Annual Report 2020

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Well-being is our Foundation

Well-being is our Foundation

Fundación Privada Indera N.I.F.: G 64748080 1 | Contact
Address: C/Hospital, 53 2o, 08001 Barcelona. Tel: (+34) 933 488 814 Email: Website:
TABLE OF CONTENT Words from INDERA’s director, Rachel Andras page 3 About INDERA page 5 Our foundations page 9 The True2You Magazine page 11 Video Production page 15 Reports page 23 Resources page 29 Training page 37 INDERA in figures page 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Table of content | 2 © Iris Pohl



“ This year was a very productive one. You may have thought that the global pandemic was going to make us stop, but we initiated a movement that is unstoppable. If you cannot reach outward you always have the possibility to deepen inwards and expand on what is there on offer for the all, ready to bring it out when the call is there. “

3 | Words from INDERA’s Director
Well-being is our Foundation
© Iris Pohl

We all felt the impact of the forced separation and of not being able to have the physical contact, to meet, learn and explore together. In spite of that, we seized the day and became more visible than ever!!

We have totally revamped our Website, have launched the #ICanSayNo Website and the True2You Magazine in its online format.

We have set the foundation for our True2You Online Portal, which will be developed and launched in 2021 to reach out to even more young people and support them in facing the impactful changes to their lives on top of the already existing challenges.

We also have developed new teaching materials and videos and built a wealth of resources for the young (and the professionals supporting them) with a clear message: whatever life situation you are in be and stay true2you.

The increase in domestic violence and gender-based violence during the lockdown is saddening yet not surprising. It is a mere confirmation of how far off track we are in living and how urgent it is to build truly supportive, loving and respectful environments.

The online world has become even more prevalent in all our lives and the isolation and separation that was already a growing disease, specifically in young people has put many in very difficult situations.

This year 2020 we have focused on strengthening youth to support each other and claim the grandness they are and we are devoted to expand in 2021 and build true wellbeing together.

With warm regards

Words from INDERA’s Director | 4


INDERA is a non-profit organization working internationally for gender equality and women’s human rights worldwide. Founded in 2007, INDERA has been raising awareness and delivering projects that inspire a much needed paradigm shift.

INDERA envisions a world where everybody is provided with the resources and opportunities to live and express the qualities of love, tenderness, nurturing, sensitivity, awareness & strength that are natural to us all, regardless of gender.

INDERA aims to empower people of all ages, professions and backgrounds to truly embrace their full power. We understand that simple daily choices can have a big impact, both personally and globally, to shift patterns of abuse, ill-health and inequality. This makes way for empowerment, harmony and true wellbeing to become our everyday experience.

5 | About INDERA
About INDERA | 6 © Iris Pohl

We collaborate & network at an international level

Through partnerships and networking we bring together different skills, resour ces and stakeholders with the aim to not only solve problems, but to uncover the root causes of the issues we observe in society today.

We raise awareness & advocate for true change

INDERA raises awareness about the fact that advocating for women’s human rights and gender equality has two vital aspects:

• The promotion of normative frameworks, therefore rights, which give place to a range of legal entitlements.

• The absolute responsibility and integrity each individual lives in and therefore the quality we contribute to the whole.

7 | About INDERA © Iris Pohl

We Educate

INDERA offers educational programs for young people and professional training to a diverse range of ages and professions including teachers, youth professionals, parents, policy makers, media, as well as companies and public institutions.

We develop resources & conduct research

We develop educational materials, resources and conduct research to strengthen the capabilities of people and institutions. We support people to understand that the key to establishing a truly caring society is to reconnect to the intelligence of the body.

About INDERA | 8



At INDERA, we are dedicated to setting new standards of harmony, understanding, love and respect between men and women, through our individual and collective responsibility as living units whose true power is found within.


Supporting people to live a life of true well-being is at the heart of all of INDERA’s work. Learning to self-care is the key first step towards wellbeing. As we are growing up, we are not encouraged to care for ourselves first. When we begin to listen to the body and use it as our compass, we develop a deep knowing of who we are and the strength to deal with any challenges that life throws our way.

9 | Our Foundations
© Iris Pohl © Iris Pohl


At INDERA we support both women and men to realise the full power of their agency and develop resources that will support them to live a life of true wellbeing. INDERA does not define empowerment by people’s achievements but by their capacity to make choices for their well-being.


INDERA works with people of all ages to develop a body awareness that informs us about how to make choices that are loving and supportive for ourselves and others. Body awareness empowers people to take agency over their own lives, by building a strong quality of self-worth and harmony within the body that serves as an inner compass to navigate their way through life.

