Florida Water Resources Journal - March 2023

Page 39

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Business Office: 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711 Web: http://www.fwrj.com

General Manager: Michael Delaney

Editor: Rick Harmon

Graphic Design Manager: Patrick Delaney

Mailing Coordinator: Buena Vista Publishing

Published by

BUENA VISTA PUBLISHING for Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc.

President: Richard Anderson (FSAWWA) Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

Vice President: Jamey Wallace (FWEA) Jacobs

Treasurer: Rim Bishop (FWPCOA) Seacoast Utility Authority

Secretary: Mish Clark Mish Agency


The Post Office will not forward your magazine. Do not count on getting the Journal unless you notify us directly of address changes by the 15th of the month preceding the month of issue. Please do not telephone address changes. Email changes to changes@fwrj.com or mail to Florida Water Resources Journal, 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711

Membership Questions

FSAWWA: Casey Cumiskey – 407-979-4806 or fsawwa.casey@gmail.com

FWEA: Karen Wallace, Executive Manager – 407-574-3318

FWPCOA: Darin Bishop – 561-840-0340

Training Questions

FSAWWA: Donna Metherall – 407-979-4805 or fsawwa.donna@gmail.com

FWPCOA: Shirley Reaves – 321-383-9690

For Other Information

DEP Operator Certification: Ron McCulley – 850-245-7500

FSAWWA: Peggy Guingona – 407-979-4820

Florida Water Resources Conference: 407-363-7751

FWPCOA Operators Helping Operators: John Lang – 772-559-0722, e-mail – oho@fwpcoa.org

FWEA: Karen Wallace, Executive Manager – 407-574-3318


Florida Water Resources Journal: www.fwrj.com

FWPCOA: www.fwpcoa.org

FSAWWA: www.fsawwa.org

FWEA: www.fwea.org and www.fweauc.org

Florida Water Resources Conference: www.fwrc.org

Throughout this issue trademark names are used. Rather than place a trademark symbol in every occurrence of a trademarked name, we state we are using the names only in an editorial fashion, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. None of the material in this publication necessarily reflects the opinions of the sponsoring organizations. All correspondence received is the property of the Florida Water Resources Journal and is subject to editing. Names are withheld in published letters only for extraordinary reasons. Authors agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Florida Water Resources Journal Inc. (FWRJ), its officers, affiliates, directors, advisors, members, representatives, and agents from any and all losses, expenses, third-party claims, liability, damages and costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees) arising from authors’ infringement of any intellectual property, copyright or trademark, or other right of any person, as applicable under the laws of the State of Florida.

Florida Water Resources Journal, USPS 069-770, ISSN 0896-1794, is published monthly by Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc., 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711, on behalf of the Florida Water & Pollution Control Operator’s Association, Inc.; Florida Section, American Water Works Association; and the Florida Water Environment Association. Members of all three associations receive the publication as a service of their association; $6 of membership dues support the Journal. Subscriptions are otherwise available within the U.S. for $24 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Clermont, FL and additional offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Florida Water Resources Journal, 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711 News and Features 4 AWWA Announces Annual Utility Benchmarking Survey 12 Water Power Successes in 2022 Help Advance Clean Energy Goals 28 Celebrate Water Conservation Month! 54 2023 National Drinking Water Week is Almost Here! 62 News Beat 64 Grants for Wastewater Infrastructure Projects Announced Technical Articles 30 Integrating Solar Energy Into Florida’s Power System: A Strategic Solar Energy Implementation Plan at Orange County Utilities—Megan L. Nelson, Mark Ikeler, Andres Salcedo, Jennifer Ribotti, and Daniel Allen Education and Training 13 FWPCOA Training Calendar 18 Florida Water Resources Conference 55 FSAWWA 2023 Awards 56 FSAWWA Celebrates Women’s History Month 57 FSAWWA Fall Conference Exhibitor Registration 58 FSAWWA Roy Likins Scholarship Fund 59 FSAWWA Florida Gives Columns 6 Let’s Talk Safety: Mobile Devices— and Working—Don’t Mix 10 C Factor—Patrick “Murf” Murphy 26 FSAWWA Speaking Out—Greg D. Taylor 34 FWEA Focus—Sondra W. Lee 36 Test Yourself—Donna Kaluzniak 60 FWEA Chapter Corner: Make it Happen! Your Contributions Create a World of Difference—Megan L. Nelson Departments 63 New Products 66 Classifieds 70 Display Advertiser Index ON THE COVER: Teams compete in the competitions for Hydrant Hysteria
and Ductile Iron Tap
at the 2022 FSAWWA Fall
Volume 74 March 2023 Number 3 Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 3 2022 FSAWWA
38 General Information, Contest Winners, Events 44 Conference Sponsors 46 Section Awards 52 Incoming Chair’s Reception and Barbecue
Conference. The full conference
begins on page 38.
Fall Conference Recap

AWWA Announces Annual Utility Benchmarking Survey

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has announced the opening of its annual benchmarking survey.

The AWWA Utility Benchmarking Program was developed to help water and wastewater utilities track their own data and compare it to established standards among their water industry peers. The program focuses on two areas:

S Annual survey to collect performance data

S Publication of that data for utilities to utilize

Benchmarking through the AWWA program allows utilities to:

S Understand their performance relative to the industry

S Identify areas for improvement or investment

S Track performance against strategic goals

S Establish realistic goals and create action plans

S Facilitate customer and stakeholder conversations

Hundreds of utilities have participated in the AWWA Utility Benchmarking Survey over the decade and have found benefit from yearly participation.

Performance Indicators

AWWA’s benchmarking program continuously tracks utility performance indicators developed and applied by water industry professionals to provide a framework for improving both operational efficiency

and managerial effectiveness for all utilities. The basis of this program is a system of welldefined and time-tested indicators specific to the water sector. These indicators were designed to help utilities providing water and/ or wastewater services improve their efficiency and effectiveness and are reviewed annually to ensure relevancy and clarity.

This year’s survey is organized by performance indicators in five areas:

S Organizational development

S Customer relations

S Business operations

S Water operations

S Wastewater operations

Utility performance data collected from previous survey results are currently available in the AWWA publication, “Utility Benchmarking: Performance Management for Water and Wastewater.” It’s available to order online in the AWWA Store at www.awwa.org.

Utilities interested in participating in the survey should visit the online survey portal on the benchmarking page at AWWA’s website, noted previously. Survey participants will receive a report with their confidential results relative to the collected results of similar utilities, as well as a 30 percent discount on the publication.

Are You New to the AWWA Utility Benchmarking Program?

If you wish to participate in the current survey, you will need two items:

Individual AWWA Log-In Credentials

S Individuals working on the benchmarking program will be linked to the benchmarking portal using their individual www.awwa.org log-in credentials.

S To verify if you have an individual login, go to www.awwa.org, click on My Account in upper-right hand corner, and follow links to either reset password or to reset username. Only after checking, if you do not have a login, please create a new individual account (membership is not required).

Access to Benchmarking Portal

S New Utility Participants:

• Please designate who will be the benchmarking Point of Contact (POC): this required position will be the recipient of all benchmarking correspondence, responsible for assigning contributor access, manage data collection, and submit the final report. The POC will have the ability to print individual participant reports. Only one POC can be designated per utility.

• To request new utility access, send utility name and POC to AWWA Benchmarking. Benchmarking staff will ensure that utility access is completed and a confirmation email will be sent to the POC as soon as possible.

S Existing Utility Participants:

• The POC is responsible for adding any utility contributors.

S Contributors (optional):

• Contributors collect and enter data and review specific sections for completion. Multiple contributors from each utility can be assigned.

• All contributors must also have an individual AWWA login (membership is not required). Please verify at www.awwa. org your individual log-in credentials.

• Contributor’s access will not be complete until the POC has assigned survey sections and started the current survey

The data collection period for the survey will end on April 5, 2023. S

4 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
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Mobile Devices— and Working—Don’t Mix

It’s well-documented and understood that texting while driving is extremely unsafe. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that drivers who use hand-held devices while driving are four times as likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure—and even kill—themselves and others.

What about the risks caused by cell phones and smart devices used at work— while operating machinery, on a construction site, or in a laboratory? These risks in the workplace are less documented, but can have the same injurious or fatal consequences. For instance, a worker at a utility severed several fingers on one of his hands while operating a chop saw; he was holding his phone between his neck and ear when the accident occurred.

Some of the main issues of cell phone and smart device use while at work are discussed here.


Use of cell phones or smart devices requires cognitive, visual, and manual attention. This means that any time a worker is using one of these devices, his or her mind is not fully engaged on the job at hand. Using cell phones can also decrease productivity.

In a workplace environment that requires a high level of self-awareness, being distracted can result in high-consequence accidents, including loss of life.

Employers who require employees to use cars, vans, or trucks must understand that their policies and training regarding the safe operation of those vehicles, and the inclusion of a clear prohibition against texting on a hand-held mobile phone while driving, are of considerable interest to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), law enforcement, insurers, and potential civil litigants. Failure to address this hazard can result in significant employer liability.


Similar to restrictions on long hair and wearing jewelry, which is often not allowed in high-risk work environments, cell phones or smart devices can get entangled in machinery and interfere with the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). It’s important that work personnel refrain from use of these communication devices.

If a cell phone is dropped, the employee’s impulse may be to reach into moving machinery to retrieve it, risking injury or loss of life. A worker could also place himself in danger by removing some PPE, such as a hard hat, in order to fully put his cellphone on his ear, or his safety gloves, to send a text. This could also cause an injury.

Distractions and entanglements are issues that workers do not want to have while completing jobs that often require both hands—and always require their full attention.

Heavy Machinery

Many heavy-machinery jobs common at companies and on construction sites require everyone onsite to have their full attention on the task at hand. Tens of thousands of injuries related to forklifts and other equipment occur every year. Many injuries happen when lift trucks are driven by distracted drivers who inadvertently drive off loading docks, drive into fellow coworkers or other items, or the forklift tips over. Some accidents happen when a distracted worker falls off an elevated area or pallet.

Mobile phone distractions can exacerbate existing hazards at a construction site. Employees may already be prone to tripping on uneven terrain and may be exposed to trap hazards working in a confined space.

Other employees who are working near

Continued on page 8

6 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
This column addresses safety issues of interest to water and wastewater personnel, and will appear monthly in the magazine. The Journal is also interested in receiving any articles on the subject of safety that it can share with readers in the “Spotlight on Safety” column.
Let’s Talk Safety is available from AWWA; visit www.awwa.org or call 800.926.7337. Get 40 percent off the list price or 10 percent off the member price by using promo code SAFETY20. The code is good for the Let’s Talk Safety book, dual disc set, and book + CD set.


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heavy machinery also need to be off of their cell phones and aware of their surroundings to avoid any chance of an accident.

Mobile Devices in the Laboratory

Laboratory operations demand an employee’s undivided attention to concentrate fully when doing calculations, making dilutions, setting up instrumental operating conditions, or handling hazardous materials. The slightest distraction can lead to communication of wrong results or accidental mishaps and may lead to disastrous consequences. Contamination from laboratory materials is a significant contributor to errors in results—

in addition to the potential health risks. Imagine a situation where an employee, wearing safety gloves, receives a call and picks up the cell phone without taking off the gloves, which could be contaminated. The contaminated mobile phone is a risk to all those who may handle it once it’s taken out of the laboratory. The mobile phone can also be a potential carrier of harmful bacteria and can result in contamination in sterile zones in microbiological laboratories.

Modern laboratory instruments are often operated by electronic signal commands. In cases where the frequencies of signals correspond to the mobile phase electromagnetic signal, there can be interference with instrument signals that can lead to distortions, so mobiles should not be used in the vicinity of such instruments. There are, to date, no recorded cases of

laboratory fires resulting from electrical sparks from mobile devices. The mobile battery has a low voltage and is not capable of igniting combustible vapors; however, keep in mind that the laboratory can use highly flammable solvents with low flashpoints, so mobile phones should not be in the vicinity of such vapors. There have been cases of mobile phones getting ignited and damaged due to spontaneous explosion of batteries. Such accidents can prove disastrous in laboratories due to the presence of hazardous and flammable materials.

Workplace Culture and Policies

How do you start to change the culture regarding the use of cell phones and smart devices? Create a policy that includes the following:

S A purpose statement that explains why it’s dangerous to use such devices in a high-risk working environment.

S A limit on a broad range of devices that should not be used while working a physical job.

S Who the policy applies to—explicitly state that it’s not only for staff workers, but also contractors, consultants, temporary workers, and all personnel affiliated with the parties that are on the jobsite.

S A complete list of where and when workers can and cannot use their mobile and smart devices while on the jobsite or using vehicles.

The Right Attitude

Even if employees recognize the dangers of using mobile devices on the job, they must commit to following the policy. They must:

S Recognize situations where the use of cell phones can interfere with their ability to perform tasks without injury or completing their jobs in a timely manner. Be willing to speak up when they see coworkers putting themselves and others in harm’s way by texting or talking on the phone while performing their job duties. If they are on the receiving end of a call or text from a coworker who is performing a physical job, they should not respond to it.

Have meetings frequently with staff members to make sure that they understand the company’s policies concerning the use of mobile devices.

When used appropriately, these devices can make working lives easier and more enjoyable, but when used at the wrong time and in the wrong manner, they can cause serious injury—or worse.

8 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
S Continued from page 6
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January State Meetings and CEU Crunch Time

amazing capabilities to help hone the test-taking and evaluation process. Glenn Whitcomb, Region 9 director, expressed his gratitude to Jim for bringing this program up through preliminary performance testing, and also to Shirley Reeves, FWPCOA training coordinator, for her work in the implementation process. This will be very helpful for the state short schools.

Board of Directors Meeting

he FWPCOA State Education Committee meeting and board of directors meeting were held in Region 9 in Deltona in January 2023. Thanks to Region 9 for hosting these events; there was good attendance and the venue was excellent.

Education Committee Meeting

The Education Committee meeting was held on Jan. 20, 2023, at the FWPCOA Training Center at 517 Deltona Blvd., Suite B, Deltona, Fla. 32725. It started at 3 p.m. and ran until 5:15 p.m.

The Deltona Training Center has been quite successful for us; approximately 500 students have received training at the center within the past year. The committee is presently seeking a larger venue with more-favorable parking arrangements, and FWPCOA is investigating additional training venues around the state.

Jim Parrish, Region 9 treasurer and pagemaster, gave a presentation on new examination grading software that will produce statistics to improve FWPCOA training and testing operations. Jim went over numerous aspects of the test analysis reports, and it has

Tom King, chair of the Education Committee, announced that he’s hosting an instructor meeting prior to the March 2023 short school to review training objectives and administrative guidelines for that school. He also reiterated, as at previous meetings, that we still need new instructors and have been very liberal by allowing the shadowing of current instructors during the state schools, while aiding with reimbursements for lodging, fuel, and food, once approved for participating in a particular class setting.

Jeff Elder, a longtime instructor at state and regional schools who is now on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) State Exam Review Committee, gave a report on the committee and passed along the news of Ron McCulley being promoted; he’s now in charge of FDEP’s drinking water, injection wells, and operator certification program. Keith Davies replaces Ron as head of the FDEP operator certification section.

I’ve surely missing some details, but it was truly a good meeting; maybe not the longest one ever, but all the members of this committee are

The FWPCOA state board of directors meeting was held at The Center at Deltona, 1640 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd., Deltona, Fla., 32725. Region 9 had a very-much-appreciated spread awaiting the attendees, and I was probably the most thankful after trying to choke down the complimentary breakfast from the hotel (not an omelet; it looked like an egg taco with only cheese and no shell, but not sure it was real eggs or real cheese!).

The chair of the Awards Committee, Renee Moticker, announced that she has only received four or five nominations for the 2023 Pat Robinson Scholarships, and that the application deadline for the Flanagan, Vogh, and Lee awards, to be presented at the 2023 Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC), is April 14.

King also reported on the previous-day meeting, and additionally reported recent technical difficulties with the Online Institute, many of which have already been corrected. At the close of his report, vice president of FWPCOA, Athena Tipaldos, stated that she was most impressed with the examination data made available by the newly implemented grading software and expressed confidence that it will result in overall program improvements.

Mike Darrow, Legislative and Rules Committee chair, reported that there are three or four bills of interest under consideration by the Florida Legislature. House Bill (HB) 23 and its companion, Senate Bill (SB) 162, which authorize interstate reciprocity for Florida water treatment, wastewater treatment, and water distribution operator licenses, generated a lengthy discussion.

Mike noted that I had posted letters on the FWPCOA and Florida Water Resources Journal (FWRJ) websites and also sent them to legislators clearly defining FWPCOA’s opposition to any form of reciprocity that directs or authorizes FDEP to issue licenses to any individual who has not successfully completed a Florida operator exam. Mike closed by summarizing several other bills and rules currently under consideration.

