5hollis cobb bookmobile fredericksburg
25Michele Milano artist, metalsmith, musician
5hollis cobb bookmobile fredericksburg
25Michele Milano artist, metalsmith, musician
4 on the porch...life in fredericksburg messages
7everything greens: new land, new trees
8In the Garden: summer returns
9growing & crawling: strawberries
10i have a friend: getting to know you
12tidbits...small bites of local news
13 season’s bounty: spring veggies & fruits
15vino: happy spring!
16-17Calendar of Events
18history’s stories: peale painting explained History in our backyard: fleeing Fredericksburg
19 what’s in an step? dinosaur footprints
20mental health:lesser known depression symptoms
21Emancipated patients: walking for health
22 the healthiest drink...water
23auto known better: were it not for women
24art in the burg ...galleries in May
26honor moms
27porchlight: sharing a smile
black arts festival revisited
28companions:spring allergies
29astrology & you poetryman: dayrise redemption
30fredericksburg sketches
31 get to know....
6 sophia street throwdown artists
11 the higgins extraordinary collection
14 vivify burger & lounge: vibrant meeting place
"The idea is to snackshop," Silversmith said, "But you can also come grab-and-go a picnic, and either go to Old Mill Park, go to Red Dragon Brewery, stuff like that."
"If you want to get a coffee, where do you go? If you want to get a chicken sandwich, where do you go?"
Adrian Silversmith asked these questions when talking about his purpose behind Sprelly. "There's bagel stores, there's ice cream stores, there's all these types of stores. But there isn't a PB&J store."
Sprelly, a small business in Fredericksburg, is devoted to crafting delicious, homemade peanut butter and other items. Silversmith pitched the concept of Sprelly at Fredericksburg's Made in FredVA Business Plan Contes t in 2013, and began selling his peanut butter at local farmers markets in 2014. Two years later, Silversmith opened Sprelly on Caroline Street, where he and his wife, Casey, provided patrons with sandwiches and crêpes. They slowly began to pivot exclusively toward production and consumerpackaged goods, which provided them with a solid foundation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now Sprelly is located at 1501 Princess Anne St. in Fredericksburg's Canal Quarter District, which Silversmith believes will be a prime spot for business.
Sprelly has a number of items that include not just peanut butter (of which I can personally recommend the delectable Salted Butterscotch flavor), but many new options as well. Most recently, Sprelly launched a variety of flavored peanuts, including Double-DDipped Milk Chocolate and Toasted Toffee flavors. They are also currently providing guests with a seasonal Harvest Spice peanut
just selling peanut butter. Silversmith has placed a crucial emphasis on buying products and ingredients from local businesses , from Virginia peanut farms to local printing companies for his mugs. He is also speaking with local farms to harvest fruit for upcoming jellies, which he hopes to begin selling at Sprelly next year. For Silversmith, supporting local businesses is critical. "You're helping your friend," he said. "You're helping a family member." He highlighted that it is important for small businesses, particularly in Fredericksburg, to band together and be there for one another. And Sprelly continues to follow through on that action.
butter through the fall season. Silversmith believes their "flavor-centric" approach will greatly please guests, as they will be provided with as many flavor experiences as possible.
But Sprelly is about more than
As they move forward, however, Sprelly has an even larger focus. In addition to the goal of franchising the company's stores, Silversmith hopes to employ people with disabilities at not just the current Sprelly, but every eventual Sprelly as well. The building that houses Sprelly is owned by the disAbility Resource Center , and supporting people with disabilities is essential to both Silversmith and his wife, Casey. Both have been outspoken advocates for employing people with disabilities, and he says that word has caught on, as many people have approached him to thank him for what he and Casey are striving to achieve. "It is so humbling and powerful to hear something like that," Silversmith said.
You can visit Sprelly at 1501 Princess Anne St. or order products at sprelly.com. Follow them on Facebook for their latest hours.
Contributing Writers & Artists
Rita Allan
Sally Cooney Anderson
Dianne BachmanLaurie Black
Sonja CantuCollette Caprara
Trista ChapmanTom Conway
Ryan CudahyJanet Douberly
Jeannie Ellis
Jenna Elizabeth Edwards
Caroline FordFrank Fratoe
Bill FreehlingJon Gerlach
Annie HarpeRalph “Tuffy” Hicks
Jill LaiaconaAdam Lynch
Nancy KellyDavid C. Kennedy
Ray MikulaVanessa Moncure
Pete MorelewiczPatrick Neustatter
Penny A ParrishM.L. Powers
Paula RaudenbushGerri Reid
Ginger RobertsonRob Rudick
Mandy SmithTim Talbot
Anne TimpanoRim Vining
Tina WillNorma Woodward
Front Porch Fredericksburg is a free circulation magazine published monthly by Olde Towne Publishing Co. Virginia Bigenwald Grogan, Publisher.
The mission of Front Porch Fredericksburg is to connect the diverse citizenry of Fredericksburg with lively features and informative columns of interest to our community’s greatest resource, its people.
Messages from our readers are welcome. All article submissions must be received by e-mail by the 16th & calendar items the 19th of the month preceding publication.
Writers / Artists / Photographers are welcome to request Guidelines and query the Publisher by e-mail.
Front Porch Fredericksburg PO Box 9203 Fredericksburg, VA 22403
Ad Sales: E-Mail: frntprch@aol.com
Web Site: www.frontporchfredericksburg.com
Facebook: @Front Porch Fredericksburg
The opinions expressed in Front Porch Fredericksburg are those of the contributing writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Front Porch Fredericksburg or its advertisers.
Copyright 2023
Front Porch Fredericksburg Magazine All rights reserved.
by tom conwayAt first glance, there is nothing special about the northwest corner of Hawke and Caroline streets. It looks a lot like any other residential corner in the city. There's a house on the corner, and at first glance, it's nothing special. If you're paying attention, you might notice that it has no setback from the sidewalk and it doesn't have much in common architecturally with its neighbors. It does have a plaque dating the building to 1868, but half of the buildings in Fredericksburg have similar plaques. There are no historical markers telling the world what happened on that spot on some historic date. George Washington probably never slept there. It's just a corner.
If you take a closer look at the house, though, you're bound to notice the large picture window on the left-hand side. You may also notice that the house has two front doors, more like the commercial buildings in the city center than the colonial and Victorian houses that populate this end of town. It might provoke a question in the mind of someone passing by: "Was this once a store of some kind?"
For a little over 80 years, this unassuming building was where the neighborhood shopped for "groceries, fruits, fresh meats, tobacco, cigars, confectionery, etc." as it stated on Ryerson's letterhead. It doesn't take much imagination for one to picture bins of fruit out front and shelves inside stocked with staple items and canned goods. I picture Thomas as a stocky man with a bushy gray mustache standing behind the counter in a white apron. He's holding a cleaver, having just cut one of his customers a fresh steak. Ryerson I envision in a dark suit with dark hair parted to one side taking down orders on his newfangled telephone for chocolate bars and bags of flour.
"I'm sorry ma'am, we don't have any rutabagas in stock currently, but as soon as they come in, I will give you a call."
I see neighbors strolling by, stopping in to say hello, and kids running through the door clutching pennies to buy strings of licorice, Mary Jane candy bars, and bottles of Coca-Cola and root beer.
bridge where Hawke Street meets the river two blocks away. Three regiments of US Army troops fought their way up Hawke Street, resisted by Confederate troops who fired on them from buildings all along Caroline Street. Soldiers from both sides died on the northwest corner of Hawke and Caroline, and if there was a building on that site, it certainly could have been used to tend to wounded troops.
And, in fact, it was. From 1876 until 1957, a neighborhood grocery store operated on the site, first run by William H Thomas and later, from 1924 on, by Ernest V Ryerson and then Truman P Merritt The high tin ceiling, most likely installed during an extensive rebuild in 1924, still exists, as does the bulkhead inside the front door, where the outline of the recessed store entrance can still be seen.
The store closed in 1957, and after that the trail gets colder. As I understand it, a few businesses ran out of the building over the ensuing years. Eventually, the bottom floor was converted into a residence. It sounds like, in the 1980's, the place was home a fair number of parties. Becca the Wonder Dog lived upstairs. Downstairs, former residents tell me that holes in the floor allowed them to clean the dining area with a garden hose after parties, washing beer and whatever else into the unfinished cellar below. One of the residents from that era claims that human bones were recovered from the backyard during some sort of excavation in the 1960's. A professor at the University of Mary Washington alledgedly wrote a paper on it, though as of yet I have not found that document.
It is possible, however, that bodies or parts of bodies were buried on the site. Tax records show that there was most likely some structure, perhaps also a store, on the site prior to the Civil War, and that whatever was there was destroyed during that time. It also just so happens that the US Army, when it crossed the Rappahannock River in December of 1862, built its northernmost pontoon
It's why people still talk about the dead soldiers who may or may not haunt the low-ceilinged cellar. Every bump in the night could be a dead Civil War soldier banging his head on the floor joists above. 180 years after the war, they still haven't learned to duck.
The northwest corner of Hawke and Caroline isn't the most historic corner in Fredericksburg, but like every corner in our little town, there are stories to tell, which at the very least, mean a lot to the people who have lived, worked, and visited over the years. On this particular corner, that list includes my wife and I, who have been living on that corner for three years now and hope to continue making stories here until we retire.
Of course, you can read about every other corner in town if you continue to read Front Porch Magazine from cover to cover each month.
Aside from living with his wife and two dogs on the corner of Hawke and Caroline streets downtown, Tom Conway teaches English at James Monroe High School and is currently working on a Master of Fine Arts in Writing from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Hollis Cobb (above) is still an undergraduate student at University of Mary Washington; yet he can already boast the impressive achievement of having distributed over 10,000 free books to the Fredericksburg community at farmer's markets, school and community events, festivals, and more. On August 21, 2022, Cobb launched Bookmobile Fredericksburg, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to promote
literacy and a love of literature through the distribution of free books throughout the greater Fredericksburg region. Bookmobile Fredericksburg also provides resources for teachers, storytelling volunteers, and special events ranging from author visits to craft events and painting projects that promote community engagement, inclusivity, and lifelong learning. In November 2022, Cobb introduced the "Fredericksburg Reads!" literacy campaign to encourage elementary students in Fredericksburg City Public Schools to read and write outside of the classroom. Cobb also serves on the Board of the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services, whose mission is to support and encourage quality bookmobile and outreach services to meet diverse community information and programming needs.
The Fredericksburg region is no stranger to bookmobile services; in fact,
the history of the Central Rappahannock Regional Librar y is deeply rooted in serving rural communities and other populations for whom books may not be easily accessible due to socioeconomic factors, for example. In July 1969, the Library of Virginia launched the Central Rappahannock Regional Library (CRRL) to demonstrate the value of public library
the Rappahannock Regional Jail and Rappahannock Juvenile Center; satellite locations and Library on the Go vans to serve rural and senior communities; youth services; and kindergarten readiness programs in Fredericksburg, Stafford, and Spotsylvania.
service to the region. The City of Fredericksburg donated the old Lafayette School at 1201 Caroline Steet to be the demonstration library facility and the 17,000 volumes that had comprised the Wallace Library collection. The state purchased an additional 29,000 volumes and provided two bookmobiles to serve Stafford, Spotsylvania, and Westmoreland counties. To a large extent, bookmobiles preceded and were gradually replaced by branch library locations.
