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1. (TCO 1) When a state government chooses to build more roads, the required resources are no longer available for spending on public education. This dilemma illustrates the concept of(Points : 4) production expenses. unemployment issues. unintended consequences. opportunity cost.

2. (TCO1) Which of the following is considered to be an entrepreneur? (Points : 4) Self-employed person MBA graduate hired by a firm to be its CEO Production-line worker Customer of a firm

3. (TCO1) A point on the production possibilities curve is (Points : 4) attainable and resources are fully employed. attainable, but resources are unemployed. unattainable, but resources are unemployed. unattainable and resources are fully employed.

4. (TCO1) A basic characteristic of a command system is that (Points : 4) wages paid to labor are higher. government owns most economic resources. free markets are never permitted in a command economy. government planners play a limited role in deciding what goods will be produced.

5. (TCO 2) Which is consistent with the law of demand? (Points : 4) A decrease in the price of tacos causes no change in the quantity of tacos demanded. An increase in the price of pizza causes an increase in the quantity of pizza demanded. An increase in the price of hamburgers causes a decrease in the quantity of hamburgers demanded. A decrease in the price of turkey sandwiches causes a


decrease in the quantity of turkey sandwiches demanded.

6. (TCO 2) A decrease in supply and a decrease in demand will (Points : 4) increase price and affect the equilibrium quantity in an indeterminate way. decrease the equilibrium quantity and decrease price. increase the equilibrium quantity and affect price in an indeterminate way. decrease the equilibrium quantity and affect price in an indeterminate way.

7. (TCO 2) You are the sales manager for a software company and have been informed that the price elasticity of demand for your most popular software is less than one. To increase total revenues, you should (Points : 4) increase the price of the software. decrease the price of the software. hold the price of the software constant. increase the supply of the software.

8. (TCO 2) The elasticity of supply for a product will be 2 if: (Points : 4) A 1 percent decrease in the price causes a 0.2 percent decrease in quantity supplied A 2 percent decrease in price causes a 1 percent decrease in quantity supplied A 1 percent decrease in price causes a 2 percent decrease in quantity supplied A 2 percent decrease in price causes a 2 percent decrease in quantity supplied

9. (TCO 2) A purely competitive firm's output is such that its marginal cost is $4 and marginal revenue is $5. Hint: remember that MR = P for Pure Competition and the Profit Maximizing rule. Assuming profit maximization, the firm should (Points : 4) cut its price and raise its output. raise its price and cut output. leave price unchanged and raise output. leave price unchanged and cut output.

10. (TCO 2) Consumers who clip and redeem discount coupons (Points : 4) exhibit the same price elasticity of demand for a given product than consumers who do not clip and redeem coupons. exhibit more price elasticity of demand for a given product than consumers who do not clip and redeem coupons. exhibit less price elasticity of demand for a given product than consumers who do not clip and redeem coupons. cause total revenue to decrease for firms that issue coupons for their products.

11. (TCO 3) In the kinked demand model of oligopoly, if one firm increases its price, the most likely reaction of the other firms will be to (Points : 4) decrease their prices. increase their prices.


not change their prices. reduce their quantity.

12. (TCO 3) The main difference between the short run and the long run is that (Points : 4) firms earn zero profits in the long run. the long run always refers to a time period of one year or longer. in the short run, some inputs are fixed. in the long run, all inputs are fixed.

13. (TCO 4) Refer to the diagram. The phases of the business cycle from points A to D are, respectively: Graph Description (Points : 4) Peak, recession, expansion, trough Trough, recovery, expansion, peak Expansion, recession, trough, peak Peak, recession, trough, expansion

14. (TCO 4) Official unemployment rate statistics may (Points : 4) overstate the amount of unemployment by including parttime workers in the calculations. understate the amount of unemployment by excluding part-time workers in the calculations. overstate the amount of unemployment because of the presence of "discouraged" workers who are not actively seeking employment. understate the amount of unemployment because of the presence of "discouraged" workers who are not actively seeking employment.

15. (TCO 4) GDP is the market value of (Points : 4) resources (land, labor, capita, and entrepreneurship) in an economy in a given year. all final goods and services produced in an economy in a given year. consumption and investment spending in an economy in a given year. all output produced and accumulated over the years.

16. (TCO 4 G) Nominal GDP differs from real DP because (Points : 4) nominal GDP is based on constant prices. real GDP is based on current prices. real GDP is adjusted for changes in the price level. nominal GDP is adjusted for changes in the price level.

17. (TCO 6) When the federal government uses taxation and spending actions to stimulate the economy it is conducting (Points : 4) fiscal policy. incomes policy. monetary policy. employment policy.



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If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Which of the following is an advantage of corporations relative to partnerships and sole proprietorships? The group of users of accounting information charged with achieving the goals of the business is its Which of the following financial statements is concerned with the company at a pointin time? An income statement The most important information needed to determine if companies can pay theircurrent obligations is the A liquidity ratio measures the The convention of consistency refers to consistent use of accounting principles Horizontal analysis is also known as Horizontal analysis is a technique for evaluating a series of financial statement dataover a period of time Vertical analysis is a technique that expresses each item in a financial statement Process costing is used when An important feature of a job order cost system is that each job In a process cost system, product costs are summarized: An activity that has a direct cause-effect relationship with the resources consumed is a(n) Activity-based costing A cost which remains constant per unit at various levels of activity is a The break-even point is where Fixed costs are $600,000 and the contribution margin per unit is $150. What is the break-even point? When a company assigns the costs of direct materials, direct labor, and both variableand fixed manufacturing overhead to products, that company is using If a division manager’s compensation is based upon the division’s net income, themanager may decide to meet the net income targets by increasing production when using An unrealistic budget is more likely to result when it A major element in budgetary control is


The purpose of the sales budget report is to The accumulation of accounting data on the basis of the individual manager who has the authority to make day-to-day decisions about activities in an area is called Variance reports are Internal reports that review the actual impact of decisions are prepared by The process of evaluating financial data that change under alternative courses of action is called Seasons Manufacturing manufactures a product with a unit variable cost of $100 anda unit sales price of $176. Fixed manufacturing costs were $480,000 when 10,000 units were produced and sold. The company has a one-time opportunity to sell an additional 1,000 units at $140 each in a foreign market which would not affect its present sales. If the company has sufficient capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows: Carter, Inc. can make 100 units of a necessary component part with the following costs: Direct Materials $120,000 Direct Labor 20,000 VariableOverhead 60,000 Fixed Overhead 40,000 If Carter can purchase the component externally for $220,000 and only $10,000 of the fixed costs can be avoided, what is the correct make-or-buy decision? A company has a process that results in 15,000 pounds of Product A that can be sold for $16 per pound. An alternative would be to process Product A further at a cost of $200,000 and then sell it for $28 per pound. Should management sell Product A now or should Product A be processed further and then sold? What is the effect of the action?


