Florida Water Resources Journal - July 2018

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Michael Delaney Rick Harmon Patrick Delaney Buena Vista Publishing

Published by BUENA VISTA PUBLISHING for Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc. President: Richard Anderson (FSAWWA) Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority Vice President: Lisa Prieto (FWEA) Prieto Environmental LLC Treasurer: Rim Bishop (FWPCOA) Seacoast Utility Authority Secretary: Holly Hanson (At Large) ILEX Services Inc., Orlando

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Membership Questions FSAWWA: Casey Cumiskey – 407-957-8447 or fsawwa.casey@gmail.com FWEA: Karen Wallace, Executive Manager – 407-574-3318 FWPCOA: Darin Bishop – 561-840-0340

Training Questions FSAWWA: Donna Metherall – 407-957-8443 or fsawwa.donna@gmail.com FWPCOA: Shirley Reaves – 321-383-9690

For Other Information DEP Operator Certification: Ron McCulley – 850-245-7500 FSAWWA: Peggy Guingona – 407-957-8448 Florida Water Resources Conference: 407-363-7751 FWPCOA Operators Helping Operators: John Lang – 772-559-0722, e-mail – oho@fwpcoa.org FWEA: Karen Wallace, Executive Manager – 407-574-3318

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10 14 15 16 18 20

Conference Highlights—Holly Hanson Exhibition Workshops and Technical Sessions Women of Water Forum Operators Showcase—Tom King Students and Young Professionals

News and Features 4 Keys to Planning, Designing, and Permitting Resilient Coastal Restoration Projects— Matthew Starr and Jeffrey Tabar 8 WEF HQ Newsletter: Nutrient Removal Impacts on Other Treatment Processes— Patrick Dube 72 Protecting Families and Businesses From Flooding During 2018 Wet Season 75 Water Education Video Highlights Kissimmee River and Science-Based Research Solutions to Secure Florida’s Water Future

21 22 28 32 34

52 54 56 66 68 70

Poster Session Awards Competitions FWEA Society Inducts New Members Conference Sponsors

FWEA Focus—Kristiana S. Dragash FWEA Committee Corner Let’s Talk Safety C Factor—Mike Darrow Reader Profile—Michael Sweeney FWEA Chapter Corner—Charlotte Haberstroh

Departments 76 79 81 82

Service Directories Classifieds New Products Display Advertiser Index

Technical Articles 40 Caloosahatchee River West Basin Storage Reservoir Design and Construction—Shawn Waldeck, Joseph Albers, and Thomas McKernan 58 Improving Sarasota County Water Resources: Dona Bay Watershed Restoration Program— Molly Williams

Education and Training 36 FSAWWA Fall Conference Overview 37 FSAWWA Fall Conference Exhibits 38 FSAWWA Fall Conference Poker Night and Golf Tournament 39 FSAWWA Water Distribution Systems Awards 43 FWPCOA Training Calendar 53 FWPCOA Short School 69 TREEO Center Training

Columns 48 FSAWWA Speaking Out—Bill Young 49 Committee Profile: FSAWWA Automation Committee—Mike Stoup 50 Test Yourself—Donna Kaluzniak

Volume 69

ON THE COVER: Members of the Positive Influents team from Destin Water Users compete in one of the events at the Operations Challenge, which was held during the 2018 Florida Water Resources Conference.

July 2018

Number 7

Florida Water Resources Journal, USPS 069-770, ISSN 0896-1794, is published monthly by Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc., 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711, on behalf of the Florida Water & Pollution Control Operator’s Association, Inc.; Florida Section, American Water Works Association; and the Florida Water Environment Association. Members of all three associations receive the publication as a service of their association; $6 of membership dues support the Journal. Subscriptions are otherwise available within the U.S. for $24 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Clermont, FL and additional offices.

POSTMASTER: send address changes to Florida Water Resources Journal, 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Keys to Planning, Designing, and Permitting Resilient Coastal Restoration Projects Matthew Starr and Jeffrey Tabar new set of challenges are affecting the ability to plan, design, and permit successful projects in the coastal environment. In no particular order, climate change, sea level rise, funding, extreme storms, regulatory policy, political pressures, and coastal zone management issues all introduce unique challenges to implementing a successful coastal restoration project. It’s estimated that about 40 percent of the world’s population lives within 60 miles of a coastline. This coastal population—and the coastal infrastructure it relies on for economic viability—is highly vulnerable in the face of global climate change. This vulnerability will be exacerbated by projected increases in the frequency of intense tropical storms. More-intense storms could result in morefrequent barrier island overwash, storm damage to coastal infrastructure, shoreline retreat, loss of coastal wetlands, saltwater intrusion into aquifers, and increased coastal flooding. This article provides an overview of these challenges, discusses their importance in today’s political climate, and provides examples of projects that carefully and successfully maneuvered through these elements. Restoration examples from Florida and other east and gulf coast locations will be provided. Stantec was involved in the largest postHurricane Sandy restoration project ($40 million), which demonstrated how various phases of a project—from planning, design, and permitting, through construction—were completed. Considering the very active 2017


hurricane season, the projected RESTORE funding for Florida can’t come at a more important time for the maintenance, preservation, and restoration of its coastline.

Defining Coastal Resilience According to Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of resilience is “the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress.” This definition is broad at best, but can be used to begin the discussion on coastal resilience. Resiliency can mean many different things depending on the subject: S Preparedness S Survivability S Hazard mitigation S Sustainability S Best practices S Disaster recovery S Adaptive management A strategy that may be successful in one region of a country may not be appropriate elsewhere. Each community must assess its own hazard risk and community vulnerability. This is accomplished by collecting data and gathering information as it relates to coastal impacts. This data will help identify solutions that may help provide protection from hurricanes, storm surge, wave impacts, and sea level rise. With solutions determined early in the process, restoration and mitigation efforts can be implemented in time to provide the necessary protection. The proactive approach will ultimately provide a level of protection that’s better than current scenarios. The effectiveness of these actions may not be seen immediately, but when the next super storm approaches the United States, or another part of the world, the risk reduction strategies implemented now will have overwhelmingly positive effects on the local community.

assess community risk, the collection process can begin. This process will allow data gaps to be determined, and new data can then be identified to build an inventory to be used throughout the design, permitting, and implementation phases. Due to everchanging advances in technology, the database systems that are developed must be able to be updated and adapted throughout the process—and into the future. An excellent example of this planning was the creation of the Southeast Florida Regional Compact Climate Change, which was formed in 2009 by a group of four counties in south Florida: S Palm Beach S Broward S Miami-Dade S Monroe

Planning Having a well-defined plan is key to the success of a coastal resiliency program. This begins with collecting data and conducting research on local issues. By defining what data is needed to


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

The counties recognized and understood the need for proactive planning and action to be taken to protect their communities from the effects of global warming and sea level rise. Continued on page 6

Continued from page 4

Designing With the planning and data collection phases complete, the alternatives analysis of the design can be developed. Designs should incorporate both recent and historic data, and be science-based. The design should incorporate current land use patterns, but also plan for future population growth. High hazard areas should integrate sustainability with long-term environmental and economic benefits. As with any project, the design must balance risk reduction, provide protection, and meet stakeholder objectives. The reality is that these solutions to provide coastal resiliency are often so large and expensive that they must be approached in a “phased” way to provide short-term results for communities, while being part of an overall larger project. While each project is unique, some solutions will inevitably cause impacts to existing environmental resources, which may require mitigation. This is the where the balance between protection versus environment must be examined and vetted among multiple stakeholders, as mitigation projects can provide enhanced benefits beyond the existing conditions. By monitoring the performance of the design, and the implementation that follows, success criteria can be determined. An important aspect of any project is reviewing and understanding what was completed satisfactorily and what features can be improved upon for the future. These “lessons learned” are vital to the successful development of a coastal resiliency program.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Summary Coastal resiliency can have many different interpretations and applications, depending on the location and goals of all stakeholders involved. Communities should consider taking a long-term and phased approach to accomplish these goals: S Guide growth and development away from high-risk locations S Make sound science and engineering decisions S Understand that there is value to restoring ecosystems that goes beyond financial benefits

These impacts are just now gaining media attention and are new to many industries and stakeholders. As with the southeast compact, cities and organizations should support and encourage forward-looking leadership, while understanding that resiliency takes time. With a well-defined plan of action and a proactive approach to resiliency, coastal risk can be reduced and planned for accordingly. Matthew Starr, P.G., is an associate, southeast coastal team leader, and Jeffrey Tabar, P.E., D.CE, is principal coastal engineer with Stantec Consulting Services in Naples. S

Nutrient Removal Impacts on Other Treatment Processes Patrick Dube s states push nutrient discharge limits lower for water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs), utilities must implement different technologies to make sure that they comply with them. While many different nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal technologies can help meet these limits, WRRFs must carefully select them to avoid unintended consequences on dewatering processes and costs.


Nitrogen Removal When it comes to N removal from waste streams, two methods are typically used: physicochemical (ion exchange, air stripping, etc.) and biological. Although both methods can remove nutrients, biological nutrient removal often makes more fiscal sense. By using the natural nitrogen cycle of the bacteria in a WRRF, nitrogen is removed via nitrification–denitrification. Ammonia is transformed to nitrite (NO2-) and then nitrate (NO3-) during nitrification before a different set of bacteria transforms nitrate into nitrogen gas (N2)

during denitrification. The gas then escapes into the atmosphere. The entire process is driven by bacteria under either anaerobic or aerobic conditions. Oftentimes, these processes occur in separate tanks (nitrification is an aerobic process and denitrification is an aerobic process), but it can all be completed in one tank if anaerobic zones exist. Aside from aeration, nitrification–denitrification requires ample carbon for the bacteria to use as building blocks. Optimization of the process, important to achieve high removal, requires balanced temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and solids retention time. As shown in Figure 1, balancing carbon is also important; the carbon used for nutrient removal lessens the amount available for anaerobic digestion to generate biogas, and therefore, energy.

Phosphorus Removal

Figure 1. Both energy generation and nutrient removal require carbon.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Phosphorus removal presents a different challenge. Unlike N, P cannot be removed as a gas; instead, it must be removed as a solid. Many methods can remove P, such as chemical, biological, combined chemical and biological, and nano processes. Membrane filtration, including reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, and electrodialysis reversal all fall under the nano process category. Chemical methods rely on such chemicals as alum or ferric chloride to bind to phosphorus and precipitate it out as a solid, which can be collected. The quality and type of phosphorus precipitate is dictated by optimizing wastewater pH, chemical addition, mixing, and other factors. Biological P removal uses anaerobic conditions, followed by aerobic conditions to promote P uptake by phosphorus-accumulating organisms (PAOs). Anaerobic conditions promote the consumption of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) by the PAOs, which forces them to release phosphorus. Once the PAOs switch to aerobic conditions, they uptake the released phosphorus as they replenish stores and multi-

ply, resulting in more P removed than was released. The phosphorus-rich PAOs are then removed as settled solids, resulting in a low phosphorus liquid wastewater effluent.

Effects on Dewatering It turns out that N and P removal also affect solids dewatering quite a lot. Figure 2 shows that nutrient removal can hinder dewatering. This means using more polymer to get the same dewatering results and increased costs for one of the most cost-intensive parts of treatment. A decrease in solids dewaterability by as much as 6 percent total solids leads to two to three times the polymer needed. Decreased dewaterability also means more cost to haul away the solids to landfills or composting, or more fuel needed to incinerate the solids. Nutrient removal in and of itself isn’t the cause of poor dewatering performance as some methods, such as nitrification–denitrification, have no negligible effect. Studies and realworld performance show that specific types of phosphorus removal can directly affect dewatering. For example, chemical P removal can

help with dewatering, while biological P removal hinders it. When biological phosphorus removal is combined with anaerobic digestion and lowmetal ions (iron and aluminum), dewatering efficiency decreases. This causes higher polymer demand and, therefore, increased costs (Figure 3). Other studies have investigated the effect of biological phosphorus removal on dewatering and identified extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) as the culprit, which are released by anaerobic microbial communities. Dewatering decreased as the EPS content increased after anaerobic digestion, showing a correlation between the two and leading researchers to conclude that removing EPS may increase dewaterability. Anaerobic digestion, followed by aerobic treatment using zero valent ions and other technologies, has minimal effects on dewaterability. The research is not completely settled, and it is up to WRRFs to investigate the wide range of nutrient removal technologies available and see which can help meet their goals, while maintaining high dewaterability.

Figure 2. Interrelationships between N and P removal and other WRRF operations.

Balancing the Scales The N and P removal are necessary for WRRFs to meet discharge limits and keep the environment safe and healthy; however, tradeoffs exist, such as the effects that these technologies can have on dewatering. Each of these financial and operational implications must be considered, as each WRRF is a unique system and nutrient removal technologies must be chosen based on such factors as influent flow and loading, economic considerations, and permit limits. Patrick Dube is a technical program manager in the Water Science & Engineering Center at the Water Environment Federation (Alexandria, Va.). He manages the Residuals and Biosolids Committee and the Air Quality and Odor Control Committee and can be contacted at PDube@wef.org. S

Figure 3. Biological phosphorus removal increases dewatering polymer demands.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome!

Highlights From the 2018 Florida Water Resources Conference Holly Hanson With 3,300 attendees and 350 exhibitors, the Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC), held April 15-18 in Daytona Beach, energized participants and fueled ideas for the future of the water industry. The robust educational opportunities and networking events brought to life the many ways that water professionals are growing and thriving in their jobs. With the various opportunities and challenges they face on a daily basis, the broad array of technical presentations, roundtables, and symposiums may have provided many answers for them. The FWRC has become synonymous with the state of the art in the assessment of competence for water and wastewater employees, bringing together both experts and those new to the profession, facilitating networking and collaboration. It has also propelled the event into being the second largest joint utility conference in the United States. The 100,000-square-foot exhibit hall in the Ocean Center Convention Center had a smooth flow on the floor and extra room for comfort—for the exhibits and for all of the other events that took place there. Water For People and the Social Media Scavenger Hunt


were given prime locations in the middle of the hall near the Operations Challenge competition. This first visit to Daytona Beach for the conference was well received, and the attendees enjoyed the easy access from the hotel to the convention center, the comfortable surroundings, and the beautiful and natural setting near the beach. Each year we try to highlight elements to make this annual event as interesting and informative as possible. This was the second year we worked with the Water Environment Research Foundation to patronize the Innovation Showcase, an opportunity for startups and small businesses to promote themselves and new concepts. The Operations Challenge competition was held in the center of the exhibit hall. Other significant components included the Student Design Competition, which brings the brightest young minds and their wastewater and environmental designs to the conference; the Women of Water Forum, where panelists and audience members celebrated the contributions of women to the water industry; the Operators Showcase, with operators addressing the issues of the day; the Contractor’s Council, discussing project risks; and a diverse technical program of interest to industry professionals who are in every facet of the water business.

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Students and Young Professionals: The Future of the Industry Emphasis was placed on young professionals and university students as we ramped up new activities to maintain their interest and involvement. A Social Media Scavenger Hunt that involved all attendees in promoting FWRC on social media was a great success, and the winner went home with a $250 gift card. It was a winwin for everybody! The Young Professionals Symposium, a joint endeavor by FSAWWA and FWEA, presented a roundtable discussion, with guest speakers sharing their career stories. The Student Design Competition teams represented these Florida universities: S Florida International University S Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University/Florida State University S University of Florida S University of South Florida S Florida Gulf Coast University Each team presented its real-world findings to an assigned problem or task in both environmental and wastewater interests. This competition is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students, typically completing a capstone project. This year, the University of Florida won the environmental competition and University of South Florida won the wastewater competition. These winning teams will move on to the national contest at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in October in New Orleans. As an added bonus, a resume writing workshop was held to assist the students in preparing a sharp resume for future employment consideration. The Student Poster Contest was in full swing Monday afternoon in the rear stage area of the hall. Nadezhda Zalivina, with the University of South Florida, won the student category with her poster, “Application of an AnnamoxEnhanced Zeolite System for Nitrogen Removal from Anaerobic Digestion Sidestreams.” Pranjali Kumar, with Carollo Engineers, won the young professional category with her poster, “Removal of Trace Organics and Biological Activity in Ozone-Biofiltration Based Direct Potable Reuse.”

Each student won a Visa gift card. A “Daytona International Speedway” theme prevailed at the student and young professionals social that was held in the evening, a salute to the local racing industry.

Technical Sessions and Workshops: Peers Share Their Expertise The technical program, loaded with valuable content, was coordinated by Tim Madhanagopal, with Orange County Utilities, who serves as conference vice president, and his technical review committee, which is composed of industry experts from a variety of government and privately owned facilities and agencies. The committee members read and graded the submitted abstracts by subject, and the top five in each group were selected for presentation. The workshop presentations included: S Water Sector Resiliency S Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Wikipedia for Operators and Engineers S Integrated Water Reuse in Florida and Related Legislative and Regulatory Issues Update S Infiltration and Inflow From Cradle to Grave S Operational Consideration to Improve Water Quality in Buildings S Lessons Learned From Hurricane Irma S Strategic Thinking in the Water World S Biosolids and Energy Recovery Considerations to Promote Sustainability Two days of solid technical content included technical sessions that covered issues like utility management, nutrient removal, disaster management, sustainability and climate change, potable water treatment, biosolids technologies, collections, disinfection and pub-

lic health, distribution, supply, treatment, resource recovery, utility rates, operations and maintenance, reclamation and reuse, and modeling/GIS and computer applications.

