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DeVry ENGL 147 Week 5 Proposal Assignment IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DeVry-ENGL-147-Week-5-Proposal-Assignment-49540940.htm?categoryId=1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Proposal for Three Tier Strategy

Introduction Bullying is one of the major problems that children face in school today and this has been prevalent for generations now. There are children from different classes and neighbourhoods who have been brought up differently and therefore these children impose their learning on the children who are different from them. The bullying is either from peers in the same classes or by the seniors on the juniors at school. It affects the development of children in a major way through which their psychological development is affected in a major way which is detrimental to the growth of children. This is a huge problem in society today and therefore it is important for schools take practices in order to reduce or eliminate bullying from school. Many schools have taken steps to eliminate the same but the tradition has prevailed over ages and therefore it can be considered to be a recurring problem for children from all societies and in schools all over the country (Carter, 2012). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

DeVry ENGL 147 Week4 Assignment Annotated Bibliography IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download


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Three Tier Strategy and School Bullies

Annotated Bibliography for School Bullying

School bullying activities are going on increasing in schools today. The report is compiled to study all the issues and problems related to fighting school bullying practices and get a more clear approach about the problem. It also discusses about the failure of school to adopt policies to end school bullying. School Bully laws are also discussed and criticised. Carter,S. (2012). The Bully at School: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing; 35(3–4): 153–162


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ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 1 ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 2 Study of Ethical Philosophy

ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 1 When Siding with the Majority ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 2 The Struggle of Good vs

ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 2 Living in Our State of Nature ETHC Week 3 DQ 1 Applying the Death Penalty


ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 1 Ethics of Controlling Environmental Innovation ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 2 Kant ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 1 Life ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 2 Dealing With Emergencies and Outcomes

ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 2 Working Conflict Resolution Methods ETHC Week 6 DQ 1 Applying Rand

ETHC Week 7 DQ 1 Business Ethics ETHC Week 7 DQ 2 Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Item #: 784758


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DeVry ETHC 445 All Discussions Questions - Latest

ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 1 ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 2 Study of Ethical Philosophy

ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 1 When Siding with the Majority ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 2 The Struggle of Good vs

ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 2 Living in Our State of Nature ETHC Week 3 DQ 1 Applying the Death Penalty

ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 1 Ethics of Controlling Environmental Innovation ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 2 Kant

ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 1 Life ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 2 Dealing With Emergencies and Outcomes

ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 2 Working Conflict Resolution Methods ETHC Week 6 DQ 1 Applying Rand

ETHC Week 7 DQ 1 Business Ethics ETHC Week 7 DQ 2 Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement



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For each of the following multiple choice questions, please select the Philosophy (and/or Philosopher) which best goes with each description below.

1.(TCOs 2, 4, 5, 6) The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed simply at the patient's direction reflects what type of ethics? (Points : 5) Hobbes' State of Nature Rand's Objectivism Aristotle's concept of Virtue Thomas Aquinas' concept of conscience Socrates' concept of excellence

2.(TCOs 1, 2, 7) What is the moral ideal of temperance? (Points : 5) Exercising control over one's own desires and inclinations Keeping one's temper under control Minimizing the impact of one's decisions Seeking the good of others before one's own Overcoming one's passions

3.(TCOs 1, 2) One of the common errors in Ethics is that of the hasty conclusions. Hasty conclusions consist of what? (Points : 5) Rushed work under pressure Comparing unknown cases to known ones to find precedents Embracing conclusions before examining cases fully Judging cases by the source of their origin Belief that first impressions are valid until challenged


4.(TCO 2) Prescriptive language is commonly used in ethics for what reason? (Points : 5) To indicate what is prohibited or impossible To indicate that one choice is better than others To show what actions are legal To convey requirements and obligations To indicate that there are really no choices available

5.(TCOs 7, 8) Ethical Egoism proposes that all decisions should be made to promote what? (Points : 5) Our fiduciary responsibilities The good will of others Our self-interests The welfare of the community Stronger relationships

6.(TCOs 2, 4, 9) Free people are motivated toward forming social structures according to a social contract in order to overcome what problem identified by Thomas Hobbes? (Points : 5) The need to overcome disagreements A perpetual state of warfare The establishment of a monarchy Taxation to support the costs of government Organized ways to select leaders

7.(TCOs 3, 6) Agricultural biofuels are not properly a renewable source of energy in the environmental ethics debate. Which of the following also is not a renewable source of energy? (Points : 5) Windmill turbines Hydroelectric power Tidal flow generators Biomass waste systems Solar cells

8.(TCOs 3, 6, 7) The notion that the only thing good without qualification is a good will is attributed to whom? (Points : 5) St. Thomas Aquinas Socrates John Locke Immanuel Kant Oliver Cromwell


9.(TCOs 8, 9) Which ethical concept is organized and directed toward following the greatest happiness principle? (Points : 5) Natural ethics and law Justice and mercy Rights and responsibilities Virtue-ethics of excellence Principle of utility

10.(TCOs 3, 6, 7) Syllogisms in formal deductive logic are called "valid" when: (Points : 5) the correct form of the syllogism style is used. the premise statements are true. the syllogism is first determined to be "sound." the verbs are written in present tense. the conclusion proceeds from the premises.

11.(TCOs 1, 2) When choosing one course of action while working with a dilemma, the other courses of action are lost and become unavailable. This makes ethical choices in dilemma situations particularly what? (Points : 5) Incoherent Complicated Illogical Painful Cruel

12.(TCOs 1, 2, 7) What is the role of conscience as Thomas Aquinas sees it? (Points : 5) To teach ethical principles To disclose and build religious faith To enable rational thought about consequences To align personal ethics with those of others To guide actions through a view of right and wrong

13.(TCOs 2, 8) The rule or principle to be applied in making decisions is an example of which kind of ethical discovery process? (Points : 5) Principle of utility A posteriori rationality A priori rationality Empirical rationality Scientific method


14.(TCOs 1, 2, 5) The Social Contract theorist whose troubled childhood was most clearly reflected in his theories was who? (Points : 5) Thomas Aquinas Thomas Jefferson Jean-Jacques Rousseau Thomas Hobbes John Locke

15.(TCOs 3, 6, 7) Kant's concern that people choose to observe universal laws as their duty is expressed through what actions? (Points : 5) Their habits Their maxims Their desires Their loves Their loyalties

16.(TCOs 2, 7, 8) Aristotle's Ethics of Virtue have found modern application for business and industry through what practice? (Points : 5) Resolution models applications Goals and objectives Core values of organizations Business models Professional codes of discipline

17.(TCOs 2, 8) Professional codes of conduct serve what function for business and industry? (Points : 5) Allow businesses to avoid training professional staffers Enable transfer of valued employees across state lines Enable contracting of temporary employees Specify continuing education needs and requirements Providing assurance of the professional qualifications of members

18.(TCOs 2, 7) Aristotle's Ethical Doctrine of the Mean measured personal virtues on a scale that included the virtue itself, the excess of it, and the deficiency of it. If the virtue is COURAGE and the deficiency is COWARDICE, what is the excess? (Points : 5) Wisdom Moderation There is no excess Recklessness VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM


19.(TCOs 8, 9) In personal or organizational conflict, what benefits accrue to all parties when a leader or consultant employees one of the ethical conflict resolution models of Week 6? (Points : 5) Objectives of what winning the conflict means get refined and better understood Conflict management gets slowed down and settled. Conflict can be handled in a sequential, step-by-step manner Parties can be reconciled without solving the issues Personal relationships can be separated from issues

20.(TCOs 1, 2) The Latin term a priori describes the origin of knowledge developed rationally, and the term a posteriori describes knowledge developed through observation and experience. What is an example of ethics is best described as discovered in an a postiori manner? (Points : 5) Social ethics Care-based ethics Consequentialist ethics Theological ethics Operational ethics

