11 minute read
Juani Romero – President of the Association for acquired brain injury Fuerteventura
FMHOY - Fuerteventura
Juani Romero has lived her own experience of problems related to acquired brain injury (ABI) caused by an illness. The lack of support and terrible red tape to get access to any kind of administrative support. Therefore, she decided to help others who are going through a similar situation in a significant manner by creating the ADACEA association, of which she is the president. Tell us about ADACEA...
ADACEA FUERTEVENTURA is a non-profit-making association that was born from the needs that have appeared on the island because of acquired brain injury. When was it created?
I started getting the idea, in May 2022, to improve the quality of life of people suffering from ABI and their family members, in Fuerteventura.
What is ABI?
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is an injury on cerebral structures that occurs suddenly for various reasons, such as a stroke caused by thrombosis, embolism, cerebral tumour, haemorrhage, head trauma, anoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain), infections that reach the brain, road traffic accidents, falls, sports activities, etc. In your case, what caused the brain injury?
I had a tumour that hadn’t been detected and it burst in my head. It happened during the pandemic and the medical attention I got was very poor. After waiting for five hours in the ER, although I was almost paralysed, had convulsions and was losing consciousness regularly, they sent me home telling me to have some rest. We had to go back the next day and after the CT scan, they told us that it was a brain tumourthat had burst, and they sent me to Las Palmas. I had surgery three weeks later and I stayed in the hospital for four months. During those three weeks before the surgery, the problems worsened, but they didn’t know if it was metastasis, if it was worth doing the surgery, or if they should send me back to Fuerteventura.
I was hardly aware of anything, it was as if I was drugged. I am very grateful to my partner who stayed on a sofa for four months and made all the decisions for me. However, he got dismissed from his job. When I came back, I was bedridden, I could barely talk as my vocal cords had been affected, and my mobility diagnosis was awful.
I never saw a neuropsychologist, nor did I get help from a speech therapist, or advice on physical therapy. I am very grateful to the physiotherapist from Gran Tarajal, Naira Rodríguez, who helped me, and who is now also part of the management of the association as the treasurer, and Enrique Santana is the secretary. Together, we created ADACEA.
The State Federation for Brain Injury (Federación Estatal del Daño Cerebral – FEDACE) had given us the green light, we are legal and under their protection. Have you received any support from any public institution?
On October 26th, we were officially introduced during the Cabildo’s meeting and we talked with the councillor for that area, Adargoma Hernández. We are waiting for his response and support for the development of our activity.
We have an office that was provided by the mayor of Tuineje, in Las Playitas, with easy access and parking. We are opposite the hotel on the left, in a small house. What are the objectives of ADACEA FUERTEVENTURA?
If the administration cannot help us, ADACEA aims at covering that deficiency and defending the rights of people affected by acquired brain injury.
We aim at bringing support to families who find themselves in this new situation by advising them on how to care for the person suffering from ABI and to keep on fighting for the services and infrastructures they need. We want to collaborate with the neuro-therapy units in our area to ensure that those affected by ABI get better care.
We wish to raise awareness amongst our society and the public administrations of the seriousness of the problem and the importance of prevention. There are more than half a million people affected all over Spain. It is the first cause of death, especially for women, and if they survive, they suffer from long-term damage, both physical and psychological. We invite anyone suffering from ABI or their family members who need advice or support to contact us by calling +34 607 29 48 91.
“Because a life saved is worth living with dignity” Contact
We are located in Las Playitas (Tuineje) Fuerteventura
Telephone: +34 607 29 48 91
E-mail: adaceafuerteventura@gmail.com
Instagram: adaceafuerteventura
Facebook: Adacea Fuerteventura
Taxi Correos
Oficina de turismo
¡Probablemente la revista con mayor circulación en la isla!
Das wohl auflagenstärkste Magazin der Insel!
Probably the magazine with the highest circulation on the island!
Probablement le magazine le plus diffusé de l’île !
Farmacia Hospital Gasolinera Policía Taxi Correos Oficina de turismo
Taxi Correos
Oficina de turismo
Farmacia Hospital
Farmacia Hospital
Gasolinera Policía Taxi Correos
Policía Taxi Correos
Oficina de turismo
10:00h / 14:00h
Jueves y domingos - Thursdays & Sundays
Donnerstag und Sonntag - Jeudis et dimanches
Mar. y Vier. - Tue. & Fri. - Dien. und Freit - Mardi et vendredi 08:00- 14:00
Mercado Verde
10:00h / 14:00h
Sábado - Saturday - Samstag - Samedi
10:00h / 14:00h
Sábado - Saturday - Samstag - Samedi
Casa de Los Coroneles/ Coronel’s House
10.00 -14.00 - Martes y Viernes
Plaza pública - C/ 3 de Abril de 1979
Todos los Viernes / Every Friday
Jeden Freitag / Tous les Vendredi
Venta de artesanía, música en vivo, performances y/o talleres/workshop entertainment/animation.