Our Foundations | 10
© Iris Pohl © Iris Pohl © Steffi Henn

The True2You Magazine

The first edition of the True2You magazine on Cyberbullying and Sexual Abuse has been developed as part of the project “NOSGBV - #ISayNO”. The magazine provides a space to recognize what constitutes violence in both the physical and virtual worlds, supports youth by showing them useful skills for respectful communication and encourages them to confront peer pressure and the normalization of abusive behaviours.

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The True2You Magazine | 12
13 | The True2You Magazine

True2You Youth Magazine

In 2020 INDERA launched the Youth Magazine

True2You, published in English, Spanish, Catalan, Croatian, Serbian and Hungarian.

The magazine leads the way in educational material for young people.

There is no other educational material for youth that goes beyond teaching them security, protection and function in a system that has chronically failed them.

If we try to educate the ‘broken character’ that society has made us to believe we are, we will go around in circles failing youth over and over again as the character is just repeating the newly learned and supposed ‘better’ social script without applying any part of it to real life. That’s why we have well-informed young people who are making harming and unloving choices.

True2You is unique in its approach, addressing the wholesomeness of people’s essence – the part that is whole and complete, offering young people to build solidarity among themselves and identify their own and external boundaries to live in a way that clearly says NO to abuse

and violence and clearly YES to bodily integrity and setting standards of decency, respect and love. True2You offers young people tools to NOT be dominated by the ideals and beliefs that control our daily decisions and that we have normalized and often take for granted because we don’t know how to act differently.

It supports the young to live a true way of being – being true2you!

This first edition on cyber sexual abuse was developed in the context of the EU project “I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intima te partner relationships“ implemen ted by the Autonomous Women’s Center (AWC) in Beograd, Serbia; CESI – Centar Za Edukaciju Savjeto vanje I Istrazivanje in Zagreb, Croatia; Nok A Nokert Egyutt Az Eroszak Ellen Egyesulet – NANE in Budapest, Hungary and Fundación INDERA in Barcelona, Spain.

The True2You Magazine | 14
15 | Video Production © Iris Pohl

Video Production

Audiovisual language allows young people to contemplate the reality of events through facts, facilitating understanding and analysis and are an important source of communication both in formal and informal education as well as through social networks.

In 2020 INDERA has responded to this need and has produced a series of videos related to the theme of cyber sexual abuse and of sexual and gender-based violence.

Video Production | 16

With the financial support of the State Pact against Gender-Based Violence and the Generalitat de Catalunya, INDERA has produced the following videos:

#ISayNO to revenge porn

The video deals with the issue of ‘sexual revenge’ through the dissemination of intimate images of ‘ex-girlfriends’.

The video shows the conversation between two friends, one of whom, feeling anger against his ex-partner, wants to spread her intimate images on social networks. The friend takes a clear position of not accepting a friendship with someone who behaves in this way, communicating that this is abuse and violence and at the same time offering him a space to talk about his feelings.

17 | Video Production

#ISayYes to my body

This video deals with the taboo of virginity.

It shows two girls reflecting and talking about the taboo of virginity when you reach a certain age beyond adolescence and how society pushes girls to initiate sex even when they don’t feel ready. This video encourages young girls that taking care of and listening to their bodies is the most important thing and that they themselves have the ability and the right to make their own decisions.

Video Production | 18

#ISayNO to sexual abuse

Through the portrayal of a house party, a scene depicting ‘normalized’ sexual coercion in a leisure setting is shown.

This video addresses several key issues related to the fact that young people are socialized in a culture that normalizes and often encourages male power and aggression, specifically in the context of heterosexual relationships. Heterosexual violence is seen as commonplace, as is women’s resistance to it. Women’s sexuality is often not seen as their own, but as a matter in which men can meddle. Aggression is seen as part of being a man.

These social scripts of sexuality are ac quired and practiced during adolescence and mediate individuals’ sexual relations hips and interactions through dominant discourses that include basic cultural belie fs about gender and sex, such as “men are incapable of controlling sexual desire” or the link of “romance and aggression,” as depicted, for example, in most Hollywood romance films and series.

19 | Video Production
© Iris Pohl

This makes the behavior of sexual harassment and abuse to be considered as “normal” or as a way to “flirt”. A discourse that positions women to respond to harassment with a barrage of maneuvers such as avoidance and deflection of attention to keep themselves sheltered from this normalized male behavior which at the same time they desire, as social scripts dictate to them the role of being ‘desired’.

