Candid winter 2013

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The magazine for GMB members | Winter 2013


GMB memb demand fair pay

r a c B M G winner! You could be next! Turn to page 17 to enter GMB says outlaw employer hostility

See p10

How you can make a difference and have your say! GMB’s Purpose

“We work to improve the quality of life and provide new opportunities for all our members and their families. We aim to improve the lives of GMB members and make sure that their achievements lead the way for working people in Britain and across the world. . . We will aim to end exploitation, discrimination and injustice.” Taken from the GMB Rule Book

art of this? p e b o t t n a w u o y do

sionate about, tell us about • If you have an issue you feel pas what you want to change. ut the workplace, it can be about • Your issue doesn’t have to be abo es that affect you and your family. the wider political and social issu

FOLK HERO GMB Congress 2014 will take place d. in Nottingham, home of Robin Hoo

You can help GMB shape a better future and make a real difference ed? How do I get involv

r chance to be part of • What you have to say could be you or GMB campaigns influencing GMB decision making them about your ideas • Contact your GMB branch and tell into a motion for debate at • Your issue could even be turned GMB Congress in June 2014 ch Regional Office by • Your branch’s motions must rea 31 January 2014 For more information please go to GMB Congress 2014 takes place from Sunday 8 June to Thursday 12 June 2014 in Nottingham. To attend you must be nominated by your branch, and be a paid-up member for 53 weeks.


In this issue...

Paul Hayes GMB London regional secretary

GMB members rally to protect their pay Page 4



4 Better deal with GMB

9 Employer hostility

GMB members across the region strike for better pay and conditions

6 Political update

Warren Kenny on how you can get politically active with GMB

8 Easy access

How GMB can help you overcome immigration problems

25 Zero tolerance

Why GMB members should not put up with zero hours contracts

Anti-union hostility should be against the law

12 A Living Wage

GMB demands an extra £1 an hour

13 Paul Kenny says

The latest from your general secretary

14 Wealth of the nation GMB reveals the UK’s economic performance by region

16 Get online with GMB! Get the GMB app for your smartphone!

26 Sisters doin’ it!

17 Win a car!

27 In with a ‘Shout!’

18 Eyes on the NHS

30 Pension protection

20 Put Labour in power

31 Contact GMB

23 Worldwide solidarity

GMB London Sisters push for equal representation in GMB

Join GMB’s LGBT equality group

GMB pushes for a fair deal for pensioners

Need to talk to someone at GMB? Here are some names and numbers you can call

Cover image Kevin Nixon

Get GMB in your pocket with the new mobile app Page 16

GMB regional editor Rose Conroy: 020 7391 6755 Editorial director Stephen Pierce Editor Matt Robinson Art editor Johnny Goddard Contributors Victoria Ford, Ed Holden Advertising manager Steve Hulbert Account managers David Parker, Lisa Dunham Production and procurement manager Matt Eglinton Production co-ordinator Tracy Nugent Art directors Stuart Hobbs, Dermot Rushe Director, Future Plus UK Jayne Caple Printed at St Ives Direct

Switch to Direct Debit for your chance to win a Toyota Aygo worth £9,000

GMB is fighting for workers’ rights in the NHS

Why you should vote Labour in 2015

How GMB’s International Solidarity Fund is winning justice in Latin America

Produced by Future Plus, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW

We are committed to only using magazine paper which is derived from well managed, certified forestry and chlorine-free manufacture. Future Publishing and its paper suppliers have been independently certified in accordance with the rules of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).

Would you like to advertise in GMB Candid magazine? Please contact Steve Hulbert on 01225 442 244 (ex 5205) Accepting of advertising and inserts does not imply GMB endorsement of the product or services. Remember that GMB recommends all services and offers should always be used to test the cost against other commercial companies. Members are advised to secure at least two quotes on all commercial transactions.

All eyes are on Ed Miliband On leaving this year’s Labour Party Conference I felt somewhat more encouraged and indeed motivated. The reasons for this was that within Ed Miliband’s speech he not only spelt out that Labour stands for different values than the Tories, he also put himself right out there and said that if he becomes Prime Minister his policies will be to put the consumer first and he will not stand alongside the Tories’ divisive ideology. He told us that a Labour government would immediately repeal the bedroom tax, tackle zero hours contracts, freeze electricity and gas prices for two years, and build more homes at a rate of 200,000 a year. He will repeal the current policies that the Tories have introduced on a daily basis that are destroying our National Health Service. He also gave a commitment to give 16-year-olds the vote. He expressed with passion the differences between him and David Cameron and the simple message was “Cameron’s the man who looks after the Generals within the greed society, and Miliband is the leader who wants to look after Joe Public”. You know what, I haven’t heard that sort of commitment from a Labour Leader for some time. How was the Miliband speech received? We know it didn’t please everybody, especially the Daily Mail whose spiteful response was to smear his dead father, a man who fought against fascism in the Royal Navy for this country in the Second World War, no wonder they call it the “gutter press”. All eyes are on you Ed, make us proud. On behalf the regional committee, I wish you all good health and a peaceful New Year. 03

CLEAN SWEEP GMB members from OCS make a stand over pay.

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t i m i l e h t to ton g n i s , Kenea S C O els e living elow th b ll e & Ch w g

in as ite pay hat it w don e: Desp B members t u on s L is B e M Th he G ld GM T . to e S z e C e O wage, a pay fr hour. enting r implem ge is ÂŁ8.55 pe o a W g offer, s in Liv rove its p ake t im to fused to ously voted e r in S C :O nim llowed Action embers una tion fo c a f a o m g day itin t GMB bers un ction. A a m e e ik m r t s aw t and s Augus . s e OCS sit ing at is ongo te u p is : The d Result . s s e r p f time o

VICTORY WAVE Strike action should secure GMB member better pay. 04

GMB members stand up for their pay and conditions


cross the region, GMB members have been uniting to show their employers that it is time that pay rises came back on the agenda. In many cases GMB negotiators can talk to employers and work out a solution, but where bosses won’t get around the table and talk, GMB members are left with no option but to take action. These are just a few cases where GMB members have shown their strength and told their employers they deserve fair treatment. The results speak for themselves. A well-organised GMB membership protects you at work and keeps you safe from tightfisted bosses.

SIGN up for the GMB eNEWSletter AT


Briar Chemicals, Norwich The issue : 124 GMB members Chemicals working a in Norwich t Briar wanted a p ay rise. Action: M embers re jected unfa of an unco ir offers an nsolidated d a final off one-off pay organising er ment and two days o bonus befo f strike act re ion. Result: GM B members won a pay rise.

ers, m y ol ld VIP Ptingdon were to lymers sion of o P IP Hun V o bers at vere er

e m MB me pay cut and s sue: G t is n e e c h r T pe ce a 10 itions. they fa d cond n a ubber s m r te at the r ir g in the k r ire, s wo ember ridgesh esist the , Camb GMB m r n 0 o to 5 d : n g n io e act Actio Huntin ik r t in s t f n o t pla ays sealan k two d tly too n a t c lu re press. uts. e go to w s a s harsh c res in prog pute is is d e h :T Result

INDUSTRIAL ACTI ON GMB members at Stansted organise to fight fo r better pay.

Swissport, Stansted Airport The issue: 200 GM B members emplo yed by Swissport the ground handlin on g contract at Lond on Stansted Airpo requested better rt pay. Action: 88 per ce nt of GMB membe rs voted in favour industrial action in of support of their req uest. Result: The dispu te is ongoing at tim e of going to pres s.

Mitie, Stansted airport The issue: GMB memb ers who work on the sec urity scanner at London Stansted were offe red a two per cent pay rise and the loss of their overtime pay ments of time and a hal f and their ÂŁ15 night shift premium. Action: 92 per cent of GM B members voted to tak e industrial action over the August bank holiday weekend. Result: Mitie paid a two per cent pay rise backda ted from October 2012 and reinsta ted the overtime and pre mium rates. The outcome underlines the importance of high den sity membership and the stro ng leadership qualities of GMB workplace organiser Ste phen Taylor.

