AREA #1 - Out-of-State, Panhandle
Brandon St. John (912) 729-1089 ktm21brandon@yahoo.com
AREA #2 - Hamilton, Su wannee, Columbia, Baker, Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns
James Benton (904) 589 0093 bentonracing116@yahoo.com
AREA #3 - Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake
Wiliam Toreki (352) 372-1135 stillbill@cox.net
AREA #4 - Flagler, Volusia
Mike McGuire (386) 871-0666 makmcguire@yahoo.com
AREA #5 - Hernando, Pasco, Pinellas, West Hillsbor ough
Shane Hitz (747) 213-4399 shane.hitz@yahoo.com
AREA #6 - East Hillsbor ough, Polk
Trey Heath (863) 326-3009 treyheath@hotmail.com
AREA #7 - Seminola, Osceola, Orange
Jason Ennis (321) 615-8227 jason.ennis@mypowersports. net
AREA #8 - Brevard, Indian River
Shaun Foutch (386) 214-4878 eastflorida234@yahoo.com
AREA #9 - Manatee, Sara sota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands
Michael Hall (941) 920-5288 mhall11525@gmail.com
AREA #10 - Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin
Ken Harris (772) 370-4434 khei9862@gmail.com
AREA #11 - Charlotte, Lee, Glades, Hendry, Collier
Ken Redford (239) 297-7170 redford_kenny@yahoo.com
AREA #12 - Palm Beach
Kyle McAfee (561) 722-1318 rkyle914@aol.com
AREA #13 - Borward, Dade, Monroe
Adam Cohen (954) 881-4211 adams.cohen.c@gmail.com
Apollo M/C
Mark Bordelon (321) 794-0993 markbord115@gmail.com
Azalea City M/C
Gary Wyatt (386) 684-2698 wyattg1@windstream.net
Big O Trail Riders
Derek Tremain (863) 634-8183 derektremain@gmail.com
Big Scrub Trail Riders
Curtis Bell (386) 679-8201 curtbell@rocketmail.com
Central Florida Trail Riders
Elesa Berard (407) 376-7115 elesa@embarqmail.com
Columbia Enduro Riders
Ricky Dennis (803) 786-0051 mastercraft@bellsoth.net
Daytona Dirt Riders
Joe Carrasquillo (386) 615-0722 secretary4ddr@gmail.com
Family Riders, Inc.
Johnny Thomas (843) 553-1463 familyriderssc@bellsouth.net
Greenville Enduro Riders
Chris Poole (864) 617-4342 info@greenvilleenduroriders. com
Nature Coast Trail Blazers
Rob Swann (813) 731-5552 naturecoasttrailblazers@ gmail.com
Old School Dirt Riders
Ben Kelly (941) 650-1473 ftr90racer@yahoo.com
Palm Beach Track & Trail Randy Rash (954) 931-5709 motodadfla19@aol.com
Perry Mountain M/C
Brad Belcher (205) 340-4298 perrymountainmotorcycle club@gmail.com
River City Dirt Riders
James Benton (904) 589-0093 bentonracing116@yahoo.com
Sarasota Area Dirt Riders Randy Faul (863) 244-3709 randt817@gmail.com
Southeast Florida Trail Riders Frank Campbell (561) 951-3732 flawoods35@yahoo.com
Sumter Enduro Riders Johnny McCoy (803) 481-5169 serma@ftc-i.net
Suncoast Trail Blazers Cary Hunt 727-635-6228 suncoastbiz1@gmail.com
Sunrunners Dirt Riders West Anderson (863) 604-1868 jetster220@gmail.com
Tallahassee Trail Riders Mikey Rainey (350) 591-5386 trailriderstallahassee@gmail. com
Treasure Coast Trail Riders Luis M Rodriguez (772) 801-9777 luisabx@hotmail.com
Randy Faul (863) 244-3709
Pete Rose (941) 270-1189
Kelsey Saltar (386) 315-4713
Kayla Vawter (863) 381-2649
Randy Rash (954) 931-5709
George Tolson (863) 698-3837
Don Chriss (407) 694-5614
Sam Boydstun (407) 467-3951
Ryan McCarthy (941) 234-5086
Glenn Hunt (678) 231-4100
Darlene Riggs (352) 538-6291
Champion Zach Osborne decided to try his hand at a few FTR Hare Scrambles last season. Rumor has it he will be back for some more fun this season. Who else is excited to see Zacho?
