New York 3

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New York 3

Digital activity on the rise, protests in the street, new ways to live life, mask on/mask off, and the graffiti keeps appearing and disappearing. These pictures, dug up during the quarantine from their harddrive graves, date from before this whole new outlook on the future. They are meant to be enjoyed for free, remotely like a lot of activities nowadays. This digital zine is the latest installment of our online series, trying to capture a slice in time of visible paintings around specific cities or mediums. L’activite digitale qui monte, des manifs dans les rues, un nouveau mode de vie, mettre/enlever son masque, pendant ce temps la les graffitis continuent d’appraitre et disparaitre. Ces photos, sorties de leurs disques dures funeraires pendant le confinement, datent d’avant ce nouveau futur. Compilees avec l’intention d’etre feuillete a distance comme beaucoup d’activites ces jours-ci. Ce zine digitale suit nos precedentes sorties en ligne, essayant de capturer une tranche de temps et les peintures visibles pendant celle-ci.

All photos taken on Lenape land. Big Floyd Rest In Power.

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