The CRRL retired its last bookmobileremembered fondly by patrons as the big blue van - on June 30, 2010. The bookmobile provided a treasured service for over 40 years to the most remote regions of the CRRL service area, no matter the weather or road conditions. Patrons cherished the caring, friendly, and attentive staff members as much as they did the cozy atmosphere and nostalgia of the bookmobile.
Although bookmobiles have been phased out, the CRRL has only refined and expanded its outreach services under the broad umbrella of "Library on the Go " (above right) These services include community outreach, engagement, and educational opportunities; deliveries to
The need for bookmobiles and literary outreach services experienced a surge following the extended closure of many brick and mortar branches during the COVID-19 pandemic. The digital divide highlighted and exacerbated the cultural, geographic, racial, and socioeconomic constraints that impact literacy and education, vocational resources, and meaningful public access to information and technology.
Now that we are emerging from the pandemic, the need to expand and adapt services remains stronger than ever. News deserts, public education debates and curriculum challenges, breakdowns in civil
discourse, and political polarization amidst ever-changing technological innovations are among the many challenges facing communities on a local, state, and national level. Meaningful public access to information and tools for literacy are essential to an informed and engaged citizenry.
Jenna Elizabeth is a partner of Edwards Law Firm PLLC and a local realtor. She highlights local business owners and community members to showcase why the Fredericksburg region is an amazing place to live.
On Saturday, June 10th the 6th annual Sophia Street Pottery Throwdown will take place in front of the Sophia Street Studios at 1104 Sophia Street in downtown Fredericksburg. More than 25 exhibitors will be set up in the street to display and sell their ceramic art.
This month's Throwdown spotlight kicks off with Norfolk-based ceramic artist Barbara Mann (above) and her colorful botanical work. "I am in awe of the beauty and singularity of flowers and inspired by images from botanical illustrations, to garden photographs, to O'Keeffe macro paintings and primitives by Rousseau. My forms are simple and quiet so that I can use surfaces as a canvas for both stylized nods to nature
In addition to her colorful work, Barbara also does pit-fired pieces with an earthier feel. "I am getting some interesting pieces with primitive firing, introducing soluble iron, copper, cobalt, and silver to produce the elusive main element - the ghost of a leaf. These pieces are first bisqued, then the only fuel I use for the pit-firing comes from downed sticks in my backyard."
See more of Barbara's Mann Made Designs on her website: bmann8.wixsite.com/mann-made-designs
were the sort that believed that getting dirty was an acceptable part of childhood. Play hard, use your imagination, and come home tired - but on-time - for dinner. Making pottery allows me to continue to play in the tradition in which I was raised. It also challenges me with the endless possibilities of every step in the creative process”.
You can find Christy's work at the Liberty Town Arts Workshop, and online at:dehavenpottery.online/
and happy doodles. My pieces are wheelthrown clay. I paint colorful, matte slips onto greenware and once-fire in an electric kiln. Lampshades are made from mulberry-type papers - highly fibrous papers add interest when the light shines through."
Fredericksburg favorite potter
Amy Kovats will also be joining the Throwdown this year with her whimsical ceramics. "I love creating functional pieces that can be used daily. I've also been able to incorporate my love of snakes into my pottery. You'll find pieces with slithery friends crawling around and peaking over a mug to say good morning. I love that I can share both of my passions, pottery and snakes with you."
You can find Amy's work at the Liberty Town Arts Workshop and online at: facebook.com/AmyKovatsPottery
Fredericksburg potter, Christy DeHaven is our third featured artist. Christy's ocean inspired functional pieces feature whale tales, orcas, octupus heads and more. "My mother and grandmother
This month's final Throwdown spotlight goes to Richmond ceramic artist couple Wendy and Sam Padgett Wendy and Sam make a variety of eclectic, one-ofa-kind, sculptural ceramics including skeleton luminaries, moth mugs, and quirky plant pots. You can see more of their work online at:.facebook.com/padgettstudios
The Sophia Street Pottery Throwdown will feature live music by Fredericksburg favorite country and bluegrass band The Wellbillies, live pottery demonstrations by a variety of artists, and
So mark your calendars for Saturday, June 10 and come celebrate local ceramic art!
raffle for a collaborative sculpture by Trista Chapman, Dan Finnegan and Neal Reed Proceeds from the raffle will go to Empowerhouse to help support victims of domestic violence.In Fall of 2021, Downtown Greens inspired our community by purchasing 56 acres of greenspace alongside Braehead Farm in the City of Fredericksburg. This once-in-a generation conservation purchase will protect clean water resources for the Rappahannock River, enhance habitat and wildlife corridor, and grow Fredericksburg's capacity to inspire and educate the next generation of conservation stewards.
This spring, Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR) had the privilege to assist Downtown Greens and other local partners as they established a new riparian buffer using native fruit, nut and berry trees Here's some more about our collaboration with Downtown Greens.
How did this project get started?
In 2022, Downtown Greens executive director Sarah Perry approached FOR to learn about how her organization could enhance the wildlife and environmental value of their newly obtained property. FOR suggested that
reforesting approximately 3 acres of pasture alongside two streams- a technique known as a riparian buffer-could help improve water quality by filtering runoff, absorbing pollutants and reducing erosion and sedimentation. But this was no ordinary riparian buffer.
What's so special about this project?
It is an edible riparian buffer To align with Downtown Greens' food mission, this project uses only native fruit, nut and berry trees. Our species list included American persimmon, black cherry, hazelnut, wild plum, Eastern serviceberry, paw paw, elderberry and red mulberry
This project is also the largest single tree planting in the City of Fredericksburg that FOR has ever organized, at 810 trees. To achieve such a large-scale forest at minimal cost, the trees were planted as 18" bare-root saplings and each was protected using a plastic tube and wooden stake.
Who contributed to this project? This project couldn't have succeeded without contributions from numerous community members and organizations.
The project was funded using a cost-share from the Tri County Soil and Water Conservation District and the designed with help from the Virginia Department of Forestry The trees were planted entirely with volunteer labor between March 11-23 with help from numerous groups including T ree Fredericksburg, the Central Rappahannock Master Naturalists, the Stafford High School Planting Shade Club, Fredericksburg Tree Stewards and the University of Mary Washington. Between March 20-22, 120 students from James Monroe High School planted the final 310 trees as part of their Meaningful Watershed Education Experience (MWEE) program, funded by NOAA's Bay Watershed and Education and Training (BWET) program
Over the next several years and decades, the trees-which were planted as 18" saplings- will mature and begin to produce nuts, fruit and berries, becoming a showcase for Virginia native plants-a "forage forest." FOR, students and researchers will monitor the streams to determine how water quality and wildlife are responding to the new forest. Meanwhile, the planting area will be mowed regularly and kept free of invasive plants or browsing animals. Eagle Scout Justin Murray is enhancing the existing fence using deer wire to reduce browsing.
As Downtown Greens moves ahead in developing its new land, this edible forest will ultimately be accessible to the public to enjoy. Please visit Downtown Greens' website at www downtowngreens org to learn more about their new land.
Adam Lynch serves as a River Steward for Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford with Friends of the Rappahannock.
Want to volunteer for our monthly Food Distribution or the Free Fridge? Email freefridge@downtowngreens org
Warm days are in the forecast and air conditioners get their tune up this month as Mother Nature re-turns to Summer. Farmers Markets are in full swing and garden plants are for sale. You can pick your favorite varieties of tomato plants, squash, peppers, herbs, annuals, flowering hanging baskets, Dahlias, and cut flowers. Spring vegetables and fruits are for sale along with homemade products like jams, honey, and even mushrooms.
Our area is graced with several Farmers markets so it's easy to get a start on summer. Every May I try a variety of heirloom tomatoes to grow. You just need a sunny location, some dirt and some water. I grow mine in pots and make sure
I put them in a spot with at least 6 hours of sunshine. I add a little garden lime to each pot to keep the ph closer to 7 or neutral. (They don't love acid soil.) I start them in a pot bigger than the one they came in. I'll remove bottom leaves and plant them deep and they will develop a good root base. In two weeks I transfer them to a larger pot and plant them deep again. Two weeks later, they get into their final pot, a three gallon size. This is their final home. Now they get a cage around the pot and they are ready for the rest of summer. They'll produce tomatoes from June til September Visit and water your plants daily. Water your plants at the base to help keep disease from the leaves Look for signs of disease that can turn leaves brown. If you see this, you can remove the brown leaves and discard them away from the plant. This can slow the advance of diseases.
Peppers and squash can also be planted in pots or raised beds as well as in a garden
May is the time to put your annuals in as well They usually bloom all summer long to produce as many seeds as possible because they will die in the fall. Therefore they bring a stable color pallet for the entire garden while your perennials flower and fade. They are also fun to mix in planters to display around your house. Trailing annuals like petunias and pinks go great with upright flowers like snapdrag-ons and geraniums. The shade garden can be bolstered with annuals like wax begonias, torinia, coleus and caladium
While you're in the garden planting, take time to enjoy the beauty of your perennials that have come back to grace your yard with their lovely blooms. It is the time for azaleas, viburnum, roses, lilac, and ephemeral plants like bleeding hearts, May apple, Jacob's ladder and shooting star
I will be at the Gordon Rd Farmers Market on May 6th and 20th along with other Master Gardeners and all throughout the rest of the summer answering questions about just about anything you can grow. Stop by and visit us.
RayMikula is a Master Gardener.He has several acres of garden space & has been gardening for 62 years. Before retiring Ray was a Earth Science & Astronomy Teacher
Is there anything more perfect than the flavor of a wild strawberry? It's that time of year again when lawns and gardens alike get covered in strawberry plants. But beware! Most of the "strawberries" we see growing wildly now are imposters!
Enter 'Duchesnea indica', or Mock Strawberry! Native to India, his deceptive little berry grows invasively in our area. While it is mostly harmless (allergic reactions have been documented) and edible, the flavor is almost nonexistent and it will gleefully crowd out other ground covers.
But we do have a native wild strawberry, 'Fragaria virginiana' or Virginia Strawberry, that, while tiny, packs a sweet strawberry flavor!
How to tell the difference?
One way is to pick the strawberry and crush it between your fingers. Wild strawberries will have a strong and distinct strawberry scent whereas the
mock strawberry will smell watery.
Another way to tell the difference is to check out the bloom! The mock strawberry will have 5 yellow petals per bloom whereas the wild strawberry will have 5 white petals, much like the ones you grow in your garden.
The shape of the berry is another way to tell the difference. Mock strawberries are very round, like a ball, and actually grow upright on top of their stems Wild strawberries will have the classic strawberry shape, if a bit smaller, and will hang down on the stems, again, like the strawberries you see growing in gardens.
smile, and a conversation, can make a huge difference to both the person giving and the person receiving.
Cecelia says, "It is bringing positivity to others. I want to always leave Susan with a good feeling."
I could not help but feel brightened and positive around these two new friends and I look forward to hearing more about the hobbies and activities they enjoy together over time.
Laurie Black is the Senior Visitors Program Coordinator at Mental Health America of Fredericksburg
Meet Cecelia and Susan. I chatted with these new friends at the Fredericksburg Food Coop Card Making Project night in February. The card making project was a community event making cards to give to older adults in our community who are participating in Mental Health America of Fredericksburg's, Senior Visitors program The program matches a volunteer with an older adult who for a variety of reasons may be feeling lonely or isolated. Volunteers visit once a week for about an hour. Cecelia is a volunteer with the Senior Visitors program and Susan is a program participant. Cecelia and Susan met through the program in February and started an easy, comfortable friendship right away.