It is time! Hare Scram ble 1 is here and I don’t know about you guys but I am so excited to get out to the cow pasture and hangout with my FTR family.
I am not sure about you guys but I had a great off-season, I raced out of state, went on some trips and most importantly I got some quality riding time in.
This year I will be lining up in A Open again and look to battle with all of my A Open buddies. The class has become so fun over the last few years
and it is always getting bigger and faster.
Most importantly I am looking forward to camping with all my firends all weekend. That is the true reason why I do this, and I am sure I am not alone in this thought. Nothing beats leaving the house on Friday afternoon knowing I am about to spend all weekend in a field.
I love it.
Thanks for listening, Kurt Lucas.
This season we have some very exciting news for our membership as we have sev eral businesses coming on board to enhance our series and support our riders. Our local graphics dealer HBD Mo toGrafx will be stepping up this season with product discounts and some major support at next year’s banquet. FTR is also in negotiations with Seat Concepts for rider support, free seats and event giveaways. FMF is coming back with a next level program that promises to be most inviting with details forthcoming very soon.
Here we are, our first Enduro is in the books and the first Hare Scramble is just days away. It seems like we just had our banquet and summer time was here. Well, two things are apparent, summer time is still here and everyone is ready to do some racing. Some of you have taken the summer off while some have managed to continue to get to ride. I was able to sneak off a little and play with the senior citi zens as I officially qualify now. Our local , aka Croom hasn’t changed too much as the first set of whoops that were devel oped back in
the 60’s are still there today, only about four times as big. Needless to say that place is absolutely brutal in the middle of summer, no rain, high hu midity and no breeze. Riding is riding but this was extreme and everyone was scared to say how they really felt about it, but we kept showing up. The only thing we have to work on is parking all the wheel chairs, walkers and canes somewhere so we can park our bikes and have a place to sit. It also seemed like all us old guys parked under the pines and those young bucks, they parked across the road in the sun as they must feel sorry for us or we just got there earlier.
Our 22/23 events are shaping up to be another stellar season with increased membership, new families giving us a try and some older members coming back. With all this being said, be proud of your organization, show our new members and families a warm welcome and appreciate what we all have as we get to get away for the weekends and do a little rac ing. Look forward to seeing everyone at round one of the FTR Hare Scramble series.
Thanks for listening, Your pres, Randy Faul
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7
We are getting ready for the new season and I can’t wait! I have so missed the sounds of the bikes, the smell of the twostroke smoke, and Uncle Bill’s “Ten Seconds!”. Most of all, I have missed the time with my FTR family.
As we get ready for the races, I reflected on the friendships we have in FTR. From a simple “good morning” to watching the other riders help out someone who needs a part, it is the bonds of friendship that make our fami ly so special.
Romans 12:10 puts it this way;
“Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.”
I have witnessed this so many times, whether it’s on the course or in the pits. Watching friends jump in to help another rider who is struggling to fix his bike or just seeing a pit Mom helping out with another Mom’s kids, it never ceases to bless me. It is all about putting the other person first.
Jesus did this for us. God, the God who literally spoke the en tire universe into being, loves us so much that He became one of us through His Son, Jesus. His love for us is so embracing, He even paid the price for our sins by dying for us.
II Corinthians 5:14-15, “One man (Jesus) died for everyone. That puts everyone in the same boat. He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a res urrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own.” The guarantee of a new life, not only here but forever hereafter is what awaits you by simply putting your faith in Him. Within
the last few weeks, I have been blessed in seeing some of my friends find that amazing per sonal relationship with Jesus. Their lives are forever changed. They now have their Creator as their closest friend who will carry them victoriously through any thing the world tries to throw at them.
That friend is waiting, wanting to meet you. Please don’t delay. You never know when that “10 seconds” call is for you.
New season, New time! Please join us at “The Good Race” Joy Service, 7:00, Saturday night at the CMA tent!
Blessings on and off the road, Jim and Betty Edleston CMA
you, Dorothy, for making this happen. It’s hard to believe 50 years of motorcycling has gone by in a blink of an eye!
NEPG series.