10:00h / 14:00h
Todos los sábados - Every Saturday - Jeden SamstagTous les samedis
Agroalimentario / Agrifood / Lebensmittel / Aliments
Segunda mano / Flea Market / Flohmarkt / Marché aux puces
•D. Antonio Jesús Hernández Betancort
Local 28-A - Telf.: 928 543 647
•D. Eduardo Rodríguez Barbadillo
C/ José Antonio, 14 - Telf.:928878053
•D. Daniel Melián Hernandez
C/ Roberto Roldan, s/n - Telf.: 928878258
•Lda: Natividad Caballero Martínez
C/ La apañada, 38 - El Matorral - Puerto del Rosario
Telf.: 928 543 000
•Dña: Carolina Sánchez Hortelano
Local B1 - C.C. El Castillo, Avda. El Castillo
Telf.: 650 123 786
•Lda.: Marta Pérez Vadillo
C/ Alcalde Ramón Soto Morales, Local 12
Telf.: 639 637 615
•D. Leandro Fernández Artigas
C/ P. Tamonante, 24
•Farmacia Balmes
C/Atis Tirma,11 - Telf.: 928870839.
VEGA TETIR MERCADILLO - 10.00 / 14.00 h.
(Février / avril / juin / août / octobre / décembre)
2º domingo / Sunday /Sonntag / Dimanche
(Protectora de animales y plantas)
(Pets & plants) - (Tiere und Pflanzen)
(Animaux et plantes)
Dom./Sun./Sonn. /Dimanche (1º-3º-4º-5º)
Parking Sup. HIPERDINO - C/ Juan de Bethancourt
2ª Dom./2ª Sun./2ª Sonn./2ª Dimanche
C. C. de Parque Holandés
Plaza en frente Hotel Barceló
10:00h / 13:30h
Todos los Viernes / Every Friday
Jeden Freitag / Tous les Vendredi
Mar. y Sáb. - Tue. & Sat. - Dien. & Sam. Mardi et Samedi - 09:00-14:00
Mercadillo nocturno playitas resort
Playitas resort night market
Playitas resort nachtmarkt Nuit du marché playitas resort
Artesanía / Artisanat / Handicraft / Artisanat
100% Artesanal/handcraft & CANARIO
Todos los miércoles -18:00h / 22:00h
Every Wednesday -18: 00h / 22: 00h
Jeden Mittwoch -18: 00h / 22: 00h
Tous les mercredis -18: 00h / 22: 00h
Mercadillo Agro-artesanal - Domingo 9.00 a 14.00
Agro-artesanal-Craft Market - Sunday 9.00 - 14.00
Plaza de Tarajalejo - 09:00h / 15:00h
Segundo sábado de cada mes.
Second Saturday of each month.
Jeden zweiten Samstag im Monat.
Deuxième samedi de chaque mois.
Miér. y Dom. - Wed. & Sun.
Mitt. und Sonntag - Mercr. et Diman. - 10:00 - 14:00
1er domingo de cada mes
1st Sunday of each month
1. Sonntag des Monats
1er dimanche de chaque mois - 9:00 - 13:00
Lunes y jueves - Mondays and Thursdays
Montags und donnerstags - Lundis et jeudis
09:00 - 14:00
Primer domingo del mes - First sunday of the month
Erster Sonntag im Monat - Premier dimanche du mois
09:00 - 14:00
Otros Mercados / Other / Andere / Autres
Animación, Musica / Animation, Music / Animation, Musik / Animation, Musique
•Dña. María Jesús Dorta Castro
C/ Coronel Gonzalez Hierro,14 - Lajares
•Dña: Asunción Soto Velázquez
Avda. Ntra. Señora del Carmen,44 - Corralejo
Telf.: 928866020
•D. José Manuel Viera Hernandez
C/ Tababaire,19 - La Oliva
Telf.: 928868032
•D. Carlos Pizarro Domínguez
Avda. Ntra. Señora del Carmen -Corralejo
Telf.: 928536316
•Dña. Mª Jesún González Pérez CB
C/Isaac Peral,40 - Corralejo
•Dña. María del Mar Soto Evora
C/ Senador Velázquez, 38 - Telf.:928541012
•Dña. María Nuria Morán
C/Las Afortunadas, L54-56 - Telf.:928540272
•D. Vishal Daswani
Ctra. Jandia, s/n (c.c. Cosmo) - Telf.: 928540953
•D. Juan Alfredo López García
C/ Terrero, 7 - Telf.:928161161
•La Lajita
C/ Guatatiboa, 11 - Telf.:928872138
•D. Gregorio Pérez Saavedra
Cañada del Río, s/n - Pájara - Telf.: 677414145
•Doña María Teresa Herrera García
Montaña de la Muda,6 - Esquinzo-Butihondo
