversation in a wonderfully accessible way, tune in to Breakfast on TV1 and listen to Jenny-May Clarkson.) Back in the real world, you may be reading this in an Auckland released from restriction. However, in that perilously poised world of events and specifically arts events, decisions must be made. We now know that we can go from relative freedom to lockdown in 24 hours. Talk about ‘pivoting’ (currently a much overused word)! We’ve discovered that Covid-19 can pivot too. Events on the cusp of happening are being cancelled or postponed. Titirangi Theatre’s Waiting for God now consigned to a November season. That means the arc of a production; cast rehearsed and ready to fire; now on hold and rhythm lost for the time being. For those with a more generous timeline there is still a gamble. How to calculate the risks? What are the costs, both literal and figurative, of retreating to the online world. The Going West Festival has been much blessed by the time and resources to create a podcast platform of broadcast quality recordings from its 24 year archive. The joy of releasing this work into the wider community has been such a blessing. But naturally the conversation has turned to a live event and to new content, especially in this 25th anniversary year. And there is so much that writers and thinkers have to contribute to the discourse around our dance with this pandemic; as do poets, playwrights and songsters. At this point it may be an online forum of celebration, of serious conversation, of music, theatre and oratory. It may be able to showcase the beauty of the Waitākere Ranges and the character of urban West Auckland. Keep an eye on all this through the website. In the meantime dig into the podcasts. Te Pou Theatre on the Corban Estate has been faced with the same dilemma. Traditionally their Kōanga (Spring) Festival occupies the month of September with stories told through performances, play readings and whānau celebrations. It’s a time for new and sometimes controversial work and a launch pad for emerging Māori writers. WHYTANGI??, set for a touring season, will now be filmed and go online. Inspired by a cover-note from Henry Williams, I certify that the above is as literal a translation of the Tiriti o Waitangi as the idiom of the language will admit of, WHYTANGI?? brings together six Māori playwrights to

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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general election

Together, we can do this present a bilingual collection of cheeky short plays that respond to his condescending assessment of te reo Māori, the perils of translation, the impact of our treaty partnership and what it might be like if the tables were turned. Again, keep a watch on the Te Pou website for updates on this and other online treasures. Performance isn’t the only victim. With our galleries temporarily closed and exhibitions on hold there is an opportunity to find fresh paths to visual arts. Imagine the frustration of creating an exhibition to a deadline, and with the intention of having an audience responding in real-time and in a visceral way, suddenly snatched away – hopefully only temporarily. But if you need a fix and galleries remain or are closed again, I can recommend the McCahon100 online project. Here you will find literally dozens of responses to each individual writer’s chosen McCahon work. The range is extraordinary; from well-known arts commentators to writers, collectors and curators; from all ages; from the sophisticated to those who simply have a gut response and a love of his work. It’s easy to access and can be dipped into time and time again. Another accessible treasure is Olympic Park (off Wolverton Road in New Lynn). This awardwinning park has, along with a raft of environmental features, artworks by well-known artists. There is a large art bridge by Steve Woodward’s bridge at Olympic Park. Steve Woodward which links the two sides of the Whau River and provides a view over the whole park. The many easy walking routes take you to sculptures such as Louise Purvis’ Homage to Crown Lynn. On the Portage Road side of the park, leading towards the gymnasium, is a large black and red sculpture by artist Peter Nicholls. Its shape and form represents the confluence of the Waituarangi and Whau streams in Olympic Park, and the heritage of this site as a portage for transportation of waka. Metal eel sculptures by Whare Thompson lead the visitor to information about environmental and ecological issues that are particular to the site. Antonia Walmsley and Bill McKay’s sculpture Hinaki (eel trap), constructed by Murray Couling, also references the area and its history as a place to set traps. All this and more, including an inventive playground for children, make it Hinaki: Aintonia Walmsley, Bill McKay and Murray a great walking and Couling. picnic destination. And so we forge on, masked and with hands raw from washing! Despite all, our arts and culture will twist and turn and emerge refreshed and ready to create meaning and sustain hope.

As I write this, Auckland is again in a lockdown. Businesses are operating with closed doors, schools are open only for children of essential workers, and we are all staying home as much as possible. This seems familiar because we have done this before, but it is actually extraordinary. Covid-19 is again in our community, and we have again come together as a team of 5 million to defeat it. The biggest response is from the thousands of New Zealanders who have been tested for Covid-19. In the three days from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 August, over 75,000 tests were completed. That’s 1.5% of New Zealand’s population turning up to be tested. At the time of writing, no further incursions of Covid-19 have been detected in the community. I hope that as you are reading this, the news has remained good. But if it hasn’t, I know that we can still work as a team to look after each other, and help get each other through. The best thing we can do is to stay home if possible. The next best thing is to wear a mask. Wearing a mask won’t stop us being infected, but all the reputable research shows that it can help reduce the spread of infection. We can also wash our hands regularly, use hand sanitiser, and reduce physical contact with each other. All of these things help to reduce the chances of infection. Plus we can keep track of our movements using the NZ Covid Tracer app. It will help with contact tracing if the infection spreads in our community. None of these things works on their own. But each of them added together reduces the chances of Covid-19 taking hold. It’s the team of 5 million. Each of us on our own makes very little difference. But together, we can do this. – Deborah Russell, Labour MP (and candidate) for New Lynn

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


our place

Money for kauri urgently needed The Tree Council, Waitakere Ranges Protection Society and Forest & Bird have written to a number of Government ministers to request the funding Regional Councils urgently need to implement essential work to protect kauri. The three groups say that the Ministry for Primary Industries has failed to deliver the National Pest Management Plan and Kauri Dieback Management Agency despite two years of public consultation on the proposals and the government has taken its responsibility for managing the national Kauri Dieback Management Programme off the ministry. MPI’s bid to cabinet for a business as usual programme failed this year and they are now not funded to manage any of this work. In its place, the Regional Councils led by Northland and including Auckland and Waikato have stepped up to fill the void, manage the national programme and implement the outcomes of the draft National Pest Management Plan. The three groups believe that this will be a huge step forward in the protection of kauri, filling the void that has been present for the last decade. The Regional Councils are to bear the costs of administering and managing the programme themselves, avoiding the need for a national Management Agency to do this and saving the government an estimated $20-60m. The proposal by Northland Regional Council will also create 100 jobs in the community to do the work on the ground. However, in order for the Regional Councils to be able to do this work effectively they need financial support from the government to fund operational work such as surveillance, vector control, hygiene and track upgrades. The Tree Council’s Secretary Dr Mels Barton says “This is the best news for kauri that we’ve had in a decade. “It is fantastic that the Regional Councils have stepped up to take control of implementing all the actions we have been demanding that MPI do for so long. The government needs to urgently support them by funding this work to give kauri a fighting chance of survival. Any further delays will threaten the future of this taonga and bring it to the brink of extinction. In New Zealand’s Covid recovery what better gift to the nation than the protection of this iconic and unique species,” Mels says.