Cecelia says, "It was recommended to me that I volunteer with the Senior Visitors Program as a way
to make connections and feel less lonely. It has certainly done that. It is also my way of giving to the community and serving my God by sharing a little of myself. Susan told me one of her goals was to pick up a hobby and to have a sense of completion in finishing a project. I want to help her with that and help her get out and be more engaged in activities."
Susan says, "Cecelia is always happy and cheerful. Her Tuesday visits give me something nice to look forward to. I love hearing about the things she's done in the past, and just getting to know her."
It certainly seems that their friendship is off to a good start. It was wonderful seeing them smile and laugh while making cards to share with others. Small and simple things such as a card, a
If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-22704 or visit our website at mhafred org Refer a senior or sign up to be a volunteer! The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg
Supporting Non-Profits
Since 1997
Often we talk about the simple pleasures in life. Working with our hands and creating can be one of those pleasures. I visited two friends that I had recently become acquainted with who
started the collection when they were still working in a local gift/florist shop that they owned for 25 years. They sold the furniture for the houses and Anne slowly began to keep some of the little pieces. Anne acquired the actual houses in a variety of ways, whether antiquing, flea markets, or word of mouth from someone who knew of her passion. Tommy worked alongside her with the projects helping in little mechanical ways. He reduced pictures of books, magazines and paintings from his computer to fit the size of the houses. They both spoke with me, and Tommy filled in blanks as Anne showed me her creations. It was heartwarming to see a marriage of 65 years so in sync.
decorated it with silk flowers surrounding the outside as well as windows. The story is of a mother and daughter who love the
have a collection of hand painted and decorated doll houses. They invited my to see the lovely array of miniature homes. Anne and Thomas Higgins are lifelong Fredericksburg people. They grew up here, raised their family and enjoy being part of a long standing history, which you can see reflected in many of the little houses.
It is hard to do justice to the intricate and delicate work that is reflected in Anne's creations. Tommy said he counted 35 houses in total. Anne
Each house is painted and decorated to reflect a story that Anne developed around the houses, and written up on small placards. Some depict local buildings such as the Wilderness Church in S p o t s y l v a n i a complete with a stained glass window and old style pews. There is a replica of a one room schoolhouse named in honor of Anne's mother who was a school teacher. She recreated the
beach, so the family builds this charming little getaway. There is a replica of the shop "Wee Wreath" that they owned. Each small house is chock full of items that lend to the authenticity of the piece.
Walton House in Charlottesville John Boy is sitting at a typewriter, dimple and all. Many of the houses were still in festive Christmas decor, and the actual Christmas shop was chock full of holiday goodies. The old time cash register was exquisite.
I asked Anne about her favorite and she paused, as I imagined it a difficult question. "The Pink House" she replied. She found the house in Nags Head, and
I can't begin to describe each house and the thoughtful process that went into creating these miniatures, but suffice it to say it is a novel piece of art. Tommy and Anne went on to have another career together. After their shop closed, they worked as caregivers in 2 group homes owned by Fredericksburg Baptist Church for handicapped adults. It was an honor to talk to Anne and Tommy, and learn another story of the people of Fredericksburg.
Mary Lynn enjoys meeting and writing about interesting people & businesses in the 'Burg
Cold Stone Creamery Coming to Central Park
The popular ice cream franchise is coming to Fredericksburg's Central Park shopping center.
Cold Stone Creamery will open this summer at 1291 Carl D. Silver Parkway, a space formerly occupied by Jimmy John's.
50-unit Amelia House luxury apartment building, which will open this spring.
The Publisher is expected to open in Spring 2024. The hotel is on the property that for decades was home to The Free Lance-Star newspaper.
Also, as part of the overall redevelopment project called William Square, Vakos has built the 34-unit Winchester Place apartments and the adjacent 321-space parking garage. Plans are in the works for a mixed-use building at the corner of Douglas and William streets that will include restaurant, office, retail, financial and event space.
Rehana's Now Open at 104 Wolfe Street Fredericksburg became home to a new, exciting, veteran-owned business: Rehana's - A Gathering Place Located at 104 Wolfe St. across from the parking garage, Rehana's is a culinary experience unique to the city.
Fredericksburg's shopping scene is exemplified by a number of gorgeous, unique boutiques. Gifted Boutique, located at 604 Caroline Street, is a lovely example of the wonderful shopping available in the city. Gifted Boutique sells a vast assortment of beautiful goods including books, puzzles, apparel, coffee mugs. Also, Plant Therapy, featuring peaceful, mindful accessories and holders for plants of your choosing. They also have an assortment of beautiful jewelry and accessories, including a pendant necklace and cute envelope wallets. Be sure to check it out.
Fred-VVegas Bins Planning Eagle Village Location
Rehana's is a great spot to enjoy small plates and cocktails that are locally sourced. These small plates include Samosas, Garlic Shrimp and Pan-fried Chicken Sliders. The cocktails include an Old Fashioned, margarita, and whiskey sour. You can learn more about their menu on the website.
New Downtown Hotel to be called The Publisher
Paying homage to the history of the site where it's being built, The Publisher the region's only full-service hotel will be part of Marriott's premium Tribute Portfolio. It will feature 98 rooms, including three penthouse suites and a presidential suite. It will also include a nearly 8,000-square-foot high-end restaurant along William Street, meeting space and more. It will be adjacent to a 6,500-square-foot Anytime Fitness location, which has been completed in the
Rehana's will also be open for brunch on Saturdays and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Brunch items include Salted Brioche Cinnamon Rolls, Huevos Rancheros Bowl, and Shrimp, as well as cocktails such as Mimosas and Red Snappers (the Rehana's version of a Bloody Mary).
Rehana's will host private dinners twice a week that will feature new weekly menus. They also have an outdoor pavilion that will host outdoor dinners, live music, markets and more. Rehana's is a wonderful addition to the City of Fredericksburg, and a concept that will be exciting to see unfold.
Follow Rehana's on Facebook.
Fred-VVegas Bins announced that it will open a 10,000-square-foot location at the Eagle Village shopping center off U.S. 1 across from the University of Mary Washington. The storefront is to the right of Planet Fitness and was formerly a Dollar General. Fred-Vegas Bins anticipates the new location being open within the next three months following a renovation.
Fred-Vegas Bins currently at 2011 Princess Anne St., Suite 101, (near Carl's). The store gets overstock and returns from retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's and Target, and sells them. The company plans to keeps its current store open until the new one is up and running.
What's not to love about spring vegetables? Not the ones imported yearround, but local garden-grown varieties. Tender peas, asparagus, tiny new potatoes, beets, radishes, micro greens and lettuces are all on offer in my back yard, as well as a burgeoning herb garden Heavier, heartier meals on offer in the winter have pivoted toward a lighter, brighter Spring palate. This means salads instead of stews, grilling replacing braising, alfresco dining versus fireside meals - summer will be here before you know it! Local farmer's markets are a wonderful resource for locally produced fruits and vegetables - seasonal food shopping is fresher and more economical than buying imported out-of-season foods. And you may see foods on offer that you'd never thought of trying before - like parsnips, rhubarb, kohlrabi, Swiss chard or gooseberries. Or you may discover pickyour-own strawberries are a sweet, tender and juicy revelation after the tart plasticbox store-bought packaged berries. With the internet at your fingertips, a quick recipe search should produce literally hundreds of tasty suggestions for seasonal vegetables.
Lamb is one of my favorite spring dinners - delete the mint, and this pea purée is a delicious base for sautéed scallops, too. Make the PUREED PEAS ahead of time. It can be warmed through when needed. Place 2C peas in a heavy bowl and cover with boiling water. Drain after two minutes, reserve one tablespoon then add the rest to the bowl of a food processor along with 3T ( or to taste) mint leaves, 1/3C crème fraiche, 3T minced chives, juice of half a lemon, S&white pepper. Process until smooth
GRILLED RACK OF LAMB Make a paste of 4 grated garlic cloves, 2T each fresh thyme and minced parsley, S&P. Spread over a frenched rack of lamb, 7-8 ribs, cover and let come to room temperature. Grill over medium high heat 12-15 minutes or until 120F on instant read thermometer for medium rare. Warm pea purée and spread some on the center of a plate. Top with two lamb chops. Sprinkle with the reserved peas and some chopped fresh parsley.
Serve with ROASTED NEW POTATOES New potatoes are simply
freshly harvested young potatoes, and are enjoyed for their sweet flavor, delicate skins and lower starch content. All you need to do is wash them (it's OK if the skin partially peels off), cut in half or quarter if as large as a golf ball, toss them in a mixture of melted butter and olive oil, S&P, fresh thyme and minced parsley. Spread on a baking sheet. Roast in preheated 425F oven about 30 minutes until tender and browned.
Easy spring appetizer! Shave radishes on a mandolin slicer. Lightly butter baguette crisps then top with radishes and a fine sprinkle of salt.
Trim asparagus and steam until tender. Chill in an ice bath then drain. Arrange in ovenproof baking dish, drizzle lightly with melted butter then cover with grated Parmesan cheese. Bake at 400F just until heated through, about 5-7 minutes.
Delicious with fresh tarragonmix together 4C chopped cooked chicken breast with 2 1/2C halved red grapes, 1C slivered or sliced almonds (toasted if desired), 1C finely chopped celery, 1T (more or less to taste) fresh tarragon and 4 sliced green onions (optional). Mix together 1/2C mayonnaise, 1T lemon juice, 1T whole grain mustard, 1/2tsp
garlic powder, S&P. Pour over chicken mixture and fold together, adding more mayonnaise if needed. Serve over Boston lettuce cups or in small croissants. And let's not forget dessert! With a traditional STRAWBERRY RHUBARB PIE They are a traditional spring pairing! You may buy rhubarb with leaves attached, but although the stems are edible, the leaves are toxic and should not be ingested.
You will need a 2-crust pie dough, made or purchased. Mix together 3C rhubarb, sliced ½" thick and 3C chopped strawberries with 1C sugar, ¼C cornstarch, pinch of salt, and 1/2tsp vanilla. Place pie dough into 9" deep greased pie pan. Spoon the filling into the dish and dot with 2T butter. With the second pie dough, cut 1"-wide strips and weave the strips on top of the filling. Press the edges into the bottom crust and crimp to seal. Brush the crust with a mixture of one egg beaten with 1T milk. Sprinkle with coarse sanding sugar and place in preheated 400F oven. Bake for 20 minutes, then reduce heat to 350F and bake an additional 30-40 minutes. Tent with aluminum foil if browning too quickly. Cool at least 3 hours before serving to allow the filling to thicken. Store in refrigerator.