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Brief Exercise 1-7 Indicate which statement you would examine to find each of the following items: income statement, balance sheet, retained earnings statement, or statement of cash flows. Revenue during the period.


Supplies on hand at the end of the year. Cash received from issuing new bonds during the period. Total debts outstanding at the end of the period.

Brief Exercise 1-8

Use the basic accounting equation to answer these questions. (a) The liabilities of Daley Company are $94,410 and the stockholders’ equity is $241,000. What is the amount of Daley Company’s total assets? Total assets (b) The total assets of Laven Company are $181,800 and its stockholders’ equity is $84,800. What is the amount of its total liabilities? Total liabilities (c) The total assets of Peterman Co. are $910,600 and its liabilities are equal to one fourth of its total assets. What is the amount of Peterman Co.’s stockholders’ equity? Stockholders’ equity Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Option 1: 1. Select an American corporation. 2. Visit its website and download the Income Statement, Statement of Stockholders Equity, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows. WWW.HWSPEED.COM

3. Complete the University Material: Financial Statement Review Worksheet. 4. Submit the completed worksheet, copies of the downloaded financial statements, and a link to the website. Include all your calculations if applicable. 5. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Option 2: 1. Create a table that lists each type of financial statements - income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of equity under Column. 2. Add two columns. Column 2 should be labeled "Purpose" and Column 3 should be labeled "Users". 3. Complete the table. Under Column 2 explain the purpose and content of each statement. Under Column 3 list the users of each and explain how they would use such statements. 4. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Brief Exercise 13-4 Using these data from the comparative balance sheet of Rosalez Company, perform horizontal analysis. (If amount and percentage are a decrease show the numbers as negative, e.g. -55,000, -20% or (55,000), (20%). Round percentages to 0 decimal places, e.g. 12%.)

Accounts receivable Inventory Total assets

Increase or (Decrease) Dec. 31, 2012 Dec. 31, 2011 Amount Percentage $ 488,200 $ 360,000 $ 818,100 $ 601,200 $3,173,600 $2,774,300

Brief Exercise 13-5 Using these data from the comparative balance sheet of Rosalez Company, perform vertical analysis. (Round percentages to 1 decimal place, e.g. 12.5%.)

Accounts receivable

Dec. 31, 2012 Dec. 31, 2011 Amount Percentage Amount Percentage $ 544,700 $ 393,300 WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Inventory Total assets

$ 804,600 $3,137,00 0

$ 609,700 $2,763,400

Brief Exercise 13-8 (Essay)

Vertical Analysis Sales Cost of goods sold Expenses

2012 2011 2010 100 % 100 % 100 % 61.2 64.6 65.7 24.8 26.3 28.0

Vertical analysis (common-size) percentages for Vallejo Company’s sales, cost of goods sold, and expenses are listed here. Did Vallejo’s net income as a percent of sales increase, decrease, or remain unchanged over the 3-year period? Provide numerical support for your answer. Brief Exercise 13-9 (Essay)

Horizontal analysis (trend analysis) percentages for Spartan Company’s sales, cost of goods sold, and expenses are listed here. Horizontal Analysis Sales Cost of goods sold Expenses

2012 2011 2010 96.2 % 104.8 % 100.0 % 101.0 98.0 100.0 105.6 95.4 100.0

Explain whether Spartan’s net income increased, decreased, or remained unchanged over the 3-year period. Brief Exercise 13-15

Selected data taken from a recent year’s financial statements of trading card company Topps Company, Inc. are as follows (in millions). Net sales Current liabilities, beginning of year Current liabilities, end of year Net cash provided by operating activities Total liabilities, beginning of year Total liabilities, end of year Capital expenditures Cash dividends

$326.7 41.1 62.4 10.4 65.2 73.2 3.7 6.2

Compute these ratios: current cash debt coverage ratio, cash debt coverage ratio, and free cash flow. Provide a brief interpretation of your results.(Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 0.12.) WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Current cash debt coverage ratio Cash debt coverage ratio Free Cash Flow Brief Exercise 13-13 Staples, Inc. is one of the largest suppliers of office products in the United States. It had net income of $738.7 million and sales of $24,275.5 million in 2009. Its total assets were $13,073.1 million at the beginning of the year and $13,717.3 million at the end of the year. What is Staples, Inc.’s asset turnover ratio and profit margin ratio? (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 1.25 or 2.05%.) Asset turnover ratio Profit margin ratio Brief Exercise 13-10 These selected condensed data are taken from recent balance sheets of Bob Evans Farms (in thousands). 2009 $ 13,606 23,045 31,087 12,522 $ 80,260 $245,805

Cash Accounts receivable Inventories Other current assets Total current assets Total current liabilities

2008 $ 7,669 19,951 31,345 11,909 $ 70,874 $326,203

Compute the current ratio for each year. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. .12 : 1.) 20 09 Current ratio:



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Exercise 15-5 Duggan Company applies manufacturing overhead to jobs on the basis of machine hours used. Overhead costs are expected to total $277,640 for the year, and machine usage is estimated at 126,200 hours.


For the year, $291,977 of overhead costs are incurred and 130,300 hours are used. (a). Compute the manufacturing overhead rate for the year. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 1.25.) (b) What is the amount of under- or overapplied overhead at December 31? (c) Prepare the adjusting entry to assign the under- or overapplied overhead for the year to cost of goods sold. (Credit account titles are automatically indented when amount is entered. Do not indent manually.)

Exercise 16-3 ledger of Custer Company has the following work in process account. Work in Process—Painting 5/1











5/31 Transferred out ?


4,800 1,570 ?

Production records show that there were 440 units in the beginning inventory, 30% complete, 1,510 units started, and 1,510 units transferred out. The beginning work in process had materials cost of $2,150 and conversion costs of $1,720. The units in ending inventory were 40% complete. Materials are entered at the beginning of the painting process. (a) How many units are in process at May 31? Work in process, May 31 units (b) What is the unit materials cost for May? (Round unit costs to 2 decimal places, e.g. 2.25.) The unit materials cost for May

(c) What is the unit conversion cost for May? (Round unit costs to 2 decimal places, e.g. 2.25.) The unit conversion cost for May (d) What is the total cost of units transferred out in May? (Round answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 1,225.) (e) What is the cost of the May 31 inventory? (Round answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 1,225.)