A new conservation website has been launched to connect communities and answer the public’s questions about conservation projects around the region. Have you ever wanted to know what environmental activities are happening in your area or where your closest local community group to become involved with is? Have you been wanting to learn how to take action in your backyard to enhance the natural environment? Auckland Council’s conservation website Tiaki Tāmaki Makaurau | Conservation Auckland gives answers to all those questions. The site is a collaboration between mana whenua, the Department of Conservation, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and Forest & Bird, along with input from many of the region’s conservation community. “The newly created website helps Aucklanders to do good for conservation by providing them the tools and knowledge to take action to protect and improve the natural environment,” says Councillor Richard Hills, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee. The new site provides resources readily available to groups and the public to promote and grow effective and responsible conservation practices across the region. You can find the site at https://www.


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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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keeping it local

Why shop local?

The Fringe wants to help our businesses and community groups recover from the stresses of lockdown and makes space on these pages available for advertisers and non-commercial organisations, at no charge. To be included in our next issue, email info@fringemedia. before September 18.

In this day and age shopping local is primarily a healthy choice: we don’t want to go too far and we want to see local, friendly faces and if we can walk or cycle to grab our grocery supplies, even better! Organics Out West is able to source fresh produce locally and from small enterprise growers so this keeps the economy of the local community growing. Busy local businesses maintain a vibrancy and sense of community that expands into the homes of those who live nearby and creates long term wellbeing. All the staff at Organics Out West live locally and are good at giving local directions and suggestions. Organics Out West is just one of the many great reasons to visit Glen Eden!

Meet Graham Hahn Graham Hahn opened his doors over 30 years ago in Glen Eden. Back then he was known as Mr Mowers and was located directly opposite to where they are now on West Coast Road. Graham has lived in West Auckland all his life, played club sport locally, raised his family with his wife Jane and is not ready to retire just yet. He says he doesn’t have time. Graham is very much the heart of the Stihl Shop. He has had customers coming to him for as long as the shop has been open. Now he is even lucky enough to have their children come in and one day hopefully their children. Graham is lucky to have his daughter, Morgan, working alongside him in-store. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree as Morgan is ranked one of Stihl Shop’s top sales people within New Zealand. That’s out of 400 staff in over 70 stores nationwide. Graham likes to keep busy. The short hours you don’t find him at work you can find him at the gym, playing tennis or catching up with his family in Laingholm. Even in lockdown he is busy, providing essential services or you could find him outside with his trusty chainsaws catching up on a spot of tree maintenance. Stihl Shop Glen Eden is located at 93 West Coast road Glen Eden, open 6 days for all your outdoor power equipment and barbecuing needs.

Council land sales

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Not too far away from that property is one that was sold 25 years ago for $150,000. Recently Council was leasing it back from the subsequent purchaser for the same amount each year. The land is now worth a great deal more and if developed properly could prove to be a significant addition to the area. We certainly live in difficult financial times. But land by its nature can have significant strategic, environmental and community benefits. We should protect public ownership of land as much as possible.

The Waitakere Ranges Local Board Future West team are (left to right) Mark Allen, Saffron Toms, Sandra Coney and Greg Presland. Advertisement

During the emergency budget allowances were made for land sales to help fund what was appearing to be a significant deficit. The councillors worked under extreme pressure to analyse a large number of properties that they had to make quick decisions about. And the time and fiscal pressures were considerable. The decision unfortunately has had adverse local consequences. There are four properties tagged for sale in the near future. Two are strips between residential properties and we have no objection to them being sold. The other two are more problematic however. One is a section in Laingholm that was purchased for storm water purposes. It is in an area that suffers from flooding and was purchased for stormwater purposes. It has two streams running by it. It is also next to a reserve area, and is in an area where there has been considerable local efforts to improve water quality. The value of the property must be low and building restrictions would be considerable. But it has significant ecological value and if at all possible should be preserved. The second property is a bush clad property on Scenic Drive, originally purchased for Project Twin Streams. It has high quality quite magnificent bush on it and it would be a shame to lose it, especially of there are good urban water quality reasons for its retention. Again it would be a difficult property to build on and we believe that there is a strong argument for it to be retained. There is also a property at 300 West Coast Road that is one of a later group of properties that Council wants to sell. The local board is also opposed to this sale. It is contaminated and its remediation costs would be considerable and no doubt its value would be low. And it is valuable green space in the middle of Glen Eden which will become more and more precious as Glen Eden continues to intensify.

The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


places to go Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like


listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person wherever possible. August 30, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on tvm. or phone 022 631 9436.


August 31, Waitakere Ranges Protection Society AGM with guest speakers Gary Taylor and Raewyn Peart; Arataki Visitors Centre, Scenic Drive, Titirangi; 7pm; Phone Sandra Jones 021 027 73067 or email Please note that the Arataki entrance gate automatically locks at 7.00pm so if you are running late and arrive after 7pm, park on Scenic Drive and walk through.


september – 6, Down under cover, an energetic series of paintings by internationally-renowned contemporary artist Philippa Blair; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road. Phone 817 8070


– 13, Ka Puawaitia: Coming to fruition, Lissy and Rudi RobinsonCole connect a love and exploration of crochet with their hopes of sharing more contemporary understandings of Mātauranga Māori; Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Lebanon Lane, Henderson. Phone 838 4455.


– 13, Working towards meaning, an exhibition reflecting on Tim Wagg’s blurred relationship to Colin McCahon through his 2019 McCahon House residency and his role as a technician assisting on a McCahon restoration project; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road. Phone 817 8070.


