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Academy head resigns after a term

THE head teacher of Winterbourne Academy has resigned, after less than a term in her post.

Ken McCormick Editor contact@fromevalleyvoice.co.uk


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A member of the

Parents and pupils have been told that Victoria Boynton, who took over in September, was unwell for the last two weeks of last term, and has now handed in her notice.

Senior deputy head Jenny Cartwright has stepped in as interim head teacher for the rest of the academic year while the Olympus Academy Trust, which runs the school, decides about the longer-term arrangements.

Trust chief executive Dave Baker told the Voice the school was sad to see Mrs Boynton leave.

She had wanted parents and pupils to know she had been suffering mental health issues, and had decided she could not continue in post.

In an open letter to parents, he said: “We have been in regular contact with her during that time and over the holidays but, unfortunately, she is still very unwell.

“She asked us to let you know that it is her mental health that has caused her to be unwell and that it is a long-standing issue.

“With reluctance, and after much discussion with her, we have accepted her resignation.

"We know you will join with all of us in wishing her well and hoping that she will start to feel better soon.

“We are grateful for all that she has done for the school and the Trust, during the last year in particular, and are really sad that she does not feel able to continue.”

Mr Baker asked parents to share the news with their children, and said pupils would be told in school.

He said: "This is a stark reminder for all of us to look after our own mental health and to look out for other people’s well-being in and out of school."

Winterbourne Academy is South Gloucestershire’s largest secondary school, with more than 1,700 pupils.

Mrs Boynton had been working alongside her predecessor Jason Beardmore during the last academic year, having previously been appointed to lead a new secondary school in Lyde Green that has suffered repeated delays in its building programme.

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