AREA #1 - Out-of-State, Panhandle
Brandon St. John (912) 674-6127 ktm21brandon@yahoo.com
AREA #2 - Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns
James Benton (904) 589-0093 bentonracing116@yahoo.com
AREA #3 - Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake
Allen Pearce (352) 339-5644 Allen.Pearce17@gmail.com
AREA #4 - Flagler, Volusia
Mike McGuire (386) 871-0666 makmcguire@yahoo.com
AREA #5 - Hernando, Pasco, Pinellas, West Hillsborough
Dale Ellis (727) 213-4399 dellis117ktm@gmail.com
AREA #6 - East Hillsborough, Polk
West Anderson (863) 604-1868 jetster220@gmail.com
AREA #7 - Seminola, Osceola, Orange
Will Busick (317) 507-6636 willb763@gmail.com
AREA #8 - Brevard, Indian River
Shaun Foutch (321) 390-3786 eastflorida234@yahoo.com
AREA #9 - Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands
Bruan Dugre (941) 893-7898 brian@mycentec.com
AREA #10 - Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin
George Pollard (772) 349-6354 ktmgeorge811@gmail.com
AREA #11 - Charlotte, Lee, Glades, Hendry, Collier
Ken Redford (239) 297-7170 redford_kenny@yahoo.com
AREA #12 - Palm Beach
Austin McAfee (561) 722-1318 rkyle914@aol.com
AREA #13 - Borward, Dade, Monroe
Mickel Pares (954) 980-7369 captmickel@gmail.com
Apollo M/C
Mark Bordelon (321) 794-0993 markbord115@gmail.com
Azalea City M/C
Gary Wyatt (386) 684-2698 wyattg1@windstream.net
Big O Trail Riders
Tommy Clay (863) 532-1952 tommy_clay@yahoo.com
Big Scrub Trail Riders Curtis Bell (386) 679-8201 curtbell@rocketmail.com
Central Florida Trail Riders
Elesa Berard (407) 376-7115 elesa@embarqmail.com
Columbia Enduro Riders
Ricky Dennis (803) 786-0051 mastercraft@bellsoth.net
Daytona Dirt Riders
Joe Carrasquillo (386) 615-0722 secretary4ddr@gmail.com
Family Riders, Inc.
Johnny Thomas (843) 553-1463 familyriderssc@bellsouth. net
Greenville Enduro Riders
Chris Poole (864) 617-4342 info@greenvilleenduroriders.com
Nature Coast Trail Blazers
Rob Swann (813) 731-5552 naturecoasttrailriders@ gmail.com
Old School Dirt Riders
Ben Kelly (941) 650-1473 ftr90racer@yahoo.com
Palm Beach Track & Trail
Randy Rash (954) 931-5709 motodadfla19@aol.com
Perry Mountain M/C
Brad Belcher (205) 340-4298
River City Dirt Riders
James Benton (904) 589-0093 bentonracing116@yahoo.com
Sarasota Area Dirt Riders
Randy Faul (863) 244-3709 randt817@gmail.com
Southeast Florida Trail Riders
Frank Campbell (561) 951-3732 flawoods35@yahoo.com
Sumter Enduro Riders
Johnny McCoy (803) 481-5169 serma@ftc-i.net
Suncoast Trail Blazers
Cary Hunt 727-635-6228
Sunrunners Dirt Riders
West Anderson (863) 604-1868 jetster220@gmail.com
Tallahassee Trail Riders
Mikey Rainey (350) 591-5386 trailriderstallahassee@ gmail.com
Treasure Coast Trail Riders
Luis M Rodriguez (772) 801-9777 luisabx@hotmail.com
Randy Faul (863) 244-3709 president@floridatrailriders.org
Pete Rose (941) 270-1189 vicepresident@floridatrailriders.org
Bill Toreki 352-372-1135 secretaryfloridatrailriders.org
Kayla Vawter (863) 381-2649 treasurer@foridatrailriders.org
Randy Rash (954) 931-5709 hschair@floridatrailriders.org
George Tolson (863) 698-3837 endurochair@floridatrailriders.org
Jeff Hazeltine 941-468-7204 hsreffloridatrailriders.org
Glenn Hunt (678) 231-4100 enduroref@floeidatrailriders.org
Darlene Riggs (352) 538-6291 businessmanager@floridatrailriders.org
Mark Mannschreck (813) 310-2067 hondamm61@aol.com
Sam Boydstun (407) 467-3951 woodsracercfl@rr.com
Peter Magee (352) 472-6932 cr250@bellsouth.net
Elesa Berard (407) 376-7115
Ryan McCarthy (941) 234-5086 ryanmccarthy90@gmail.com
Paul Lucas (305) 244-7531 happytimesamuse@msn.com
Holly Langford (954) 504-2659 hollylangford10@gmail.com
Kurt Lucas (786) 385-7771 kurtlucas101@gmail.com
Pete Rose (941) 270-1189 pwrracingktm@gmail.com
Behind the Scenes
As we move into our second half of the season, mother nature has made a change in our plans with not even a blink of an eye. Several of our hare scramble events have had to be rescheduled including a couple enduros with our season stretching into June. From a couple of dust bowl events to locations where you can’t drive into the parking area without a frontend loader sitting on standby. It’s been a while since we have had to move things
around like this but with the cooperation of everyone involved it looks like we won’t miss a beat.