– 13, WYF: Where You From, Ashleigh Taupaki, Atonia Vavao, Cyrille Paul Lim, Eva Fuemana, Hamish Raman, Jacob Hamilton, Jasmine Tuiā, Joseph Hisayasu, Mr Meeseeks, Taunese Puā (Fresh One Collective) partner with The Creative Souls Project, Whau the People, Creative New Zealand and Te Uru to bring a contemporary, young and fresh approach to how artist collectives interact with gallery spaces; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road. Phone 817 8070.


– 20, two4nine: Fishy business, a playful and colourful collection of works by ‘two4nine’, the artists of A Supported Life’s creative hub, who are motivated by a belief in the authentic creativity in their works; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road. Phone 817 8070.


w – 27, Thinking about thinking about the future, a post-lockdown group exhibition featuring works by Anna Sew Hoy, Dane Mitchell, Edith Amituanai, Josephine Cachemaille, Paul Cullen, Laura Duffy and Aliyah Winter; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road. Phone 817 8070. w

2, Clothing Swap, a charity event run in conjunction with Plunket

and 'One for her'; Green Bay Community House, 1 Barron Drive, Green Bay; 7-9pm. Phone 827 3300. 2 and 16, PowerTalk Waitākere, teaching you the Public Speaking skills needed to be confident in front of others; Kelston Community Centre, corner Awaroa and Great North Roads; 7.30pm. Phone Sheridan 828 7999 or 027 282 8799.


6, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732.


w 6, The Mountain Film Festival, The most popular package of award winning films from this year’s Wanaka Film Festival. Two hours of adrenaline fuelled films...Kayaking in the Andes and Greenland, Climbing in Austria, Paragliding in Tanzania, K2 the killer mountain, Skiing the fourth highest mountain in the World. Prizes for lucky ticket numbers and mulled wine; Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House; 2:30pm; Tickets $15 Adult, $12 Senior/Student, and $10 under 14yrs from Text bookings to 0210 222 5558. Full details at www. 7, Titirangi Residents & Ratepayers Association Annual General Meeting and Meet the Election Candidates; Titirangi Presbyterian Church Hall, Atkinson Rd; 6.30pm; Please bring cash for membership ($5), koha and raffle. Phone 021 213 7779 or email melsbarton@


11, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484.


11, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, guest speaker and morning tea; Friendship Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 10am-12noon. Phone Laurie 820 2234.


12, Mostly Craft Presents Welcome 0 Spring, a happy interactive children’s story and refreshments; St Francis Church, corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 1.30-3.30pm; Entry – koha for Auckland City Mission. Phone Elaine 817 9555.


w 12, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Lothlorien, floor singers first half; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 8pm; $12, $8 for members, under 18 free. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289. 14, Henderson Falls Combined Friendship Club – fun, friendship and fellowship with speakers and frequent outings; Henderson Bowling Club, 2/20 Alderman Drive, Henderson; 10am.Contact Fern 416 0004 or 0274 720 378.


15, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635.


17, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email gary@


Linda Cooper Linda Cooper Linda Cooper

Councillor for Waitākere Councillor for Waitākere Councillor for Waitākere feel free to Please feelPlease free contact me with Please feel to free to contact me with contact me with issuesissues or ideas or ideas issues or ideas

213 – 215 Woodlands Park Road, Titirangi, Auckland 0604 021 629 533 021 629 021533 629 533 Phone: 09 817 8495 or 09 6188


The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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places to go

l WHERE IT’S AT: • Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mount Lebanon

Lane, Henderson; 10am-4.30pm daily. 838 4455,

w 18, Flicks presents School Life (M), a comedy/drama from France; Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House; 10.30am, 6pm, 8.15pm; $15/ $12/$10 from and on the door. Text bookings to 0210 222 5558. Trailers and details on

• EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic

19, Lions Club Book Sale; New Lynn Friendship Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Phone Mary 027 487 0639.

• Flicks cinema, Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House.


19 – November 22, On the last afternoon: Disrupted ecologies and the work of Joyce Campbell, the first substantial presentation of artist Joyce Campbell’s photo- and media-based practice. Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road. Phone 817 8070.


21, Henderson Falls Combined Friendship Club – fun, friendship and fellowship with speakers and frequent outings; Henderson Bowling Club, 2/20 Alderman Drive, Henderson; 10am.Contact Fern 416 0004 or 0274 720 378.


22, Titirangi U3A – meet interesting people 60-years and older; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm. Contact 818 8890, 027 699 5480 or


25, Glen Eden Combined Probus Club welcomes retirees for fellowship and guest speakers; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 9.45am. Phone Brian Holt 838.


25, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Friday Folk and Jam, an informal singaround; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 7.30pm; $5. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289.


26, Toy Swap, a community event run by local children to swap toys with each other for the upcoming school holidays. Sausage sizzle and bake sale. Drop off toys a by September 19; Green Bay Community House, 1 Barron Drive, Green Bay; 10am-2pm. Phone 827 3300.


w 27, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on tvm. or phone 022 631 9436.

october October 2, Flicks presents ... film to be confirmed; Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House. Trailers and details on www.flickscinema.

Place, New Lynn; Wednesday – Sunday 10am-2pm. 826 4276, 818 2489,

• Kelston Community Centre, corner of Awaroa and Great North Roads, Kelston.

• McCahon House Museum, 67 Otitori Bay

Road, Titirangi; Wednesday – Sunday 1-4pm, except public holidays. 817 6148, mccahon@

• Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden. 818 5751.

• Te Toi Uku – Clay Works, 8 Ambrico Place, New Lynn; Tuesday –Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-3pm. Phone 827 7349, www.

• Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery,

420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Tuesday – Sunday 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 8087,

• Titirangi Theatre, Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell

House; Titirangi. 817 5812, infoline 817 5951,

• Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House, 418 Titirangi Road; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 4278,

• West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha;

Wednesday – Sunday, 10am–4pm. 812 8029, www.


October 4, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732.


October 9, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484.



