Do Bugs enjoy your backyard More than you do? Add a spa and hot tub to Your Backyard Staycation Take the Sweat Out of Your DIY Projects This Year
home, cottage and
take home and enjoy
March 2015
home, cottage
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Spring is just around the corner... (Photo: Rob Mooy)
(Photo: Rob Mooy)
The sun is shining longer each day with that certain warmth that brings the promise of grass sprouting and birds singing. Are you eager for the snow to melt and make way for spring flowers and hot summer days by the water? All the vendors at the 4th annual Kingston Boat Show & Sale and Home and Cottage Show are. They are ready to kick off the season by offering the very best prices and amazing show specials that are sure to make us all dream of hot summer nights lazing at the cottage.
or cottage needs. Visitors find expert advice providing insights on building, renovating, decorating or upgrading their home or cottage mixed with the newest designs and latest models of boats under one roof. Whether a sport boat or fishing boat, personal watercraft, pontoon or cruiser the widest selection of makes and models are here along with the newest renewable energy alternatives, water technology and everything needed for your home or cottage inside or out.
The Kingston Boat Sale and show and Home and Cottage Show is one of the largest indoor consumer shows in Ontario and we are glad to share this show with local vendors and visitors.
Over the last four years over 200 Kingston businesses have embraced and supported our annual event and we express our sincere appreciation to these companies as we look forward to mutual growth and success over the coming years.
Outdoor enthusiast, activity seekers, and those just looking for a way to rest and relax all agree that the Kingston Boat Show & Sale combined under one roof with the Kingston Home and Cottage Show is the place to find the newest trends and information about all your outdoor and home
Stuart Galloway President
Barb Price Office Manager
If you have missed our 2015 Expo we hope you enjoy our accompaniment magazine and hope to catch you next year. 20/20 Show Productions
Karen McKeown VP Business Development
Bill Dalgleish Kingston Manager
Hope to catch you again in 2016! Watch for updates ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Suncoast Screen Enclosures are the ultimate in outdoor living comfort. Engineered to withstand the heaviest of snow loads, our unique frame system is constructed of high quality, powder coated aluminum. The result is a durable, maintenance free enclosure. This highly adaptable system allows us to custom build the perfect enclosure for your favourite outdoor space. We offer a choice or combination of screen, polycarbonate (lexan) roof, or 3 season windows. Suncoast Ottawa can build anything- from the smallest front porch to the largest backyard pool. Now you can have effective protection against insects, wind, excessive sun, leaves, rain, and snow. Enjoy hassle-free living by letting Suncoast Ottawa enhance your favourite outdoor spaces. Call today for a quote and enjoy better outdoor living!
home , cottage a nd recreatio n g uid e 2 0 15
CALL TODAY! SUNCOAST OTTAWA 613-257-1778 or 1-877-449-5106
Contents Vol. 2 ~ March 2015
BBQ Season is Here!
How to choose a swimming pool that is right for you
Add a spa and hot tub to your backyard staycation
What to ask before buying a hot tub
Take the sweat out of your diy projects this year
Energy-saving saving resolutions
Decorating a home office
Clever little tips to quickly make your house a home
Canoe, Cayak or SUP What’s right for me?
Do bugs enjoy your backyard more than you?
Fishing for Bass
Bravely bear and bleed through blackfly and mosquito season
4 easy ways to plan for summer fun
The “Outdoor Living” Room
Tips for buying your first AVT
Home & Cottage Show Boat Show & Sale - Exhibitors 2015
Creating an outdoor room to maximize your living space makes more sense now than ever before.
home, cottage recreation and
Y DO BUGS ENJO YOUR BACKYARD More than you do? HOT TUB ADD A SPA AND ion Staycat to Your Backyard T TAKE THE SWEA s Out of Your DIY Project This Year
MARCH 2015
Publisher Advertising Sales Design Contributers
Frose Creative Solutions Inc. Olivia Rose – – 613-532-6661 Sacha Frederiks – Stuart Galloway – 20/20 Productions Inc. Scott Wenthworth – Wenthworth Landscapes Cory Davis – Frontenac Outfitters G.D.G Environnement Traeger – Wood Pellet Grills NOTO – The Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association
“Home, Cottage and Recreation ” is published ones a year by Frose Creative Solutions Inc., 4185 Mangan Blvd., Kingston, ON K0H 2N0. The publisher accepts no responsibility for advertiser’s claims, unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other materials. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.
ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Do Bugs Enjoy Your Backyard More Than You Do? Submitted by G.D.G Environnement Canadians bravely bear and bleed through blackfly and mosquito season because we don’t realize a higher quality of life is possible—even if you live in a swamp. What excites you most about Spring: trading your mittens for netted shirts and blood-spattered clothing? If mosquitoes and blackflies keep you from enjoying the arrival of warm weather in your backyard, there’s an ethical, ecological, effective service that works better than bug spray, mosquito zappers and any other form of bug control you’ve ever tried. And you can have it in your community, too – here’s how. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) is a biological larvicide that stops mosquito 6
and blackflies’ breeding cycles to reduce their populations in treated areas. Best of all, Bti does not interrupt ecosystems, damage the environment or contaminate drinking water: it is 100% safe for humans and ecosystems. Approved by Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Bti method has been tested and used in parts of Canada (and internationally) for over 35 years. A Safer, Healthier, More Effective Solution to the Blackfly and Mosquito Problem in Your Area Bti’s biological process is applied directly to the source so only mosquitoes and blackflies’ larvae is targeted. Animals such as fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles who live in the same habitats are not affected by Bti treatment and neither are those that feed on these biting bugs. But the really great news is that G.D.G
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Mosquitoes and blackflies can travel many kilometres —up to 10 km for blackflies! Environnement ( developed a turnkey method to guarantee you an 80% reduction in nuisance from mosquitoes and blackflies within the first year of treatment. With over 34 years of experience, G.D.G Environnement is the Canadian leader in Bti turnkey biological control programs for biting insects. For the last 20 years, their biological control program has helped tourist regions like MontTremblant build their customer base by enticing visitors with a bug-free outdoor
experience for outdoor festivals, parks, lakes, golf courses, restaurant patios, and walk-bike trail systems. All of GDG’s resources are focused on helping you enjoy 80% or more reduction in biting insects: certified technicians, field staff and specific equipment ensure complete coverage and monitoring of the treatment area. The service is now available in your community to create a mosquito-and-blackfly-control zone safe for everyone to enjoy. How to Create Mosquito-and BlackflyFree Zones in Your Community: You have the power to stop biting insects from taking over the outdoors, and exposing your family and pets to diseases and allergic reactions (not to mention the painful itching and messy bleeding caused by bites. G.D.G Environnement has a program to help you become part of the solution to elim-
inate your concerns—and annoyance— with biting insects in your community. Because the key to controlling mosquito and blackfly populations is to apply the Bti treatment over a broad area like a municipality or watershed, it is essential that residents and stakeholders understand the program to help implement it over a wider region. (Mosquitoes and blackflies can travel many kilometres—up to 10 km for blackflies!) Promoting community adoption of the Bti process helps increase enjoyment of outdoor spaces, preserve more green space, improve local tourism and end the use of harmful pesticides on both public and private properties at a shared, reasonable cost with results that reach beyond your backyard. Make Change Happen In Your Community:
Campground Daily/Weekly & Seasonal Camping Available ••• Trailer & Boat Rentals ••• Weekly Planned Recreational Activities
G.D.G Environnement needs your help to get Bti in your community. If you become a Bti-Ambassador, you’ll learn how to help others in your community see that waiting indoors until the bugs go away is no longer your only option. The use of Bti combined with common sense solutions like removing stagnant water from your yard lets everyone enjoy bug-free outdoor spaces like conservation areas, parks and soccer fields in a controlled, safe and environmentallyconscious way. Do you want to help Kingstonians take back their backyards from mosquitoes and blackflies? Are the bugs enjoying your backyard more than you are? Get the Bti ball rolling for your community: share your stories and complete a short 3 question survey at - you can be part of making a difference.