In this scene it is the male friend who acts to stop this abusive behavior, setting an example that it is the responsibility of men not to abuse.

Video Production | 20
21 | Video Production

With the financial support of the European Commission INDERA has produced the following video:

The best answers to the most annoying questions

In the framework of the European project #ICanChooseToSayNo we have produced a video that offers young people possible answers to the most tiresome and stereotypical questions.

Video Production | 22
23 | Reports © Iris Pohl

National and Transnational Reports

As part of the project “NOSGBV - #ISayNO” we have conducted surveys with youth and teachers to collect data on high school youth awareness and attitudes/strategies to address cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships and to learn about teachers’ attitudes and strategies to address cyber sexual and gender-based violence in school settings.

In addition to learning about the phenomenon, an additional objective of this survey was to inform future measures aimed at preventing digital intimate partner violence, both within the framework of the current project and for other stakeholders addressing this problem in the future.

Reports | 24


25 | Reports
June 2020 Reports | 26
Transnational Report for Hungary, Spain, Croatia and Serbia AWARENESS ATTITUDES AND
2020 27 | Reports
National Report Spain
29 | Resources © Iris Pohl

Resources for education, training, capacity building and awareness raising

We have developed resources for teachers, facilitators, youth workers, peer educators, popular education trainers, etc. that offer tools and working materials to create a space for people to review, discuss, feel and reconnect with what is happening in their lives.

Resources | 30

Training Manual for the prevention of Sexual Cyber-Violence and Gender-Based Violence

This Manual has been developed with the financial support of the European Union REC Program on Equality Rights and Citizenship (20142020) in collaboration with the Autonomous Women’s Centre in Serbia, CESI - Centar Za Edukaciju Savjetovanje I Istrrazivanje in Croatia and NANE - Nok A Nokert Egyutt Az Eroszak Ellen Egyesulet in Hungary.

It is a manual for peer trainers, teachers and others working with young people to sensitize and train in formal and non-formal educational settings to prevent sexual and gender-based violence by addressing its root causes as early as possible.

It has a Workshop Facilitation Guide, provides important contextual information and presents 8 workshops to empower youth to become agents of change, realizing that they have the power (individually and collectively) to stop violence and abuse from affecting their lives.

The manual can be downloaded from INDERA’s website:

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Resources | 32
33 | Resources

Manual Forma


With the financial support of the Obra Social Fundación “La Caixa” we have developed the FormaPRO-WELL-BEING Manual, introducing Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationships Education. This methodology offers sexual education from the point of well-being and prepares youth for life – a life of well-being. It supports youth to build body awareness that allows them to develop a way of going through life, being able to say no to abuse and the normalization of violence.

When it comes to sex, there is a lot at stake and a lot of interest. Given the intimate relationship between sexual health, healthy body and healthy relationships, working on this relationship in the educational context can have enormous benefits in terms of well-being, helping to reverse the harmful effects of living in a hyper-sexualized society that has normalized abuse, violence, degradation of the body in general and of the female body in particular.

With this innovative methodology, sex education can become a key instrument to work on the quality of the relationship we establish with ourselves and with others, since the approach of sex education based on the promotion of self-love and self-care has much to offer to a society that has lost the north of well-being.

Our experience of years of working with women and men of diverse ages and backgrounds shows us that what begins as self-care and at some point expands to self-nurturing is the key to developing a relationship with our body, which allows us to naturally access a greater individual well-being and that this becomes a significant factor that contributes to collective well-being.

The path to well-being begins by opening ourselves to the possibility that our body matters a lot and, therefore, that it is worth taking care of it (taking care of ourselves). The body is not only an indispensable instrument for life, but also the key to access the depths of our being and all that this brings in terms of possible well-being.

The manual also offers practical exercises that can help teachers in their day-to-day work with young people.

Resources | 34

Manual on the digital transformation of popular education

This manual has been elaborated with the financial support of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation - ACCD in the framework of the Project “Women for the right to peace and a life free of violence”, in collaboration with the Unitary Platform against Gender Violence, the Popular Women’s Organization (OFP) and the organization Uywexs Gaitana Few, both from Colombia.

Due to the exceptional situation experienced as a result of the health emergency, the Political Training School for the Empowerment and Leadership of Women in Colombia has had to adopt new digital teaching methods.