Exercise 17-1 Wilkins Inc. has two types of handbags: standard and custom. The controller has decided to use a plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor costs. The president has heard of activity-based costing and wants to see how the results would differ if this system were used. Two activity cost pools were developed: machining and machine setup. Presented below is information related to the company’s operations. Standard


Direct labor costs Machine hours

$56,600 1,230

Setup hours





Total estimated overhead costs are $308,300. Overhead cost allocated to the machining activity cost pool is $198,500, and $109,800 is allocated to the machine setup activity cost pool. (a) Compute the overhead rate using the traditional (plantwide) approach. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 12.25%.) Predetermined overhead rate % of direct labor cost (b) Compute the overhead rates using the activity-based costing approach. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. $12.25.) Machining


per machine hour Machine setup


per setup hour (c) Determine the difference in allocation between the two approaches. (Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. $1,225.) Traditional costing Standard Custom

$ $

Activity-based costing Standard Custom

$ $



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Brief Exercise 18-8 Meriden Company has a unit selling price of $590, variable costs per unit of $354, and fixed costs of $203,432. Compute the break-even point in units using the mathematical equation. Break-even point units Brief Exercise 18-10 For Turgo Company, variable costs are 57% of sales, and fixed costs are $178,700. Management’s net income goal is $82,525. Compute the required sales in dollars needed to achieve management’s target net income of $82,525. Required sales


Brief Exercise 18-11 For Kozy Company, actual sales are $1,270,000 and break-even sales are $825,500. Compute the margin of safety in dollars and the margin of safety ratio. Margin of safety


Margin of safety ratio % Brief Exercise 19-16 Montana Company produces basketballs. It incurred the following costs during the year. Direct materials Direct labor

$14,283 $25,755

Fixed manufacturing overhead



Variable manufacturing overhead Selling costs



What are the total product costs for the company under variable costing? Total product costs


Exercise 19-17 Polk Company builds custom fishing lures for sporting goods stores. In its first year of operations, 2012, the company incurred the following costs. Variable Cost per Unit Direct materials Direct labor

$8.25 $2.70

Variable manufacturing overhead


Variable selling and administrative expenses


Fixed Costs per Year Fixed manufacturing overhead


Fixed selling and administrative expenses


Polk Company sells the fishing lures for $27.50. During 2012, the company sold 81,100 lures and produced 95,600 lures. a.) Assuming the company uses variable costing, calculate Polk’s manufacturing cost per unit for 2012. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g.10.50.) Manufacturing cost per unit


(b.) Prepare a variable costing income statement for 2012.

(C.) Assuming the company uses absorption costing, calculate Polk’s manufacturing cost per unit for 2012. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g.10.50.) Manufacturing cost per unit


(D.) Prepare an absorption costing income statement for 2012.

Brief Exercise 21-1


For the quarter ended March 31, 2012, Maris Company accumulates the following sales data for its product, Garden-Tools: $329,400 budget; $330,600 actual. Prepare a static budget report for the quarter. MARIS COMPANY Sales Budget Report For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2012 Product Line Garden-Tools





$ $

Brief Exercise 21-4 Gundy Company expects to produce 1,276,560 units of Product XX in 2012. Monthly production is expected to range from 85,120 to 130,440 units. Budgeted variable manufacturing costs per unit are: direct materials $3, direct labor $7, and overhead $10. Budgeted fixed manufacturing costs per unit for depreciation are $5 and for supervision are $2. Prepare a flexible manufacturing budget for the relevant range value using 22,660 unit increments. (List variable costs before fixed costs. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Multiple Choice Question 38 A major accounting contribution to the managerial decision-making process in evaluating possible courses of action is to provide relevant revenue and cost data about each course of action. determine the amount of money that should be spent on a project. decide which actions that management should consider


assign responsibility for the decision.

Multiple Choice Question 45 In incremental analysis, only costs are analyzed. only revenues are analyzed. both costs and revenues may be analyzed. both costs and revenues that stay the same between alternate courses of action will be analyzed.

Multiple Choice Question 46 Incremental analysis is most useful as a replacement technique for variance analysis. in evaluating the master budget. in developing relevant information for management decisions. in choosing between the net present value method and the internal rate of return method.

Multiple Choice Question 53 It costs Ross Co. $24 of variable and $10 of fixed costs to produce one bathroom scale which normally sells for $70. A foreign wholesaler offers to purchase 2,000 scales at $30 each. Ross would incur special shipping costs of $2 per scale if the order were accepted. Ross has sufficient unused capacity to produce the 2,000 scales. If the special order is accepted, what will be the effect on net income? $8,000 decrease $12,000 decrease $60,000 increase $8,000 increase

Multiple Choice Question 69 Carter, Inc. can make 100 units of a necessary component part with the following costs: Direct Materials $120,000 Direct Labor 20,000 Variable Overhead 60,000 Fixed Overhead 40,000


If Carter purchases the component externally, $30,000 of the fixed costs can be avoided. At what external price for the 100 units is the company indifferent between making or buying? $170,000 $200,000 $230,000 $240,000

Multiple Choice Question 79 Mink Manufacturing is unsure of whether to sell its product assembled or unassembled. The unit cost of the unassembled product is $60 and Mink would sell it for $130. The cost to assemble the product is estimated at $42 per unit and the company believes the market would support a price of $170 on the assembled unit. What decision should Mink make? Process further, the company will be better off by $28 per unit. Sell before assembly, the company will be better off by $40 per unit. Sell before assembly, the company will be better off by $2 per unit. Process further, the company will be better off by $58 per unit.

Multiple Choice Question 90 A company decided to replace an old machine with a new machine. Which of the following is Entry field with correct answer Depreciation expense on the old equipment The loss on the disposal of the old equipment The book value of the old equipment The current disposal price of the old equipment XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX

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Exercise 20-3 Garza and Neely, CPAs, are preparing their service revenue (sales) budget for the coming year (2012). The practice is divided into three departments: auditing, tax, and consulting. Billable hours for each department, by quarter, are provided below. Department Auditing Tax Consulting

Quarter 1 2,560 3,110 1,780

Quarter 2 1,750 2,750 1,780

Quarter 3 2,200 2,140 1,780

Quarter 4 2,740 2,790 1,780

Average hourly billing rates are: auditing $82, tax $94, and consulting $105.

Prepare the service revenue (sales) budget for 2012 by listing the departments and showing for each quarter and the year in total, billable hours, billable rate, and total revenue.