5 05



from GMB All the news

! e t a d Up

l a c i polit

ance t r o p m i y on the politics n n e K n Warre voice in party of GMB’s


e are now just 18 months away from the next general election and the opportunity for us all to decide who will be responsible for governing our futures. Between now and polling day in 2015 we should not forget the callous, destructive, divisive attacks on working class people, families, and the most vulnerable in our society already inflicted by this Tory led government. These kind of tactics were last seen during the years of Poll Tax and the Thatcher government. If this Tory led government is allowed back into power for another five years then further devastating consequences for millions more families across the UK will almost certainly follow. Collectively, trade unions represent millions of people. GMB, alongside other trade unions were responsible for the formation of the Labour party more than 100 years ago. That’s why, ever since, we’ve been working

many of our regional MPs and councillors to hard to ensure that politicians share and prevent more public contracts being awarded advance the values of our members. Our to employers known to have been involved in political engagement is important to ensure the Blacklisting of workers (see page 9). our collective values remain firmly rooted in Thanks to Tower Hamlets Labour Group for the Labour party. being the first council to ban all companies Since the last general election in 2010, GMB which have been involved in the practice of has significantly increased its investment in Blacklisting workers from tendering for our national and regional political resources. contracts at their council. We have a new political strategy, we’ve We have also been working with many introduced regional councils and Labour groups to identify how political campaign best to tackle the coalition driven ‘Bedroom forums, we’ve Tax’ which, if elected, the Labour party will appointed regional scrap in 2015. political officers and branches have elected their own Free School meals political officers too! Alongside many of our Labour-run councils, Our investment and GMB has been working with members of the strategy has helped reshape and Greater London Authority (GLA) to introduce refocus our work with Constituency Labour FREE School meals for ALL primary school Parties (CLP’s) and by working together we children, not just those up to the age of seven have helped to deliver many more working (see full story class politicians who opposite). share a deep GMB national rooted connection president Mary with our members, Turner, Islington their communities Councillor Richard and the values the Watts and London Labour party was Assembly member formed to Fiona Twycross are represent many calling for years before. universal FREE In the GMB school meals to be London region we POLITICALLY ACTIVE included in ALL have been GMB has increased its political local authority campaigning with

“GMB has helped g to deliver workin class politicians.”

investment since 2010.

Watch THE video 06

See our local branch video of the Bedford demonstration to save children’s services here

Follow us on twitter @GMBLondonRegion Recently, GMB activists turned out in their hundreds to campaign against the closure of NHS children’s services at Bedford Hospital. This sort Less than of campaigning is Zero vitally important. ON THE MARCH In our previous GMB officers and GMB members march to save children’s services. political reports you activists have would have seen been campaigning against zero some of the work we’ve already been hours contracts at major employers such as involved in which delivered fantastic Labour Sports Direct, Amazon, and McDonalds. It’s at Party gains in the Eastern region county times like these that trade unions, labour council elections in May. We also continue to councils and politicians can work together to support our Labour MEP candidates Alex get the best results (see page 25). Mayer (Eastern Region) and Kamaljeet Jandu Let’s not forget the impact this Tory led (London); but there’s much more we need to government has had on ‘our’ NHS. They do during the next 18 months! promised to protect the NHS yet we are We have been nominating and we will be seeing A&E, maternity and many other vital supporting many of our members when they services under constant threat of closure. Our stand as Parliamentary candidates. With your ambulance services and personnel being help, they can go on to become Labour party driven to breaking point through cuts in MPs at the next general election. funding and staff shortages across the NHS But before then, next May, we have council through a lack of investment. elections in which we will be given the We must stand up for our NHS so please opportunity to elect MEPs to sit in the join GMB’s campaigns to prevent it from being European Parliament where many of the UK’s privatised. Find out how to get involved by employment rights are hard fought for. emailing manifestos in 2014 and also to be included in the Labour Party manifesto for the general election campaign in 2015.

Food for

Rex Features

GMB pushes for healthy free school meals

regional To gain and strengthen our employment rights for working people we need more Labour MEPs to help deliver our values at the highest level. In all elections, YOU really can make a difference. GMB’s Regional Political Forum has already begun planning our campaigns across the region for these important elections. We will be working hard in all of our target areas across London and if you want to help us stop the harsh Tory cuts, stop the destruction of our NHS and bring back social justice, you need to get involved. Together we really can make a difference. Doing nothing will not change the direction this government is taking.

lved! get inw yovuo can get To find out ho al involved in GMB’s politic the n joi ply sim or activity our hundreds of members on email ase ple n the list ail activist em .uk 72 82 02 82 or call 020 or 01462 499 650 You can also follow the GMB London on Twitter n gio Re @GMBLondonRegion


GMB national president and former dinner lady Mary Turner, a long time campaigner for healthy free school meals, addressed a GMB fringe meeting at this year's Labour Party Conference and told of her fight against junk food. She has been campaigning to her local council to get good quality food for pupils in Brent. The leader of Brent Council, Muhammed Butt, has vowed to look into healthy meals in schools and you can be assured that GMB members George Fraser and Mary Turner will be on his case to ensure it becomes reality. The London boroughs of Islington, Newham and Southwark currently provide free meals to their pupils and this is already proving very beneficial to pupils in terms of behaviour, attention span and learning, all of which have significantly improved. This puts pressure on other Labour Councils across the UK to get on and provide free meals before THE BEST SERVICE the 2014 Local Elections. Muhammed Butt and George Fraser GMB will also approach other councils to support healthy school meals. promote this vitally important issue.

BRAIN FOOD Good food helps improve concentration and learning. 07



from GMB All the news GMB members ed service for lis ia ec sp a s MB ha complicated vigate the UK’s who need to na to let GMB’s is ce vi les. Our ad ru n tio ra ig the process m im e you through id gu r ito lic so accredited endly advice. n , reliable and fri st ne e of immigratio with ho lp with a rang he er d off n an s ca e n review GMB’s servic , administratio g applications GMB’s legal s. al pe ap issues, includin um chambers yl as d an n nt workers. tio ra immigra es for immig ic rv se of e ng a ra service offers u: B can assist yo GM re he w ’s re He


can help How GMB d marriage ily, business an

e access v a h s r e b GMB mem service that will to a legal he difficulties of t demystify migration laws Britain’s im

fam s for tourists, • Visitor visa n applications tio ra ig imm d partners • Points-based ing unmarrie s ations, includ ic pl Area migrant ap ic ily om m • Fa pean Econ ro Eu r n ai fo m ns re io leave to • EEA applicat for indefinite applications ative review tr is in m • Settlement ad on appeal or n tio ta en es • Repr ns nce applicatio • Long reside n io d deportat • Removal an applications human rights d an • Asylum e applications y postal servic • Citizenship d UKBA priorit an e ic rv se BA K • Same day U

ore? m w o n k o t need e about GMB’s immigration To find out mor GMB on 0208 202 8272. t service contac

Serving the

Community GMB members took part in October’s Brent Navratri festival organised by the DKNS, SSVA and Brahma Samaj. GMB London Region reps and GMB’s immigration lawyer – Bhavini Bhatt – attended the event to raise awareness of GMB’s immigration services. This event gave GMB a great opportunity to meet with the Gujarati community in Brent and answer queries on immigration and work-related issues. The extraordinary immigration service offered by GMB (more details above) is an excellent benefit to members facing immigrations problems. Meeting members of the Gujarati community gave GMB the chance to explain how we can help. GMB London region and its immigration lawyers wish to thank the organisers for making this event possible. 08

HAPPY TO HELP The GMB stand was a hit at the festival.