Vanessa serves up yummy recipes for every season
sauces that Vivify incorporates to spruce up the sandwiches are all homemade including the ketchup
It is a tribute to our local community that many of our favorite eateries were able to come back to life and flourish after the "shutdown," Vivify being one of them. Located on the main drag of William Street in a concentrated area of surviving restaurants, Vivify is a laid back burger joint with a classy bar area downstairs and a rooftop bar that allows for a great view of Fredericksburg
Most Americans love a hamburger. In fact, it can be debated that burgers are our national food along with a few other goodies, such as french fries and pizza which we kind of adopted from France and Italy. It's hard to have a burger without french fries and Vivify prepares some top of the line burgers and fries! What makes them a cut above? Well, firstly they use organic dry aged beef from Seven Hills Farm in Virginia. Secondly, the cows are grass fed which lends to a more tender beef. Lastly, the
One fun thing about Vivify is their business story. Blake and Aby Bethem owned Bistro Bethem, a fine dining spot on William Street when they decided to venture into a second eatery in a building across the street. Anyone who knows the restaurant business knows that running two shops is not a walk in the park. Blake and Aby are hardworking people, but even they found it overwhelming running both establishments and raising a family. In the end, they decided to opt for just the burger bar. They have three sons, the
nickname. Parker Bethem is now skilled in all aspects of the kitchen from the dish room to the grill, and technically could take over for Chef Blake at any time. Chef Blake, though is a trained chef who graduated from Johnson and Wales Culinary School in Virginia Beach after a tour in the Marines. One can imagine the cooking chops you would learn, in addition to the discipline aspect that comes with working with a Marine.
older two have already spent time in the kitchen at the "Viv" which is the local
The menu at the "Viv" offers a variety of burgers, sandwiches, hand-ccut fries, and a vegetarian option or two. Many diners love the WEDNESDAY $4 All American special, as well as the $10 lunch boxes offered Wednesday through Friday. One of my favorites is the Parker Chicken Sandwich, a hand breaded fried breast served with banana peppers, pickle and ranch. Their steak sub is another delicious favorite. The fries can come with an array of scrumptious toppings including kimchee and cheese sauce. They also serve Poutine an interesting variation on fries originally a Canadian dish served with gravy and cheese curds, but at Vivify served with gravy and cheddar cheese. Their homemade desserts, such as the coconut cake are amazing. Occasionally, they offer a chocolate cake that reminds me of my grandmother so much it makes my mouth water.
It is finally spring... It is time to shed all the layers, clean off the patio furniture, and stock up on fresh and zippy wines to wake us up from our winter hibernation!
Are you a seasonal wine drinker? Do your wine choices change depending on the time of year, or weather outside? Or are you on the #RoséAllDay any day train? The change in your wine itinerary may happen without notice of the season, but if you stop and think about it (over a glass of wine of course), your choices may change with the temps. Not only do the temps change with the season, but our temperament and mindset might dictate what our desires are, as well. In the winter, with the chill in the air and less sunlight, our mood may be more subdued, drawing you to "comfort" winesfuller, deeper, and warming. In the spring, it's all about springing forward, a new start and brighter, literally, days, drawing you to bright, crisp, fruity wines that are cheery.
Seasonal wine drinking is not only driven by pairing wines with the temps, but also by the activities and foods that are prevalent at the time. Spring calls us outdoors. Instead of the big bold wines, you may wish lighter, less sugary, and cleaner wines.
Pairing wines with spring activities and food offers a lot of bright choices, and some you may not have considered Some unique wines to try:
Pair a 2019 Vento di Mare from Sicily, Italy, made with Nerello Mascalese, with what you are putting on the grill. It will pair great with everything from burgers or steaks to vegetables. Nerello Mascalese has some earthiness to it, but not the weight, and still has some "freshness" to it.
Bubbles are always the answer, especially to cheer in spring! Sparkling wine from the Burgundy region, like NV Maison Albert Bichot Crémant de Bourgogne Brut Réserve, would be great with salads or a good book.
Viognier, with its floral aromas, would be great with some mild cheeses while sitting around the patio.
A white Bordeaux like 2021 Chateau La Mothe du Barry Cuvée French Kiss , containing primarily Sauvignon Blanc, offers gooseberry, peach, herbal aromatics, and is a great pairing for quiche or a picnics.
Pinot Gris may not be new to you; however, try 2019 Michel Fonne Pinot Gris from the Alsace region. It offers pear, citrus, white flowers and smokey notes. It is a very versatile sipper, and goes very well with an herbed, citrus-marinated chicken, or just being enjoyed on the terrace.
A great pairing with a spring sunset would be an "amber" or "orange wine." No, not a wine made of oranges, rather a wine that, due to the process, takes on an amber or orange hue just like that of a glorious sunset. It is a white wine, processed like a red, so there are tannins, and it usually has the weight of a red wine, so makes for a great transition from weighty winter wines.
Of course, the first on everyone's mind for spring is rosé. Rosés are usually released in the spring, when they are at their best. The southeast France region of Provence is the standard, with its many smaller subregions, like Bandol, are the standard in light bodied rosé. 2021 Bernard Magrez Bleu de Mer from Pay d'Oc, France, which is made in the Provence style. This fuller-bodied French style rosé hails from Tavel, where the 2021 Domaine Corn-LLoup will catch your attention. Rosé is so versatile, from appetizers, to fried foods, to fish; however, a great pairing for spring is beet and arugula salad with goat cheese!
Whether you consider yourself a "seasonal drinker" or not makes no difference. Your choices may be driven simply by mood or the time of day. Either way, drink what you like when you like it! We hope the list above sparks your interest to seek out something maybe new to you, to celebrate the coming of spring. Try some of the suggested choices and/or pairings and let us know what you discover!
City Vino is located at 810 Caroline St. You can find owner Rita Allan on-site to provide answers to all your wine questions.
Aikido @FXBG Food CoOp, "Essentials of Non-Violent Self Defense:, 11aNoon, 320 Emancipation Hwy
Tuesday May 2
Picnic in the Park, Harry Potter Day, live music, Darcy Dawn, free Memorial Park
Wednesday May 3
Concerts by Canoe Gather Lake at Motts Run Reservoir. Pack a picnic to enjoy while floating & listening to a band playing on the pier. 6-8p Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Jeopardy nights at Adventure Brewing Eagle Village 7:30 pm
Thursday May 4
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food CoOP, 320 Emancipation Hwy PA Lauren Bock will lead this fun walking group on the Heritage Canal Path Trail
Live Music@Colonial Tavern, Acoustic Onion, 7-10p, 406 Lafayette Blvd
First Friday May 5
FCCA Members Gallery Beth Shumale & Dan Ramsey, Farewell Exhibition for Molley Ourada Ponshop, 5-9p 712 Caroline St
Spring Fling" All Member Show, Opening Reception 5-9p Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St.
Featured Artist,Tim Lett , Opening Reception 5-8:30. Canal Quarters Arts 1517 Princess Anne St
"Diamonds Are ..." Works by Joe Wilkinson, Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline St ,Opening Reception, 6-9pm
"Ariel Freeman: The Dailies" Opening Reception , 6-9p, Art First, 824 Caroline St
Live Music @hARD Times Cafe, Sam Grow Cinco de Mayo w/The Matt Freedman Trio, 8p, 10760 Patriot HWY
Live Music Cinco De Mayo with Spanglish Trio @6Bears and Goat 1140 International Pkwy Concert Free Entry 6:30-9:30pm
Live Music@Colonial Tavern Nick McAlister, 7-10p, 406 Lafayette Blvd
Saturday May 6
Food CoOP Walking Group 9-10 am Meet at Fred Food Co-op, Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, Spotsy Farmers Market , 8am - 1pm Location:12150 Gordon Rd
Art in the Park, Browse & shop local artists and crafters FXBG Farmers Market, 9a-1p
Dog Day Event @Strangeways Brewery, Come enjoy some shopping, beer, and puppies , 12-5p
Evening at the Monument on the grounds of the Mary Washington Monument & Caretaker's Lode, 5-7p.FREE
Live Music @Cowboy Jack's, Tyler James Band, 7p, 2312 Plank Rd
Live Music @Colonial Tavern, Center Point, 8p, 406 Lafayette Blvd
National Comedy Show, Water's End Brewery, 525 Caroline St
Live Music@Adventure Brewing N, Reto/Active, 7p, 33 Perchwood Dr
Live Music @Curitiba Art Cafe, Dave Guy, 8p
Sunday May 7
29th year of The Great Train Race, start near FXBG Train Station, Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 720 Littlepage, til 1p
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11:30-3p
Wednesday May 10
Concerts by Canoe Lake at Motts Run Reservoir. Pack a picnic to enjoy while floating & listening to a band playing on the pier. 6-8p
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Jeopardy nights at Adventure Brewing Eagle Village 7:30 pm
34th Chamber Music Festival, Seacobeck Hall, UMW, 7:30p
Thursday May 11
34th Chamber Music Festival, Seacobeck Hall, UMW, 7:30p
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food CoOP, 320 Emancipation Hwy this fun walking group on the Heritage and Canal Path Trail .
Live Music @Colonial Tavern, FJC Jazz Jam, 406 Lafayette Blvd, 7p
Friday May 12
Compost-A-Thon, learn to compost, demos, free compost kits, Hurkamp Park, 5-8p
Live Music @ Adventure Brewing North, Waking Napster, 7p
Saturday May 13
Food CoOP Walking Group 9-10 am Meet at 320 Emancipation Hwy, enjoy Fxbg trails and neighborhoods
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, Spotsy Farmers Market , 8am - 1pm Location:12150 Gordon Rd
Virginia Reniasance Faire The love Renaissance-themed entertainment Lake Anna Winery live music an coursing, historical reenactments an village of Staffordshire has a vast offering crafts, jewelry, apparel, dec FXBG Tacos & Beer Festival is BA featuring some of the best restaura amazing taco creations along with music, and a Margarita bar.
9th Anniversary Celebration @Adven
34th Chamber Music Festival, Seaco
Live Music @Cowboy Jack's, JD Rob Plank Rd
Mothers Day May 14
Celebrate your mother at our decad winning UMW Catering , University Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tave
Wednesday May 17
Concerts by Canoe Gather for a c Reservoir. Pack a picnic to enjoy w playing on the pier. Launch your ow Columbus Clippers vs FRED Nats, 7p Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Jeopardy nights at Adventure Brewin
Thursday May 18
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food Lauren Bock will lead this fun walkin Path Trail where we'll learn about h
Friday May 19
Live Music @ FXBG Square, Keller W
Live Music @Colonial Tavern, Beth T
Live Music @Curitiba, Latin Night Concert FREE , 6-9p, 919 Caroline S
Live Music @6B&G, Something Sh guitarist Russ Groover unique tw humorous stage banter work tog acoustic show 1140 International P
ly “Village of Staffordshire” offers weekends thru end of May, 10a-5p nd performances, jousting, hound nd many other things. The fictional marketplace with dozens of shops cor, and art.
ACK, FXBG Fairgrounds 11a to 4p ants & food trucks serving up their unlimited craft beer samples, live
nture Brewig Norh, 12-10p beck Hall, UMW, 7:30p erts & Crowfoot Bottom, 7p, 2312
ent brunch buffet! Hosted by awardenter, UMW, 10a-2p , 720 Littlepage, til 1p ern 11:30-3p
concert on the Lake at Motts Run while floating & listening to a band wn or rent ours, 6-8p
m 720 Littlepage
ng Eagle Village 7:30 pm
CoOP, 320 Emancipation Hwy PA ng group on the Heritage and Canal health and meet new friends.