Exercise 22-1

Stanton Company is planning to produce 2,100 units of product in 2012. Each unit requires 3.60 pounds of materials at $6.60 per pound and a half-hour of labor at $15.40 per hour. The overhead rate is 70% of direct labor. (a) Compute the budgeted amounts for 2012 for direct materials to be used, direct labor, and applied overhead. Direct materials Direct labor Overhead

$ $


(b) Compute the standard cost of one unit of product. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g. 2.75.) Standard cost


Brief Exercise 23-3

In Harley Company it costs $32 per unit ($18 variable and $14 fixed) to make a product that normally sells for $55. A foreign wholesaler offers to buy 4,950 units at $25 each. Harley will incur special shipping costs of $1 per unit. Assuming that Harley has excess operating capacity.


Indicate the net income (loss) Harley would realize by accepting the special order. (If an amount reduces the net income for Increase (Decrease) column then enter with a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis, e.g. (15,000). Enter all other amounts in all other columns as positive and subtract where necessary.)

Reject Order Accept Order

Net Income

Increase (Decrease) Revenues


$ $ Costs—Manufacturing


Net income/(loss)


$ $

The special order should be .

Brief Exercise 23-4

Vintech Manufacturing incurs unit costs of $7 ($5 variable and $2 fixed) in making a subassembly part for its finished product. A supplier offers to make 10,200 of the part at $5.80 per unit. If the offer is accepted, Vintech will save all variable costs but no fixed costs.


Prepare an analysis showing the total cost saving, if any, Vintech will realize by buying the part. (If an amount reduces the net income for Increase (Decrease) column then enter with a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis, e.g. (15,000). Enter all other amounts in all other columns as positive and subtract where necessary.)

Make Buy

Net Income

Increase (Decrease) Variable manufacturing costs


$ $ Fixed manufacturing costs

Purchase price

Total annual cost


$ $

The decision should be to .

Brief Exercise 23-6

Ridley Company has a factory machine with a book value of $87,300 and a remaining useful life of 4 years. A new machine is available at a cost of $207,600. This machine will have a 4-year useful life with no salvage value. The new machine will lower annual variable manufacturing costs from $630,200 to $442,700. Prepare an analysis showing whether the old machine should be retained or replaced. (If an amount reduces the net income for Increase (Decrease) column then enter with a negative sign preceding the


number e.g. -15,000 or parenthesis, e.g. (15,000). Enter all other amounts in all other columns as positive and subtract where necessary.)

Retain Equipment Replace Equipment

Net 4-Year

Income Increase (Decrease) Variable manufacturing costs


$ $ New machine cost




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APU MATH 302 Final Exam – Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/APU-MATH-302-Final-Exam-Latest-498449044.htm? categoryId=-1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Question 1 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If you classified the fruit in a basket as apple, orange, or banana, this would be an example of which level of measurement?

A.interval B.ordinal C.ratio D.nominal

Part 2 of 9 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 2 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If two events are mutually exclusive, what is the probability that one or the other occurs?

A.0.25 B.Cannot be determined from the information given. C.0.50 D.1.00 Question 3 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The staff at a small company includes: 4 secretaries, 20 technicians, 4 engineers, 2 executives, and 50 factory workers. If a person is selected at random, what is the probability that he or she is a factory worker?

A.5/8 B.2/5


C.1/8 D.1/4 Part 3 of 9 -

2.0/ 3.0 Points

Question 4 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A die is rolled 360 times. Find the standard deviation for the number of 3s that will be rolled.

A.60 B.50 C.7.1 D.5.9

Question 5 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A researcher surveyed college students to study their opinion about the proposed change in smoking rules. The researcher asked a group of 30 students: 12 of them supported the change, 13 of them did not, and 5 had no opinion. This is not a binomial model because...

A....the students who strongly supported the change and those who only mildly supported the change are counted the same. B....less than half of the students supported the change. C.30 students are not enough for a good sample D....there are 3 possible outcomes, not 2.

Question 6 of 25

0.0/ 1.0 Points

Suppose that 50 identical batteries are being tested. After 8 hours of continuous use, assume that a given battery is still operating with a probability of 0.70 and has failed with a probability of 0.30. What is the probability that greater than 30 batteries will last at least 8 hours?

A.0.0848 B.0.9152 C.0.8594 D.0.9522

Part 4 of 9 -

5.0/ 6.0 Points

Question 7 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

One reason for standardizing random variables is to measure variables with: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

A.different means and standard deviations on a non-standard scale B.similar means and standard deviations on two scales C.dissimilar means and similar standard deviations in like terms D.different means and standard deviations on a single scale

Question 8 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If Z is a standard normal random variable, then the value z for which P(-z < Z < z) equals 0.8764 is

A.3.08 B.1.54 C.0.3764 D.1.16 Question 9 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

In a normal distribution, changing the standard deviation:

A.splits the distribution to two curves B.shifts the curve left or right C.makes the curve more robust D.makes the curve more or less spread out

Question 10 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Given that the random variable X is normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 10, P(85 < X < 90) is

A.0.1498 B.0.5328 C.0.3413 D.0.1915 Answer Question 11 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The continuous distribution characterized by a symmetric, bell-shaped curve is the:

A.Poisson distribution B.binomial distribution C.normal distribution D.exponential distribution


Question 12 of 25

0.0/ 1.0 Points

The standard deviation of a probability distribution is a:

A.measure of skewness of the distribution B.measure of variability of the distribution C.measure of relative likelihood D.measure of central location Part 5 of 9 -

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Question 13 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A statistics professor has just given a final examination in his statistical inference course. He is particularly interested in learning how his class of 40 students performed on this exam. The scores are shown below. 77 83 90 82

81 84 85 78

74 81 92 86

77 73 84 86

79 75 81 82

73 91 64 70

80 76 75 76

85 77 90 78

86 95 78 72

73 76 78 93

What is the mean score on this exam? Place your answer, rounded to two decimal places in the blank. For example, 65.78 would be a legitimate entry. 80.40 Part 6 of 9 -

1.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 14 of 25

0.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The following data were obtained from a survey of college students. The variable X represents the number of non-assigned books read during the past six months.


x P (X=x)

0 0.55

1 0.15

2 0.10

3 0.10

4 0.04

5 0.03

6 0.03

Find P(1 < X < 5). Place your answer, rounded to two decimal places in the blank. For example, 0.56 would be a legitimate entry. 1.14