Rex Features/iStock

Gmb visits Gujarati community Navratri festival

l na O I T NA


om GMB r f s w e n e h t l Al

Bring YOUR mag to life! Discover a world of extras when you point your smartphone at the pages of this GMB magazine. To get started, download the Layar app from 1 Download the Layar app for iPhone and Android devices.

2 Point your smartphone at a WHOLE page of the mag where you see this logo.

3 Watch as it comes to life on your screen.

’ s r e k r o w h it w g in r Interfe union rights should be a B M G s y a s , e c n e ff criminal o

Rex Features/iStock


he TUC Congress has backed a GMB call for laws to make it a criminal offence for hostile employers to interfere with the civil rights of workers who seek the support of a trade union when they have problems at work. Martin Smith, GMB national organiser, said: “So hostile are employers like Amazon, Next and Sports Direct that union organisation is driven underground and union members are forced to adopt the tactics of the French Resistance or a human rights campaign under a totalitarian regime. The blacklisting of 3,214 construction workers across the country shows that

GET ON THE CASE! We need a Leveson-style inquiry into blacklisting.

corporations are unafraid to take this kind of action.” Martin’s comments come at a time when unions are unhappy that companies who have blacklisted workers have still not been held accountable. GMB wants a Levesonstyle inquiry into the practice. Martin added: “Oppressive activity at work that denies our members their basic human rights should be against the law. GMB calls on the next Labour government to make it a criminal offence for an employer to deny workers their basic right to organise themselves and seek the support of a trade union when they have problems at work.”

SEE YOU IN COURT! GMB activists protest outside Swansea Crown Court.

are you On the Blacklist? Contact Phil Read, GMB r blacklisting Liaison Office or 7 99 on 07840 897 k




from GMB All the news

s i h t s s o b r u o is y


Daily Mirror columnist Paul Routledge on how GMB is fighting employer hostility

very employee is free to join a trade union – and not get the sack just for doing so. That’s the theory. The reality on the shopfloor can be very different. As too many workers are finding, employer hostility is spreading throughout industry. Two hundred years after the Tolpuddle Martyrs were transported to Australia for daring to organise themselves against starving wages, history is repeating itself. Employers are targetting workers who seek to bring the benefits of trade unionism to their place of work. They might not be clapped in leg-irons and shipped off to Botany Bay, but they do face discrimination and even dismissal. It takes a brave man or women to stand up for our rights supposedly guaranteed by law. Thankfully, there are brave men and women in every workplace willing to take up the challenge. But they shouldn’t be left to fight alone. They need legal protection from employers like Next, Amazon and Sports Direct who actively prevent employees turning to unions when they have problems in the workplace. Working people have a theoretical right under international law to free association and combination with whoever they choose. But hostile employers deny this right by intimidating or victimising anyone who turns to a union for help. It’s time such intimidation was outlawed by making it a criminal offence interfere with workers exercising their civil

right to organise and seek the support of a trade union when they have problems. The 2013 TUC Congress has endorsed this strategy after GMB national organiser Martin Smith urged that the next Labour government must do more than repeal old anti-union laws. They must deliver protection from bully bosses who strike fear into workers who join a union.

GMB in Amazon This corporate bullying is widespread. Take Amazon, the hugely successful online shopping firm. It takes billions of pounds in sales every year – on which they pay as little tax as possible. GMB is committed to organising and representing workpeople at Amazon. Two thirds of the company’s 15,000 workers in this country are agency workers. And the agency isn’t even a UK operation. It’s a Dutch agency, so they’re not protected by even the inadequate regulations applying to agencies here. They need a union, but they live in fear of what might happen if they dare let Amazon know they have joined and are organising support to resist a bullying management. Being a trade unionist at Amazon is like being in an underground movement, like the French wartime resistance. It’s as bad as that. I can’t even tell you where these brave GMB members work

“Left to their own devices employers spy and they lie.”


iStock x 3

Bring these pages to life! because they might be identified and their jobs put in jeopardy. Or take Next, another shopping chain that makes handsome profits. Earlier this year, GMB members employed in their stores fought and won a campaign to stop the company from imposing a cut in hours worked for all workers to less than twelve and a half hours a week. The aim of this management trick was to avoid the company paying the employer’s share of National Insurance contributions, saving money and diminishing workers’ rights.

What we NEed That battle was won, but at a cost. There is a constant anxiety that Next will exact revenge and find pretexts to force them out of work because they forced the employer to back down – and that some of them have no protection from unfair dismissal. Since April this year, if you want to challenge your employer for unfairly sacking you, you have to have worked for the company for two years – double the time under Labour. You have no rights if you’ve been there a year and 364 days. How many workers in retail are given jobs that last as long as that? What’s more, if you go to an industrial tribunal, you’ll be required to pay as much as £1,200 – 200 hours working at the national minimum wage up front before they will hear your case. That’s the price of justice under the ConDem government. It must be nervewracking to try to organise under such conditions. But it shouldn’t be like that. The shadow of fear must be lifted from the exercise of this basic freedom to turn to a union for support when you have a problem at work. With the demise of

INTIMIDATED AT WORK? GMB is tackling bosses who victimise union members.


traditional industries like coal and steel, employment has shifted to retail, distribution, information technology, call centres and similar workplaces. They almost always lack representation, because business bosses are hostile and resistant to unions. They don’t want workers to exercise their legal rights, meagre as they are. They hate the very idea of collective bargaining. They want to hire and fire without restraint. But NEXT UP Next workers vote for that’s where trade unionism the right to have a union. is most needed, and where it must go, to help those who into workplaces to deal need it most. with problems they face at work – if need be The demand is there. When GMB asked with sanctions against recalcitrant companies Asda distribution depot workers across the who refuse to toe the line. UK what they want in recognition ballots an It can be done. A Labour government in overwhelming majority per cent voted in Wales has taken action to halt the scourge of favour. Even workers who didn’t want to join blacklisting by threatening to withhold themselves voted for the right for everyone contracts from firms proven to be engaged in to have representation. this obscene practise. Nothing persuades the This basic civil right should be enshrined in private sector faster than a possible ban on a new legal framework, within which bidding for lucrative public contracts. workpeople can feel confident of getting The blacklisting scandal shows that left to together for the common good without their own devices employers spy and they lie. looking over their shoulder for the boss What the companies say and what the bearing down on them with a P45. companies do are two different things. For any worker to be represented by a trade t Labour Suppor union in their workplace is a civil right that must be protected to the highest level, with new That’s why GMB took the issue of employer legislation backed by imprisonment and hostility and the coalition attack on trade unlimited fines for anyone who interferes with it. union rights to the Labour conference. For the Labour Party, these should be bread Delegates backed a call for the party and butter manifesto commitments right now. leadership to convene “as a matter of And if it can be done, it should be done. As urgency” a commission on employment Maria Ludkin, GMB’s legal officer, told the 2013 rights. The purpose of this body will not just Labour Conference : “We live in a country be to redress new anti-trade union policies with one of the most flexible Labour markets brought in by this government, but to give an in Europe. But at the same time some of the active right for workers to be able to turn to weakest employment rights in the western unions when they have problems at work. world. But this government is not content This is vital to winning the war for job with that. They have mounted a sustained security. As of now, firms like Amazon can just attack on the rights of working people, with a slam the door in the face of anyone seeking to systematic casualisation of labour, and organise a union presence. They can – and do comprehensive destruction of legal aid. – put a Chinese wall around the workplace, “This is about millions of working people sealing off their employees from help. having the protection from a Labour A Labour government must change that, government that they will never get from the legislating to give employees total freedom to Tories or the Liberal Democrats. No more turn to unions when they need help. Nobody prevarication – but protection for the workers. is forced to join a union. The closed shop was “After all, how much more protection do ended years ago. Instead, we have closed employers need from working people?” minds – on the other side. Hear, hear! Ed Miliband has shown he Ed Miliband has shown a willingness to take is willing to take on the might of the energy on the big battalions in the energy industry. barons with a gas and electricity price He’s ready to force firms to employ freeze. Now, he should listen to the voices apprentices. He should bring the same of ordinary workers who demand the right courage to the issue of employment and to join and organise without fear of trade union membership rights, compelling employer intimidation. employers to enable workers to bring unions 11


Move Directo t D e b i t www.gmb .o


from GMB All the news


MB is seeking a minimum pay increase of £1 an hour for local council workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to raise their pay level to a Living Wage hourly rate. GMB believe the same £1 an hour increase should also apply to all pay points above the bottom rate as well. Local council workers in Scotland are currently considering an offer for a Living Wage of £7.58 an hour from April 2014. 200,000 GMB members are covered by these agreements. It is a scandal that 500,000 local government workers are paid below the current Living Wage of £7.45 (£8.55 in London) an hour. This rate will increase in November. Politicians from all parties have recently called for action to deal with low pay and are encouraging individual local authorities to pay a Living Wage. 85 councils in England and Wales are now paying or are committed to paying a Living Wage.