In the Exhibit Hall: Ingenuity, Innovation, and Inspiration The Sunday president’s reception, always a well-attended event, was the first of many networking opportunities in the exhibit hall. At this year’s FWRC, one of the most exciting and rewarding in recent memory, the exhibitors here were proud to showcase their products and services. The South's premier water and wastewater conference was buzzing, and the focus was on promoting new industry trends and technologies. Discussions on case studies, regulatory issues, and subjects pertaining to Florida’s challenge of supplying, conserving, and reusing its precious water resources took place throughout the week. Tom King, past president of the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA), served again this year as

honorary master of ceremonies in the hall. His warm personality and ability to entertain the audience, while keeping everyone informed of the conference goings-on, was enjoyed and appreciated. The Innovation Showcase, a unique and new concept, which is presented at the national level at WEFTEC, was staged this year at FWRC, and it highlighted an invited selection of the newest and most exciting breakthroughs in the industry. Many innovations start small, and this opportunity provides a platform for those ideas that are not quite large enough for a full paper or presentation, but can still provide pertinent information that makes a difference in the way we work and think about water. Six 30-minute segments at the Exhibitor’s Showcase were available on Monday and Tuesday on the rear stage in the exhibit hall that provided a focused opportunity for vendors to promote accelerated development and implementation of innovative technologies and approaches.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome! Thanks to our Sponsors The conference sponsors help to enrich the experience at FWRC. We appreciate their interest in the conference’s vision and are grateful for their support. We encourage all FWRC attendees to give these sponsors the opportunity to earn their business. S AECOM S ARCADIS S Black & Veatch S Brown and Caldwell S Cardno Inc. S Carter And VerPlanck Inc. S CDM Smith S Custom Controls Technology S Delta Electronics (Americas) Ltd. S Gannett Fleming S Garney Construction S GHD S Greeley and Hansen S GreenTechnologies LLC S Grundfos Americas S Hydra Service Inc. S Jacobs Engineering Group/CH2M S Jones Edmunds & Associates Inc. S Kimley-Horn and Associates S Miller Pipeline S Mott MacDonald S P C Construction S PCL Construction Inc.



Reiss Engineering Stantec Synagro Technologies Tetra Tech Inc. U.S. Submergent Technologies U.S. Water Services Corp. USP Technologies Wharton Smith Wright-Pierce

Networking and Annual Events: Information Sharing and Industry Recognition Many activities went on at FWRC, in additional to the educational forums, technical sessions, and committee meetings. The Operators Showcase packed the room as operators from around the state and the region discussed best practices, new trends, and reoccurring issues. Hosted by FWPCOA, Tom King once again served as emcee for this great venue, with positive feedback from attendees. Over 600 people attended the Monday Awards Luncheon. Scott Kelly, FWRC president, hosted the proceedings; the boards of FSAWWA, FWEA, FWPCOA, and FWRC were in attendance; and awards were given. Tom Baber, Ph7, with Litkenhaus and As-

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

sociates, once again hosted the Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers (FSSSSS) inductions at the Monday lunch. Assisted by comedian Scott Orbany, they kept the audience entertained with zany one-liners about the three inductees. This exclusive award honors the recipients based on merit for their “outstanding and meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty to the water industry.” This year’s recipient were Ron Cavalieri, Carollo Engineers; Ray Bordner, retired from City of St. Petersburg; and David Harwig, Carter and VerPlanck Inc. Tuesday’s FWEA Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon hosted Lynn Broaddus, who is a Water Environment Federation (WEF) board trustee, and included review of the organization’s annual report, election of officers, passing of the gavel, and incoming president’s remarks. This luncheon was also popular, with over 400 attendees and award recipients present. The Monday Night networking party held at the hotel featured the band Switch, Back to the Eighties. The open bar and live music got folks on the dance floor as they enjoyed the atmosphere and the delicious food.

Contests and Competitions The FSAWWA hosted the annual “Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest” on Tuesday, where municipalities representing the section’s 12 regions entered their drinking water samples for close examination and various testing. Lee County was selected by the five judges as this year’s winner. With preparations starting in January, anticipation was high this year as the Operations Challenge competition had seven team entries. Coordinated by Chris Fasnacht and Ada Levy, both with the Orange County Utilities, the competing teams were: S City of Boynton Beach - Steam Team S City of St. Cloud - Methane Madness S City of St. Petersburg - Dirty Birds


Destin Water Users - Positive Influents Gainesville Regional - Utilities True Grit JEA - Fecal Matters Orange County - Treatment Outlaws

A discernible undercurrent of excitement was present as tough competition in each of the five categories took place. The winning team, Orange County’s Treatment Outlaws, took the top spot, with JEA’s “Fecal Matters” coming in second. Both teams will compete at the 91st annual WEFTEC, to be held at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans from September 30 to October 4. The Top Ops Competition, which was held Tuesday afternoon and coordinated by Andrew Greenbaum, Tampa Bay Water, hosted the following teams: S City of Palm Coast - Water Buoys S FWPCOA - Region #9 S Pasco County Utilities - Justice League Teams were encouraged to promote their team theme and colors throughout the conference. Water Buoys, the winning team, com-

peted at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE18) in June at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Other yearly events included the FSSSSS annual members breakfast and the FSAWWA regional chairs and volunteers breakfast. Various association meetings and forums were also held.

Volunteers: The Backbone of the Conference The FWRC has many moving parts and I would especially like to thank all of our talented speakers who truly are experts in their fields; staff members of FSAWWA, Water For People, FWPCOA, WEF, and FWEA; all the many people who volunteered their time at registration, as part of the technical review committee, and workshop coordinators; attendees at educational events and committee meetings; and all the other people behind the scenes who make this event so successful. You are all good stewards of Florida’s clean water environment with your commitment to FWRC.

Thanks and Save the Date Let’s get ready for fun and sun at the 2019 Florida Water Resources Conference, which is scheduled for April 13-17 at the Convention Center in Tampa. The FWRC strives to be your prevailing source for technical and educational information and we look forward to another great conference next year! Holly Hanson is the executive director of the Florida Water Resources Conference.

The conference boss with “The Boss.”

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome! EXHIBITION The Latest Products and Innovations The exhibit hall this year included more than 350 exhibitors, with company employees and representatives discussing cutting-edge technologies, services, and processes with the attendees at their booth. The Technology and Exhibitors Spotlight provided introductions to an exhibitor’s latest innovation, equipment, or technology during unopposed stage time in the rear of the exhibit hall. In the same area, the Innovation Showcase provided a platform for new ideas that are not at the stage for a presentation in the technical program, but can still make a difference in the industry. Booths for FSAWWA, FWEA, and FWPCOA has staff and volunteers available to talk about programs and products from the three organizations. The hall was also the site for the evening receptions; prize giveaways; Top Ops, Operations Challenge, and “Best of the Best” Drinking Water Contest; poster session; and some of the awards presentations.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

WORKSHOPS AND TECHNICAL SESSIONS Sharing Knowledge and Expertise The eight workshops at the conference covered the topics of water sector resiliency, biological nutrient removal, integrated water reuse and related legislative and regulatory issues, infiltration and inflow, operational consideration to improve water quality in buildings, lessons learned from Hurricane Irma, strategic thinking in the water world, and biosolids and energy recovery considerations to promote sustainability. The two-day technical program included sessions on utility management, wastewater treatment, nutrient removal, stormwater and climate change, collection systems, direct and indirect potable reuse, facility operations and maintenance, biosolids, phosphorus removal, reclamation and reuse, sustainability, potable water treatment, resource recovery, and modeling/geographic information systems/automation. Pictured are some of the workshops and sessions.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome!

Third Women of Water Forum Held at Conference Celebrating the importance of, and contributions by, women in the water industry, the third Women of Water (WOW) forum was presented at the conference on April 16. The comoderators for the session were: S Marjorie Craig, P.E., utilities director of water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services, City of Delray Beach S Shelby Hughes, E.I., environmental consultant, Kimley-Horn and Associates The two-hour session attracted more than fifty people, and the interaction among the panelists, moderators, and audience members (new to the industry, seasoned professionals, and somewhere in between; predominantly female, with some men) produced a lively and informative discussion. The panelists for the program were: S Lynn Broaddus, Ph.D., MBA, president and founder of Broadview Collective Inc. and currently on the board of directors of the Water Environment Federation

S Kristiana Dragsh, P.E., project manager and associate, Carollo Engineers Inc. is the president-elect of the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) S Jo Ann Jackson, P.E., director of water, wastewater, and reuse division, City of Altamonte Springs is a member of the statewide Potable Water Reuse Commission and on the board of the FWEA Utility Council S Grace Johns, Ph.D., senior associate and economist, Hazen and Sawyer, and immediate past chair of the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association S Jo Ann Macrina, P.E., deputy director of utilities, City of Daytona Beach, and board member of the Florida Water Reuse Board S Mandi Rice, P.E., assistant executive director, Southwest Florida Water Management District S Mike Sweeney, Ph.D., P.E., deputy executive director, Toho Water Authority and vice president of FWEA

Attendees listen to a panelist respond to a question from the audience.

Moderators Shelby Hughes (left) and Marjorie Craig (center).


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Introductions Craig welcomed everyone to the session. She was excited about the turnout and noted the commitment that many in the water industry have made to increase and improve the opportunities for women—and, more importantly, to support each other. She shared two conclusions of the session last year: S The experiences that women have in the workplace are often common for both genders S Include a man on the panel to add to the panel’s perspective The panelists gave a brief introduction about their experiences working as and/or with women, in the workplace. Hughes noted that while women make up almost one-half of the workforce in the United States, they only hold 14 percent of the jobs in engineering and 21 percent of the jobs in information technology. As the only male on the panel, Sweeney noted that he grew up with a strong mother and had other positive female role models. As a manager, he feels that a lot of women have attributes that many men don’t, such as listening to all sides of an issue and getting as much input as possible before making a decision; most men, on the other hand, want to solve the problem right away and move on the next one. He stated that, “to be successful, a woman has to work twice as hard and be twice as good as a man to get ahead.” Johns was taught that a woman should be selfsufficient and not rely on a man for financial security. She got where she is in her career by standing up for herself, but also by finding mentors who coached her on how to have a successful career. Rice worked with men on many construction jobs in the water industry and didn’t really

Panelists (left to right) Jo Ann Macrina, Lynn Broaddus, and Jo Ann Jackson.

Panelists Grace Johns and Mike Sweeney.

feel that different being a woman. She knew she had to prove herself, be of service, and be someone who people wanted to work with. She found that there were times when being a woman can have advantages. “When I was pregnant, I went to a board of commissioners meeting, and afterward, the commissioner kindly said, ‘I let you off easy because you’re pregnant.’ After that, the agency sent me to every board meeting.” Jackson started in environmental science as a consultant and worked her way up to a division director position. “People think I must be good because I’ve been around a long time,” she said. “A woman can’t ever be average; you have to look really hard for the opportunities to stand out and prove yourself. If you have an idea, you really have to push it, because a man can have the same idea later, and then it’s acknowledged, but not necessarily when you first suggest it.” Broaddus reflected that when she was growing up, women received messages from an early age about being likable and popular, being marriage material, and not really thinking about an education or a career. “I didn’t really buy into that. I got my degree, got a job, and had good and bad experiences. I had many male bosses who treated me like a daughter and not as an equal. Women get different messages today, but things are still challenging, especially when it comes to pay equity.” Macrina grew up as a military “brat” and began her career as an aeronautical engineer, then worked in the public and private sector for small and larger consulting firms. “I quickly married, had a daughter, and became a single parent, but I didn’t allow my personal life to affect my work life. I was initially paid less than my male counterparts, but I worked hard, paid my dues, and kept moving forward, economically and professionally, and still maintained my integrity and work ethic.” Dragash is married to a teacher and has a child, and her husband is very supportive, both of the family and her career. “The water industry chose me, and I’ve had many supportive mentors who’ve taught me that you can learn something from everyone.” In her career and other work-related activities, she has had success at a fairly early age. “I

Some attendees in discussion before the session starts.

have, as do a lot of women, the ‘imposter syndrome,’ wondering if I’m good enough and really deserve what I have. This can have disadvantages, of course, but it also makes me work harder.”

Challenges and Advantages in the Workplace Hughes asked the panelists and attendees to name some challenges that women have in the workplace, and the following were given: S You always have to prove yourself. S Women try to solve everyone’s problems and end up doing other workers’ jobs in addition to their own. S Women do the work; men get the credit. S Administrative employees (very often women) can be harder on female bosses than male bosses. S Being forceful and direct without appearing demanding or “bitchy.” S Managing men, especially older men, who may have a different mindset about women in the workplace. S Balancing work and family life, particularly for unpartnered mothers. S Not taking things too personally. If a situation is not going the way you want, is isn’t necessarily because you’re a woman; there could be other factors in play. S People can and will take advantage of you, if you let them. S Picking your battles; not everything is worth going to the mat for. S Being too nice and accommodating, which can make it harder to command respect, give direction, and provide leadership. S Women have to second-guess how an email, memo, report, or personal interaction will be perceived: Am I coming across too hard or too soft? S Not all women (just like not all men) are alike and it’s important to be seen as individuals. S Women are usually not natural self-promoters, and it’s hard for them to speak up for themselves. Hughes then asked those in the room what advantages women bring to work, and these responses were made:

Panelist Mandi Rice.

S Getting as much information as possible, and including all viewpoints, before arriving at a decision. S Being able to say, “I don’t know.” S Serving as mentors to younger women. S Seeing differences in people as strengths, not weaknesses. S There is power in being a lady, in the best sense of that word.

Sexual Harassment: The Recent Focus The #MeToo movement has shed a new spotlight on women and the workplace, highlighting the sexual harassment and inequality that some women have experienced. The accusations against many high-profile men in many industries has put the issue front and center and allowed women to publicly share their stories. It was suggested that any anger that a woman feels should be used constructively to change the system. If help isn’t available at work, through a boss, human resources, or upper management, resources can usually be found at the local, state, and federal level. It was noted, however, that recourse isn’t always easy (and harassment can be a problem for men, too), and it will take time (if ever) before this is no longer an issue. Some women do use their sex to get advantages, which makes it difficult for women who don’t. When face with an incident, it was suggested that a woman be calm, but assertive, in her actions and be as unambiguous as possible. The group recognizes that all workers are faced with problems and challenges, and sex, gender, education, position, and life experiences make each situation unique. People should focus on their similarities and their common humanity when trying to find solutions that will benefit everyone. If you would like to make suggestions, submit questions, or recommend panelists for next year’s forum, please email Marjorie Craig at craigm@mydelraybeach.com. We are interested in providing more time for networking among attendees and welcome your input. Can’t wait to see you next year!

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



Operators Discuss Timely Issues in the Water Industry Tom King On April 15 we gathered together at the Operators Showcase to have a beer and discuss current topics in the water utility industry. Thanks to all who attended and to those who submitted topics. The showcase continues to grow each year, with new topics and lively, somewhat animated conversations (probably due to the beer!). This year we discussed the following: S Ethics as it pertains to signing off on license experience (and what constitutes actual experience and ways of documenting it) S First responder status for utility personnel S Direct potable reuse (DPR) license requirements

Actual Experience Documents Nothing gets our blood flowing like the stories of some “undeserving person” getting his or her actual experience signed off by another operator or supervisor. If I asked for all of the anonymous stories or misguided loyalties that helped someone cheat the system, it would fill all my allowed space here.

The Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA), along with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), has in the past dealt with these and other issues concerning a lack of ethics, and when notified, will continue to do so. Two things you can be sure of: first, we cannot deal with an issue that we are not made aware of; and second, the integrity of the license process is worth protecting. The attendees all agreed on taking the issue seriously and utilizing methods of collecting data to substantiate a “well-rounded experience.” At the showcase I asked for examples of utilities that have training programs and maintain records on trainees to help put together a model for documenting different types of experiences. I will repeat that request at the end of this article and will post my email address for feedback. I will use all the data we collect to produce various methods and models to record the experiences. I will hand these out at next year’s showcase for discussion and make them available through future articles. There is an ethical standard we violate when we fudge or make up data to justify someone’s approval to sit for a state certification. I have on

Tom King, moderator.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Several women attend the session.

many occasions produced articles discussing the integrity and responsibility associated with being in the family of utility management and maintenance. We are the caretakers of the most important natural resources on the planet. No matter your background, politics, or religion, the need for water makes us equal. No matter what role you play in the family of utility management caretakers, you are held to a higher standard. Help us police the process and make sure those who misuse their authority to violate the process are reported.

First Responder Status Who is a first responder? We all got emotional as we discussed the topic of first responder status at the showcase. I believe we will continue this discussion until we get some satisfaction for our service. During the last hurricane season, I heard stories of brave and committed utility professionals who were out repairing water and sewer lines, working on lift stations, setting up generators, and operating water and wastewater plants in horrible weather conditions. We (based on many examples) put aside our own personal losses and damage to our homes to go above and beyond the call of duty to restore utility services to those who depend on us. This is not to take anything away from firefighters, police officers or any other “first responders” who jeopardize their lives to protect and defend ours. We hold them in the highest esteem. We, as an industry that is vital to the safety and well being of our customers, also put ourselves out there in the middle of storms and flooding events. We heard many stories of utility worker heroes as they responded to broken water lines and other problems. We heard of the hardship of the requirements of utility workers to show up for work after a storm or be disciplined—up to termination. The action of utility personnel before, during, and after storms certainly puts them in a category that deserves recognition. We will soon be asking for input through a survey for opinions and ideas on this issue. Maybe there is another equivalent term we could use to reward our fellow workers who give so much of themselves. Many businesses reward first respon-

ders with discounts and financial rewards for their service. When we, as utility professionals, do what we do because we are committed to the industry, it would be nice to be rewarded with a recognized title showing the respect that’s deserved.

