1 minute read
Jail for bus arsonist
A MAN who started fires which destroyed half of a Frampton Cotterell charity's minibus fleet has been jailed for three years.
Daniel Cron, aged 26, set fire to 20 vehicles, causing damage estimated at hundreds of thousands of pounds, in the early hours of April 3 last year.
Twelve of the vehicles were minibuses belonging to Four Towns and Vale Link Community Transport, which was left "shell-shocked" by the loss.
But staff and volunteers at the charity, which provides dial-a-ride transport for people with mobility problems and school bus services, were "uplifted" by offers of support from the community.
Full story: Page 3
Head resigns
THE head teacher of Winterbourne Academy, Vic Boynton, has resigned after less than a term in her post.
Bus shake-up
A NEW 'on-demand' transport service enabling people in the Frome Valley area to 'hail' a minibus will be launched - as one village faces losing its subsidised service.
PAGES 4 & 5
Critical report
A FRAMPTON Cotterell preschool says staff are working hard to make changes after being told to improve by regulator Ofsted.
A WINTERBOURNE primary school's football team is celebrating winning their county championship.