Jonathan Torres, chair of the Publicity Committee, has been diligently attempting to obtain an Operator Month proclamation from Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office. The problem is that the instructions for obtaining proclamations from the governor restrict organizations, associations, etc., as a single reference from acquiring such proclamation. I stated that it’s more important

Patrick “Murf” Murphy President, FWPCOA Education committee meeting on Jan. 20, 2023.

that we get an Operator Month proclamation than having FWPCOA in the verbiage as a sole source for the request or named therein; the members present agreed with this approach.

Under president’s new business, I read a published tribute for Joan E. Stokes, chair of the Job Placement Committee, who passed away on Dec. 18, 2022. She had been an FWPCOA member since 1966 and was the committee chair for more than 30 years. She was also an honorary life member of FWPCOA and a proud member of the Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers. Rim Bishop, FWPCOA secretarytreasurer, held up a handwritten letter he had received from Stokes within a week of her passing, heartfeltly noting that, even then, she was diligently working to connect job seekers with available positions—at the age of 88! Her passing was not just a blow to FWPCOA professionally; it was a far greater loss personally, particularly to those who were fortunate enough to know and fully appreciate Joan.

In accordance with FWPCOA bylaws, the current membership doesn’t permit the declaration of an honorary life member vacancy. Honorary life member election of the nominations for the vacancy that was declared in August 2022 brought some great and difficult choices for the directors to vote on:

S Region 3 - Shirley Reaves, presented by Russ Carson

S Region 4 - Robert Case, presented by Ken Enlow

S Region 9 - Glenn Whitcomb, presented by Scott Ruland

S Region 10 - Chuck Nichols, presented by Mike Darrow

S Region 12 - David Pickard, presented by Steve Saffels

Balloting continued to the third ballot until one of the candidates was elected unanimously, and Glenn Whitcomb was elected the FWPCOA’s newest honorary life member.

I thanked all committee chairs for their work in 2022 and reappointed all of them to their current positions, but for the time being, the Job Placement Committee chair position will remain vacant. I announced that Scott Ruland (Region 9) will replace Ken Enlow, the outgoing FWRC/FWRJ board member and trustee, in both positions. Special thanks were given to Ken’s excellent work as an FWRC trustee and for Bishop’s continuing contributions, which consist of many endeavors that help the association that most of us don’t even realize. I also thanked all the FWPCOA instructors for the time and effort they invest.

Director Phil Donovan of Region 6 noted that a long-time officer of the region, Pat Lyles,

is enduring an illness and asked the board for its thoughts and prayers for him.

The next meetings of the Education Committee and board of directors will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at 3 p.m. and Sunday, March 12, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. respectively. Both meetings will be held at Indian River State College in Ft. Pierce, just prior to the start of the spring state short school.

The meeting ended at 10:56 a.m.

FWPCOA Spring State Short School and Top Ops

Advance your career by attending the FWPCOA Spring State Short School to be held March 13-17, 2023, at Indian River State College in Ft. Pierce. Courses are also available for operator continuing education units (CEUs), so if you put off getting those CEUs until the end of the cycle, which closes on April 30, this may be one of your best options to fulfill those requirements.

Unfortunately, this column will most likely arrive just one week before the start of the state short school, but for those of you who are actually reading it when it comes, this is something that might peak your interest in the short school, which is a fun event to break the grind of the grueling classroom activities and before studying through the night for the next day’s class.

The FSAWWA Top Ops competition was in a terrible dilemma due to the 2023 FWRC conference date changes to May 31-June 3. The Top Ops competition normally held at FWRC would be only one week earlier from when the winners would be going to the national competition at the 2023 AWWA Annual Conference at Exposition (ACE23) in Toronto in June. By FWPCOA providing a venue at the spring state short school, it will allow for the winners to be able to make arrangements for the competition in Toronto.

This would potentially provide an opportunity for the teams to have some of our FWPCOA students and instructors as their audience.

A team consists of three licensed water or distribution system operators (must be superintendent or below) and one captain (historically, superintendent or manager level) and all four can get their way paid to the national AWWA convention. The competition is basically like the “Jeopardy!” game show, but for water operators—you don’t, however, have to phrase the

Most of the questions come from the old Sacramento Training books or the monthly AWWA Opflow newsletter. Also, the new rules allow each team to answer by writing the responses on white boards, so they have eliminated the race to see who hits their buzzer first. The competition will be held during one of the lunch breaks, but the day has not been determined yet. Please keep your eyes open for this event, and let’s support this group, as this is improving the professionalism and knowledge of water operators and will provide them the skill set of competing in front of folks!

Thank you to all the hard-working people in our industry. Let’s keep that water clean and work safe!

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 11
Board of directors meeting on Jan. 21, 2023. Joan E. Stokes (left) at the 2016 Florida Water Resources Conference receiving the 50+ year membership plaque from Renee Moticker, Awards Committee chair.

Water Power Successes in 2022 Help Advance Clean Energy Goals

Governments around the world have been establishing big climate goals for several decades. In the United States, the Biden administration has set a target to build a 100 percent carbon-free electricity sector by 2035 and a net-zero-emissions economy by 2050. It wants to chart a path to a future in which every industry—from manufacturing to energy to transportation—achieves a balance between carbon emitted and carbon absorbed.

As the U.S. electrical grid evolves and integrates more variable renewable energy resources, like wind and solar, hydropower will need to adapt to changing grid conditions and support the reliability and resiliency of the grid, while also meeting water management needs, such as water supply, environmental flow requirements, and management of nuisance flooding.

In reflecting on 2022 and looking ahead

to 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) is sharing a few of the many successes its experts, laboratories, and partners achieved last year to help reach these ambitious goals.

The WPTO enables research, development, and testing of emerging technologies to advance today’s energy, as well as next-generation hydropower and pumped storage systems, for a flexible, reliable grid.

Together with the many other massive efforts underway across DOE, these successes, projects, and people will help build a clean energy future.

2022 Projects

development, and demonstration of wave energy technologies and represent the first round of open-water testing at the PacWave South test site off the Oregon coast, which is an in-development, state-of-the-art, prepermitted, accredited, grid-connected, wave energy test facility; developed in partnership with DOE, the State of Oregon, Oregon State University (OSU), and local stakeholders.


$25 million was awarded for energy projects that will support increased research,

The open ocean test site will consist of four berths, which will occupy two square nautical miles of ocean with a cable route to shore of approximately 12 miles in length. The location for PacWave South was selected through a public outreach process, including significant input from local fishermen. The project continues to have wide community support.


Experts at WPTO, as part of a larger DOE team, contributed to a report on how to broaden access to DOE funding opportunities and increase the diversity of innovators and entrepreneurs developing clean energy technologies.


Another report on the U.S. hydropower supply chain found that, while the existing domestic supply chain is mature and effectively supports the nation’s large hydropower fleet, anticipated new construction and the need to complete refurbishments, upgrades, and relicensing activities point to the need to scale up domestic supply chain activities.


The first WPTO multiyear program plan was released, which outlines the office’s Continued on page 14

12 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
March 13-17 Spring State Short School Ft. Pierce April 11-14 Region IX Water Distribution Level 2 Deltona $325 May 2-5 ..............Region IX Water Distribution Level 3 ..................................................... Deltona ...................$325 15-18 Region IX Wastewater Collection B Deltona $325 June 6-9 Region IX Water Distribution Level 2 Deltona $325 July 11-14 Region IX Water Distribution Level 1 Deltona $325 11-14 ..............Region IX Wastewater Collection A ...................................................... Deltona ...................$325 13-17 ..............2023 Spring State Short School Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 13

Continued from page 12

research priorities and plans through 2025. The plan serves as an operational guide to help WPTO manage and coordinate its activities, as well as a vehicle to communicate its mission, goals, and plans to water power stakeholders and the public. This is WPTO’s first such plan, which details research, development, demonstration, and commercial activities for the coming years and outlines how these efforts are important to meeting the nation’s energy and sustainability goals.

Organized by program and activity area, the report provides a comprehensive summary of all key performance goals to be achieved by 2025, as well as follow-on objectives running through 2030.


For Women’s History Month, WPTO celebrated five women in water power at WPTO, with varying paths to working in water and how they’re helping to move the U.S. closer to its clean energy goals.

S Natalie Alexander – executive assistant

S Ashley Brooks – diversity and inclusion project manager

S Kathryn (Katie) Jackson – engineer and hydropower technology manager

S Yani Shininger – technical project officer

S Maya Whalen-Kipp – Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education fellow


Input was sought on data and research

needs to help WPTO explore how to leverage state-of-the-art climate change science to inform long-term hydropower operation and resource planning.


Oneka Technologies received a $500,000 award for its Snowflake desalination technology by winning the Waves to Water grand prize from DOE. The competition’s goal was to accelerate the development of desalination technologies capable of harnessing energy from ocean waves to create drinkable water to meet the needs of remote coastal communities and populations affected by natural disasters or extreme climate change events.

By winning the competition, the Snowflake desalination buoy was recognized by DOE and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) as an accessible and efficient solution for supplying drinking water in an environmentally responsible manner. During the ocean demonstration, it stood out for its technical performance and commercial potential. Compact and pre-assembled, the Snowflake buoy can be deployed quickly at sea, without technical expertise, and can generate more than 2,500 gallons of drinking water per week, with minimal maintenance.


The Hydropower Operations Optimization (H2Os) Prize was launched,

in which competitors use modeling, data analytics, and machine learning to create new ways for hydropower systems to coordinate with existing grid scheduling practices and meet water management needs, such as water supply, environmental flow requirements, and flood management. The prize focuses on the ways hydropower can complement variable renewables, like wind and solar. When the wind slows and the sun sets, dams and reservoirs can kick in to add power quickly and cut back again when breezes pick up and the sun rises.

Through the competition, WPTO seeks solutions to address key hydropower technology development goals:

S Hydropower Management Performance. Hydropower scheduling solutions that respect the water system’s physical and operational constraints.

S Hydropower Generation Benefits. Economic and environmental benefits resulting from hydropower generation based on feasible hydropower output and electricity market energy prices.

S Novel, Scalable, and Broad Application Unique and innovative flexible solutions that apply to a variety of facilities within a range of modeling and institutional workflows.


A new video was released explaining how WPTO is prioritizing environmental protections and improvements across all hydropower research and development projects.


$8 million in funding was awarded through the WPTO “Technology Innovation to Increase Hydropower Flexibility” funding opportunity. The selected projects will strengthen hydropower’s ability to support an evolving electric grid that includes an increasing amount of variable renewable energy sources.


Winners were announced for the 2022 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition (MECC), along with the teams selected to compete in the 2023 MECC and the inaugural Hydropower Collegiate Competition. The competition provides real-world experience and industry connections to help prepare next-generation innovators for future careers in the marine energy sector. Multidisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students unlock the power

14 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

of the ocean, rivers, and tides to offer unique solutions that build resilient coastal communities and provide power at sea.

For last year’s competition, teams not only created a market-research-supported business plan and developed, designed, and tested technologies, but they also had the opportunity to build and test their devices to achieve energy production.

Submissions ran the gamut, from concepts that aid in ocean observation and underwater vehicle charging, to desalination and more.

Teams included a mix of new and returning universities, along with five international universities spanning the globe from Sao Paulo to Belfast. In the U.S., this diverse set of universities (both large and small) included coastal locations and land-locked states, such as California, Massachusetts, Texas, and Michigan.

The following teams competed in the 2022 competition:

S Boise State University

S California State University, San Marcos – partnering with New Mexico State University

S Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

S Michigan Technological University

S North Carolina A&T State University – partnering with University of North Carolina Wilmington

S Oregon State University

S Purdue University

S Texas A&M University at Galveston – partnering with Sam Houston State University, University of Rochester, University of Sao Paulo, Qatar University, and University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

S University of California, Riverside

S University of Houston

S University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

S University of New Hampshire

S University of North Florida

S University of Washington

S Virginia Tech – partnering with Stevens Institute of Technology

S Virginia Tech – partnering with University of Maine and Queen’s University Belfast

S Webb Institute


A video was released that focuses on how the WPTO is working with marine energy researchers and technology developers to safeguard the thousands of species that inhabit the world’s oceans.


Two WPTO-funded studies—one from Argonne National Laboratory and the other from NREL—found that much of the potential of pumped storage hydropower (PSH) potential remains untapped. Argonne researchers looked at several promising PSH technologies, while NREL researchers evaluated the potential for deploying closedloop PSH in specific regions across the country.

July Eight teams won Phase One of the H2Os Prize, and WPTO opened Phase Two, which asked new and returning competitors to plan grid operations and meet water management needs, while also satisfying more real-world factors in hydropower operations, like water flow requirements and water consumption demands.

The competition challenged innovators to upgrade hydropower technology using 21st century solutions. Competitors applied modeling, data analytics, and machine learning to create new ways for hydropower systems to plan daily grid operations and meet water management needs, such as water supply, environmental flow requirements, and flood management.


The winners of $500,000 were announced in the BUILD Contest as part of the Ocean Observing Prize DEVELOP Competition. The contest challenged competitors to develop solutions that use marine energy to power hurricane-monitoring systems. The teams tested their marine-energy-powered ocean observing prototypes in a state-of-the-art wave tank. The three winners of the contest

shared the cash prize with Maiden Wave Energy LLC’s Rover, which won the top prize of $275,000 after the wave tank test.


The University Marine Energy Research Community and the Marine Energy Technology Symposium hosted their first marine energy research conference. During this event, technical experts presented their marine energy research to help accelerate the pace of sustainable technology development. The event was held in conjunction with the Ocean Renewable Energy Conference, which also provided an opportunity to meet with marine energy developers and stakeholders, as part of Ocean Energy Week 2022.


A WPTO-funded study found that, though drought does raise concerns for hydroelectric generation, the overall hydropower fleet sustained 80 percent of its average generation for the years 2001–2021. Further, hydropower could still be relied upon to supply flexible power during periods of high energy demand— even during the most severe droughts of the past two decades in the U.S.

A $10 million funding opportunity was announced that invests in wave-powered technology innovation, research, and development for seawater desalination and a feasibility assessment for an ocean current test facility.


Six winners in Phase Two of the H2Os

Continued on page 16

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 15

Prize were announced and WPTO opened Phase Three, which built on earlier ones, while focusing on weather-related challenges and operations.


Plans were announced to advance tidal and river current energy systems. The funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will focus on developing a tidal or river current research, development, and demonstration site and supporting in-water demonstration of at least one tidal energy system. The WPTO recently announced the addition of a $10 million topic area to this proposed funding opportunity. This new topic area will support at least one tidal or current energy planning and execution project in the U.S. and bring the total funding to $45 million.

A new WPTO-funded report from NREL analyzed current hydropower workforce trends and needs. It found that a new, diverse workforce is critical to the industry’s ability to sustain current operations and continue to grow to support U.S. clean energy goals. More hydropower-focused educational and training opportunities are needed to address recruitment and hiring challenges. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, WPTO issued three funding opportunities totaling more than $28 million to support the expansion of low-impact hydropower and PSH, the development of new PSH facilities, and engagement with key voices on issues like hydropower fleet modernization, sustainability, and environmental impacts.


WPTO released a $4 million funding opportunity to reduce the environmental impacts of hydropower with research to enhance innovative fish passage and protection technologies.


The WPTO opened an opportunity for hydropower developers and other stakeholders to receive technical assistance from DOE national laboratories to help advance hydropower’s role on the electricity grid. The opportunity was especially targeted to PSH developers and other stakeholders who could benefit from assistance addressing valuation hurdles in project development.


More than $16 million in new projects was announced to further hydropower and marine energy research and development. These awards encompassed $5.6 million for hydropower projects and $10.5 million for marine energy projects across six national laboratories.


A webinar was held to explore the water power topics in Phase One of the Fiscal Year 2023 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. These topics aim to advance the development and commercialization of new ideas and research from small businesses that can drive innovation in water power technologies. The topics included: S Innovations in Water Data

S Advanced Coatings and Geomembrane Liners

S Identification of Cybersecurity Threats and Research and Development of Mitigation Strategies for Hydropower and Dam Operations

S Codevelopment of Marine Energy Technologies

S Marine Energy Supply Chain Development

More About the Water Power Technologies Office

The WPTO researches, tests, evaluates, and develops innovative technologies capable of generating renewable, environmentally responsible, and cost-effective electricity from water resources. This includes hydropower, as well as marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) energy technologies.

The water power program identifies and undertakes research and development to assess the potential extractable energy from water resources and facilitates the development and deployment of renewable, environmentally sound, and cost-effective energy from domestic rivers, estuaries, and marine waters.

The MHK technologies capture energy from waves, tides, ocean currents, the natural flow of water in rivers, and marine thermal gradients without building new dams or diversions. Conventional hydropower uses dams, diversionary structures, and impoundments to generate electric power from water resources.

The program conducts work in four key areas at the forefront of water power research:

S Developing innovative renewable water power technologies

S Breaking down market barriers to deployment

S Building the infrastructure to test new technologies

S Assessing water power resources for integration into the energy grid


Stay in the know with WPTO! Subscribe to one or all of WPTO’s newsletters for information on water power funding opportunities, events, products, and news. Choose from the monthly Hydro Headlines (which covers hydropower), the monthly Water Column (which covers marine energy), and the bimonthly Water Wire (which covers both hydropower and marine energy).

