May 6, 2015

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Volume 28, Issue 4

Those who much more than we realize. Above: FRCC’s Professors; Stewart Erlich, Victoria Ashford, April Lewandowski, Kathy Mullins, Jonathan Montgomery, (Department Chair) Tino Gomez, Mark Ducharme, Nick Morris, and Dennis Duncan. Below: Professor Montgomery, Professor Lewandowski, Professor Erlich, and Professor Morris prove that their talents go beyond teaching. Photos by Robin OConnell

Those That Can’t Do…Teach... Written by Andrew Goad That is what they say at least. “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach.” To prove this untrue, several members of the English faculty gathered in the library, to a more crowded house than expected, to read their published or in the process of being published works on April 28, 2015. Inspirational, thought provoking, emotional and immense laughter are just some of the words to describe this event that was hosted by Professor Jonathan Montgomery, who also read an amazing story on faculty and their need to deposit their nerves in an adult manner, but maybe not necessarily turning out that way. The roughly sixty attendees were treated

to readings from Department Chair Tino Gomez on the surprise of a small child, a music icon and love and support in a time of despair. Professor April Lewandowski read a prize winning article on kayaking “Lava Falls” along the Colorado River. Professor Kathy Mullins read from a descriptive story of her “Mamaw” in Kentucky and her visits to her home. Both of these readings told grand stories with no pictures, but were so descriptive that the audience soon had the pictures in their heads. Professor Randy Russell had two short, but quite humorous poems to start his reading, before he led us into a narrative about a migrant child and

his sleepwalking night when he watched the news of the Apollo Moon-Landing. Professor Nick Morris read two published works. First, the observation of a mother duck’s discipline to one of her young ducklings, followed by an account of a high school class in rural Arkansas with a backwards instructor and his equally backwards nephew. Professor Mark Ducharme read to the audience an introduction to a manuscript followed by a poem on sleep and sleeping. Professor Victoria Ashford read two short stories about life in the South with an accent that put the listener right there as a participant in the muggy, hot summer day. Professor Dennis

Duncan read a poem constructed in perfect verse. He was able to show the audience a great flow of words, all while rhyming and maintaining his humor. To close the show we, in the crowd, were treated to two songs written and performed by Professor Stewart Erlich. All of these kind, humble individuals influence the students on campus more than they know, and we, as the student body, are quite fortunate to be able to have events like this. It was an amazing time for all involved, English major or not, and I would absolutely recommend attending future events held by the faculty of the English department.

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