All 32 councils in Scotland are currently paying the Living Wage or will be within a year. Brian Strutton, GMB national secretary for public services, said: “One and a half million council workers have seen their living standards cut by 18 per cent and 400,000 of their colleagues have lost their jobs. I don’t believe any section of the economy has taken such an austerity hit as local authority staff. Street cleaners, school dinner staff, social workers, gravediggers, classroom assistants and all the other unsung heroes serving their local communities deserve a decent pay rise. GMB’s claim for £1 an hour is not a king’s ransom but it will go some way towards restoring the real pay cuts that council staff have endured. Politicians have been right to call for action on low pay to end the hardship facing those on poverty wages and boost demand in the economy. Low pay and poverty pay are endemic in local government with too many members now reliant on tax credits and pay day loans.”

We d deman

An extra

r u o An h 12

Which councils pay a Living Wage? • Ashfield • Barking and Dagenham • Barnsley • Bassetlaw • Blackpool • Birmingham • Braintree • Brent • Brighton and Hove • Bristol • Bromsgrove • Burnley, • Caerphilly • Calderdale • Camden • Cambridge • Cardiff • Carlisle • Cherwell • Chorley • City of London • Coventry • Crawley • Croydon • Dartford • Deal • Ealing • Enfield • Exeter • Gedling • Gloucester • Greenwich • Haringey • Harlow • Harrow • Hastings • Hessle Town • Hounslow • Hyndburn • Ipswich • Islington • North Kesteven • Lambeth • Lancaster • Leicester • Lewisham • Malvern Hills • Mansfield • Manchester • Melton Mowbray • Merton • Newark and Sherwood • Newham • Newcastle under Lyme • Newcastle upon Tyne • Newport • Norwich • Nottingham • Oldham • Oxford • Plymouth • Preston • Redcar and Cleveland • Rossendale • Salford • Sandwell • Scarborough • Sheffield • Slough • South Gloucestershire • South Hams • Southwark • Stroud • Surrey • Swindon • Swansea • Tamworth • Thurrock • Tower Hamlets • South Tyneside • Walsall • Winchester • Wirral • Worcester • Wolverhampton • Wyre Forest • York • All 32 councils in Scotland now pay or are soon to begin paying a Living Wage.


£1 an hour pay rise to achieve Living Wage for local government workers

SIGN up for the GMB eNEWSletter AT

Paul kenn y



cretary e s l a r e n e g your GMB m o r f d r o w A

The determination to fight blacklisting is among our finest achievements


he recent startling revelations that the police and other state controlled bodies have been found to have provided information to the anti trade union blacklisting company “The Consulting Association” may have come as a shock to MPs, journalists and some others in the world. But for many of us this was just confirmation of what we always knew but could never prove. This company, now defunct, was funded and controlled by a large number of private sector companies whose intent was to discriminate and thereby victimise trade union members whose only crime was to ask about health and safety or attend meetings. Many victims of this evil intrusion into the most basic of our civil rights were denied employment and suffered huge damage to their personal lives and that of their families.

The truth Will out GMB has been fighting to uncover the truth for years and now, working with the Blacklist Support Group and others, we are beginning to see the layers of lies and corruption peeled back to expose the rotten core of how employers and state

conspired to interfere with and destroy the right of working people to organise. What has also shocked many is the extent of the blacklisting: lawyers, journalists, peace campaigners, environmentalists and the latest victim to be uncovered – the comedian and campaigner for freedom Mark Thomas. The whole story of this disgraceful episode would take more column inches than I am allowed but thousands of ordinary men and women were blacklisted and 2,768 still don’t know they are on the list because the government department responsible for dealing with this has failed to contact them! This in itself raises huge questions about the role government has played in seeking to cover this up. The so-called Information commission seems to be anything but when it comes to giving people information relating to behaviour from employers and the state. In recent days, eight of the largest companies involved in organising, funding and controlling this blacklisting operation have admitted their involvement and offered an apology and a compensation scheme for affected victims. GMB’s position has been that tough measures must be taken with these companies, though these may be far from

enough to stop this all happening again. New tough laws to protect the rights of workers trying to organise a union in their workplace or in their community must have protection from discrimination and victimisation. The work done in exposing this evil conspiracy will all count for nothing if the law continues to fail ordinary people exercising their civil rights.

Deleting the list In the coming months, GMB will continue to campaign for a public inquiry into the collusion between the state and certain employers which not only allowed this blacklisting to exist but actually encouraged and supported it. GMB has done many things of which we can be proud during our history but I believe the determination shown to fight and expose blacklisting will rank among our finest achievements. The right of people to exercise their civil freedoms to organise, demonstrate or just question those who govern us at work or in society is such a basic right that it cannot be given away by apathy. On page 9 of this magazine you will find details of GMB’s campaign and how to find out if you or anyone you know is on the list and may be liable for compensation. 13



from GMB All the news

e h t n o w u o Have y

l a n o i Reg lottery?

GMB map reveals economic activity across the UK and Ireland

Northern Ireland 86%

Border, Midland and Western 85%


key map (opposite) sums up how much economic activity there is per resident in all the 39 sub regions of the UK and Ireland where GMB members live. The result for each area is shown as a percentage of the average across all 27 countries in the European Union (EU). It will come as no surprise that inner London has the highest level of economic output per resident at nearly three times that of the European average. It will be a surprise that for the South East of England, far from all of it being an 14

economic success story, there are areas below the average. The latest figures are for 2010 but there has been little or no recovery since then. Few will realise that the economies of the North East of Scotland, Southern and Eastern Ireland and Cheshire or those areas off the M4 corridor are stronger than Essex or Kent. In fact in 26 of the 39 sub regions in the UK and Ireland, regional gross domestic product per resident is below the average per resident in the EU.

Southern and Eastern 145%

Gross domestic product (GDP) in an area is made up of all economic activity including farming and fishing, mining, oil and gas extraction, manufacturing, construction, utilities, transport and commercial and public services. GDP is a key measure of an area’s economic development and is often used as an indicator of living standards.

Rex Features x 2

POWER HOUSES London’s financial districts host the wealth of the nation.

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NATional Upda your GtMe Prof B www.gmb ile .or

Highlands and Islands 87%

Eastern Scotland 109%

North Eastern Scotland 162%

“This GMB map should sound a clarion call for investment.”

INDUSTRIAL HEART Fossil fuel extraction props up regional economies.