Moving ahead with daily operations within FTR, discussions and some decisions are already being made for our upcoming banquet on July 20th. This year it’s all about the membership as FTR gives back to our riders and families with many perks, discounts and much more free stuff for a memorable weekend with lots of great ideas being worked on now
as we move closer to the main event. We had our first BoD meeting of the new year last month with great participation and many new members stepping up with positive thoughts and ideas.
The old saying, “It takes a village'' certainly applies to our organization as not one person can navigate the ship without some help. Case in point, the pit riding issue that has plagued us, it has taken many members, individuals and everyone to
make a difference and you have made a big difference. Yes, we are not perfect and yes, we have had to discipline several members with DQ’s along with some late-night shenanigans, but all in all we see a big improvement. All this couldn’t be possible without the consistent monitoring and enforcement from our membership, parents and officials so please keep up the excellent work!
Thanks for listening
Randy FaulStarting Line to Checkered Flag…
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
Betty and I just got back from our 25th anniversary cruise. It was a great time of rest and relaxation. During my time on the cruise, I had time to ponder another “R” word, Restoration.
According to the dictionary, restoration is defined as an act of restoring or the condition of being restored, such as a bringing back to a former position or condition or a restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition
I found recent historical examples. At the end of World War One, the Ottoman Empire lost Israel and the Holy Land to England.
The Ottoman Empire had owned/controlled the land since the 1500s and would not allow the Jewish people to return to it. In 1917, the land was restored to the original owners after 2000 years and the Jewish people started to re-settle their promised land.
In 1967, the nation of Israel captured the city Of Jerusalem. The Holy city, the capital of ancient Israel, was restored to the people, the original owners, however, at the time, no other government would acknowledge this.
In 2017, in a proclamation by the President of the United States, we acknowledged Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel and moved our embassy from Tel Aviv, thereby officially restoring the capital to its land and to its people.
Of note, all these examples were foretold by the Old Testament prophets of the Bible. God had a plan of perfect restoration!
Luke 15:11-24 is a prime example Jesus used to demonstrate how we can be restored.
… “There was once a man
who had two sons. The younger said to his father, ‘Father, I want right now what’s coming to me.’ “So the father divided the property between them. It wasn’t long before the younger son packed his bags and left for a distant country. There, undisciplined and dissipated, he wasted everything he had. After he had gone through all his money, there was a bad famine all through that country and he began to feel it. He signed on with a citizen there who assigned him to his fields to slop the pigs. He was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any. “That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’ He got right up and went home to his father.
“When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and
kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’
“But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a prize-winning heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here; given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’
As His children, we are lost and wandering due to our separation from God because of our sin. God wants us home with Him… restored to Him! By placing our trust in His Son, Jesus, we are saved from the penalty of our sins and are fully restored to a personal relationship with God, our Father.
2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Total and complete restoration!!!!!
Blessings on and off the road,
Jim and Betty EdlestonProposal 1.24
A motion was brought by the chairman to modify the top 10 AA advancement rule to exclude all age specific classes.
Second vote:
14 For
0 Against Passes second vote
Proposal 2.24
A proposal wad made to allow 85cc bikes to compete in the Junior A/B/C classes
Second vote:
13 For
1 Against Passes second vote
New Business
Proposal 3.24
A motion was brought forward to create a Women’s C class for Saturday Afternoon. This rule was modified from
the previous proposal to prevent the C class from carrying any advancement points to the Sunday Women’s B class.
First Vote:
13 For
1 Against Proposal 4.24
A proposal was made to create a Senior AA class for Sunday morning.