Mosquitoes and black flies keeping you indoors? Make things happen and become an ambassador for a biological control program in your community! Fill out the survey at:
Together for a better quality of life! ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
BBQ season is here! Spring brings the promise of renewal, while Summer ushers in bright sunshine and gives us respite from cold weather and a much needed dose of Vitamin D. During the warmer months, birds sing, nature is buzzing and vibrant, and we’re driven outdoors to savor it all. One thing that Spring and Summer share is cookouts—the aroma of BBQ wafting through the air, carrying fond memories along with it. Warm weather means grilling – time with family and friends, and time to enjoy delicious food in the great outdoors. Apple smoked bacon, chicken roasted over cherry wood, brisket cooked low and slow over mesquite, hickory ham, maple smoked salmon on a cedar plank—your imagination just might be your only limitation. Experts agree, for the ultimate outdoor cooking experience, hardwood is the secret ingredient. 8
Why Traeger Hardwood? Thick and even smoke delivery depends on the quality of your fuel, and when you choose Traeger, you’re getting the highest quality hardwood pellets on the market. No fillers, no binding agents, just clean, robust smoke that infuses your meat with flavor, sealing in the natural juices so your steaks are tender, and giving your brisket that signature smoke ring.
For the ultimate outdoor cooking experience, hardwood is the secret ingredient.
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However, up until recently, you have only had two convenient choices for grilling: propane or charcoal. It’s time to kick propane and charcoal to the curb in favor of a healthier, safer, and tastier alternative: 100% food grade, all-natural Traeger hardwood pellets. The Original Wood Pellet Grill Traeger created the first wood pellet grill in an Oregon barn in 1987. Since then, they have pioneered simple and safe outdoor cooking while continuously leading the market in convenience and versatility. Traeger has been using hardwood to turn ordinary meals into flavorful, culinary creations for nearly 30 years. Traeger’s wood pellet grill transcends the capabilities of conventional grills, giving you the ability to Smoke, Bake, Braise, Grill, and Roast, in addition to traditional BBQ. For a memorable, mouthwatering grilling season—get your Traeger on.
TRAEGER WOOD PELLET GRILLS THE PRO SERIES For every food enthusiast, no matter how big or small your brood, there’s a Traeger that fits just right. Perfect for anyone from Backyard Barbecuers to seasoned Pit Masters, our Pro Series grills boast heavy-duty steel construction, a Traeger logo stamped lid, a durable, powder coat finish, and a convenient hopper clean-out door. Traeger makes outdoor cooking SIMPLE. TEXAS PRO The Original. The Legend. When the neighbourhood hears you bought a Texas Pro, in all its colossal grillin’ glory, they might just crown you King of the Cul-de-sac. It features a digital pro controller with dual meat probes and an extra grill shelf. With 892 square inches of cooking surface, you’ve got the space to invite them all for supper. LIL’ TEX PRO There’s nothin’ small about our most popular Traeger. With 6-in-1 versatility, Lil’ Tex Pro strikes fear into the hearts of ‘cue competitors. Featuring the digital pro controller with dual meat probes, it perfectly cooks food every time and eliminates the guesswok. Lil’ Tex Pro delivers rich, wood-fired taste to entire meals at once from 578 square inches of grilling space—a trailblazer in the grillin’ world. TAILGATER From the truck, to the game, or the cabin without breakin’ a sweat, the Tailgater packs a full-size punch in a portable package. It weighs only 62 lbs., and comes with EZ-Fold Legs for max portability. Infusing big, wood-fired taste in tight spaces, now you can grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, and BBQ wherever and whenever you please. SELECT PRO Don’t judge a grill by its cover. At its heart, the Select is all Traeger, The Original wood pellet grill with 6-in-1 versatility. It grills, smokes, bakes, roasts, braises, and BBQs, running wood-fired circles around conventional grills. It includes stainless steel shelves and an enclosed storage space. The digital pro controller comes standard, along with an extra grill shelf for 30% more grilling space.
Building Supplies Hardware Heating, Ventilation, Cooling & Home Comfort Indoor & Outdoor Living
Spring Starts here!
Paint & Décor Plumbing & Electrical Kuraidori Collection
Atkinson Home Hardware Building Centres 731 Development Drive Kingston, ON K7M 4W6 Phone: (613) 389 - 6709 5276 Hinchinbrooke Rd, Hartington, ON K0H 1W0 Phone: (613) 372-2838 ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Smoky Spice-Rubbed Baby Back Ribs Can you ever have too many rib recipes? Nah, we don’t think so, either. These baby backs get a double hit of smoke from Spanish smoked paprika and the wood smoke generated by your Traeger. Smoke a pot of baked beans while the ribs cook if you have room on your grill grate.
INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • •
1/4 cup dark brown sugar 1/4 cup sea salt 1/4 cup pimentón (Spanish smoked paprika) 2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper 2 teaspoons granulated onion 2 teaspoons granulated garlic 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 4 racks baby back ribs (8 to 10 pounds total) 2 cups of your favorite Traeger Barbecue Sauce
PREPARATION Make the rub: Combine all the rub ingredients in a small bowl and whisk to mix. If your butcher has not already done so, remove the thin papery membrane from the bone-side of the ribs by working the tip of a butter knife or screwdriver underneath the membrane over a middle bone. Use paper towels to get a firm grip, then pull the membrane off. Sprinkle the rub over both sides of the ribs. Gently pat the seasonings onto the meat, but do not rub vigorously. You will need about 1-1/2 tablespoons of rub for each side. When ready to cook, start the Traeger grill on Smoke with the lid open until the fire is established (4 to 5 minutes). Set the temperature to 250 degrees F and preheat, lid closed, for 15 minutes. Place the ribs rounded side up (bone-side down) on the grill grate. Smoke the ribs until browned, very tender, and the meat has shrunk back from the ends of the rib bones by 1/4 to 1/2 inch, about 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 hours. Remove the ribs from the grill grate and let rest. Increase the temperature of the Traeger to 375 degrees F. Brush the ribs with your favorite Traeger Barbecue Sauce. Grill for 6 to 8 minutes per side, or until the sauce is “set.” Cut each rack into halves or individual ribs for serving.
Atkinson Home Hardware Building Centres Exclusive Traeger Dealer for the Kingston Area 10
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How to choose a swimming pool that is right for you!
First, any pool is a good pool if installed by an experienced and well-trained professional, but no matter what type you choose, regular cleaning, maintenance and care are necessary to ensure long and trouble-free enjoyment.