Williams, 7-11pm, 525 Caroline ST
Turner, 7p, 406 Lafayette Blvd w/ Spanglish Latin American Band
Saturday May 20
Food CoOP Walking Group 9-10 am Meet Food Co-op, 320 Emancipation Hwy, enjoy Fredericksburg's trails and neighborhoods
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, Spotsy Farmers Market , 8am - 1pm Location:12150 Gordon Rd
Art in the Park, Browse & shop local artists and crafters FXBG Farmers Market, 9a-1p
Comic Book Convention CRRL_CON, cosplay, vendors , giveaways, activities, Howell Branch CRRL, 1-4p
FXBG Area Iris Society judged show Chancellor Ruritan Club, 5994 Plank Road, Any one who grows named irises is welcome to exhibit. Entries are accepted between 7:30 -9:30 a.m. show is free 12:30 to 4 p.m.
Colonial Faire @Kenmore, 12n-3p, recreating the fun and festivities of an authentic colonial market faire on the lawn 201 Washington Ave.
Live Music @Cowboy Jack's, Andrew Washington, traditional country, 7p 2312 Plank Rd
Live Music @Billiken's Scarlett Awakening, 7p 623 Caroline ST
Sunday May 21
Marine Corp Historic Half, start FXBG Conference Center thru historic Downtown
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 720 Littlepage, til 1p
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11:30-3p
Latin Festival, DJ Don Juan, Live Music, Beer & Margaritas, Food Trucks, Vendors, Kids Activities and More! FXBG Fairgrounds, 11a-4p
Wednesday May 24
Concerts by Canoe a concert on the Lake at Motts Run Reservoir. Pack a picnic to enjoy while floating & listening to a band playing on the pier. Launch your own or rent ours, 6-8p
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Jeopardy nights at Adventure Brewing Eagle Village 7:30 pm
Thursday May 25
Live Music, FXBG Blues Society, Colonial Tavern, 7p, 406 Lafayette Blvd
Walk with a Doc 4-5p FXBG food CoOP, 320 Emancipation Hwy walking group on the Heritage & Canal Path Trail
Summer Block Party, Dorothy Hart Community Center, 5-8p get a taste of all the offerings of Parks & Rec.
Live Music @Strangeways Brewing, Nirvana Tribute Band, 7-10p,
Live Music @6B&G, Bailey Hayes, 7p, 1140 International Pkwy
Saturday May 27
Rainbow Run & Messy Games Day hosted by FXBG Pride, , Pratt Park, 8Noon Walk or Run around Pratt Park Loop 3x - Each loop will have NEW Messy Games
Food CoOP Walking Group 9-10 am Meet at Fred Food Co-op, 320 Emancipation Hwy, enjoy Fredericksburg's trails and neighborhoods
Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p,
Spotsy Farmers Market , 8am - 1pm Location:12150 Gordon Rd
Live Music @6bears & a Goat, Spike takes live performance to a new level by blending his powerful, soulful voice with percussive, yet articulate, finger-style acoustic guitar. 7P, 1140 International Pkwy
Doris Buffet Pool opening
FXBG National Cemetery Luminaria, 8p-11p. Each candle represents a soldier buried in the cemetery and honors those who have died in service to our country. Throughout the evening a bugler will plays "Taps" every thirty minutes. Park staff posted to relate stories about some of the soldiers. A moving, beautiful event not to be missed.
Sunday May 28
Sunday Brunch Sunken Well Tavern, 720 Littlepage, til 1p
Sunday Brunch at the Colonial Tavern 11:30-3p
Memorial Day Monday May 29
Murph Challenge @Ron Rosner Family YMCA, 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run. This is a self paced workout guided by a personal trainer. Half Murph or Quarter Murph options as well. Scaling and modification options will be shown and encouraged. 9:30a-10:45a
Wednesday May 31
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage
Jeopardy nights at Adventure Brewing Eagle Village 7:30 pm
If you are reading this 310th issue of FPF, thank an advertiser now in our 26th year of continuous publication!
hiny, 7p bassist Stephen Bray and wist on songs coupled with their ether to present a most unusual Pkwy
Friday May 26
Join American Foundation for Suicide Prevention VA Chapter for Talk Saves Lives: Resources for LGBTQ Communities. CRRL FXBG Branch, 10a
List your events email frntprch@aol com: subject Calendar Deadline for June 2023 issue is May 19th
I have written about Hugh Mercer several time over the past years, however, there is one story that very few know. Mercer came to the American Colonies from Aberdeen Scotland as a Physician educated at Mariscal College. He settled close to what is Mercersburg Pennsylvania today. As a young officer in the Pennsylvania militia and Commandant of Fort Pitt he became close friends of George Washington which led to him moving his medical practice to Fredericksburg where he opened an Apothecary shop His wife
Isabella Gordon was the daughter of a prominent Fredericksburg family. Hugh Mercer was known as one of the largest land owners in Fredericksburg as he owned the Washington farm a six hundred tract that he purchased from the Washington family. He also had homes and land within the Town of Fredericksburg. His relatives included Confederate General Hugh Weedon Mercer and World War II General George Patton Hugh Mercer was appointed Brigadier General during the Revolution by General Washington. It was during a battle in Trenton when Mercer became surrounded by the Hessians and was bayonetted seven times, which he survived, however, he died nine days later. General Cornwallis permitted General Mercer to be given medical care upon the request of Washington. He was temporarily buried in Christ Churchyard in Philadelphia. It was not until 1840 that his remains were moved to Laurel Hill Cemetery.
In 1783 George Washington attended commencement exercises at New Jersey College (Princeton University). It was during this time that the College Board requested Washington to sit for a painting by Charles Wilson Peale Washington would stay in Philadelphia from December 8-13, 1783, before returning to Mount Vernon. Washington felt it was an honor to have a painting of his friend. The face of Hugh Mercer is posed by his son William, a friend of the artist Peale and he actually studied painting under him for three years and did work in Virginia. In the painting General Mercer is supporting himself on his left elbow and an officer gives him aid Behind his a standard bearer with flag and in the background is the Battle of Princeton and Nassau Hall in the background In the forefront General Washington stands with sword drawn protecting his fallen comrade and friend
As was the case with many of Fredericksburg's citizens when war appeared at their door, Jane Howison Beale fled the city. Unlike numerous others, Beale waited until the evening of December 11, 1862, to evacuate with her children. Fortunately, we do not have to imagine what thoughts raced through her head as she and her children tried to get from between the Union and Confederate armies. She tells us by the words she chose to use and recorded in her diary.
The author became aware of the painting in the 1960's as a collector of currency and member of the Virginia Numismatic Association that I was honored to be president from 1981 to 1983. On May 1, 1863 , the County of Mercer (Virginia) issued fifty cent note. This is now part of the State of West Virginia. The painting of the wounding of General Mercer by Peale was used as a print for many state and bank notes during the 1860's. John Turnbull (17561843) another famous artist also painted the wounding of Hugh Mercer. His painting like the one of Peale are also on display at Princton.
The Statue of General Mercer located on Washington Avenue was built by the United States Government in 1906. It was designed by the artist Edward Valentine who also designed the Lee memorial at Washington and Lee University. Valentine of Richmond was famous for his statues of Virginians such as Thomas Jefferson in the Jefferson Hotel.
Earlier in the day, Union forces were finally able to get pontoon bridges in place to get some of their troops from the Stafford County side of the Rappahannock to the Fredericksburg shore. Vicious blockby-block street fighting occurred as men from Confederate Brig. Gen. William Barksdale's regiments tried to hold back the Federal forces sent over the river. In effort to try to push Barksdale's men out of the Fredericksburg streets, Federal artillery on Stafford Heights threw solid shot and shells into the city. Although the bombardment caused significant damage, it ultimately had little effect on the Confederate defenders.
Seeking shelter from the bombardment in the basement of their Lewis Street home, Beale, her children, and enslaved servants headed downstairs. "We sought the room often used for a kitchen, and as Susan made us a good fire (the fuel all being at hand), we drew around it, with our hearts earnestly seeking the protection of heaven," Beale wrote.
While in the basement, a shell struck the house causing a "crashing of glass and splintering of timber close behind us." Her youngest son, Samuel, cried out that he was hit, but fortunately, "there was no terrible wound, only a deep redness of the skin about the shoulder and breast," Beale noted. The family waited for an opportunity to leave.
Finally receiving word from her brother, John that the window of opportunity to get out of town was narrowing, she explained, "We were shoved in the vehicle without much ceremony, and the horses dashed off at a
speed that at another time would have alarmed me, but now seemed all to slow for our feverish impatience to be beyond the reach of those terrible shots which were still tearing through the streets of the town, one struck a building just as we passed it, another tore up the ground a short distance from us."
From Lewis Street, the party traveled in a commandeered ambulance over to Hanover Street, and then along the soon-to-be-famous Sunken Road-scene of such terrible fighting two days later.
Beale felt relief after proceeding beneath the Willis Hill Cemetery "As we passed beyond the line of the town and the turn in the road put the 'Willis Hill' Promontory of land, between us and the firing, a sense of security came into my mind and a deep and heartfelt thankfulness for our deliverance from this great evil, carried my spirit to the throne of Heaven in humble grateful prayer," she wrote.
Jane Beale and her children were among the fortunate. They found shelter in the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Temple, family friends. Fredericksburg refugees without such connections made do as best they could by making camps in the woods or took cover, if possible, in nearby countryside churches. But even when the armies eventually went away and the war was over, their lives would be forever changed by their experience.
Tim Talbot is the Chief Administrative Officer for Central Virginia Battlefields Trust
Dedicated To: Phyllis Atkins, Arthur Jennings, Retta Robbins, Tom Smith, Regina Reinhold, Togie Payne, & Phyllis S WeaverThe story of our area didn't start with Fredericksburg's founding in 1728. Not even with the first Native Americans who lived here thousands of years ago. The story of life in Fredericksburg goes way, way back in time to the age of dinosaurs some 112 million years ago!
This is a good time to dispense with a silly myth. Contrary to what you saw in the 1966 movie One Million Years B.C., extinct mega-ddinosaurs and humans never lived together at the same time It sure makes for good entertainment though. By one million years ago - the setting for the movie - mega-dinosaurs had already been extinct for some 62 million years. Also, it's fairly apparent that Homo erectus, our human ancestor who was on the scene one million years ago, could never, ever, be confused with movie actors John Richardson and Raquel Welch.
building stone starting in the 1700s. Many foundations and walls around town are made of the stuff, including the famous Stone Wall on the Fredericksburg Battlefield.
At one time it was once just sand, silt and clay that had washed in from the then-younger and much taller Appalachian Mountains. These sediments were deposited along braided stream channels that ran through the Fredericksburg area. Dinosaurs roamed all over this landscape, leaving their tracks everywhere, before the sediment turned to stone, making the footprints permanent Teeth and bones were rarely preserved in this environment, and tracks are all that's left.
Artwork courtesy of the Fredericksburg Area Museum Stomp:FXBC
Fredericksburg Area Museum
907 Princess Anne St famva org
There's abundant evidence that dinosaurs lived right here in Fredericksburg. It's written in the rocks. Not their fossilized skeletons, but trace fossils that record the creatures' comings and goings. Footprints found in the rocks around Fredericksburg have been traced to a dizzying array of dinosaurs including therapods, sauropods, ankylosaurs and ornithopods. They are more fully explored in the scientific article T he Lower Cretaceous Patuxent Formation Ichnofauna of Virginia, by Robert E Weems and Jon M Bachman, which is available online.