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Page 2 - Essays 1. (TCOs 1, 2, 3, 7) In support of TCO #7 and in the Week 7 discussions, you developed and placed into the threaded discussions your personalized ethics statement of what has become important to you in the practice of ethics as you have practiced ethics during the course. Your first task in this question is to briefly present that personalized statement in just a few sentences before continuing with the question. Much of the rest of the exam will involve your working with that personalized statement through brief applications and cases. Use your ethical philosophy to solve the following ethical situation. Explain how your philosophy helped you make your decision. Should citizens have an ethical obligation to serve their country when it is at war? Under what circumstances, if any, is it ethical for a person to refuse to serve? A significant number of people believe war is always wrong, and that no circumstances justify one nation's taking up arms against another. Is this view ethically sound? How about realistically? Please state which side you agree with, and why. Explain and defend your position using your ethical position statement. In answering, be sure to look at both sides of war: that is, a country defending itself against aggression and of a strong country coming to the aid of a weaker country that has been attacked VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

unjustly. Then, explain how your ethical philosophy affected how you answered this problem. (Points : 30) 2. (TCOs 1, 2, 7) Analyze the following ethical situation using YOUR ethical philosophy. Read the situation and then in your answer, explain why this is an ethical situation, what the "issues" are, and how an "ethical" person would resolve them. Explain how YOUR ethical philosophy has helped you read a conclusion about how to resolve or analyze this situation. Employees' worth to their employers may diminish before they are eligible for retirement. In such cases, the employer is faced with the dilemma of choosing between retaining an old and trusted yet unproductive worker for 5 or 10 more years, or firing that worker and jeopardizing his or her retirement benefits. 1. Should an employer have an ethical obligation to keep such unproductive, but loyal employees? What if the employee had been a problem his or her entire career? Are there certain circumstances where your answer to these questions would be different? 2. What is the duty of an unproductive employee to his or her employer? Is there an ethical obligation to retire when productivity begins to wane? If a person is simply "coasting" for his or her last few years, is that person "unethical?" Be sure to explain your answer. (Points : 30) 3. (TCOs 1, 7, 9) How do you feel St. Thomas Aquinas would have solved the above ethical situation differently or the same as you did using your philosophy? Please explain the reasons for the similarities or differences. (Points : 40) 4. (TCOs 1, 2, 4, 9) A first-term junior senator has placed a bill before the Senate that promises to correct tax inequities that affect thousands of workers. However, the bill is being held up in committee. The senior senator who serves as Sub-Committee Chairperson is responsible. The senator, however, has learned of a secret scandal in the Chairperson's personal life. The junior senator visits the Chairperson and tells him that unless the bill is released from committee, he will divulge the scandal to the press. The Chairperson then releases the bill from committee and it is passed—and becomes law. Identify and tell what ethical philosophy the senior and junior senators are using, if any. Now, use your ethical philosophy to analyze the situation. Explain how, using your philosophy, you would have solved this situation either the same way as the characters in the situation did, or differently. Why? (Points : 30) 5. (TCOs 5, 6) You work for a grocery store and a new manager is hired to oversee your department. He comes into your department (the butcher shop) and explains to you that for the past 6 months, your department has been losing money for the store because of the waste and spoilage going on from having to discard unsold meat and poultry. He tells you that from now on, he wants you to package ground meat in smaller, more compact packages, with older meat on the bottom of the package (so it is not visible to the customer) and the fresher meat on the top, where it is visible to the customers. In this way, you can move more of the older meat and still receive the top dollar for it. As he leaves the department where you were having the discussion, he turns and says, "And by the way,


one more month of losses like we had last month from this department, and you can kiss your job goodbye." Will you repackage the meat in the way he requested? Why or why not? Explain what ethical analysis you used to come to this conclusion. (Points : 30) 6. (TCOs 6, 8) Analyze your answer above using the Front Page of the Newspaper ethical dilemma resolution model. Show your steps. (Points : 40)


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Question 1.1. Ethics of the deontological school would drive the commanding officer (CO) to make what decision? (Points : 6) To seek the best welfare for his sailor To take risks of courage To calculate the best possible outcome To ask what virtues he seeks to honor To do his duty under rules and procedures Question 2.2. A decision to get the injured seaman flown to the aircraft carrier for the good of all is an example of what kind of ethics? (Points : 6) Humean An application of virtuous courage Deontological Utilitarian Objectivist Question 3.3. If the CO's conscience was bothering him while making a decision, reading up on what ethicist would have made him aware of his thinking and deciding? (Points : 6) Ayn Rand St. Anselm St. Thomas Aquinas John Locke John Stuart Mill VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Question 4.4. What virtue is not shown if the CO shows unwillingness to contact the carrier air group commander about the welfare of his sailor because of fear? (Points : 6) Procrastination Selfishness The virtue of courage Wisdom Moderation Question 5.5. The maxim "I uphold only the ethical view that all rational beings ought uphold" follows _____. (Points : 6) Utilitarian ethics An Aristotelian moderation of virtue A strong application of care-based ethics Kant's categorical imperative in the first formulation Care-based ethics Question 6.6. When the CO wants to avoid doing "stupid things," what theory of ethics is he displaying? (Points : 6) Plato's doctrine of civil responsibility Aristotle's doctrine of the mean Hobbes' state of nature Augustine's notion of sin Locke's idea of social contract Question 7.7. To ask, "What is the best possible outcome for my whole ship" is to apply what kind of ethics? (Points : 6) Social contract Utilitarianism Deontological ethics Being caught in a dilemma Ethics of the mean Question 8.8. To think, "What can this do for my reputation when I come up for selection as admiral," is an example of what kind of ethics? (Points : 6) Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative. John Locke's social contract. Ayn Rand's objectivism. Augustine's doctrine of sin. A social contract with the crew. Question 9.9. For the CO to think about the greater happiness of the whole crew in this emergency situation involves the CO in what kind of ethics? (Points : 6) Care-based ethics The state of nature Ethics of duty Utilitarian ethics Shared self-interest of objectivism


Question 10.10. If the CO were to take a care-based approach to this emergency situation, what would he do? (Points : 6) He would try to sympathize with the sailor and feel his pain. He would try to figure out what he would want if he were the sailor and had suffered the injury. He would contact the injured sailor's family at home. He would follow the published instructions for this kind of emergency He would get the carrier air group commander to send the helicopter, even after dark. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

DeVry FIN 515 All Discussions Questions - Latest

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Week 1 Accounting Versus Finance (graded) Much of the analysis done by financial managers is based on numbers that are different from what would seem to the corresponding numbers presented in the financial statements. This difference is not due to any kind of cooking the books or other attempts to mislead anyone. One example is the use of market value rather than historical cost in the valuation of assets. What are some other examples of the differences between financial management and financial accounting? Financial Analysis (graded) In this discussion, we will be working with the variety of financial analysis tools available to us. Let's start with the DuPont Identity introduced in Chapter 2 of the text. For your initial post, locate the financial statements for two firms in one industry. Calculate all four terms of the DuPont Identity and present the results but do not analyze the results. For an additional post, analyze the results that another student has posted. If you were the appropriate financial manager of one of the firms that you analyzed, what would be your observations and recommendations? Week 2 TVM Pass-a-Problem (graded)


This week, the lecture provided some examples of TVM problem scenarios. For your first post, provide a story problem that can be solved using one or more of the TVM calculations. Your second post can be a description of how the problem posed by another student can be solved. Your professor may provide an example. 路 Assumptions of the TVM Model (graded) What are some of the assumptions behind the TVM calculations? How do these assumptions limit our application of these calculations? Week 3 Examples of Capital Expenditure From Your Industry (graded) Describe a potential capital expenditure project from the industry in which you now work or an industry in which you are interested. What is the project? Describe and provide an approximate value of the initial cash flow. Describe and provide an approximate value of the annual cash flows. Provide an estimation of the life of the project, as well as the exit costs. Capital Budgeting Terms and Considerations (graded) Our textbook and lecture discuss some considerations that should be taken into account when doing capital budgeting. How will these considerations affect the project you described in the other topic? Incremental earnings, interest expenses, taxes, opportunity costs, externalities, sunk costs, cannibalization or erosion, depreciation, and salvage value; as well as others. Week 4

Market Value of a Stock Versus DDM Value (graded) Select a stock in which you are interested. Calculate its per share value using the DDM or another method discussed in Chapter 9. Then find the current market value of a share of the stock. Compare that two. Can you explain the similarity or difference? Differences in YTM of Real Life Bonds (graded) Do some research, probably on the Web, and find some bonds with differing yields to maturity (YTM). How do you explain the difference? Both the lecture and the textbook discuss some factors that may lead to this difference. Week 5