Vinyl-lined pools These are the most popular type in Canada. They are fully customizable in shape and size to suit any backyard. The liners are available in dozens of colours and pattern combinations and are easyto-maintain and long-lasting. Creativity is the hallmark of the concrete pool since each one is a custombuilt structure that will last a lifetime. Builders can fulfill your dreams no matter how challenging the design and many are accented with glass or ceramic tile, plaster or paint. One-piece pools These type of pools are made of fibre-
glass resins and are finished with a nonporous surface similar to that used on boats. Popular for their simplicity of construction, these pools are fabricated in a factory and shipped ready for installation. Although limited to available sizes and shapes, these pools can also be customized with a variety of colours, finishes and other options and work well in all soil conditions. More information is available at or toll-free at 1-800-879-7066.
MacLellan Water Technology
Book your FREE Site Inspection to be entered in a draw for a FREE Napolean Stainless Steel BBQ Offer valid until March 31, 2015. Location restrictions will apply. Draw will take place May 15, 2015
(NC) Building a backyard pool is an investment in the future, industry advisors say. It raises property value, turns your backyard into a vacation destination and gives family members a place to exercise, relax and entertain together. Residential inground pools can be divided into three different construction categories: vinyl, concrete and fibreglass. But would you like some guidance on choosing the right type for your yard?
MacLellan Water Technology is a full service water treatment company. Established in 1982, we provide solutions to drinking water problems for residential, commercial, and institutional clients throughout Ontario.
OUR SERVICES Well Record Retrieval Site Inspections Water Sampling Water System Design Water System Installation Regulated Sites On-Going Monitoring Chemical Free Well Cleaning Preventative Maintenance Emergency Repairs Well Installation and Remediation Pump Tests
1-800-200-0865 ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Add a spa and hot tub to your backyard staycation (NC) Is this your summer to beat the traffic, leave airport hassles behind and instead, plan your vacation at home by installing a backyard hot tub and spa? No wonder staycations are so popular. In today’s fast-paced world, owning a spa is no longer considered a luxury. The relaxing therapeutic value may have even become a necessity to the estimated 510,000 spa owners in Canada. Many of them also say that they pay less for chemicals, water and electricity than they anticipated. By using a well-fitted, insulated, rigid safety cover, you can substantially reduce evaporation from a spa, which means reduced heating costs and less chemical usage, helping to keep costs down. If you have already purchased a spa and are deciding the best place to install it, 12
look for an area in the backyard with a scenic view. A location with an unobstructed view of a flower garden, water feature or nearby wooded area will provide a focal point for bathers in the spa and for those gazing at the hot tub from inside the house. Make sure the location is easy to get to. The general rule of thumb is: “the closer to the house the better”. Ask yourself the following questions: •. Is the location private? •. Will you have to screen out the view of .. surrounding homes or nearby traffic? • .Where will bathers change? For added privacy, convenience and aesthetic appeal, wooden or fabric gazebos and cabanas can be used as changerooms. Some permanent enclosed
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structures are even large enough to enclose an entire spa, with room to spare for dining and food preparation areas and equipment storage. Distinctive lighting is another way to create a special mood outdoors in and around a hot tub. LED lights, both underwater and around the hot tub cabinet, can produce an array of colours in a gentle transition or in a dynamic pulsating display for entertaining. Many spas also come equipped with illuminated waterfalls or geyser-type fountains – providing your own sound and light show.
What To Ask Before Buying A Hot Tub Here are five key questions to ask when shopping for a model to suit your needs. How much will it cost? A good tub runs between $7,000 and $9,000 before tax. That should get you everything you need, including room for three to seven people, a cover, delivery and setup. Other costs Other costs, such as a gravel or concrete base ($750 to $1,000) and the electrical hookup ($500 and up) are extra. To run an efficient tub yearround, expect an increase of $350 to $500 on your electrical bill. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the tub made of and how powerful is its circulating system? Look for a tub made of fibreglassbacked acrylic, not ABS plastic, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stronger.
When it comes to the circulating pump, ask about design or true horsepower; It should be roughly one horsepower for every five to eight jets. Make sure the pumps and jets are accessible for repair. What about the warranty and aftersale service? 1. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to ask if the warranty is full or pro-rated, does it cover parts, labour and travel to your home, and does it start from the day of sale or the day of delivery? 2. Make sure the acrylic lining, which cannot be replaced, has at least a 20-year warranty. 3. Look for three years and up on pumps, heater and other components. Ask who does the servicing. A retailer with in-house technicians is best.
Can I try before I buy? Bring your swim suit for a trial dip. At the very least, climb into a dry tub and make sure it feels right. How much maintenance is involved? Maintenance is do-it-yourself: â&#x20AC;˘ Weekly addition of bromine to keep the water sanitary â&#x20AC;˘ Regular balancing of pH, alkalinity and other levels, â&#x20AC;˘ Replacing the water every three or four months, â&#x20AC;˘ An annual flushing of water lines. Creams, makeup and perfumes upset the water balance, causing foam and cloudiness. A quick shower before going in the hot tub is a good idea.
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Take the sweat out of your DIY projects this year (BPT) - You've been dreaming about digging in your garden, changing your landscaping or improving your house all winter long. Finally the weather is nice, your yard is clear and dry, and it's time for you to get your hands dirty. With the right tools and equipment, you can get all your DIY tasks done while saving time, money and elbow grease. One piece of equipment a DIYer can use all summer long is an off-road vehicle. By using your off-road vehicle for heavy jobs, you can avoid the expense of hiring additional workers for project such as:
Hauling rocks or mulch around your yard. Get more done with the family of versatile side-by-side ATV. Usually their rear dump box allows you to move and distribute these materials in different garden beds or around all your trees. Removing dead branches and towing out bushes and trees.
Smoothing out fresh dirt with a plow. Raking by hand is messy, and takes a lot of time. Instead, hook up a plow to your off-road vehicle and gently smooth out the dirt with the plow lowered to the level you want. If the dirt is already level, attach a pull-behind rake to your vehicle to make the dirt perfect for planting or seeding. Carting lumber
By either using a winch, installed on the front of the vehicle, or a tow strap attached to the rear, you can pull out old brush easily.
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From the driveway to the back patio for easier access to the house project you're working on. This will allow you to take fewer trips and saves your muscles from
a few aches and pains, and also splinters. You also can reduce the number of helpers you need for the project - just make sure you have another person handy to help you load the vehicle. If you have a boat dock, use your offroad vehicle to tow it into the water for some summer fun. After all the hard work, take your vehicle out on the trail for a bit of fun. The two-passenger UTV side-by-sides fit into the bed of most full-sized pickups, making it easy for you and a family member to take a break from the work and hit the trails. With the right tools, you can accomplish everything on your DIY list this summer, andenjoy the satisfaction of a job well done without the sweat of going it alone. Want more information about ATVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s off-road vehicles or more, contact Ward Marine Kingston at 613-546-4248 or check out the website
Serving Kingston and area since 1970 1504 BATH ROAD 613-546-4248 PARTS & SERVICE 613-546-4249
ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
The “OUTDOOR LIVING” Room By Scott Wentworth, Wentworth Landscapes Changes in attitude towards the garden and its design have changed dramatically over the past decade. This change in attitude as to what our gardens should provide for us was brought about by several factors. New homes have generally become smaller due to increased building costs. This has resulted in broader demands upon our living space. Smaller rooms inside the home have created the need for increased window area to prevent rooms from feeling claustrophobic, and to connect the house with the garden. Given the larger window area, outdoor views have become an important contributing factor to the atmosphere within our homes. These physical factors, coupled with increasingly stressful lifestyles and a heightened awareness of the environment, have created demands upon our outdoor space, our gardens. The garden must now offer generous areas to entertain in, and relaxation areas to enjoy. If planned and executed properly, ‘outdoor rooms’ can become extensions of our homes, providing all these aspects within the beauty of nature. There are three key elements involved in integrating the home and garden: function, unity and scale. The function we give to outdoor living areas is important to maximize our enjoyment of them. Starting with a list of what we want the garden to provide us with is essential. Consideration of the size of sitting areas, dining areas, open areas for play and games, and the need for peaceful sitting areas to read or relax in are all factors. Tying these areas together to ensure flow from one to the next will make the difference between successful design, or just a collection of patios, lawns and garden beds. Space has to be adequate to accommodate outdoor tables, chairs, barbecues, and all the other elements we use outside.