Question 15 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. In February 2002 the Argentine peso lost 70% of its value compared to the United States dollar. This devaluation drastically raised the price of imported products. According to a survey conducted by AC Nielsen in April 2002, 68% of the consumers in Argentina were buying fewer products than before the devaluation, 24% were buying the same number of products, and 8% were buying more products. Furthermore, in a trend toward purchasing less-expensive brands, 88% indicated that they had changed the brands they purchased. Suppose the following complete set of results were reported. Use the following data to answer this question. Brands Purchased Same Changed Total

Number of Products Purchased Fewer Same More 10 14 24 262 82 8 272 96 32

Total 48 352 400

What is the probability that a consumer selected at random purchased fewer products than before? Place your answer, rounded to 4 decimal places, in the blank. 0.6800

Part 7 of 9 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 16 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Suppose that a marketing firm sends questionnaires to two different WWW.HWSPEED.COM

companies. Based on historical evidence, the marketing research firm believes that each company, independently of the other, will return the questionnaire with a probability of 0.30. What is the probability that only one of the questionnaires will be returned? Place your answer, rounded to 2 decimal places, in the blank. For example, 0.23 is a legitimate entry. 0.42 Question 17 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. If you have six books, but there is room for only four books on the shelf, in how many ways can these books be arranged on the shelf? Place your answer in the blank. Do not use any decimal places or commas. For example, 45 would be a legitimate entry. 360 Part 8 of 9 -

4.0/ 6.0 Points

Question 18 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Scores on a mathematics examination appear to follow a normal distribution with mean of 65 and standard deviation of 15. The instructor wishes to give a grade of “C� to students scoring between the 60th and 70th percentiles on the exam. What score represents the 70th percentile score on the mathematics exam? Place your answer in the blank, rounded to a whole number. For example, 62 would be a legitimate entry. 73 7 Question 19 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

1.0/ 1.0 Points


Item #: 498449044


APU MATH 302 Midterm Exam – Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/APU-MATH-302-Midterm-Exam-Latest575894859.htm?categoryId=-1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com

Question 1 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If you classified the fruit in a basket as apple, orange, or banana, this would be an example of which level of measurement?

A.interval B.ordinal C.ratio D.nominal Part 2 of 9 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 2 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If two events are mutually exclusive, what is the probability that one or the other occurs?

A.0.25 B.Cannot be determined from the information given. C.0.50 D.1.00 Question 3 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The staff at a small company includes: 4 secretaries, 20 technicians, 4 engineers, 2 executives, and 50 factory workers. If a person is selected at random, what is the probability that he or she is a factory worker?


A.5/8 B.2/5 C.1/8 D.1/4 An Part 3 of 9 -

2.0/ 3.0 Points

Question 4 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A die is rolled 360 times. Find the standard deviation for the number of 3s that will be rolled.

A.60 B.50 C.7.1 D.5.9 A Question 5 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A researcher surveyed college students to study their opinion about the proposed change in smoking rules. The researcher asked a group of 30 students: 12 of them supported the change, 13 of them did not, and 5 had no opinion. This is not a binomial model because...

A....the students who strongly supported the change and those who only mildly supported the change are counted the same. B....less than half of the students supported the change. C.30 students are not enough for a good sample D....there are 3 possible outcomes, not 2. Question 6 of 25

0.0/ 1.0 Points

Suppose that 50 identical batteries are being tested. After 8 hours of continuous use, assume that a given battery is still operating with a probability of 0.70 and has failed with a probability of 0.30. What is the probability that greater than 30 batteries will last at least 8 hours?

A.0.0848 B.0.9152 C.0.8594 D.0.9522 Part 4 of 9 -

5.0/ 6.0 Points

Question 7 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

One reason for standardizing random variables is to measure variables WWW.HWSPEED.COM


A.different means and standard deviations on a non-standard scale B.similar means and standard deviations on two scales C.dissimilar means and similar standard deviations in like terms D.different means and standard deviations on a single scale Answe Question 8 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If Z is a standard normal random variable, then the value z for which P(-z < Z < z) equals 0.8764 is

A.3.08 B.1.54 C.0.3764 D.1.16 Question 9 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

In a normal distribution, changing the standard deviation:

A.splits the distribution to two curves B.shifts the curve left or right C.makes the curve more robust D.makes the curve more or less spread out

Question 10 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Given that the random variable X is normally distributed with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 10, P(85 < X < 90) is

A.0.1498 B.0.5328 C.0.3413 D.0.1915

Question 11 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The continuous distribution characterized by a symmetric, bell-shaped curve is the:

A.Poisson distribution B.binomial distribution C.normal distribution


D.exponential distribution Question 12 of 25

0.0/ 1.0 Points

The standard deviation of a probability distribution is a:

A.measure of skewness of the distribution B.measure of variability of the distribution C.measure of relative likelihood D.measure of central location A Part 5 of 9 -

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Question 13 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A statistics professor has just given a final examination in his statistical inference course. He is particularly interested in learning how his class of 40 students performed on this exam. The scores are shown below. 77 83 90 82

81 84 85 78

74 81 92 86

77 73 84 86

79 75 81 82

73 91 64 70

80 76 75 76

85 77 90 78

86 95 78 72

73 76 78 93

What is the mean score on this exam? Place your answer, rounded to two decimal places in the blank. For example, 65.78 would be a legitimate entry. 80.40 Part 6 of 9 1.0/ 2.0 Points Question 14 of 25

0.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The following data were obtained from a survey of college students. The variable X represents the number of non-assigned books read during the past six months. WWW.HWSPEED.COM

x P (X=x)

0 0.55

1 0.15

2 0.10

3 0.10

4 0.04

5 0.03

6 0.03

Find P(1 < X < 5). Place your answer, rounded to two decimal places in the blank. For example, 0.56 would be a legitimate entry. 1.14 Question 15 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. In February 2002 the Argentine peso lost 70% of its value compared to the United States dollar. This devaluation drastically raised the price of imported products. According to a survey conducted by AC Nielsen in April 2002, 68% of the consumers in Argentina were buying fewer products than before the devaluation, 24% were buying the same number of products, and 8% were buying more products. Furthermore, in a trend toward purchasing less-expensive brands, 88% indicated that they had changed the brands they purchased. Suppose the following complete set of results were reported. Use the following data to answer this question. Brands Purchased Same Changed Total

Number of Products Purchased Fewer Same More 10 14 24 262 82 8 272 96 32

Total 48 352 400

What is the probability that a consumer selected at random purchased fewer products than before? Place your answer, rounded to 4 decimal places, in the blank. 0.6800 Answer Part 7 of 9 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Part 8 of 9 -

4.0/ 6.0 Points

Question 18 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. WWW.HWSPEED.COM