Calculating WACC for a Real Firm (graded) The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for a firm can be calculated or found through research. Select two firms in the same industry. The industry may be that in which you currently work or it may be an industry in which you are interested. Calculate or find the WACC for the two firms. How do the WACCs compare? Are the WACCs what you would expect? What causes the differences between the two firms' WACCs? Finding Stock Values for Real Stocks Using Beta and the SML (graded) Our second discussion topic concerns the calculation of stock values using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). We will start with a discussion of risk and work towards practical application of the model. The textbook provides a list of betas for a selection of stocks. Choose a few firms from that list and discuss whether the betas are what you would expect. Be sure to explain why or why not. Week 6 VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Examples of Real Agency Problems and How They Could Have Been Prevented (graded) Do some research and find some historical or current real life examples of agency problems. Will the measures discussed in the text help to prevent problems like your examples in the future? What else would you advise? You may provide examples of agency problems from your own experience. If you do that, be careful to provide enough anonymity that you won't get in trouble. The Role of Financial Managers in Ethical Corporate Governance (graded) Does the financial manager have a greater responsibility or a lesser responsibility for maintaining ethical corporate governance? Why or why not? What is or will be your approach to ethical corporate governance now or in the future? Week 7 Industry Approaches to Working Capital Financing (graded) Do some research on two firms in your industry or an industry in which you are interested. Can you get an idea of their working capital management policies from publicly available information? How do the two companies differ in their apparent working capital management policies? Which policy do you think is better and why? Your Preference for Working Capital Management Policy (graded) Consider the company you work for or a company in which you are interested. Also, do some research to find some current cost estimates for various means of financing working capital. What would be your recommendation to the company for financing its working capital needs? If the information is publicly available, or if you have access to it AND have permission to discuss it, how does your recommendation compare what the firm is actually doing? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Question 1 Question(TCO G) The firm's asset .

: Student Answer:

turnover measures the value of assets held per dollar of shareholder equity. the return the firm has earned on its past investments. the firm's ability to sell a product for more than the cost of producing it. how efficiently the firm is utilizing its


assets to generate sales. Chapter 2 VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Explanation: Points 10 of 10 Received: Comments:

(TCO G) The DuPont Identity Question 2 Question expresses the firm's ROE in .

: terms of profitability, asset efficiency, and

Student Answer:

leverage. valuation, leverage, and interest coverage. profitability, margins, and valuation. equity, assets, and liabilities.

Instructor Chapter 2 Explanation: (TCO B) You plan on retiring in 20 years. You currently have $275,000 and think you will need Question 3 Question$1,000,000 to retire. Assuming .


you don’t deposit any additional money into the account, what annual return will you need to earn to meet this goal? (TCO B) You take out a 5 year car loan for $20,000. The loan has a

Question 4 Question5% annual interest rate. The .


payments are made monthly. What are the monthly payments? Show your work.

Question 3 Question(TCO B) You plan on retiring in 20 .


years. You currently have $275,000 and think you will need $1,000,000 to retire. Assuming you don’t deposit any additional VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

money into the account, what annual return will you need to earn to meet this goal?

(TCO B) You take out a 5 year car loan for $20,000. The loan has a Question 4 Question5% annual interest rate. The .


payments are made monthly. What are the monthly payments? Show your work.

(TCO B) You currently have $10,000 in your retirement account. If you deposit $500 per Question 5 Question .


month and the account pays 5% interest, how much will be in the account in 10 years? Show your work.

Question 6 Question(TCO B) An accident victim has .


received a structured settlement. According to the terms of the agreement, the victim will receive $10,000 per year at the end of each year for the next 10 years. Additionally, the victim will receive $20,000 in 10 years. The victim believes they could get 7% annually on an investment they could make if VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

they had all the money now. What would the money be worth to them if they could get it now? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $95,000 and has expected cash inflows of Question 7 Question $20,000 annually for 9 years. The .

: cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s NPV? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $60,000 and has expected cash inflows of Question 8 Question .


$15,000 annually for 8 years. The cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s payback period? Show your work.

(TCO F) A project requires an initial cash outlay of $60,000 and has expected cash inflows of Question 9 Question $15,000 annually for 8 years. The .

: cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s IRR? Show your work.

Question 10 Question(TCO F) A project requires an .


initial cash outlay of $60,000 and has expected cash inflows of


$15,000 annually for 8 years. The cost of capital is 10%. What is the project’s discounted payback period? Show your work.

Question 11.

Question :

(TCO F) Company A has the opportunity to do any, none, or all of the projects for which the net cash flows per year are shown below. Projects A and C can be done together. Projects B and C can be done together. But Projects A and B are mutually exclusive. The company has a cost of capital of 18%. Which should the company do and why? You must use at least two capital budgeting methods. Show your work. VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A -500 200 200 200 200 200 200 -300

B -500 -200 600 400 200 -300


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If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com (TCO B) You just won $25,000 in the lottery. You decide you want to buy a sportscar. You don’t want to buy the car now but want to wait for 5 Question 1 Questio .


years when you will be 25 and your insurance premiums will be affordable. You think you can earn 8% on the money. How much will you be able to spend on the sportscar in five years?

TCO B) You want to buy a car. To do so, you will need to take out a loan in the amount of $19,000. The longest you are willing to pay on the loan is five years. The interest rate on this VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

type of loan is 5.0% per year. How much will the equal monthly payments be?

(TCO B) You want to have $1,000,000 in 30 years. You already have $50,000. You Question 3 Questio .


think you can get a 7% annual return on your money. How much per year will you have to save to get to $1,000,000? I


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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_1_Problem_Set.docx, where flastname is your first initial and you last name, and submit it to the appropriate dropbox. Chapter 1 (page 19) 1. What is the most important difference between a corporation and all other organizational forms? 2. What does the phrase limited liability mean in a corporate context? 3. Which organizational forms give their owners limited liability? 4. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of organizing a firm as a corporation?


5. Explain the difference between an S corporation and a C corporation. Chapter 2 The following is provided for use in answering the next set of questions. You may also find table 2.5 on page 53 of your text and all questions on pages 56–57. TABLE 2.5 2009–2013 Financial Statement Data and Stock Price Data for Mydeco Corp. Mydeco Corp. (All data as of fiscal year end; in $ million) 2009–2013 Income Statement 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Revenue 404.3 363.8 424.6 510.7 604.1 Cost of Goods Sold (188.3) (173.8) (206.2) (246.8) (293.4) Gross Profit 216.0 190.0 218.4 263.9 310.7 Sales and Marketing (66.7) (66.4) (82.8) (102.1) (120.8) Administration (60.6) (59.1) (59.4) (66.4) (78.5) Depreciation and Amortization (27.3) (27.0) (34.3) (38.4) (38.6) EBIT 61.4 37.5 41.9 57.0 72.8 Interest Income (Expense) (33.7) (32.9) (32.2) (37.4) (39.4) Pretax Income 27.7 4.6 9.7 19.6 33.4 Income Tax (9.7) (1.6) (3.4) (6.9) (11.7) Net Income 18.0 3.0 6.3 12.7 21.7 Shares outstanding (millions) 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 Earnings per share $0.33 $0.05 $0.11 $0.23 $0.39 Balance Sheet 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Assets Cash 48.8 68.9 86.3 77.5 85.0 Accounts Receivable 88.6 69.8 69.8 76.9 86.1 Inventory 33.7 30.9 28.4 31.7 35.3 Total Current Assets 171.1 169.6 184.5 186.1 206.4 Net Property, Plant, and Equip. 245.3 169.6 309 345.6 347.0 Goodwill and Intangibles 361.7 243.3 361.7 361.7 361.7 Total Assets 778.1 774.6 855.2 893.4 915.1 Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity Accounts Payable 18.7 17.9 22.0 26.8 31.7 Accrued Compensation 6.7 6.4 7.0 8.1 9.7 Total Current Liabilities 25.4 24.3 29.0 34.9 41.4 Long-term Debt 500.0 500.0 575.0 600.0 600.0 Total Liabilities 525.4 524.3 604.0 634.9 641.4 Stockholders’ Equity 252.7 250.3 251.2 258.5 273.7 Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ 778.1 774.6 855.2 893.4 915.1 Equity Statement of Cash Flows 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Net Income 18.0 3.0 6.3 12.7 21.7 Depreciation and Amortization 27.3 27.0 34.3 38.4 38.6 Chg. in Accounts Receivable 3.9 18.8 (0.0) (7.1) (9.2) Chg. in Inventory (2.9) 2.8 2.5 (3.3) (3.6) Chg. in Payables and Accrued Comp. 2.2 (1.1) 4.7 5.9 6.5 Cash from Operations 48.5 50.5 47.8 46.6 54.0 Capital Expenditures (25.0) (25.0) (100.0) (75.0) (40.0) Cash from Investing Activities (25.0) (25.0) (100.0) (75.0) (40.0) Dividends Paid (5.4) (5.4) (5.4) (5.4) (6.5) Sale (or purchase) of stock — — — — — Debt Issuance (Pay Down) — — 75.0 25.0 — Cash from Financing Activities (5.4) (5.4) 69.6 19.6 (6.5) Change in Cash 18.1 20.1 17.4 (8.8) 7.5 Mydeco Stock Price $7.92 $3.30 $5.25 $8.71 $10.89 29. VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