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Creating an outdoor room to maximize your living space makes more sense now than ever before. â&#x20AC;&#x153; ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
“If planned and executed properly, ‘outdoor rooms’ can become extensions of our homes, providing all these aspects within the beauty of nature.”
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Specialty areas in the garden should also be considered such as vegetable, herb, rose or water gardens. Each has its own benefits and concerns that should be addressed in the overall design. Just as we want the indoor areas of our home to function in a way that is suited to our lifestyle, so must the areas of our â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;outdoor roomsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. After determining the functions we want the garden to serve, an assessment of the elements of the house should be performed. Areas where there is easy access the garden or a prominent view should be considered as primary areas to focus on. An easy flow from kitchen or family room doors provides an obvious access to a garden sitting area. Placing the sitting area where it will receive sun during early spring and late fall will extend the time for comfortable use of the garden. These sunny areas should be shaded from the sun during the heat of summer to keep the area comfortable. This can be accomplished with the use of existing deciduous trees, or placing a new, mature deciduous tree nearby. The sun will filter through when needed the
most, then as the tree grows into full leaf in the summer it will create plenty of cool shade. Last, but of utmost importance, is scale. Hard to define, impossible to give hard and fast rules for, it can nevertheless make or break the success of the design. It affects the line and proportion of the garden areas and the height and mass of the plantings. Relative scale means the relation of one part of a design to another, and absolute scale means the relation to the human figure. The width of a path, for instance, is influenced by both the person who is to walk along it and by the size of the garden or lawn through which it passes. The first check on scale is the relation of the garden area to the façade of the house. A patio width which we might assume as an appropriate dimension, might prove to be wholly inadequate in proportion to the size of the house. The dimensions of the garden may not be bad in itself, but may fail in their relationship to the size of other areas. When the whole scheme becomes crowded and cramped, it may have perfect relative scale but fail in
its relation to the human figure. The best general rule to follow is when in doubt, make it larger. The eye detects a meager dimension more easily than it does a more generous one. Creating an outdoor room to maximize your living space makes more sense now than ever before. Keep these factors in mind when planning your outdoor room and you will enjoy many days of relaxation and entertainment, all for a fraction of the cost of interior additions or renovations.
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Energy-saving saving resolutions
for the new year to make 2015 better - environmentally and financially (BPT) - It’s another new year - the perfect time to make a fresh start and set plans to achieve new goals. As you put the finishing touches on your resolutions, this is a great time to consider adding a few energy-saving commitments to the list. Taking small steps throughout the year can lead to big results - not only helping lower your energy bills but also helping to protect the planet. In celebration of the new year, here are some ways you can resolve to save energy and help fight climate change, all year ‘round: Install and set a programmable thermostat. Save money on your heating and cooling bills every day by upgrading to a programmable thermostat. Take advantage of its pre-programmed settings to automatically adjust your home’s temperature when you are home, asleep or away - all without sacrificing comfort. By properly setting a 20
programmable thermostat and maintaining those settings, you can save about $180 a year. Upgrade your aging fridge. Older refrigerators waste tons of energy compared to newer, more efficient models. If all refrigerators sold in the United States were Energy Star certified, about 8 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented. The cost savings are just as impressive. Just remember - moving your old refrigerator to the garage or basement as a “beer fridge” defeats the purpose because it’s still using energy. For maximum savings, make sure to recycle your old fridge. Flip the switch to energy-saving lighting. About 10 percent of the energy your home uses goes to lighting costs. By replacing just five of your home’s most frequently
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used lights with energy-efficient bulbs, you could save up to $80 a year in electricity costs over each bulb’s lifetime. Energy Star-certified bulbs use 70 to 90 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and produce significantly less heat, making them safer to operate. For the highest energy-savings, choose LEDs which can last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Save energy even while watching TV. With televisions getting bigger and bigger, it’s no wonder that many consumers say that energy efficiency will be a factor in their next TV choice. Look for the Energy Star label to save energy and money. These TVs are on average over 25 percent more energy efficient than conventional models, saving energy in all usage modes: sleep, idle and on. Some Internet-connected LED HDTVs, like many webOS smart TVs
Did You KNOW? Only 10% of energy in a light bulb is used to create light. Ninety percent of a light bulb’s energy creates heat. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), on the other hand, use about 80% less electricity than conventional bulbs and last up to 12 times as long.g from LG, are designated as “Energy Star Most Efficient,” meaning they save even more juice without compromising on performance or features. Consult a home performance contractor to achieve larger savings. There’s a growing industry of professional energy assessors qualified to give you recommendations on how to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home. These industry professionals will do a comprehensive energy audit of your whole house using special tools to measure home energy efficiency. A professional energy audit gives you a thorough picture of where your home is losing energy and what you can do to save money. By making upgrades (especially sealing air leaks and properly insulating your home), you can expect to save 15 to 30 percent or more in energy costs, while also improving your home’s comfort and air quality. By following one or more of these simple tips, you can save hundreds of dollars in energy costs all through the year. Keeping your energy saving resolutions can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help fight climate change for years to come.
According to Google, the energy it takes to conduct 100 searches on its site is equivalent to a 60-watt light bulb burning for 28 minutes. Google uses about 0.0003 kWh of energy to answer the avenge search query, which translates into about 0.2 g of carbon dioxide released. Ten countries produce 2/3 of the world’s oil and hold the same percentage of known reserves. Saudi Arabia tops both lists. On average, one pool pump consumes electricity equal to 44% of the annual electricity consumption of a typical Canadian household. A PlayStation 3 uses more energy than a refrigerator In the average home, 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off. The average desktop computer idles at 80 watts, while the average laptop idles at 20 watts. A Sony PlayStation 3 uses about 200 watts and nearly as much when idle. Energy cannot be destroyed or created—only transformed.
The most energy-intensive part of the food chain is the kitchen. Much more energy is used to refrigerate and prepare food in the home than is used to produce it in the first place. English polymath Thomas Young (1773-1829) was the first to use the word “energy” in its current sense, replacing the traditional term vis viva, meaning “living force.” A “watt” is a unit of power that measures the rate of producing or using energy. The term was named after Scottish engineer James Watt (1736-1819), who developed an improved steam engine. Watt measured his engine’s performance in horsepower. One horsepower equaled 746 watts. The word “energy” comes from the Greek energeia, meaning operation, activity. From 2008 to 2030, world energy consumption is expected to increase more than 55%. The world’s biggest blackout occurred on August 14, 2004, when a massive power outage occurred across the northeastern U.S. and throughout Ontario, Canada, affecting 50 million people. If a person yelled for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days, he or she would produce enough energy to heat one cup of coffee.