For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Scores on a mathematics examination appear to follow a normal distribution with mean of 65 and standard deviation of 15. The instructor wishes to give a grade of “C” to students scoring between the 60th and 70th percentiles on the exam. What score represents the 70th percentile score on the mathematics exam? Place your answer in the blank, rounded to a whole number. For example, 62 would be a legitimate entry. 73 Answer Key: Question 19 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Suppose that the average weekly earnings for employees in general automotive repair shops is $450, and that the standard deviation for the weekly earnings for such employees is $50. A sample of 100 such employees is selected at random. Find the probability that the mean of the sample is greater than $460. Place your answer, rounded to 4 decimal places, in the blank. For example, 0.2345 would be a legitimate answer. 0.0228 Question 20 of 25

1.0/ 1.0 Points

1.0/ 1.0 Points


APU MATH 302 Quiz 1 – Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/APU-MATH-302-Quiz-1-Latest-47494933.htm? categoryId=-1

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Question 1 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A variable is classified as ordinal if:

A.we track the variable through a period of time B.the data arise from continuous measurements C.there is a natural ordering of categories D.there is no natural ordering of categories

Question 2 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Which of the following indicates how many observations fall into various categories?

A.The sample table B.The tabulation scale C.The frequency table D.TheLikert scale

Answer Key Question 3 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Find the z-score for each student and indicate which one has a better relative position. An Art Major earned a grade of 46 on an exam with = 50 and s = 5; A Theater Major earned a grade of 70 on an exam with = 75 and s = 7.

A.The art major has a higher relative position than the theater major. B.Both students have the same score. C.Thetheater major has a higher relative position than the art major. D.The higher score cannot be determined.

Answer Ke Question 4 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Which of the following is the graphical analog of a frequency table?

A.The scatterplot B.The time series plot C.The histogram D.The contingency table

Ans Question 5 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Which of the following are the three most common measures


of central location?

A.Mean, variance, and standard deviation B.Mean, median, and mode C.Mean, median, and variance D.Mean, median, and standard deviation

Question 6 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Suppose that a histogram of a data set is approximately symmetric and "bell shaped". Approximately, what percent of the observations are within three standard deviations of the mean?

A.95% B.99.7% C.50% D.68%

A Question 7 of 20

0.0/ 1.0 Points

What type of sampling is being employed if the population is divided into economic classes and a sample is chosen from each economic class to be surveyed?

A.cluster sampling B.systematic sampling C.stratified sampling D.random sampling

Question 8 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The length of the box in the boxplot portrays the

A.interquartile range B.median C.mean D.range

Answer Ke Question 9 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

What kind of relationship between x and y is demonstrated by the scatter plot below?

A.A positive linear relationship B.No linear relationship


C.This is not a scatter plot D.A negative linear relationship

Answer K Question 10 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A population includes:

A.only households B.all objects of interest in a particular study C.only machines D.only people

Answer Question 11 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Suppose that a histogram of a data set is approximately symmetric and "bell shaped". Approximately what percent of the observations are within one standard deviation of the mean?

A.99.7% B.68% C.95% D.50%

Question 12 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The difference between the first and third quartile is called the

A.mid range B.interquartile range C.unimodal range D.interdependent range

Answe Part 2 of 3 -

2.0/ 6.0 Points

Part 3 of 3 -

1.0/ 2.0 Points


APU MATH 302 Quiz 3 – Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download


http://www.hwspeed.com/APU-MATH-302-Quiz-3-Latest-7777776666.htm? categoryId=-1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Question 1 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Senior management of a consulting services firm is concerned about a growing decline in the firm’s weekly number of billable hours. The firm expects each professional employee to spend at least 40 hours per week on work. In an effort to understand this problem better, management would like to estimate the standard deviation of the number of hours their employees spend on work-related activities in a typical week. Rather than reviewing the records of all the firm’s full-time employees, the management randomly selected a sample of size 51 from the available frame. The sample mean and sample standard deviations were 48.5 and 7.5 hours, respectively. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the standard deviation of the number of hours this firm’s employees spend on work-related activities in a typical week. Place your LOWER limit, in hours, rounded to 1 decimal place, in the first blank. For example, 6.7 would be a legitimate entry. 6.2 Place your UPPER limit, in hours, rounded to 1 decimal place, in the second blank. For example, 12.3 would be a legitimate entry. 9.3 Ans Question 2 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the WWW.HWSPEED.COM

decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The personnel department of a large corporation wants to estimate the family dental expenses of its employees to determine the feasibility of providing a dental insurance plan. A random sample of 12 employees reveals the following family dental expenses (in dollars): 115, 370, 250, 593, 540, 225, 177, 425, 318, 182, 275, and 228. Construct a 99% confidence interval estimate for the standard deviation of family dental expenses for all employees of this corporation. Place your LOWER limit, in dollars rounded to 1 decimal place, in the first blank. Do not use a dollar sign, a comma, or any other stray mark. For example, 98.4 would be a legitimate entry. 94.7 Place your UPPER limit, in dollars rounded to 1 decimal place, in the second blank. Do not use a dollar sign, a comma, or any other stray mark. For example, 567.8 would be a legitimate entry. 304.0 Answer Key: Question 3 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. If a sample has 20 observations and a 95% confidence estimate for is needed, the appropriate value of the t-multiple required is 2.093 . Place your answer, rounded to 3 decimal places, in the blank. For example, 4.567 would be a legitimate entry. Question 4 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the WWW.HWSPEED.COM

decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A sample of 9 production managers with over 15 years of experience has an average salary of $71,000 and a sample standard deviation of $18,000. Assuming that s = 18,000 is a reasonable estimate for what sample size would be needed to ensure that we could estimate the true mean salary of all production managers with more than 15 years experience within $4200 if we wish to be 95% confident? Place your answer, as a whole number, in the blank. Do not use a dollar sign, a comma, or any other stray mark. For examples, 34 would be a legitimate entry. 71 Question 5 of 20 0.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The manufacturer of a new compact car claims the miles per gallon (mpg) for the gasoline consumption is mound-shaped and symmetric with a mean of 24.6 mpg and a standard deviation of 11.2 mpg. If 30 such cars are tested, what is the probability the average mpg achieved by these 30 cars will be greater than 27? Answer: 0.4168 Round your answer to 4 decimal places as necessary. For example, 0.1357 would be a legitimate entry. Answer Key: 0

Feedback: This is a sampling distribution problem with Îź = 24.6. Ďƒ = 11.2, and sample size n = 30.