For more information go to www.energy. gov.S

16 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Continued from page 15
Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 17
18 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
31 - June 3, 2023
Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL
Subject to Change

Thursday AM

Did you know you can sponsor a technical track?

For $750, sponsor an entire track for Thursday or Friday, AM or PM. You get to distribute materials, logo included on signage, plus mentions at each session.

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 19
*Tentative, Subject to Change
20 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal Thursday PM Have you bought your tickets? Go to www.fwrc.org *Tentative, Subject to Change
Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 21 Friday AM Did you know your lunches are included? Register as a full-conference attendee or one-day attendee to enjoy the FWRC lunch, FWEA lunch or both. See Attendee information at www.fwrc.org *Tentative, Subject to Change

Friday PM

Be on the lookout for the FWRC app!

This year, the FWRC will have an app to network, make personal schedules, play scavenger hunt and much, much more!

22 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
*Tentative, Subject to Change

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL


May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL




Find links to book your hotel at www.fwrc.org

2 ADDITIONAL HOTELS NOW AVAILABLE Find links to book your hotel at www.fwrc.org

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 23
Ticket Type Includes Exhibit Hall Includes Technical Sessions Includes FWRC &/or FWEA Lunch(s) Price (valid thru 4.30.23) Price (valid 5/1/23 - 6/3/23) Full Registration YES YES YES MEMBER: $425 NONMEMBER: $500 RETIRED: $100 SPOUSE: $100 MEMBER: $500 NONMEMBER: $575 RETIRED: $100 SPOUSE: $100 Exhibit Hall Only YES NO NO $15 $25 1-Day Registration (Thur OR Fri) YES YES Thursday: FWRC Friday: FWEA MEMBER: $275 NONMEMBER: $325 MEMBER: $325 NONMEMBER: $375 1-Day Contestant (Thur OR Fri) YES NO NO $105 $145 1-Day Speaker (Thur OR Fri) YES YES NO $90 $130 Booth Staff (4 free/booth) YES NO NO FREE $10 EACH ADD'L TIX. $10 Retired / Lifetime Member YES NO NO $100 $100 Student Tickets YES NO NO FREE FREE
Ticket Type Includes Exhibit Hall Includes Technical Sessions Includes FWRC &/or FWEA Lunch(s) Price (valid thru 4.30.23) Price (valid 5/1/23 - 6/3/23) Full Registration YES YES YES MEMBER: $425 NONMEMBER: $500 RETIRED: $100 SPOUSE: $100 MEMBER: $500 NONMEMBER: $575 RETIRED: $100 SPOUSE: $100 Exhibit Hall Only YES NO NO $15 $25 1-Day Registration (Thur OR Fri) YES YES Thursday: FWRC Friday: FWEA MEMBER: $275 NONMEMBER: $325 MEMBER: $325 NONMEMBER: $375 1-Day Contestant (Thur OR Fri) YES NO NO $105 $145 1-Day Speaker (Thur OR Fri) YES YES NO $90 $130 Booth Staff (4 free/booth) YES NO NO FREE $10 EACH ADD'L TIX. $10 Retired / Lifetime Member YES NO NO $100 $100 Student Tickets YES NO NO FREE FREE
2023 @
ADDITIONAL HOTELS NOW AVAILABLE Find links to book your hotel at www.fwrc.org Ticket Type Includes Exhibit Hall Includes Technical Sessions Includes FWRC &/or FWEA Lunch(s) Price (valid thru 4.30.23) Price (valid 5/1/23 - 6/3/23) Full Registration YES YES YES MEMBER: $425 NONMEMBER: $500 RETIRED: $100 SPOUSE: $100 MEMBER: $500 NONMEMBER: $575 RETIRED: $100 SPOUSE: $100 Exhibit Hall Only YES NO NO $15 $25 1-Day Registration (Thur OR Fri) YES YES Thursday: FWRC Friday: FWEA MEMBER: $275 NONMEMBER: $325 MEMBER: $325 NONMEMBER: $375 1-Day Contestant (Thur OR Fri) YES NO NO $105 $145 1-Day Speaker (Thur OR Fri) YES YES NO $90 $130 Booth Staff (4 free/booth) YES NO NO FREE $10 EACH ADD'L TIX. $10 Retired / Lifetime Member YES NO NO $100 $100 Student Tickets YES NO NO FREE FREE
May 31 - June 3,
in Kissimmee, FL 2

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL



Only 97 booths still available!

Only 97 booths still available!

Have you reserved your 4 free Booth Staff Tickets?

Have you reserved your 4 free Booth Staff Tickets?

All booths include four free Booth Staff tickets. Go to www.fwrc.org to register today.

All booths include four free Booth Staff tickets. Go to www.fwrc.org to register today.



24 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL

May 31 - June 3, 2023 @ Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee, FL




Only 97 booths still available!


Hurry, before they are all sold.

Only 97 booths still available!

Platinum Sponsor(s): $7,500 each

Hurry, before they are all sold.


Platinum Sponsor(s): $7,500 each Staircase

Overall Meal Events

Overall Meal Events

Silver Sponsor(s): $3,500 each

Silver Sponsor(s): $3,500 each

Network Lounge (3 still available)

Snack Area (1 still available)

Charging Tables (1 available)

Network Lounge (3 still available)

Charging Tables (1 available)

Bronze Sponsor(s): $1,500 each

Bronze Sponsor(s): $1,500 each

Tour bus

Tour bus

Water Station (4 still available)

Water Station (4 still available)

Snack Area (1 still available)

Overall Scaven

Overall Scaven

Supporting Sponsor(s): $1,000 each (19 still avail

Supporting Sponsor(s): $1,000 each (19 still av

Individual Technical Session(s): $750 each (2

Individual Technical Session(s): $750 each (21 st

Have you reserved your 4 free Booth Staff Tickets?

DON'T miss out on all the sponsorship benefits!

DON'T miss out on all the sponsorship

Have you reserve free Booth Staff T


All booths include four free Booth Staff tickets. Go to www.fwrc.org to register today.

All booths include four free Bo tickets. Go to www.fwrc.org to





Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 25

Protect our Environment—and Ourselves—With Efficiency and Focus

wastewater treatment as much as possible and try to let the “bugs” do the work.

S We build wetlands to remove nutrients from wastewater effluent and stormwater, while allowing plants to grow and provide us oxygen.

he water industry is a vital part of our society. Without water, there cannot be life as we know it. Water comes in various forms: fresh, brackish, salty, and all forms in between. Our environment does a phenomenal job of filtering water for us through evaporation, transpiration, and precipitation. In whatever form the water comes to us—fresh, brackish, wastewater, or stormwater—we have a duty to manage this precious resource to the best of our ability.

Luckily, we have developed techniques over the years to be more efficient and use less energy.

S Automation and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology have allowed us to optimize our processes to make sure we operate equipment at peak efficiency. S We use structures and gravity flow in

Being efficient with our processes and our energy consumption helps us be good stewards of the environment and we should all look at this as we implement new projects and consider the long-term impacts on the environment around us.

On a separate note, after talking with people from all over the state who work in all the numerous professions of our industry, it’s obvious that we are all pretty busy. Since 2020, we have seen many retirements in the world of water, without a large backlog of people to fit into those roles. We need qualified people for operations, distribution, construction trades, and engineering. Consequently, there are other careers that are just as crucial that help support workers to get the job done, such as meter readers, geographic information system (GIS) professionals, finance/accounting/procurement specialists, and human resources personnel.

Internships and Mentoring

Recruiting and retaining people is vital to the sustainability of our industry. For all of the professions that make our industry work, internships provide a glimpse into different jobs for people who don’t know a lot about what we all do and determine if it’s something of interest to them. Mentoring helps guide junior staff members to keep them involved, in not just the work, but also the networking and educational portions to help people grow as individuals and in their careers.

The FSAWWA provides educational, networking, and mentorship opportunities for its members and we encourage you to utilize the section to the fullest extent.

We spend a lot of our time performing our job duties. Professional and personal growth, whatever that may look like, can make that time be more enjoyable and provide a sense of purpose. Reaching out to others to get help or insight from them, receiving training in areas where you want to gain more knowledge, and helping others from your own experiences are all ways that we can all help each other.

It’s helpful to hear from other people

26 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal FSAWWA SPEAKING OUT
Greg D. Taylor, P.E.

about what they’ve learned from their experiences on the job. I’ve learned many tips from the people around me, including ways to design that are more efficient, or make sure the end user has an easier time operating the equipment, or just how to be a better person.

Self Care

As I acknowledged earlier, we are all busy, but periodically, please take a minute and just close your eyes and breath. Relax, let that email go unanswered for another minute, let that phone call go to voicemail, and tell that person walking in that you will get back to them shortly.

That email will still be in your inbox, you can call that person back, and whatever question someone needs answered will still be there. Taking a few moments now and again to collect your thoughts and relax will make your day feel so much better and prevent burnout of the people who are critical to the success of our industry: YOU!

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 27

Celebrate Water Conservation Month!


(Name of county/city entity)


WHEREAS, water is a basic and essential need of every living creature; and

WHEREAS, the state of Florida, water management districts, and (your name) are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation; and

WHEREAS, (your city or county name) and the state of Florida have designated April, typically a dry month when water demands are most acute, as Florida’s Water Conservation Month, to educate citizens about how they can help save Florida’s precious water resources; and

WHEREAS, (your name) has always encouraged and supported water conservation, through various educational programs and special events; and

WHEREAS, every business, industry, school, and citizen can make a difference when it comes to conserving water; and

WHEREAS, every business, industry, school, and citizen can help by saving water and thus promote a healthy economy and community; and

WHEREAS, leak prevention is commonly thought to be the first step in conserving water, (your name) will encourage citizens and businesses to focus on fixing leaks;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that by virtue of the authority vested in me as (chairman, mayor, etc.) of (your city or county name) and (commissioners or councilmembers, etc.) do hereby proclaim the month of April as

Water Conservation Month

(your city or county name), Florida is calling upon each citizen and business to help protect our precious resource by practicing water saving measures and becoming more aware of the need to save water.

Keeli Carlton

This year marks the 25-year anniversary since April was first established as Water Conservation Month in Florida. During that time, great strides have been made toward understanding the impacts of water efficiency and water conservation programs.

To recognize these efforts, the Florida Section American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) and Florida’s water management districts are once again asking local governments, water utilities, and other organizations to adopt a resolution or proclamation declaring “April as Water Conservation Month” and then report this back to FSAWWA.

Make Your Voice Heard

It’s important that your organization add a Water Conservation Month proclamation to the statewide list. Each year, FSAWWA works with the state governor and cabinet to proclaim “April as Water Conservation Month.” By adopting Water Conservation Month and adding your proclamation to the statewide list, you’re letting Florida’s elected officials know just how important water efficiency and water conservation practices are to local governments, water utilities, and other organizations in Florida.

The FSAWWA wants to have utilities and other groups throughout the state adopt this proclamation to get your efforts in water conservation recognized!

The sidebar on page 29 shows the list of some of the participants in 2022.

New This Year: Water Conservation Theme

For this 25th year of bringing attention to water conservation, the FSAWWA is including a theme, which for 2023 is leak prevention. We are asking utilities and local governments to include leak prevention as an important first step in conserving this precious resource.

To add your proclamation to the statewide list of entities proclaiming Water Conservation Month this year, please email your proclamation and its adoption date to Jenny Arguello at jenny@fsawwa.org.

The due date for the proclamations is April 15, 2023. Your continued support of water conservation and water use efficiency in Florida through participation in this 25th annual event is appreciated!

28 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Keeli Carlton is chair of the FSAWWA Water Use Efficiency Division.

South Florida Water Management District

• Broward County

• Central Broward Drainage District

• Charlotte County

• City of Boca Raton

• City of Boynton Beach

• City of Lauderhill

• City of Margate

• City of Plantation

• City of Stuart

• City of Weston

• Miami-Dade County

• North Miami Beach

• Orange County

• Palm Beach County

• South Broward Drainage District

• Town of Highlands Beach

• Town of Juno Beach

• Town of Lantana

• Town of South Palm Beach

St. Johns River Water Management District

• Alachua County

• Baker County

• Bradford County

• Brevard County

• City of Atlantic Beach

• City of Bunnell

• City of Callahan

• City of Casselberry

• City of Clermont

• City of Cocoa Beach

• City of Daytona Beach

• City of DeBary

• City of Deltona

• City of Edgewater

• City of Fellsmere

• City of Fernandina Beach

• City of Fruitland Park

• City of Green Cove Springs

• City of Groveland

• City of Hawthorne

• City of Holly Hill

• City of Jacksonville

• City of Jacksonville Beach

• City of Keystone Heights

• City of Lake Helen

• City of Lake Mary

• City of Leesburg

• City of Longwood

• City of Macclenny

• City of Melbourne

• City of Minneola

• City of Mount Dora

• City of Neptune Beach

• City of Oak Hill

• City of Ocoee

• City of Orange Park

• City of Oveido

• City of Palm Bay

• City of Palm Coast

• City of Port Orange

• City of Sanford

• City of Satellite Beach

• City of South Daytona

• City of St. Augustine

• City of St. Augustine Beach

• City of Titusville

• City of Umatila

• City of West Melbourne

• City of Winter Springs

• Clay County

• Clay Soil and Water Board

• Duval County

• Duval Soil and Water Board

• East Central Florida Regional

• Flagler County

• Jacksonville Environmental


• Lake County

• Marion County

• Nassau County

• Northeast Florida Regional Council

• Orange County

• Planning Council

• Protection Board

• Putnam County

• Seminole County

• St. Johns County

• Town of Baldwin

• Town of Beverly Beach

• Town of Hilliard

• Town of Howey in the Hills

• Town of Indialantic

• Town of Lady Lake

• Town of Montverde

• Town of Orchid

• Town of Ponce Inlet

• Town of Welaka

• Utilities Commission, City of New Smyrna Beach

• Volusia County

Southwest Florida Water Management District

• Citrus County

• City of Tampa

• City of Winter Haven

• City of Zephyrhills

• Manatee County

• Pasco County

• Tampa Bay Water

Suwannee River Water Management District

• City of Lake City

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 29

Integrating Solar Energy Into Florida’s Power System: A Strategic Solar Energy Implementation Plan at Orange County Utilities

Megan L. Nelson, P.E., is senior engineer; Mark Ikeler, P.E., is chief engineer; and Andres Salcedo, P.E., is deputy director at Orange County Utilities in Orlando. Jennifer Ribotti, P.E., is project manager and Daniel Allen, P.E., is senior project manager at Tetra Tech in Orlando.

Florida, also known as the Sunshine State, has a readily available, abundant resource for energy providers and users across the state. As one of the largest utility providers in central Florida, Orange County Utilities (OCU) is researching best practices to utilize solar energy and reduce energy costs to maximize its operating budget and support the 2030 Sustainable Operations and Resilience Action Plan from Jerry Demings, the mayor of Orange County.

One identified strategy in the plan is installing solar power at a high-energy consumption wastewater treatment facility. Because of the amount of available land, OCU’s Northwest Water Reclamation Facility (NWRF) was selected as the preferred location for a pilot project. At OCU, electricity costs account for approximately 15 percent of the annual operating budget for both the water and water reclamation divisions.

When identifying potential solar projects within OCU, several factors were considered that would provide the best return on this investment:

S Available land space

S Proximity to high power use processes

S Existing regulatory constraints

The OCU owns and operates the NWRF, and power to the facility is currently provided by Duke Energy (Duke). The proposed NWRF solar plant is to have a capacity of 2 megawatts (MW), which will reduce electricity consumption at the facility by approximately 33 percent and

30 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Megan L. Nelson, Mark Ikeler, Andres Salcedo, Jennifer Ribotti, and Daniel Allen
Figure 1. Site Location Map

up to 60 percent, depending on weather, ambient temperature, available daily irradiance, panel tilt angle versus time of year, and system losses.

This project will be eligible for net metering, meaning that excess electricity generated onsite that’s not consumed will be sent back to the power grid and credited later against consumption during the same time-of-use period. Construction on this project is currently underway and expected to be complete by summer 2023.

The OCU is concurrently assessing sites with open water space for locating floating solar panels. One floating solar panel project that is currently underway and under construction is at OCU’s Southern Regional Water Supply Facility (SRWSF), and it’s also expected to be complete by summer 2023. More solar panel installations will be performed by OCU at its facilities throughout Orange County.

This article focuses on OCU’s solar energy journey to date, including the design, anticipated timeline and energy savings of the proposed solar

plant at NWRF, and future considerations for solar energy at Orange County.

Northwest Water Reclamation Facility

The NWRF is owned and operated by OCU and is located at 701 West McCormick Road in Apopka. This facility is currently provided power by Duke and has a typical peak daily power usage of 1.3 MW.