In fiscal year 2011, Starbucks Corporation (SBUX) had revenue of $11.70 billion, gross profit of $6.75 billion, and net income of $1.25 billion. Peet’s Coffee and Tea (PEET) had revenue of $372 million, gross profit of $72.7 million, and net income of $17.8 million. a. Compare the gross margins for Starbucks and Peet’s. b. Compare the net profit margins for Starbucks and Peet’s. c. Which firm was more profitable in 2011? 31. SeeTable 2.5showing financial statement data and stock price data for Mydeco Corp. · a.How did Mydeco’s accounts receivable days change over this period? · b.How did Mydeco’s inventory days change over this period? · c.Based on your analysis, has Mydeco improved its management of its working capital during this time period? 32. SeeTable 2.5showing financial statement data and stock price data for Mydeco Corp. · a.Compare Mydeco’s accounts payable days in 2009 and 2013. · b.Did this change in accounts payable days improve or worsen Mydeco’s cash position in 2013? 33. SeeTable 2.5showing financial statement data and stock price data for Mydeco Corp. a. By how much did Mydeco increase its debt from 2009 to 2013? b. What was Mydeco’s EBITDA/Interest coverage ratio in 2009 and 2013? Did its coverage ratio ever fall below 2? c. Overall, did Mydeco’s ability to meet its interest payments improve or decline over this period?

42. For fiscal year 2011, Starbucks Corporation (SBUX) had total revenues of $11.70 billion, net income of $1.25 billion, total assets of $7.36 billion, and total shareholder’s equity of $4.38 billion. a. Calculate the Starbucks’ ROE directly, and using the DuPont Identity. b. Comparing with the data for Peet’s in Problem 41, use the DuPont Identity to understand the difference between the two firms’ ROEs. Berk, J., & DeMarzo, P. (2014). Corporate Finance. Boston, MA: Pearson. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Question 1 Question(TCO G) Pick one of the ratios


discussed in the lecture or the text .


and provide an example of how that ratio might fluctuate seasonally.

(TCO G) Barnes Corp's total assets at the end of last Question 2 Questionyear were $415,000,000 and .


its net income after taxes was $17,750,000. What was its return on total assets? (TCO G) Between December 31, 2016 and December 31, 2017, ROE at

Question 3 QuestionBobcat Industries decreased even .


though sales increased. Using the DuPont Identity, explain what else could have happened to cause this.


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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_2_Problem_Set.docx, where flastname is your first initial and you last name, and submit it to the appropriate dropbox.

Chapter 4 (pages 132–136): 3. Calculate the future value of $2000 in a. five years at an interest rate of 5% per year; b. ten years at an interest rate of 5% per year; and c. five years at an interest rate of 10% per year.


d. Why is the amount of interest earned in part (a) less than half the amount of interest earned in part (b)? 4.What is the present value of $10,000 received a. twelve years from today when the interest rate is 4% per year; b. twenty years from today when the interest rate is 8% per year; and c. six years from today when the interest rate is 2% per year? 5.Your brother has offered to give you either $5,000 today or $10,000 in 10 years. If the interest rate is 7% per year, which option is preferable? 6.Consider the following alternatives. i. $100 received in 1 year ii. $200 received in 5 years iii. $300 received in 10 years a. Rank the alternatives from most valuable to least valuable if the interest rate is 10% per year. b. What is your ranking if the interest rate is only 5% per year? c. What is your ranking if the interest rate is 20% per year? 8.Your daughter is currently 8 years old. You anticipate that she will be going to college in 10 years. You would like to have $100,000 in a savings account to fund her education at that time. If the account promises to pay a fixed interest rate of 3% per year, how much money do you need to put into the account today to ensure that you will have $100,000 in 10 years? 9.You are thinking of retiring. Your retirement plan will pay you either $250,000 immediately on retirement or $350,000 5 years after the date of your retirement. Which alternative should you choose if the interest rate is a. 0% per year; b. 8% per year; and c. 20% per year? 14.You have been offered a unique investment opportunity. If you invest $10,000 today, you will receive $500 1 year from now, $1,500 2 years from now, and $10,000 10 years from now. a. What is the NPV of the opportunity if the interest rate is 6% per year? Should you take the opportunity? b. What is the NPV of the opportunity if the interest rate is 2% per year? Should you take it now? 36.You are thinking of purchasing a house. The house costs $350,000. You have $50,000 in cash that you can use as a down payment on the house, but you need to borrow the rest of the purchase price. The bank is offering a 30-year mortgage that requires annual payments and has an interest rate of 7% per year. What will your annual payment be if you sign up for this mortgage?


37.You would like to buy the house and take the mortgage described in Problem 36. You can afford to pay only $23,500 per year. The bank agrees to allow you to pay this amount each year, yet still borrow $300,000. At the end of the mortgage (in 30 years), you must make a balloonpayment; that is, you must repay the remaining balance on the mortgage. How much will this balloon payment be? 38.You have just made an offer on a new home and are seeking a mortgage. You need to borrow $600,000. a. The bank offers a 30-year mortgage with fixed monthly payments and an interest rate of 0.5% per month. What is the amount of your monthly payment if you take this loan? b. Alternatively, you can get a 15-year mortgage with fixed monthly payments and an interest rate of 0.4% per month. How much would your monthly payments be if you take this loan instead? *A.1. This problem is from the Appendix to Chapter 4. Your grandmother bought an annuity from Rock Solid Life Insurance Company for $200,000 when she retired. In exchange for the $200,000, Rock Solid will pay her $25,000 per year until she dies. The interest rate is 5%. How long must she live after the day she retired to come out ahead (that is, to get more in value than what she paid in)?


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Chapter 7 (pages 225–228): 1.


Your brother wants to borrow $10,000 from you. He has offered to pay you back $12,000 in a year. If the cost of capital of this investment opportunity is 10%, what is its NPV? Should you undertake the investment opportunity? Calculate the IRR and use it to determine the maximum deviation allowable in the cost of capital estimate to leave the decision unchanged. 8. You are considering an investment in a clothes distributor. The company needs $100,000 today and expects to repay you $120,000 in a year from now. What is the IRR of this investment opportunity? Given the riskiness of the investment opportunity, your cost of capital is 20%. What does the IRR rule say about whether you should invest? 19. You are a real estate agent thinking of placing a sign advertising your services at a local bus stop. The sign will cost $5,000 and will be posted for one year. You expect that it will generate additional revenue of $500 per month. What is the payback period? 21. You are deciding between two mutually exclusive investment opportunities. Both require the same initial investment of $10 million. Investment A will generate $2 million per year (starting at the end of the first year) in perpetuity. Investment B will generate $1.5 million at the end of the first year and its revenues will grow at 2% per year for every year after that. a. Which investment has the higher IRR? b. Which investment has the higher NPV when the cost of capital is 7%? c. In this case, for what values of the cost of capital does picking the higher IRR give the correct answer as to which investment is the best opportunity? Chapter 8 (260–262) 1. Pisa Pizza, a seller of frozen pizza, is considering introducing a healthier version of its pizza that will be low in cholesterol and contain no trans fats. The firm expects that sales of the new pizza will be $20 million per year. While many of these sales will be to new customers, Pisa Pizza estimates that 40% will come from customers who switch to the new, healthier pizza instead of buying the original version. a. Assume customers will spend the same amount on either version. What level of incremental sales is associated with introducing the new pizza? b. Suppose that 50% of the customers who will switch from Pisa Pizza’s original pizza to its healthier pizza will switch to another brand if Pisa Pizza does not introduce a healthier pizza. What level of incremental sales is associated with introducing the new pizza in this case? 6. Cellular Access, Inc. is a cellular telephone service provider that reported net income of $250 million for the most recent fiscal year. The firm had depreciation expenses of $100 million, capital expenditures of $200 million, and no interest expenses. Working capital increased by $10 million. Calculate the free cash flow for Cellular Access for the most recent fiscal year. VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

