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Highlighted Achievements
Consisting of faculty, staff, students, and individuals with lived expertise, the curriculum innovation leadership team made significant progress in the first year of the project timeline. There were several notable accomplishments and adjustments based on emergent needs. Below are summaries of the first year’s highlighted achievements and efforts to build faculty capacity and buy-in. Also included is the vision for the upcoming year with target dates as well as a project concept map.
Target Dates for Piloting New Courses:
❖ Spring semester 2023: SOW 4341 Social Work
Practice with Individuals and Families; SOW 5308
Social Work Practice I; SOW 4650/5656 Child
Welfare Practice
❖ Additional courses will be selected for summer and fall semesters of 2023.
❖ See Appendix E for the Academic Innovation Concept Map for additional information.
During the first year of the project, a faculty leadership team was established to address project goals. The team worked with the FSU Center for Advancement of Teaching (CAT) to discuss the introduction of problembased learning into the curriculum and to identify pilot courses to introduce this new teaching methodology. This shift in curriculum towards more interactive and interdisciplinary teaching methods was promoted at all faculty meetings during the 2021-22 academic year and was introduced to the Academic Affairs Committee for a discussion of how it may benefit students. Faculty were asked to collaborate in the development of cases that will be used for PBL/CBL in CSW courses. In addition, faculty were invited to participate in PBL/ CBL training and were financially incentivized to do so. Members of the leadership team met individually with faculty to learn about their perspectives and answer questions and concerns as they consider using PBL/ CBL in their courses. Members of the leadership team also worked with instructors who will implement the first pilot courses to develop course activities that use PBL/CBL techniques.
The team also worked with CAT to establish project objectives and define project outcomes to be facilitated by PBL/CBL. Partnerships were established with FORECAST (Foundations for Outreach through Experiential Child Advocacy Studies Training), the FSU College of Motion Picture Arts, CapSource, and the Florida Center for Interactive Media to develop educational assets and learning activities that will help facilitate experiential learning for the students. To prepare faculty for the use of this pedagogical approach, two FORECAST training courses were hosted for CSW faculty to gain experience in this teaching method.
2023 Spring Semester - three Social Work classes will be piloted (Social Work Practice with Individuals & Families, Social Work Practice, Child Welfare Practice)