Evidence of dinosaurs is found locally in Rappahannock Freestone, our local variant of Aquia Sandstone, which occurs in several outcrops along the Rappahannock River here in Fredericksburg. It was quarried for
Located just downriver from City Dock is the site where scientists found the largest dinosaur footprint in Virginia, around 18 inches long This print was made by a multi-ton sauropod that stretched nearly 60 feet from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. That's roughly the distance between the pitcher's mound and home plate at the Virginia Credit Union Stadium. Much larger than any land animal alive today.
Casts of dinosaur footprints found at local sites are on display through 2026 at the Fredericksburg Area Museum in the STOMP FXBC dinosaur exhibit sponsored by Fort, LLC. I hope you'll check it out, it's simply amazing.
So … what's in a Step? Here, a moment in time frozen for eternity in the rocks around us.
Hours: Sun, Mon, Tues: 10a-55p Wed :Closed Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10a-55p
Volunteers Wecome!
An attorney and retired archaeologist, Jon Gerlach serves on Fredericksburg's City Council, Ward Two.Thanks to sensationalized media depictions of mental illness and stigma surrounding mental health conditions, people tend to have a limited view of what depression actually looks like. When you think of a "depressed person," perhaps you envision an image from a movie or medication commercial: Someone lying alone in a dark room, crying into a box of tissues, overcome with feelings of hopelessness.
This picture is not necessarily inaccurate; it is simply incomplete. There are many more manifestations of depression - symptoms that aren't necessarily visible or immediately obvious. Knowing the seldom discussed symptoms of depression, being able to recognize the less obvious signs may help you or a loved one identify and seek treatment for depression.
Here are a few lesser-known symptoms to look out for:
Brain Fog
Studies have shown that depression can reduce cognitive functions, including working memory, long-term memory, decision making and ability to focus. Research also suggests that people with depression often have "widespread grey matter structural abnormalities" in the brain - observable structural differences that contribute to such cognitive deficits.
This often presents in what we refer to as a "brain fog," in which people may experience an inability to focus on tasks, slower reaction times, forgetfulness and feelings of being mentally "blocked " Naturally, this can lead to a number of professional, personal and emotional challenges; combating cognitive symptoms can be a frustrating and demoralizing experience.Substance Use
While substance use disorders are
complex conditions, they are often linked to depression. People experiencing substance use challenges often face the consequences of misinformation and stigma; many are blamed for "poor choices" and irresponsibility.
However, this misguided discourse fails to recognize many of the facets of addiction, including the fact that many people misuse drugs and alcohol to self-mmedicate their depression They may not be aware that they are depressed, may not have the resources to treat their depression or may grapple with the stigma surrounding seeking help.
While weight changes can be indicative of a shift in physical health, they can also be connected to mental health. Depression is known to affect appetite; some people with depression experience increased appetite and report eating more, while others experience a decrease in appetite and undereat Accordingly, large weight fluctuations may be a symptom of unmanaged depression.
The challenge of coping with depression is often compounded by stigma surrounding weight and body size; one person may be "fat shamed" for their weight gain while another is praised for their weight loss, despite both weight changes being a result of mental illness.
Irritability, anger and impatience often accompany depression Perhaps you have experienced the surprise of these negative emotions that seemingly "come out of nowhere" - either when you experience them or are on the receiving end of an outburst from someone else.
Often, these outbursts are referred to as anger attacks , sudden
intense spells of anger could be considered uncharacteristic and inappropriate in the moment. In turn, this can lead to feelings of shame and confusion surrounding an inability to control these intense emotions.
Often, the chemical imbalances that accompany depression can strip people of their energy. Individuals with depression often have low levels of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine Without appropriate levels of these chemicals, we can experience fatigue, sleep issues, low motivation, decreased interest in once-enjoyed activities and a general lack of joy.
For these reasons, many antidepressants work to increase these chemicals in the body. From the outside, these symptoms may be judged as a personal failing. Perhaps someone appears lazy, disorganized or unclean - but in reality, they are doing their very best to cope when they are struggling to simply get out of bed. In these moments, chores may go undone, hygiene may falter and basic tasks may get overlooked.
Other possible physical manifestations of depression are vague aches and pains. The chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine don't simply affect mood - they also influence how we feel pain. Accordingly, the chemical imbalance linked to depression is also linked to many types of physical pain
Additionally, research shows that there are biological factors that increase
inflammation and decrease immunity during depressive episodes. Those with depression may experience headaches, body aches and stomach aches, among other ailments
Ultimately, it's important to remember that depression is complex. It is a mental health condition that doesn't always look like the tired trope we see played out in the media and stigma-laden conversations.
Depression manifests in a wide variety of symptoms - both mental and physical - that most people may not be aware of. Of course, it is certainly possible to experience brain fog, misuse substances, battle fatigue and feel pain without having depression. But if you are noticing these behaviors and feelings in yourself or someone else, remain vigilant and consider seeking help. Prioritizing your health is not only wise; it is brave.
Ginger Robertson is a registered nurse and mental health blogger. She hopes her work can end the stigma surrounding mental illness and seeking mental health care.
If you happen to be on the Rappahannock River Heritage Trail a bit after 4 pm on a Thursday, you are likely to run in to cardiology Physician's Assistant, Lauren Bock PA , host of Be Well Lifestyle Medicine.:facebook.com/BeWellLifestyleMe dicine. and a gaggle of folks she is helping prevent heart disease, cancer, dementia, osteoporosis high blood pressure, obesity, anxiety, depression, insomnia and insulin resistance - reducing the risk of diabetes.
You might wonder how she could be helping so many health problems all at once. But she's not dispensing some new miracle drug. Not helping these folks find some magic plant growing in the hedge row.
exercise with all its' wonderful health benefits - a panacea you could be sure any drug company would love to have a product in their armamentarium that would do the same.
A point a recent meta-analysis in the British Journal of Sports Medicine made (Jan of 2023) This showed exercise can reduce risk of stroke and heart attack by 27 percent. The risk of cancer by 12 percent and overall risk of death by 31 percent.
A Panacea That's Hard to Sell
By Patrick Neustatter, MDjudging by the DHSS reporting that only a measly 28 percent of Americans are meeting physical activity guidelines.
To get people on board, you have to approach it subtly, advises Lauren. "Sometime the word 'exercise' will elicit negative feelings" whereas "the words 'movement 'or 'activity' elicit positive emotions"
It is "paramount that we find our preferred form of movement" notes Lauren - "perhaps it's gardening or walking. Perhaps swimming or hiking or yoga?" Regardless she says, the best for you "is the one you will continue to do tomorrow and for many years to come."
We are a culture that is all too ready to pop a pill to keep illness at bay rather than make the effort to exercise - I always beat on the drug reps that would come to the office with their frantically expensive medicines they always touted as a panacea.
them on the Fredericksburg Food Coop's "Walk
The trouble is, unlike taking a pill or being a passive patient of some therapist who does stuff to you (massage, manipulation, poking you with needles, anointing with etc.) exercise requires you to get off your backside and put in some
Even wording it tactfully, people still think they have to be running a marathon or pumping iron in the gym. But, as I always tell my patients, just walking is good exercise - so joining Lauren for Walk With a Doc (everyone welcomestarts from Fredericksburg Food Coop at 320 Emancipation Highway at 4pm every Thursday) would help you achieve some of the, not inconsiderable, health benefits. And as many avid exercisers will tell you, it makes you feel good - as well as being part of the group with social connections encourages healthy life styles.
Quantity and Quality
"If I don't have to be running marathons, how much do I need to do?" is always the question.
The DHSS, recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise (e.g. walking or gentle biking) or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (running or singles tennis) a week - though any amount of exercise will have some benefit.
They were never promoting treadmills or running shoes - things that would help patients to access the one true panacea.
Patrick Neustatter, MD is the Medical Director of the Moss Free Clinic
Walk With a Doc
Everyone welcome - starts from Fredericksburg Food Coop 320 Emancipation Highway 4pm every Thursday
Walking Group
With a Doc" program. Getting them to
effort - which is a bit of an impediment
Every Saturday, 9am
Water is essential for human life. It helps us stay hydrated, flush out toxins, and keep our skin looking healthy. No wonder so many people are trying to drink more water each day! But how can you tell if you're not drinking enough water? This post will discuss the signs that you need to drink more water. We will also provide tips on making it easier for you to drink more water daily. Stay hydrated!
Did you know that water makes up more than 60% of your body weight? That's a lot of H2O! And it's no surprise that water is vital to our bodies, given that every cell, tissue, and organ needs water to function correctly That's why it's essential to drink enough water every day. When you don't get enough fluids, your body can't perform at its best. As a result, you may feel tired, have trouble concentrating, and even get headaches. In severe cases, dehydration can lead to hospitalization. So how much water should you drink? The general rule of thumb is to drink eight 8ounce glasses of water per day But this may vary depending on your activity level, the climate, and other factors. The best way to know if you ' re drinking enough water is to pay attention to your body For example, if you ' re thirsty or your urine is dark yellow, it's time to drink up!
It's no secret that water is essential for good health. Unfortunately, many of us don't drink enough water daily, and one of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue. When we're not well-hydrated, our blood volume drops, and our hearts have to work harder to pump blood throughout our bodies. As a result, we may feel tired, sluggish, and unable to concentrate. If you struggle to stay awake during the day or feel fatigued after moderate exercise, it's a good idea to
make sure you're drinking enough water. Start your day with a glass of water, carry a water bottle with you, and drink fluids before, during, and after exercise. Paying attention to your body's need for water can help avoid fatigue and keep your energy levels up.
Most of us have experienced bad breath at one point or another. Bad breath can be a real pain, whether it's after a night of heavy drinking or simply first thing in the morning. And unfortunately, it's often a sign that we're not drinking enough water. When we don't drink enough water, our bodies become dehydrated. This causes our saliva to become more concentrated, which can increase bacterial growth and bad breath. You can conquer bad breath and keep your mouth healthy and hydrated with a little effort.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and it's one of the first places dehydration will show itself. When you're not adequately hydrated, your skin can become dry, tight, and flaky. You may also notice a loss of elasticity, and your skin may be more susceptible to bruising. In addition, poor skin health can lead to premature aging, as dehydrated skin is more likely to develop fine lines and wrinkles. Start your day with a glass of water, and carry a water bottle with you throughout the day to stay hydrated. You should also aim to eat foods that are high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables.
When you're feeling under the weather, it's easy to assume that you're coming down with a cold or the flu. However, being sick often can also be a sign that you're not drinking enough
water. Water helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, removes waste from the body, and regulates body temperature. When you don't drink enough water, your body can't perform these functions as effectively. As a result, you may start to feel sick more often. Try drinking more water throughout the day. You may be surprised at how much better you feel.
Most of us have experienced a headache at some point in our lives. And while there are many different causes of headaches, dehydration is one of the most common. When we don't drink enough water, our bodies become dehydrated. This can cause the blood vessels in our brains to constrict, leading to pain. Headaches are often one of the first signs of not drinking enough water.. So listen to your body and drink up!
The color of your urine can tell you a lot about your hydration levels. Most of the time, urine is pale yellow,
indicating that you are well-hhydrated However, if your urine is dark yellow or amber-ccolored, it may indicate that you are not drinking enough water When your body is dehydrated, it will begin to recycle water from other areas to maintain properly functioning organs. As a result, your urine will become darker as it becomes more concentrated.