Direct Potable Reuse It’s now evident that direct potable reuse (DPR) is a part of the solution to the water shortage that is becoming more critical each year. The challenges of using DPR were discussed during the showcase event: S Training associated with this opportunity will be required for both wastewater and water treatment operators. S There will be courses designed to deal with the organic load of DPR on water treatment plants, as well as water distribution systems. S Permit requirements for wastewater treatment plants that use DPR as a disposal method will change. Other states have responded to direct potable reuse (DPR) with a new license; should FDEP require changes in the licenses that exist, or create a new license for plants that use DPR as a resource? There were several technical presentations on DPR at this conference and we expect more at future events throughout the state. While the use of DPR could benefit the total water resource chain, there could also be negative affects on systems that depend on the reuse of wastewater effluent for irrigation. Wastewater reuse systems are also used to augment wetland systems, so the consequences of long-term use of DPR will have to be evaluated. Public trust is another aspect of any system that would use DPR as a supplemental water resource. Nationally publicized water issues, like those in Flint, Mich., have damaged the public’s belief in the integrity of water treatment. We must do our very best to produce good-quality water, with a zero tolerance for mistakes that could lead to a public health incident. It’s inevitable that we will have to meet the growing demands for potable water with new and innovative ideas and we must do so with an even greater level of professionalism. This is an exciting challenge facing the water industry. The way Florida will address the license and training requirement associated with DPR is still being formulated. I believe we will deal with this new opportunity the way we dealt with those of the past—as a group of caring professionals. I am still an idealist when it comes to our profession and the commitment I believe we have to fulfill our roles with integrity. The importance of this commitment will never be more important than

during the implementation of systems using DPR.

Looking for Feedback I welcome input on all of these issues; feel free to contact me at Thomas.j.king1@NASA.gov. Please respond to the surveys you will see on the FWPCOA home page. We will also create a survey next year prior to the Florida Water Resources Conference to pick topics for the next showcase, and the issues of DPR and the inclusion of utility workers as first responders will be addressed in future articles and as ongoing showcase topics. I will also share information gathered from the surveys on methods of quantifying actual experience. We have volunteers who will be addressing the first responder issue, and based on the responses from the surveys, we will give them all the support possible. Mike Darrow (right) makes a comment.

Tom King is utility manager for Kennedy Space Center Utilities in Orlando.

Moderator King (right) engages with one of the participants.

The hollow-square room setup facilitates the open discussion.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome! STUDENTS AND YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Scavenger Hunt, Student Design Competition, Symposium and Resume Workshop, and Evening Social

Resume writing workshop.

Several events were held at the conference for students and those who are new to the industry. A Social Media Scavenger Hunt invited attendees to promote the conference with social media posts. It was a great success, and the winner went home with a $250 gift card. The Young Professionals Symposium, a joint endeavor by FSAWWA and FWEA, presented a roundtable discussion, with guest speakers sharing stories about their careers and personal development. The Student Design Competition teams represented several Florida universities. Each team presented its real-world findings to an assigned problem or task in both environmental and wastewater interests. This competition is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students, typically completing a capstone project. A resume writing workshop was also held to assist students and young professionals in preparing a top-notch resume for future employment considerations. The Daytona International Speedway was the theme at the student and young professionals social, a salute to the local racing industry. The social included music, food and drinks, and a lively game of Cornhole.

Photos show participants and judges at the Student Design Competition.


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Poster Session Social for students and young professionals.

University Students Present and Discuss Their Research A poster session was held in the exhibit hall, where students from various Florida universities presented their research methods and outcomes on various water topics. The poster authors were available at several times during the conference to discuss their findings with attendees and answer questions. The session serves as a good venue for students to meet with their colleagues and industry professionals.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome!


Each year the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association, Florida Water Environment Association, and Florida Section of the American Water Works Association honor outstanding individuals, utilities, and other organizations for contributions to the state’s water and wastewater industry. The awards were presented at the two lunches held during the conference.

FWEA Awards Earle B. Phelps Awards

Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility First Place Hillsborough County Van Dyke Wastewater Treatment Plant Accepted by LaTishia Smith.

Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Honorable Mention Town of Davie System II Wastewater Treatment Plant Accepted by Carlos Rodarte.

Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Runner-Up Bay County North Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Trevor Clark.

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Up to 10 MGD First Place Polk County Utilities Northwest Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Ed Clark and Charles Nichols.

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Up to 10 MGD Honorable Mention Toho Water Authority Cypress West Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Don Vedner.

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Greater Than 10 MGD First Place Orange County Utilities Northwest Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Michael Hudkins, Mark Robinson, and Todd Swingle.

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Greater Than 10 MGD Honorable Mention City of Boca Raton Wastewater Treatment Plant Accepted by Wilgens Valmy.

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Greater Than 10 MGD Runner-Up Collier County South County Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Robert Edge.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Runner-Up Polk County Utilities Northeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Todd Tysinger, Arthur Serode, Dave McGrotty, Jeff Goolsby, and Charles Nichols.

Advanced Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Runner-Up Polk County Utilities Southwest Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Tiger Godwin, Cindy Sammons, William Altman, Todd Potter, James Hall, and Nathan Silveira.

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility First Place City of Plant City Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Mike Darrow, Patrick Murphy, Lynn Spivey, Steve Saffels, and David Buyens.

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility Honorable Mention Bay County Military Point Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Tim Ouimet, David Pfizer, and Trevor Clark.

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility Runner-Up Hillsborough County Valrico Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Accepted by Eric Gauld.

David W. York Water Reuse System of the Year Awards Golden Manhole Society Awards

Less Than 1 MGD Polk County Utilities Northwest Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Charles Nichols.

Reuse Project of the Year Gainesville Regional Utilities and City of Gainesville Public Works Department Sweetwater Wetlands Park Accepted by (front row): Debbie Daugherty, Rick Hutton, and Terri Lowery; and (back row): Brett Goodman, Tony Cunningham, Gene White, and Chris Keller.

Collection System Awards Medium Palm Bay Utilities Department Accepted by Derek Acker.

1 to 5 MGD Toho Water Authority Parkway Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Andy Cieslak.

5 to 15 MGD City of Venice Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Chloe Crouch.

Greater Than 15 MGD Collier County Water and Sewer District Accepted by Rob Kaine.

Water Reuse and Resources Professional of the Year Presented to Lynn Spivey.

Presented to Don McCullers.

Presented to Scott Helfrick.

Large Broward County Water and Wastewater Services Accepted by Carlos Morejon, Mike Kelly, Clive Haynes, and Mark Darmanin.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome! Safety Awards

Class A, First Place Gainesville Regional Utilities Water Reclamation Facilities Accepted by Gene White and Brett Goodman.

Class A, Second Place City of Pompano Beach Reuse Facility Accepted by Jerry Criscito.

Class A, Third Place Manatee County Southeast Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Donald Adams.

Class B, First Place Polk County Utilities Southwest Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Tiger Godwin, Cindy Sammons, William Altman, Todd Potter, James Hall, and Nathan Silveira.

George W. Burke Jr. Facility Safety Award Hillsborough County Northeast Wastewater Reclamation Facility Accepted by London Womack and Beth Schinella.

Biosolids Award

Class B, Second Place Town of Davie Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by John McGeary.

Class B, Third Place Polk County Utilities Northwest Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by Charles Nichols and Ed Clark.

Large Operating Facility South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Jody Barksdale and Ivy Drexler.

Class C, First Place Babcock Ranch Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Jon Meyer.

Class C, Second Place Hillsborough County Van Dyke Wastewater Treatment Facility Accepted by LaTishia Smith.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Small Operating Facility Village of Wellington Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Bryan Gayoso and David Capriani.

Public Education Awards

Odor Control Award Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department Accepted by Thomas Black and Greg Currington.

Organization Category South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility Education Program, Pinellas County Utilities Accepted by Shea Dunifon.

Campaign/Events Category City of North Port Accepted by Anna Duffey, Michael Acosta, and mascot “Ricky Raindrop.”

Leroy H. Scott Award Presented by Ron Trygar (left) to Charles Martin.

L.L. Hedgepeth Award Presented to Alicia Asmus, SeaWorld Orlando.

William D. Hatfield Award Presented to Brad Hayes.

Albert B. Herndon Award Presented to Serene Change (center). Also pictured are Naveen Mehan and Mark Darmanin. Athur Sidney Bedell Award Presented to Lisa Prieto.

Young Professional of the Year Award Presented to George Dick.

Outstanding Service Awards

Presented to Linda Maudlin.

Presented to Brad Hayes.

FWEA Welcomes New President Tim Harley (left) completes his term as the FWEA 2017-2018 president at the organization’s annual meeting and awards luncheon that was held on April 17 at the conference. Kristiana S. Dragash (right) begins her term as president for 2018-2019. Presented to Jan Peters.

Presented to Joe Cheatham. Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome!

FSAWWA Awards Water Treatment Plants

Outstanding Class A Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant Accepted by Ken Enlow and Pamela London-Exner.

Outstanding Class B Town of Davies Utilities Accepted by Raul Sotelo.

FWPCOA Awards David B. Lee Award

Wastewater Presented to Jeff Goolsby, Polk County Northeast Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Outstanding Class C Hillsborough County Lake Park Water Treatment Plant Accepted by Mark Lehigh, Kevin Kraujalis, and Paul Kavanagh.

Reclaimed Water Presented to Ed Clark, Polk County Northeast Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Water Presented to Nathaniel Mastroeni (right), Babcock Ranch Utilities, pictured with Syd Kitson.

Pat Flanagan Award Presented to Erica Latker, Hawkins Inc.

Most Improved Class A Village of Wellington Water Treatment Plant Accepted by Andrew Greenbaum.

Most Improved Class C Babcock Ranch Water Utilities Accepted by Jon Meyer.

Richard P. Vogh Award Presented to FWPCOA Region 10 and accepted by Katherine Kinloch.

Jack W. Hoffbuhr Award Presented to Peggy Guingona, FSAWWA executive director.


Marvin N. Kaden Award for Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Operator Presented to Michael Espinosa, Seminole Tribe of Florida.

Drinking Water Treatment Plant Operator Meritorious Service Award Presented to Mike Darrow, City of Plant City.

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

30 Plus Years of Membership, Dedication, and Support Presented to Jack Cubbedge.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



Treatment Outlaws from Orange County is Winning Team for 2018 Orange County Utilities’ Treatment Outlaws came in first place in this year’s Operations Challenge, with a total score of 454.31. Fecal Matters, the team from JEA, finished second, with a score of 429.18. Third place went to Positive Influents from Destin Water Users with a score of 408.02. The contest is coordinated by Chris Fasnacht and Ada Levy, both with Orange County

Utilities. Seven teams came to Daytona Beach to compete. The other teams in the contest were: S City of Boynton Beach - Steam Team S City of St. Cloud - Methane Madness S City of St. Petersburg - Dirty Birds S Gainesville Regional Utilities - True Grit The competition, which was held in the

The first-place team for this year’s competition is Treatment Outlaws. Pictured (left to right} are: Michael Grovac, Susan Kieda, Oswaldo Lopez, Bryan Elliot, Brad Hayes, Daniel Prieto, Chris Fasnacht, and Ada Levy.

Racing the clock.


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exhibit hall, is a skills-based contest consisting of four timed events and one questionnaire event that showcase the knowledge and expertise of wastewater treatment plant operators. The teams display their proficiency in process control, maintenance, safety, collections, and the laboratory. The process control event uses a computer-based questionnaire where two team members are given certain scenarios to figure out through a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) program, and the other members complete a math and basic knowledge question section. Positive Influents took first in the event, with True Grit coming in second. The laboratory section is an ammonia and alkalinity testing situation, in a simulated format, to determine the operation of an aerobic wastewater system, as well as added questions to know what the demand and usage are. Treatment Outlaws took first place, with True Grit placing second. The maintenance event simulates the maintenance of a lift station where a pump has gone down and a Godwin pump is set up as a bypass in case, at some point, the other pump goes down. The teams are to do a simulated inspection of the pump before simulating taking

One of the teams in action.

Several events going on at the same time.

the pump to the station and hooking it up. In this event, Treatment Outlaws came in first and Fecal Matters took second place. The collections event simulates the team having to replace a section of an 8-inch piece of pipe with a new piece of pipe that has a 4-inch hole cut out for a new sewer lateral. While this is going on, one member of the team is setting up a sampler to take samples. Here, Fecal Matters came in first and Positive Influents was second. For the third year, the safety section used a hoist system and added some other steps to challenge the teams. The event simulates a person passing out in a confined space and the team arriving onsite to retrieve the person. Also added is the maintenance of a check valve in replacing the gaskets to it. First-place winner in

this event was Fecal Matters and Methane Madness came in second. The top two teams will now go on to represent Florida at this year’s Operation Challenge at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), which will be held in New Orleans in September.

The next Operations Challenge at FWRC will be held April 2019 in Tampa. The competition is open to teams of wastewater treatment operators from any utility in Florida. For information on entering a team, contact Chris Fasnacht, City of St. Cloud, at cfasnacht@stcloud.org.

JEA’s Fecal Matters win’s second place.

The City of St Petersburg Dirty Birds receives the Best Hardhat Award.

The Best Sportsmanship Award is given to True Grit from Gainesville Regional Utilities.

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FWRC 2018 – Awesome!

The three competing teams.


Water Buoys Takes First-Place Win for a Sixth Straight Time The Water Buoys, from the City of Palm Coast, qualified for the national American Water Works Association (AWWA) Top Ops competition by winning the Florida Top Ops, held during the conference. The contest was set up and officiated by the following: S Tom Tackman, Top Ops chair and contest moderator S Andrew Greenbaum, Tampa Bay Water – coordinator and judge S Daniel Allen, Tetra Tech – judge S Michael Azzarella, Odyssey Manufacturing Co. – judge S Jackson Reeves, Odyssey Manufacturing Co. – scorekeeper

For the sixth time in as many years, the winning team took home the first-place award from this “College Bowl” type event that tests the groups, made up of water treatment and distribution operators or laboratory personnel, on their knowledge of system operations. Teams of one, two, or three people from FSAWWA regions compete against each other in this fast-paced question-andanswer tournament. The moderator poses a broad range of technical questions and math problems, and the team scoring the most points in the championship round is awarded the winner’s trophy. The other teams in the competition were: S FWPCOA - Region #9 S Pasco County Utilities - Justice League

The judges (pictured with the winner’s trophy) are ready for the first question.

Teams were encouraged to promote their team theme and colors throughout the conference. The winning team competed at Top Ops at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE18) in June at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Water utilities across the state are encouraged to enter the 27th annual Top Ops, which will be held April 2019 during the Florida Water Resources Conference in Tampa. Teams may represent more than one utility. For more details, and to receive the competition rules, contact the Top Ops chair, Tom Tackman, at (239) 560-4149 or ttackman@watertalent.net.

The winning Water Buoys team members (from left) are Fred Greiner, Peter Roussell, and Tom Martens.

Tom Tackman, contest moderator. FWPCOA team Region #9.


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Justice League from Pasco County Utilities.


Lee County Has Florida’s Best Tasting Water Lee County Utilities won the statewide Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest held at the conference, which was sponsored by 12 Florida Section American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) regions. The contest was emceed by Greg Taylor, a project manager with Reiss Engineering. The five taste-test judges chose the utility from the FSAWWA regional winners. For the statewide final, each regional winner submitted a gallon of water that was collected less than 24 hours before the contest. All of the samples were tasted at room temperature to allow for any tastes or odors to be more easily detected. In addition to taste and odor, the samples were rated on color and clarity. The judges for this year’s contest were: S Arturo Burbano, associate - water/wastewater services, GHD S Steven Duranceau, associate professor of environmental engineering, University of Central Florida S Rick Harmon, editor, Florida Water Resources Journal S Kim Kowalski, vice president - sales and operations manager, Wager Co. of Florida S Mark Lehigh, section manager, Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department The utility competed in the national drinking water taste test that was held at the 2018 AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE18) in June in Las Vegas. Lee County Utilities (LCU) is a division of the department of public utilities, which also includes the Lee County division of solid waste. The department is committed to responding quickly to customers concerns and providing them with reliable drinking water and sewer service. Founded in 1968, LCU began as a small community water utility. It has since evolved into an award-winning utility providing service to more than 254,047 customers. It routinely monitors for contaminants in drinking water according to federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. It collects water samples and conducts water quality tests using the certified laboratories of the Lee County Department of Health and the Lee County Environmental Laboratory to ensure that the public water supply is safe for human consumption.

Emcee Greg Taylor and the water samples.

Taylor announces the winner.

Judges (seated left to right) are Kim Kowalski, Mark Lehigh, Arturo Burbano, Rick Harmon, and Steven Duranceau.

FSAWWA region utility winners list.

Craig Thorp (right) accepts the award for Lee County Utilities from Taylor. Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRC 2018 – Awesome!

Tom Baber addresses the luncheon audience.

David Hartwig goes first.

Ray Bordner gets it right!

Ron Cavalieri takes his turn.

FWEA Society Inducts New Members

Comedian Scott Orbany works the room.

Three nominees for the Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers (FSSSSS) became members after completing a tongue-twisting induction exercise at the conference, held on Monday during the awards luncheon. The chair of the society, Tom Baber, welcomed the attendees to the ceremony. Scott Orbany, a local comedian, bantered with the audience and “roasted” the inductees as they completed their verbal exercises. The inductees this year were: S Ray Bordner, retired from City of St. Petersburg S Ron Cavalieri, AECOM S David Hartwig, Carter and VerPlanck

The audience enjoys the ceremony.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

These three each took their turn at the podium, and after successfully repeating the name of the society several times (and after several tries!), received their certificates as members of the Class of 2018. The new members also received the coveted Silver Shovel pin, which, according to FSSSSS, should be worn at all times. The society, which was founded in 1956 and has had more than 180 members, annually recognizes wastewater industry professionals for meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty to the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA).

Baber (second from left) poses with Cavalieri, Brodner, and Hartwig as they display their new certificates.

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FWRC 2018 – Awesome!

CONFERENCE SPONSORS Pictured are some of the sponsors of the conference at their booths in the exhibit hall.

USP Technologies

Barney’s Pump


Tetra Tech

CDM Smith

Kimley-Horn and Associates

Delta Electronics (Americas) Ltd.


PCL Construction Inc.

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Synagro Technologies

Reiss Engineering


Cardno Inc.

PC Construction

Brown and Caldwell

Jacobs Engineering Group

Wharton-Smith Inc.

Gannett Fleming

Carter and VerPlanck

Black & Veatch

Green Technologies LLC

Garney Construction

Jones Edmunds

Hydra Services Inc.