17, Waitakere Forest & Bird Lecture Series: Professor Roger Davies on the scientific dilemmas of climate change, where are we now and what is a NET?; Kelston Community Centre, corner Awaroa and Great North Roads; 7.30pm; koha appreciated to cover hall hire. Phone Liz 027 476 2732 or email


There is so much happening in and around our community, including many weekly events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. To find out more about whatever you are interested in, visit:

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bandstanding: music in the west with susannah bridges

“Music is definitely my happy place.” It seems incredulous today that any Morris van. It was a lot of fun and a young person would leave home at two-woman duo was a novelty back the age of 15, let alone actually be then. Becky eventually returned to able to look after themselves. But the US and after a few other duo that’s exactly what Dana Sulikosky partners, I played solo – just me and did. Two years later she was playing my acoustic guitar. I did my backing bass in a band and touring the tracks playing the bass and recording country, living life on the road as a the drum machine on cassette tape. musician on the brewery circuit back There were plenty of gigs and I played in the days when, yes folks, you could weekly at places that aren’t even actually make a decent living from there anymore – The Alex, The DB doing exactly that. Royal International (that was pulled Presumably it wasn’t a problem that down for the arcade in Elliot Street). I young Dana was under-age to enter also played the Victoria Park markets: most of her own early gigs, but I back then it had a really good vibe!” guess these things didn’t matter so Dana left the music scene in 1991 much then either. At 17 Dana met to focus on being a Mum when Rick Warren, who was then in a band she became pregnant with her son called Hazy Daze and playing the Lion Jordan. “I sold my gear and actually Circuit – a regular rotating gig circuit settled down. At first I missed it but with bands playing most nights of the not the rowdy, smoke-filled bars and week in Lion Breweries pubs across what went with them.” the country. A new band was formed Then came a change of direction in which Dana would play bass. “I Dana Sulikosky performing with Danny and the Destroyers. and Dana studied massage and had played acoustic guitar through my early teens so this seemed like aromatherapy. “I loved my new life.” Daughter Aaliyah was born in a good transition. Playing live for me was incredibly scary at first. I 2002 and when she reached school age Dana began training as a yoga remember my first gig trembling to my toes, but I made it and didn’t teacher. “With amazing support from my family, I was sole parent to look back until I was 33! two children, I worked part time and was massaging from home. I “Back in the 70s/80s, gigs were everywhere. We played a residency had corporate work around Auckland, so I supported my family with at the Te Atatu Tavern, got our sound together and then went on the massage and yoga classes and I also taught in various gyms.” road. Our band was called City Limits and under the management Then 2017 arrived, a year Dana describes a perfect storm: “a dental of Cammy Hill we played venues up and down the country – literally surgery that left me with permanent tinnitus, the passing of Jordan’s from Invercargill to Whangarei. At the time Cammy also managed then father and duo band mate Donn, and also of my last partner, and I unknown comedian Billy T James, as well as the Maori Hi Marks. We found myself under a very dark cloud.” But the darker the cloud the backed them both on their debut starring appearances – I remember brighter the lining as Dana suddenly found a renewed energy for music. being very nervous, but Billy T was as friendly as ever and always made “Out of the blue, I decided to buy myself a bass, a 12-string guitar us laugh!” and my favourite 6-string, a Taylor acoustic. My friend Mark (from the When the City Limits guitarist left to pursue a day job in 1978, the Topaz band in the 80s) contacted me in the light of recent events and band carried on as a trio, before Dana and Rick formed a second band, over dinner we decided that we would form a duo – and that was the Topaz, with new guitarist Mark Wenski, and they also became popular beginning of Night Moves. on the pub circuit. After Topaz disbanded Dana and Rick played as a “I practiced every day to get my skills up and learn new material duo and again hit the road. “We played at various pubs and Cobb & from Tracy Chapman, Norah Jones, Joni Mitchell, as well as revisit old Co’s, from Taupo to Blenheim and everywhere in between. In those favourites like Stevie Nicks, Sade, Rickie Lee Jones and so many more! days you played Tuesday to Saturday and got a decent pay cheque Mark and I sat in with a resident band in St Heliers and that gave us a each week.” good chance to play our new songs, get the sound together and make Next came duo High Heels with singer/guitar player, Becky Bush. new friends. We both play acoustic guitars (Mark also electric). Continued on page 19 >> “We were popular at The Alex in Parnell, and we hit the road in her

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our place I really wanted to write: “As you will all know by now, our production of Waiting for God was an enormous success. Well, we knew it would be. Many, many thanks are due to director Bob Lack and his very talented cast and crew. They all worked very hard, and the production showed that ...” But it didn’t happen that way! The recent period of Level Three lockdown threw all of our plans once more into limbo and this play, an adaptation from the television series of the same name has now been rescheduled for November 17 – 28, Covid permitting. The script by Michael Aitkens, who wrote the TV series, has been remastered for the stage, and is full of witty one-liners and put-downs. Bookings for the show can be made online at www. and at Titirangi Pharmacy, but you’ll need to be quick – some nights are already sold out. Our pantomime, Jack and the Giant Kauri Tree, which was to have been on stage in November has now been postponed until 2021. Written by Kerynn Walsh and Ella Bernstone, and directed by Terry Rutledge, it will be a celebration of all things Titirangi-ish – wandering chickens, kauri die-back, a forest ranger, Jacinderella the Fairy Godmother, surfer dudes – you think of it, it will be there. All the usual pantomime tricks are included: ‘Oh yes, you did’, ‘Oh no, I didn’t’, and ‘He’s behind you…’. We are delighted to be hosting our drama classes’ end-ofyear shows. This year, these will be divided into two sessions, the young ones at 6.30pm and the teenagers and adults at 7.30pm, on Thursday to Saturday, September 24-26, Covid permitting. The 10 junior actors, aged nine to 12, will present The Happy Alien, written and directed by tutor John Goudge. The town of Malantown is exposed to an other-worldly visitor, which has a profound effect on the mental state of the townsfolk. At 7.30pm, the youth and adult classes will showcase their talents in two plays. The Pet Therapist was written by the youth students along with John. It features nine actors aged 12 to 16 years, and focuses on a fox terrier named Spot, and a cat named Calico. Both animals have home-life problems they need to talk to their therapist about. The Curiosity Shop is a wartime story written by John and our adult students. Antiques in the shop bring up memories for war veteran William. What unfolds is a story spanning 50 years, during which a little girl will touch the lives of many. Bookings for these shows will be available on the website closer to the time. Note: Covid may make it necessary to film these shows for later screening. Assuming that we are back at Level One, our wardrobe is open for all your fancy dress needs: Wednesday, 4-6pm; Friday, 5-7pm; and Saturdays, 10am to midday. Please don’t forget to keep an eye on our website www. for upcoming events, plays, auditions, stories and pictures. – Phoebe Falconer

