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Stacy Gerise
March Cover Artist
By Collette Caprara
The subjects in the artwork of Stacy Gerise, the cover artist for this issue of Front Porch, often emanate the vivacious, joyful, (and sometimes whimsically humorous) qualities of her own personality. The title of her featured painting "My Guinness!" is a nod to an advertising slogan for the classic Irish brew-"My Goodness My Guinness!"-which is depicted with tantalizing clarity. Stacy comes from an Irish family in New York and says that, from her experience "Guinness and St. Patrick's Day go hand in hand!" so it was a perfect fit for the March issue.
Stacy is an acclaimed local artist and member of Brush Strokes Gallery in Fredericksburg. Her style incorporates bold lines, sometimes created with large blocks of color and at other times utilizing black and white contrast to convey her statement.

Another category of Stacy's paintings that has emerged through the years is a motif of trees. These works include a depiction the steadfast, deeply-rooted Oak in "Celtic Tree of Life," images of "Wistful Wisteria" and "Willow Weep for Me" that convey the mood and emotion of these familiar and beloved species, and "Rainbow Eucalyptus" which is painted as a cascade of streaming colors reaching to the sky.
Having earned her degree in Interior Design from the Fashion Institute of Technology, it was a "natural" for Stacy to gravitate toward the built environment for her images. She especially derives fulfillment and joy from bringing to life buildings that may be overlooked or are vestiges of yesteryear. These works range from a hauntingly empty country house in "Dead of Winter" to a vibrant scene with an abundance of vitality in "Five Points Grocery." She takes great pride in creating custom house/business portraits of beloved places.