The map confirms that Mrs Thatcher’s legacy to the old industrial heartlands in the UK is that they have fallen far behind 88% the EU average in terms of output and living standards. Tess Valley In West Wales and the Valleys gross and Durham domestic product per resident is the 77% Cumbria lowest of the 39 areas in these islands 94% West Yorkshire at 70 per cent of the EU average. North The next ten lowest are: Cornwall Lancashire Yorkshire and Isles of Scilly (72 per cent), East Yorkshire and 93% Tees Valley and Durham (77 Northern Lincolnshire Greater Manchester per cent), Lincolnshire (78 per 83% 81% cent), Merseyside, East South Yorkshire 95% Merseyside Yorkshire and Northern 96% Lincolnshire, South Leicestershire, Rutland 81% 81% Yorkshire and Shropshire and Northamptonshire Lincolnshire and Staffordshire (all on 81 78% Cheshire Derbyshire Bedfordshire and per cent), Lancashire (83 118% and Notts Hertfordshire per cent), Border, Midland 92% and Western in Ireland (85 Shropshire and Staffordshire per cent) and Northern Ireland 81% West Midlands (86 per cent). East Anglia 95% 104% Herefordshire, This GMB map should sound a 100% Worcestershire clarion call for investment that and Warwickshire 94% will bring jobs and prosperity to East West Wales Wales the old industrial heartlands and the and The 100% 113% rural areas that desperately need it. Berkshire, Valleys Essex Politicians must heed that call with 70% Bucks and 89% regional policies. The devolution of Oxfordshire economic powers to local and regional 115% Gloucestershire, 143% level is essential. GMB will lead the calls Wiltshire and for action. Bristol/Bath Kent 109% New jobs and investment has to be Dorset and 90% 114% the top priority for national and Cornwall and Somerset Isles of Scilly local governments and the EU. The Devon 92% 87% public and private sectors must Inner London co-operate to achieve this growth 328% 72% and development as neither can Hampshire and Surrey, East and Outer London do it on their own. Isle of Wight West Sussex 95% South Western Scotland 109%

Northumberland and Tyne and Wear 15


UPDATE get online with GMB from GMB All the news GMB’s website lets you manage your membership and keep up to date


f you’re not registered online, it’s easy to sign up. Go to and click GMB ‘member login’. You’ll just need your GMB membership number.

Visit www. • Update your GMB profile • Switch to Direct Debit • Access the latest news • Download exclusive extras • Get support for your workplace

Get the GMB App Get the latest from GMB wherever you are with the new GMB app. Since the app was launched a few months ago, thousands of members have downloaded it to their smartphones. It’s available to download now from or from iTunes and Google Play for Android.

Download it now to: • Update your GMB profile • Get the latest news from GMB • Switch to Direct Debit • Find your nearest GMB office • Find your nearest GMB post holder • Become a workplace organiser

case study Gavin Palmer “I’m really glad I have it. It’s so convenient and easy to use – it puts all your membership information at your fingertips. I talk to a lot of members and I always recommend the GMB app.” Gavin Palmer is a GMB workplace organiser at Barking and Daggenham Local Authority. Representing members across the borough, he doens’t always have access to a computer, so getting the GMB app on his smartphone has proved invaluable.

Site Update! Fresh tools online! Are you looking to up-skill or organise your workplace? We’re updating the GMB@Work resources online so GMB post holders will be able to download everything they need. From training information to health and safety regulations, you’re just a couple of clicks away from making your workplace stronger and safer.

Go to 16

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regional NATional exclus ive to


membe rs prize dra w

“I won a car with GMB – now it’s

your turn!”


iStock/ Car winner Kevin Nixon

irect Debit members will be in with a chance to win this gorgeous Toyota Aygo worth £9,000. You can be a winner regardless of whether you already pay by Direct Debit or are switching now – all you have to do is enter our prize draw. The draw closes at midnight on 31 December 2013. Reasons to switch to Direct Debit • As some employers frown on trade unions, paying your GMB subscription by Direct Debit means that your membership is a matter for you alone. Your membership is not made known to your employer. • You won’t lose your GMB membership as the result of an administrative slip-up in your payroll office. • Your membership will follow you if you change jobs with your current employer. • There’s no need to go through any boring admin to keep your GMB membership up to date. It’s all handled for you!

Last issue’s Toyota Aygo winner Annette Kay said: “I went to the GMB website to update my details and pressed the button to enter the competition. Now I’m a winner.” Use the Layar app to see the full interview on your sma rtphone. Runners up: Yorkshire and North Derbyshire Region’s Mrs K Hibbet won an iPad . Birmingham and West Midlands Region’s Mrs R Wils on won an iPhone.

Switch to Direct Debit to enter this exclusive GMB prize draw to win a Toyota Aygo worth £9,000

Reasons to switch away from check-off • GMB pays an administration fee on this. • Help GMB make that saving by switching away from check-off to Direct Debit.

design a new banner for gmb

how to enter Simply go to competition and click the link to switch to Direct Debit. You can also use the ‘Move to Direct Debit’ button on the GMB app, which you can download from You can still enter the prize draw if you already pay by Direct Debit. Simply go to and press the button to enter the competition. You can also enter by post. Just write to Freepost RSTL-ULCH-JBET GMB, 22 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD, and request to switch your payment to Direct Debit – good luck!

TERMS & CONDITIONS The winning entry will be drawn at random from GMB members who pay their GMB subscription by Direct Debit. It will be drawn after midnight on the closing date of 31 December 2013. The winner will be notified by GMB. No purchase necessary. The winner’s name and photo may be published in future issues. The GMB prize draw is open to GMB members who are signed up to Direct Debit at midnight on 31 December 2013. This prize draw is not open to any GMB employees or family members. The result of the draw is final. All entrants agree to publicity in GMB material. Only one entry per eligible GMB member.

FLY YOUR FLAG You could create ou r new GMB banner. This is your chance to be part of GMB history and win £1,000 by designin g new GMB banners. Designs should cele brate what it means to be a GMB member today. Entries will be judged by Mar y Turner, GMB President, who is look ing forward to seeing your ideas! Enter now at gmb-banner-competition but be quick! The draw closes at midnight on 31 December 2013. 17



from GMB All the news


NHS staff told to join GMB before it’s too late


housands of NHS employees are facing a grim future as the Tory-led coalition opens the health service to private companies. GMB has concerns that, as well as inviting profiteers to take over our NHS, the government is allowing the all-important TUPE regulations to be eroded. GMB is telling those who want to protect their pay, holidays and rights at work to join now before it’s too late! The TUPE (Transfer of undertakings and protection of employment) regulations were set up to ensure that employees’ rights are not infringed upon when their employment is passed from one employer to another. As the coalition continues to allow private profiteers to take over sections of the NHS, thousands of GMB members are relying on TUPE to ensure their interests are protected. Employment relations minister Jo Swinson said: “TUPE rules are essential to making sure that when a business is transferred from one

ON THE LOOKOUT NHS staff should be wary of new employers.

company to another, it happens in a fair and efficient way. There have been some areas of uncertainty and confusion for businesses trying to comply.” GMB members have been victims of the employment practices of private companies who are buying up sections of the NHS. Maria Ludkin, GMB legal and corporate affairs officer, said: “It is the major companies that profit NHS UNDER THREAT from work paid by public funds who GMB members have made clear . are the primary movers behind their objection to NHS privatisation these attacks on the protective concerned about their pay and TUPE legislation. These employers are also employment conditions is to join GMB. Your major donors to the local GMB branch and representative will be Tory Party. Therefore it able to offer vital assistance if any difficulty is no surprise to GMB with your new employer arises or if you are members who have involved in an incident at work. If you have been victims of the any colleagues who are yet to become GMB employment practices members, make sure they join up. of these companies The more members we gather in that they successfully threatened workplaces, the better equipped pushed through these we will be to fight any injustices. changes to the rules Tell your colleagues to join GMB now at and regulations.” The best first step for NHS staff who are


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“These private companies are also major donors to the Tory party.”