First Vote:
2 For
12 Against Proposal 5.24
A motion was made to create an Electric Motorcycle Class to start on Row 9 during the Saturday 2pm race,. Machines qualifying for the class must be non-ICE two-wheeled machines, no pedals or e-assist with a minimum 19” front wheel.
First Vote:
14 For
0 Against Proposal 6.24
A proposal was made to move Elite Master A from Row 10 to Row 7 and start with the Golden Master A class.
First Vote:
14 For
0 Against Proposal 7.24
A proposal was made to move Golden Maste B to Row 10 and move Elite Master B and Legends to Row 11.
First Vote:
14 For
0 Against.
Tyler Stobierski came before the committee to have his DQ for Pit Riding on the trail at night overturned.
The committee decided unanimously to not overturn the DQ.
President’s report:
-James Benton has volunteered to be the new Pee-Wee Coordinator.
-Pit Riding violations at events have decreased significantly, but we need to continue enforcement efforts.
-Tim & Lisa Nordle intend to retire from running Hare Scrambles Scoring after two more seasons. We need to find capable replacements.
Vice President’s Report:
-Thanked all the committee chairpersons for their service. (Election, Scholarship, Banquet).
-Discussion about the need to continue enforcement and education about Pit Riding led to
suggestion that a QR Code for the FTR rulebook be added to FTR membership cards.
Secretary’s Report:.
-Contact info for BOD members updated. -Rocky Mountain Race Gas program going well. RM donated some t-shirts for the banquet -Secretary is working with webmaster to improve the website.
-FTR has filed with USPTO for two registered trademarks (FTR and Florida Trail Riders). Discussed proper use of trademarks on website, magazine, correspondence and merchandise.
-FTR will file for ISSN number for magazine. The cost is approximately 50 dollars. FTR
magazine needs to include proper publisher’s information in every edition.
-The scholarship committee is always looking for new members. Contact Jenni Lamb.
- The BOD asked that the current rule requiring SC members to be college graduates be reconsidered.
Enduro Chairman’s Report:
-8 Enduros on the schedule, and one is re-scheduled.
-Potentially will have 9 Enduros next season (new event in panhandle possibly).
-Requested up to $6,000 for new equipment. (see New Business)
Hare Scrambles Chairman’s Report:
-DDR event has been rescheduled.
-James Benton has accepted the Pee-Wee Coordinator Position.
-Pit Riding violations at events have decreased significantly, but we need to continue enforcement efforts.
-Clarified that Quad riders are allowed one “mechanic” on the starting grid with proper wristband.
Business Manager, Darlene Riggs: Gave update on this year’s FTR Awards Banquet. It will again be at Doubletree in Orlando with similar format to last year. Date is July 20, 2024. See
below for action on banquet funding by BOD.
Old Business:
1. Approve BOD meeting minutes from 7/15/2023. PASSED (unanimous)
New Business:
1. Choose one Area Director to serve on Executive Committee. – Three nominations. Board voted to elect James Benton as member of the EC.
2. Enduro Proposal to remove EVO class due to low participation. Passed 2nd vote of Enduro Committee. The only changes required are in Chapter 3 (General Rules), Section D (Rider Classification): Remove line for Evolution class under Enduros. (Also, in Section J6.) Also, FTR Secretary suggests to add as house-keeping change to add [0-250 cc Schoolboy] in Section J6 (it was omitted when the class was added). PASSED (unanimous)
3. Hare Scrambles Proposal #1: Remove age-specific classes from rule for advancement of top-10 A riders to AA class. Passed 2nd vote of HSC. PASSED (unanimous)
4. Hare Scrambles Proposal #2: Change engine displacement requirement for Junior classes to allow 85cc 2-strokes. Current rule specifies 86-200 cc. PASSED (unanimous)
5. Proposal: Add language requiring Chest and
Back Protection for all riders in Youth Classes. This is to be consistent with new AMA requirement. Also, adds recommendation for ALL riders to wear (as per AMA rulebook). It would be added as sub-section 10 under J. Competition Apparel & Equipment in Chapter III of the FTR Rulebook (General Rules), and read:
“It is highly recommended that chest and back protection be worn by all competitors. It is required for all competitors in Youth Classes to wear chest and back protection as per AMA Off-Road Rules. This applies to Hare Scramble PeeWee, 65, Mini, Junior, and Quad Junior classes, and also to Enduro School-Boy Class.” PASSED (unanimous)
6. Pee-Wee Coordinator Position. James Benton has volunteered to be the new Pee-Wee Coordinator.
7. New Proposal by William Toreki to reduce FTR annual dues by $10 (to $40 for Adults and $20 for Youth). DID NOT PASS (7/7 tie vote).