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Decorating a home office? 3 productivity-enhancing principles
Roof windows bring not only visionfriendly natural light and fresh air into the home office but provide access to the roof for maintenance or for emergency egress. A number of models are available including a double-sash balcony model that opens onto the roof and provides much more light than a dormer.
(BPT) - It’s a common piece of advice from effective home-based workers: start each day as if you were going to work in an office outside your home (translation - take a shower and don’t work in your jammies). The philosophy behind this tidbit is easy to understand. By dressing professionally, you’ll feel more professional and your productivity and quality of work will keep pace. The same axiom can apply to your home office. Is it tucked in a dark corner of the spare bedroom? Is your desk beside a bed covered in old toys? Is your filing cabinet stuffed in the closet under clothes that no one has worn since the first Bush presidency? If your home office doesn’t feel professional and uplifting, how productive and happy will you be spending eight or more hours a day there? Decorating your home office isn’t an art, but following some basic principles of office design can help create an organized, effective and productivity-enhancing space. Choose a wall color that facilitates focus. 22
Even if your home office will be in the guest room that you just painted last year, it may be a good idea to repaint. Not only does a fresh coat of paint make a room feel energized and new, repainting gives you the opportunity to put a color on the wall that’s office-appropriate.
an energy-efficient solar-powered blind to your home office and the products, as well as the installation, can be eligible for a 30 percent federal tax credit as a green home improvement. Ground-floor offices can benefit from SUN TUNNEL tubular skylights.
Luxuriate in light. You are stuck in your office - albeit at home - all day, working and slaving away, staring at the same wall and some bland office furniture you got at a garage sale. Spending all those hours in the same spot, it would behoove you to splurge on one luxury piece. An inspiring piece of furniture can do the trick, but you can also create a luxe effect - with only a modest “splurge” - by decorating with lighting elements such as a skylight.
If your home office happens to be located in a renovated attic space, roof windows, which are very much like skylights but are in-reach, can offer natural light and fresh air plus access to the roof for debris removal, maintenance or for emergency egress.
The mental and physical health benefits of natural light and fresh air are well documented. Energy efficient venting skylights not only make your home and your home office feel more open, airy, bright and productive, they can help you control heating, cooling and lighting costs, too.” Add a solar-powered fresh air skylight and
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Organize with attractive storage. If your idea of home office storage includes the cardboard boxes you used to transport files from the last job you had outside your home, it’s time to revisit your organizational plan. A cluttered, disorganized home office can cause you to misplace important documents and can make you feel overwhelmed. As more people have begun working from home, office furniture manufacturers have branched out from the sterile-looking metal storage units ubiquitous in work-
places across the country. Today, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to find attractive storage options that fit with virtually any home office decor. If you just canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t find a file cabinet that speaks to your soul, why not try some alternative storage options? Move that beautiful sideboard you inherited from grandma - that just never fit anywhere else in your house - into your home office and use it for filing. Not in love with any of the desk options available at your local office store? Hit an antique shop and find an antique desk or even a dining table that you adore. Remember to keep furnishings and storage solutions size-appropriate for the room so your home office doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel crowded. Skylights can bring much more natural light and fresh air into a home office for additional working comfort and increased productivity. They also save premium wall space for shelves, storage or other uses.
Working from home offers many advantages, including the opportunity to decorate your home office the way you want. By following some basic steps and incorporating your own personality, you can create a home office where youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be productive and happy throughout the work day.
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Clever little tips to quickly make your house a home (NC) Is ‘homey’ the ambiance you would like to create for family and friends? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary definition: Hom-ey (adjective) comfortable, or familiar like home. It is short and sweet but how exactly do we make our homes more comfortable and familiar for us so that they are truly a retreat? Here are few tips on how to make a space truly your own. Light the Way
A great place to start on any design project is with lighting. The correct lighting sets the perfect ambiance. From rustic re-purposed mason jars to luxurious crystal chandeliers, there are so many options from which to choose. Shop around for a look that works for you, or seek out custom-crafted items if you can’t find the “wow” factor you are seeking in a store. Dress Up Your Hobbies Family photographs and sentimental items are sure to make you feel at home. You can take it a step further, however, by artfully turning your hobbies into stylish décor accents. It’s important that this doesn’t look like a childhood art project, but rather that it pays homage to a favourite sport or vacation spot. If tennis is your game, for example, give a nod to the vintage side and decorate a wall with antique wooden racquets. If you’ve got an impressive jewelry collection, mirrored trays and glass stands are a pretty way to display your charms and trinkets. Natural, Timeless Materials This Crystal and Capiz Shell Round Pendant Chandelier,from We Got Lites,is the perfect blend of modern and vintage, with hand-cut crystals set into an antique wrought iron frame,
Another way to add comfort and your own special style to a space is by using organic materials like grass and bamboo. They add a timeless appeal and help restore balance with the techno-centric, hectic outside world. Hunter Douglas offers Provenance woven wood shades provide a wealth of grass, bamboo and wood designs and the newest collection includes pearlized and metallic finishes, gold tones, light neutrals, pops of colour and lightweight weaves. Easy, affordable battery-powered motorization is available for most of the company’s products. New Life to Old Memories Even if history wasn’t your favourite subject, it’s easy to appreciate the beauty of a one-of-a-kind antique. An 18th-century armoire has seen more history and special moments than many people do in a lifetime, and it’s exciting to imagine all of the scenes that took place before the piece found its way into your home. People can feel a distinct connection to their antiques. Walking in your front door and seeing a special antique can really lift your mood. With a few small changes your home can help you put a little pep in your step and give you something to be proud about.
ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Canoe, Kayak or SUP What’s right for me? By Cory Davis, Frontenac Outfitters Canoe & Kayak Centre This may be the first fundamental decision you will have to make when entering the wonderful world of paddlesports. No matter what the choice, and in some cases it may be a combination of the two, the right decision will lead you to an enjoyable experience that will benefit you physically, mentally, and contribute to the wellbeing of the whole family. Canoe, Kayak, or SUP? This is not a matter of which is best, but rather which best suits your needs. Take a few moments and ask yourself a few basic questions: ✓ What do I intend to do with the craft? ✓ How will I use it? ✓ What are my needs? ✓ What types of water do I want to use the boat in? ✓ How much do I want/need to carry (capacity)? Who? • Will you be going alone or taking along a partner or the family? • Are there young children? • Are you bringing along the family dog? • Are the persons involved in the plus size range? A canoe can fit a number of people including those who are too young to 26
paddle. A kayak is generally limited to one or two people and usually all of the crew members are an active part of the propulsion system. Paddleboards are a solo craft; however, pads can be placed on the front deck of some boards to allow a small child or dog to come along! If you are going alone, a kayak or SUP may be an ideal choice, although kayaks are easier to handle on the water than paddleboards. If you are bringing the family along, including infants, a canoe is likely the right choice. If the kids are a little older, then a pair of tandem kayaks, with an adult and child in each boat may be a good solution. If the kids are teens, a solo kayak or paddleboard may appeal to their desire for a bit of independence and freedom. If you are bringing along the family’s furry four-legged friend, this will affect your decision. A Labrador retriever will not fit in a kayak or on a SUP but a smaller dog may. In short, canoes are more versatile for bringing along the pets. What? • What amount of equipment do you intend to bring? • What do the participants expect to bring along to keep them satisfied and entertained throughout the trip? • What does your trip involve doing?