To offset plant power costs and create a moresustainable facility through net energy metering, OCU is currently constructing a solar plant with a peak capacity of 2 MW of peak alternating current (AC [MWAC]), the maximum allowable generation capacity for interconnection and net metering of customer-owned renewable generation per the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), 25-6.065(3).

An array of 2-MWAC panels was estimated to produce up to 60 percent of NWRF’s power and potentially save $430,000 per year in operating costs.

A preliminary technical and feasibility review was prepared for OCU in 2019 (WSP Global, 2019). The review considered two proposed site locations at the NWRF, as well as several site panel layouts, electrical interconnect, yield analysis, basic design considerations, system-installed cost, and preliminary equipment recommendations. It was estimated that a 25-year life cycle of the system with 2 MW could be paid in full within 10 years.

The OCU eventually selected the site shown in Figure 1 as the preferred location for the solar panel plant. Existing site improvements were necessary for the proposed solar plant and generally included new concrete pads, electrical conduit, and minimal equipment to operate the solar panel plant.

The primary reasons for selecting the proposed location for the solar plant were the close proximity to the existing electrical building, the availability of ample undeveloped land that was not otherwise reserved for future plant expansions,

Continued on page 32

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 31
Figure 2. Site Plan

and the ability to maintain the natural drainage in the area.

Duke Energy

As mentioned previously, the NWRF is primarily metered through an existing contract with Duke, which will replace OCU’s current meter during the project with a bidirectional meter capable of recording excess energy generation for calculating net metering credits. This site is defined by state law as a Tier 3 generating facility, 100 kilowatt (kW) to 2,000 kW (2 MWAC) in size. Excess energy generation at the end of the billing month is credited to the energy consumption for the next billing cycle. At the end of each calendar year, Duke credits the customer for any unused net metering credits at an annual rate based on the cogeneration (COG)-1 tariff. The rate for COG-1 back in 2020 when the project was initiated was 6.310 cents/kilowatt-hour (kWh), meaning that the customer receives 6.310 cents for each credit not used to offset energy usage during the calendar year. The design of the system included an OCU-owned revenue-quality net meter that will track usage to confirm Duke’s recorded net usage.

Basis of Design

The basis of the solar plant design at the NWRF includes 2-MWAC photovoltaic (PV) panels, arranged as shown in Figure 2. The panels will be distributed on approximately 10 acres of land and include ground-mounted, fixed-position panels approximately18 in. above grade. The panels will have 1000 volt (V)-direct current (DC), 480 V-AC, and three-phase conversion, along with structural supports, inverters, cabling, DC optimizers, AC distribution, grounding, system communications, a medium voltage transformer, and medium voltage switchgear.

Photovoltaic Panels

The system was designed to be fixed-tilt with a 20-degree tilt angle facing due south (not magnetic south) and required that the panels be mounted with a 5-degree west azimuth (panels turned slightly west). A conversion ratio of 1.3 DC/ AC was assumed to account for system losses for the difference in power ratings of factory standard test conditions (STC) versus actual field rating nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT).

A number of panel manufacturers that could be used for the project were selected from a list of Tier 1 providers. Tier 1 solar panels are made by manufacturers that have been rated as such by a reputable, independent PV industry analyst and provide a higher-quality manufacturing process, resulting in products with fewer deficiencies,

better warranties, and better panel performance. These are financially stable manufacturers with a greater ability to honor their warranties over the life of the system.

There are a variety of PV module sizes available, and standard cells in the United States include 60 cell, 72 cell, 96 cell, and various versions of half-cell technologies, such as 2x72 (144) halfcell designs. The 60 cell panels are normally used in residential systems with limited roof space and were not considered for this project.

Typical applications for commercial systems are 72 cell panels, and 96 cell panels are generally reserved for large-scale utility systems. The 72 cell and versions of the 144 half-cell designs were used as the basis of design for this project based on cost and weight considerations. Most 72/144 cell units weigh approximately 50 pounds, which is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) limit for one-person manual lifting, making this weight limit a critical factor for installation cost and maintenance.

Direct Current Optimizers

The DC optimizers, with a rapid shutdown feature, were designed to be added to each panel to:

S Maintain maximum efficiency by operating panels as close to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) as practical.

S Mitigate module mismatch loss due to manufacturing tolerance, partial shading, and aging.

S Provide the safety of a rapid shutdown feature.

S Track panel health and status for panel-level maintenance.

Ground-Mounted Structural Systems

Ground-mounted structural systems represent a substantial cost of the PV field installation. This is typically performance-based criteria in bid documents that allow the contractor an opportunity to minimize costs based on system and installation methods. The selected contractor will not be required to use concrete in this design, although they may elect to do so to reduce pile depths.


Inverter options include large central inverters with DC string combiners and smallercapacity string inverters with AC outputs that are combined in standard switchboards and gear. The recommended option will be based on equipment costs, installation costs, initial system capacity and expansion considerations, and maintenance costs.

Over the life of the PV system, power electronics are most susceptible to failure; therefore, inverters require careful maintenance, repairs, servicing, and/or replacement throughout the life of the system. Small string inverters are

easier to maintain and can be serviced or replaced by most operator technicians. Due to the increased complexity of central inverters, increased service and repairs would be required by manufacturer technicians, and therefore, were not considered for this project.

Small string inverters can be located on the north side of panel strings, benefiting from reduced heat through shade from the PV panels. Depending on structural design, string inverters can be mounted to the panel supports, further reducing installation cost.

Northwest Water Reclamation Facility Solar Plant Timeline

The final design for the NWRF solar plant was completed in fall 2020. The project was bid and awarded to Ecolectrics in fall 2021 for an estimated construction cost of $3,788,000. The Duke Tier 3 interconnection agreement application was approved in spring 2021. Construction is currently underway and is expected to be complete in summer 2023.

The Future of Solar in Orange County

The OCU plans to implement solar power energy solutions, in addition to the NWRF solar plant. Future projects will be strategically prioritized based on potential energy savings for the connected facility, compatibility of site configurations, and existing conditions, as well as other factors, such as shifting economics of products in the marketplace and impacts from associated regulations.

A contract was recently awarded by OCU in the amount of $2,017,000 to D3 Energy for the turnkey installation of a fully operational 1.04-MWAC floating PV system at the SRWSF. It’s anticipated that the proposed system at this facility will achieve an annual energy savings of 20 percent, or $175,000 per year. This investment represents an approximately 11-year return on investment.

While both projects reflect comparable capital investments, maintenance costs are expected to be lower for the floating PV system. Further, consideration of both types of mounting options allows greater flexibility for OCU, as each facility’s unique property layout is assessed for future projects. As the current projects move through the construction phase and into operations, actual energy production rates and maintenance costs will be monitored and assessed.

The OCU is committed to sustainability, resilience, and innovation. With this in mind, it seeks to continue expanding the use of PV systems in an effort to address the sustainability initiative component of this mission, offset energy demands, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. S

32 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Continued from page 31


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Annual WEF Board Retreat Comes to Florida!

After rescheduling due to Hurricane Nicole, the annual Water Environment Federation (WEF) Board of Trustees Retreat was nearly affected a second time by massive flight delays when a winter storm seriously impacted flights across the East Coast in early January. With great luck all of the board members were able to make their flights down to south Florida just in time to kick off the two-day event the morning of January 5 in Miami Beach.

Each year, the new president of WEF selects the location of the annual retreat, so this year Ifetayo Venner brought the retreat to Florida. She selected the Miami area for its unique culture and proximity to Jamaica and Barbados, where she had grown up. Miami was a place she and her family would visit years before becoming a Florida resident and WEF president.

As FWEA president, I was able to attend the first morning session of the retreat to welcome the board to Florida, providing some general information about the geography of the state, the setup of the FWEA chapters, and the FWEA strategic business plan goals.

The focus on Florida continued for the remainder of the morning with two panel discussions with local water leaders.

Miami Area Utility Leaders Panel Discussion

The first panel, moderated by Joan Fernandez, FWEA treasurer, consisted of three local utility leaders:

S Marisela Aranguiz, capital improvements program deputy director, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department

S Andrea Suarez Abastida, director, North Miami Beach Water

S Christina Ortega Castinerias, city engineer, City of Miami Beach

Each panel member provided an overview of their utility and what challenges they’re facing. Some of the issues these water utility leaders addressed include the following:

Public Advocacy of the Water Industry

A key area for a water utility to improve on is to better utilize public outreach and advocacy. Water industry projects are invisible necessities and local officials and citizens don’t always understand their importance, especially since these projects do not spark a lot of publicity campaigns that could generate excitement. Educating local officials would prevent important water infrastructure projects from being sidelined by campaign promises that often receive priority in local funding efforts. Unfortunately, it may take a sunny-day flooding event to finally catch the attention of the individuals in charge of setting funding priorities.


Utilities are facing a lot of vacancies, and filling positions has been extra challenging due to the low wages that are being offered, along with the requirement to work atypical hours, including the requirement to work during storm events. Many utilities have had to rehire retired employees to fill in position gaps. Officially declaring water industry


workers at an “essential” status might help with wages. Members of management need to stay engaged with their staff by meeting them in their workspace. Offering an intern program could help bring in employees and career progression programs may help retain them.

Supply Issues

As supply issues continue to plague project schedules and budgets, it’s important for managers to keep commissioners and board members up to date with issues, so they don’t become surprised. Utilities could network and make connections with other utilities to seek assistance in obtaining parts and equipment to help ease some of the pressure.

South Florida Water Industry Panel Discussion

The second panel consisted of individuals in the South and Southeast Chapter areas, from three different workforce areas:

S Private consulting - Abnery Pincon, Gannet Fleming

S Government/utilities - Raghavender Joshi, Miami-Dade County

S Manufacturing industry - Alexander Kraemer, Thermal Process Systems

Melody Gonzalez, FWEA Member Relations Committee chair, moderated the group, starting off by asking each panel member to share the story of how they ended up in the water industry. This was followed by questions about what water challenges they see in the south Florida area, which can be summarized in three general topics:

Water Issues

Improvements are needed to an aging water supply distribution system, and saltwater intrusion is becoming a larger problem with water supplies. A “One Water” concept is the path for the future, but public outreach is critical to its success. It was also suggested that virus monitoring in wastewater should be implemented across more utilities.

Attracting and Retaining Water Workers

This panel stressed that there is a need to make environmental engineering more appealing to younger generations. At the same time there is a need to keep the existing workforce engaged, interested, and invested in working in the water industry. Some suggestions, like rotating new employees through different departments or implementing an internship program similar

to that in Hillsborough County, would be beneficial.

Professional associations also have a role to play. Reaching out to students in high school and at universities could help attract people to the industry. Associations can help with retaining workers by continuing to keep workers engaged with the industry. Onboarding programs currently used by FWEA provide a personal touch that can really go far in engagement. Cross-sector networking would also enhance engagement by getting those who work in consulting, manufacturing, and construction (and with other utilities) talking to each other on a routine basis.

Outreach Programs

Public education on how water resources are managed can provide a positive image of the water industry and has the potential to attract workers. Outreach efforts and programs need to be done by all sectors of the water industry. Utilities should have a dedicated position to reach out to schools and the general public to highlight the importance of water resources and workers. Likewise, private industry should also contribute resources to help outreach efforts, which could be considered an investment in their future workforce and possibly strengthen relationships with utilities and other clients. Both groups, as well as individuals, may need to look into modern outreach methods.

Are you up to becoming an influencer for the cause?

During the panel discussions it was noted that each of the six panelists, and the two moderators, were born outside of the United States. The panelists were selected based on their working roles, and it was only coincidence that they were such a diverse group of panelists. This is just a perfect example of how diverse this part of Florida is, where more than half of the residents in Miami-Dade County are foreign born.

These morning panel discussions provided an opportunity for the WEF board of trustees to hear firsthand some of the issues facing south Florida, many of which are issues across the U.S., and a few that appeared unique. Several of the WEF board members followed up with questions and were genuinely interested and intrigued by these discussions.

One board member from an interior state, far from any water body, commented on how fascinating it was to hear directly from a utility dealing with rising sea levels, something they have not had to address.

It was also a great opportunity for FWEA members to meet the WEF board in a smallgroup setting, outside of the WEF Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), as we all work together toward WEF’s vision of a “Life Free of Water Challenges.”S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 35
Melody Gonzalez (left) leads the discussion for the second panel.

Test Yourself

What Do You Know About Beaches and Inlets?

1. Per the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Beaches website, to protect, preserve and manage Florida’s valuable sandy beaches and adjacent coastal systems, the Florida Legislature adopted the Florida Beach and Shore Preservation Act, which provides three programs that FDEP administers: the Coastal Construction Control Line, Beach Management Funding Assistance, and the

a. Beaches, Inlets, and Ports Program.

b. Beaches Restoration Program.

c. Critical Erosion Repair Program.

d. Offshore Management Program.

2. Per the FDEP Beaches website, what type of permit is required for activities such as beach renourishment, construction of erosion control structures, and public fishing piers?

a. Coastal Construction Control Line Permit (CCLP)

b. Environmental Resource Permit (ERP)

c. Joint Coastal Permit (JCP)

d. Submerged Lands Permit (SLP )

3. Per the FDEP Beaches website, the department’s Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) Program protects coastal resources from improperly located and designed structures and activities that can destabilize the beach and dune system, cause erosion, expose upland property to storm damage, or interfere with public access. The CCCL is set at the upland limits of the damaging effects of what level of coastal storm?

a. 25-year storm

b. 50-year storm

c. 75-year storm

d. 100-year storm

4. The FDEP Strategic Beach Management Plan (SBMP) develops and maintains a comprehensive long-term management plan for beach restoration. Strategies must be developed for inlets and

a. all Florida shorelines.

b. any beach that has suffered minimal erosion.

c. critically eroded beaches.

d. shorelines in heavily populated areas.

5. Per the FDEP Beaches, Inlands, and Ports Program (BIPP) website, one of BIPP’s responsibilities is to provide support in defining the property boundary between sovereign submerged land and upland ownership, which is the

a. Coastal Control Line (CCL).

b. Erosion Control Line (ECL).

c. Private Property Line (PPL).

d. Submerged Land Line (SLL).

6. Per the FDEP Beaches Funding Program website, financial assistance of up to 50 percent is available for beach projects such as restoration and renourishment. How much assistance is available for inlet project costs?

a. 25 percent

b. 50 percent

c. 60 percent

d. 75 percent

7. Per Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62B-41, Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits, with the exception of beach renourishment or restoration, any coastal construction permitted by FDEP must not be conducted during the period of May 15 through October 31 if FDEP determines severe impacts, because that period is

a. hurricane season.

b. marine turtle nesting season.

c. months with excessively high tides.

d. tourist season.

8. Per FAC 62B-41, FDEP will not permit armoring (installation of manmade structures to prevent erosion to upland property or eligible structures), except as a last resort. The property or structure must be vulnerable to erosion from what level storm?

a. Five-year storm

b. 10-year storm

c. 15-year storm

d. 25-year storm

9. Per the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) Florida Healthy Beaches Program website, monitoring for fecal indicator bacteria is conducted routinely at beaches throughout the state. What microorganism is monitored to determine contamination?

a. Enterococci

b. Fecal coliform

c. Total coliform

d. Salmonella

10. Per the FDOH Florida Healthy Beaches Program website, FDOH monitors the number of cases of severe illness and death caused by a specific bacterium that lives in warm seawater and can enter open cuts or wounds. In 2022, there were 17 deaths from such infection in Florida. Which bacterium is responsible?

a. E. Coli

b. Legionella pneumophila

c. Pseudomonas

d. Vibrio vulnificus

Answers on page 70

References used for this quiz:

• Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62B-41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits:

https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ChapterHome. asp?Chapter=62b-41

• Florida Department of Environmental Protection –Beaches website:


• Florida Department of Environmental Protection –Strategic Beach Management Plan: https://floridadep.gov/sites/default/files/SBMP_ Introduction_2020_FINAL_ER_riv_0.pdf

• Florida Department of Environmental Protection

– FDEP’s Beaches, Inlands, and Ports Program (BIPP) website:


• Florida Department of Environmental Protection –Beaches Funding Program website:


• Florida Department of Health – Florida Healthy Beaches Program website:


• Florida Department of Health – Vibrio Infections website:

https://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/ vibrio-infections/vibrio-vulnificus/index.html

Send Us Your Questions

Readers are welcome to submit questions or exercises on water or wastewater treatment plant operations for publication in Test Yourself. Send your question (with the answer) or your exercise (with the solution) by email to:


36 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
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2022 FSAWWA Fall Conference: Aging Well—Protecting Our Infrastructure

The Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) celebrated its 96th year of commitment and dedication to the world’s most important resource by hosting its 28th Fall Conference, with the theme, “Aging Well—Protecting our Infrastructure,” from November 27 to November 30 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Orlando.

The yearly event attracted 2030 attendees that included operators, water utility executives and managers, engineers, educators, manufacturers, consultants, students, and others from the water profession. A total of 170 exhibit booths were sold.