12. A bicycle manufacturer currently produces 300,000 units a year and expects output levels to remain steady in the future. It buys chains from an outside supplier at a price of $2 a chain. The plant manager believes that it would be cheaper to make these chains rather than buy them. Direct in-house production costs are estimated to be only $1.50 per chain. The necessary machinery would cost $250,000 and would be obsolete after 10 years. This investment could be depreciated to zero for tax purposes using a 10-year straight-line depreciation schedule. The plant manager estimates that the operation would require $50,000 of inventory and other working capital upfront (year 0), but argues that this sum can be ignored because it is recoverable at the end of the 10 years. Expected proceeds from scrapping the machinery after 10 years are $20,000. If the company pays tax at a rate of 35% and the opportunity cost of capital is 15%, what is the net present value of the decision to produce the chains in-house instead of purchasing them from the supplier? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_4_Problem_Set.docx, where flastname is your first initial and your last name, and submit it to the appropriate dropbox. Bonds-1. Interest on a certain issue of bonds is paid annually with a coupon rate of 8%. The bonds have a par value of $1,000. The yield to maturity is 9%. What is the current market piece of these bonds? The bonds will mature in 5 years. Bonds-2.A certain bond has 12 years left to maturity. Interest is paid annually at a coupon rate of 10%. The bonds are currently selling for $850. What is their YTM?


Bonds-3. A certain bond pays a semiannual coupon rate at a 10% annual rate. The bond has a par value of $1,000. There are eight years to maturity. The yield to maturity is 9%. What is the current price of the bond? Bonds-4. A particular corporate bond has a par value of $1,000. Coupon payments are $40 and are paid twice a year. Seven years are left on the life of the bond.The YTM is 9%. What is the price of the bond? Bond-5. A given bond has 5 years to maturity. It has a face value of $1,000. It has a YTM of 5% and the coupons are paid semiannually at a 10% annual rate. What does the bond currently sell for? Bond-6. A given bond has five years left to maturity. Interest is paid annually and the annual coupon rate is 9%. The par value of the bond is $1,000. The bond currently sells for $1,000. What is the yield to maturity? Chapter 9 (pages 303–203): 1. Assume Evco, Inc., has a current price of $50 and will pay a $2 dividend in 1 year, and its equity cost of capital is 15%. What price must you expect it to sell for right after paying the dividend in 1 year in order to justify its current price? 5. NoGrowth Corporation currently pays a dividend of $2 per year, and it will continue to pay this dividend forever. What is the price per share if its equity cost of capital is 15% per year? 6. Summit Systems will pay a dividend of $1.50 this year. If you expect Summit’s dividend to grow by 6% per year, what is its price per share if its equity cost of capital is 11%? 7. Dorpac Corporation has a dividend yield of 1.5%. Dorpac’s equity cost of capital is 8%, and its dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate. a. What is the expected growth rate of Dorpac’s dividends? b. What is the expected growth rate of Dorpac’s share price? 12. Procter & Gamble will pay an annual dividend of $0.65 1 year from now. Analysts expect this dividend to grow at 12% per year thereafter until the fifth year. After then, growth will level off at 2% per year. According to the dividend-discount model, what is the value of a share of Procter & Gamble stock if the firm’s equity cost of capital is 8%? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_6_Problem_Set.docx (where flastname is your first initial and your last name), and submit it to the appropriate Dropbox. Chapter 29 (pages 983-984): 1.What inherent characteristic of corporations creates the need for a system of checks on manager behavior? 2.What are some examples of agency problems? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the corporate organizational structure? 4.What is the role of the board of directors in corporate governance? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Answer the following questions and solve the following problems in the space provided. When you are done, save the file in the format flastname_Week_7_Problem_Set.docx (where flastname is your first initial and your last name), and submit it to the appropriate Dropbox. Chapter 26 (page 903): 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is the difference between a firm’s cash cycle and its operating cycle? b. How will a firm’s cash cycle be affected if a firm increases its inventory, all else being equal? c. How will a firm’s cash cycle be affected if a firm begins to take the discounts offered by its suppliers, all else being equal? 4.The Greek Connection had sales of $32 million in 2012, and a cost of goods sold of $20 million. A simplified balance sheet for the firm appears below:


THE GREEK CONNECTION Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2012 (in $ thousand) Assets Liabilities and Equity Cash $ 2,000 Accounts receivable 3,950 Inventory 1,300 Total current assets $ 7,250 Net plant, property, and equipment Total assets

$ 8,500 $ 15,750

Accounts payable $ 1,500 Notes payable 1,000 Accruals 1,220 Total current liabilities $ 3,720 Long-term debt 3,000 Total liabilities $ 6,720 Common equity 9,030 Total liabilities and equity $ 15,750

a. Calculate The Greek Connection’s net working capital in 2012. b. Calculate the cash conversion cycle of The Greek Connection in 2012. c. The industry average accounts receivable days is 30 days. What would the cash conversion cycle for The Greek Connection have been in 2012 if it had matched the industry average for accounts receivable days? 5. Assume the credit terms offered to your firm by your suppliers are 3/5, Net 30. Calculate the cost of the trade credit if your firm does not take the discount and pays on day 30. Chapter 27 (page 925): 1. Which of the following companies are likely to have high short-term financing needs? Why? a. A clothing retailer b. A professional sports team c. An electric utility d. A company that operates toll roads e. A restaurant chain 2. Sailboats Etc. is a retail company specializing in sailboats and other sailing-related equipment. The following table contains financial forecasts as well as current (month 0) working capital levels. During which months are the firm’s seasonal working capital needs the greatest? When does it have surplus cash? Month ($000) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Net $10 $12 $15 $25 $30 $18 Income Depreci 2 3 3 4 5 4 ation Capital Expendi 1 0 0 1 0 0 tures Levels of Workin g Capital Accounts Receivable $2 3 4 5 7 10 6 Inventory 3 2 4 5 5 4 2 Accounts Payable 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


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Final Exam Page 1

1. (TCO A) Which of the following does NOT always increase a company's market value? (Points : 5) 2. (TCO F) Which of the following statements is correct? (Points : 5) 3. (TCO D) Church Inc. is presently enjoying relatively high growth because of a surge in the demand for its new product. Management expects earnings and dividends to grow at a rate of 25% for the next 4 years, after which competition will probably reduce the growth rate in earnings and dividends to zero, i.e., g = 0. The company's last dividend, D0, was $1.25, its beta is 1.20, the market risk premium is 5.50%, and the riskfree rate is 3.00%. What is the current price of the common stock? (Points : 20)

4. (TCO G) Singal Inc. is preparing its cash budget. It expects to have sales of $30,000 in January, $35,000 in February, and $35,000 in March. If 20% of sales are for cash, 40% are credit sales paid in the month after the sale, and another 40% are credit sales paid 2 months after the sale, what are the expected cash receipts for March? (Points : 20) Final Exam Page 2 1. (TCO H) Zervos Inc. had the following data for 2008 (in millions). The new CFO believes (a) that an improved inventory management system could lower the average inventory by $4,000, (b) that improvements in the credit department could reduce receivables by $2,000, and (c) that VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

the purchasing department could negotiate better credit terms and thereby increase accounts payable by $2,000. Furthermore, she thinks that these changes would not affect either sales or the costs of goods sold. If these changes were made, by how many days would the cash conversion cycle be lowered?