Custom Controls Technology Inc.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



Caloosahatchee River West Basin Storage Reservoir Design and Construction Shawn Waldeck, Joseph Albers, and Thomas McKernan he Caloosahatchee River has experienced the consequences of altered flow patterns and degraded water quality as the natural system hydropatterns have been affected by development in southwest Florida. Large influxes of water from Lake Okeechobee discharges and heavy rainfall during the wet season have impacted the health of the Caloosahatchee Estuary. Conversely, reductions in flows in the dry season have resulted in increased salinity regimes affecting the balance of marine life in the estuary. The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is responsible for implementing projects for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) to help improve water quality and regulate water flows into the Everglades systems and estuarine ecosystems. Located on 10,700 acres of a former citrus grove in Hendry County, the C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir will store approximately 57 bil gal, or about 170,000 acre ft. The project, expected to be completed in 2022, will include construction of two 5000-acre reservoir storage cells (Cells 1 and 2); three pump stations; a perimeter canal, along with associated water control structures; and required improvements to the State Road 80


Bridge and the Townsend Canal, ultimately connecting to the Caloosahatchee River. The C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir Project will reduce the frequency and intensity of harmful freshwater discharges into the Caloosahatchee Estuary, helping to restore historic salinity levels. Once completed, the project will provide immediate environmental restoration benefits by: S Capturing and storing stormwater runoff from the C-43 Basin and regulatory discharges from Lake Okeechobee, thus reducing excess freshwater flows to the estuary. S Helping to maintain a desirable salinity balance by controlling peak flows during the wet season and providing essential freshwater flows during the dry season. S Helping to sustain a healthy estuarine nursery that supports recreational and commercial fisheries. S Reducing nutrient loading to the Caloosahatchee Estuary, an incidental benefit resulting from the settling of nutrient-rich particulate matter in the reservoir. The final design of the project was initially completed in 2008 during the Acceler8 Program, which is part of CERP and aims to re-

Figure 1. Caloosahatchee Estuary (source: USACE, Ref. 1)


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Shawn Waldeck, P.E., is program manager with Jacobs Engineering Group in Palm Beach Gardens. Joseph Albers, P.E., is principal project manager and Thomas McKernan, CM., is principal construction manager with South Florida Water Management District in West Palm Beach.

store Florida’s ecosystem by accelerating the completion of eight restoration projects. The SFWMD is collaborating with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to update these plans and specifications to current state and federal standards, including dam safety standards. The project will be executed in four construction packages, three of which are already under construction.

Design Features and Construction S Package 1 – Preloading and Demolition • Design completed June 2015 • Construction completed and preload monitoring is ongoing • Construction contract finalized July 2018 • Contract value: $10 million S Package 2 – Pump Station S-476 (195 cu ft per second [cfs]) • Design completed December 2015 • Construction contract awarded June 2016 • Construction completion anticipated August 2018 • Contract value: $11 million S Package 3 – Pump Station S-470 (1500 cfs) • Design completed October 2017 • Construction contract awarded December 2017 • Construction completion anticipated March 2021 • Contract value: $59 million S Package 4 – 18 mi of Dam/15 sq mi of Reservoir and Water Control Structures • Design underway • Construction contract awarded 2018 • Construction completion anticipated 2022 • Contract value: $400 million (estimated)

This article will provide an overview of the project, and the design, permitting, and construction challenges for the C-43 project in the unique south Florida environment.

Project Background Everglades Restoration Strategies Plan The Caloosahatchee River and Estuary (Figures 1 and 2) includes an important estuarine and marine ecosystem that contains aquatic preserves, along with several other federal, state, and local parks and recreation areas. Restoration of a healthy, productive aquatic ecosystem in the river is essential to maintaining the ecological integrity and associated economic activity in these publicly owned and managed areas. The C-43 project was originally authorized in accordance with the requirements of Section 601(d) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (WRDA2000). In October 2003, SFWMD initiated the Acceler8 Program to move forward with major CERP reservoir projects in parallel with the development of the project implementation report by USACE. The project was shelved in 2008 due to the downturn in the economy in the United States. In 2014 the project was resurrected and implemented as part of the SFMWD restoration strategies program to finalize design and initiate construction on the C-43 Reservoir. Although still considered to be a CERP project, the reservoir is currently being executed through the restoration strategies engineering and construction contracts managed by SFWMD. Lessons learned from the levee failures after Hurricane Katrina resulted in the project being redesigned to incorporate the updated engineering standards from USACE. The project is being incrementally delivered as each of the contracts are redesigned and moved forward into construction. The project includes approximately 170,000 acre ft of above ground storage on over 10,700 acres of former citrus groves. The volume in the two-cell reservoir includes normal pool depths, when the reservoir is full, varying from 15 ft at the southeast corner to 25 ft at the northwest corner. Major features of the project include external and internal embankments, canals, three pump stations, water control structures, and environmentally responsible design features. The project provides deepwater habitat within the impoundment cells, including refugia (created by embankment excavation), for fish and other aquatic animals during extremely dry periods. Some water quality benefits may be realized in the estuary, since some of the nutrient-laden runoff and lake water will be stored in the reservoir,

Figure 2. Caloosahatchee Watershed (source: USACE, Ref. 1)

Figure 3. C-43 Reservoir Project Site Plan

allowing for the settling of nutrients within the reservoir cells prior to delivery to the estuary. C-43 Reservoir Project Site Location and Conditions The C-43 project site is located in LaBelle in Hendry County, south of SR 80 and along the C-43 Canal, approximately 30 mi east of the City of Fort Myers. The reservoir is about 6

mi long and approximately 3 mi wide, and averages approximately 17 ft in depth. The top of the perimeter dam is at an elevation of more than 54.5 ft North American Vertical Datum (NAVD). The bottom of the reservoir varies in elevation from approximately 16 to 26 ft. The site geology consists primarily of a thin and variable surface layer of top soils, unContinued on page 42

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Continued from page 41 derlain by sands and clayey sands, down to a deposit of clays of marine origin. This formation, which comprises the bottom impermeable layer, generally extends from less than 20 ft. The formation is an area of unique geological character in south Florida, and when combined with a soil bentonite cutoff wall, the reservoir will efficiently “hold” water. Most south Florida water storage facilities experience excessive seepage flows. The clay zone deposit has low hydraulic conductivities and allows effective storage in the above ground impoundment with minimal seepage outflows and losses. This minimizes the need for substantial seepage pumping.

Townsend Canal and serves as a direct connection from the reservoir to the Caloosahatchee River. An improvement to the level of flood protection and preservation of water supply for the surrounding agriculture is an added requirement of the project. An overall site plan of the project is shown in Figure 3. Major features include: S Preloading and Demolition – Construction Package 1 S S476 Pump Station (195 cfs bypass water supply) – Construction Package 2 S S470 Pump Station (1,500 cfs reservoir inflow) – Construction Package 3 S C-43 Reservoir (170,000 acre ft above ground storage) – Construction Package 4

Design and Construction Overview

Project Design and Construction

The design and construction of the C-43 project includes improvements to the existing

Preloading and Demolition: Construction Package 1 The first step in the construction of the

Photo 1. Preload Mound at S471

Photo 2. Preload Mound at S473

Figure 4. S470 Preload Mound Settlement


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

reservoir included demolition of existing agricultural infrastructure (including underground irrigation piping and wells) and installation of seven preload mounds. While the clay layer extending throughout the site is beneficial to the completed reservoir, it presents challenges for construction. The results of the laboratory analyses revealed that the clay layer was susceptible to significant settlement when loaded with embankment and structures. Settlements were predicted to be between 20 and 30 in. at various locations throughout the site. To minimize the excess predicted settlement, the geotechnical engineer designed earthen preload mounds at specific structure locations (photos 1 and 2) around the site; these areas included softer embankment reaches and major water control structures. The mounds were constructed of onsite soil sands and were constructed to a height of 56 ft, totaling more than 2 mil cu yds of material. The onsite sands will eventually be reused as aggregate for the future soil cement embankment protection on the dam in Construction Package 4. Instrumentation was included on each preload mound to measure settlement and pore pressures in the clay layer below. These devices included vibrating wire piezometers, inclinometers, and settlement plates. The data were collected weekly and monthly as the mounds were constructed until the movement and pore pressure in the mounds had dissipated. Settlements are expected to occur within a year of the preload construction. Figure 4 represents the settlement plate data recorded at the S470 pump station. As can be seen, the settlement of the mound responds to the application of the fill. As the mound is topped out, the settlement readings indicate that the bulk of the settlement occurs within approximately three to four months, with a total settlement of approximately 16 in. Corresponding pore pressure measurements show similar results, indicating that, over the same relative period, the pore pressures in the clay layer below dissipate as the mound settles. A representation of pore pressure measurements for the preload mound at an embankment preload area is shown in Figure 5. This particular mound was constructed in two phases to allow the mound to achieve initial consolidation. After a slight delay, the remainder of the embankment fill was placed. The pore pressure response can be seen to dissipate after application of the load and reduces to near zero change in four to six months. Continued on page 44


....*Backflow Repair ............................................St Petersburg ......$275/305 ....Reclaimed Water Field Site Inspector ..........Osteen................$350/380 ....Water Distribution Level 3 ............................Osteen................$225/255 ....Reclaimed Water Distribution C ....................Osteen................$225/255 ....Backflow Repair ..............................................Osteen................$275/305 ....Backflow Tester Recert*** ..............................Osteen................$85/115

August 13-17 ....Fall State Short School ....................................Ft Pierce

September 10-13 ....Backflow Tester ................................................Osteen................$375/405 28 ....Backflow Tester Recerts*** ............................Osteen................$85/115

October 8-10 15-18 15-19 26 26

....Backflow Repair ..............................................Osteen................$275/305 ....Backflow Tester* ..............................................St Petersburg ......$375/405 ....Wastewater Collection C, B ............................Orlando ............$225/255 ....Backflow Tester Recerts*** ............................Osteen................$85/115 ....Backflow Tester Recerts ..................................Pensacola ..........$85/115

November 5-8 12-14 12-16 16

....Backflow Tester ................................................Osteen................$375/405 ....Backflow Repair* ............................................St Petersburg ......$275/305 ....Reclaim Water Feld Site Inspector ................Osteen................$350/380 ....Backflow Tester Recerts*** ............................Osteen................$85/115

Course registration forms are available at http://www.fwpcoa.org/forms.asp. For additional information on these courses or other training programs offered by the FWPCOA, please contact the FW&PCOA Training Office at (321) 383-9690 or training@fwpcoa.org. * Backflow recertification is also available the last day of Backflow Tester or Backflow Repair Classes with the exception of Deltona ** Evening classes

You are required to have your own calculator at state short schools and most other courses.

*** any retest given also Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Continued from page 42

Figure 5. Two-Stage Embankment Preload Mound Pore Pressure Readings

Photo 4. S476 Cofferdam

Photo 3. S472 Pump Can

Photo 5. S476 Pump Can Installation

Figure 6. S470 Cross Section and Discharge to Reservoir


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

S476 Pump Station (195 cfs bypass water supply): Construction Package 2 Adjacent agricultural activities continue to rely on water supplies from irrigation canals running through the C-43 site. The main header canal running east-west through the site conveys water from the Townsend Canal to the agricultural lands to the east and these water supply deliveries must be maintained. A new perimeter water supply canal will be constructed in Package 4. The S476 pump station replaces the existing water supply pump station and delivers water to the farms through the new perimeter canal system. A key to the project’s success will be the ability to dewater control structures and reservoir excavations that allow maximum flexibility, adapt to variations in anticipated seepage and weather conditions, and allow for flexibility in construction sequencing. Effectively and efficiently constructing the project requires executing a series of comprehensive reservoir dewatering steps. Photo 4 shows the cofferdam system utilized for S476 construction. During construction of the preload mounds and excavation of the S476 pump station foundations, the lessons learned were captured and applied to the design and construction of subsequent engineering packages for the remainder of the reservoir and water control structures. S470 Pump Station (1500 cfs inflow): Construction Package 3 The primary feature of this project is to construct the reservoir pumping station (S470) with a nominal capacity of 1,500 cfs, including four nominal 375 cfs (each) vertical line shaft electric driven pumps. Other features of the work include a microwave tower and control building, structure removal at the confluence of the Townsend Canal and C-43, and SR-80 bridge armoring. The work includes dewatering, site work, grading, paving, drainage, and associated electrical and communications systems. The electric pumps are 2,500 horsepower each, requiring upgrades to the existing Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) distribution system to the pump station facility. The medium voltage pump motors will be powered with 4160volt service from the new FPL distribution line. The S470 pumping station will discharge into the reservoir when completed. Several features have been included in this project so that the pumping station may be functionally tested and commissioned; however, the permanent discharge feature will be over the dam piping, which discharges into the reservoir in Package 4 (Figure 6).

Extensive physical modeling of the pump station was conducted at Clemson Engineering Hydraulic Laboratory. The physical model consisted of a scale model of the pump forebay, including screens, formed suction intake (FSI), and pump inlet. The model was used to optimize the design and minimize free surface vortices and preswirl, as well as adverse hydraulic conditions. The results were included in the pump station design. The results of the model indicated refinements to the FSI and intake were required to improve flow hydraulics. These improvements included the addition of straightening vanes and vortex breakers added above the intakes to reduce preswirl. (Photos 6 and 7). The confluence of the perimeter canal discharge, the large inflows into the pump station, and the intake canal and connection to the Townsend canal were carefully analyzed. Figure 7 represents the model boundaries and cross sections for the open flow channel configuration. Computational fluid dynamic modeling confirmed intake channel performance during pumping and discharge back out of the reservoir (Figures 8 and 9). A 320-ft microwave tower and communication facility is also included in this contract. The tower is designed for remote communications and control from the SFWMD operations headquarters. The dam associated with the reservoir is a high-hazard facility requiring extensive reservoir monitoring for dam safety. Monitoring data collected upon the completion of Package 4 (reservoir construction) will be transmitted to both the SFWMD control room and the USACE GOES system. Continued on page 46

Figure 8. Intake Velocity Results

Photo 6. Surface Vortex Formation

Photo 7. Intake Refinements

Figure 7. S470 Intake Hydraulic Model Configuration

Figure 9. Channel Elevation Model Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Continued from page 45

Figure 10. General Soil Profile Beneath the C43 Reservoir

Figure 11. Typical Cross Section of the Dam at C-43 Reservoir

Figure 12. Plan and Section of S475


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

C-43 Reservoir (170,000 acre-ft reservoir): Construction Package 4 Designed to contain an average depth of approximately 17 ft, the reservoir is expected to store more than 170,000 acre ft of water. The water will be captured during wet season releases and released during dry season demand. Specifics of the reservoir include: 1. It’s a large, rectangular, contiguous piece of land and close to the Caloosahatchee River (C-43 Canal). 2. A connection to the Caloosahatchee exists through the Townsend Canal under SR 80 and to the C-43 Canal (within approximately 1 mi). 3. Townsend Canal, with some improvements, has the required conveyance capacity to operate the reservoir. 4. It’s in the approximate middle of the Caloosahatchee River Drainage Basin. 5. The geologic formation beneath the reservoir footprint contains a clay (relatively impermeable) layer within 20 ft of the surface and runs relatively consistently across the entire site (see general soil profile in Figure 10). 6. The dam is classified as a high-hazard above ground impoundment and is surrounded by sparse development to date. Impacts to the local community were minimized during the design of this project. During the Acceler8 phases of design, a pilot test cell program was conducted to evaluate the constructability of various embankment features to confirm efficient, safe, and cost-effective storage. The results of the test cell program demonstrated that the reservoir embankments, combined with a seepage cutoff wall embedded into the clay layer below, resulted in very little

Figure 13. Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling Results at S475 Discharge

seepage losses from the system. In addition, the test cell program resulted in the selection of a constructible soil cement upstream slope protection for the impoundment dam (the dam typical section is shown in Figure 11). As noted, the majority of the embankment materials will be excavated and reused onsite. The soil cement drainage, chimney, and blanket drains will be constructed of imported materials produced at a nearby aggregate pit determined to be suitable for the project. The soil bentonite cutoff wall extends from El. 47 (within the top one-third of the dam embankment) and 5 ft into the clay layer below the reservoir. The soil cement is proposed to be 12 in. thick and will be batched onsite utilizing existing surficial sandy materials determined to be sufficient for design. This will result in a reduction of imported materials and fuel usage during construction of the project. The C-43 Reservoir is surrounded by a perimeter canal, tow roads, and maintenance roads. There are over a dozen water control structures in the perimeter canal and in the dam itself to regulate discharges and manage water supply and stormwater from the adjacent properites. These structures include gated culverts, gated spillways, uncontrolled emergency spillways and wiers, ogee weir discharge structures, bridges, and others. The S475, shown Figure 12, is a gated spillway that connects Cells 1 and 2 of the reservoir. The spillway allows independent storage in the the two separate cells, but is sized to allow transfer of flow from one cell to another, as well as allow partial reservoir operation during periods of maintenance. Computational fluid dynamic modeling was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of operation and was refined to minimize scour impacts as water is discharged into either cell of the reservoir (Figure 13). Energy dissipation was accomplished by the design of a stilling basin with baffle blocks and end sills, along with riprap to mitigate the affects of erosion on the reservoir bottom and allow discharge from a full reservoir cell on one side of the separator dam to an empty reservoir cell on the other side.

Permitting and Threatened and Endangered Species The C-43 project was permitted under the dual-track Acceler8 efforts in the late 2000s. The project received a USACE 404 permit, as well as a Florida Department of Environmental Protection 1502 permit for construction. The permits have been successfully extended due to the delay in previous funding and construction efforts.

Photos 8 and 9. Species Encountered During Project

During the early phases of construction, the project teams encountered a variety of species onsite and provided protection. Some of these are identified as threatened and endangered, including the Florida Panther, Manatee, Eastern Indigo Snake, Gopher Tortoise, Caracara, and others (Photos 8 and 9).