There were lots of opportunities to meet old colleagues and make new friends at the continental breakfasts, lunches, meet-and-greet receptions, committee meetings, Poker Night and Happy Hour, TopGolf event, and annual BBQ

Challenge and reception to welcome FSAWWA’s incoming chair for 2023, Greg Taylor.

Opening General Session

The Opening General Session (OGS) on Monday afternoon is one of the conference’s must-attend events and has been a part of the conference since 2013. Emilie Moore, FSAWWA chair, welcomed the attendees to the OGS and introduced Randy Moore, AWWA vice president and visiting officer. Moore presented an update on association events and priorities.

Opening General Session Topic: Florida’s Response to Hurricanes

Emilie Moore introduced the panelists who made a grand entrance as “masked water heroes.” The 2022 panel of speakers included:


S Kevin Carter, Broward County Water & Wastewater Services

Opening Session


S Jennifer Carpenter, acting director, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) South District Office

S Andrew Campbell, director, University of Florida Office of Professional and Workforce Development

S Alicia Keeter, South Walton Utility Co.

S Lisa Wilson-Davis, City of Boca Raton

The panelists focused on Hurricane Ian’s havoc on Florida, which landed in the state last year on September 28. As has been reported, “Hurricane Ian was the third-costliest weather disaster in the world on record and the deadliest hurricane to strike the state since the 1935 Labor Day hurricane.”

Other presentations were from the following agencies:

S Florida Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (FlaWARN)

S Florida’s WATER Tracker – Water Assistance Tracking and Emergency Response

BBQ Challenge and Incoming Chair’s Reception

On Monday evening, the conference held the ninth BBQ Challenge, which was open to all attendees. It was also an opportunity to introduce and welcome the incoming FSAWWA chair, Greg Taylor (for more information, see page 52).

Technical Program

Each year, through the dedicated efforts of Dr. Fred Bloetscher, an excellent technical program is presented. In 2022, specialty workshops were offered on Mondays, as they have been in the past. The nine workshops were:

S Engineering Laws and Rules

S Navigating the State and National Regulatory Landscape: Get Your Research On

S Cybersecurity Insights, Resources, and Best Practices

S Growth and New Development Considerations

S Utility Systems Symposium: The Intelligence of Water

S Source Water Protection (Farm Bill 2018)

S Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources for Utilities

S Automation and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

38 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
The masked water heroes make their grand entrance. The opening general session crowd watches an AWWA presentation. Randy Moore, AWWA visiting officer, updates attendees on association events and priorities. Emilie Moore welcomes attendees to the opening general session.

S Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/ Asset Management

Tuesday and Wednesday technical sessions focused on the conference’s theme. The sessions included:

S Potable Reuse

S Management of Pipelines

S Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Treatment

S Water Treatment: Membrane Applications

S Managing Your Finances

S Reclaimed Water Solutions

S Emerging Contaminants

S Where are the Workers: The New Normal for Organizations

S Contractors Council: Adapting to Changing Market Conditions

S Lead and Copper Rule Compliance

S Less Conventional Water Treatment

S Hydraulic Modeling of Piping Systems

S Water Conservation Symposium: From Forty Thousand Feet to the Weeds


The exhibit hall, which had 140 booth spaces and 30 tabletops, gave attendees another chance to network and learn about the latest and most innovative products and services in the water industry. Company representatives were available daily to help attendees solve their problems and meet future challenges.


2021-2022 FSAWWA Board of Directors

The FSAWWA Executive Committee held its meeting on Sunday morning, followed by the board of governors meeting in the afternoon, with 33 board members present and other active volunteers attending. This is where the real work of the section is planned for the following year.

Two special guests from AWWA were present:

S Randy Moore, AWWA vice president

S Michelle Hektor, senior manager of


Technical Program


development and donor relations, AWWA

Water Equation

Other Meetings

The FSAWWA’s councils and committees also held meetings. There’s a group for almost every water topic. Meetings are also held at other section events throughout the year.

High School Academy Students Learn About Careers in Water

For the sixth year, the FSAWWA High School Academy Initiative Committee invited high school students from Heritage High School Academy of Environmental Water in Palm Bay, Seminole High School in Pinellas County, and H20 pipeline students from University High School in Orlando to attend the conference. This Initiative supports an education

program that will provide a career for a high school graduate, not just a job. The committee’s goal is to have “job-ready” high school graduates who may not be able to (or want to) go to college. The goals of the initiative are to:

S Understand and communicate the need for operators.

S Support the development of new and existing operators.

As part of this initiative, FSAWWA supports three technical high schools in Florida that provide four years of coursework and training to prepare students to take the Class C license operator exam.

Around 60 students attended the conference on Tuesday, November 29, accompanied by school staff and 24 section volunteers, including a special guest from the St. Johns River Water Management

Continued on page 40

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 39


Continued from page 39

District! As part of their schedule for the day, they attended a lunch with a roundtable discussion that included a panel of experienced and new operators to discuss their careers in operations and management. They also visited the exhibit hall.

The lunch sponsors were:


S Hydromax USA

S KMAC Consulting

S Orlando Utilities Commission

Wharton Smith provided students with safety vests. Atkins provided the posters.


The section’s annual business luncheon and awards ceremony celebrated the current roster of statewide officers and inducted the new officers for 2022-2023. Awards were also given for the best papers and the outstanding volunteers in the water field. See pages 46-50 for award recipients.



Several contests, with both team and individual competitors, were held.

“Best of the Best” Water Taste Test

The statewide tap water taste contest was held at the conference. The competition brings together all the regional state winners to compete for the “Best of the Best” Water Taste Test title. The judging is all subjective and is not scientific in any way. Samples are judged on taste, color, odor, and clarity.

The regional winners were:

S Region I – City of Tallahassee

S Region II – JEA

S Region III – Seminole County

S Region IV – Citrus County

S Region V – Ave Maria Utility Company

S Region VI – Town of Highland Beach

S Region VII – Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority

S Region VIII – Martin County Utilities

S Region IX – Mossy Head Water Works Inc.

S Region X - Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

S Region XI – City of Belleview

S Region XII – Bay County Utilities

The judges were:

S Randy Moore, AWWA vice president

S Emilie Moore, FSAWWA chair

High School Academy

40 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
The 2022-2023 FSAWWA board of directors after the election at the conference. Students and volunteers from University High School. Signing in. Students networking. Students and volunteers from Seminole High School. Students and volunteers from Heritage High School.


“BEST OF THE BEST” Water Taste Test

S Kim Kowalski, past FSAWWA chair

S Bill Young, past FSAWWA chair

S Michelle Hektor, AWWA Water Equation chair

All the judges based their scores on the taste, color, odor, and clarity of the 12 samples, one from each FSAWWA region.

The event emcees were:

S Terri Holcomb, Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

S Greg Taylor, Wright-Pierce Inc.

Citrus County was the declared winner, which will represent FSAWWA at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE23) competition in Toronto in June 2023!

Water Bowl

Winner: University of Central Florida

The University of Central Florida (UCF) retained the champion title at the 2022 Young Professionals Water Bowl. The UCF has been the champion for the past seven years. Three UCF teams competed for the title in the singleelimination competition format, with a fourth team from University of Florida (UF).

This year’s team winners were Gabriele Brummer, Tulsi Shukla, and Valerie Artusa.

The contest is modeled after the classic “College Bowl” television quiz. Team members

Water Bowl

were asked questions about the water industry, encompassing water chemistry, operations, and the design of treatment systems.

Michael Stanley, Young Professionals Committee chair, with the help of other volunteers, facilitated the event.

Poster Contest Winner: University of Florida

Dr. “Patrick” Yulin Zheng from the University of Florida was the 2022 Fresh Ideas poster competition winner. His poster’s title is “Remove and Reclaim Phosphorous From Wastewater with Engineered Biochar: Methods and Application.”

By winning the competition, Patrick receives a trip to ACE23, to be held in June in Toronto. He will compete with contest winners from other AWWA sections across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.

Operator Events

Hydrant Hysteria

Hydrant Hysteria is a fast-paced two-person competition to determine who can assemble a fire hydrant in the fastest time. Two or more teams go head-to-head while assembling the hydrant to see who will be crowned Hydrant Hysteria champion. In 2022, there were two women’s teams from JEA that participated.

Event Winners for Men

First Place: JEA

Second Place: City of West Melbourne

Third Place: City of West Palm Beach

The first-place winner, JEA, qualifies to compete at ACE23 in Toronto in June.

Event Winner for Women

First Place: JEA

Facilitators for this event were:

S Seth Daniel, Clow Valve

S Josh Anderson, Florida Pipeline Sales

Meter Challenge

The Meter Challenge (the name was changed from Meter Madness) is a competition where participants receive a bucket of meter parts for a specific water meter to assemble against the clock. After assembly, the meter must work correctly and not leak. Three to six miscellaneous parts are included in the bucket to make it more interesting.

Meter Challenge Winners

First Place: Luis Fernandez, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department

Second Place: Gilberto Garcia, JEA

Third Place: Brian Peeples, Clay County Utility Authority

Continued on page 43

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 41
Waiting for the contest to start. Left to right are Bill Young, Kim Kowalski, Emilie Moore, Michelle Hektor, and Randy Moore. Greg Taylor presents the traveling trophy to Citrus County. 2022 Water Bowl Champions are (left to right) Gabriele Brummer, Tulsi Shukla, and Valerie Artusa. At left are University of Florida team and University of Central Florida team. Two teams from University of Central Florida.

Poster Contest Meter Challenge

Men’s first-place team from

Hydrant Hysteria

Women’s first-place team from JEA.


42 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
JEA Hydrant Hysteria teams. JEA. Dr. “Patrick” Yulin Zheng (center) discusses his poster with attendees. The top three winners are (left to right) Gilberto Garcia, JEA; Luis Fernandez, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (with his first-lace plaque); and Brian Peeples, Clay County Utility Authority. First-place winner Luis Fernandez. Fun Tap teams from Bonita Springs Utilities, Lee County, and City of West Palm Beach. Ductile iron pipe teams from JEA, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, and City of Melbourne. Fun Tap first-place winner Lee County Utilities. JEA Water Boys, first-place Ductile Iron Tap winner. Tapping competitions always draw a crowd.

Continued from page 41

As the first-place winner, Fernandez qualifies to attend ACE23 in Toronto to compete in the AWWA competition.

Helping to facilitate the event were:

S Erik Engram, JEA

S Josh Anderson, Florida Pipeline Sales

Tapping Contests

Using skill, dexterity, and speed, teams of four compete for the fastest time as they perform a quality drill and tap of a pipe under available pressure. Two taps are allowed per team. The Fun Tap is the simpler version of the two contests.

Ductile Iron Tap Winners

First Place: JEA Water Boys

Second Place: Miami-Dade Water and Sewer


Third Place: City of West Melbourne

Fun Tap Winners

First Place: Lee County Utilities

Second Place: City of West Palm Beach

Third Place: Bonita Springs Utilities

The first-place winners, JEA and Lee


County Utilities, qualify to compete at ACE23 in Toronto in June in the AWWA competition. The following helped in the success of the tapping competitions:

S Mike Spriggs, A.Y. McDonald

S Josh Anderson, Florida Pipeline Sales

Backhoe Rodeo

Backhoe operators show their expertise by executing challenging lifts and drops of various objects in the fastest time.

Backhoe Rodeo Winners

First Place: JHI Arnold, City of West Palm Beach

Second Place: Tim Howard, City of West Palm Beach

Third Place: Cedric Walker, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department

The judges for the event were:

S Jeff Elder, City of Deltona

S Josh Baur, Florida Pipeline Sales

S Tony Smith, Charlotte County

Operator Competitions Information

Operator competitions are always held at the annual FSAWWA Fall Conference.

SECTION LUNCH Passing the Gavel

You’re welcome to join the competitions, which are open to public and commercialfield operators working in Florida. Contact Mike George at (352) 200-9631 for more information.

Par-Tee at Topgolf

To wind down after the conference, our destination was Topgolf! A venue to entertain colleagues and clients with games and fun, delicious food, and drinks—it was a good time for all! We occupied the top floor of the golf complex with 34 bays.

The fundraising social benefited the three FSAWWA philanthropies:

S AWWA Water Equation

S Roy Likins Scholarship Fund

S Water For People

My thanks to everyone who made this conference such a success and I hope to see you at this year’s Fall Conference, which will be held November 26-30, 2023, at the Omni Resort at Championsgate in Orlando!

Peggy Guingona is the executive director of Florida Section AWWA. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 43
Section staff with 2023 FSAWWA chair. Emilie Moore receives a plaque for her service as the 2022 FSAWWA chair. Greg Taylor is “crowned“ FSAWWA chair. Enjoying the section lunch are (left to right) Randy Moore, Michelle Hektor, Jean Bailey, Mike Bailey, Bill Young, and Peggy Guingona. Enjoying lunch are (left to right) Greg Taylor, Amber Taylor, Jason Parrillo, Kris Samples, and Russ Ferlita. Greg Taylor (left), incoming 2023 FSAWWA chair, receives the gavel from outgoing 2022 FSAWWA chair Emilie Moore.



The section thanks all the sponsors for their generous support of the conference.

Premier Sponsors



• Atkins

• CHA Companies

• Data Flow Systems

• Dewberry Engineering Inc.

• Ferguson Waterworks

• F J Nugent & Associates Inc

• Fortiline Waterworks

• Ardurra

• Barge Design Solutions Inc.

• Blue Planet Environmental Systems Inc.

• Carter VerPlanck, A DXP Company

• CDM Smith

• Carollo Engineers

• Empire Pipe & Supply

• Environmental Equipment Services

• General Control Systems Inc.




• Atkins

• Freese and Nichols

• Jacobs

• Jones Edmunds & Associates Inc.

• Kiewit

• Kimley-Horn

• National Metering Services Inc.

• PCL Construction Inc.

• Public Utility Management & Planning Services Inc.

• Sigma Corporation

Platinum Sponsors

• Core and Main

• England-Thims & Miller Inc.

• Hazen and Sawyer


• ISCO Industries

Gold Sponsors

• McWane Ductile

• Trihedral

• Woolpert

TopGolf Sponsors

• CHA Companies

• Data Flow Systems

• Dewberry Engineering Inc.

• Ferguson Waterworks

• F J Nugent & Associates Inc

• Fortiline Waterworks

• Freese and Nichols

• Jacobs

• Jones Edmunds & Associates Inc.

• Kiewit

• Kimley-Horn

• National Metering Services Inc.

• PCL Construction Inc.

• Public Utility Management & Planning Services Inc.

• Sigma Corporation

• Spirit Group Inc.

• Sundt Construction Inc.

• Tetra Tech

• The Ford Meter Box

• Veolia Advanced Solutions USA

• Wager Company of Florida Inc.

• Wharton-Smith Inc.

• Wright-Pierce Inc.

• Spirit Group Inc.

• Sundt Construction Inc.

• Tetra Tech

• The Ford Meter Box

• Veolia Advanced Solutions USA

• Wager Company of Florida Inc.

• Wharton-Smith Inc.

• Wright-Pierce Inc.

• Rangeline Group/R&M Service Solutions

• Sensus/Xylem

• Thames & Associates

Poker Sponsors

Royal Flush



• Atkins

• CHA Companies

• Data Flow Systems

• Dewberry Engineering Inc.

• Ferguson Waterworks

• F J Nugent & Associates Inc

• Fortiline Waterworks

• Freese and Nichols

• Jacobs

• Jones Edmunds & Associates Inc.

• Kiewit

• Kimley-Horn

• National Metering Services Inc.

• PCL Construction Inc.

• Public Utility Management & Planning Services Inc.

• Sigma Corporation

• Spirit Group Inc.

• Sundt Construction Inc.

• Tetra Tech

• The Ford Meter Box

• Veolia Advanced Solutions USA

• Wager Company of Florida Inc.

• Wharton-Smith Inc.

• Wright-Pierce Inc.

44 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 45


Recipients of this year’s awards are noted or pictured on the following pages. The FSAWWA honored outstanding individuals and organizations at the annual business and awards luncheon held on Nov. 30, 2022.


The FSAWWA gives this award to various facilities or structures serving as components of water systems that have historical significance and, as such, may be candidates as an AWWA Water Landmark or a Florida Section Water Landmark. The facility or structure should have been in service and operational for 50 or more years to qualify for this important recognition. Wells, pumps, and piping may qualify if deemed to be of paramount significance.

City of Dunedin Well 4

Dedicated 1959

Accepted by Dr. Russell Ferlita

Emerald Coast Utilities Authority East Water Storage Tank

Dedicated 1935

Accepted by Don Palmer



This award honors the Manufacturers/ Associates Council (MAC) member or honorary member who has contributed the most to the success of the FSAWWA Fall Conference BBQ event. In 2022, the honor went to Michael Alexakis.