As we begin the FTR season Tom & I wanted to take a mo ment and thank everyone who participated in the TF Racing 50 Year T-Shirt Fundraiser at the Benefit Race. Ya’ll raised $1560.00 for the FTR Scholar ship Fund. I also want to thank everyone who weathered the storm to come celebrate Tom’s birthday. It was a wet one but so worth all the fun with our FTR family. Also, a big thank you to everyone who wrote in. Tom was totally blown away reading them. They are now posted on the TF Suspension website. Thank
This year we basically are watching the entire Offroad motorcycle industry celebrate 50 years! The outdoor pro motocross series is celebrating 50 years and having legends from the past commentate has been incredible to say the least. Meaning to me that this group of individuals that were around in 1972 whether riding, racing, mechanicing are the grass roots to what we all love and enjoy today. I bet anyone reading this has come across people you’ve met far and near either just riding or racing and the stories they tell are amazing. I know as we get older the stories are more interesting.
There are outstanding individ uals who walk past you at any FTR event that participated in the early days of the Ameri can motocross off road scene. These legends are now 3 gen erations strong; competing in the AMA Supercross & outdoor AMA Nationals while others are carrying on the offroad tradition competing in the GNCC and
Life will quickly pass you bye. I, Tom, can remember standing trackside, totally focused on just making the program cut, fo cused on getting our equipment better, looking for every possi ble advantage to support our rider. Always searching, failing at times, but learning more in the process. The only way we had to get better was to try it and fail. Failing meant we were going forward and it was rare to be fooled twice.
The bikes in the early days were a handful, the repairing and outside the box thinking kept the engines going during the racing day. We rebuilt trans missions, top ends, and learned to keep sand and water out of the engines. Found all kinds of extra HP. We learned how to be good losers. We sure as heck didn’t let it show how bad it hurt to lose, but we all knew just how miserable it is to lose. The friendships are incredible and long lasting, there are so many good guys and ladies in this sport.
I was privileged to be at history making motocross events, that at the time were just another
day at the office. Ricky John son overrode his production YZ250, throwing away his first chance to win the 250 AMA Outdoor Motocross Champion ship at Castle Rock, CO. His Dad, myself and Paul Murphy watched as the Yamaha Jap anese VIPs loaded up and left the track in silence. I was there when Kenny Kenyon won his first AMA Outdoor MX moto. DeWayne Lyons gritting it out in a pair of 45 minute plus 2 lap motos with fellow Floridian’s Cary Smith, Jon Joiner, the Johnson brothers, and Dale Ellis.
I was there when suspension only had 3” of travel and forks were 28mm’s. We moved shocks forward, turned our air-cooled heads into water cooled heads and eventually water-cooled cylinders. We saw the first removable subsection on Chuck Sun’s factory Honda and the ever-developing rear single shock. The evolution of
the chassis which changed how fast we could ride.
Suddenly here I am, still trying to help riders make the main, get to the podium, win National Championships and the highly sought after FTR “Championship Jacket”. It’s a great experience to be working alongside dads and granddads that selfishly provided positive assurance for their sons and daughters honing their ability to compete. I would love to share some names, but there are so many, the list is very long. It’s also incredible the involvement and dedication the moms have provided for their babies.
Here we are 50 years and counting. I am often asked many championships do you think you directly contributed to. Well, TF has some 30 AMA National Championships, four of which are AMA Pro Racing and over 500 FTR Championships
from Mini to AA. Having traveled over 35,000 miles just this year attending four different series, we asked TF if you still like offroad motorcycle racing. The reply without hesitation; “ab solutely, this is a family grass root sport, my wife Ellen, has been with me every step of the way.” and there is a long list of my extended family that make this the best sport in the world.” Cheers to 50 years! It goes by in a blink of an eye.
CLUB: Central Florida Trail Riders
The season kicks off with CFTR hosting their event just south of the town of Bartow. This location is great for the first round with it being in the heart of the state. The Clear Springs property features a variety of terrain from sandy woods, fast flowing fields and hardpacked windy trails through the tall grass. With the property being an old mine it provides a little bit of elevation to keep everyone on their toes after a long break from the races.
CLUB: Azalea City Motorcycle Club
The second round of the series is a true test. The Hog Waller faciilty is top notch and the surrounding property provides for great trails. This is a true Florida hare scramble. These trails provide riders with your typical Florida sand whoops, flowing palmetto sections and short open sections that give racers just the break they were looking for.