from GMB All the news



the new

gas et’s put L man labour

GMB stalwart Aubrey Thompson takes over as industrial side chair Aubrey Thompson joined GMB on his first day at British Gas back in 1975. Having established himself as a reliable and dedicated GMB rep and member, Aubrey is proudly stepping up to the role of GMB industrial side chair. Aubrey became a rep before the age of 25 when he was asked to represent his service and repair colleagues at the Macclesfield British Gas depot. Shortly afterwards the distribution engineers in the same area asked him to be their rep. Within a few months he was looking after more than 60 colleagues. In 1999 he was asked by his GMB colleagues to become their regional steward and within a month was elected to be the area joint secretary, starting work immediately on the 2000 Agreement. We congratulate Aubrey and wish him even more success in his new position. 20

in power

Labour’s new policies could bring about a Labour government in 2015


he new Labour manifesto demonstrates that a Labour government will be on the side of ordinary families. There is a real difference between a Labour government and the incumbent Tory/Lib Dem coalition. The last Labour government set up the National Minimum Wage (NMW), increased pensions and child benefit, introduced the right to paid holidays and brought in the pension protection fund, which protects pensions when firms go bust. There was an outcry from the energy companies about the freezing of energy bills proposed by Ed Miliband. They say

this would result in power cuts and the lights going out. But this is just scaremongering born of their concerns over their profit margins. The same tactics were used when the Labour government announced the introduction of the National Minimum Wage. The Tories said it would cost a million jobs. In fact it raised two million people out of poverty. We must stop the attacks that this government is inflicting on society. To do that we need Labour Party policies we can campaign on. The ConDem politicians continue to blame the last Labour government for the 2008 economic meltdown. In fact the

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tacts political con

Get in touch with your regional political officer GMB Birmingham & West Midlands Region Stephanie Peacock 0121 550 4888

GMB London Region Gary Doolan 020 7391 6748

GMB Midland & East Coast Region

Richard Oliver 0115 960 7171

GMB Northern Region Chris Jukes 0191 233 3930

GMB North West & Irish Region Neil Smith 0151 727 0077

GMB Scotland

Richard Leonard 0141 332 8641

GMB Southern Region Michelle Gordon 020 8397 8881

GMB Wales & South West Region

Rex Features x 5/iStock

Labour’s new policies global economic crisis started in America and spread throughout the developed world. It was the action taken by Gordon Brown and the Labour Government, ploughing money into the economy, that ensured that the UK’s ATMs remained full. Otherwise our economy would have crashed. It was this action that actually saved the UK economy and, yes, it’s created a deficit that needs paying back. The best and quickest way to pay it back is to stimulate growth and create jobs.

Freezing energy bills for 20 month s to sort out the m arket and the energy compani es and introduce a tougher new regu lator. An increase from 15 to 25 hours of free child care fo r three and fouryear-olds to help working parents make it worthwh ile going out to work to provide for their families. A commitment to abolishing the ‘bedroom tax’ th at is making life so difficult for disabl ed people. A pledge that 20 0,000 new hom es will be built, pena lising developers that hoard land an d freeing council s from planning re gulations.

Mike Payne 029 2049 1260

GMB Yorkshire & North Derbyshire Region Steve Jennings 0845 337 7777

GMB Euston Political Team Cath Speight, national political officer 020 7391 6746 Heidi Benzing 020 7391 6749 Gary Doolan 020 7391 6748 Hilary Perrin 020 7391 6753

e! get onrtylin what you

Tell the Labour Pa esto at want in the Labour Manif k g.u .or ain rit rb y ne mo ing giv Find out who’s at s rie To to the 21



from GMB All the news

GMB SUPPORT GMB members have raised the profile of the ARC.

0 0 0 , 3 €2 is just a start


Grainne Griffin on how GMB members are helping the Irish Abortion Rights Campaign


he Abortion Rights Campaign This is a terrible injustice to the women and (ARC) is a movement for choice families who have suffered the indignity of and change in Ireland and Northern travel to access an abortion. The bill is also Ireland. It campaigns for free, safe problematic for women facing emergency and legal abortion. The ARC has joined forces medical situations like those faced by Savita with the Workers Beer Company (WBC) and Halannapavar, who died when she was denied GMB’s members to an abortion. raise money to fight The Irish ARC’s for Irish women to relationship with the have the same rights WBC started earlier as women in Britain. this year when it was The results have been approved to be a amazing! The volunteer group. relationship has led to Asking for volunteers an influx of volunteers to work at bars and a huge fundraising proved a hit with ARC UNION BONDS boost, helping the ARC The Workers Beer Company supporters, attracting take its message to an a large base of young joined forces with the ARC. even wider audience. people only too The legislation recently introduced in happy to work at some of the biggest music Ireland, ‘The Protection of Life in Pregnancy events in Ireland this summer. Bill’ does not establish safe and accessible Working with GMB members from the abortion. The bill means that a person can North West and Irish region and WBC brought have a termination if they are dying, and their some unexpected bonuses. Our request for life can only be saved by having an abortion. volunteers brought hundreds of people into However the fact remains that a clear contact with ARC’s campaign for choice. We majority of people in Ireland support wider received nearly 500 applications in just three access to termination. hours after posting the request on Facebook! 22

We now have hundreds of new recipients for our email bulletin too. The bonds built behind bars this summer will help build an active campaign. Indeed, many WBC volunteers helped steward this year’s March for Choice! 172 volunteers, five concerts and three festivals later, WBC volunteers raised €23,000 for ARC. Even more significantly, strong relationships have been built. Strong union support will be essential to bringing in constitutional change in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Our work with WBC and GMB was a great step on the road to full union support of a pro-choice agenda. The Abortion Rights Campaign look forward to working with all unions across Ireland and Northern Ireland to develop their policies on abortion rights.

get involved

to the To volunteer or sign up it: vis ter let ws ARC’s ne www.abortionrights


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BECOME A GM HealthB safety & rep w ww.gmb

GMB members have donated £33,000 to the International Solidarity Fund


he International Solidarity Fund was officially launched at GMB Congress in June, 2011. Since then GMB members from 42 branches have shown their support for union members across the globe and donated more than £33,000 towards trade unions in Latin America’s agricultural sector. GMB works with the Latin American Coordinating Body of Latin American Banana and Agro-industrial Unions, known as COLSIBA, part of the International Union of Food Workers (IUF). Despite the global reach of international trade union bodies, GMB members’ help is vital in their fight for bargaining rights and in giving their union organisers the power to get decent work for the men and women who produce the pineapples and bananas sold in UK supermarkets.

FAIRER FRUIT GMB is helping Latin American farmers get a better deal.

War on want/Jim Peterson

Who we’ve helped

GMB members’ donations to the International Solidarity Fund have already helped: • Nicaraguan union, FETRABACH, to get a 30 per cent pay rise for its members in one of Central America’s poorest countries • New Peruvian union SITAG, representing over 5,000 workers in the production and export of bananas, to train workers about women’s leadership, health and safety, HIV/AIDS prevention and collective bargaining • SITAG to get jobs back for 33 sacked workers and recruit hundreds of new fee paying members that strengthen the organisation and make it financially independent.