P(z > 1.173691) = 1 - NORMSDIST(1.173691) = 0.1203 Or you can compute the probability without having


to compute z first: P(x-bar > 27) = 1 - NORMDIST(27, 24.6, 11.2/SQRT(30), TRUE) = 0.1203 Question 6 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The personnel department of a large corporation wants to estimate the family dental expenses of its employees to determine the feasibility of providing a dental insurance plan. A random sample of 12 employees reveals the following family dental expenses (in dollars): 115, 370, 250, 593, 540, 225, 177, 425, 318, 182, 275, and 228. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate for the standard deviation of family dental expenses for all employees of this corporation. Place your LOWER limit, in dollars rounded to 1 decimal place, in the first blank. Do not use a dollar sign, a comma, or any other stray mark. For example, 123.4 would be a legitimate entry. 104.7 Place your UPPER limit, in dollars rounded to 1 decimal place, in the second blank. Do not use a dollar sign, a comma, or any other stray mark. For example, 567.8 would be a legitimate entry. 251.1 Answer Key: Question 7 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not.


Senior management of a consulting services firm is concerned about a growing decline in the firm’s weekly number of billable hours. The firm expects each professional employee to spend at least 40 hours per week on work. In an effort to understand this problem better, management would like to estimate the standard deviation of the number of hours their employees spend on work-related activities in a typical week. Rather than reviewing the records of all the firm’s full-time employees, the management randomly selected a sample of size 51 from the available frame. The sample mean and sample standard deviations were 48.5 and 7.5 hours, respectively. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the standard deviation of the number of hours this firm’s employees spend on work-related activities in a typical week. Place your LOWER limit, in hours, rounded to 1 decimal place, in the first blank. For example, 6.7 would be a legitimate entry. 5.9 Place your UPPER limit, in hours, rounded to 1 decimal place, in the second blank. For example, 12.3 would be a legitimate entry. 10.1 Part 2 of 3 8.0/ 11.0 Points Question 8 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

In constructing a confidence interval estimate for a population mean, when we replace with the sample standard deviation (s), we introduce a new source of variability and the sampling distribution we use is:

A.the normal distribution B.chi-square distribution C.F- distribution D.t -distribution Answer K\ Question 9 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Find the 95% confidence interval for the standard deviation of the lengths of pipes if a sample of 26 pipes has a standard deviation of 10 inches.

A.14.0 < < 16.0 B.7.8 < < 13.8 C.74.0 < < 126.0 D.60.8 < < 190.5 Answer K Question 10 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points


At a large department store, the average number of years of employment for a cashier is 5.7 with a standard deviation of 1.8 years. If the number of years of employment at this department store is normally distributed, what is the probability that a cashier selected at random has worked at the store for over 10 years?

A.0.4916 B.0.9916 C.0.0084 D.0.0054 Answe Question 11 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A sample of 25 different payroll departments found that the employees worked an average of 310.3 days a year with a standard deviation of 23.8 days. What is the 90% confidence interval for the average days worked by employees in all payroll departments?

A.301.0 < < 319.6 B.298.0 < < 322.6 C.302.2 < < 318.4 D.314.1 < < 316.8 Question 12 of 20

0.0/ 1.0 Points

A food snack manufacturer samples 15 bags of pretzels off the assembly line and weighed their contents. If the sample mean is 10.0 and the sample standard deviation is 0.15, find the 95% confidence interval estimate for the true mean.

A.(9.96, 10.04) B.(9.68, 10.32) C.(9.97, 10.80) D.(9.92, 10.08)

Question 13 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A previous study of nickels showed that the standard deviation of the weight of nickels is 150 milligrams. How many nickels does a coin counter manufacturer need to weigh so that she can be 98% confident that her sample mean is within 25 milligrams of the true average weight of a nickel?


A.36 B.196 C.239 D.139 Question 14 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The average gas mileage of a certain model car is 26 miles per gallon. If the gas mileages are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 1.3, find the probability that a randomly selected car of this model has a gas mileage between 25.8 and 26.3 miles per gallon.

A.0.15 B.0.85 C.0.70 D.0.30 Question 15 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

A researcher wishes to know, with 98% confidence, the percentage of women who wear shoes that are too small for their feet. A previous study conducted by the Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons found that 80% of women wear shoes that are too small for their feet. If the researcher wants her estimate to be within 3% of the true proportion, how large a sample is necessary?

A.966 B.683 C.183 D.484 Question 16 of 20

0.0/ 1.0 Points

From a sample of 500 items, 30 were found to be defective. The point estimate of the population proportion defective will be:

A.0.60 B.16.667 C..06 D.30 Answer Question 17 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

If you are constructing a confidence interval for a single mean, the confidence interval will___________ with an increase in the sample size. WWW.HWSPEED.COM

A.decrease B.stay the same C.increase or decrease, depending on the sample data D.increase Question 18 of 20

0.0/ 1.0 Points

In order to be accepted into a top university, applicants must score within the top 5% on the SAT exam. Given that SAT test scores are normally distributed with a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 200, what is the lowest possible score a student needs to qualify for acceptance into the university?

A.1330 B.1400 C.1250 D.1100

Part 3 of 3 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 19 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for the population proportion p, given that n = 300; and = 0.10 is approximately 0.1339.

True False A Question 20 of 20

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The 95% confidence interval for the population mean , given that the sample size n = 49 and the population standard deviation = 7, is .



APU MATH 302 Quiz 5 - Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/APU-MATH-302-Quiz-5-Latest-45895894.htm? categoryId=-1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Question 1 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Two independent samples of sizes n1 = 50 and n2 = 50 are randomly selected from two populations to test the difference between the population means, . The sampling distribution of the sample mean difference, is:

A.approximately normal B.chi-squared distributed with 99 degrees of freedom C.t - distributed with 98 degrees of freedom D.normally distributed

Answer K Question 2 of 17

0.0/ 1.0 Points

A pharmaceutical company is testing the effectiveness of a new drug for lowering cholesterol. As part of this trial, they wish to determine whether there is a difference between the effectiveness for women and for men. Assume Îą = 0.05. What is the test value? Women Men Sample size 50 80 Mean effect 7 6.95 Sample variance 3 4

A.t = 0.151 B.z = 0.081 C.z = 0.455 D.t = 3.252


Feedback: This is a t-test of independent samples. To compue the test value t use: Question 3 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Which of the following statements is true regarding the F – distribution?

