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The C.E.I.P. Las Playitas school visits Playitas Resort to discover their actions carried out related to nature

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El resort cuenta con varios Eco Garden’s con más de 10.000 m2 de plantaciones de árboles frutales y hortalizas. Los niños pudieron degustar las frutas recién cogidas, así como aprender a diferenciar las hierbas aromáticas a través del tacto y olfato.


Playitas Resort cuenta además con 6 colmenas de abejas. Lo más destacado de la visita fue sin duda la observación de ellas en una colmena de cristal, traída específicamente para los niños.

La Asociación Mar y Tierra organizó manualidades vinculadas a la apicultura.

FMHOY - Fuerteventura

60 children, aged up to 12 years-old, enjoyed this activity, which was organised in collaboration with the Mar y Tierra (Sea and Earth) association.

The visit consisted mostly in showing them and teaching them the basics of nature, the environment, recycling, composting, the insect hotel and sustainability.

The resort has various Eco Gardens representing more than 10.000 m2 of fruit tree plantations and vegetables. The children sampled the recently harvested fruits and learned to differentiate aromatic herbs through touch and smell.

Playitas Resort also has 6 bee hives. The highlight of the visit was undoubtedly the observation of bees through a glass hive, which was brought in, especially for the children.

The Mar y Tierra Association also organised some activities related to apiculture.

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