SHOW OF HANDS Who’s been helped by GMB’s International Solidarity Fund? Workers on tropical fruit plantations endure harsh conditions. Union-busting firms operate in most producer countries and some activists are in fear for their lives. Giant supermarket chains in Britain make upwards of a £1million a week surplus from the sale of bananas. Their suppliers can get as little as one per cent of the retail price but supermarket executives and shareholders benefit from profits measured in the billions. Latin American workers sometimes don’t earn enough to feed themselves and their families. They and their unions are on the front line of the struggle for a social and economic justice. Their fight is our fight and GMB members can continue our support.

find out more

it For more information, vis t/ ou /ab .uk rg b.o out and gmb-international/ab officer, al on ati ern int contact GMB g ur nb we ou sch bert. 23



Putting the T

from GMB All the news

back in lgbt GMB Shout! launches project to stamp out transphobia

figures are growing,” said Sarah Hurley, GMB London region Shout! organiser at the GMB National Equality Conference. “From 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2011 there have been approximately 816 reported killings of transgender people across 55 different countries.” Shockingly, recent reports indicate that more than three quarters of gay, bisexual and lesbian hate crime victims did not report these incidents to the police, so the real number of attacks could be much higher than the number logged. Life at work is not easy for transgender people either. Many face discrimination and, as an example, a survey conducted in 2000

rk Make it wo

of tively raising awareness GMB Shout! has been ac T the g ttin tly launched Pu trans equality. The recen B GM ll ensure that all Back in LGBT project wi to equipped with the tools are workplace organisers at mb co d ns members an fight for the rights of tra lace. rkp transphobia in their wo

Trans facts

lete lace organisers to comp GMB Shout! asked workp e Th e. lac rkp ness in their wo surveys on trans aware en be ve ha ys tastic as 704 surve response has been fan press. returned at the time of

kit GMB reps’ tool from these

The information surveys has been used to produce a toolkit for GMB reps. The toolkit will be launched on 20 November, International Trans HQ Memorial Day, at GMB il with vig it lel nd followed by a ca and ers mb me trans community s. ive political representat



EQUALITY FOR ALL Discrimination of trans people is still a problem. found just one in four transgender people were allowed to use the toilet of the sex they had transitioned to. This is why GMB workplace organisers will be given the tools they need to protect transgender members.

transgender agenda At the National Equality Conference , GMB Shout! raised motions on trans equality, includin g: • I ncreasing the knowledge and awareness with all stewards and equality officers so that they are aware of trans rights in the workplace and can challenge employers to implement policy and bes • F ully supporting all trans members in thet practice. workplace and looking to ensure those who wish to take part in their region’s equality networks can do so in the gender they identify as. • T o support campaigns that seek to change the views of countries that consider transgender people mentally ill. • T o support campaigns that are pushing for the World Health Organisation (WHO) to brin g forward the date of the reclassification of transgende r people as not mental ill from 2015.

olvedon get inv r more information

Fo BT email Putting the T Back in LG .uk .co ail otm @h gmbshout B GM the for rch or sea k. Shout! page on Faceboo

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iscrimination is wrong. Violence is wrong. That is why GMB stands up to those who would oppress us, whether at work, in our homes or on our streets. GMB Shout! – the self-organised network of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) GMB members – has launched a campaign calling for an end to attacks on transgender people and offering GMB workplace organisers support in addressing the needs of transgender members. “In the world there are reported to be at least 18.6m transgender people, while here in the UK there are approximately 65,000 people who are transgender and these




from GMB All the news

GMB regional secretary Paul Hayes on zero hours contracts

UNCERTAIN TIMES Zero hours contracts are a source of worry.



ecently, the spectre of zero hours contracts has come to the fore, although they have always existed and were previously referred to as ‘casualisation’. What drew our attention was the realisation of how widespread these contracts have become. Initial figures recorded 200,000 such contracts. But this was revised up to one million and now analysis suggests the figure is several times greater. Zero hours contracts exist in most industries and professions, although they appear to dominate in the service industries, retail, security and the domiciliary care sector. For more information on this, seek out an excellent article by Zoe Williams in The Guardian, 7 September 2013, in which she highlights many of the problems of zero hours contracts and clearly demonstrates how they can be used to get around the Minimum Wages Act. Many care workers get paid for their domiciliary time but not the time spent travelling between jobs. Therefore, if payments over the course of a day at various residences are aggregated over the total period spent working, it comes to

it is something that should be substantially less than the £6.19 per tackled by local authorities who, hour minimum. It is also common hours zero when awarding contracts, should on es for employe insist that those employed on contracts to phone in at their outsourced work by own expense to find out if or contractors and subwhen they are required. who contractors should be some are While there employed on bona fide are happy to work under this contracts rather than unfair zero system, for the vast majority The hours arrangements. a regular income is a must. RK is WO We can also help by noting hours zero FIDE of A BON uncertainty and logging all zero hours work Paul Hayes speaks out a constant cause of stress. for robust contracts. undertaken by members or Another cause for concern is the those employed in tandem with the intimidating nature of slightest the agreed contracts and advising even on s member contract, whereby regional organisers accordingly. misdemeanour or criticism can result in reduced hours. This translates to reduced earnings with no redress in respect of bullying, harassment or unlawful deduction. In fact zero hours contracts are as close as possible to denuding employees of basic minimum employment protection within the law, which is exactly what the Tories allude to Contact your workplace . when they talk about “a bonfire of red tape ice organiser or regional off and the attraction of a flexible workforce”. .uk rg b.o Ed Miliband, in his Labour Party Conference as s contract hours zero d identifie speech, has something that needs to be tackled. However,

ed Been offerr a zero hou s contract? 25



from GMB All the news

t c a s r e Sist Push for equal representation in GMB


MB Congress 2013 was a busy week for GMB London region Sisters. There were many motions aimed at increasing women’s role in GMB. The Sisters’ motion asking GMB to review ways of increasing women’s involvement was passed. Further motions requiring 50 per cent of delegates to be women and proposing a women’s conference were referred. The Central Executive Council presented its report on developing women’s standing among GMB employees, particularly regarding senior management roles. One action several GMB regions have been taking has been to encourage admin staff (largely women) to move into officer roles. Regional equality officer and all-round star Sue Hackett was part of a panel discussion of women who had made this change. Sue was able to offer

some perspective on how men and womens’ career trajectories have tended to differ during the course of her career at GMB. Paul Kenny, GMB general secretary, committed to turn the report into action. When the plan is implemented effectively, more women will gain higher positions as GMB employees and branch officers. We look forward to hearing more about the work of the taskforce assembled. The group will be headed by GMB president Mary Turner, who chaired Congress with indomitable energy and charm. We’re also glad to say that Sue Hackett will also be involved, together with female staff and GMB representatives.

Sisters also hosted a very well attended fringe meeting on women’s involvement. It was great to see so many people there and indeed to see so many men attending. To transform GMB into an equally representative union, men will have to change as well as women. It became clear at the meeting that men working in GMB (long term activists as well as staff) share Paul Kenny’s enthusiasm and support for this project. The discussion at the fringe meeting generated a range of possible actions for change. A key result of this gathering was an email list of participants who will form a ‘coalition of the willing’.

ill “More women w gain positions as GMB employees.”

Can yuo raed tihs?

GMB’s dyslexia briefing goes online

It is estimated dyslexia affects 2.9 million workers in the UK with many more undiagnosed or unaware they suffer from the condition. For a worker coping with dyslexia the workplace can often make them feel like they are ‘a square peg in a


round hole’. GMB Equality Forum’s short guide to dyslexia is designed to help GMB organisers start making that round hole a little squarer for GMB members. Download the briefing at

WORD TROUBLE? GMB guide will help dyslexia sufferers.


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GMB SHOUT! update

GMB Shout! at Pride 2013 The London region GMB Shout! group had another large presence at the recent London Pride event. This year our group went on the parade, leading the TUC section in an open top double decker bus! The Shout! group, set up to support LGBT workers, is now planning for 2014. If you would like to be involved let the Shout! group know by emailing or phoning Sue Hackett at London regional office on 020 8202 8272.

Russia’s Gay ban

GMB slams Russian Olympics The Russian Parliament has recently voted to introduce legislation to outlaw gay propaganda, allowing the police to harass gay people. There has been a rise in violence against lesbian, gay and bisexual people as well as the transgender community. Sandie Maile, chair of the London Shout! group, said: “We support the call for the move of the Winter Olympics from Russia. GMB Shout! has been working to support LGBT rights internationally and will be campaigning in support of Russian LGBT people.”

GREAT SHOUT! GMB members show support for LGBT employees.

join us!