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At the Libraries In addition to all their regular programmes, our local libraries are organising two special events. At Titirangi Library there will be a special Father’s Day event on Saturday, September 5, 10.30-11.30am. This event is being facilitated by Brendon Smith from Kidz Need Dadz. Come along to make a special card for Dad (or Granddad) and join the library in a themed story time with guest readers from the Dadz community. Glen Eden Library is organising a Vegan Living Talk for Saturday September 26, 11:00am-12:00noon. Have you ever wondered about how your food choices affect your health? You are invited to join Amanda Sorenson from the Vegan Society and Dr Mark Craig as they shed light on that topic. Whether you’re a plant-based eater already or just ‘veg-curious’, anyone is welcome to come along and have a chat, ask questions, and share recipes and tips. The regular programmes at both libraries cater to a wide range of age groups and interests from Lego, after school makerspace clubs, Rhymetime and Wriggle and Rhyme. There will also be special programmes coming up for the school holidays, September 26 – October 11. Visit your local library to collect a flyer with all the details, or follow the library on Facebook. Glen Eden Library also offers a Job Cafe, every Wednesday, 1-3pm, during school term. Whau Ace Adult and Community Education offer free support and advice including preparing a CV, career guidance, job search, online job applications and cover letters. Please note: All events listed are subject to any Governmental Level change in response to Covid-19.

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


11/08/20 5:18 PM

our place

Post-Covid community spirit at work

The community playground at Barron Green, adjacent to the Green Bay Community House had been looking a bit neglected (above) but once the volunteers at the recent Neighbours Day had finished it looked much better (below).

Green Bay Community House recently ran a special Neighbours Day event. Originally scheduled for April 18, the event had to be postponed due to the Level Four lockdown that began in late March. The working bee eventually took place in early August and attracted a huge number of volunteers and helpers with over 30 adults and 20 children turning up to help with the gardening projects scheduled. “We were absolutely blown away with the community support we received for this event,” said Sara Mihaere, the Community Houses operations and project management assistant. “We were lucky enough to receive Neighbours Day funding, and this was used towards supplying our wonderful helpers with morning tea and lunch on the day. These treats were well received and gave the crew much needed energy to continue smashing through the jobs,” said Sara. “All the attendees mentioned the huge numbers of helpers, and how wonderful it was to see such great community spirit. We all left the event with full hearts and full bellies thanks to Neighbours Day!”

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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Ark in the Park appoints new programme manager It’s not ideal to start a new role that requires intensive fieldwork and community interaction, only for a level three lockdown to be enforced two weeks later. But Samantha Lincoln, Ark in the Park’s newly appointed programme manager, is taking it all in her stride. After moving up to Waitākere from Palmerston North, Samantha stepped into the role in late July, officially replacing outgoing manager Gillian Wadams as the head of West Auckland’s acclaimed conservation project. Her first three weeks were spent getting her head around the new role, figuring our her priorities and the state of conservation in the Ark. As of mid-August, she’d been doing all of this from her home office in Titirangi due to level three restrictions. However, she’s spent enough time out in the bush to know how to work well in isolation. “I spent the last two years working with DOC doing vegetation surveys,” she says. “So I covered the whole of the North Island and some of the South, usually working for 15 days straight running around the forest or getting thrown in there on a helicopter. “It was amazing but you have the occasional day when you miss a shower or talking to someone other than your three team mates.” In between finishing her masters in Biosecurity and Conservation at the University of Auckland in 2016, she’s undertaken gecko monitoring, pest plant control and spent a summer on Rakiura/Stewart Island looking after the New Zealand southern dotterel. “Unlike their northern cousins, those guys don’t live on beaches, but on the mountain tops. We learned that the hard way once. “I discovered a lot of new tree names. And I think one my favourite things I’ve ever seen was working in Fiordland and seeing cloud waterfalls.” Samantha speaks with a curious North American accent, courtesy of a stint living in Canada. However, she was born on the North Island’s East Coast and is of Ngāti Porou descent. Of all the many places she’s lived and worked in New Zealand, her favourite place is Anaura Bay on the East Coast, the home of her family marae. So, notwithstanding any delays or disruptions from Covid-19, what has she got on the agenda for Ark in the Park? “A lot of hand over,” she says. “I’ve been looking at what has been completed, the impact that Covid

lockdown has had on the project and the amount of field work the team have been able to get done. “The best thing about this job is getting to put all my university knowledge together with all of the practical field work experience that I have.” During the initial level four and level three lockdown earlier this year, restrictions on volunteer conservation work meant very little fieldwork took place. However, with breeding season approaching Samantha says the Ark team has plenty to do once they’re able to get back in the bush. “They’re an amazing team and the outgoing project manager has been incredibly supportive,” she says. “We’ll be monitoring the kōkako in the lead up to breeding season. As well as learning the job and the volunteers’ names, I’ve also got a big family of kōkako to meet and greet and I have to learn who nested with who last year, and who’s nesting with who this year, and the drama going on with that.” Other than pest control and bird monitoring, Samantha’s also aware than any work will have to factor in the on-going protection of vulnerable kauri from kauri dieback disease. “We’ve got some special and not yet infected kauri ecosystems, but we do have some areas where it’s just heart breaking watching the trees fall apart. “But I’ve got to make sure I learn everything I can first. I want to make sure that what we do at the Ark isn’t just limited to the Ark but focusing on things like Predator Free 2050 and working with other conservation groups so we have landscape-scale suppressions. Just one back yard is not enough, we need a nationwide effort.” – Mick Andrew

Samantha Lincoln: “Just one backyard is not enough, we need a nationwide effort.”

For more information about Ark in the Park, and to get involved in this volunteer-staffed project visit https://

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


naturally west with fiona drummond

Got the springtime sniffles?

Above: Privet in flower. Below: The Acacia tree family are prolific pollen producers. Photo by Scott Hammond.

For more information on the trees, weeds and grass types that cause hay fever and pollen distribution times, check out the Allergy New Zealand Annual Pollen Calendar at nz and visit pestplants. for more information on how to eradicate common pest plants.