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If you usually pack a lot of gear to go camping, likely you will need a canoe to carry it all. If you like the more ‘back to nature’, low impact style of camping, then a touring kayak is a good choice. Some SUPs have tie-down points at the tail and nose to strap gear bags to which enable short camping trips. Other considerations are how far you are traveling and whether or not there are portages involved. When it comes to portaging a canoe, kayak, or paddleboard, there are very different styles involved. Without much gear, SUPs are the easiest to portage as they are light and have carry handles in the centre of the board. Canoes are easier to portage than kayaks as the weight is equally disturbed on your shoulders. However, getting the canoe to your shoulders can be a challenge for some. Proper technique is involved. When portaging a kayak, it’s a process of using your body to roll the kayak up to your shoulder. The problem with this is that when portaging longer distances all the weight is on one shoulder. Where? Where do you intend to go paddling and how far? All three of these crafts are fun to enjoy for a short day trip or paddle around the lake. If you intend to paddle along small waterways or calm lakes, a canoe or paddleboard is certainly suitable. However,
if you intend to travel long, straight-line distances, paddle on open big water, or need to move quickly, a touring kayak is designed for just that style of paddling. Kayaks can take on rough water efficiently although are less maneuverable in tight confines. A canoe will swamp in waters where a sea kayak will thrive, but a SUP is great if you want to play in the waves. When? When will you be going paddling? In the colder seasons paddlers need to dress accordingly. Kayakers will get water drops from the paddle and require a skirt to keep them warm and dry. Being totally exposed to the water, SUP boarders are in need of a dry suit when paddling in cold water. A canoeist doesn’t have to worry about a waterproof outer shell to avoid water from the paddle dropping on their lap but are still completely exposed. Colder seasons mean campers tend to need more equipment; therefore, a canoe may be more desirable. That said, experienced kayakers have made week long trips through very wet and cold conditions using their knowledge and expertise. Extreme paddleboarders have been known to weather extended trips in cold conditions though these are few and far between.
Why? Why are you getting into paddling? If you are looking to go out for a leisurely paddle around a small lake or to go fishing with a friend, a canoe may be the best choice – even SUPs offer a unique experience for anglers or ‘lazy Sunday paddlers.’ If you are looking for freedom and independence, kayaks and paddleboards are a great choice. If wanting to travel long straight-line distances, a touring kayak is likely to be your best bet. All three options will give you a fitness work out and will expose you to nature and the outdoors. In terms of a total body exercise, it can be argued that SUPs take the cake since standing adds a further workout to your core and legs. How? • How far and fast do you want to travel? • How much equipment are you bringing? • How comfortable are you with getting wet? Touring kayaks are an excellent means to travel long distances quickly. Canoes are a little slower but can fit more equipment. Paddleboards can carry the least amount of gear but are easier to load on a vehicle and launching has never been simpler. ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Touring kayaks can handle open waters and big waves, but you will get some spray in your face. Canoes can carry more gear, but you will need to stay close to shore and avoid big open water. With a higher centre of gravity, SUP’s can be dangerous to paddle in shallower water near shore, so venturing to deeper waters is recommended. As such, paddling in rough, open water can be a challenge unless you’re out to surf the waves. So What’s Right for You? No one craft can do it all, at least not very well. So you need to match their qualities and capabilities boat to your needs and purposes.
Kayaks, canoes, and stand up paddleboards all have a varying degrees of safety features depending on the model and category of craft. As such, it is recommended that newcomers seek instruction for both safety and to learn the skills necessary to enjoy real satisfaction in the sport. Kayaks are beautiful sleek boats that fit like a glove – this appeals to the adventurous and independent spirit of many paddlers. Canoes are a camper’s best friend since carrying gear is easiest in this type of craft. SUP’s are cool, fun, and easy to handle which satisfies the inner youth in all of us!
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Often the choice between the three will be decided by trying them out; visit an experienced paddlesports centre that allows test paddling the crafts on the water. Trying before buying will help you understand the features and benefits of each so you can make the right decision!
See you on the water! If you have any questions, please call 1-800-250-3174 (Ontario only) or 1-613-376-6220 or sent an email to
Fishing for BASS
What you don’t want to forget when you go
Fishing • • • • • • • • • • • •
All necessary licensing including stamps and written permission to enter private waters Sun protection: Hat, Sunglasses, Sunscreen, and Bandana Fishing Vest or small backpack with fishing tackle Fishing Pole and Plenty of Bait Two Coolers with ice: one for beverages and food; and one for fish Plenty of liquids (water, soda, sports drink, fruit juice) Food: lunch and plenty of snacks First Aid Kit Small Fixed Blade Knife, a pair of Needle-Nosed Pliers, and a Multi Tool Insect Repellent Compass and Portable GPS Garbage Bags
Nature could not have designed a better game fish than smallmouth bass. They’re like 10 dynamite sticks stuffed into a football. Light the fuse and get ready for serious fireworks. When you hook up with a brown bass, you’re likely to witness jumps, flips, and power dives. The second run is even better. It’s no wonder so many anglers have become obsessed with them.
SmallMouth Bass Bass fishing in Ontario can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Many anglers chase these fish with highspeed boats and an arsenal of rods. Yet, every year, some of the largest bass of both species are caught right off docks with a red and white bobber and a single hook and worm for bait. Bass are equalopportunity biters.
Ontario is justifiably famous for great smallmouth fishing. From Kenora to the Kawarthas, Quetico Park to Rainy Lake, and the southern Great Lakes, bronzeback fishing simply doesn’t get any better. The average smallmouth approaches 3 pounds (1.36 kg), but lunkers topping 6 pounds (2.27 kg) are caught frequently. The provincial record is a rotund 9.84pounder (4.46 kg) from Birch Lake near Kinmount. Many anglers think the province is ripe for a new provincial smallmouth record. The question is where. Some feel it will be caught in Lake Erie or Lake Simcoe. Those in the north are talking about Rainy Lake or Lac Seul. Time will tell.
For Ontario bass, bring an assortment of lures for a variety of situations. Plastic grubs, tubes, worms, and shads are deadly fished on jigs or rigs. A hot tactic for wary smallmouth in Ontario’s big, clear lakes has been to simply cast out a crayfish-coloured tube jig and drag it along bottom on a long line from a drifting boat. Smoke-coloured twister-tail grubs on black jig heads are also sure to interest our bronzebacks.
While smallmouth are the bread-andbutter bass of Ontario, don’t overlook the great largemouth fishing. They can be caught from most southern-Ontario waters and in portions of the northwest. Ontario’s largemouth grow big as well, with many fish each year topping the 6-pound (2.7 kg) mark. The record is 10.43-pounder (4.73 kg) from Preston Lake just north of Toronto.