Summary and Conclusions The C-43 project helps restore America’s Everglades. Sustainable project features include capture of stormwater flows and storing them for use in dry season flows to the Caloosahatchee Estuary. No new lands were impacted by the construction of the reservoir. The project converts a 10,700-acre retired citrus grove to an above ground storage reservoir. The unique geology at this particular site consists of clay near the ground surface, minimizing the loss through seepage outflows. An all-electric pumping system reduces hydrocarbon footprint use over a wide range of potential operating scenarios.

Acknowledgments The information presented was generated from a number of sources. Selected graphics from the design phase submittal documents prepared by the design team are gratefully appreciated. The authors would like to thank the

following organizations, including their subcontractors, for their efforts and contributions during the planning, design, and construction of this project and for its ultimate success: S South Florida Water Management District (owner) S U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (federal partner) S JTech JV, Joint Venture Jacobs Engineering Inc. and Tetra Tech (site management lead) S Carollo Engineers and Stanley Consultants (design lead). S Terracon Inc. (geotechnical engineering lead) S Clemson Engineering Hydraulics Inc. (project hydraulics testing/modeling)

References 1. “Caloosahatchee River (C-43) West Basin Storage Reservoir Project Final Integrated Project Implementation Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement.” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, November 2010. 2. “Quick Facts on Restoration Strategies for Clean Water for the Everglades.” South Florida Water Management District. Splash Newsletter Publication, October 2013. 3. “Restoration Strategies Regional Water Quality Plan.” South Florida Water Management District, April 27, 2012. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



The Value of Conferences Bill Young Chair, FSAWWA

his month’s issue looks back at April’s Florida Water Resource Conference (FWRC) that was held in Daytona Beach. I always enjoy these reflections on the success of our professional conferences and it always takes me back to my first experiences at FWRC. I was hired by St. Johns County as a water treatment trainee back in 1985. I was fortunate to have a boss who was active in professional associations and encouraged his employees to attend the conference. I can still remember my disbelief and excitement when



I was told I would be paid to attend and even be put up in a nearby hotel. Since the 1980s, I have probably attended 90 percent of our annual FWRCs, and to be honest, I still feel very fortunate to attend. When I became utility director in 1998, I continued to encourage our younger professionals to attend, and benefit, from FWRC as well. After a long and successful history of joint, and collaborative, conferences with FWEA and FWPCOA, the Florida Section of AWWA decided to start its own separate conference in 1995. That first section event had 100 attendees and now hosts over 1,300. The conference is always scheduled for the fall so as not to compete with FWRC, which we continue to fully support. It’s obvious that in a fast-growing state like Florida, our profession can support these two conferences, and it’s my belief that they actually complement each other.

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Why attend conferences? In my 30 years of attending these two conferences, I have met many water professionals and made many good friends. These professionals could be other utility employees, environmental or management consultants, equipment representatives, or industry regulators. Obviously, these contacts offer significant opportunities to expand my knowledge, improve my utility, or just gain a better understanding of other perspectives. At the very least, it’s always good to meet new people and share an experience, or a laugh. There is no doubt that networking offers significant value and opportunities to both individuals and organizations alike. Another advantage to attending conferences is the opportunity to contribute to the betterment of others. For me it was attending a section luncheon and hearing all the great

FWRJ COMMITTEE PROFILE things that they did for students, young professionals, and successful plant operators. Similarly, FWEA and FWPCOA also raise funds to do positive things. By attending conferences you can easily approach a volunteer to find out how you can become involved. Be assured that every professional organization is looking for people like you! As a young water plant operator I loved to walk the exhibit hall and learn about all the latest equipment and technology. I was excited to bring these discoveries back to our treatment facility and apply them to our operation. Today’s conferences provide many more options for improvement at your utility and the exhibit halls are always abuzz with activity. And truthfully, it’s these exhibitors and the products and services they showcase that provides the financial foundation for the success of our conferences. The interaction between attendees and exhibitors is a significant value, to both parties, that only a professional and inperson conference can provide. Another important benefit to conference attendees is the multitude of technical sessions and workshops that can greatly enhance your professional knowledge. Often presented by the people “in the trenches,” I have always found these sessions both timely and invaluable. Over the past few years, conferences have offered even more options for attendees. The Annual State Drinking Water Contest, Top Ops, Backhoe Rodeo, and many other fun, but very competitive, events have attracted more and more fans every year! I should mention that much of the business of our professional organizations is also held at our conferences. In addition to board meetings, all of the various councils and committees meet to discuss goals and objectives for the months ahead (again, an excellent opportunity to get involved). No matter where you are in your career, please try to attend FWRC in the future and the section’s Fall Conference later this year. I am certain you will not regret it. See you in November! S

This column highlights a committee, division, council, or other volunteer group of FSAWWA, FWEA, and FWPCOA.

Automation Committee optimization. We will be creating an online library of these webinars, as well as an online forum where people can ask and answer questions. If anyone is interested in joining the committee, please contact me at mstoup@mckimcreed.com.

Affiliation: FSAWWA Current chair: Mike Stoup, P.E., instrumentation and controls group manager, McKim & Creed, Clearwater Year group was formed: 2017 Scope of work: The Automation Committee’s vision is to develop, recommend, support, and conduct continuing assessments of technologies and techniques to promote the overall understanding of the application of process instrumentation, control and automation equipment, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), telecommunications, information technologies, and the management of information in the water and wastewater environment. Our goals are: S Discuss and present topics relevant to the members S Address and present/promote trends in the automation field S Address and present/promote emerging technologies in the automation field S Provide a venue to discuss automation issues and develop and/or share solutions

Group members: S Committee Chair – Mike Stoup, McKim & Creed S Vice Chair – Evan Curtis, Hazen and Sawyer S Secretary – Wayne Wilson, Data Flow Systems S Program Coordinator – Kevin Gerszuny, Kimley-Horn and Associates S Marketing Chair – Dana Musumeci, Star Controls S Municipal Representative – Rick Nelson, St. Johns County Utilities S Municipal Representative – Brandon Bryant, Orange County Utilities S

Evan Curtis

Wayne Wilson

Kevin Gerszuny

Dana Musumeci

Rick Nelson

Brandon Bryant

Recent accomplishments: As a new committee, we are currently focused on developing a solid program and getting others involved. We have monthly executive committee meetings and invite anyone to attend. Current projects: The committee is involved in the ongoing development of webinars and increasing the participation in the committee. Future work: We are planning a series of monthly webinars discussing various SCADA-related topics, such as radio and cellular telemetry, standards, big data, cloud hosting, disaster recovery, system upgrades, and process

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Test Yourself

Stormwater Rules and Requirements b. maximum environmental protection. c. minimum environmental pollution. d. minimize environmental pollutants.

Donna Kaluzniak

1. Per the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) website on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program, point source discharges from three potential sources are regulated: municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), construction activities, and a. agricultural facilities. b. commercial businesses. c. industrial activities. d. wetlands. 2. Per FDEP’s website on the NPDES Stormwater Program, stormwater runoff from rain events picks up pollutants, including debris, oils, and sediment, that can harm receiving waters. To protect rivers, streams, and lakes, stormwater controls are used to manage runoff. These controls are known as BMPs, or a. beneficial master plans. b. best management practices. c. biological monitoring programs. d. bionomic and migratory protection. 3. Per FAC 62-624, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, MS4 means a conveyance or system of conveyances, like roads with stormwater systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, constructed channels, or storm drains. They must be designed for collecting and conveying stormwater. They must not be a. combined sewer systems. b. owned by a state. c. permitted stormwater systems. d. point sources. 4. Per FDEP’s website on the NPDES Stormwater Program, large and medium MS4s (population over 100,000) were originally permitted through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The FDEP assumed responsibility for the program in 2000. The fundamental portion of those permit applications included a stormwater management plan (SWMP) to reduce pollutants to the MEP, which means a. maximum extent practicable.


5. Per FDEP’s NPDES Stormwater Program website, industrial activities covered by it include wastewater treatment plants if there are stormwater discharges to an MS4 or to waters of the state. A multisector generic permit must be obtained from FDEP. As part of the permit, what plan must be developed and kept onsite? a. Facility pollution management plan (FPMP) b. Hazardous materials storage plan (HMSP) c. Stormwater management plan (SWMP) d. Stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) 6. Per FAC 62-620, Wastewater Facilities Activities and Permitting, a conditional exclusion for “no exposure” of industrial activities and materials to stormwater can be granted to a treatment plant. “No exposure” means a. all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm-resistant shelter to prevent exposure to precipitation and/or runoff. b. no potential pollutants may be in use during rainfall events where precipitation and runoff could enter state waters or MS4s. c. no hazardous chemicals or materials may be stored anywhere on the treatment plant grounds. d. no sealed drums, containers, or tanks may be located at the wastewater facility.

c. Multisector generic permit d. NPDES construction operation permit 9. In addition to permits required under the NPDES Stormwater Program, permits may be required by FAC 62-330, Environmental Resource Permitting (ERP). The ERP program governs the following: construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair, abandonment, and removal of stormwater management systems, dams, impoundments, reservoirs, and appurtenant works. The ERP program is operated by FDEP in conjunction with what other agency? a. Florida Department of Health b. Florida Fish and Wildlife Management c. Florida Water Management Districts d. U.S. EPA 10. Per FAC 62-330, a general permit is granted for the installation, maintenance, repair, and removal of underground utility lines, cable, conduit or pipeline transmitting electricity, communication signals, potable water, raw water, reclaimed water, domestic wastewater, propane gas, or natural gas. For installation or repair activities performed with trenching, the maximum excavated trench shall not exceed how many ft? a. 3 ft b. 8 ft c. 10 ft d. 15 ft Answers on page 82

7. Per FAC 62-620, a “no-exposure certification for exclusion from NPDES stormwater permitting,” must be submitted to FDEP to obtain the exclusion. How often must the certification be renewed? a. Annually b. Bi-annually c. Every three years d. Every five years

References used for this quiz: - FDEP’s website on NPDES Stormwater Program: https://floridadep.gov/ water/stormwater - FAC 62-624 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems - FAC 62-620, Wastewater Facilities Activities and Permitting - FAC 62-330, Environmental Resource Permitting

8. Per FDEP’s website on the NPDES Stormwater Program, sediment and pollutants from construction sites can significantly impact water quality. Therefore, construction projects of at least one acre of land, or less than one acre if part of a development or sale, must be covered under what type of permit? a. Construction generic permit b. General contractors permit

Send Us Your Questions Readers are welcome to submit questions or exercises on water or wastewater treatment plant operations for publication in Test Yourself. Send your question (with the answer) or your exercise (with the solution) by email to: donna@h2owriting.com.

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



High Performance Habits Kristiana S. Dragash, P.E. President, FWEA

have a confession to make: I have enjoyed a self-improvement book (or twelve) between carefully scheduled conference calls on commutes to and from different clients and Carollo offices over the past year or so. Let’s face it—we all have some room to improve in different areas. I passed along many of the lessons learned to FWEA leaders at the 2018 Leadership Development Workshop this past January and wanted to share a few with all of you. Hopefully, you’ll get something out of this, and I’m confident that you’ll see how these lessons tie into FWEA’s focus for this upcoming year. The following list is an excerpt from Brendon Burchard’s book, “High Performance Habits.” People are most successful when: 1. They are fully engaged. This is a difficult one for me in particular, and for a volunteer-led association, but nevertheless, it’s very important to success. All of us in this association wear a few different hats. We are engineers, project managers, directors or managers of utilities, or different groups of operators or engineers at work.


We are mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, daughters, sons, friends, and even volunteers for other associations! I’ve come to realize that being fully engaged with a volunteer association is a bit different than being fully engaged in other aspects of life. I try to be fully engaged by doing at least one thing for the association every single day. Does that always happen? The answer is no, but it’s a goal I strive for, and some days I am able to accomplish quite a lot in 30 minutes to an hour. Inspiring leaders to be engaged starts at the top. I observed this two years ago as Lisa Prieto consistently engaged leaders by holding quarterly webinars to educate and share information. I observed Tim Harley last year as he engaged members and recruited new members by approaching them to form important new committees to add value to our membership and strengthen the association overall. I observed Greg Chomic several years ago as he made it his mission to personally attend one event for each chapter and committee when he was president. While I can’t commit to attending an event for every chapter and committee personally, I will be attending as many events as possible. I am also thrilled to be bringing the leader webinars back! Our goal is to hold them every other month and to bring leaders across the state together virtually to learn more about how the association operates—our budget, the Utility Coun-

cil, the Member Relations and Public Communications committees, and more. 2. They bring the joy. This one is easy for me, and it’s impossible not to see those individuals in the association and our industry who consistently bring the joy to what they do. (There are so many of you, but I only have about a page each month here, so please forgive me for only mentioning who popped into my fuzzy head this Monday morning!) A few names that immediately come to my mind are Tim Ware, Lindsay Marten, Yanni Polematidis, Juan Oquendo, David Hernandez, Kristen Waksman, and Greg Chomic. Their enthusiasm and passion cannot be contained; it escapes through their actions and dedication to the chapters and committees they serve and spreads like wildfire! By consciously directing an attitude of joy towards what you are doing, it brings others up. People want to be elevated; they are attracted to that positive attitude. Therefore, the chapters and committees that have these professionals who bring the joy are super successful! From when I first found my footing in this association I have brought the joy, and I am committed to bringing it and spreading it throughout the association and industry this year and the following years! 3. They are confident. There is no substitute for being confident in who you are and how you are serving people. By choosing to be confident, (and yes, it is a choice) you aren’t believing that you know everything, but believing in your ability to figure anything out. This is a key to success in life and especially in our industry: having a problem-solving attitude and believing in your ability to solve problems is the first step in solving them! If you wait until you are “ready” to do something, some of the most amazing opportunities for growth will fly right by you. Do I know everything about FWEA or being its president? Of course not! But I am confident that I will figure it out. I know that FWEA has some of the most incredible professionals and individuals leading our chapters and committees this year and I am excited to see what success comes from a year full of high performance habits in action. S


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators Association

FWPCOA STATE SHORT SCHOOL August 13 – 17, 2018 Indian River State College - Main Campus – FORT PIERCE –

COURSES Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester ..........................$375/$405

Stormwater Management A .........................................$275/$305

Backflow Prevention Assembly Repairer ......................$275/$305

Utility Customer Relations I, II & III................................$260/$290

Backflow Tester Recertification ......................................$85/$115

Utilities Maintenance III & II ..........................................$225/$255

Basic Electrical and Instrumentation ............................$225/$255

Wastewater Collection System Operator C, B & A ......$225/$255

Facility Management Module I......................................$275/$305

Water Distribution System Operator Level 3, 2 & 1 ......$225/$255

Reclaimed Water Distribution C, B & A ........................$225/$255 (Abbreviated Course) ................................................$125/$155

Wastewater Process Control ........................................$225/$255 Wastewater Troubleshooting ........................................$225/$255

Stormwater Management C & B ...................................$260/$290

For further information on the school, including course registration forms and hotels, visit: http://www.fwpcoa.org/FallStateShortSchool

SCHEDULE CHECK-IN: August 12, 2018 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CLASSES: Monday – Thursday........8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday........8:00 a.m. to noon

FREE AWARDS LUNCHEON P Wednesday, August 15, 11:30 a.m. P

For more information call the

FWPCOA Training Office 321-383-9690 Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWEA COMMITTEE CORNER Welcome to the FWEA Committee Corner! The Member Relations Committee of the Florida Water Environment Association hosts this article to celebrate the success of recent association chapter activities and inform members of upcoming events. To have information included for your chapter, send the details via email to Lindsay Marten at Lindsay.Marten@stantec.com.

Recapping the Student and Young Professionals Committee Events at FWRC very year, the FWEA Student and Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) hosts several events at the Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC). We’d first like to thank all of the committee members for their efforts in preparation for, and during, FWRC. These events would not be possible without all of your hard work!


Student Design Competition The Student Design Competition (SDC) has been part of FWRC for decades, beginning in 1996. In fact, just to make everyone feel old, most of the competing students this year were born in 1996! The SDC is intended to promote a realworld design experience for students interested in pursuing an education and/or career in water resources and environmental engineering and sciences. The competition is separated into two categories: wastewater and environmental. This year, three schools competed in the wastewater category:

S Florida International University (FIU) S University of South Florida (USF) S Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) Four schools competed in the environmental category: S FIU S USF S Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University/Florida State University (FAMU/FSU) S University of Florida (UF) Thank you to each team for competing. The high level of quality in each design project truly impressed the judges and the audience. The SYPC is pleased to announce this year’s winners of the SDC: S Wastewater: University of South Florida – “Resource Recovery at South Cross Bayou WRF.” Team Members: Dustin Ballard, Joseph Capodice, Jesse Hillman, and Matthes Priester. S Environmental: University of Florida – “Urban Maintenace Design for MS4 Nutri-

Nadezhda Zalivina, with the University of South Florida, wins first place in the student category for the poster competition.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

ent Load Credits in Florida.” Team Members: Morgan Eddy, Elaine Tolon, Chris Cerreta, Jack McAvoy, Megan Carr, Robyn Egan, Leah Carol, and Gabrielle Jessurun. Congratulations to the two teams! Both USF and UF will receive the Norm Casey Scholarship, a $1,000 award given to each category winner. The teams will also have the esteemed honor of representing their universities and FWEA on a national stage at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), being held in September in New Orleans, competing against the top schools in the United States. We hope to see our fellow FWEA members there to support them!

Poster Competition In addition to SDC, the fourth annual Poster Competition was held, with 15 participants this year! The SYPC would like to congratulate the winners:

Pranjali Kumar, with Carollo Engineers, wins first place in the young professionals category for the poster competition.

S Nadezhda Zalivina, with USF, for winning the student category with her poster, “Application of an Annamox-Enhanced Zeolite System for Nitrogen Removal from Anaerobic Digestion Sidestreams.” S Pranjali Kumar, with Carollo Engineers, for winning the young professional category with her poster, “Removal of Trace Organics and Biological Activity in Ozone-Biofiltration Based Direct Potable Reuse.”