Springtime should be a cheerful time of year with the arrival of tree blossom and spring bulbs, but it can be miserable if you suffer from hay fever. I live with a hay fever sufferer who, as a child, had quite severe allergies triggered by plants. Last month we were in rural Nelson on a hillside, and watched in amazement as clouds of pine tree pollen drifted downwind after a period of settled, still weather turned gusty. It was so thick and visible that although we were some distance from the pine trees, we could detect a pollen layer on our mobile phone screens. Surprisingly my husband suffered no hay fever symptoms. People with hay fever that erupts in spring are most likely allergic to a wind-assisted pollen, with grass pollen being the most common allergen. The Allergy New Zealand website www. a l l e r g y. o r g . n z advises that preventative medication, such as nasal cortico-steroid sprays and oral histamines, can reduce and control symptoms for most people. Make sure you are shown how to use the nasal sprays and, if possible, start these a few weeks before the start of spring to give them time to take effect. In addition to medication, you can also try to reduce your exposure to pollen. First, it is important to know that the highest levels are generally in the early morning, when plants release their pollen grains, and on dry, windy days when a lot of pollen will be blowing in the air. Thunderstorms in spring and summer can also be a high-risk time for people with grass pollen allergy. Here are some tips for reducing pollen exposure: • Keep windows and doors closed overnight particularly during thunderstorms and on windy days. If possible, use a ventilation or air conditioning system with a good filter to keep cool.



• Stay indoors on windy days or during and after thunderstorms. If you need to go out, wear a mask and take a non-drowsy antihistamine. • Keep car windows closed and use the air recycle setting. • Plan outdoor activities when pollen counts are lowest, such as in the late afternoon or during cool, wet weather. • Avoid hanging washing outdoors during high pollen days. If possible, use an indoor drying rack or the clothes dryer. • In your garden, limit grassy areas, or get someone else to mow the lawns. Use plants that self-pollinate or are insect pollinated. There are some well known New Zealand pest plants that are large pollen producers although not all are the allergy catalysts they are assumed to be. Privet: This evergreen tree produces pollen from late spring (November) up to early autumn (March). It has a highly scented flower, which is an irritant to most allergy sufferers, but is not a strong allergen. Skin prick tests in patients with allergic rhinitis rarely get positive reactions to privet. Most people who think they are allergic to privet are actually allergic to ryegrass. There are four species of privet in New Zealand, and all their leaves and berries are poisonous to both people and animals. It is also an environmental pest that crowds out other trees and impedes seed germination, although it is much loved by bees. To control privet, it is recommended to paint the cut stumps with Escort paste. Wattle: Also known as Acacia, wattle trees are frequently blamed for early spring hay fever symptoms but tests rarely confirm that wattle pollen is the cause. However, dense stands of wattle are a serious threat to regenerating bush. To control wattle, paint the tree stumps with Tordon. Wattle trees can also be ringbarked with the bare wood painted with Tordon. Gorse: The pollen season for gorse is a whopping nine months of the year, from autumn (March) until the end of spring in November. And while the evidence connecting it to hay fever remains anecdotal, gorse is known to produce copious amounts of pollen and is widespread throughout New Zealand. While it's easy to hate this prickly pest, gorse is an important food source for bees and pollinators, especially in winter, as well as an important nursery plant for regenerating bush. Use gels such as Tordon or Vigilant for gorse control. Introduced plants and trees are the most troublesome source of allergenic pollen in New Zealand, with common plants such as Perennial Ryegrass, English Plantain, and Silver Birch being some of the worst.




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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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sustainable solutions with fiona drummond

Product stewardship at work The government’s recent declaration that tyres, electronic waste, plastic packaging, agrichemicals and their containers and refrigerants were “priority products” has the approval of the New Zealand Product Stewardship Council which sees it as a turning point in how the country manages products moving through our economy, and another step towards the circular, zero-waste future to which many of us aspire. The law now requires that product stewardship schemes need to be developed for each of the declared priority products. This is the first time this requirement has been spelt out since the establishment of the Waste Minimisation Act in 2008. When producers are responsible for their waste, it creates a real incentive to redesign products to be more reusable, repairable, recyclable, or waste-free. Product stewardship is the key to an increase in reusable packaging systems, to the use of materials that we can recycle on-shore, and to electronics we can actually repair. The New Zealand Product Stewardship Council recommends that schemes go a step further than enhanced recycling, preferring more transformative systems that reduce and ultimately design out waste. Achieving this requires a focus on outcomes at the top of the waste hierarchy – preventing and reducing waste and reusing resources, with recycling being a last resort.

Ecostore – refill and recycle

It is great to see some of the more eco-conscious organisations quickly taking their product stewardship to the next level. Ecostore have always complemented the sale of their household and body-care products with a nationwide network of refilling stations and they are now offering consumers a network of bottle drop locations where their containers can be returned, reducing pressure on Council’s recycling system. Locations are listed on their website: https://recall. EcoMatters in New Lynn has been a refill station out west for Ecostore products, along with GoodFor Wholefoods in Lynnmall. EcoMatters operate a ‘swap-abottle system’. Customers can bring in their clean empty Ecostore containers and purchase a refilled container of the same product, all ready to go. Staff wash and refill the returned empty containers and restock the shelves for the next person, a more convenient service than having people refill their own bottles.