CLUB: Sarasota Area Dirt Riders Association
Round 3 takes us to the “other side” of the Clear Springs property in Bartow. This location, known as “The Plateu”, is very similar to the first race of the season. A few differences include some great pine tree sections that give riders plenty of line options, great for passing. This might be the most scenic parking area on the schedule so you wont want to miss it!.
CLUB: Daytona Dirt Riders
LOCATION: Ormond Beach, FL
The Strickland Ranch property is massive. This gives the club many options when it comes to trail layout and also helps to keep the property fresh after years of hosting events. This is another great trail with a ton of variety. Expect grassy fields, flowing pine sections and your typical palmetto fields. This is also a great spectating track with the parking lot being right in the center of the property.
CLUB: Old School Dirt Riders
LOCATION: Punta Gorda, FL
The Watermelon Bash is located just east of Punta Gorda at “The Farm”. This is a very interesting property as it is very narrow. OSDR does an incredible job by utilizing the creek bed on the property to provide sweeping, sandy trails that are a ton of fun. Other features of the property include fun, safe, ditch crossings and a few small jumps that are incorporated into the trail.
CLUB: Suncoast Trail Blazers
LOCATION: Brooksville, FL
The Mondon Hill Hare Scramble takes place just after the New Year.
This property is very unique, it is filled with small techinical hills that allow the club to create a trail unlike any other. This property still features some more familiar trail like sand whoops, pine trees and fields. The weather is always great here and it has become a staple event of the FTR Hare Scramble series.
CLUB: Palm Beach Track and Trail Riders
LOCATION: Okeechobee, FL
The Mondon Hill Hare Scramble takes place just after the New Year.
This property is very unique, it is filled with small techinical hills that allow the club to create a trail unlike any other. This property still features some more familiar trail like sand whoops, pine trees and fields. The weather is always great here and it has become a staple event of the FTR Hare Scramble series.
CLUB: Treasure Coast Trail Riders
LOCATION: Indiantown, FL
The TCTR Indiantown property features a flowy, yet challenging course, that will allow riders of all skill levels to enjoy themselves. TCTR does a great job of breaking up the fields at this property to keep the speeds down. Last year this course featured a long fast sandy section that really tested the rider’s strength. The club seems to improve the course here every year.
Another staple of the series is the Nature Coast Dade City race. This property has a ton of variety, the most prominent are its flowing field section. Other than fields you can expect a pine tree section that allows for multiple line choices, tacky black dirt, some jumps and dark gray sand that lets you lay on the throttle. The spectating at this race is great, with the majority of the track being right around the corner.
CLUB: Big O Trail Riders
LOCATION: Indiantown, FL
This race is held at Fox Brown Outfitters which is home to some amazing wildlife. Big O’s race shares similar characteristics with TCTR. You can expect fast and flowing woods with some fun ob stacles, such as creek crossings. The ground is soft, so be ready for sand berms and whoops to hop through. With some years under their belt I would expect a great event put on by the Big O club.
Powerband Racing was created in a Minnesota garage in 1999. Powerband Racing’s found er, Billy Edmonson, first started out in the sport as a racer soon turning pro hitting many AMA Pro Nationals as well as being a local pro in the Minnesota area. After a few years of racing Billy learned he was a better mechanic than a pro. “I come from an industrial background; I have always been fascinated with how things work” says Billy.
After racing Billy picked up being a mechanic as a hobby which would eventual turn into his career. After many years of trial and error Powerband Racing would become a fully sustain able motocross suspension business in 2006. Billy put his focus on suspension because to him it always seemed to be behind the eight ball, “initially we put our full focus on the kid’s bikes, the suspension on those things are very crude and needed to be improved” says Billy. Billy took Powerband Racing to a lot of Amateur Nationals to grow his customer base throughout the country. In 2008 Powerband Racing began winning titles at the AMA Loretta Lynn’s Amateur Nationals Cham pionships with riders from all over the country.
As Powerband Racing began to grow, Billy worked on other skillsets to evolve Powerband into a full-service shop. “The ultimate goal was to turn Powerband Racing into almost a “mini” Pro Circuit. I wanted to make it a do it all shop” says Billy. In 2014 Powerband Racing became a WP service shop and began to venture off into more dirt bike disciplines. “I wanted to become more focused on the cross-country side of the sport. That side is really growing and that is where your core group of customers are” says Billy.