Bring your personal choice of bass gear, whether it be spinning or baitcasting rods and reels., but keep in mind that smallmouth are great candidates for medium-light spinning gear. They’re usually found in more open water than are weed- and cover-loving largemouths. If bass fishing makes your heart beat faster, you’ll find the ultimate pacemaker in Ontario. Just make sure you don’t overdo the old ticker when a big bronzeback hits the air or an old bucketmouth heads for the pads, straining you and your tackle to their limits.
(Source: 2008 The Ontario Outdoor Adventure Guide, produced by NOTO - The Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association -
ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
4 easy ways to plan for
summer fun
(BPT) - Picture this: warm wind blowing across your face, the sound of waves crashing, and all your worries left behind on land. This is you on a boat and now is the perfect time to make this dream a reality. Spring may be frigid to think of boating, but it’s the best time to start planning for warmer days ahead. More than - about 13.2 million Canadians go boating each year, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) , proving it’s easier than ever to join the fun and climb aboard. Whether you’re interested in fishing, sailing, wakesurfing, personal watercraft or cruising, start planning now so you don’t get left on land this spring. Explore boats under one roof Throughout the spring, hundreds of boat shows take place around the province, providing deals on boats for every budget, plus a chance to browse a variety of options in one location versus visiting multiple boat dealerships. Boat shows are an opportunity for the whole family to learn and have some fun, with educational seminars and workshops, hands-on trainings, fishing demonstrations and more. Check out to find a boat show in your area.
or daily rentals to charters and more. Another popular option is fractional ownership, similar to lodging timeshares, where members can pre-schedule use of the boat online and often receive the added benefits of lessons, flotillas and additional crew, if needed. Weeklong charters are an additional option for those looking to escape to warmer weather, wake up on the water and fully experience the boating lifestyle this winter. Do your homework Prep for summer now by doing your online research on how to get started, where to boat and what to consider before buying. Get inspired by other boaters by checking out Stories of Discovery documentaries on Your own story of discovery can start with the right boat, so take the next step towards making your daydream a reality
Test the waters No boat yet? No problem. There are ways to test the waters near your home or on a warm weather vacation, from hourly 30
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by using a boat selector tool to match your budget, lifestyle and interests with the best boat for your needs. Learn the ropes Education is a great way to prepare now for boating season later. Boating schools and courses are a great way to learn the rules of the water - online, in a classroom or on the water. Perfect your powerboating, sailing, fishing or watersports skills by learning the basics and having fun in the process. Check out a list of courses and find one that floats your boat close to home. is a resource to satisfy all your boating curiosities with a boat loan calculator to do the math, tips and how-to’s for the latest boating activities and how to get your feet wet with (or without) owning a boat.
BOATING Safety Tips 1. Be Weather-wise Always check local weather conditions before departure- TV and radio forecasts can be a good source of information. If you notice darkening clouds, volatile and rough changing winds, or sudden drops in temperature, play it safe by getting off the water. 2. Follow a Pre-Departure Checklist Proper boating safety means being prepared for any possibility on the water. From fire safety regulations to tips for fueling up, following a pre-departure checklist is the best way to make sure no boating safety rules or precautions have been forgotten. 3. Get your Pleasure Craft Operator Card The PCOC is mandatory for anyone operating a pleasure craft with any type of motor, and the operator should be sure to have their original PCOC card “on board”. 4. Use Common Sense One of the most important parts of boating safety is to know the rules and to use your common sense. This means operating at a safe speed at all times, especially in crowded areas. Be alert at all times, and steer clear of large vessels and watercraft that can be restricted in their ability to stop or turn. 5. Designate an Assistant Skipper Make sure more than only one person on board is familiar with all aspects of your boat’s handling, operations, and other boating safety tips. If the primary navigator is injured or incapacitated in any way, it’s important to make sure someone else can follow the proper boating safety rules to get everyone else back to shore. Remember that anyone operating the boat must have their PCOC. 6. Develop a Float Plan Whether you choose to inform a family member or staff at your local marina, always be sure to let someone else know your float plan. This should include where you’re going and how long you’re going to be gone. 7. Make Proper Use of Lifejackets The majority of drowning victims resulting from boating accidents were found not to be wearing a lifejacket (PFD). Assign and fit each member onboard with a lifejacket– prior to departure. 8. Don’t Mix Alcohol and Boating Practise boating safety at all times by saving the alcohol for on land. The probability of being involved in a boating accident doubles when alcohol is involved, and studies have also shown that the affect of alcohol is exacerbated by external effects such as sun and wind. Just like driving under the influence, boating under the influence of alcohol is an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada. 9. Learn to Swim Proper boating safety means knowing how to swim. Local organizations such as the Canadian Red Cross and others offer training for all ages and abilities - check to see what classes are offered in your area. 10. Take a Boating Course Boaters need be familiar with boating safety rules of operation. In addition to the mandatory PCOC for any boat operator, you should also consider additional courses so that you can boat with confidence. Source: ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
Tips for buying your first ATV
(BPT) - First-time buyers account for more than a quarter of all-terrain vehicle sales each year. As with any major purchase, a little education can go a long way toward helping you get the best possible deal for your money. Polaris Industries, a leading manufacturer of ATVs, offers the following advice when you’re making your first ATV purchase: Consider the age and experience of the ATV’s primary rider. ATVs come in all shapes and sizes. It’s important to match the right features with the rider for a more enjoyable ATV experience. Is the rider a youth, beginner adult or adult with other power sports equipment experience? There are youth vehicles on the market available for children as young as 6, and adult-only vehicles that come with different power options. Be sure to not overdo it on your first purchase. There’s always the option to upgrade power and performance down the line. 32
Weigh how the ATV will be used. ATVs, generally, can be broken into two separate categories - sport or utility. Sport quads have a sportier look and feel, and are more suited for recreational or highperformance riding. Utility ATVs, such as the Polaris Sportsman ETX, offer fourwheel drive and are capable of carrying loads, towing, plowing and performing other tasks. Some vehicles combine a mixture of these attributes. Consider the terrain where you’ll be riding. Will it be hard-packed trails, fields, mud, sand or steep hills? If you will be riding mostly on tough terrain such as deep mud or steep hills, a four-wheel drive ATV, with its enhanced traction, would probably be better suited and make for a more enjoyable riding experience. For regular trails and field riding, a two-wheel drive vehicle would probably suffice. If riding in highly rutted or rocky terrain, an ATV with electronic power steering might
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be the best bet to help reduce handlebar feedback and rider fatigue. * How many riders will your ATV need to carry and how? While everyone is aware of the typical straddle ATV for one person, there also are ATVs specifically designed to carry a driver and passenger for double the fun. Known as “2-Up” ATVs, the vehicles feature a longer chassis with a second seat behind the driver. Do you prefer a steering wheel and pedal controls? Recently, there has been a new “style” of ATV introduced as the Polaris ACE. This vehicle is a single-seat, sit-in ATV with a steering wheel and a cage for more comfort, confidence and capability. The Polaris ACE offers a unique way for both novice and experience riders to hit the trail.* Are you prepared to play safely? Safety is always an important consideration when purchasing an ATV. Enrolling in a safety training course before making a purchase will get you acclimated to riding
an ATV. The ATV Safety Institute offers safety courses nationwide to help you become a more safe and aware rider. Finally, how much do you want to spend? There is an ATV available to fit virtually any pocketbook. It is important to research the various features available to find a machine that fits your budget, riding style, work expectation and experience. Entry-level ATVs offer features needed for the first-time buyer and are easy on the pocketbook, starting around $4,000. Skilled riders looking for more power might opt for a full-size value model which starts around $6,000. For heavy-duty work or riding, most manufacturers offer full-size, premium models with bigger engines starting around $8,500. With a great variety of different options available, ATVs are perfect for leisure riders or families who want to enjoy the great outdoors together. Use these considerations and do your research to ensure a smooth purchase and even smoother ATV riding experience.