They will also take all sizes of Ecostore bottles for recycling back to the company. The Ecostore products available at the EcoMatters store are listed at https:// w w w. e c o m a t t e r s . o r g . n z /e co m atte rs - sto re / , together with their prices. Ecostore sugarcane bottles can be dropped off for the company to collect and recycle at a number of West Auckland venues, including: • EcoMatters Store, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn • Blockhouse Bay Kindergarten, 5 Exminster Street, Blockhouse Bay • Huckleberry New Lynn, 34D Portage Road, New Lynn • Organics Out West, 39 Glenmall Place, Glen Eden • Blockhouse Bay Intermediate, 95 Bolton Street, Blockhouse Bay • Laingholm Kindergarten, 436a Huia Road, Laingholm >> Music

Ecostore sugar cane bottles are refillable and recyclable at local depots. Photo by EcoMatters.

is definitely my happy place Continued from page 14

“Some of my favourite musical moments are when we are weaving through the acoustic sounds – no gimmicks just real guitars! Mark is an amazing guitar player. We also use backing tracks for the more upbeat music, covering Fleetwood Mac, The Pretenders, Renee Geyer to name a few.” Dana’s recent gigs have been local, including at the Titirangi Market, but she is starting to move further afield with upcoming solo gigs at The Kingslander and, with Night Moves, at Africa Bar on the North Shore. At the time of writing, she has her fingers crossed that they will still go ahead. “I don’t think you can go too far today without Covid-19 lingering somewhere in the background. Also in my work as a massage therapist and yoga teacher the government guidelines around Covid have brought everything to a halt. We are facing the unsettling truth that it’s not over. It’s hard to think this is the new normal, but hopefully it will soon pass.” Although the music scene is radically different to days gone by, and gigs are few and far between, Dana is ever the optimist. “I have no doubt that where there is live music – there is hope! Looking forward, I am hoping to pick up afternoon café/restaurant work playing music to soothe the soul, whether solo or duo – or whatever musical opportunities arise. I never thought I’d play live music again and I’m really thankful to have it back in my life. It is definitely my happy place!” You can contact Dana on 027 439 6400 or to enquire about her availability for gigs (or for massages!) and keep an eye on her Facebook page – Night Moves Duo – for info about their upcoming gigs.

Your Local MPs Hon Carmel Sepuloni

Dr Deborah Russell

Kelston Electorate Office

New Lynn Electorate Office

MP for Kelston

200C West Coast Road, Glen Eden 09 818 4131 /CarmelSepuloniLabour @CarmelSepuloni

MP for New Lynn

1885 Great North Rd, Avondale 09 820 6245 /DeborahRussellLabour @beefaerie

Authorised by Carmel Sepuloni MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


walking west with mick andrew

The newly reopened White Track

Empty North Piha from Laird Thompson track. (Photo by Michael Andrew.)

It’s a wet Saturday morning and North Piha is empty. With much of the world still trying to practice social distancing, it seems an enviable place to be – nothing but the surf, the drizzle and hectares of black sand between us and the other wandering souls far down the beach. We head to the northern tip of the beach below the hulking headland and find the entrance to Laird Thompson track tucked away in the coastal scrub. We climb the sand and clay track above the beach for about 20 minutes, passing a no-stopping rock fall area, before reaching the saddle that separates Piha from White’s Beach. We take the small five minute sidewalk out to the lookout at Te Waha point, the historic site of one of Piha’s pa and a great vantage point from which to look down to White’s Beach; rugged, isolated and empty. Standing on the point with the unrelenting wildness of the west coast spread out below, a sombre thought suddenly comes into my mind; Eloi Jean Rolland, the young French student who disappeared just before New Zealand went into lockdown and whose cell phone signal was last detected near Piha. His disappearance unsolved, we stay silent for a moment in a sort of impromptu prayer; looking down at the heaving, ripping

surf, reminded suddenly of the west coast’s capacity to be just as deadly as it is beautiful. Clouds have amassed above the headland and it starts pelting hard, so we zip up our jackets and decide to skip the rocky descent down to White’s Beach and head up Rose Track and onto the driveway that runs up to Anawhata Road. After 30 minutes we reach the road, which divides the coastal scrub from the rolling pasture and farms on the eastern side. A few metres south along the road, the walk continues by following another driveway, soon branching off to the left through a kauri dieback cleaning station and onto White Track itself. Although it was recently reopened, the closure of White Track due to kauri dieback courted controversy from some Piha locals who claimed the exorbitant upgrade cost wasn’t necessary considering there weren’t actually any kauri on or near the track at all. Whether or not it was a waste of money, the new gravel surface certainly makes for easy walking as we descend south through the kōwhai and rātā rainforest, gradually seeing more large specimens of karaka and mataī. As we climb down a series of newly formed steps, it’s difficult to know by how much the new track diverts from the old one. It certainly heads in the same direction however, gradually winding down the hill and into a dense river gully. Here the track enters something of a nīkau grove; hundreds of towering trees in all directions, occasionally separated by the sprawling branches of a gnarled and ancient pūriri. A further 10 minutes and we cross the bloated Marawhara Stream before walking across the reserve to North Piha Road. From here it’s a short stroll back to the parking lot to change, and then a frantic but very brief swim in the crisp, wintery ocean.

Six more Waitākere walks to reopen by end of the year It is heartening to note, at a time when Auckland Council is having to cut costs due to facility closures and resultant lost revenue caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, that regional park walking tracks remain a priority, writes FIONA DRUMMOND. Work has restarted on six Waitākere regional park tracks after the coronavirus lockdowns halted upgrade works. Forested areas of regional parks were closed off and a rāhui was placed over the ranges by West Auckland iwi Te Kawerau-ā-Maki in 2018 to protect the trees from kauri dieback disease and prevent further spread, affecting public accessibility to 100 tracks in the Waitākere Ranges. Auckland Council’s biosecurity manager of kauri dieback, Lisa Tolich, said the lockdown slowed work towards re-openings and put a strain on the council’s five-year re-opening programme. “Work was also pushed back into a more challenging time of year when weather conditions were less favourable both in terms of ground conditions and


The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

getting suitable weather for the helicopter work needed to fly materials in and out.” By the end of 2020, nine tracks in Auckland regional parks will reopen thanks to funding from the Natural Environment Targeted Rate. These include Omanawanui, Pūriri Ridge, Donald McLean, Karamatura Loop Walk, Winstone and Ahuahu tracks in the Waitākere Ranges. The popular two-kilometre Spraggs Bush track connecting Scenic Drive and Turanga Road (off Mountain Road) in the Waitākere Ranges re-opened in July. Lisa said $6.6 million has been set aside for regional park track upgrades this year, a $4.8m increase from the previous year. Waitākere Ranges Local Board chairman Greg Presland said track upgrades are important because they provide vital links for the area. “I look forward to seeing more tracks open as time progresses and thank everyone for their patience during the works”

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our place

Restoring biodiversity – one backyard at a time Part four in a series by the South Titirangi Neighbourhood Network, supported by the Waitakere Ranges Local Board. What started in 2016 with just four neighbours teaming up to weed and replant local park land is now a network of more than 200 neighbours working towards restoring biodiversity in the area. South Titirangi Neighbourhood Network is working towards making South Titirangi weed and pest free, and it’s making steady progress. Connecting with other like-minded local people is one great bonus of networking with your neighbours across South Titirangi. “Working outside in nature is great for both mind and body, and it can be a fun way to make a difference in your local area,” says spokesperson Clair Hobi. “The first step in restoring native habitats is removing the weeds that are suppressing native growth. Replanting the area with natives can also help the local environment thrive. Complementary to this is animal pest control – managing the populations of possums, rats and even stoats, which prey on native bird populations.” Neighbours networking as backyard trappers have run quarterly “pulses“ since 2016 with everyone blitzing pests at the same time. In the process they have removed over 7,000 predators from the peninsula. Clair says that all locals can contribute in any way, big or small. She invites you to visit to find out about weeding bees, predator pulses, working in a kauri die-back environment, and for more about available resources and advice.