A.It is a distribution of negative values B.It is always skewed to the left C.It typically appears in tests of equal proportions D.none of the above

Part 2 of 8 -

3.0/ 5.0 Points

Question 4 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

The correlation value ranges from

A.-3 to +3 B.–1 to +1 C.0 to +1 D.–2 to +2

Answe Question 5 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Data for a sample of 25 apartments in a particular neighborhood are provided in the worksheet Apartments in the Excel workbook Apartments.xlsx. Using that data, find the estimated regression equation which can be used to estimate the monthly rent for apartments in this neighborhood using size as the predictor variable. Apartments.xlsx


177.12 + 1.065(size)

B.1.065 + 177.12(size) C.177.12 + 0.8500(size)


D.197.12 + 2.065(size)

Question 6 of 17

0.0/ 1.0 Points

If an estimated regression line has a Y-intercept of –7.5 and a slope of 2.5, then when X = 3, the actual value of Y is:

A.5 B.10 C.0 D.unknown

Answer Question 7 of 17

0.0/ 1.0 Points

A Question 8 of 17 Part 3 of 8 -

1.0/ 1.0 Points 0.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 9 of 17

0.0/ 2.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A field researcher is gathering data on the trunk diameters of mature pine and spruce trees in a certain area. The following are the results of his random sampling. Can he conclude, at the 0.10 level of significance, that the average trunk diameter of a pine tree is greater than the average diameter of a spruce tree? Pine trees Spruce trees Sample size 30 35 Mean trunk diameter 45 39 (cm) Sample variance 120 140


What is the test value for this hypothesis test? Test value: 2.474 Round your answer to three decimal places. What is the critical value? Critical value: 1.296 Round your answer to three decimal places.

Feedback: This is a t-test of independent samples. Use the formula for the t test value on page 480: Using Table F (df = 29, alpha = 0.10, one-tail test) the critical t-value is 1.311. Part 4 of 8 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 10 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Data for a sample of 25 apartments in a particular neighborhood are provided in the worksheet Apartments in the Excel workbook Apartments.xlsx. Using the estimated regression equation found by using size as the predictor variable, find a point estimate for the average monthly rent for apartments having 1,000 square feet of space. Place your answer, rounded to the nearest whole dollar, in the blank. 1242 When entering your answer do not use any labels or symbols. Simply provide the numerical value. For example, 123 would be a legitimate entry. Apartments.xlsx

Question 11 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points


Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A company has observed that there is a linear relationship between indirect labor expense (ILE) , in dollars, and direct labor hours (DLH). Data for direct labor hours and indirect labor expense for 18 months are given in the file ILE_and_DLH.xlsx Treating ILE as the response variable, use regression to fit a straight line to all 18 data points. Using your estimated regression output, predict the indirect labor expenses for a month in which the company has 31 direct labor hours. Place your answer, rounded to 1 decimal place, in the blank. Do not use any stray punctuation marks or a dollar sign. For example, 458.9 would be a legitimate entry. 525.4 A Part 5 of 8 -

0.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 12 of 17

0.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Are America's top chief executive officers (CEOs) really worth all that money? One way to answer this question is to look at the annual company percentage increase in revenue versus the CEO's annual percentage salary increase in that same company. Suppose that a random sample of companies yielded the following data: percent change for corporation 15 12 3 12 28 6 8 2 percent change for CEO 6 17 -4 12 32 -1 7 2


Do these data indicate that the population mean percentage increase in corporate revenue is greater than the population mean percentage increase in CEO salary? Use a 5% level of significance. What is the test value that you would use to conduct this test of hypothesis? Place your answer, rounded to 3 decimal places, in the blank. For example, 2.345 would be a legitimate entry. 0.357

Question 13 of 17

0.0/ 1.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. Are America's top chief executive officers (CEOs) really worth all that money? One way to answer this question is to look at the annual company percentage increase in revenue versus the CEO's annual percentage salary increase in that same company. Suppose that a random sample of companies yielded the following data: percent change for corporation 15 12 3 12 28 6 8 2 percent change for CEO 6 17 -4 12 32 -1 7 2

Do these data indicate that the population mean percentage increase in corporate revenue is greater than the population mean percentage increase in CEO salary? Use a 5% level of significance. What is the critical value that you would use to conduct this test of hypothesis? Place your answer, rounded to 3 decimal places, in the blank. For example, 2.345 would be a legitimate entry. 1.773 Part 6 of 8 1.0/ 3.0 Points Question 14 of 17

1.0/ 3.0 Points

Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values. WWW.HWSPEED.COM

For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A professor gives an exam for which there are two versions, A and B. Each student in the class is given one randomly selected version of the exam. After the exam, the professor wishes to determine if there is a difference in the level of difficulty of the two versions by determining if there is a significant difference in the mean scores. Assume Îą = 0.05. Version A Version B Sample size 45 65 Mean score 8.8 8.2 Sample variance 2.6 2.4 What is the test value for this hypothesis test? Answer: 1.23 Round your answer to two decimal places. What is/are the critical value(s) for this hypothesis test? If there are two critical values, give only the positive value. Answer: 1.96 Round your answer to two decimal places. What is the conclusion for this hypothesis test? Choose one. 1. There is not sufficient evidence to show that one version of the exam is more difficult than the other. 2. There is sufficient evidence to show that one version of the exam is more difficult than the other. Answer: Feedback: This is a t-test of independent samples. Use the formula on page 480 to compute the test value t: Note that the variance is given, not the standard deviation. This is a two-tail test with alpha = 0.05, df = 44 (using the smaller sample size) critical value is found using the Critical Values workbook to be Âą2.0154. Because the test value falls in the noncritical region, there is NOT sufficient evidence to show that one version is more difficult than the other at the 0.05 level of significance. Part 7 of 8 -

1.0/ 1.0 Points

Question 15 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

In conducting hypothesis testing for difference between two means when samples are dependent (paired samples), the variable under consideration is ; the sample mean difference between the pairs.


True False

Part 8 of 8 -

2.0/ 2.0 Points

Question 16 of 17

1.0/ 1.0 Points

In a simple regression analysis, if the standard error of estimate sest = 15 and the number of observations n = 10, then the sum of the residuals squared must be 120.

True False

Answer Key:


BIS 245 Week 2 ILAB Skills Development in Vision; Creation of MS Access Database IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/BIS-245-Week-2-ILAB-Skills-Development-in-Vision-Latest793333.htm?categoryId=-1 If You Face

Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com

A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-2 B.Lab 2 of 7 :Skills Development in Visio; Creation of MS Access Database C.Lab Overview--Scenario / Summary: TCOs: 1. Given a business situation in which managers require information from a database, determine, analyze, and classify that information so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements.


2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool. 3. Given an existing relational database schema, evaluate and alter the database design for efficiency. 4. Given an existing database structure demonstrating efficiency and integrity, design the physical tables. Scenario: You have been asked to create a conceptual database model using MS


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