Original Revised Annual sales: unchanged Cost of goods sold: unchanged Average inventory: lowered by $4,000 Average receivables: lowered by $2,000 Average payables: increased by $2,000 Days in year

$110,000 $110,000 $80,000 $80,000 $20,000 $16,000 $16,000 $14,000 $10,000 $12,000 365 365

e. 49.8 (Points : 30)

2. (TCO C) Bumpas Enterprises purchases $4,562,500 in goods per year from its sole supplier on terms of 2/15, net 50. If the firm chooses to pay on time but does not take the discount, what is the effective annual percentage cost of its nonfree trade credit? (Assume a 365-day year.) (Points : 30)

3. (TCO E) You were hired as a consultant to the Quigley Company, whose target capital structure is 35% debt, 10% preferred, and 55% common equity. The interest rate on new debt is 6.50%, the yield on the preferred is 6.00%, the cost of common from retained earnings is 11.25%, and the tax rate is 40%. The firm will not be issuing any new common stock. What is Quigley's WACC? (Points : 30) 5. (TCO G) Based on the corporate valuation model, Hunsader's value of operations is $300 million. The balance sheet shows $20 million of short-term investments that are unrelated to operations, $50 million of accounts payable, $90 million of notes payable, $30 million of long-term debt, $40 million of preferred stock, and $100 million of common equity. The company has 10 million shares of stock outstanding. What is the best estimate of the stock's price per share?


(Points : 35)

6. TCO G) Clayton Industries is planning its operations for next year, and Ronnie Clayton, the CEO, wants you to forecast the firm's additional funds needed (AFN). The firm is operating at full capacity. Data for use in your forecast are shown below. Based on the AFN equation, what is the AFN for the coming year? Dollars are in millions. Last year's sales = S0 $350 Last year's accounts payable $40 Sales growth rate = g 30% Last year's notes payable $50 Last year's total assets = A0* $500 Last year's accruals $30 Last year's profit margin = PM 5% Target payout ratio 60%


DEVRY GSCM 520 WEEK 1 CASE STUDY IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DEVRY-GSCM-520-WEEK-1-CASE-STUDY-744984933.htm?categoryId=-1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Problems identified in the case The main problem identified in the case is related to outsourcing of products. The concern for quality of products from manufacturing units in China and the threat of compromising with their delivery of speed are the two main problem identified in the case. The rising demands of their products have led to their decision to outsource bags from China due to lower manufacturing costs. But then there are concerns from a group of people that this decision would make them compromise with the very reasons they have gained popularity. First is the quality and second the speed of delivering products within two day.

Question 1: Consider the two categories of products that Timbuk2 makes and sells. For the custom messenger bag, what are the key competitive dimensions that are driving sales? Are their competitive priorities different for the new laptop bags sourced in China?

2、Compare the assembly line in China to that in San Francisco along the following dimensions(1)volume or rate of production,(2) required skill of the workers,(3) level of automation, and (4) amount of raw materials and finished goods inventory.

Question 3: Draw two diagrams, one depicting the supply chain for those products sourced in China and the other depicting the bags produced in San Francisco. Show all the major steps, including raw material, manufacturing, finished goods, distribution inventory and VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

transportation. Other than manufacturing cost, what other costs should Timbuk2 consider when making the sourcing decision? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Question 1.1. (TCO 5) In most cases, demand for products or services can be broken down into several components. Which of the following is not considered a component of demand? (Points : 3) Average demand for a period A trend Seasonal elements Past data Autocorrelation Question 2.2. (TCO 5) In most cases, demand for products or services can be broken into several components. Which of the following is considered a component of demand? (Points : 3) Forecast error Autocorrelation Previous demand Consistent demand Repeat demand Question 3.3. (TCO 5) Which of the following forecasting methodologies is considered a causal forecasting technique? (Points : 3) Exponential smoothing Weighted moving average Linear regression Historical analogy Market research Question 4.4. (TCO 5) Which of the following forecasting methods uses executive judgment as its primary component for forecasting? (Points : 3) Historical analogy Time series analysis Panel consensus Market research VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Linear regression Question 5.5. (TCO 5) In business forecasting, what is usually considered a long-term time period? (Points : 3) Three months or longer Six months or longer One year or longer Two years or longer Ten years or longer Question 6.6. (TCO 5) In general, which forecasting time frame best identifies seasonal effects? (Points : 3) Short-term forecasts Quick-time forecasts Long range forecasts Medium term forecasts Rapid change forecasts Question 7.7. (TCO 5) The ability to rapidly and inexpensively switch production from one product to another enables what are sometimes referred to as (Points : 3) economies of scale. economies of size. economies of shape. economies of scope. economies of shipping. Question 8.8. (TCO 5) If the best operating level of a piece of equipment is at a rate of 400 units per hour and the actual output during an hour is 300 units, which of the following is the capacity utilization rate? (Points : 3) 0.75 1.00 1.33 2.33 300 Question 9.9. (TCO 5) The capacity focus concept can be put into practice through a mechanism called which of the following? (Points : 3) Best operating level (BOL) Plant within a plant (PWP) Total quality management (TQM) Capacity utilization rate (CUR) Zero-changeover-time (ZXT) Question 10.10. (TCO 5) At a decision point in a decision tree, which machine would you select


when trying to maximize payoff when the anticipated benefit of selecting machine A is $45,000 with a probability of 90%, the expected benefit of selecting machine B is $80,000 with a probability of 50%, and the expected benefit of selecting machine C is $60,000 with a probability of 75%? (Points : 3) Machine A Machine B Machine C You would be indifferent between machines A and C. You would be indifferent between machines A and B.


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Question 1.1. (TCO 6) The philosophical leaders of the quality movement, Philip Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, and Joseph M. Juran, had the same general message about what it took to achieve outstanding quality. Which of the following was not part of that message? (Points : 3) Quality is free Leadership from senior management Customer focus Total involvement of the workforce Continuous improvement Question 2.2. (TCO 6) Fishbone diagram as part of a six-sigma quality improvement process might be found in which DMAIC category? (Points : 3) Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Question 3.3. (TCO 6) A Pareto chart as part of a


six-sigma quality improvement process might be found in which DMAIC category? (Points : 3) Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Question 4.4. (TCO 6) Which of the following is not an analytical tool used in six-sigma quality improvement programs? (Points : 3) Flow charts Run charts Control charts Pareto diagrams Decision diagrams Question 5.5. (TCO 6) The Malcolm Baldrige award selection process helps improve quality and productivity by which of the following means? (Points : 3) Stimulating foreign based suppliers of American companies to improve quality Reporting quality levels among American firms Identifying American firms with the most difficult quality problems Providing feedback to applicants by the examiners Helping Baldrige award winners increase their sales Question 6.6. (TCO 3) In the textbook, Toyota's Fujio Cho identified which of the following types of waste to be eliminated? (Points : 3) Underproduction Excess quality Preventive maintenance Product defects Kaizen Question 7.7. (TCO 3) In a lean production system we expect to see which of the following? (Points : 3) No extra inventory Extra inventory of critical parts held just-incase More parts and fewer standardized product configurations Managers being held responsible for quality of the work turned out Closer management-labor relationships Question 8.8. (TCO 3) In the textbook, Toyota's


Fujio Cho identified which of the following types of waste to be eliminated? (Points : 3) Excess quality Motion Excess capacity Underproduction Excess demand Question 9.9. (TCO 3) Group technology (GT) is credited with which of the following benefits? (Points : 3) Reducing waiting time between process operations Improving inventory discipline Reducing required workforce skills Improved labor relations Improved small group functioning Question 10.10. (TCO 3) To implement lean production schedules, a firm would do which of the following? (Points : 3) Have excess capacity Force demand Hire a consultant Bottom-up management Implement Kanban groups


Devry GSCM 520 Week 4 Quiz IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-GSCM-520-Week-4-Quiz-5906676.htm? categoryId=-1 If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Page 1

Question 1. 1. (TCO 7) Using the assembly-line balancing procedure, which of the following is the theoretical minimum number of workstations if the task times for the six tasks that make up the job are 4, 6, 7, 2, 6, and 5 minutes and the cycle time is 10 minutes? (Points : 3) Three Five Six Eight None of the above