46 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Ryan Popko Region II Chair 2020-2022 Karen Miller Region V Chair 2019-2022 Andrew Greenbaum Operators and Maintenance Council Chair 2018-2022 Terri Holcomb Public Affairs Council Chair 2018-2022 Mike Alexakis Kevin Carter Water Utility Council Chair 2019-2022 Scott Richards Trustee 2018-2021 Kristen Sealey Trustee 2020-2022
Monica Wallis Trustee 2019-2022



Mike Bailey, P.E., the Florida Section’s Fuller Award recipient, embodies the principles of the George Warren Fuller Award especially demonstrating constructive leadership, research, and organizational skills in promoting the water profession.

Mike is a Floridian and a graduate of the University of South Florida. He has been an active Florida Section volunteer since joining AWWA in 1988 and has truly advanced the mission and goals of AWWA and the Florida Section AWWA.

After 17 years of service with Fort Lauderdale, he moved to Cooper City and served as director of Cooper City Utilities, and also as

Michael F. Bailey

the city engineer. Mike had an award-winning water conservation program where Cooper City elected to engage in a comprehensive education, outreach, and rebate program. He loved his 17 years at Cooper City and took immense pride in his work and coworkers. He is the current director of utilities at Pembroke Pines after retiring from Cooper City. He has dedicated more than three decades to ensuring Florida has clean drinking water.

Mike made significant contributions to FSAWWA programs, including the Water For People Committee. He served FSAWWA in numerous roles, including Region VI chair, trustee, vice chair, chair-elect, and chair. He continues to serve the Florida Section as vice chair of the FSAWWA Finance Committee.

In short, the Florida Section’s Fuller Award recipient has been a valued water industry professional and AWWA member.


Patrick Williamson was honored by MAC with this award as its member of the year. He is an active committee volunteer of the MAC and the current chair of the New Technology and Training Seminar (NTTS).

Patrick Williamson with his trophy.

Mike will receive his award at AWWA’s ACE23 in Toronto this June. Congratulations Mike!


This award was given to Greg Taylor by the FSAWWA Executive Committee for dedicating his time and talents to help reach the goal of a successful Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC). Continuous communication with the FWRC board was the key to this goal. This exceeded his duties and obligations in his service to the FSAWWA board of governors and section.


Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 47
Greg Taylor with the Dr. Edward Singley trophy. This award honors an individual who contributed their time and talent to the success of the Florida Section, Region III, and the Young Professionals Committee. Dr. Ben Yoakum with the Young Professional of the Year trophy. Ben with Ed Torres, director of Orange County Utilities. Mike with his wife, Jean.



This award is named in honor of Allen B. Roberts Jr., who worked diligently as the Florida Section’s executive director to improve the status of the section by providing valuable leadership.

Kevin Carter received this year’s award for his outstanding service as a member.

Kevin contributed most to the section by providing valuable support to its programs through outstanding leadership, creativity, and service in the water-related field, particularly with the FSAWWA Water Utility Council (WUC), including:

S WUC chair for three years, where he organized and participated in numerous Washington D.C. and Tallahassee Fly-Ins.

Kevin has also been active with the section and Region VI:

S Named the Region VI 2022 Volunteer of the Year through his work at events, leadership planning meetings, and newsletter articles.

This award is named in honor of Robert L. Claudy, who was a past chair of FSAWWA and is a big supporter of, and still active in, the Roy Likins Scholarship program.

Peggy Guingona was the recipient of this MAC award for ensuring the success of the FSAWWA Fall Conference for the past two years. She performed this task while fulfilling her other duties as the FSAWWA executive director. She shares this prestigious award with the section staff: Casey, Donna, and Jenny.

S Speaker at four past Florida Water Forums, which the section sponsors.

S Strengthened the excellent working relationship with the AWWA Government Affairs office, primarily through the formation of two new WUC committees, which he chairs, addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and source water protection (Farm Bill 2018).

S With other WUC members, he collaborated with AWWA on a new workshop idea that evolved into the Water Utility Community Innovation, Technology, and Financial Workshop from the section’s 2051 Committee.

S Fostered a working partnership with the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) by leading a Caribbean and Florida H2O virtual linkup event two years in a row.

S Led and organized an FSAWWA-hosted workshop at the CWWA Annual Conference and Exhibition in the Bahamas in October 2022.

S 2022 Fall Conference activities included participation in the opening general session on Hurricane Ian, source water protection (Farm Bill 2018) technical session, and AWWA Government Affairs Office regulations panel.

S Through an AWWA request, he volunteered to represent the section at a nationwide Native American sustainability conference in Florida.


This award honors individuals who contributed their time and talent to the success of their region.

48 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Emory Gawlik Region II Addie Olson Region III Lindsey Bohmann Region IV Diana Francois Region V Brittany Bassett Region VIII Alicia Keeter Region IX Katherine Gilmore Region X Kevin Carter Region VI Guillermo Rivera Region VII Kevin Carter with the Allen B. Roberts trophy.
Peggy Guingona with the Robert L. Claudy trophy.



This award honors distinguished service by a council or committee chair who has made the most significant contribution to the council.


Program Element - Single Program Highlight Best in Class

Seminole County Environmental

“Evaluation/Audits Through CATO Environmental”

Comprehensive Water Conservation Programming

Show of Excellence

City of Winter Haven

“Winter Haven Water’s Irrigation Education Program”




“Using a GIS Total Model to Quantitatively Analyze Large Pipeline Route Alternatives” Douglas Eckmann, Heather Ripley, and Jordan Miller, Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc.; Ford Ritz and Terri Holcomb, Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

“Pilot-Scale Field Demonstration of a Hybrid Nanofiltration and Ultraviolet-Sulfite Treatment Train for Groundwater Contaminated by Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)” Charlie J. Liu1,4, Garrett McKay1,2, Daqian Jiang1,3, Raul Tenorio1, J. Tani Cath1, Camille Amador1, Conner C. Murray1, Juliane B. Brown1, Harold B. Wright5, Charles Schaefer6, Christopher P. Higgins1, Christopher Bellona1, and Timothy J. Strathmann1

1 - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo.

2 - Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (current affiliation)

3 - Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. (current affiliation)

4 - Kennedy Jenks Consultants, San Francisco, Calif. (current affiliation)

5 - Carollo Engineers, Boise, Idaho

6 - CDM Smith, Edison, N.J.

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 49
In front (left to right) are Jordan Miller, Heather Ripley, and Terri Holcomb. In back are Doug Eckman (left) and Ford Ritz. Duane A. Gilles Operators and Maintenance Council Drew Gumieny Contractors Council Casey Cumiskey Member Engagement and Development Council Lisa Wilson-Davis Water Utility Council Jerry Cantrell Public Affairs Council Jenny Arguello Technical and Education Council Accepted by Sandro Aganovic. Accepted by Keeli Carlton. County Utilities Leads the Alternative Water Supply Wave of Potable Reuse in Central Florida” McMillan, Polk County Utilities; Pranjali Kumar, Carollo Engineers; and Matt O’Connor, Dewberry Pranjali Kumar (left) and Matt O’Connor. Charlie J. Liu.


An award is given to a utility with outstanding performance during the preceding year that deserves special recognition by the section. The criteria for these awards shall be based on, but not limited to, the following:

S Must be a member of AWWA (organization or individual)


S Actively supports the activities of the Florida Section

S Has completed the questionnaire

S Demonstrates high standards and integrity

The following utilities earned the first-place award in their respective divisions:


The scholarships are awarded each year by the section to outstanding graduate or undergraduate college students enrolled in an accredited Florida institution who are pursuing a degree related to the drinking water industry. The scholarship is named for the late Roy Likins, former president of Palm Coast Utility Corp. and a lifelong member of AWWA, who served as section chair and secretary-treasurer, as well as Region IX chair with the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association.

The total for scholarships awarded was $45,500.

The following recipients have no photo:

• Maritza Herbert, Florida Atlantic University

• Victoria Holcomb, University of South Florida

• Elizabeth LoCascio, Florida Atlantic University

• Hector Mayorga, Florida International University

• Sydnee Meriwether, Florida Atlantic University

• Maya Patel, University of Florida

• Christina Rafferty, University of Miami

50 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Division 1 – Ozello Water Association Inc. Division 2 – Destin Water Users Inc. Accepted by (left to right) Chris Schaefer, Zach Hilton, and Coty Hutchinson. Division 4 – Bonita Springs Utilities Inc. Accepted by (left to right) Lance Reighter, Mike Prescott, and James Morris. Division 3 – City of Zephyrhills Utility Department Accepted by John Bostic. Division 7 – Lee County Utilities Water Distribution Accepted by Brian Gilman (left) and Daniel LaBelle. Division 5 – Broward County Water and Wastewater Services Accepted by Clive Haynes (left) and Mark Darmanin. Division 8 – Hillsborough County Water Resources Department Accepted by Mark Lehigh. Kathleen Schoenberger, University of Florida. Gabriela Ford, University of Central Florida. Gabriele Brummer, University of Central Florida. Scholarship recipients pose with Marjorie Craig (center), FSAWWA chair-elect, and Dr. Steven Duranceau (far right), professor at the University of Central Florida.

Incoming Chair’s Reception and BBQ Challenge: A Popular Event!

One of the highlights of the conference was the ninth annual BBQ Challenge and the incoming chair’s reception held on the outdoor patio of the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. The setting made for a great evening of music, networking, and excellent food and drinks for more than 500 attendees. It was a beautiful night, and everyone enjoyed being on the hotel patio. It was a perfect setting to end the day.

It was also a chance to toast Greg Taylor, incoming FSAWWA chair, who will lead the section in 2023. Emilie Moore, outgoing FSAWWA chair, thanked everyone for attending and congratulated Greg.

Music was provided by Rick Hutton and Carly Jackson, each an excellent guitarist and vocalist, and Nicole Thomas joined with a tambourine. It was great entertainment all around.

Event Sponsors

The FSAWWA Contractors Council and the

following companies sponsored complimentary beverages:

S Barney’s Pumps

S Core & Main


S Electric Services Inc.

S Integ-Crete Construction

S Kiewit

S North Lake Electric Inc.

S PCL Construction Inc.

S Wade Trim

The FSAWWA Contractors Council and the following companies sponsored the barbecue sides:

S Barney’s Pumps

S Core & Main

S Fluid Control Specialties LLC

S Kiewit

S Moss Kelly Inc.

S REVERE Control System Inc.

S Tesco Controls

S TSC Jacobs North

S VMG Construction Inc.

S Wade Trim

The sponsors helped to make the 2022 event an outstanding success. There is nothing like an ice-cold drink and delicious sides to go with a great barbecue!

Event Chairs and BBQ Teams

In charge of the event were cochairs Drew Gumieny and Richard Anderson. This year’s contest featured 12 teams competing for the honor of “grand champion.”

Grill masters from the following companies competed for top honors in chicken, pork butt, pork ribs, beef brisket, people’s choice, and overall champion:

S Bonita Springs Utilities

S Charlotte County/Jones Edmunds

S Core and Main

S Ferguson Waterworks

52 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal
Emilie Moore, outgoing FSAWWA chair, thanks everyone for attending. Greg Taylor, incoming FSAWWA chair, addresses the crowd. Rick Hutton, Carly Jackson, and Nicole Thomas (left to right) provide the entertainment. The hotel patio provides a welcoming setting for the event.
Networking at the barbecue.



S Garney Construction

S Aegion

S Kimley-Horn/Mead Hunt

S PCL Construction

S Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

S Pinellas County Utilities

S Wharton-Smith

As the conference attendees socialized and feasted on the barbecue, judging took place to determine the best in each category and the grand champion.

Thank you to the volunteer judges:

S Kim Kowalski

S Mark Lehigh

S Jason Parrillo

S Greg Taylor

S Lisa Wilson-Davis

S Bill Young

S Courtney Moore

BBQ Winners

Richard Anderson and Drew Gumieny, the barbecue event cochairs, announced the results at the end of the evening. Honors went to the following teams:

Top Honors

S People’s Choice Award: Team Aegion earned the crowd’s vote.

S 2022 BBQ Grand Champion: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

First-Place Honors

S Chicken: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

S Pork Ribs: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

S Pork Butt: Garney

S Beef Brisket: Kimley-Horn/Mead Hunt

Congratulations to all and kudos to all of the teams competing this year!

This year’s event was a tremendous success, featuring great food and fun in a fantastic locale. Watch for news of the tenth Annual BBQ Challenge at the 2023 FSAWWA Fall Conference at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate. You don’t want to miss it! S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 53
First-Place Chicken: Team Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority First-Place Pork Butt: Team Garney First-Place Pork Ribs: Team Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority First-Place Beef Brisket: Teams Kimley-Horn/ Mead Hunt People’s Choice Award: Team Aegion 2022 BBQ Grand Champion: Team Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority Shown left to right are Drew Gumieny, Peggy Guingona, Greg Taylor, Richard Anderson, Mike George, Marjorie Craig, Emilie Moore, and Mark Lehigh.

2023 National Drinking Water Week is Almost Here!

For nearly 40 years, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) has celebrated Drinking Water Week with its members. This year, it will be held May 7-13.

In 1988, AWWA brought the event to the attention of the United States government and formed a coalition with the League of Women Voters, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. That year, Rep. Robert Roe of New Jersey and Sen. Dennis DeConcini of Arizona sponsored a resolution to name the first week of May as National Drinking Water Week, and an information kit was distributed to the media and to more than 10,000 utilities across the U.S. Willard Scott, the popular NBC “Today” show weatherman at the time, was featured in public service announcements that aired between May 2 and 8. The week-long observance was declared in a joint congressional resolution and signed by then-President Ronald Reagan.

The following year AWWA approached several other organizations to participate. Through that effort, the National Drinking Water Alliance was formed, consisting of 15

nonprofit educational, professional, and public interest organizations. The alliance dedicated itself to public awareness and involvement in public and private drinking water issues and continued its work to organize a major annual educational campaign built around Drinking Water Week.

The power of the multiorganization alliance enabled Drinking Water Week to grow into widespread and committed participation throughout the U.S. and Canada. In 1991, the alliance launched a national campaign to inform the public about America's drinking water. The group distributed a kit containing ideas for celebrating the event, conservation facts and tip sheets, news releases, and posters. The theme was "There's a lot more to drinking water than meets the eye." That same year, actor Robert Redford recorded a public service announcement on behalf of Drinking Water Week.

Celebrating Drinking Water Week is an easy way to educate the public, connect with the community, and promote employee morale. Too often, water utilities receive publicity only when something bad

happens; Drinking Water Week celebrations give utilities an opportunity for positive communication and a way to connect with their customers.

Public Communication

Communicating to the public during Drinking Water Week is integral to any successful celebration. Some options and ideas are:

S Advertise in local newspapers

S Send bill stuffers to customers

S Work with local librarians to set up displays

S Use mall kiosks to reach a broad audience

S Coordinate distribution of AWWA news releases

S Publicize the release of water utility consumer confidence reports

S Send public service announcements to local radio and television stations

S Set up a Facebook page and use other social media outlets like YouTube, Instragram, and TikTok

54 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Community Events

It’s important to be a part of the local community. Communitywide events are fun and festive ways to make sure that customers know about their drinking water—where it comes from, how they get it, and what they can do to help ensure their drinking water quality. Events could include the following:

S Invite your community members to an open house

S Inaugurate an adopt-a-hydrant program

S Plant a tree

S Conduct plant tours

S Hold a landmark dedication/anniversary celebration

S Bury a time capsule

S Partner with local botanic gardens and environmental groups

S Plan a community cleanup

Youth Focus

Drinking Water Week is a perfect time to educate children and youth about their water supply in an atmosphere of fun. Here are some ideas:

S Feature a children's coloring contest or essay contest

S Hold a poster contest

S Have utility employees make presentations at local schools

S Partner with a local school district and hold an artwork contest that encourages students to draw or color pictures showing how water is essential to their daily lives

Internal Communications and Events

Don't forget your employees! Drinking Water Week can help reaffirm to employees the importance of what it is they do—provide clean, safe drinking water for the public. Consider these:

S Hold an annual employee picnic during Drinking Water Week

S Create a utility or company newsletter feature on Drinking Water Week

S Video employees talking about their jobs and what they do to make the public’s water safe and post the information on social media

Plan Ahead

Drinking Water Week is celebrated during the first full week of May each year. Future dates are:

S 2024 – May 5-11

S 2025 – May 4-10

S 2026 – May 3-9

S 2027 – May 2-8

For questions about Drinking Water Week contact Dave Gaylinn at AWWA at dgaylinn@awwa.org or 303.794.7711. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 55

Scholarships valued up to $7,000 will be awarded in both undergraduate and graduate categories by the Florida Section American Water Works Association.


• Must be a student enrolled (not online) in a Florida university and living in Florida

• Must be a full-time student or part-time student enrolled and completing a minimum of 6 credits during the current semester. Student must remain registered for 6 credits and pass them successfully.

• Must be a student within 60 credits of graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Note: Seniors who are pursuing a graduate degree may apply and use the scholarship for their graduate studies, but must provide proof of acceptance to their graduate degree program.