Make Sure To Drink Enough Water!
In summary, there are many signs that you might not drink enough water. These include fatigue, bad breath, poor skin health, headaches, and being sick often. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, make sure to up your water intake. Drink eight glasses of water a day, carry a water bottle with you and eat foods that are high in water content. By taking these steps, you can improve your health and well-being.
Provided by The Outdoor Wear Team
Office: 540-368-1234
Everyone everywhere either is, had or will be a mother at some point. With that title comes weight not shared by mortal man. Men are too slow and terribly reluctant to catch on to new trends so going off for extended periods to 'hunt and gather' is still how many men operate. Of course as homo-sapiens we're a few million years further down the evolutionary trail and that field of ripe berries waiting to be picked has morphed into grabbing a few cold ones at the corner pub and coming home with an empty basket… nothing to show for all that effort.
Thankfully, I believe my experience as a child of the fifties is different from life in this age. Progress has been made. The dynamics of the household and the process of raising kids has shifted to a more shared platform. That is a good thing. My father went to work, (and so did my mother) yet he came home, read the evening paper and then sat down to dinner when it was served. I never saw him cook a meal beyond the occasional grilling of a burger and never saw him do dishes beyond rinsing his coffee cup before a re-fill. So my mother taught us to cook and clean up afterwards. Valuable skills that have served me well.
So taking my theme from the obvious, it is May. America kicks off this month with Cinco de Mayo which celebrates the Mexican military victory over the French in 1862 but is not actually a celebration of Mexican Independence. That is in September but it did established Marquita (Margaret) as a household name. My favorite claim to the drink's origin is "Enrique Bastate Gutierrez created the Margarita in the early 1940s as an homage to actress Rita Hayworth, whose birth name was Margarita Carmen Dolores Cansino, born in Tijuana, Mexico." The name might be right but pretty sure she was born in New York. Her mother's maiden name was Hayworth hence her stage name.
May then swiftly progresses to Mother's Day and ultimately ends with Memorial Day. What else do you need to know? We're here because of our mothers, we made it to adulthood because of our mothers and then we honor those who gave all leaving their mothers to grieve fascinating connection
I normally write about conveyances of the automotive gender but with Mother's Day at play the logical, if
somewhat skewed tangent, has to do with ships at sea. Why are boats and other seafaring vessels named after women? Besides the obvious naming them after goddesses and such, you have to get to the real root of the cause which is safety A ship at sea is a vessel intended to carry you safely from port to port and home again as you hunt and gather from the sea. Who has kept the sailor safe all his life? Pretty sure it is his mother and the women in his life. Women don't put their children in harm's way and women don't send children to war.
Were it not for the women. Were it not for their patience and teachings. Were it not for their smiles and their touch… most of us would not have made it to adulthood. That's a fact. I can count on one hand the sage wisdom given me by my father while all the rest of the credit for my character goes to my mother… and her mother… and her grandmother… I'm sure there are studies out there indicating I am not alone in this.
Thanks Primrose! Happy Mother's Day!
Rim Vining, humorist, friend and a devoted community volunteer
bounty of the season with the cascade of flowers that emerge amid the rocky terrain of "Cliffside Beauty."
In addition, Marianna Smith's spirited and fun-loving exchange in her painting "Splash" depicts a light-heartedness that is unique to this time of year, and Taylor Cullar's "Shore Birds" celebrates the emergence of feathered friends elicited by the warmth of the season. In jewelry, Spring's blue hue is featured in Michele Milano's "Bronze Purse Pendant and Lapis/Crystal Necklace."
~-Collette Caprara .Featured Artist, Tim Lett
"Diamonds Are " Works by Joe Wilkinson
Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline St Opening Reception, First Friday May 5, 6-99pm
Says Joe, "Running out of ideas can send one off on a tangent." After making wooden boxes to hold the witness microphones for Senate and House committee rooms, Joe had some small leftover triangles of plywood and thought, "What can I do with these?" Thus began the idea for this show and assembly commenced. Diamonds Are... consists of pieces made from project leftovers, reclaimed, and new wood. The show has lots of variety, more than just diamonds.
Farewell Exhibition for Molley Ourada PONSHOP
First Friday, May 5, 5-99p 712 Caroline St
“Spring Fling” All Member Show
Opening Reception
First Friday, May, 5-99p Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St
Throughout May, the artists at Brush Strokes Gallery invite visitors to celebrate the unique features of Spring with them-from the season's powerful palette to its playful and soaring spirit we call "Spring Fling."
The brilliant fuchsia and crimson of Kimberly Zook's "Three Sisters" is a mixed media image of a cluster of blossoms. The vivid intensity of the violet hue and golden halo in Lois Baird's "Purple Iris," as well as the delicate yet dazzlingly luminous colors of Rebecca Triana' s "Butterfly" are tribute to the season of renewal and new life certainly joyful. Penny A Parrish's "Daisies and Bubbles" photograph is a fun and funky look at a vase of flowers. Stacy Gerise imbues a tree reaching skyward with a spectrum of colors that echo the strength and promise of Spring in her "Rainbow Eucalyptus" painting. Collette Caprara connotes the
Opening Reception, First Friday, May 5, 5-88:30p Canal Quarters Arts 1517 Princess Anne St Tim Lett is a self taught artist and works mostly in oil pastels.
"Ariel Freeman: The Dailies"
Opening Reception First Fri, May 5, 6-99p Art First, 824 Caroline St Ariel Freeman is an artist and nurse practitioner who lives and paints in northern Virginia.
"As a nurse and artist, I have long appreciated the relationship between creative expression, health and well-being. Through art we find connectedness, to ourselves and others."
. ~Anne TimpanoJoin us in bidding a fond farewell to artist Molley Ourada.Molley’s colorful and bright paitings have adorned our gallery walls for over four years and we wish her safe travels as she relocates to Texas.
810 Caroline Street, Downtown 540.371.4099
Artist on Site Saturdays
Metalsmith, Michèle Milano, a born and bred New Yorker, came to jewelry making through her musical concertizing at DC Embassies, The Strathmore, in Germany, France, New York and Los Angeles: Always on the look out for that special bauble to accentuate her performance attire-and never quite finding the right sparkle. Combing the malls, city, town and village streets, boutiques and craft fairs-everywhere-and zip: nothing was right.
And then somewhere in 2009 while floating through a local department store, a very unusual necklace caught her eye. LOVE at first sight! And on Sale! Once home, while eagerly trying it on-it
broke with beads flying everywhere.
Murphy's Law perhaps-but how hard could it be to put it back together?? Never having darkened the doorway of any Craft Store, Michele found herself lost in the findings aisle…
And so Jazz n Jewelry by Michèle Milano began with a lovely, but broken necklace, which when repaired, only inspired Michèle to learn more about this fascinating field.
Accepting her husband's challenge to go and learn a new skill, she enrolled in a Metalsmithing Class at the Corcoran School of Art and Design. From there continuing on to work and learn from local masters in the field….
Michèle Milano has shown her jewelry operated her own NY Boutique in the early 2010's and has had her work shown in various galleries.
Her lifelong musical path as a classically trained and degreed Pianist and Singer/Jazz Performer/Teacher and Composer-Led her to stumble quite accidentally into a whole new wonderful world! Jazz n Jewellery by Michèle Milano
“My belief is that Art is something remarkable, which stands apart from our ordinary, daily routine. Call it a mirage, a dream, fantasy or a vision. This my perspective from which I seem to work. I surround myself in "audio art" as a musician in a forested studio setting, whether I am painting, photographing or striving to create Beautiful, tangible Art as a Jewelry Artist.
“I love to photograph nature in all its forms and on canvas I work primarily in Oils. My Jewelry work features Organic Materials, as I love the natural integrity and energy of metals, glass, and crystals; precious and semiprecious stones. My goal is to showcase these natural elements in a design, which best shows off their innate characteristics: all the while remaininghopefully--"outside the box".
“My belief is that an artist is ever striving for perhaps the unattainable perfection of the crafttherefore, we continually seek to improve our skills.
“My favorite materials are Precious and Semi Precious Gems, Sterling and Fine Silver, Bronze, Brass , Copper and Precious Metal Clay.”
addressing these important, heightened demands is increased costs for Empowerhouse.
Since 1978, Empowerhouse has provided support, hope, and assistance to mothers in crisis who are seeking a new start for themselves and their children. We are committed to offering vital services and programs to help them break free from the cycle of violence. These survivors are mothers are who are your neighbors, friends, family members, and co-workers. Domestic violence affects women of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnicities, and educational levels.
Please join us with your special Mother's Day gift to Empowerhouse in honor of, or in memory of, the mom in your life
This Mother's Day, as we celebrate motherhood and show appreciation for the moms in our lives, we also have an opportunity to make a lifechanging difference to mothers who are escaping domestic violence.
1 in 4 women in America are victims of intimate partner violence many of whom are mothers urgently seeking safety, shelter and services for themselves and their children. At Empowerhouse, we give survivors of domestic violence (DV) the time, space, and tools to heal their hearts, restore their connections, and renew their spirits. We empower DV survivors and their children to believe in themselves and build new lives filled with dignity, respect, safety, and hope.
Three years after the pandemic began, calls to Empowerhouse's 24-hhour, confidential hotline are still 30% higher as compared with pre-ppandemic times Vulnerable community members continue to reach out for help at an elevated rate. Many of our housing and Shelter families are still struggling financially.
In addition to our free services for DV survivors, we continue to offer more rental assistance to our housing families to keep them safe and secure and expanded economic support for our Shelter families to ensure that their heightened needs are met. The result of
Your meaningful donation enables Empowerhouse to meet these ongoing, elevated needs as we offer safe housing and crucial services to community members fleeing abuse, deliver healthy relationship programs to children and teens, provide court advocacy for survivors, and staff our hotline.
Your donation today can help mothers who are survivors of domestic violence, and their children realize a more hopeful future.
To donate please go to Empowerhouse's website at www.empowerhouseva.org or mail your gift to Empowerhouse, P.O. Box 1007, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
To learn more about Empowerhouse, please visit our website. If you, or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please call our confidential, 24-hour hotline at (540) 373-9373.
Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!
Nancy Kelly is the Development Director at Empowerhouseand a Conversation with a Five-YYear-00ld
May is not only the month of a plethora of delightful blooms but blooming conversations as well, with the many opportunities that Fredericksburg presents to meet with friends in outdoor settings.
The Fredericksburg Area Museum (FAM) is excited to announce the Fredericksburg Area Black Arts FestivalRevisited on June 10, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Presented in conjunction with Seen: Viewing the Work of African American Artists of Fredericksburg (currently on display at the Fredericksburg Area Museum), this festival gives recognition to the rich history of the Harambee 360 Degrees Interpretive Theater, which was established in Fredericksburg in the 1970's, and became the podium for Black artists to find support and exposure. The founder of Harambee 360, Clarence Todd, established the first Fredericksburg Black Arts Festival in the mid -1970s.
Artists that participate in this festival will be shown at Libertytown Arts Workshop and the Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts during the month of October 2023. These exhibits are
generously sponsored by Libertytown Arts Workshop.
The museum is currently looking for artists and performers to participate in this festival. Black artists and performers working in Spotsylvania County, Stafford County, Caroline County, King George County and the city of Fredericksburg are encouraged to apply.