Question 2. 2. (TCO 7) You have just determined the actual number of workstations that will be used on an assembly line to be eight using the assembly-line balancing procedure. The cycle time of the line is 10 minutes and the sum of all that tasks required on the line is 60 minutes. Which of the following is the correct value for the resulting line's efficiency? (Points : 3) 0.500 0.650 0.750 0.850 None of the above Question 3. 3. (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a step in developing a manufacturing cell layout? (Points : 3) Grouping parts into families that follow a common sequence of steps Identifying dominant flow patterns of parts families as a basis for location of processes Physically grouping machines and processes into cells Disposing of left-over machinery and outsourcing ungrouped processes None of the above Question 4. 4. (TCO 7) A difference between project and continuous flow categories of process flow structures is which one of the following? (Points : 3) The size and bulk of the product Discrete parts moving from workstation to workstation Degree of equipment specialization Being a Virtual Factory Profit per unit Question 5. 5. (TCO 7) Which of the following is a basic type of process structure? (Points : 3) Process flow diagram Product matrix Process matrix Work center Manual assembly Question 6. 6. (TCO 7) Which of the following is a suggestion for managing queues that are mentioned in the textbook? (Points : 3) Put up a serpentine lane to keep people from jumping ahead in line. Use humor to defuse a potentially irritating situation. Segment the customers. VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Assure customers that the wait is fair and inform them of the queue discipline. Tell people in the queue that each will be served as soon as possible. Question 7. 7. (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a suggestion for managing queues presented in the textbook? (Points : 3) Train your servers to be friendly. Segment the customers. Determine an acceptable waiting time for your customers. Inform your customers of what to expect. Encourage customers to come during slack periods. Question 8. 8. (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a queue discipline discussed in the textbook? (Points : 3) First come, first served Last in, first out Limited needs Shortest processing time Best customer first Question 9. 9. (TCO 7) A roller coaster ride in an amusement park employs which type of queuing system line structure? (Points : 3) Single channel, single phase Single channel, multiphase Multichannel, single phase Multichannel, multiphase None of the above Question 10. 10. (TCO 7) Which of the following is a characteristic that can be used to guide the design of service systems? (Points : 3) Services cannot be inventoried. Services are all similar. Quality work means quality service. Services businesses are inherently entrepreneurial. Even service businesses have internal services.


DEVRY GSCM 520 WEEK 6 CASE STUDY IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM


If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Grainger: Reengineering the China/U.S. Supply Chain • Evaluate the current China/Taiwan logistics costs. Assume a current total volume of 190,000 CBM and that 89% is shipped direct from the supply is plants in containers. Using the data from the case and assume that the supplier-loaded container is 85% full. Assume that consolidation centers are run at each of the four port locations. The consolidation centers only use 40-foot containers and fill them to 96% capacity.

• Assume that it costs $480 to ship a 20-foot container and $600 to ship a 40-foot container. What is the total cost to get the containers to the United States? Do you include U.S. port costs in this part of the analysis?


DEVRY GSCM 520 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DEVRY-GSCM-520-WEEK-7-CASE-STUDY-4880440.htm?categoryId=-1

If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Distribution Center Location-Grainger Please address the following: Relative to the U.S. distribution network, calculate the costs associated with running the existing system. Assume that 40% of the volume arrives in Seattle and 60% in Los Angeles, and the port processing fee for federal processing at both locations is $5.00 per CBM. Assume that everything is transferred to the Kansas City distribution center by rail, where it is unloaded and quality checked. Assume that all volume is then transferred by truck to the nine existing warehouses in the United States .



DeVRY GSCM 530 All Discussions Questions IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DeVRY-GSCM-530-All-Discussions-Questions-754840404.htm?categoryId=-1

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Week 1

Demand Management and Forecasting From a Systems Perspective (graded) Explain the operations planning and demand management activities across the supply chain.

Compare Various Options and Approaches to Forecasting (graded) Differentiate among demand planning, demand forecasting, and demand management activities.

Week 2

Sales and Operations Planning (graded) Explain the sales and operations planning process and describe why it needs to be a dynamic process.

Aggregate Planning for Production and Services (graded) Define the contents of aggregate plans and explain the differences between aggregate planning for manufacturing versus service companies.

Week 3

Master Production Scheduling (MPS) (graded) Explain the master production scheduling process and describe information and data inputs and outputs.

Bills of Material (BOM) and Material Requirements Planning (MRP) (graded) Define different bills of material (BOMs) structures and explain the MRP process and when it should be used.


Week 4

Master Production Scheduling (MPS) (graded) Explain the master production scheduling process and describe information and data inputs and outputs.

Bills of Material (BOM) and Material Requirements Planning (MRP) (graded) Define different bills of material (BOMs) structures and explain the MRP process and when it should be used.

Week 5

Project Management (graded) What are the different types of projects and organization structures used in supply chain environments?

Project Scheduling (graded) Calculate the critical path in a project and the duration of the project.

Week 6

Process Mapping and Analysis (graded) Explain the relationships between processes and value.

Customer Service Management (graded) Describe how operations and supply chain management balance supply and demand to exceed customer expectations.

Week 7

Inventory Strategies and Policies (graded) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different inventory strategies and policies.

Inventory Financial Impacts and Service Levels (graded) Explain and calculate asset productivity and customer service as they relate to the measures of inventory performance.


DeVry GSCM 530 All Quizzes - Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download http://www.hwspeed.com/DeVry-GSCM-530-All-Quizzes-Latest-545409504.htm?categoryId=-1

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Question 1.1.(TCO 1) Different levels of planning in supply chain operations management include(Points : 5) general and detailed planning. strategic, tactical, and operational planning. long-term and short-term planning. logistical, operational, and procurement planning.

Question 2.2.(TCO’s 1) Which of the following is a measure common to both the strategic profit model and the SCOR model?(Points : 5) Responsiveness Return on assets Delivery performance Lead time

Question 3.3.(TCO 1) The demand for housing is characterized by a regular pattern of increasing to a peak, then falling. When the demand reaches a low point, it then repeats the pattern. This pattern usually takes place over a 3- to 5-year period. This is an example of which type of demand pattern?(Points : 5) Autocorrelation Seasonality and cycles Step change Trend

Question 4.4.(TCO 1) For Platinum Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, Saturday is the best day of the week for business. The gambling take for the hotel on Saturdays over the past 4 weeks was as follows. Week $ Take (1) $250,000 (2) $190,000 (3) $300,000 (4) $280,000 Using a moving average withn= 3 terms, what would be the forecast for Week 5.(Points : 5) $256,667 $246,667 $255,000 $232,124 VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Question 5.5.(TCO 1) Assume that the forecast for the last period is FITt = 200 units, and recent experience suggests a likely sales increase of 10 units each period. Actual sales for the last period reached 230 units. Assuming a smoothing coefficient of ? = 0.20 and a trend smoothing coefficient of ? = 0.10, what is the BASE forecast for the next period?(Points : 5) 210 206 236 226

Question 6.6.(TCO 1) The tracking signal will suggest to a manager that(Points : 5) demand for an item is changing. there is seasonality in demand. a forecast mode's parameters may need adjustment. All of the above Week 2 Strategic-level planning Tactical planning Detailed operational planning Long-term planning Question 2. 2. (TCO 2) Each month the sales and operations team at Johnson Company meets to develop plans for each of the next 6 months. This process is known as (Points : 5) collaborative planning and forecasting. rolling planning horizons. unconstrained planning. continuous planning.

Question 3. 3. (TCO 2) If a company strongly prefers that its aggregate output plan be closer to a level plan than a chase plan, this implies that it is concerned about minimizing (Points : 5) inventory carrying costs. hiring and layoff costs. the cost of subcontracting. Both A and C Both B and C

Question 4. 4. (TCO 2) Zanda Corp. and Jones Corp. are identical in every way (products produced, costs, demand, etc.) except for one. Zanda uses a level production plan while Jones prefers a chase production plan. Which of the following is most likely to be true? (Points : 5) Jones will have higher investment in plant and equipment. Jones will have higher hiring and firing costs. Jones will have lower inventory carrying costs. All of the above


Question 5. 5. (TCO 2) Jones Corporation is preparing an aggregate production plan for washers for the next four quarters. The company's expected quarterly demand is given in the following chart. The company will have 1,000 washers in inventory at the beginning of the year and wishes to maintain at least that number at the end of each quarter. The following are other critical data. Production cost per unit = $250 Inventory carrying cost per quarter per unit = $10 (based on quarter-ending inventory) Hiring cost per worker = $1,000 Firing cost per worker = $2,000 Beginning number of workers = 10 Each worker can produce 100 units per quarter. Any worker on the staff at the end of the year will not be fired at that time. Given these data, what is the inventory carrying cost of a level plan? (Points : 5) $100,000 $700,000 $70,000 $7,000

Question 6. 6. (TCO 2) You are sitting next to a person in business class on a flight from Los Angeles to Sydney, Australia. You mention to that person that you got your ticket 2 months ago for only $12,500. The person responds that she bought her ticket 2 days ago for $7,800. This sometimes happens because airlines often use an approach called (Points : 5) capacity management. yield management. load management. workforce leveling. Week 3 Question 1.1.(TCO 4) MRP is a process that would be most applicable in which situation? (Points : 5) Planning requirements for repair parts for production equipment in a manufacturing plant Planning requirements for safety stocks of finished goods in a distribution center Planning requirements for bicycle seats in a bicycle production plant A and C None of the above Question 2.2.(TCO 4) The longest lead time path in the BOM is the(Points : 5) time bucket. planning horizon. time window. cumulative lead time. Question 3.3.(TCO 4) A master production schedule shows the following information.