Be part of the GMB Shout! AGM

GMB Shout! is holding its annual general meeting for GMB members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). If you or a member you know identify as LGBT, you can participate, submitting ideas and voting on motions at the meeting which is due to take place on 6 December. You could also take an active role in Shout! by nominating yourself or another member in the forthcoming elections for GMB London Shout! committee positions. It’s an informal occasion with food, drinks and networking in a friendly space. There will be a number of guest speakers and the event will be followed by a festive social celebration. If you would like to take part, email, join GMB Shout! on Facebook or call us on 0207 801 2780.

Make the van van-ish

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GMB says no to ‘racist’ Go Home vans

“The slogan ‘Go Home’ is racist, divisive, discriminatory and bordering on the line of hate crime,” says Taranjit Chana, GMB Regional Equality Forum (REF) member. In July, the government piloted a campaign of vans with large billboards being driven around six London boroughs with the slogan ‘Go Home’ splashed across the billboard. The six London boroughs were those where there is the largest concentration of ethnic minorities. The government also introduced stop and search ‘spot checks’ at tube stations,

on buses and other public places. Ordinary Londoners whose skin colour is not a whiter shade of pale were exposed to humiliating stop-and-search routines on their way to work . GMB equality officers must take a stand against these practises. “Clearly the ‘Go Home’ vans and immigration stop-andsearch tactics are a form of institutionalised racism. They were most likely sanctioned by this government no matter what they may say to the contrary,” said Taranjit.

DISCRIMINATORY Immigration van with racist ‘Go Home’ slogan. 27

Protect your Health and Safety

SIGN Follow up for us on thetwitter GMB eNEWSletter @GMBLondonRegion AT


Take five minutes to fill in GMB’s Health and Safety Questionnaire

GMB is dedicated to keeping members safe at work. To do this as effectively as possible, GMB is forming a network of forums which will meet regularly to discuss health and safety issues. The survey below (and online at will help GMB build a list of branches, workplace organisers and members who wish to be involved in local health and safety forums. GMB officers in your area will also meet regularly to discuss health and safety across regional workplaces and feed back to members of health and safety forums. GMB health and safety officer Shaun

Graham commented: “Through the forums, GMB will be able to discuss health and safety issues and politically defend the importance of these issues from a government that thinks health and safety is a ‘Monster’. Yes! These are the words of David Cameron, who wishes to water down health and safety legislation.” The first step to protecting your health and safety at work is to fill in this questionnaire and return it to GMB’s Norwich Office (address below). Alternatively, visit and take five minutes to fill in the form online.

Gmb Health and Safety Forums questionnaire Please return to: Shaun Graham, Health & Safety Officer, GMB, FREEPOST ANG 4536, 38-40 Bethel Street, Norwich NR2 1BR

1 Member’s details Name

Membership No.:







Telephone No.:


Do you have within your workplace a proper functioning Health and Safety Committee and can you please explain how this functions?


Are you currently qualified in any area of Health and Safety, i.e. Diploma, Nebosh, Environmental Health or any other?

Thank you. 29



Retired members r lobby government fo fairer state pensions

who gets it?

GMB London region Retired Members Association (RMA) is campaigning for all pensioners currently drawing a state pension (basic and second) of less than £146 a week to be included in a new Bill before Parliament. From 6 April 2016, those reaching state pension age with a minimum of 35 years of National Insurance contributions will receive a single tier state pension of at least £146 a week (estimated to be around £150 by 2016). For this group of retirees the current basic and second state pension will no longer exist. However, those who retire after April 2016 will have a combination of the existing state pension and the new single tier state pension. Many will have already built up an entitlement to more than £146 a week, and they will still receive this higher amount. As the state second pension is being abolished and merged with the basic state pension, employees in defined benefit (final salary) occupational pension schemes will no longer be able to contract-out of paying full National Insurance. This means that already struggling employees and employers will have to pay an extra £6 billion. Legislation is already in place to raise the state pension age for men

and women to 65 by 2018, 66 by 2020 and 67 by 2036 (although the coalition plan to bring this forward to 2028). This new Bill proposes a review of the retirement age every five years. GMB RMA believes these reviews should be based on the life expectancies of those who rely most on the state pension. GMB RMA believes the level of the basic state pension should be at least £178 a week, which is the official poverty level. RMA also considers that the second state pension should continue in a simplified form and that the number of qualifying years for a full state pension should remain at 30 and there should be no further increases in state pension age beyond 65 until increases in life expectancies are more consistently enjoyed by all and are not linked to income or location. GMB RMA will join a parliamentary lobby on 27 November called for by the National Pensioners Convention to push for these changes. Those currently in receipt of meanstested pension credit will continue to do so after the new system comes into force. The table below shows the number of pensioners in all parts of the region in receipt of pension credits in addition to the maximum basic state pension of £110.15 per week and an additional £66 per week for a couple.

“RMA will join a parliamentary lobby to push for changes.”

% of all people receiving state pension

Pension credit average weekly payment £

Tower Hamlets






% of all people receiving state pension

Pension credit average weekly payment £























Barking & Dagenham
























Hammersmith & Fulham





Central Bedfordshire









How many people are benefiting in your area? 30


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Dates for your diary! Milt on Ke ynes Ci ty branch Monday 6 Januar y Monday 10 Februa ry Monday 10 M arch Monday 14 April Monday 12 M ay Monday 14 Jul y Monday 8 Se ptember Monday 13 Oc tober Monday 10 No vem ber All mem bers are mos t welcome to atte nd and tak e part in the mee ting s which will tak e place at Mil ton Key nes Council , Civic Offices from 7.30 – 9.30pm For more information, con tact Jim Hiom , Branch Secretar y 07762 626 006

H46 branch Me eting wil l tak e place on We dne sday 4 Decem ber at 6pm at the GMB Hayes Office, 213 Chu rch Road, Hayes, UB3 2LG

G43 se cu ri ty branch Me eting wil l tak e place on 26 Novem ber at 7pm at the Cit y Pride, 28 Far ringdo n Lane, Far ringdo n, London, EC1R 3AU

Brai nt re e and Bo ck ing branch B22 Th urs day 30 Januar y Th urs day 27 Februa ry Th urs day 24 April Th urs day 29 M ay Th urs day 26 June – AGM Th urs day 28 Augus t Th urs day 23 Oc tober Th urs day 27 No vem ber Th urs day 18 Decem ber All Mee ting s to be held at: 5:30pm The Benson Bar, 106 Bradford St, Braintree, Esse x CM7 9AU


Contact GMB

If you have a problem at work, contact your GMB workplace organiser. If you do not have one, go to the GMB website at Still no luck? Call the GMB regional office on 020 8202 8272 and ask to speak to the duty officer.

GMB LONDON Regional Office HENDON Thorne House, 152 Brent Street, Hendon, London NW4 2DP. T: 020 8202 8272 F: 020 8202 2893


53 Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1JA. T: 01245 345165 F: 01245 345129


691 Fulham Road, London SW6 5UJ. T: 020 7736 5683 F: 020 7371 7457


8th Floor, Wentworth House, 350-352 Eastern Ave, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex IG2 6NH. T: 020 8518 9200 F: 020 8518 9209


213 Church Road, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 2LG. T: 020 8573 6969 F: 020 8756 0276

GMB baldock

The Maltings, 44 Whitehorse Street, Baldock, Herts SG7 6QQ. T: 01462 499650 F: 01462 499699

GMB norwich

OBITUARy - Bob Hudson It is with great sadness that we report the death of Bob Hudson. Bob is well remembered for his many active years of GMB membership. He served in the Water Workers Union up to 1972 and contributed many years of service on the regional council, regional committee, and as a GMB Congress delegate. He was a man of warmth and integrity, a union man through and through. We send our condolences to his family.

38-40 Bethel Street, Norwich NR2 1NR. T: 01603 626492 F: 01603 766516

GMB southend

41 Queens Road, Southend, Essex SS1 1LT. T: 01702 390512/390427 F: 01702 435074 Follow GMB London Region on Twitter @GMBLondonRegion 31


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