Committee Social This year SYPC, with support from FWRC and FWEA, hosted a NASCAR Social on Sunday evening at the conference, which included Cornhole toss games, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and lots of fun! Despite the second year in a row being relocated indoors due to rain, the event was still tons of fun and filled with that Daytona 500 spirit! Over 50 people showed up, including both students and young and seasoned professionals, and we hope you’ll join us at next year's social (where we’re sure to have fun no matter what the weather!).

Above: The Students and Young Professionals Committee NASCAR Social at the Florida Water Resources Conference.

S Tom Evans Environmental S Florida Water Resources Conference

Thank You to Volunteers and Sponsors The SYPC would like to recognize the students, faculty advisors, professional mentors, and the SDC planning committee and volunteers for all of their hard work and dedication. We’d like to especially thank all of the SDC judges, who read and reviewed design reports and judged the presentations, and the poster competition judges. We could not hold these competitions without their support. We would also like to thank our 2018 sponsors, including the following: S Arcadis S Synagro S Wade Trim S ADS S Haskell S Stantec S Carollo Engineers S Envirosales S Flygt S Hazen and Sawyer S Moss Kelley S MTS Environmental S Nova Consulting

New Board and Committee Positions Lastly, FWRC marks the beginning of the new fiscal year for FWEA. Tyler Smith Semego, with Carollo Engineers and the outgoing chair of SYPC, has been appointed by the FWEA board of directors as a new director at large. Congratulations Tyler! David Hernandez, with Hazen and Sawyer, will become the new chair of SYPC, and George Dick , with Gresham, Smith, and Partners, will become the new vice chair of the committee. The SYPC is a great way to get involved and get connected with others in your field. For more information on membership and activities, or to become a sponsor for next year, please reach out to: David Hernandez, SYPC chair dhernandez@hazenandsawyer.com George Dick, SYPC vice chair george_dick@gspnet.com Nandita Ahuja, Poster Competition chair S nahuja@hazenandsawyer.com

Above: The University of Florida wins the Student Design Competition in the environmental category.

At left: The Student Design Competition winner in the wastewater category is University of South Florida.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


LET’S TALK SAFETY This column addresses safety issues of interest to water and wastewater personnel, and will appear monthly in the magazine. The Journal is also interested in receiving any articles on the subject of safety that it can share with readers in the “Spotlight on Safety” column.

If You Can’t Take the Heat: Heat Exhaustion and Hypothermia resh air and sunshine can be benefits of working outdoors, except when it gets uncomfortably hot. Extremely warm temperatures are much more than a matter of discomfort; they can also cause health hazards—sometimes with deadly consequences. It’s important that you and your coworkers know how to recognize the symptoms of hypothermia and heat-related illnesses, and how to respond to the effects.


Hypothermia Hypothermia is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body core loses heat faster than it can be generated. Obviously, hypothermia can occur in the winter, when the weather is cold, but it can happen during any season; for example, in the summer, when someone is immersed in water that’s colder than body temperature for an extended period of time, or working in a cold meter pit

underground for a long time. The early symptoms include uncontrollable shivering, impaired or slurred speech, and awkward or clumsy body movements. As the body temperature continues to drop, nausea, apathy, confusion, and lethargy can also occur. Often a severely affected victim will lie down, fall asleep, or lose consciousness. The final stages can result in coma and death. If you identify any of the above symptoms in yourself or someone you are working with, take the following steps immediately: S Get the victim to a warm location that is sheltered from the wind. S Remove all wet clothing and anything that might restrict circulation. Cover the victim’s body and head with warm, dry clothing or blankets. Rewarming should be started by applying warm compresses to the chest, neck, and groin. If necessary, body-to-body contact can be used as a first-aid measure. This passive rewarming approach may be all

that is required for a conscious person who is shivering. Hot water and direct heat should never be applied! If the victim does not respond and the symptoms become progressively worse, do the following: S Call 911 immediately in accordance with local emergency plans. S Monitor the victim’s breathing and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if the breathing seems dangerously slow or stops. S Keep the victim immobile until medical help arrives.

Heat-Related Illnesses When your body heats up faster than it can cool itself, mild to severe illnesses may develop. Air temperature, humidity, and clothing can increase the risk of developing heat illnesses. Age, gender, weight, physical fitness, nutrition, alcohol or drug use, or pre-existing diseases, like diabetes, can also increase the risk. Heat-related illnesses include: S Heat rash (prickly heat). The sweat ducts to the skin become blocked or swell, causing discomfort and itching. S Heat cramps. Muscles cramp up after exercise because sweating causes the body to lose water, salt, and minerals (electrolytes). S Heat edema. Legs and hands swell after sitting or standing for a long time in a hot environment. S Heat tetany (hyperventilation and heat stress). Usually caused by short periods of stress in a hot environment. S Heat syncope (fainting). A person suddenly loses consciousness because of low blood pressure from the heat, which causes the blood vessels to dilate and gravity moves body fluids into the legs. S Heat exhaustion (heat prostration). Caused by working or exercising in hot weather and

The 2017 Let's Talk Safety is available from AWWA; visit www.awwa.org or call 800.926.7337. Get 40 percent off the list price or 10 percent off the member price by using promo code SAFETY17. The code is good for the 2017 Let's Talk Safety book, dual disc set, and book + CD set.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

not drinking enough liquids to replace those that are lost. S Heatstroke (sunstroke). The body fails to regulate its own temperature and it continues to rise, often to 105°F or higher. Heatstroke is a medical emergency. Even with immediate treatment, it can be lifethreatening or cause serious long-term problems.

frequent rest breaks in cool areas. S Gradually adapt yourself to the heat. It can take up to 10 days for your body to adapt to high heat. S Slow your pace and try to mechanize heavy jobs. S Wear loose, lightweight clothing and a hat, and protect exposed skin. S Do not use salt tablets.

Knowing how to recognize the early symptoms of heat illnesses and knowing how to prevent, control, and respond to the effects can help make everyone’s job safer.

If skin rash, stomach cramps, fatigue, or dizziness occur, the victim needs to immediately seek rest in a cool shady place, drink lots of water, and repeatedly wet and dry the skin.

Preventing or Controlling Heat Illnesses There are several things you can do to avoid illnesses caused by heat exposure: S Drink about a cup of cool water every 15 to 20 minutes. Avoid caffeine, sugary drinks, and alcohol. Use sports drinks in moderation. S Limit exposure time to the heat; schedule hot jobs for cooler times of the day. Take

First Aid to Follow If the symptoms increase to excessive sweating; cold, moist, pale, or flushed skin; thirst; extreme fatigue; or headache, nausea, or a rapid pulse, the victim may be experiencing heat exhaustion. The victim should immediately lie down in a cool, shaded place and sip lots of cool water until the symptoms disappear. If the symptoms worsen or the victim

becomes unconscious, immediately get medical help according to your utility’s emergency procedures. Severe heat illness can lead to a heatstroke, which can be fatal or lead to permanent brain damage if the victim does not receive immediate medical treatment. Unfortunately, there’s little warning when a victim reaches this crisis stage. If a victim’s skin becomes hot, dry, red, or spotted, and the victim experiences confusion, delirium, convulsions, or slips into unconsciousness, the person is likely experiencing a heatstroke and urgently needs medical help. While waiting for that help to arrive, loosen the victim’s clothing and pour water over the entire body. Never try to force an unconscious victim to drink water.

Other Resources For more information go to the webMD website on heat-related illnesses at http://www.webmd.com/first-aid/tc/heatrelated-illnesses-topic-overview, or the national public service site at www.ready.gov/winterweather or www.ready.gov/heat. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



Improving Sarasota County Water Resources: Dona Bay Watershed Restoration Program Molly Williams n 2007, the completed Dona Bay watershed management plan included a series of projects that intertwine the resources and opportunities of the Sarasota County (county) Public Utilities Department, which includes the stormwater utility, water and wastewater utility, and solid waste utility. The county developed the Dona Bay Watershed Restoration Program (program) to meet several objectives of its management plan: S Provide a more natural freshwater/saltwater regime in the tidal portions of Dona Bay S Provide a more natural freshwater flow regime pattern for the Dona Bay Watershed S Protect existing and future property owners from flood damage S Protect existing water quality S Develop potential alternative potable water supply options from the surface water source


The implementation of Phase I laid in the base structure to address the freshwater inflow

imbalances that arose due to the construction of the Cow Pen Slough Canal in the early 1960s—an impact that has persisted for nearly fifty years—while providing water quality improvements to stormwater runoff and wetland restoration, surface water storage for a potable water source, potential for aquifer recharge, a reclaimed water source for agricultural or residential irrigation systems, a 40-year supply of soil for cover for the landfill, and bonus recreational amenities for passive water sports, hiking, and birdwatching. Supported by the Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program and Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program, with grant funding from the Southwest Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, construction of Phase I of the program is complete and estimated to remove over 18,000 lbs of nitrogen annually for less than $35 per lb of nitrogen removed. In Phase 1, diversion of water effectively reduces

Figure 1. Dona Bay/Shakett Creek median daily flow.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Molly Williams, P.E., is senior stormwater engineer and stormwater practice lead for the U.S. gulf region with Stantec Consulting Inc. in Naples.

the peak volumes discharging to Dona Bay, allows greater opportunities for evapotranspiration and natural infiltration, and provides hydrological restoration for nearly 100 acres of wetlands before the residual flow is released into Salt Creek, a tributary of Cow Pen Slough.

Historical View In the early 1900s, the watershed for Dona Bay was approximately 16 sq mi. Decades of drainage projects used to control mosquitoes, create farmland and pastures, and reduce flooding dramatically changed the flow of runoff to the bay. The most significant of these projects are the Cow Pen Slough and Blackburn Canal (constructed in 1959). These two projects diverted over 60 sq mi of runoff from the Myakka Basin to the Dona and Roberts Bay—more than five times the original watershed. The Cow Pen Slough is actually an incomplete project. Construction was halted in 1975 after a study conducted by Mote Marine (a laboratory and aquarium in Sarasota) raised concerns about the long-term impacts of the project to the health of the estuary system in the bay. The runoff diverted into the bay by these projects has altered the natural salinity regime of the Dona and Roberts bays and made fresh water the most significant pollutant for them. The estuary is subjected to flashy, quick spikes of fresh water during storm events and prolonged freshwater inflow during the rainy seasons, impacting the resilience and viability of oyster beds and seagrasses. The runoff also has carried sediments to the bay, changing the bottom habitats in the receiving creeks and bays. Figure 1 shows the median daily inflow to Dona Bay/Shakett Creek based on the current

flow record (blue line), historical benchmark flow record (black line), and a modified historical flow record derived by removing the maximum allowable withdrawals defined by the proposed minimum flows (red dashed line) for 1985 through 2005. The timeframe is as follows: Block 1 – April 20 through June 25 Block 2 – October 27 through April 19 Block 3 – June 26 through October 26

Positive Impacts of Dona Bay: Phase I The water quality benefit to Dona Bay and the public began in November 2016 when Phase I of the project was effectively operational, with Cow Pen Slough diverted via the concrete diversion weir through the project.

The Phase I project diversion of water effectively reduces the peak volumes discharging to Dona Bay, provides nutrient removal through deep pool storage and residence time in the new 100-acre storage facility, provides an increase in surface area to promote evapotranspiration and an increase in soil water interface Continued on page 60

Dona Bay: Phase I The program’s Phase 1 construction was substantially completed by November 2016, with final grading and punch list items completed by July 2017. Overall, the project moved 1.7 mil cu yds (yd3) of earth, creating a new 100-acre surface water storage facility, hydraulic connections to and between two existing land locked lakes, and construction of pipe for conveyance from the southern lake to the wetland area for rehydration of the wetlands.

Figure 2. Watershed boundaries.

Figure 3. Dona Bay conveyance system. Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Continued from page 59 to promote natural infiltration, and provides hydrological restoration for nearly 100 acres of wetlands before the residual flow is released into a tributary of Cow Pen Slough. By connecting the two existing lakes to the system, the treatment train is expanded, and the lakes benefit from fresh water flushing. Over 4,200 lin ft of 72-in. reinforced concrete pipe conveys water from the south lake to the wetlands. The reduction of the runoff peaks (fresh water pulses) to Dona Bay is expected to improve its salinity regime and reduce the impacts on the oyster and seagrass beds.

Site and Environmental Considerations Dona Bay Phase I project was possible due to unique opportunities. The project was constructed on a portion of over 6,000 acres of publicly owned

land purchased for the county’s landfill and environmental preservation. The landfill is located central to the 6,000 acres and the remaining site is the Pinelands Preserve, with passive recreation trails available for public use. Excess excavated material from the Dona Bay Phase I construction was stockpiled for use as future landfill cover. Workers were educated and provided materials regarding endangered species, such as the Gopher Tortoise and Eastern Indigo Snake. With three active eagle nests in the project area, Glover Construction, the contractor, scheduled construction in the eagle nest protection zones for non-nesting season and worked efficiently within those parameters. Stantec was the construction engineering and inspection (CEI) firm during the construction of the project and coordinated with the county to have a biologist frequently onsite. Wildlife protection was exceptional, with no known or reported injuries to wildlife species.

Figure 4. Wildlife information board at construction site.

Appropriate erosion and best management practices were in place and inspected daily. Turbidity measurements were taken, and there were no reported violations. The contractor even installed additional erosion control measures, such as riprap, sod, and additional turbidity curtains above what was called for on the construction plans, to mitigate potential effects of imminent storm events. Additionally, the contractor installed underdrains and downspouts in certain areas that were not called for on the plans. These measures provided additional stability and prevented ongoing erosion during berm and side bank construction.

Community Relations During the development of the watershed management and construction plans, public meetings were held to discuss them, and project-adjacent land owners were engaged and provided with project updates. The county residents were provided updates through the quarterly progress reports given to the board of county commissioners. Prior to the start of the project, the county held a public workshop for the surrounding community that was attended by a few of the neighbors (the project is remote, so there are few of them). There was open communication during the project with the two adjacent landowners. One landowner granted the owner ingress and egress easements during construction, which were kept to a minimum and there were no complaints from adjacent property owners. A two-page story sheet was developed to communicate with multiple stakeholders about the benefits of the program. Continued on page 62

Figure 5. Contractor working with wildlife.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Figure 6. Contractor working in adverse conditions.

Continued from page 60

Accomplishments Under Adverse Conditions

Figure 7. New Control Structure 1 viewed from upstream (old control structure) during Tropical Storm Hermine.

During project construction, the project team had to make accommodations for the excessive rainfall during the winter of 2016. The contractor efficiently worked in conditions that created challenges, such as equipment sinking in the mud. In August 2016, Tropical Storm Hermine hit the county and tested the conveyance capacity of the system, bringing excessive rain. The project site was continuously monitored through the county’s automated rainfall monitoring system (ARMS) stations. Prior to the storm event, the contractor shored up the bypass canal at the diversion weir construction location, with extra riprap to prevent erosion and flooding. The effort was an effective measure to protect the incomplete construction of Control Structure 1. The dress-up required after this storm was minimal and all erosion from rainfall and storm events was promptly corrected by the contractor. The management by the project team ensured that the rainfall did not cause project delays or additional expense, and the project should still be completed ahead of schedule.

Infield Adjustments

Figure 8. Looking upstream at Control Structure 1 during Tropical Storm Hermine.

Figure 9. Cow Pen Slough looking downstream from Control Structure 1 during Tropical Storm Hermine.

Figure 10. Construction of Control Structure 1.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Communication throughout the duration of the project was excellent. The foresight of the contractor for infield project adjustments was well thought out and helped to yield a better project. For instance, using light detection and ranging (LIDAR) for the survey during the design phase provided topographic data over a significant project area; however, field observations identified areas requiring infield adjustments, such as a ditch in an area that would have required a tile drain. The contractor suggested an alternative fix to this problem: removing the ditch and substantially widening one side of the berm, which made the tile drain unnecessary. The contractor also found a large amount of extra pipe in the ground from historic citrus groves that was unknown during the design phase. The pipe had to be removed and disposal of the pipe was coordinated. Although this required an additional cost, the work was performed and did not cause any delays in the schedule of the project. When the job was complete, the contractor was approximately 10 percent under budget. Continued on page 65

Figure 11. Diversion weir into the Dona Bay Phase I system.

Figure 12. Demolition of the old control structure.

Figure 13. Preconstruction, July 2015.

Figure 14. Post-construction, January 2017.

Figure 15. Preconstruction, July 2015.

Figure 16. Post-construction, January 2017. Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Figure 17. Preconstruction, July 2015.

Figure 19. Main features of the Dona Bay Phase II project.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Figure 18. Post-construction, January 2017.

Figure 20. Salinity benefits from diversion.

Continued from page 62

Dona Bay: Phase II The second phase of the program has been designed, and the construction documents and logistics of dewatering the old Venice Minerals 380-acre lake are being finalized. To continue to reduce the fresh water runoff to this phase of the program, the focus is on the storage and diversion of 3 mil gal per day (mgd) of water to the Myakka River. In a study completed by Environmental Science Associates (ESA), it was determined that the diversion will not create flooding impacts to the Myakka and that the nutrient concentration of the water discharged from the Phase II project is less than the nutrient concentration in the river. Also, the nitrogen loads from the project are just over 1 percent of the estimated nitrogen load for the Myakka River. In a future phase of the program, the county may investigate the optimum volume to divert from Cow Pen Slough to the river to maximize the restoration of the salinity regime in the Dona Bay estuary. The study by ESA also provided estimated shoreline and acreage of the creek bottom expected to benefit from increased salinities due to the 3-mgd diversion and from a potential 6-mgd diversion. For the 3-mgd diversion, the annual benefit from the salinities would be 4,000 lin ft and 50 acres of creek bottom; for the 6-mgd diversion, the annual benefit from the salinities could be 7,000 lin ft and 70 acres of creek bottom.

• Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc., 2007. “Dona Bay Watershed Management Plan.” Prepared in coordination with Integrated Water Resources, Post Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Biological Research Associates Ltd., Earth Balance, Mote Marine Laboratory, and University of South Florida for the Sarasota County Government, Sarasota, Fla. 156 pp. and 460 pp. appendices. • Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2009. “Proposed Minimum Flows and Levels for Dona Bay/Shakett Creek Below Cow Pen Slough.” Brooksville, Fla. 250 pp. and 559 pp. appendices. • Environmental Science Associates, 2016. “Dona Bay Phase II Project Evaluation.” Prepared for Sarasota County, Sarasota, Fla. 17 pp. • Sarasota County, 2017. “Dona Bay Watershed Restoration Program Fact Sheet.” Sarasota, Fla. 2 pp. • Gulf Consortium, 2018. “State of Florida State Expenditure Plan.” Prepared by the Gulf Consortium for the State of Florida. 487 pp. and 569 pp. appendices. S

Dona Bay Restoration Program Additional phases of the program have been identified by the county and presented as a program to the Gulf Consortium for Sarasota County Restore Act funds. Among the future phases, the county is investigating the feasibility of aquifer storage and recovery wells and a low-flow weir in the Blackburn Canal to limit the fresh water flow from the Myakka River into Roberts Bay, and evaluating the value of a control structure (the Kingsgate Weir) further downstream. While the initial stages of the program focus on mechanical controls for the fresh water runoff to Dona Bay, additional phases of the program focus on wetland rehydration and shoreline restoration in the contributing tributaries to Dona and Roberts bays once the salinity levels are stable and conducive for successful shoreline and creek bed restorations. Additional information about the future phase can be found in the county’s Dona Bay fact sheet and in the Florida state expenditure plan prepared by the gulf consortium.

References • The Mote Marine Laboratory, 1975. “The Ecological Status of Dona and Robert’s Bays and its Relationship to Cow Pen Slough and Other Possible Perturbations” (Final Report). Prepared for the Board of County Commissioners, Sarasota County, Sarasota, Fla. 204 pp. • Jones, M., 2005. “Dona and Roberts Bay Estuary Analysis 2003.” Prepared for Sarasota County Comprehensive Watershed Management Team, Sarasota, Fla. 94 pp. • Jones, M., 2005. “Dona and Roberts Bay Second Annual Watershed and Estuary Analysis 2004.” Prepared for Sarasota County Comprehensive Watershed Management Team, Sarasota, Fla. 38 pp. and appendices. • Jones, M., 2006. “Sarasota County Comprehensive Oyster Monitoring Program Annual Report.” Prepared for Sarasota County Comprehensive Watershed Management Team, Sarasota, Fla. • Sarasota County, 2006. “Dona and Roberts Bays Watershed Story.” Sarasota, Fla. 2 pp. Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



Water Towers: Lighthouses of the Landscape Lighthouse and water tower in Kenosha, Wis.

Buck Rogers Water Tower in Makanda, Ill.

Mike Darrow President, FWPCOA

ell, it’s summer vacation time, and recently I had an opportunity to a take road trip from Florida to my hometown 1300 miles north. Along the path of the winding roads and countryside, I saw wonderful sights, such as mountains, valleys, flatlands, and rolling hills. I saw towns and cities of many different shapes and sizes. All of this was great, but the one thing that stands out in my mind was the water towers. Like lighthouses, where there’s one in every harbor to protect sailors, our water towers across America are “lighthouses of the landscape” and are doing a similar thing— protecting our public water supply. As you know, water towers are used for water pressure, fire prevention, and potable water storage for the sustainably of a community. They stood out like beacons as I traveled from city to city. Most every town had one (or even two and three!). The duties we perform as water professionals are usually far out of the mind of the public, but our work provides safe drinking water, protects the environment by treating wastewater, and ensures that stormwater flows correctly to prevent flooding. The water tower is really the most prominent part of our industry that’s in the public eye for everyone to see. My observation is that water towers and tanks stand as a visual representation of the city’s pride towering over the landscape, as well as showcasing what we do for the community. Many have colorful displays painted on them, and often times they have the name of the city they represent proudly displayed high in the air. As I drove around, there were places where the city name on the tank was the only way I knew where I was! Many different colors, shapes, and paint schemes exist on these water towers; some included a large painted golf ball and tee, a coffee pot, a very large smiley face, a giant peach, a baseball, a basketball, an eight ball, and yes, even “hot” and “cold” tanks. Some of them along the journey had city slogans on them, like “A town full of nice people,” the name of

W Smiling water tank in Watseka, Ill.

Chicago Water Tower.

Hot and cold water tanks in Marion, Va.

Publix’s birthday cake water tower in Lakeland.

City of Plant City’s strawberry tank.

North Point Water Tower in Milwaukee.

Louisville (Ky.) Water Tower.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

the high school mascot, the city seal, or a graphic display of what the area is known for. We in Florida have some unique water tanks, too, like the City of Lakeland’s Publix birthday cake water tower. Also, Plant City, where I work, is a great example of this with its strawberry water tank, as we’re known for our great strawberry farms and production facilities. I observed that the shapes of the water towers were mainly circular. This shape has the most uniform stress distribution for loading as the stress generated by fluid in the tank distributes equally in all directions. In case of rectangular or square shapes, the stress concentration would be too high in corners and cause the seams to burst with water. This is the prime reason that most of the large storage tanks are made in a round shape. There’s a fun fact to share with your friends! Long ago, water was stored in barrels or cisterns in the ground, keeping water for when it was needed. Then, over time, we moved to wood water tanks and brick standpipes, many of which were built in the late 1800s and early 1900s. This was done through industrial tanks or architectural-style buildings for more consistent water pressure to the area. Some examples of old classic architectural-style standpipes include Chicago’s Water Tower in downtown; the water tower in Louisville, Ky.; and the North Point Water Tower in Milwaukee. Rooftop water towers were installed to supply local buildings for the same reason. With new construction developments, water towers were made higher for more elevated storage using steel, concrete, or brick to maintain moreconsistent pressure and water supply with the frequent loss of power in the early to mid-1900s. Spheroid steel-elevated water towers were developed in the 1950s and mainly used for under a million gallons. The highest spheroid tank today is around 220 feet above ground, most in the 100- to 150-foot range. This style was the most common I found on the roadside while traveling. Remember to take care of your water tanks and water towers—someone is always looking at them! Happy Fourth of July to you! We live in a great country, where water plays a big role in our everyday life. Enjoy the view the next time you’re on the road! S

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWRJ READER PROFILE opportunities that improve water quality and conditions in our community. What education and training have you had? I have a M.S. and Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Purdue University and a B.S. in public health and environmental health science from Indiana University. Earlier in my career, I received extensive training in automated wastewater process control systems.

Michael Sweeney Toho Water Authority, Kissimmee

Work title and years of service. I’ve served as deputy executive director with Toho Water Authority for almost seven years and have a total of 37 years of utility and consulting experience. What does your job entail? I oversee operations, engineering, business services, information technology, and the public information office for our utility. I also serve on several boards and am involved with community leaders and outside business partners to work on various collaborative projects and

What do you like best about your job? I enjoy most aspects of my position, but what I like most is forming and/or working on cross-functional teams to accomplish difficult and consequential goals, especially if the outcomes directly and positively affect customers. What professional organizations do you belong to? I belong to FWEA, WEF, FSAWWA, AWWA, International Water Association (IWA), International Society of Automation (ISA), and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). How have the organizations helped your career? For me, FWEA and FSAWWA are very important sources of information, with helpful colleagues who are inspirations for continuous

Out on the water.

improvement at my utility. I have been able to serve my utility and customers significantly better by belonging and volunteering. I am so honored to serve my colleagues as FWEA’s current president-elect. What do you like best about the industry? Our industry is truly unique. It’s full of opportunities to find roles to contribute and innovate solutions. It’s open enough to meet my need to get to know dedicated people around the state and afar who are willing to share common or unique experiences. At the same time, it’s large enough to require expensive and extensive collections of assets that have a lot of moving parts, all the while protecting the environment. What do you do when you’re not working? Being a Rotarian has enabled many opportunities to volunteer for a variety of service projects over the years. I also volunteer for and serve on two local service organization boards. When I have free time, my wife Margie, a physician, and I like to travel, which includes medical and water sanitation mission trips to Haiti. If we’re not away somewhere, we love to be out on the water, riding on the motor bike, and visiting S family and friends.

Mike on his bike.

Mike with his wife, Margie.

Mike and Margie in Ireland.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


FWEA CHAPTER CORNER Welcome to the FWEA Chapter Corner! The Member Relations Committee of the Florida Water Environment Association hosts this article to celebrate the success of recent association chapter activities and inform members of upcoming events. To have information included for your chapter, send details to Lindsay Marten at Lindsay.Marten@stantec.com.

FWEA University of South Florida Student Chapter: A Yearly Recap Charlotte Haberstroh he University of South Florida (USF) Student Chapter of FWEA had just completed a successful year. We have a well-established program, with frequent speaker events on campus, outreach events, and socials. All of this allows us to bring together students and professionals from the water industry. The professionals in the area, many former “Bulls” themselves (if you really ever stop being called a Bull!), have been very generous with their time by coming to campus to talk with the students. This year, we had a good mix of speakers from the private and public sector: George Dick, water resources engineer at Gresham, Smith and Partners; Phil Walker, project engineer at Tetra Tech; Isaiah Moss, operator at the Manatee County Treatment Plant; and Mike Carballa, utilities engineering director from Pasco County Utilities, among others. These meetings allow us to meet people from the industry on a personal level and to find out what we need to know when


defining our careers and entering the job market. It also allows professionals to meet us — and USF students have a lot to offer! At this year’s Florida Water Resources Conference, two USF student teams competed in the FWEA Student Design Competition. One team, Recover-a-Bulls (Dustin Ballard, Joseph Capodice, Jesse Hillman, and Matthes Priester) worked on upgrading Pinellas County’s South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility for enhanced biological phosphorous removal and struvite recovery, and it won in the wastewater division. The second team, Water Bulls (Ian Colantuoni, Eduardo Jimenez, Kamal Taha, and Troy Carter) looked at ways to address imbalances in reclaim water supply and demand in Pinellas County’s Northern Service Area. Alternatives considered included new conveyance infrastructure, stormwater harvesting, aquifer storage and recovery, and changes in metering and billing practices. This team competed in the environmental division. Several USF students also participated in the

Members of the chapter’s E-Board with Mike Carballa. From left to right: Aayushi Vagadia, Charlotte Haberstroh, Carballa, Phillip Dixon, Awet Tsegay, and Maryn Jones.

Student chapter summer social at Riverfront Park.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

poster competition, and a USF Ph.D. candidate, Nadezhda Zalivina, won with her research poster on “Application of an Anammox-Enhanced Zeolite System for Nitrogen Removal from Anaerobic Digestion Sidestreams.” The USF student chapter members pass their knowledge and enthusiasm on to the next generation of students, as well as to the general public. At outreach events, such as USF Engineering Expo, Great American Teach-In, FWEA Water Festival, and Natures Classroom, we offered fun games and activities to promote FWEA and the importance of the industry, as well as encouraging kids to get into engineering. We teach about water treatment with the Enviroscape model and demonstrate how to make pond water drinkable. We also started hand pump competitions this year. More than anything, this chapter allows us to get together with people who share our passion for water, wastewater, and solving problems. So if you want to get in touch with us and come to USF as a speaker, please feel free to contact me at chaberstroh@mail.usf.edu. Charlotte Haberstroh is a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida. She is president of the FWEA-USF Student Chapter and USF representative of the FWEA West Coast Chapter Steering Committee. S

Peter Zydek (far right) teaching kids about water treatment at the Nature’s Classroom.

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Protecting Families and Businesses From Flooding During 2018 Wet Season Canals and structures throughout 16-county district being maintained to maximize flood protection; wet season readiness well underway --------------------------With the memory from September of last year of Hurricane Irma's devastating impacts throughout the region still on the minds of many Floridians, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is already well underway preparing to protect its 8.1 million residents from potential flooding from heavy rainfall or hurricanes from this coming wet season. One example of this is in Lee County, where the district is helping the county clear trees from the banks of the Imperial River, which is not in SFWMD's regional flood control system, but is a major route to convey floodwaters away from the Bonita Springs area. The district also recently began clearing trees and vegetation from the banks of the Golden Gate Canal, a major flood control conveyance canal serving Collier County residents. "The district never stops working to protect residents from flooding, as our staff is constantly preparing the system for the heavy rains that nature provides us during South Florida's wet season," said Federico Fernandez, SFWMD’s governing board chair. "By working with residents, as well as local and county drainage authorities throughout the year, this agency is able to meet the wet season head-on." On average, south Florida receives roughly 36 inches of rainfall during the annual wet season, which typically runs from June through October. This is about 70 percent of the average amount of rainfall received for the entire year. As a result of the interconnected system of drainage in south Florida, flood control is a shared responsibility among the district, county and city governments, local drainage districts, homeowners associations, and residents. The district tries to ensure that its residents know how to contact a homeowners association, municipality, or local drainage district responsible for drainage from their properties. A local contact viewer tool to determine the local drainage district that represents a resident’s property, with contact information, can be found at SFWMD's website at www.sfwmd.gov. Continued on page 74


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Continued from page 72 The SFWMD governing board members are urging their constituents to start taking simple steps now to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season. They can help their systems work efficiently by making sure drainage grates and other parts of their neighborhood


drainage systems are clear of debris, as grass clippings and fallen leaves can quickly slow drainage. The district operates and maintains the regional water management system known as the Central and Southern Florida Project, which was authorized by Congress more than

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

60 years ago to protect residents and businesses from floods and droughts. This primary system of canals and natural waterways connects to community drainage districts and hundreds of smaller neighborhood systems to effectively manage floodwaters during heavy rain. Water managers are hard at work preparing the entire regional flood control system, encompassing more than 2,000 miles of canals, with 70 water control structures, for the expected rainy season. The district is currently undertaking several maintenance projects to clear trees, vegetation, and other debris from canal banks and rights of way. These trees can fall into canals during strong storms and block the flow of water, causing flooding. Canal tree-clearing projects are ongoing in the C-100A Canal in Miami-Dade County. The district also began a tree-clearing project in May to improve safety and flood protection along the C-15 Canal, which protects hundreds of thousands of Palm Beach County residents from flooding. For more information on SFWMD's flood control preparations, go to www.sfwmd.gov/rainyseason. S

Water Education Video Highlights Kissimmee River and Science-Based Research Solutions to Secure Florida’s Water Future Building on efforts to secure the future of Florida’s water, the Florida Chamber of Commerce has released the latest in a series of water education videos that demonstrate the importance of following science-based research solutions. The video, “Securing Florida's Water Future: Kissimmee River,” features research produced by Dr. Brian Lapointe, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Research. The Kissimmee River basin extends south from Orlando to Lake Okeechobee and encompasses thousands of square miles. “Drainage projects, along with other human activities, have altered the quantity and quality of water flowing south to Lake Okeechobee, the Everglades, and the downstream estuaries,” says Dr. Lapointe. “This video series allows us to share information on the Kissimmee River restoration, as well as other strategies that are underway to protect these important water resources for the future.” The video features water and environmental leaders, including: S Jeff Couch - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers S Paul Gray, Ph.D., Okeechobee science coordinator - Audubon Florida S David Childs, partner - Hopping, Green & Sams, P.A. S Ernie Barnett, executive director - Florida Land Council S Drew Bartlett, deputy secretary for water policy and ecosystem restoration - Florida Department of Environmental Protection S Bob Butler - Butler Oaks Farm

The Kissimmee River once meandered for 103 miles through central Florida. Its floodplain, reaching up to 3 miles wide, was inundated for long periods by heavy seasonal rains. Native wetland plants, wading birds, and fish thrived there, but prolonged flooding in 1947 prompted a public outcry for federal assistance to reduce flood damage to surrounding property. In 1948, the U.S. Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct the Central and South Florida Project, which led to engineering changes to deepen, straighten, and widen the waterway. In the 1960s, the Kissimmee River was channelized by cutting and dredging a 30-feet-deep straightaway through the river's meanders: the C38 Canal. Before channelization was complete, biologists suspected that the project would have devastating ecological consequences. While the project delivered on the promise of flood protection, it also destroyed much of a floodplain-dependent ecosystem that nurtured threatened and endangered species, as well as hundreds of other native fish and wetland-dependent animals. More than 90 percent of the waterfowl that once graced the wetlands disappeared and the number of bald eagle nesting territories decreased by 70 percent. After the waterway was transformed into a straight, deep canal, it became oxygen-depleted and the fish community it supported changed dramatically. After extensive planning, construction for the Kissimmee River Restoration Project began in 1999, with the backfilling of 8 miles of C-38 Canal. Three construction phases are now com-

plete, and continuous water flow has been reestablished to 24 miles of the meandering Kissimmee River. Seasonal rains and flows now inundate the floodplain in the restored area. The Kissimmee Restoration Project will return flow to 44 miles of the historic channel and restore about 40 square miles of the river and its floodplain ecosystem. The watershed is also a highly urbanized developing area, and at the very north end—closer to the Orlando area—a lot of communities are on septic tank systems. That remains one of the larger challenges, and is a source of nitrogen and phosphorus that leaches into waterways from septic tanks. The restoration project—a 50-50 partnership with the South Florida Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers—is currently projected to be complete by 2020. “When it comes to securing Florida’s future, there are few issues more important than water,” said Mark Wilson, president and chief executive officer of the chamber. “With five million more people expected to call Florida home by 2030, science-based data is key to meeting the water challenges that Florida faces.” This is the seventh in a series of water research education videos. The series includes: S Kissimmee River and Tributaries North of Lake Okeechobee S St. Lucie Estuary S Springs S Southwest Florida S The Florida Keys S Indian River Lagoon S

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018



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CEC Motor & Utility Services, LLC 1751 12th Street East Palmetto, FL. 34221 Phone - 941-845-1030 Fax – 941-845-1049 prademaker@cecmotoru.com • Motor & Pump Services Test Loaded up to 4000HP, 4160-Volts • Premier Distributor for Worldwide Hyundai Motors up to 35,000HP • Specialists in rebuilding motors, pumps, blowers, & drives • UL 508A Panel Shop, engineer/design/build/install/commission • Lift Station Rehabilitation Services, GC License # CGC1520078 • Predictive Maintenance Services, vibration, IR, oil sampling • Authorized Sales & Service for Aurora Vertical Hollow Shaft Motors

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES - Classified ads are $20 per line for a 60 character line (including spaces and punctuation), $60 minimum. The price includes publication in both the magazine and our Web site. Short positions wanted ads are run one time for no charge and are subject to editing. ads@fwrj.com

Pos i ti on s Ava i l a b l e CITY OF WINTER GARDEN – POSITIONS AVAILABLE The City of Winter Garden is currently accepting applications for the following positions: - Wastewater Plant Operator – Trainee - Solid Waste Worker I, II & III - Collection Field Tech – I, II, & III - Distribution Field Tech – I, II, & III - Public Service Worker II - Stormwater Please visit our website at www.cwgdn.com for complete job descriptions and to apply. Applications may be submitted online, in person or faxed to 407-877-2795.