• Maintain good standing in academic status with a GPA of 3.0 or higher based on a 4.0 system

• Must intend on pursuing a career in the water/wastewater field with a plan to remain in Florida to pursue their career (outlined by the applicant in the application)

• Or enrolled in one of the CIP educational codes (for a list visit fsawwa.org/2023Likins) and have indicated an interest in pursuing a career in the water/wastewater field

Added Value:

• All applicants receive 1-year free student American Water Works Association (AWWA) membership.

Key benefits of Student Membership:

• Jump-Start Your Career

• Gain Experience

• Stay Informed



Apply by June 30, 2023

For application, please visit: fsawwa.org/2023likins

Fl ida Gives

Pinellas County Utilities’ South Cross Bayou (SCB) Education Program

Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Seminole High School STEAM Academy

Broward P-3 Eco-challenge

Blue Thumb Jr. Detective Program--Orange County Utilities


in Awards to STEAM programs in Florida!

Investing in the Water Workforce Water Equation

Welcome to the FWEA Chapter Corner! The Member Relations Committee of the Florida Water EnvironmentvAssociation hosts this article to celebrate the success of recent association chapter activities and inform members of upcoming events. To have information included for your chapter, send details to Melody Gonzalez at gonzalezm@bv.com.

Make it Happen! Your Contributions Create a World of Difference

Volunteers drive the success of FWEA

One quiet morning in 2016, after some mildly repetitive reminding from a coworker, I decided to attend my first FWEA volunteer leadership meeting. The room was buzzing with chatter, ideas, some familiar faces, and some new-to-me faces.

I watched and listened as I saw the process of “Doing Big Things” unwind in front of me. Eventually the “Big Question” was asked: Who will help with this year’s toy drive networking event? I felt compelled, despite not knowing what


A Clean and Sustainable Water Environment for Florida’s Future Generations


The Florida Water Environment Association is dedicated to promoting a clean and sustainable water environment by supporting and uniting our members with the public through public awareness and outreach, providing professional development and networking opportunities for our members, and creating alliances to promote sound science-based public policy.


S Air Quality

S Awards

S Biosolids

S Collection Systems

S Contractors

S Manufacturers and Representatives

S Member Relations

S Membership

S Operations Challenge

S Public Communication and Outreach

S Safety and Security

S Seminars

S Student and Young Professionals

S Utility Management

S Wastewater Process

S Water Resources, Reuse, and Resiliency


Scan here to express your interest as a chapter or committee volunteer!

60 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal FWEA CHAPTER CORNER
Central Florida Chapter toy drive in 2016, where my voice as a volunteer began to blossom.

I was getting myself into quite yet. Then, several months later, I somehow pulled together a great success of a toy drive that included a massive donation of toys, big laughs with many new friends, and the new discovery of my own voice as a contributing volunteer for FWEA.

So, what does this mean for you? How can you get involved and take your next right step? If you are committed to helping FWEA further its mission, then consider taking a more active role today. With over 20 committees and chapters, we have a wide array of important tasks that need your contribution, voice, and expertise.

Consider whether you want to contribute locally (chapters) or connect to a statewide committee that focuses on a specific aspect of water reclamation management. Start small and commit to something that inspires you. Whether you want to participate in water quality, be involved in policy making, or help with planning seminars and programs, there is a position for you!

Megan L. Nelson is a senior engineer with Orange County Utilities in Orlando and serves on the FWEA board of directors as a director at large. She can be reached at Megan.Nelson@ocfl.net.S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 61
Factory Trained Technicians - Emergency Repair Services - PM Service/Plans Gas Feed Systems Dry Chemical Feed Systems Peristaltic Pumps Fiberglass Enclosures Metering Pump Skids Tablet Feeders Analyzers Scale Systems Serving the Southeast since 1976 800–826-7699 watertc@watertc.com watertc.com
FWEA Leadership Development Workshop, where volunteers become leaders who are “Doing Big Things.”

Hurricane Nicole didn’t hit southwest Florida directly, but the rain it dumped further north will likely find its way south. The lock separating Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee is closed, with the irrigation channel nearby overflowing, and the lake is now a little over 16 feet. Once the lock is opened, the water that fell as rain hundreds of miles north could end up in the southwest, and when the nutrient-rich water meets the Gulf of Mexico, it could mean development of red tide, causing fish kills, soiling of coastlines, and devastating the local economy.

Red tide was already cropping up after Hurricane Ian on the west coast of Florida. Local researchers are now collecting water and sediment samples in an effort to prove a theory that connects red tide to the movement of sediments during a hurricane.

It’s believed that when red tide in the water subsides, its cells filter down to the ocean floor and mix with sediment, remaining dormant until another storm comes through and again stirs things up. When nutrients are added from storm runoff, naturally occurring red tide can become a major issue.

The Florida Section of AWWA (FSAWWA), in partnership with Cavanaugh and ESource, has developed a water loss training and technical assistance program to guide and advance adoption of best practices for water loss control in the state of Florida using the methodology outlined in the American Water Works Association (AWWA)

Manual M36, Water Audits and Loss Controls Manual and Free Water Audit Software

Utilities participating in the program will work with water loss control experts to learn key concepts of the M36 methodology, gather water audit data, compile and validate water audits, value water loss volumes, and evaluate cost-effective water loss control opportunities.

The program’s goals include improving technical, financial, and managerial capacity; increasing efficiency of water delivery to customers; water distribution infrastructure maintenance; and water conservation.

Participation in the program will involve participating in four stages of learning modules, both in-person and remotely through 2024. For more information, go to the program website at www.floridawaterloss.org.

Osceola Capital, a Tampa-based private equity firm, has announced the formation of Flotilla Partners to create the leading provider of water treatment and testing services for residential and commercial customers in Florida and the Southeast. The company specializes in the maintenance, repair, testing, and installation of systems for water filtration, water softening, well water pumps and filtration, and water heating.

Flotilla was launched in partnership with Walter Conner, operating partner and Flotilla chief executive officer. Conner has exceptional experience as an entrepreneur, operator, and head of acquisitive facility services businesses, most recently as chief executive officer of

Handy Can Sanitation Services prior to its sale to a private equity-backed acquiror.

The company had completed the first of its first three strategic partnerships: Aquaflow, Filter Pure Systems, and Land O' Lakes Water Treatment. These businesses will provide water treatment services and equipment to residential and commercial customers across central and western Florida.


The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is now accepting applications for cost-share projects to develop alternative water supplies (AWS). This initiative is part of Florida’s continuing efforts to implement costeffective strategies to conserve its precious water resources while meeting the state’s water needs. Partnering with local governments and other entities for implementation of water conservation projects and development of alternative water projects is an important and effective way to help accomplish this goal. All local governments applying for this grant must have an adopted irrigation ordinance consistent with the district’s year-round irrigation rule in place in order to be eligible for funding consideration.

Gov. Ron DeSantis requested annually recurring cost-share funding for developing water supply and water resource development projects. The SFWMD is requesting applications for funding consideration for AWS and water conservation projects within the district’s 16-county service area in anticipation of costshare funding being appropriated for Fiscal Year 2023-24. This funding cycle corresponds to a project start date occurring on or after Oct. 1, 2023.

Eligible projects for consideration should be construction-ready AWS projects, readyto-implement water conservation technology programs, or projects that provide the most immediate benefits.

The deadline to apply is March 2, 2023, at 4 p.m., EST. Projects may receive up to 50 percent cost-share of eligible project costs.

To apply for the funding and for more details, visit sfwmd.gov/coopfunding. For assistance with the application process or technical support, contact Stacey Adams via email at www.sadams@sfwmd.gov or by phone at 561-682-2577, Robert Wanvestraut via email at rowanves@sfwmd.gov or by phone at 561-682-6615, or Rosines Colon via email at rcolon@sfwmd.gov or by phone at 561-6826715.

The Florida Section of AWWA (FSAWWA), in partnership with Cavanaugh and ESource, has developed a water loss

62 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

training and technical assistance program to guide and advance adoption of best practices for water loss control in the state of Florida using the methodology outlined in the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Manual M36, Water Audits and Loss Controls Manual and Free Water Audit Software.

Utilities participating in the program will work with water loss control experts to learn key concepts of the M36 methodology, gather water audit data, compile and validate water audits, value water loss volumes, and evaluate cost-effective water loss control opportunities.

The program’s goals include improving technical, financial, and managerial capacity; increasing efficiency of water delivery to customers; water distribution infrastructure maintenance; and water conservation.

Participation in the program will involve participating in four stages of learning modules, both in-person and remotely through 2024.

For more information, go to the program website at www.floridawaterloss.org. S


The FLEXFLO M3 peristaltic chemical feed pump from Blue-White Industries ships quickly, installs fast, and has virtually maintenance-free service, resulting in minimal downtime. The M3 delivers accurate and dependable chemical dosing with no vapor lock and no lost prime, even when dosing peracetic acid or sodium hypochlorite. The M3 pump is built for the future with the large 5-inch display with intuitive touch-screen control and advanced communication protocols, including Modbus TCP, EtherNet IP, ProfiBus, and new software capabilities for future firmware updates. (www.blue-white.com)

Specifically designed for extended service in sewage lift station environments, the LevelRat by Keller America features a wide sensing diaphragm and yet it’s small in overall size. Unlike competing models that feature a fragile Teflon-coated rubber diaphragm, the LevelRat incorporates a monolithic diaphragm that combines the nonstick quality of Teflon with superior

toughness and abrasion resistance. The LevelRat utilizes proven piezoresistive silicon measurement technology combined with Keller’s state-of-the-art, microprocessorbased signal conditioning circuitry to provide outstanding accuracy and reliability over a wide compensated temperature range.

Perfectly suited for pump control applications, the LevelRat is compatible with any standard two-wire, 4-20mA current loop or three-wire voltage systems. The RS485 interface allows users to scale the analog output to any desired range within the standard pressure range. It’s typically suspended into the liquid by a standard PE-jacketed cable that is both selfsupporting and vented. Optional Hytrel or Tefzel-jacketed cables are available, should the installation require greater protection against chemical interaction.

The guaranteed lightning protection makes this transmitter ideal for installation in areas prone to chronic damage due to transients caused by lightning. (kelleramerica.com) S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 63

Grants for Wastewater Infrastructure Projects Announced

Gov. Ron DeSantis has awarded $240 million through the Wastewater Grant Program to support 36 wastewater infrastructure projects to reduce nutrients in Florida’s waterways, including $372,000 for The Cove at South Beaches Sanitary Sewerage Project.

Awarded projects include advanced wastewater treatment upgrades and septic-to-sewer projects that will eliminate nearly 20,000 septic tanks.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Wastewater Grant Program helps fund wastewater infrastructure projects that construct, upgrade, or expand wastewater treatment facilities to provide advanced waste treatment, and projects to upgrade or convert traditional septic systems.

The grant program was established in the Clean Waterways Act signed in 2021 and prioritizes projects in basin management action plans, restoration plan areas, and rural areas of opportunity. The program requires at least a 50 percent match, which may be waived by FDEP for rural areas of opportunity.

On Jan. 10, 2023, Gov. DeSantis signed Executive Order 23-06 to further advance the protection of Florida’s environment and water quality. The executive order directs strategic action, with a focus on accountability, sound science, progress, and collaboration and includes a proposed $3.5 billion investment over four years for Everglades restoration and protection of water resources, including

through the grant program, surpassing the historic investments of the past four years and making it the highest level of funding in Florida’s history. This includes expanding the grant program eligibility to address additional sources of nutrient contribution.

The projects are:

Project Number, Partners, Project Name, Projected Grant Funds

1. Hillsborough County - Gibsonton Septic-to-Sewer, Phases 2, 3, and 4 - $13,000,000

2. Florida Governmental Utility Authority - Lehigh Acres Septicto-Sewer Project - $5,000,000

3. Florida Governmental Utility Authority - North Fort Myers Septic-to-Sewer Project - $5,100,000

4. Brevard County Natural Resources - The Cove at South Beaches Sanitary Sewerage Project - $372,000

5. City of Orange City - City of Orange City Septic-to-CentralSewer Project - $2,500,000

6. City of Sanford - Sanford North WRF-BNR/AWT Improvements, Phase II - $3,300,000

7. Okeechobee Utility Authority - Pine Ridge Park Septic-to-Sewer Project - $1,500,000

8. Okeechobee Utility Authority - Southwest Wastewater Service Area Septic-to-Sewer Project - $3,500,000

9. Okeechobee Utility Authority - Southwest 5th Avenue Septic-toSewer Project - $2,500,000

10. Okeechobee Utility Authority - Connecting OSTDS to Central Sewer Project - $2,500,000

11. City of Sebring, South Service Area Septic-to-Sewer Project$10,600,000

12. City of West Melbourne - Ray Bullard WRF-BNR Improvements - $1,510,000

13. Brevard County - Willow Lakes RV Resort Sanitary Sewerage Project - $1,257,000

14. City of Gainesville, Gainesville Regional Utilities - GRU Main Street Water Reclamation Facility (MSWRF) Enhanced

64 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Biological Nutrient Removal and Expansion Project$22,500,000

15. City of High Springs - Wastewater Service to I75/CR236 Interchange - $2,484,600

16. Town of Fort White - Town of Fort White Regional Wastewater Facility, Phase II - $4,512,639

17. City of Newberry - City of Newberry Septic-to-Central-Sewer Project - $4,000,000

18. Martin County Utilities - Martin County Coral Gardens Vacuum Sewer Project - $8,000,000

19. Martin County - Old Palm City Septic-to-Sewer Program$10,000,000

20. City of Port St. Lucie - Florida Westport Wastewater Treatment Facility, Nutrient Reduction Improvements - $15,000,000

21. Village of Indiantown - Indiantown Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements - $20,000,000

22. City of Starke - Starke AWT Facility - $2,000,000

23. City of Mascotte - City of Mascotte Wastewater Treatment Facility, Phase 1 Connection and Capacity - $5,500,000

24. Town of Oakland - Charter School and Public Safety Complex, Septic-to-Sewer Project - $150,000

25. City of Groveland - City of Groveland Wastewater Improvements - $6,500,000

26. Wakulla County Wakulla County - Otter Creek Wastewater Treatment System Improvements - $6,155,960

27. Wakulla County Wakulla County - Otter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancement and Redundancy - $6,009,605

28. City of DeLand - Wiley M. Nash Water Reclamation Facility$23,000,000

29. Seminole County Wekiva - Priority Focus Area (PFA) Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Septic-to-Sewer Conversion, Phase I - $10,250,000

30. Orange County -Wekiwa Springs Septic-to-Sewer Program, Phase 7 - $16,000,000

31. City of Fort Meade - Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) RV Park Wastewater System - $785,000

32. Town of Cross City - Northeast Septic-to-Sewer Project$4,000,000

33. Town of Alford – Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Project$3,750,000

34. Pinellas County – Pinellas County Utilities Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Project - $10,000,000

35. Hillsborough County - Palm River Utility Expansion and Septicto-Sewer Conversion - $5,000,000

36. Big Bend Water Authority - 2021 Septic-to-Sewer Program, Parts A and B - $1,000,000S

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 65


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES - Classified ads are $20 per line for a 60 character line (including spaces and punctuation), $60 minimum. The price includes publication in both the magazine and our Web site. Short positions wanted ads are run one time for no charge and are subject to editing. ads@fwrj.com


City of Titusville - Multiple Positions Available

Water Reclamation Superintendent, Plant Operator Trainee, Maintenance Mechanic, Plant Operator, Industrial Electrician, Distribution Foreman and Operator, Collection Foreman and Operator, Lift Station Electrician. Apply at www.titusville.com

The City of Clearwater invites you to apply for: Wastewater Plant Operators A, B, C THE CITY OF CLEARWATER IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


Currently recruiting for all levels of WWTP Operators: Operator “A”-$50,592.10 - plus additional $150.00/pay period for “A” license.

Operator “B” - $45,888.44 - plus additional $100.00/pay period for “B” license.

Operator “C” - $41,622.36 - plus additional $50.00/pay period for “C” license.

Apply online @ www.myclearwater.com

City of Tampa - Multiple Positions Available

If you want to live and work in one of the most dynamic cities in the United States, where over 40 languages are spoken and the sun is shining 243 days on average every year, look no further than Tampa.

The City of Tampa is hiring key positions for the Water Department. Qualified applicants should be customer focused and results driven.

Available Positions Include:

Water Distribution Manager, Salary Range: $100,630 - $157,705

Supervisor of Utility Billing, Salary Range: $75,566 - $113,381

Business Operations Analyst, Salary Range: $60,403 - $90,471

To view position details and apply, visit www.tampa.gov/careers

Water Distribution Manager

City of Tampa Water Department

Salary Range: $100,630 - $157,705

The City of Tampa Water Department is seeking a seasoned leader to join the Water Department management team. The Distribution Manager will lead a division with a diverse workforce that includes unionized hourly employees and exempt staff and oversee a combined capital and O&M budget of over $20 million annually. This role also has oversight over a variety of contractors that support operational activities.

