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Loft Boarding & Insulation

0.13% queer and 0.05% stated another sexual orientation.
An even higher proportion of Bristol residents, 8.48%, did not answer the question.
Nationally, 43.4 million people (89.4%) identified as straight or heterosexual, 1.5 million people (3.2%) identified with an LGB+ orientation and 3.6 million (7.5%) did not answer the question.
In response to the gender identity question, 94.59% of South Gloucestershire residents said theirs was the sex they were registered with at birth, while 5.02% of respondents did not answer the question.
Of the remaining 0.38% of respondents, 0.14% said their gender was different to birth but did not give any specifics, 0.07% identified as a trans woman (registered female at birth, but now identifies as a man), 0.07% as a trans man (registered female at birth, but now identifies as a man), 0.06% were non-binary (not identifying as a man or woman), and 0.04% wrote in another gender identity.
In Bristol, 92.45% or respondents identified with their sex at birth, 6.73% did not answer the question and 0.82% identified with a different gender.
Nationally, the ONS said 262,000 people in England and Wales identified with a gender different from their sex registered at birth, representing 0.5% of the population or around one in every 200 people.
ONS director Jen Woolford said having figures on gender identity and sexual orientation at a local level was "crucial" to "better understand the extent and nature of disadvantage which people may be experiencing in terms of educational outcomes, health, employment, and housing".