The challenge has been to transform popular education, an education based on a learning process through practice, experiences, reasoning and social context, and which thrives on dialogue and sharing experiences among participants, into something that can be done without physical contact, through social digital interactions.

35 | Resources

The collective construction of knowledge through dialogue is fundamental in the processes of popular education and therefore it has been essential to create these spaces in the virtual environment to ensure the social construction of knowledge.

The control of the dominant discourse takes various forms and one of them is to silence women’s bodies, which historically have been persecuted, oppressed, controlled with violence

and killed for their wisdom and true power that comes with the ability to live, read, know, understand, nurture, care and heal from their innate wisdom.

Therefore, this manual pursues on the one hand the purpose of providing training on how to access this world, but at the same time to raise awareness about the limitations of it, since it can serve to inform us as well as to mis-inform.

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37 | Training © Indera
Training | 38
Training, Education, Capacity Building and Exchange of Experiences

Teacher training on Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationships Education

Within the framework of the FormaPro-Wellbeing project, co-financed by Obra Social “La Caixa”, we have trained teachers and professionals who work with young people in Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationships Education, transferring tools, capacities and skills to effectively manage the enormous discomfort that today affects young people and which has enormous ramifications at an individual level (physical, emotional, psychological), at a relational level and at a collective level in the different social spheres in which they move.

Due to the health situation, face-toface training has had to be stopped and we have developed material to offer the training in an online course.

We also created a Community of Practice as a result of this training.

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Training | 40
© Indera

Training of Peer Educators

In the framework of the European project “NOSGBV - I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships” we have trained 24 peer educators. Due to the health situation we had to opt for a dual approach between face-to-face and virtual.

Peer learning offers a unique space for exchange and mutual learning on certain issues where young people who live and know first-hand the same reality are able to generate a learning space where it is possible to make fruitful exchanges in relation to real needs and common problems that each other suffer or have suffered.

Each student, as a receiver and giver of knowledge, works together with others to reflect, understand, share their experiences and learn from the experience both to act preventively to avoid falling into certain problems, and to know how to act in the face of them, developing knowledge, attitudes and skills that allow them to be responsible for their own health and wellbeing.

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Training | 42
© Indera
43 | Training © OFP

Empowerment and Leadership of women in Colombia

For several years now, the Organización Femenina Popular has been committed to the implementation of a Political Training School for the empowerment and leadership of women in Colombia. During its various editions, it has dealt with various topics such as feminist economics, conflict mediation, gender perspective and peace processes, etc

One of the main characteristics of the training processes, developed considering the direct pre sence and interaction, has been the group and assembly sessions for the collective construction of knowledge, under the approach of popular education and oriented towards the transformation of the structures of thought and action of the participants.

Due to the global health contingency caused by Covid-19, it became inevitable that the political training processes that had been carried out for decades in person would have to be rethought and carried out through virtual popular education, understanding this as an opportunity to diversify relations and knowledge through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

INDERA has supported this process with the Manual for Digital Transformation of Popular Education, training of trainers and continuous evaluation of the educational pro cess.

With the training and the material developed, we have linked the techniques of popular education to a modern world in which we are obliged to give in to new teaching methods in order to take care of ourselves and others.

On the other hand, the fact of having to resort to these new tools has strengthened popular wisdom, since it is clear that it is capable of crossing the barriers of “technologi cal illiteracy” and providing women with new spaces of participation that seemed, until now, vetoed for them.

Training | 44
Public Funds Private Funds Membership INDERA IN FIGURES 77,5% 14,80% 7,7% 45 | INDERA in figures


This has truly been another year of expansion and we deeply appreciate all our financial supporters and the exceptional dedication of our volunteers.

We deeply appreciate the financial support received from the following public and private bodies to support the implementation of the following projects:


Co-financed by The State Fund against Gender-based Violence and the Generalitat de Catalunya

NO SGBV “I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships”

Co-financed by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) in collaboration with Autonomous Women Centre from Serbia, CESI from Croatia and NANE from Hungary.

Women’s right to peace & a life free of violence – Colombia

Co-funded by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation in Development (ACCD), led by the Plataforma Unitària Contra els Violències de Gènere and implemented together with Popular Women’s Organization (OFP) and Uywexs Gaitana Few from Colombia.

FormaPro-Wellbeing: Professional training to promote youth wellbeing and the prevention of normalized abuse and violence

Fundació Obra Social ‘La Caixa’

INDERA in figures | 46

Well-being is our Foundation

For more information please contact: Email: Website: © 2020, Fundación Privada INDERA, all rights reserved

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