To view position details and apply, visit www.tampa.gov/careers

Supervisor of Residential/Commercial Utility Billing

City of Tampa Water Department

Salary Range: $75,566 - $113,318

The City of Tampa Water Department is seeking an experienced Utility Billing Supervisor to oversee the monthly billing of over 160,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers. This fast-paced, customer-facing role requires considerable tact, diplomacy and sound judgment.

To learn more about this exciting opportunity, please visit www.tampa.gov/careers

The City of Clearwater invites you to apply for: Variable WW Treatment Plant Operators A, B, C THE CITY OF CLEARWATER IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


The City of Clearwater has a need for temporary variable employees to supplement our permanent workforce.

Variable Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator A - $26.20/hour

Variable Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator B - $23.31/ hour

Variable Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator C - $20.64/ hour Apply online @ www.myclearwater.com

66 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

The City of Clearwater invites you to apply for: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Trainee



Entry Salary: $35,319.87

Apply online @ www.myclearwater.com

The City of Clearwater invites you to apply for: Variable WW Treatment Plant Operator Trainee



ENTRY SALARY: $16.98/per hour

The City of Clearwater has a need for temporary variable employees to supplement our permanent workforce. Apply online @ www.myclearwater.com

Water Plant Operator

Technical work in the operation of a water treatment plant and auxiliary facilities on an assigned shift. Performs quality control lab tests and other analyses, monthly regulatory reports, and minor adjustments and repairs to plant equipment. Applicant must have State of Florida D.E.P. Class “A”, “B”, or “C ” Drinking Water License at time of application. Excellent benefits package. To apply and/or obtain more details contact City of Temple Terrace, Chief Plant Operator at (813) 506-6593 or Human Resources at (813) 5066430 or visit www.templeterrace.com. EOE/DFWP.


$17.59 - $30.12 per hour • w/”C” Certificate

$19.35 - $33.13 per hour • w/”B” Certificate (+10% above “C”)

$21.28 - $36.44 per hour • w/”A” Certificate (+10% above “B”)

Water Distribution Manager

$76,650 - $118,639/yr.

Reuse Outreach-Water Conservation Manager

$54,473 - $84,315/yr.

Utilities System Operators II & III

$44,362 - $62,424 or $48,910 - $68,821/yr. Apply Online At: http://pompanobeachfl.gov Open until filled.

R&M Service Solutions

Multiple Positions Available

*Company Truck*

*Weekly Pay*

*$50.00 Daily Per Diem*

*Salary Depending on Qualifications*

R&M Service Solutions is a Utility Service Contractor, seeking highly motivated Utility Service Technicians, in the service and repair of Water Distribution Systems. Entry-level applicants are welcome we are willing to train.

Minimum Requirements for all positions

~ Must be 21 years or over

~ Valid Driver’s License and clean motor vehicle record

~ High School Diploma/GED

- Hydrant Technician South Florida

$18.00-$23.00 Hourly

~ Ability to work in all weather conditions.

~ Mechanically inclined.

~ Operate and maintain hand and power tools pertaining to the work in a safe and efficient manner.

~ Ability to lift 50 pounds.

~ Ability to complete OSHA 10 upon hire.

~ Ability to travel 4-5 days a week.

Utility Maintenance Manager

$35.00 - $54.04 Hourly

$72,795.39 – 112,401.02 Annually

The purpose of this position is to manage the Utility Maintenance division of Toho Water Authority. This is accomplished by overseeing the preventive and corrective maintenance program for our entire service area, as well as overseeing the maintenance of all facilities to include water and wastewater facilities. The Utility Maintenance Manager will be expected to prepare the necessary budget for both capital and operating purposes, identify and design both predictive and corrective maintenance strategies that are balanced with both lift cycle cost and risk assessment. The Utility Maintenance Manager is a senior member of the Operations Team and reports directly to the Senior Director of Operations. To Apply: https://www.tohowater.com/careers

~ Ability to produce high level of output and meet daily minimum requirements.

~ Ability to perform daily duties in various work settings including individual self-motivating and team environment.

~ Perform related duties as required by operations.

- Entry Level ARV Technician Jacksonville, Florida

$18.00 Hourly

~ Ability to work in all weather conditions

~ Mechanically inclined.

~ Operate and maintain hand and power tools pertaining to the work in a safe and efficient manner.

~ Ability to lift 80 pounds.

~ Perform related duties as required by operations.

Submit all resume to Mrussell@rangeline.com

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 67

Water Reclamation Facility Operator III

(IRC53621) This is skilled technical work, with supervisory responsibilities, in the inspection and operation of a water reclamation plant. The person in this position fills the role as the shift leader. Work involves responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of a water reclamation facility, routine adjustments to equipment and machinery operating controls, inspection of equipment inside and outside the plant site. An employee in this class exercises considerable independent judgment in adjusting machinery, equipment, and related control apparatus in accordance with established procedures and standards to produce a high-quality reclaimed water product. An employee in this class must be able to report to work outside of normally scheduled work hours at the discretion of management.

Required Qualifications:

• Possess a valid high school diploma or GED equivalency.

• Possess and maintain a valid Driver License.

• Possess and maintain a State of Florida Wastewater Operator “B” License.

• Must be able to perform shift work.

• Acknowledge this position is designated as Emergency Critical (EC) and if hired into the position, you must be immediately available to the department before, during, and after a declared emergency and/or disaster.

Salary: $29.97 - $39.90 hourly


The City of Marco Island has multiple positions available in the Water & Sewer Department, The City of Marco Island is a great place to work with an excellent benefits package. Positions available include:

Drinking Water Plant Operator Trainee, I, II or III

Maintenance Mechanic Trainee, I, II or III

Utility Systems Technician Trainee, I, II or III

Wastewater Plant Operator, I, II or III

Compensation will be based upon the level of experience and license level.

To view the complete job posting, salary ranges and instructions for applying for this position, please visit our website, Job Opportunities | Sorted by Job Title ascending | City of Marco Island Careers (governmentjobs.com)


The City of Marco Island seeks an Engineering & Operations Manager

The Engineering & Operations Manager oversees and manages the utilities engineering, water, and wastewater plants staff, operations, expenditures, construction, compliance, permitting, and administrative functions, including planning, scheduling, and budgeting. Position serves as the General Manager in the event of absence or as directed. Position is primarily focused on directing, coaching, developing, and evaluating other people. Position requires extensive depth of expertise and knowledge in specialized functions or business areas that can be used to develop and implement policies and procedures as well as determining efficient and innovative ways to accomplish the organization’s business strategies.

Bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences, civil engineering or closely related field; master’s degree in business administration, public administration or civil engineering preferred; supplemented by eight or more years’ progressively responsible experience and/ or training that includes public utility system management, drinking water facility operations, wastewater treatment facility operations, regulatory compliance, construction project management, and budget administration; including at least three years of supervisory or management experience; or any equivalent combination of education, certification, training, and/or experience. State of Florida Registered Professional Engineer (PE) license preferred. Must have a valid Florida driver’s license.

Salary: $91,960 to $117,249 annually, Compensation will be based upon the level of experience.

To view the complete job posting and instructions for applying for this position, please visit our website, Engineering and Operations Manager | Job Details tab | Career Pages (governmentjobs.com)



Brevard County is currently accepting applications for the following positions:


Heavy Equipment Operators

Maintenance Workers



Treatment Plant Operators

Utility Service Operators / Workers

Utility System Specialists

For more information and to apply, please visit https://career8.successfactors.com/career?company=brevardcou

Brevard county is an Equal Opportunity/Veteran Preference employer.

68 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Orlando, FL Area (Tavares)

Halff has a position open for a Water and Wastewater Senior Project Manager, with the intention of transitioning to a Team Leader within 6-12 months, in our Tavares, FL location. Halff Associates is an Employee-Owned Firm, and all associates are eligible for ownership, through the ESOP program, as well as having the opportunity to purchase stock in the firm. This position requires strong design experience and technical background working with public utilities, districts, and authorities. This position offers an excellent career development opportunity for someone looking to grow with Halff, with potential for business and personal growth, and ownership in the firm. The successful candidate should have experience managing multiple - multi-discipline project teams, coordinating with clients, and leading project delivery on Water and Wastewater Infrastructure projects. In addition to project responsibilities, candidates must demonstrate the ability to manage personnel, budgets, schedules, sub consultants and client interaction. The candidate will also assist the region’s business development activities including proposal preparations and client presentations. Team Leaders/Senior Project Managers are expected to be active in their profession and contribute to assisting Directors in developing the careers of the employees on their team. Apply Now at https://jobapply.page.link/cNcza

City of Altamonte Springs - Interested in a job that sparks inspiration every day?

City of Altamonte Springs is seeking Division Director of Water Distribution, Collections & Resource Management with 5 yrs. experience. Apply: www.Altamonte.org/jobs

SOUTH MARTIN REGIONAL UTILITY – Water Plant Operator Position Open Until Filled

The South Martin Regional Utility, located in Hobe Sound, Florida is looking for a day shift Water Plant Operator to provide Water Plant Operator services the to the South Martin Regional Utility under the supervision of the Chief Water Plant Operator. The position is classified as hourly and non-exempt. Work in excess of 40 hours per week is likely. This is a skilled technical position responsible for operating and maintaining water treatment plants, water wells and producing safe drinking water in accordance with Federal and State regulatory requirements. Applied practical experience in water treatment facilities, infrastructure and equipment maintenance is preferred. Minimum Class “C” FDEP license required or the ability to obtain this license within one year of hire. Applicants must submit a completed job application which can be obtained at www.townofjupiterisland.com. Applications should be emailed to hr@tji.martin.fl.us or mailed to 2 Bridge Road, Jupiter Island, FL 33455.

The Utilities Department of the City of Miramar is currently accepting applications for full-time GIS Analyst.

Salary Range - $57,680.00 – $92,288.00 (based on experience and certifications)

Excellent employee benefits and pension plan awaits the most qualified candidate. Please visit our website at https://www.miramarfl.gov/224/Employee-Benefits

Brief Job Description. Creates geographic data sets and generates resultant maps, charts and other relevant geographic information for departmental analysis and management. Prepare thematic maps for public or web presentations. Create and maintain data sets and geodatabases for water, sewer, and storm water utilities, right-of-way information, and other public works assets. Assist in the development and maintenance of the City’s GIS datasets and Citywide geodatabases in an ArcGIS Enterprise environment.

Education and Experience. Bachelors degree in GIS, geomatics, geography, engineering, urban planning, or a closely related field, supplemented by two or more years of solid experience in GIS applications and database management in water and sewer utilities environment. Must be proficient with ArcGIS Pro 3, AutoCAD Map, and Autodesk Civil 3D.

For more information, please visit https://www.governmentjobs. com/careers/miramar for complete job description and to apply. Applications must be submitted online on or before March 15, 2023.

Florida Water Resources Journal • March 2023 69
Water and Wastewater Team Leader

Editorial Calendar

January Wastewater Treatment

February ........... Water Supply; Alternative Sources

March ................ Energy Efficiency; Environmental Stewardship

April .................. Conservation and Reuse

May Operations and Utilities Management

June .................. Biosolids Management and Bioenergy Production

July ................... Stormwater Management; Emerging Technologies

August .............. Disinfection; Water Quality

September Emerging Issues; Water Resources Management

October ............. New Facilities, Expansions, and Upgrades

November ......... Water Treatment

December ......... Distribution and Collection

Technical articles are usually scheduled several months in advance and are due 60 days before the issue month (for example, January 1 for the March issue).

The closing date for display ad and directory card reservations, notices, announcements, upcoming events, and everything else including classified ads, is 30 days before the issue month (for example, September 1 for the October issue).

For further information on submittal requirements, guidelines for writers, advertising rates and conditions, and ad dimensions, as well as the most recent notices, announcements, and classified advertisements, go to www.fwrj.com or call 352-241-6006.

Display Advertiser Index

Test Yourself Answer Key

Continued from page 36

1. A) Beaches, Inlets, and Ports Program.

Per the FDEP Beaches website, “To protect, preserve, and manage Florida’s valuable sandy beaches and adjacent coastal systems, the Florida Legislature adopted the Florida Beach and Shore Preservation Act, contained in Parts I and II of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes. The act provides three interrelated programs that the Florida Department of Environmental Protection administers to protect the state’s sandy beaches: the Coastal Construction Control Line; Beach Management Funding Assistance; and Beaches, Inlets, and Ports programs.”

2. C) Joint Coastal Permit (JCP)

Per the FDEP Beaches website, under Permitting, “Activities that require a JCP include beach restoration or nourishment; construction of erosion control structures, such as groins and breakwaters; public fishing piers; maintenance of inlets and inlet-related structures; and dredging of navigation channels that include disposal of dredged material onto the beach or in the nearshore area.”

3. D) 100-year storm

Per the FDEP Beaches website, under Permitting, “The CCCL location is set at the upland limits of the damaging effects of a 100year coastal storm as predicted by coastal engineering models. Condominiums, hotels, homes, pools and boardwalks, etc., to be constructed seaward of the CCCL must meet the specific requirements of this program.”


C) critically eroded beaches.

Per the FDEP Strategic Beach Management Plan, Introduction, “The SBMP identifies strategies at critically eroded beaches and inlets consistent with the goals set forth in Section 161.091, F.S., of the Beach and Shore Preservation Act:

• Maximize the infusion of beach-quality sand into the coastal system;

• Implement those projects that contribute most significantly to addressing the state’s beach erosion problems;

• Promote inlet sand bypassing to replicate the natural flow of sand interrupted by improved, modified, or altered inlets and ports;

• Extend the life of beach restoration projects and reduce the frequency of nourishment;

• Encourage regional approaches to ensure the geographic coordination and sequencing of projects; and

• Reduce equipment mobilization and demobilization cost.”

5. B) Erosion Control Line (ECL).

Per the FDEP Beaches, Inlands, and Ports Program website, under Strategic Planning and Coordination, “Additionally, the Beaches, Inlands, and Ports Program (BIPP) provides coordination, planning, and support in the development of Erosion Control Line (ECL), which defines the property boundary between sovereign submerged land and upland ownership.”

6. D) 75 percent

Per the FDEP Beaches Funding Program website, “Financial assistance in an amount up to 50 percent of beach projects and up to 75 percent of inlet project costs is available to Florida’s local governments, including county and municipal governments, community development districts, and special taxing districts. Eligible activities include:

• Beach restoration and nourishment activities

• Project design and engineering studies

• Environmental studies and monitoring

• Inlet management planning

• Inlet sand transfer

• Dune restoration

• Beach and inlet protection activities

• Other beach erosion prevention related activities consistent with the adopted Strategic Beach Management Plan.”

7. B) marine turtle nesting season. Per FAC 62B-41.0055(6), Protection of Marine Turtles, “All coastal construction other than beach restoration, beach nourishment, and mechanical sand bypassing, which is in compliance with other provisions of this chapter, shall not be conducted during the main portion of the marine turtle nesting season (15 May through 31 October) if the department determines that the proposed coastal construction will result in a significant adverse impact.”

8. A) Five-year storm

Per FAC 62B-41.005(6)(b), Policy and Eligibility Criteria for Coastal Construction Permits, “The department shall not issue permits, pursuant to Section 161.041, F.S., for coastal armoring except as a last resort to provide protection to eligible structures. Construction of coastal armoring will only be considered in accordance with the following: The structure to be protected is vulnerable to erosion from a five-year return interval storm event as determined by the department based on an analysis of general and site-specific physiographic features or conditions such as: storm surge hydrograph and duration, bathymetry and topography, sediment and wave characteristics, and manmade and natural structures.”

9. A) Enterococci

Per the FDOH Florida Healthy Beaches Program website, “The statewide testing program tests for enterococci, which the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recommended states adopt as a saltwater quality indicator.”

10. D) Vibrio vulnificus

Per the FDOH Vibrio Infections website: “Vibrio vulnificus is a bacterium that normally lives in warm seawater and is part of a group of vibrios that are called ‘halophilic’ because they require salt.

• Vibrio vulnificus infections are rare.

• Vibrio vulnificus is a naturally occurring bacteria in warm, brackish seawater.

• Water and wounds do not mix. Do not enter the water if you have fresh cuts or scrapes.”

70 March 2023 • Florida Water Resources Journal Blue Planet Environmental Systems 71 Data Flow Systems 63 Diamond Scientific 62 Ferguson 33 FJ Nugent 51 Florida Aquastore 65 Florida Water Resources Conference 18-25 FSAWWA 2023 Awards 55 FSAWWA 2023 Fall Conference Exhibitor Registration 57 FSAWWA Florida Gives 59 FSAWWA Roy Likins Scholarship Fund............................................ 58 FSAWWA Women’s History Month 56 FWPCOA Training Calendar ............................................................... 13 Gerber Pumps 9 Heyward ................................................................................................. 2 Hydro International 5 Hudson Pump and Equipment 45 Lakeside Equipment Corporation 7 PolyProcessing 27 Smith & Loveless 17 US Submergent 37 Water Treatment & Controls Technology 61 Xylem 72

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