Engineering Inspector II & Senior Engineering Inspector Involves highly technical work in the field of civil engineering construction inspection including responsibility for inspecting a variety of construction projects for conformance with engineering plans and specifications. Projects involve roadways, stormwater facilities, portable water distribution systems, sanitary pump stations, gravity sewer collection systems, reclaimed water distribution systems, portable water treatment and wastewater treatment facilities. Salary is DOQ. The City of Winter Garden is an EOE/DFWP that encourages and promotes a diverse workforce. Please apply at http://www.cwgdn.com. Position Requirements: Possession of the following or the ability to obtain within 6 months of hire: (1) Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Stormwater Certification and an (2) Orange County Underground Utility Competency Card. A valid Florida Driver’s License is required. • Inspector II: High School Diploma or equivalent and 7 years of progressively responsible experience in construction inspection or testing of capital improvement and private development projects. • Senior Inspector: Associate’s Degree in Civil Engineering Technology or Construction Management and 10 years of progressively responsible experience, of which 5 years are in at a supervisory level.


Utility Compliance/Efficiency Manager $78,836 - $110,929/yr.

Utilities Maintenance Supervisor $58,829 - $82,778/yr.

Analytical/QA Specialist $52,821 - $74,325/yr.

Utilities Storm Water Foreman $47,911 - $67,414/yr.

Utilities System Operator II & III $39,415 - 55,463/yr.; $41,387 - $58,235/yr. Apply Online At: http://pompanobeachfl.gov Open until filled.

Career Opportunity

Operator A, B, and C for Wastewater Treatment Plant Toho Water Authority This is your opportunity to work for the largest provider of water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services in Osceola County. A fast-growing organization, Toho Water Authority is expanding to approximately 95,000 customers in Kissimmee, Poinciana and unincorporated areas of Osceola County. You can be assured there will be no shortage of interesting and challenging projects on the horizon! As an Operator, you will be expected, among other specific job duties, to have the ability to do the following: • Maintain compliance and operations of Wastewater Treatment Plants; • Conduct facility inspections, perform maintenance on equipment, and ensure normal operations; • Evaluate water systems; and • Fulfill recordkeeping, documentation, and reporting requirements. Candidates are required to hold the following certifications: Class “A”, “B” or “C” Wastewater Operators License, and Valid Class E Florida Driver’s License. Toho Water Authority offers a highly competitive compensation package, including tuition reimbursement, on site employee clinic, generous paid leave time, and retirement 401a match. If you are a driven professional, highly organized, and looking for a career opportunity at a growing Water Authority, then visit the TWA webpage today and learn how you can join our team! Visit www.tohowater.com to review the full job description and submit an employment application for consideration.

* PLANT ELECTRICIAN * UTILITY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS * WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATORS * APPLY ONLINE: https://employment.cityofwinterpark.org/ Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


The Coral Springs Improvement District – A GREAT place to further your career and enhance your life! CSID offers… Salary levels are at the top of the industry Health Insurance that is unmatched when compared to like sized Districts Promotions from within for qualified employees Continuing education courses to develop your skills and further your growth Retirement plans where an employee can earn 18% of their salary by contributing toward their future

All positions require a valid Florida Drivers license, high school diploma or GED equivalent and must pass a pre-employment drug screen test Salaries for the above position based on level of licensing and years of experience. Applications may be obtained by visiting our website at www.csidfl.org/resources/employment.html and fax resume to 954-7536328, attention Jan Zilmer, Director of Human Resources.

The Coral Springs Improvement District is seeking qualified employees in the following fields Wastewater Plant Lead Operator: Applicants must have a valid Class A wastewater treatment license and a minimum of 3 years supervisory experience. The lead operator operates the Districts wastewater plant; assists in ensuring plant compliance with all state and federal regulatory criteria and all safety policies and procedures. Reports directly to the WTTP Chief Operator. Provides instruction and leadership to subordinate operators and trainees as assigned. This is a highly responsible, technical, and supervisory position requiring 24 hour availability. Exercise of initiative and independent judgment is required in providing guidance and supervision for continuous operation. Salary range: $62,000 - $72,000. Salary to commensurate relative to level of experience in this field. Wastewater Plant Operator: Applicants must have a valid Class C or greater wastewater treatment license. Position requires performance of all duties in compliance with applicable policies, procedures, and standards necessary in the operation of a wastewater treatment plant. Salary range: $44,990. - $64,170. Salary to commensurate relative to level of license and years of experience in this field. Drinking Water Plant Operator: Applicants must possess a valid Class C or greater drinking water treatment license and experience in Reverse Osmosis/Nano Filtration treatment processes is preferred however is not required. Position requirements include, but are not limited to, knowledge of methods, tools, and materials used in the controlling, servicing, and minor repairs of all related R.O. water treatment facilities machinery and equipment. Salary range: $44,990. - $64,170. Salary to commensurate relative to level of license and years of experience in this field. Field Technician: Applicants must have knowledge of various equipment including driving a truck, back hoe/loader and general hand tools. Participate in the repair and maintenance of water and wastewater distribution lines. Must obtain FDEP level “3” WATER DISTRIBUTION OPERATOR license within 12 months of employment. Salary range: $34,320. - $45,254. Salary to commensurate relative to level of license and years of experience in this field. Benefits: Excellent benefits which include health, life, disability, dental, vison and a retirement plan which includes a 6% non-contributory defined benefit and matching 457b plan with a 100% match up to 6%. EOE.


July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Salary Range: $46,286. - $87,651. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority’s is looking for a WWTP Operator with a Florida “C” license or higher. You will perform skilled/technical work involving the operation and maintenance of a wastewater treatment plant (the majority of our plants are new, state of the art plants). Must have the technical knowledge and independent judgment to make treatment process adjustments and perform maintenance to plant equipment, machinery and related control apparatus in accordance with established standards and procedures. Benefit package is extremely competitive! Must complete on-line application at: http://www.fkaa.com/employment.htm EEO, VPE, ADA

City of St. Petersburg Senior Water Resources Manager (2 positions: Water or Wastewater Division) (IRC#43165) Professional, management work directing the assigned division. Requirements: Extensive experience/knowledge of water or wastewater systems and the related laws/standards; Open Until Filled; $87,431- $132,911 DOQ; See detailed requirements at www.stpete.org/jobs EEO-AA-Employer-Vet-Disabled-DFWP-Vets' Pref

City of Delray Beach - Deputy Director Utilities Highly responsible work with managerial, administration, and professional duties within the City's Utilities Department. Duties include responsibility for water resources, water treatment, water distribution, wastewater collection, and/or maintenance functions. The position requires a Bachelor's degree in Civil, Environmental, Chemical or Sanitary Engineering or a related field and six years professional experience in the operation and direction of a municipal utilities system. Salary range is $75,400 - $120,640. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/delraybeach


OUC - The Reliable One – Water Production Operator

U.S. Water Services Corporation is now accepting applications for state certified water and wastewater treatment plant operators. All applicants must hold at least minimum “C” operator’s certificate. Background check and drug screen required. –Apply at http://www.uswatercorp.com/careers or to obtain further information call (866) 753-8292. EOE/m/f/v/d

The Orlando Utilities Commission seeking an individual for a regular position as a Water System Operator (Shift) in the Electric and Water Production Division.

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS U.S. Water Services Corporation is now accepting applications for maintenance technicians in the water and wastewater industry. All applicants must have 1+ years experience in performing mechanical, electrical, and/or pluming abilities and a valid DL. Background check and drug screen required. -Apply at http://www.uswatercorp.com/careers or to obtain further information call (866) 753-8292. EOE/m/f/v/d

Applicants must have and maintain a Florida Class A Drinking Water License, Minimum of five (5) years of experience. Extensive specialized training (equivalent to 2 years college). Must possess and maintain a valid Florida Driver's License. OUC Offers a competitive compensation & benefits package which includes paid medical program for employee, free life insurance, retirement benefits including a cash balance account with employer matching along with a health reimbursement account, paid vacation, holidays, and sick time.

City of Groveland Class “C” Water Operator The City of Groveland is hiring a Class "C" Water Operator. Salary Range $ 29,203-43,805 DOQ. Please visit groveland-fl.gov for application and job description. Send completed application to 156 S Lake Ave. Groveland, Fl 34736 attn: Human Resources. Background check and drug screen required. Open until filled EOE, V/P, DFWP

LOOKING FOR A JOB? The FWPCOA Job Placement Committee Can Help! Contact Joan E. Stokes at 407-293-9465 or fax 407293-9943 for more information.

New Products To meet conductivity control needs in online water quality and process applications, Sensorex has introduced the SensoPro Toroidal Conductivity Monitoring System. The system combines a Sensorex TCS3020 probe, capable of reliable conductivity measurements in even the harshest of environments, with the company’s new EX2000RS transmitter, featuring Modbus communication for robust system integration. Monitoring with SensoPro can prevent scaling and corrosion, reduce excessive water usage, and optimize processes in a range of applications, including cooling tower water control, wastewater treatment, brine analysis, desalination, chemical processing, and other harsh or highconductivity environments. The TCS3020 probe used in the system measures conductivity using toroidal sensing technology, which is more stable and reliable compared to traditional contacting conductivity sensors. Toroidal conductivity sensors do not cause polarization or become fouled and rarely require maintenance. This design, along with the TCS3020’s rugged Noryl-body, reduces maintenance and increases reliability, resulting in more cost-effective operation over time than contacting sensors. The Modbus-equipped EX2000RS toroidal conductivity transmitter completes the system. The unit includes one analog out-

put and can monitor conductivity, percent concentration, total dissolved solids, and salinity. The RS-485 serial interface with Modbus RTU or ASCII protocol provides multiple output options for integration with industrial automation systems. The onboard screen displays measurements in real time and is capable of showing up to four weeks of historical measured values. The EX2000RS has a smallform factor, an IP65/Nema4X case, weighs just 1.1 pounds, and can be wall- or panelmounted. The system is backed by a one-year limited warranty. As a whole, the system features a conductivity measuring range of 0.0 µS/cm2000 mS/cm, percent concentration measurements for NaCl, HCI, HNO3, NaOH, H2SO4, H3PO4, and automatic or manual temperature control. The result is a reliable conductivity and concentration monitoring system in one simple package. (www.sensorex.com)


Weil Pump, a Wilo Company, now offers a full line of vertical multistage booster pumps and systems. The new booster systems combine Weil’s programmable logic controller (PLC) panels with Wilo-Helix V pumps and are available in 2-, 3-, or 4-pump configurations. The multipump systems offer real-time diagnostics and remote monitoring, with vari-

able speed control and balanced run time for each pump. The booster packages are suitable for many applications, including water supply, pressure boosting, agriculture, washing/sprinkling systems, cooling circuits, and condensate return. The systems have a maximum head of 780 ft, maximum flow of 550 gpm, rated pressure of 232 psi, and a liquid temperature range of -4°F to 248°F. Additionally, these systems are certified by NSF-61 and NSF-372, have full 304 stainless steel construction, and feature 300 class ANSI flange connections. Weil’s PLC panels are built in-house at Weil’s production facility in Cedarburg, Wis., and provide a powerful platform for the control of most pumping systems, including commercial, industrial, and process and booster service pumps. The panels feature an easy-touse, 7-in. touchscreen and offer onboard ModBUS and optional BacNET and LonWorks interface. Additionally, the panels boast full-system kWh energy reporting with detailed metrics, built-in troubleshooting, and alarm histories for offsite management and control. Weil’s booster pump offering also includes the Wilo-Helix V high-pressure vertical multistage centrifugal pumps, as well as Wilo-Helix EXCEL high-efficiency multistage pumps. (www.weilpump.com) S

Florida Water Resources Journal • July 2018


Test Yourself Answer Key From page 50

Editorial Calendar January ......Wastewater Treatment February ....Water Supply; Alternative Sources March ........Energy Efficiency; Environmental Stewardship April ............Conservation and Reuse; Florida Water Resources Conference May ............Operations and Utilities Management June............Biosolids Management and Bioenergy Production July ..............Stormwater Management; Emerging Technologies; FWRC Review August ........Disinfection; Water Quality September ..Emerging Issues; Water Resources Management October ......New Facilities, Expansions, and Upgrades November ..Water Treatment December ..Distribution and Collection Technical articles are usually scheduled several months in advance and are due 60 days before the issue month (for example, January 1 for the March issue). The closing date for display ad and directory card reservations, notices, announcements, upcoming events, and everything else including classified ads, is 30 days before the issue month (for example, September 1 for the October issue). For further information on submittal requirements, guidelines for writers, advertising rates and conditions, and ad dimensions, as well as the most recent notices, announcements, and classified advertisements, go to www.fwrj.com or call 352-241-6006.

1. C) industrial activities. Per the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) website on the NPDES Stormwater Program (https://floridadep.gov/water/stormwater), “The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program regulates point source discharges from three potential sources: municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), construction activities, and industrial activities. The NPDES Stormwater Program in Tallahassee is responsible for the development, administration, and compliance of rules and policy to minimize and prevent pollutants in stormwater discharges. Operators of these sources may be required to obtain an NPDES permit before they can discharge stormwater.”

2. B) Best management practices. Per the FDEP’s NPDES Stormwater Program website, “To protect these resources, municipalities, construction and industries activities, and others use stormwater controls, known as best management practices (BMPs), to manage their runoff. The implementation of these practices, which include BMP design, performance, and adaptive management requirements, prevent pollution by controlling it at its source.”

3. A) combined sewer systems. Per 62-624.200(8) Definitions: “Municipal separate storm sewer or MS4 means a conveyance or system of conveyances, like roads with stormwater systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, constructed channels, or storm drains: (a) Owned or operated by a state, city, town, county, special district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over management and discharge of stormwater and which discharges to surface waters of the state; (b) Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater; (c) Which is not a combined sewer; and, (d) Which is not part of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). The POTW means any device or system used in the treatment of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature, which is owned by a “state” or “municipality.” This definition includes sewers, pipes, or other conveyances only if they convey wastewater to a POTW providing treatment.”

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6. A) all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm-resistant shelter to prevent exposure to precipitation and/or runoff. Per FAC 62-620.100(2)(o) Scope/Applicability/ References, “Conditional exclusion for 'no exposure' of industrial activities and materials to stormwater. Discharges composed entirely of stormwater are not stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity if there is 'no exposure' of industrial materials and activities to precipitation and/or runoff, and the discharger satisfies the conditions in subparagraphs (o)1. through (o)3., of this rule. 'No exposure' means that all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm-resistant shelter to prevent exposure to precipitation and/or runoff. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to, material handling equipment or activities, industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, byproducts, final products, or waste products. Material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product, or waste product.”

7. D) Every five years Per FAC 62-620.100(2)(o)1.c. “Renew the certification every five years on or before the expiration of each five-year interval by filing a new completed and signed form 62-620.910(17) effective 2-17-09, and certification fee as required by subparagraph 62-4.050(4)(d)3., F.A.C., either by mail to the Department of Environmental Protection, NPDES Stormwater Notices Center, Mail Station #2510, 2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400, or electronically using the department’s interactive notice of intent (iNOI) at http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/stormwater/npdes/.”

8. A) Construction generic permit Per FDEP’s NPDES Stormwater Program website: “Coverage under the construction generic permit (cgp) is required for discharges from construction activities that: • Disturb at least one or more acres of land or disturb less than one acre of land, but are part of a common plan of development or sale; and • Discharge stormwater to surface waters of the state or to surface waters of the state through a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).”

9. C) Florida Water Management Districts 4. A) Maximum extent practicable Per FDEP’s NPDES Stormwater Program website, “Phase I, large and medium MS4s, were subject to the two-part permit application requirements found at 40 CFR 122.26(d). The fundamental portion of the application was the development of a proposed stormwater management program (SWMP) that would meet the standard of "reducing pollutants to the maximum extent practicable (MEP)." Upon approval, the NPDES permitting authority (EPA Region IV at the time) incorporated the SWMP into an individual permit, which was then issued to the MS4 operator.”

5. (D) Stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)

July 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Per FDEP’s NPDES Stormwater Program website, “To obtain permit coverage an multisector generic permit (MSGP) notice of intent (NOI) (DEP Form 62621.300(5)(b)) must be submitted by paper copy to the NPDES Stormwater Notices Center or by using interactive notice of intent (iNOI). A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be developed, implemented, and kept onsite. SWPPP guidance is available.”

Per FAC, 62-330.010(3) Purpose and Implementation: “The responsibilities for implementing this chapter are described in operating and delegation agreements between the Department of Environmental Protection (‘department’), the water management districts (‘districts’), and local governments (‘delegated local governments’). The agreements are incorporated by reference in rule 62-113.100, F.A.C. The term ‘agency’ applies to the department, a district, or a delegated local government, as applicable, throughout this chapter.”

10. B) 8 ft Per FAC 62-330.453(3)(g)1. General Permit for Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Utility Lines: “Installation, maintenance, repair, and removal activities performed via trenching or methods other than directional drilling or jack-and-bore, are subject to the following special conditions: 1. The maximum width of the excavated trench shall not exceed 8 ft, with temporary spoil storage banks not to exceed 10 ft in width.”

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