8. New Proposal: The Top 3 year-end finishers in every FTR class will get a FREE Banquet Ticket for this season only. PASS (unanimous)
9. New Proposal: Approve Expenditure of up to $6,000 for new Enduro Scoring Equipment. PASS (unanimous)
Photos: Jamey Perdue
Hello FTR Family,
I am sure you have heard enough from me recently about the benefits of mobility and flexibility so I thought it would be best to switch gears to a completely different topic this month. While riding recently at the TC Training Compound, I was thinking about the return on investment (ROI) that riding brings us. Which led right to me thinking about money and tax season right around the corner. This is a wonderful time to discuss the economic value of physical therapy (PT). PT is often associated with the journey to recovery from injuries or surgeries.
However, its economic value extends far beyond rehabilitation. Investing in physical therapy not only promotes individual well-being but also yields substantial economic benefits for both individuals and society.
Cost-Effective Prevention: Prevention is often more cost-effective than treatment, and PT plays a crucial role in preventing injuries and chronic conditions. Regular PT sessions can address musculoskeletal imbalances, correct poor posture, and enhance body mechanics, reducing the risk of injuries and longterm health issues. By investing in preventative care through
physical therapy, individuals can avoid expensive medical treatments down the road.
Reduced Healthcare Utilization: Patients undergoing physical therapy often require fewer medical interventions, such as surgeries, injections, or ongoing medication. This reduction in healthcare utilization translates directly into cost savings for both patients and healthcare systems. A study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that early physical therapy intervention for musculoskeletal conditions reduced the need for advanced imaging (MRI, CT),
medication, and even surgery, resulting in substantial cost savings.
Return on Investment (ROI): According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), every $1 spent on outpatient physical therapy services results in $4 of savings in healthcare costs.
Economic Value: Recently the APTA hired an international medical consulting firm to analyze the economic value of physical therapy, available at https://www.apta.org/ news/2023/09/27/ value-of-pt-report-released
The firm researched 8 conditions that had enough data to be fully analyzed. What
they found was an objective monetary amount that represents the net benefit of physical therapist services. Be prepared to be shocked, below is the list of some of these conditions and the net benefit of PT services:
Arthritis of the Knee:
Acute Low Back Pain:
Tennis Elbow: $10,739
Fall Prevention:
Cancer Rehabilitation:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: $39,533
Vascular Claudication: $24,125
As you can see, the economic value of physical therapy extends far beyond its immediate costs. By preventing costly interventions, reducing healthcare utilization, and promoting longterm wellness, physical therapy emerges as a prudent investment in societal health. As we navigate the com-
plexities of modern healthcare, let us recognize the immense economic benefits of prioritizing preventive and rehabilitative care through physical therapy.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at contact@motopt.com, or call/text 904-3955379. Let's IMPROVE YOUR MOVE so you can ride pain-free with MotoPT. I will see you at the races!
Dr. Matthew Daugherty
PT, DPT, OTR/L, MOT, DBA Associate Professor Board-Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Manual Therapy Certified
Dry Needling Certified
LGC Moto is a local Florida company with FTR roots founded by Onell Lee. LGC specializes in high quality dirtbike wheels at a very consumer friendly pricepoint. Their “Titan Series” wheels look great and their customer service is top notch.
The Titan Series features a stronger and more durable 7050 aluminum rim with a sleek satin finish that will turn heads wherever you go. Designed to withstand the toughest elements, our rims are built to last and keep your bike looking fresh for longer.
SKF Bearings - The best wheel bearings available
6061 Billet Hubs - Our hubs are made on a 5-axis Haas CNC machine to ensure precision tolerances and OE fitment
7050 Aluminum Rims - The lightest, strongest material used for dirtbike rims. Our rims are the strongest on the market!
Oversized Heavy Duty SpokesStrong Stainless Steel (or 65mn black carbon) Spokes with superior strength.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro competing in the AMA Super-
cross or just an average rider looking for a high-performance upgrade, our TITAN wheels are built to handle it all. With exceptional strength and durability, you can take on any terrain with confidence.
LGC always keeps the consumer in mind as they are now offering 25% off a set of rotors when you purchase wheels and rotors together. Discount is automatically applied at checkout on their webiste: lgcmoto.com. Make sure to head to vendor row at the next FTR race and speak with Onell and check out all their great products.
Photos: Brianna Avirett