Coming up in In the October issue of The Fringe we will again be running a General Election feature, with special advertising rates for candidates and parties and opportunities for participating advertisers to take editorial space as well – to spell out policies, introduce candidates or contribute to the debate. We will also be starting our build up towards Summer and the Festive Season. Yep, it seems early but after the disruption of the last few months, our many thousands of readers will be eager to start thinking about happier times ahead. Special rates and complimentary editorial space will be available. The Fringe is well aware of the problems being faced by local businesses as a result of Covid-19 and the associated lockdowns and we are committed to supporting our local businesses and community organisations. The Fringe will continue to run our keeping it local section to support our advertisers and our community.

To find out more, email The Fringe at

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The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020


live @ the lounge

Lizard returns to the Village and gets into woman trouble Yeah gidday. Lizard here. Whitevan and I were quietly resting in one of the disabled parks outside the Titirangi Library, waiting for Mopey Jesus. No one was giving us the evils because Whitevan looked like he could have had a wheelchair ramp and comfortably seat eight adults with huge childlike grins. By the way, who decided that the mentally challenged didn’t require teeth straightening and their barber should be William Shakespeare? Come on folks, everyone deserves a bit of style. Eventually Mopey Jesus sloped up to Whitevan and plonked himself into the passenger’s side beanbag. I could see he had a bee in his bonnet. “What kind of cretin reads a book, which isn’t his by the way, then marks his place by folding the bloody page in half? Who can’t find a scrap of paper? Once I found a slice of cheese. Cheese!” I wondered who thought it was a good idea to construct thousands of grand buildings all around the world and fill them with millions of books? And then lend them out, for three weeks at a time, to total strangers. For free! By-and-large the subject matter isn’t even censored. We can learn just about anything, from any religion, about any subject, by anybody. There’s nothing else quite like it. Mopey and I were running a few errands, then picking up Shaz before heading back to the caravan. Yep, we’re back in the caravan. Unfortunately, we’ve been kicked out of the ‘Warehouse on Rosebank’. Last week, a bloke strolled in like he owned the place. Turned out, he owned the place. Honest, we were just about to begin a major clean up after Gay Gary and Māori Phil’s wedding when he barged in unannounced, spouting on about squatting and back rent and who was going to pay for the removal of the sign that read Legalise Everything that was spraypainted on the front roller doors in 10 foot-high letters? So, we’ve parked the caravan outside a mate of Mopey’s on Park Road. To blend in, Shaz painted a cool mural of trees and butterflies and stuff along the sides. I think the locals half expect a juggler or a tarot card reader to jump out twirling fire sticks. I was just about to crank up Whitevan when a lady’s voice yelled “Alessandro.” Blimey, no one had used my real name for yonks.

I looked out the windscreen and immediately recognised Molly X. Her real name was Mildred before she became a teenage sensation with her hit song, Love bites are our engagement ring. “Fancy meeting you here. I’ve only been back in the village a few hours. I’m fundraising for the Green Party.” “Are you a Greeny?” I asked. “Yeah. Of course. But actually I got roped in because I fancy the candidate’s brother.” Just then, Shaz rocked up laden down with groceries. ‘I’ve been waiting outside the supermarket for ages. Where’ve you been?” Then she spotted Molly X. “Oh,” she said. Shaz has had a beef with Molly X since we were nine and all went on a Seventh Day Adventist camp. One night I put my hand on Molly X’s thigh and ... but no, I’ll spare you the details. “Hello Sharon,” said Molly X. “Well well. Moley Mildred Simpson in the flesh,” Shaz spat. Mopey Jesus piped up and said that he was definitely considering voting for the Greens this time and asked me who I was gonna vote for. “Probably a woman,” I said. Molly X said that she thought Jacinda sounded like a kindergarten teacher. Then Shaz said, “Yeah, but Collins has that annoying smirk.” “So which woman, Lizard?” asked Mopey. I looked at Shaz, then at Molly X and said, “That’s easy mate. I’m voting for the honest one.” As we headed down Park Road, I said how much I missed there being a pub on the corner. Bloody Covid. Shaz pointed out that it didn’t stop me walking up to the Razza most afternoons. That’s true. So, if you see the caravan a rocking, please yell out because it means the wheel chock has been bumped and we are about to careen down the gully. “Alessandro? Really?” “Shut it, Mopey.” Later, Lizard.

weather by the moon Ken Ring’s predictions for September September may be drier and cooler than normal, with average sunshine. The first week is the sunniest and the last week may be the cloudiest. The third week is the driest and warmest with the least number of wet days, while the fourth week sees most rain. There are more wet days in the second half of the month. Atmospheric pressures should average about 1018mbs, with southerlies predominating. For fishermen, the highest king tide may be around the 18th.The best fishing bite-times in the west are around noon on the 1st-3rd and 16th-18th, (and in the east around dusk on those days). Chances are also good in the west for dusk of the 9th-11th, and 23rd-26th, (and in the east around noon on those days). For gardeners, the best pruning days are the 3rd-12th (waning moon descending), and the 18th-24th are best sowing days (waxing moon ascending). For longer shelf-life for crops, harvest at neap tide days on the 12th and 26th. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. For future weather for any date, visit © Ken Ring 2020.


to be a Westie T-shirts Now available from Corban Estate Arts Centre 426 Great North Rd, Henderson Ph 838 4455


The Fringe SEPTEMBER 2020

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