Black Arts Festival Revisited June 10 10a-55p
Fredericksburg Area Museum
907 Princess Anne St famva org
Hours: Sun, Mon, Tues: 10a-55p Wed :Closed Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10a-55p
I took the opportunity to do so a while ago when I spotted a friend on the patio of a longstanding favorite deli and bakery. As I joined her, she introduced me to another friend she was chatting with her and her young son. That gathering still brings a smile that I'd like to share with all.
When the son was introduced, he proudly announced that his name was Sam and that he was five years old, and proceeded to talk about an experience that he had "long, long ago." That was an intriguing introduction to his story (which he repeated twice). I suppose it was meant to pique our curiosity about his story but it also sparked a bit of humor because, given Sam's age, his "long, long ago" was likely no more than about three years in the past.
Our table was under a blossoming cherry tree, and as we ladies chatted away, I noticed a look of delight on Sam's face from time to time when winds bounced the branches and released little cascades of petals from the tree. I looked to see if Sam had something to say about that and noticed his right arm was
ramrod-straight up. Our conversation continued and I looked again and saw that Sam's arm had not gone down. Then it occurred to me: Could he be raising his hand to join the conversation and add his bit? His mom confirmed that he was, indeed, raising his hand to be recognized and she added it was a bit of pre-school etiquette that he took to heart.
As we packed up our things to leave, the breeze became a gust that created a blizzard of swirling petals and it was a delight to see the glee in Sam's skip as he and his mom departed through the pink petal-fall. That brief encounter still brings a smile.
Collette Caprara is a writer, artist & lover of all of life's blessings
The trees are budding and the flowers are blooming. And we all can see the pollen on our cars and for others feel the effects of the pollen. Allergy Season is here my friends! As much as we are affected by allergies, for many dogs and cats, it can affect them as well. This is the time of the year where we see more cases of sneezing, watery eyes and itchy skin. So, let’s talk allergies.
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is the most common allergy seen in pets. External irritants such as fleas can cause extreme itching which in turn can cause skin infections. Pets that suffer from FAD tend to have a hypersensitivity to flea salvia. When a flea bites your pet, a small amount of salvia is introduced under the skin. Flea bites may become red and inflamed which will cause your pet to begin to scratch and chew at the site. Pets with FAD will need to be treated with antibiotics at times as well as monthly flea/tick prevention.
Food allergy is also another form of allergies seen in pets. This form of allergy can manifest itself as gastrointestinal issues or skin infections. The reaction occurs due to the immune system’s hypersensitivity to a protein in a food. Beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb and soy are the most common food allergens in dogs, in this order; common culprits in cats include beef, dairy and fish. Food allergy accounts for only 10% of pet allergies. Treatment includes food elimination diet in which a hypoallergenic diet will be prescribed by your Veterinarian.
Environmental allergies are relatively common in small animals. Most pets are faced with seasonal allergies where the symptoms are seen during
certain seasons such as Fall or Spring. These are the seasons that we tend to see more pollen or mold due to the falling leaves or the blooming flowers/trees. Common irritants include dust mites, mold, mildew, and pollens from grass, trees and weeds. Symptoms include full body itching, excessive scratching, licking/biting which can cause hair loss and infection. Occasionally we will see watery eyes, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and coughing.
Diagnosing environmental allergies includes blood testing and skin testing. This test will measure the body’s immune response to suspected allergens and confirm the diagnosis of environmental allergies. Your Veterinarian can then prescribe allergy injections or drops to help desensitize your pet to an allergen. Treatment takes time, so during the treatment phase, your pet may need to treated with antihistamines or corticosteroids and medicated shampoo to control the symptoms.
Allergies in pets can be frustrating for pet owners. Treatment requires a commitment to testing and treatment protocols. Part of the treatment may also require frequent visits to your Veterinarian. These visits will help ensure the prescribed treatment is working for your pet. If you know your pet has seasonal allergies, be proactive and begin to treat them before the season begins. My advice…Pack Your Patience when dealing with allergies and trust the recommendations of your Veterinarian.
Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. She can be reached at 540-623-3029 or reidmobilevetservices.com or facebook
Dayrise Redemption Dayrise Redemption
Upon our coast, fresh-water and salt-water have mingled to contend with each other where rivers push to the sea.
And often a wind from land defies wind going shoreward but Earth can now deliver us from the darkness it yielded.
When the morning spins back to reflect along the horizon no matter what will happen every second is a beginning.
And where air unfolds itself another hour invites choice so we can fulfill ourselves because the new day has come.
Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.
planet Mercury as an important player in our cosmic make up, retrogrades, and how the current Mercury might impact us.
In Greek mythology, Mercury is the god Hermes, swift messenger for all other gods. Stories tell us that he was quite clever and represents communication, tricksters, finances, travel, and good fortune. He also serves as a guide of souls to the underworld. Our natal Mercury sign gives us insight into how we communicate, take in information/learn, and make decisions.
structure of our lives, our obligations, and responsibilities and to consider what no longer serves us.
May 1: Sun in Taurus conjunct Mercury (retrograde) in Taurus, gives us the opportunity to slow the mind, to be more deliberate with what we take in through the mind, to think about how we translate it, and to be mindful of how we communicate. Ground by spending time in nature over the next few weeks.
May 3: Moon in Libra squares Mars in Cancer. Get physical exercise, practice gentle yoga, or take a walk to use up extra energy if you are feeling frustrated or touchy.
Have you ever asked yourself, "What is the big deal about this Mercury retrograde thing and how will it influence my life?" Poor little Mercury gets blamed for quite a few mishaps and kafufels. And the words "Mercury retrograde" can tend to put people on edge. So, let's look at the
Now, let's back up and look at what 'retrograde' means. Put simply, when a planet is in retrograde it appears that the planet is travelling backwards. This is because the planet is slowing down in its orbit and the other planets continue moving forward at their typical speed. All planets will go into retrograde motion at some point and Mercury stations retrograde two to three times per year.
The current retrograde began on April 21 in the wee hours of the morning at 15 degrees Taurus and will travel back to 5 degrees Taurus until May 14, when it will station direct. Mercury in Taurus is already slower, just by virtue of the earthy Taurean traits of plodding and deliberate pacing. With a Mercury retrograde in general, we look at potential disruptions in any type of communication and this includes verbal or spoken words, internet, mail, and air travel. If you have significant planets in the sign of Taurus, you might feel as if during this time your thoughts generate more slowly or perhaps you feel more mentally tired.
Though Mercury in Taurus has a slower energy, there is a definite up-side to this particular retrograde. It just might give us an extra opportunity to slow the mind, review, and double check any plans, and gain fresh perspective We might emerge in mid-May refreshed and with renewed clarity. This is the opportune time to experiment with decreasing screen time or turning the cell phone off. In this way, we might honor the energy of the retrograde rather than feeling as if we need to fight with it or be afraid of it.
Now, here are highlights for May's astrological weather: May 1: Pluto stations retrograde at 0 degrees Aquarius and will travel back to 27 degrees Capricorn until October 9. Pluto is inviting us to look deeply into the
May 4: Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Creative but a possibility of generating feelings of vulnerability via old thought patterns. Check your boundaries so they are firm and clear.
May 5: Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Give yourself extra time for self-ccare, as deep emotional energy can be stirred by this watery eclipse. This is an opportune time to work through fears and understand them at their core.
May 7: Venus enters Cancer. The focus is on home, family, and loved ones. Over the next weeks it might be just the time to look at that balance between self-care and the care and love we give to ourselves and others.
May 14: Mercury stations direct. We will be in the shadow of the retrograde until May 31. Shadow time is said to contain retrograde energy but at a lower influence.
May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. For the rest of this year, Jupiter can bring about optimism, confidence, and grounding through an enhanced connection to all things earthy, like nature, finances, possessions, our own self-worth.
May 19: New Moon in Taurus. Plant seed thoughts of abundance and opportunity. A perfect day to ground yourself!
May 20: Mars enters Leo. Creative energy spikes aside the passionate heart to go along with it. Let your heartstrings lead the band over the next few months. May 21: Sun enters Gemini. Mental energy and communication are favored during Gemini season. Learn something new, read up or research things you are curious about
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com
Artwork "Mercury" by Evelyn De Morgan, circa 1880.
This is one of my favorite things to sketch and it's always a challenge. The dove cote at Chatham Manor is in a work area and not always seen by visitors. The day I drew it this time, it was chilly and I ended up working very fast. This sketch took only about 20 minutes and I actually put some of the paint on in the car. I love finding hidden gems like this to draw.
There are so many around our little town. Now that the weather is turning fine, I'm hoping to see some of you out sketching.
If you'd like to join our chapter of Urban Sketchers International, we're on Facebook at Urban Sketchers Fredericksburg. Be sure to answer the questions to become a member. We try to sketch together a couple times a month and the details are always posted on FB. Happy Spring and happy sketching!
Last month you got to know Amy, Stephen, and Christian. This month we're excited for you to learn a little something about. Ashleé, Jonathan, and Heather.
Our mission at B101 5 is to be part of the community whether it's supporting a run or a school festival, we love to send our B-Crew team members and Buzzy out to help bring the FUN! We are very fortunate to be involved in some of the biggest community events like The Great Train Race, The Marine Corps Historic Half, Sunshine Baseball League's Opening Day, and Stafford County's Via Colori, to name a few. We have amazing people on our B-crew and we'd like to take a moment and let you get to know them.
Hello there, I'm Ashleé! I have a wonderful talented daughter, a fabulous sister and niece, a brother to jam out with, a fantastic mom and a super dad who lives
in my heart. I basically love all things family and God is my Driver in this life. I've been working at B101.5 for about 11 years now. I really enjoy working our trivia nights with Amy at 6 Bears and a Goat, doing Picnic in the Park with Buzzy and being a part of such a wonderful team! One of my passions is acting and I was recently in Little Shop of Horrors! I love the beach, road trips, rollercoasters and all that makes me happy. I can't wait to see you out at the community events!
Jonathan PriceSup everyone, it's Jonathan Been working for this lovely station since November of 2017. Surely that doesn't make me ancient. When I'm not setting up or breaking down our awesome events, I'm teaching students about the fantastic world of theatre or acting in my own projects. I've always loved radio and wanted to find a way to be a part of it. It took some time, but here I am!!!
By Mandy SmithI am a mom of three boys and married to a Navy Veteran. My name is Heather Hollis I enjoy reading, being outdoors, photography, playing games, and cheering for my boys' sports teams. I enjoy working for B101.5 because the team is great, working events are fun, and I love community outreach.
We're very lucky at B101.5 to have an amazing team of professionals that love our community. They like to BRING THE FUN at events, whether it's crafts at Picnic in the Park or visiting a local school with Buzzy the Bee! You're always welcome to request Buzzy and our B-Crew to show up at your free community event by emailing your request to Mandy@wbqb.com
Just a reminder, Walk Around Photo Challenge is in May! Go out for a walk and take some pivxs. Upload to
B101.5 Keyword: walk and take your chance at having the winning pix!
Front Porch Magazine will be picking out a few of their favorite images to show off in their July Edition + Plus we'll do a drawing for a picnic basket filled with $200 in gift cards!
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Mandy Smith is the Promotions & Marketing Director + On-Air Personality + Queen of All Things Nerdy for B 101.5