Using a lot-for-lot rule, what is the MPS quantity for Period 1?(Points : 5) 90 80 100



Question 4.4.(TCO 4) Which of the following is not included in the information about the inventory records file for an item?(Points : 5) Safety stock Preferred order quantity Net requirements Lead time Question 5.5.(TCO 4) The following table shows capacity requirements data for making toys. A load profile would show(Points : 5) load above capacity in Periods 3 and 5. load below capacity in Periods 1 and 3. that load is never exactly equal to capacity in all periods. None of the above Question 6.6.(TCO 4) The positioning and replenishment of finished goods inventories at the retail level can be determined using(Points : 5) MRP. CRP. DRP. RFID. Week 4 1.(TCO 3) A bottleneck activity in a process is generally the activity with(Points : 5) the smallest number of resources devoted to it. the least capacity. no delays in front of it. the highest cost.

Question 2.2.TCO 3) If a company can eliminate all sources of variance in a process, then(Points : 5) it will be able to operate at maximum capacity at all times. there will be no constraints in the process. continuous improvement will not be necessary. None of the above

Question 3.3.(TCO 3) Which of the following statements about economies of scale is not true? (Points : 5) One reason economies of scale occur is because fixed costs can be spread over more units of production as output increases. One reason economies of scale occur is because employees become more efficient as volume increases. Economy of scale refers to the fact that as volume increases, total cost of production decreases. Economies of scale may not exist at all levels of production. VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

Question 4.4.(TCO 5) End item A is made by assembling two parts of B and four parts of C. Part C is made from three parts of D and 2 parts of E. Gross requirements for end item A are 100 units.

What is the net requirement for part C?(Points : 5) 70 units 200 units 125 units 100 units

Question 5.5.(TCO 5) The positioning and replenishment of finished goods inventories at the retail level can be determined using(Points : 5) MRP. CRP. DRP. RFID.

Question 6.6.(TCO 5) Benefits of ERP systems include all of the following except(Points : 5) easy implementation. fewer data entry errors. more informed business decisions. improved customer service. Week 5 Question 1.1.(TCO 6) Which of the following are technological factors affecting the success of a project?(Points : 5) Experience and authority of team members Equipment, facilities, and communications systems Organizational structure and reward systems B and C A, B and C Question 2.2.(TCO 6) In the project for Colson Corp. shown in Exhibit 15-1, does any task have slack? If so, how much? Exhibit 15-1 (Points : 5) None of the tasks have slack. Task B has 3 days of slack. Task C has 4 days of slack. Task D has 2 days of slack. Task C has 3 days of slack. Question 3.3.(TCO 6) The forward pass in a critical path algorithm involves(Points : 5) calculating the late finish and late start for each task. calculating the late finish and the earliest possible start times for each task. calculating the earliest possible start and finish times for each task. calculating the earliest possible start and late start for each task.


Question 4.4.(TCO 6) In evaluating time-cost trade-offs, we start by crashing the task on the critical path that(Points : 5) has the lowest cost to reduce by one unit of time. has the lowest total crash cost. can be reduced the most. is the longest. None of the above Question 5.5.(TCO 6) Given the tasks, estimated durations, and crash costs shown below, what is the total cost of the steps needed to provide the cheapest way to reduce the project length by 3 days? (Points : 5) $2,800 $2,500 $1,100 $2,300 Question 6.6.(TCO 6) Why does project management often involve the management of conflict? (Points : 5) Projects often compete with routine operations and other projects for resources and personnel. Project managers are under greater pressures than other managers in a firm. Projects are often staffed with personnel who may have greater allegiance to their functional managers than to the project managers. A and C

Week 6 Question 1.1.(TCO 7) You, as a supply chain analyst, have been approached by the vice president of supply chain operations to come up with a recommendation for improving the throughput time for the manufacture of Widget A. You quickly realize that you need a process map before you proceed. What is the first step you should undertake to map the process?(Points : 5) Draw a detailed schematic of the inputs and outputs of the process in question. Identify the desired outcomes of the process. Analyze the process and prioritize opportunities for improvement. Document the existing process (the "current state" map).

Question 2.2.(TCO 7) An activity identified by a question mark is typically a(n)(Points : 5) value-adding activity. necessary activity. unknown activity. None of the above

Question 3.3.(TCO 7) The principles of process improvement suggest that an effective, efficient process(Points : 5) maximizes the number of sequential activities and minimizes the number of parallel ones. eliminates all non-value-added steps. minimizes the number of entry points of a workpiece into the process. VISIT: WWW.HWSPEED.COM

minimizes reliance on departments outside of manufacturing.

Question 4.4.(TCO 7) From an operations perspective, companies should strive to(Points : 5) provide customer success to all customers. realize that different customer management approaches may be appropriate for different customers. realize that all customers desire close customer success types of relationships. never refuse to do business with a customer.

Question 5.5.(TCO 7) A firm has found that it provides a 90% order fill rate (orders shipped complete) and 90% on-time delivery, 90% of its orders arrive at customers' destination in perfect condition, and 90% of the time all documentation is correct. These are all the elements of a perfect order for this company's customers. What is the best estimate of its perfect order performance?(Points : 5) 90% 60% 0% 66%

Question 6.6.(TCO 7) Alpha Company has a performance standard of 97% fill rate. Last month it achieved a 94% fill rate. This is an example of(Points : 5) a knowledge gap. a standards gap. a performance gap. a perception gap. Week 7 Question 1.1.(TCO 8) Which of the following is not a role of inventory?(Points : 5) Increasing quality of finished goods Balancing supply and demand Buffering uncertainty in supply or demand Enabling geographical specialization Question 2.2.(TCO 8) Suppose demand is 45 units a month, average inventory is 60 units, and unit cost is $20. What is the annual inventory turnover?(Points : 5) 10 9 0.75 15 Question 3.3.(TCO 8) If beginning inventory is $1,000,000, ending inventory is $1,400,000, sales are $10,000,000, and anticipated sales are $50,000 per day, what is the number of days of supply?(Points : 5) 28 days 70 days 60 days 32 days


Question 4.4.(TCO 8) Jones Manufacturing Inc. purchases a component from a Chilean supplier. The demand for that component is exactly 70 units each day. The company is open for business 250 days each year. When the company reorders the product, the lead time from the supplier is exactly 10 days. The product costs $14.00. The company determined that its inventory carrying cost is 20%. The company's order cost is $30.00. If the company decides to order 1,750 units each time it places an order, what will be the total annual cost of this policy? (Do not include the product cost in your answer.)(Points : 5) $1,500 $2,400 $2,750 $3,400 Question 5.5.(TCO 8) Jones Company has calculated that the EOQ for a particular item is 1,000 units. However, Jones does not have enough capital to order that many units each time, so it only orders 250 units at a time. This will result in(Points : 5) higher annual inventory carrying cost than ordering the EOQ quantity. lower annual inventory carrying cost than ordering the EOQ quantity. lower annual ordering cost than ordering the EOQ quantity. This cannot be determined. Question 6.6.(TCO 8) A company has average demand of 30 units per day. Lead time from the supplier averages 7 days. Assume that the combined standard deviation of demand during lead time has been calculated and is equal to 20 units. One unit costs $10 and the inventory carrying cost is 25%. What is the reorder point for the company if it decides on a 99% service level?(Points : 5) 243 units 257 units 77 units 210 units


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