•D. Jose Herrero Portillo
C/ León y Castillo, 77 - Telf.:928530065
•D. Daniel Melian Hernandez
C/Comandante Diaz Trayter, 82 - Telf.:928861013
•D. José Gonzalez Sanchez
Avda. Juan de Bethencourt, 85 - Telf.:928858626
•La Vieja
C/Primero de Mayo, 51 - Telf.:928531721
•Doña. Maria Dolores Cabrera Gutierrez
C/ Maria Estrada,14 - Telf.:928530218
•D. Juan Sánchez Hernández
C/ Secundino Alonso,49 - Telf.:928850676
•D. Miguel Sánchez Velásquez
C/ Fernandez Castañeyra,17 - Telf.:928850197
•D. Miguel Cabrera Galindo
Paseo la Libertad, 0 - Telf.: 928164355
Oficinas de Turism | Tourist Offices
Fremdenverkehrsamt |Bureaux de tourisme
•Corralejo - 928 86 62 35
•Caleta de Fuste - 928 16 32 86
•Morro Jable - 928 54 07 76
Puertos deportivos | Sport Harbou
SportHafen | Marinas
•Corralejo - 928 86 65 24
•Puerto del Rosario - 928 86 02 00
•Gran Tarajal - 928 16 27 23
•Morro Jable - 928 54 07 76
Campos de Golf | Golf Courses | Golfplätze | Parcours de golf
•Fuerteventura Golf (Costa de Antigua - Antigua)
- 928 16 00 34
•Golf Club Salinas de Antigua (Las SalinasAntigua)
- 928 87 72 72
•Playitas Resort (Las Playitas - Tuineje) - 928 86 04 00
Consulados | Consulate | Konsulat Consulats
•Deutschland - 928 49 18 80
•Suisse - 928 29 34 50
•Österreich - 928 76 13 50
•British - 902 10 93 56
•Belgique (Tenerife) - 922 24 11 93
•Holland (Madrid) - 91 353 75 00
•France (Las Palmas, GC) - 928 94 70
•Emergencias | Emergency | Notruf | Urgence-112
•Emergencias Marítimas | Urgences maritimes
Seenotfälle | Marine Emergencies - 900 202 202
•Protección Civil | Civil Defense | Zivilschutz112
•Bomberos | Firemen | Feuerwehrmänner | Pompiers - 080
•Cruz Roja | Red Cross | Rotes-Kreuz | Croix Rouge928 29 00 00
•Policía Local | Local Police | Örtliche Polizei | Police locale - 092
•Policía Nacional | National Police| Nationalpolizei | Police nationale - 091
•Guardia Civil - 062
•Médico | Doctor | Arzt | Docteur 928 16 37 32
•Dentista | Dentist | Zahnarzt | Dentist699 34 97 13 Puerto del Rosario - 928 85 11 08
•Hospital | Hôpital - 928 86 20 00
•Ambulancia | Ambulance
Para información sobre servicios, autobuses, líneas, rutas, horarios oficiales y cualquier otra consulta que precise, póngase en contacto con http://www.tiadhe.com/es/rutas.htm
Ultima actualización: Diciembre 2020
Caf Berl N
Panadería y cafetería alemana en Fuerteventura. La panadería está a cargo de una pareja de emigrantes de Alemania. Los productos horneados son ofrecidos por un panadero y maestro pastelero alemán. Hermosa vista al mar, personal cálido, excelentes productos horneados, pasteles y delicioso café hacen de esta panadería uno de los cafés más famosos de Fuerteventura.
German bakery and cafe on Fuerteventura. The bakery is run by an emigrant couple from Germany. Baked goods are offered by a German baker and master confectioner. Beautiful view of the sea, warm staff, excellent baked goods, cakes and delicious coffee make this bakery one of the most famous cafes on Fuerteventura.
Deutsche Bäckerei und Cafe auf Fuerteventura. Die Bäckerei wird von einem Auswanderpärchen aus Deutschland geführt. Angeboten werden Backwaren von einem deutschen Bäcker und Konditormeister. Wunderschöner Ausblick auf das Meer, herzliches Personal,ausgezeichnete Backwaren, Kuchen und leckerer Kaffee machen diese Bäckerei zu einem wohl bekanntesten Cafe`s auf Fuerteventura.