Confederation Basin Marina 6 Clarence St. (440 14’N 760 29’W)
Facility features include: · 24-hour security · Dock hands & marina staff · Seasonal & Transient Dockage · Washrooms & showers · Laundromat 613-546-4291 x 1823
Portsmouth Olympic Harbour 53 Yonge St. (440 13’N 760 31’W)
Facility features include: · Manual jib crane (1,500lb limit) · Fuel dock and pump-out services · Night time security · Seasonal & Transient Dockage · Washrooms & showers
613-546-4291 x 1800
ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015
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Phone: 613-389-GOLF
Show exhibitors 2015 Home & Cottage Show A & A Asphalt ..........................................................901 A & M Home Products . .......................................... 535 ADT Security Services ............................................629 Advanced Therapeutic Skin Care Centre ..............510 Allstate Insurance . .................................................612 Alterna Savings........................................................ 611 Arctic Spas . ............................................................ 743 Atkinson Home Building Centre . .........................700 Atkinson Home Building Centre . .........................704 Bath Fitters . ............................................................618 Bath Solutions . ...................................................... 825 Beachcomber Hot Tubs ......................................... 542 Bobcat of Kingston ................................................ 507 Breathe EZ Homes .................................................830 C & M Superior Systems ........................................ 525 Canada Metal Roof & Sealant ............................... 637 Cogeco Cable . ........................................................ 633 Colonial Roofing & Contracting .............................514 Culligan Water ........................................................814 Day City/ Ivy Lux Beauty . .....................................508 Derue Designs . ......................................................634 Designs by Dori . .................................................... 707 Desmond Technology ............................................531 Direct Buy of Ottawa .............................................800 Discovery Dream Homes ......................................506 Dominion Lending Centres ....................................819 Dogwatch of Southeastern Ontario ..................... 437 Dorey & Tolgyesi Insurance Brokers .....................815 Downunder Solar Inc . ............................................ 911 E.R. Trought Design Inc. .........................................732 Eco-Solutions Spray Foam Insulation . .................714 Eco Tree Care . .........................................................601 EkoBuilt ..................................................................905 Electrical Doctor (The) . ..........................................718 Enersave Building Solutions . ................................718 Enshift Power Inc. . .................................................718 Euroshine Inc. .........................................................413 EzeeKleen Inc. ........................................................ 933 Ferguson’s Energy Systems Outside Fireplaces Unlimited . .............................................401 Friendly Fires . .........................................................918 G.D.G. Environment ...............................................630 G.R. Distributors . ...................................................443 Geco Industries .......................................................913 Glenhaven Memorial Gardens ...............................614 Green Tractors Kingston........................................ 805
Guildcrest Homes ..................................................407 Hartington Equipment ..........................................643 Haven Home Climate Care . ...................................719 HMD Drafting & Design . ........................................ 532 IntegraSpec ICF Solutions Inc................................ 534 Interlock Industries ............................................... 832 Investors Group ......................................................921 KES Energy Management . .....................................519 King’s Town Chiropractic .......................................919 Kingston Mortgage Solutions ...............................605 Kingston Police Force ............................................709 Kingston Windows & Doors . .................................619 Levac Propane .......................................................604 Logix ICF ..................................................................415 London Eco Roof Manufacturing .......................... 528 MacLellan Water Technology . .............................. 725 Mahon Pools........................................................... 743 Martin’s Fireplaces . ................................................615 Maudy Glo ..............................................................907 McDougall Bickerton Insurance ............................ 435 Metal Roof Outlet . .................................................439 Ontario ICF Supply Inc. ..........................................609 Ontario Flag & Pole . .............................................. 433 Ottawa Valley LeafGuard ......................................530 Pepeniere Pot Pourri . ...........................................900 Petrie Ford (formerly Edwards Ford)......... 831 - 938 Polyform Cellular Plastics Inc. ..............................924 Professional Pumps & Water Treatment . ...........405 RB Kingston Carpentry . .........................................415 Reliance Home Comfort . .......................................801 Rideau Valley Hearth & Home Ltd. .......................533 Rose-A-Lane Gifts . ................................................ 843 Royal LePage Pro Alliance Realty ........................607 RSA Austin Roofing & Renovations . ..................... 731 Sam’s Door & Window Centre ..............................824 Scouten White Cedar . ...........................................429 Shandstone Construction . .....................................431 Shopease Foods Inc. . ............................................ 925 Smart Living Steam Mop . ......................................701 Soap-And-Suds . ....................................................945 St. Lawrence Pools ................................................424 Student Works Painting . .......................................610 Su Silk Art ................................................................512 Sun Life Financial................................................... 632 Suncoast Ottawa . ...................................................501 Sunset Stucco . ....................................................... 730 Surface Medic . ....................................................... 635 Tandet Industrial ....................................................419
Taxis Contracting ................................................... 927 Toronto Star ...........................................................829 Total Tech Pools..................................................... 937 Touch of Purple...................................................... 734 True North Log Homes ...........................................431 Unidem Sales .........................................................600 Unity Sod Farm Ltd. . ...............................................511 Urban Quarry ......................................................... 729 Utilities Kingston ....................................................818 Vacuum Store (The).............................................. 625 W.O. Stinson & Son Ltd. . ....................................... 736 Weeds B Gone........................................................ 504 Wentworth Landscapes ........................................ 524 Williamson Roofing................................................ 631
Boat Show & Sale 1000 Islands Docks . ............................................... 325 Aqua Bay Ltd. . ....................................................... 236 Boat Warehouse (The)........................................... 101 Brown’s Marine . .................................................... 343 Candock .................................................................. 325 City of Kingston ..................................................... 329 Cote-L Canada......................................................... 333 Crate Marine of Belleville .......................................301 Dock Rite Boat Lifts Ltd. ........................................ 432 Fix & Wrap . ............................................................ 307 Frontenac Outfitters ..............................................442 Furnace Brokers (The) . .........................................305 Gateview Equipment.............................................. 135 HMCS Cataraqui . ....................................................308 Hurst Marina Ltd. ....................................................318 International Boat Graphics . .................................301 Kelsey Marine . ........................................................213 Kingston Power & Sail Squadron ......................... 339 LD Powersports . .....................................................201 Loon’s Call Resort ...................................................335 MD Marine Insurance . ...........................................309 Mohawk Bay Park . ................................................. 331 North Country Marine . ...........................................123 Northstar Marine Insurance................................... 337 Performance Shed (The) . ......................................410 Polaris ATV ............................................................. 223 Pro Tackle Musky Shop . ........................................ 336 Quinte Boat Docks................................................. 342 Sharbot Lake Marina . ............................................300 Wards Marine . ....................................................... 223
ho m e , c o t t a g e a n d r e c r e a t i o n g u i de 2015