In 2021 Billy moved his business from Minne sota to Tavares, Florida in order to continue the growth of Powerband Racing. “The move to Florida has been really great, in Minnesota we struggled with the short riding season and lack of riders” says Billy. Powerband Racing is the official suspension company for the BBMX KTM team, with Benny Bloss and Freddie Noren. The team competes in Lucas Oil Pro Motocross. You can find Powerband Racing at select Florida Trail Riders events or catch them online at https://www.powerbandracing.com.
Unfortunately, we lost a great man in Steve Pettenger. Steve lost his battle with cancer on Au gust 14th, 2022. Steve was a longtime member of the Daytona Dirt Riders (DDR) club and could always be found on his dirt bike, with a smile on his face. A celebration of life was held on August 20th at the Forever Ranch in Ormond Beach. Red FTR arrows directed you down the long gravel road into the property. When the road opened up to the venue a whole bunch of DDR mem bers bikes lined the road. It was a site to see and made me realize how much of a family FTR really is.
Godspeed Steve, you were a great guy and your family, friends and fellow FTR members will miss you.
Ol’ Red Racing Products has created a product that should be in every racers riding bag, tool box, or trailer. Swamp Butter is a chamois cream used to com bat the dreaded “Swamp Ass”.
First off, chamois (often pronounced shammy) is a pad that is sewn into shorts in order to provide padding to your rear end. Chamois is most commonly found in cycling shorts, or bibs, where riders tend to be sitting for long periods of time. The majority of us dir bike riders don’t wear padded shorts, so this is why chamois cream can be a very important asset to have. Chamois cream supports anti-chaffing and keeps a barrier between your skin and any areas that may chafe.
Ol’ Red sponsored my team for the Perry Mountain 24 Hour Challenge. They sent us off with some of their products, the most important being Swamp But ter. If you know anything about
the 24 Hour Challenge it’s that it is very hot, very long, and very rough. After two, hour and a half sessions my body was hurting. With every step I took I could feel parts of me starting to chafe up, and we were only about halfway done with the thing. Luckily, I was able to put Swamp Butter to the test. After applying the product in the areas that were struggling, I could actually walk with ease with no pain, no chafe. The best part about Swamp Butter is that it lasts for hours.
We have all experienced the dreaded “Swamp Ass”, well thankfully we now have a cure. Over the summer I got into road cycling and noticed I was get ting saddle sores and chafing from the hours in the saddle. Well now I started to apply Swamp Butter before and after my rides and have noticed a huge dif ference. I can now ride multiple days in a row no problem.
You can find Swamp Butter at the Ol’Red/HBDMotoGrafx tent at the FTR races.
Enduro #1 Greenville Enduro Riders
09-24-2022 Enduro #2 Suncoast Trailblazers
HS #1
Central Florida Trail Riders
10-15/16-2022 HS #2 Azalea City Motorcycle Club
10-29/20-2022 HS #3 Sarasota Area Dirt Riders
Clinton, SC
Croom, FL
Bartow, FL
Palatka, FL
Bartow, FL
11-06-2022 Enduro #3 Perry Mountain Motorcycle Club Maplesville, AL
11-12/13-2022 HS #4 Daytona Dirt Riders
Ormond Beach, FL
11-20-2022 Enduro #4 River City Dirt Riders Macclenny, FL
12-10/11-2022 HS #5 Old School Dirt Riders
Punta Gorda, FL
01-07/08-2023 HS #6 Suncoast Trail Blazers Brooksville, FL
01-21/22-2023 HS #7 Palm Beach Track & Trail Riders Okeechobee, FL
02-04/05-2023 HS #8 Treasure Coast Trail Riders Indiantown, FL
02-26-2023 Enduro #5 Central Florida Trail Riders Richloam, FL
03-09-2023 Enduro #6 Daytona Dirt Riders
03-18/19-2023 HS #9
Nature Coast Trail Blazers
04-01/02-2023 HS #10 Big O Trail Riders
Ormond Bech, FL
Dade City, FL
Indiantown, FL
Enduro #7 Cherokee Cycle Club Greensboro, GA