Ses pains excellents et variés, les sandwiches
Boulangerie et café allemands sur Fuerteventura. La boulangerie est tenue par un couple d’émigrés allemands. Les pâtisseries sont proposées par un boulanger et maître pâtissier allemand. Une vue magnifique sur la mer, un personnel chaleureux, d’excellentes pâtisseries, des gâteaux et un délicieux café font de cette boulangerie l’un des cafés les plus célèbres de Fuerteventura.
Diego y Dolores de Nápoles, les invitan a visitarles en Beachcafe y a conocer su cocina italiana e internacional. Descubra nuestros desayunos, pizzas, tapas, hamburguesas, bocadillos y variedad de ensaladas, además de su sangrías de vino ó de cava. Disfrute de una gran selección de exquisitos y sorprendentes cócteles en la playa, en la misma terraza cerrada y abierta con vistas al mar. Hablamos español, italiano, inglés, francés y alemán . Abierto todos los días desde las 10:00h hasta cierre . Música en vivo / grandes artistas: De 16:00h – 19:00h.
Diego and Dolores from Naples invite you to come and see them at the Beachcafe and discover their Italian and international cuisine. Discover our breakfasts, pizzas, tapas, hamburgers, sandwiches, a large variety of salads, and our wine or cava sangrias. Enjoy a wide selection of exquisite and surprising cocktails on the beach, on the closed or open terrace with sea views. We speak Spanish, Italian, English, French and German. Open everyday from 10 am until closing time. Live music/great artists: from 4 pm until 7 pm.
Diego und Dolores aus Neapel laden Sie ein, sie im Beachcafe zu besuchen und ihre italienische und internationale Küche zu kennenzulernen. Entdecken Sie unser Frühstück, unsere Pizzen, Tapas, Hamburger, Sandwiches und eine Vielzahl von Salaten sowie Sangría mit Wein oder Sekt. Genießen Sie eine große Auswahl an vorzüglichen und überraschenden Cocktails am Strand, auf der gleichen geschlossenen und offenen Terrasse mit Blick aufs Meer.
Wir sprechen Spanisch, Italienisch, Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Täglich von 10 Uhr bis zur Schließung geöffnet. Live-Musik / sehr gute Künstler: Von 16h - 19h.
Diego et Dolores de Naples vous invitent à leur rendre visite au Beachcafe et à découvrir leur cuisine italienne et internationale. Découvrez nos petits-déjeuners, pizzas, tapas, hamburgers, sandwiches et toute une variété de salades, en plus des sangrias de vin ou de cava.
Profitez d’une large sélection d’excellents et surprenants cocktails sur la plage, sur la terrasse fermée ou ouverte, avec vue sur la mer. Nous parlons espagnol, italien, anglais, français et allemand. Ouvert tous les jours à partir de 10 heures jusqu’à la fermeture. Musique en direct / grands artistes: de 16 h à 19 h.
Restaurante Mahoh
El Restaurante Mahoh abierto a la calle y separado del hotel por los jardines de plantas autóctonas, para goce y tranquilidad de los clientes del hotel y del restaurante. Especialidad en carnes de alta calidad. Ven a probar nuestro chuletón tomahawk. Abierto de miércoles a domingo de 13:00h a 23:00h.
The Mahoh Restaurant, open to the street and separated from the hotel by gardens of native plants, for the enjoyment and tranquility of hotel and restaurant guests. Specialty in high quality meats. Come try our tomahawk steak.
Open from Wednesday to Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Das Mahoh Restaurant, offen zur Straße und vom Hotel durch Gärten mit einheimischen Pflanzen getrennt, für den Genuss und die Ruhe der Hotel- und Restaurantgäste. Spezialität in hochwertigem Fleisch. Probieren Sie unser Tomahawk-Steak. Geöffnet von Mittwoch bis Sonntag von 13:00 bis 23:00 Uhr.
Le restaurant Mahoh, ouvert sur la rue et séparé de l’hôtel par des jardins de plantes indigènes, pour le plaisir et la tranquillité des clients de l’hôtel et du restaurant.
Spécialité de viandes de qualité. Venez essayer notre steak de tomahawk. Ouvert du mercredi au dimanche de 13h à 23h.
Reservas: 661 388 066 VILLAVERDE www.mahoh.com
Previsión Astronómica de Mareas (metros): Fuerteventura - Pto. Rosario, febrero de 2023 - Puertos del Estado - Siempre consulte el estado del tiempo en Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) y la predicción de viento y oleaje en Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) antes de salir de pesca o para cualquier otra actividad en el