Florida Water Resources Journal - November 2018

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Published by BUENA VISTA PUBLISHING for Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc. President: Richard Anderson (FSAWWA) Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority Vice President: Lisa Prieto (FWEA) Prieto Environmental LLC Treasurer: Rim Bishop (FWPCOA) Seacoast Utility Authority Secretary: Holly Hanson (At Large) ILEX Services Inc., Orlando

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Happy Veterans Day! Veteran Profiles Veterans are a Valuable Resource for the Water Industry Real-Life “Rosie the Riveter” Reminisces About Her Contributions During World War II

News and Features


19 Florida Public Works Director Selected as APWA Top Ten Leader 20 FWPCOA Awards 36 From AWWA: Does Cybersecurity Matter?— Kevin M. Morley 37 Bonita Springs Utilities Honored With Safety Award 42 Excellence in Operation and Design in Water Infrastructure Honored 43 FDEP Presents Awards for Operations Excellence 47 Scholarships Available for Utility Staff to Share Innovations of Interest With Other Utilities 58 News Beat

Technical Articles

C Factor—Mike Darrow Let’s Talk Safety FSAWWA Speaking Out—Bill Young FWEA Focus—Kristiana S. Dragash Reader Profile—Kenneth Enlow Contractors Roundup: Construction Labor Shortage is a Local and National Crisis—David Walker 56 Test Yourself—Donna Kaluzniak 18 38 40 44 46 54

Departments 53 60 63 66

New Products Service Directories Classifieds Display Advertiser Index

4 Localized Treatment for Reduction of Disinfection Byproducts—Chandra Mysore 30 Ozone and Chloramines: A Proven Combination at Conventional and Lime Softening Plants— Michael A. Zafer, William B. Dowbiggin, and David J. Prah 48 Is Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generation Your Disinfection Solution?—Nita Naik and Stephanie Bishop

Education and Training 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 41 51 57

CEU Challenge FSAWWA Fall Conference Calendar of Events FSAWWA Fall Conference Overview FSAWWA Fall Conference Opening General Session FSAWWA Fall Conference Incoming Chair's Reception and BBQ Challenge FSAWWA Fall Conference Registration FSAWWA Fall Conference Poker/Golf Tournament FSAWWA Fall Conference Competitions FWPCOA Training Calendar AWWA Veteran Workforce Initiative FWPCOA Online Training TREEO Center Training

Volume 69

ON THE COVER: This steel elevated tank in Cocoa holds up to 1.5 mil gal, stands 156 ft tall, and is used to maintain constant pressure in the distribution system. In 1976, the city accepted the services of Demetrios Dourakos, a grateful Greek immigrant, to paint an American flag on the tank for the U.S. Bicentennial. In 1991 the tank was renovated and the original design was replicated with three flags. (photo: City of Cocoa)

November 2018

Number 11

Florida Water Resources Journal, USPS 069-770, ISSN 0896-1794, is published monthly by Florida Water Resources Journal, Inc., 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711, on behalf of the Florida Water & Pollution Control Operator’s Association, Inc.; Florida Section, American Water Works Association; and the Florida Water Environment Association. Members of all three associations receive the publication as a service of their association; $6 of membership dues support the Journal. Subscriptions are otherwise available within the U.S. for $24 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Clermont, FL and additional offices.

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Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Localized Treatment for Reduction of Disinfection Byproducts Chandra Mysore tage 2 of the Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproduct Rule (D/DBPR) requires total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) to be below 80 parts per bil (ppb) and 60 ppb at each monitoring location in the distribution system. As an alternative to treating the entire flow at a centralized facility, many utilities are considering treating only a partial flow in the distribution system to be in compliance with the Stage 2 D/DBPR requirements. Localized or decentralized treatment at the point of noncompliance is a cost-effective option, as only the flow that is necessary is treated to be in compliance with the Stage 2 regulations. As an example of localized treatment, air strippers remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from liquid (water) by providing contact between the liquid and gas (air). The gas (air) may then be released to the atmosphere or treated to remove the VOCs, and subsequently released to the atmosphere. In general, the removal efficiency of air stripping for trihalomethanes (THMs) is as follows:


Chloroform>Bromodichloromethane> Dibromochloromethane>Bromoform This article presents an overview of DBP issues, options for localized treatment for the reduction of DBPs, and results from a case study.

Overview of Disinfection Byproduct Issues The DBPs form during treatment at water treatment facilities and over time in the distribution system when chlorine reacts with the natural organic matter (NOM) quantified as total organic carbon (TOC) in the water. Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1996 required the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop rules to balance the risks between microbial pathogens and DBPs. The Stage 1 D/DBPR and Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, promulgated in December 1998, were the first phase in a rulemaking strategy required by Congress as part of the 1996 amendments. In the Stage 1 rule, utilities were given a “not to exceed” goal of 80 µg/L for THMs in their distribution systems. In addition, utilities were given goals for enhanced co-


agulation to maximize the removal of TOC, which is a DBP precursor. The Stage 2 D/DBPR builds upon the Stage 1 rule to address higher-risk public water systems for protection measures beyond those required for existing regulations. In the Stage 2 rule, the running annual average is based on a locational compliance level of 80 µg/L for THMs and 60 µg/L for HAAs. The Stage 2 rule is focused on reducing the risk of elevated DBPs at specific locations in the distribution system. Increased organic concentrations, water age, and/or temperatures can lead to increased DBP formation. The THM formation is controlled by the following factors: 1. Reactions of Chlorine with TOC – Certain subsets of TOC react with oxidants, resulting in DBP formation. Removal of TOC before disinfection can reduce the formation of DBPs. 2. Chlorine Dose (or Chlorine Demand) – The addition of more chlorine leads to more DBP formation. The necessary chlorine dose is typically controlled by disinfection contact time requirements and maintaining a residual concentration throughout the distribution system. 3. Water Age in the Distribution System – Longer reaction times result in more DBP formation. Water age often can be controlled in a distribution system by implementing best practices, such as tank management and flushing programs. 4. Water Temperature – Higher temperatures result in faster DBP formation. Water temperature cannot be controlled by treatment operations. 5. Finished Water pH – Higher pH can result in the formation of more THMs. The finished water pH is typically set for operational reasons, such as corrosion control. There are three basic methods of reducing DBPs in distribution systems: 1. Remove and/or change the form of DBP precursors, such as TOC. 2. Reduce DBP formation in the distribution system by adding ammonia to form chloramines and essentially quenching the formation of THMs, or reduce the water age within the distribution system. 3. Remove formed DBPs through the use of

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Chandra Mysore, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, is technology director with Jacobs in Atlanta.

physiochemical processes, such as adsorption, aeration, or membranes.

Disinfection Byproduct Removal Methods This section focuses on the removal of THMs after they have been formed. The following treatment technologies can be evaluated for their ability to remove TTHMs in the distribution system: S Aeration – Volatilizing the THM compounds though air dispersion. Several forms of aeration are available: spray aeration, air stripping, or diffused aeration. S Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) – THMs are adsorbed onto carbon media. S Membrane – THMs are removed in the gas phase though the membrane. It should be noted that these THM removal methods could be implemented on a seasonal basis to capture the THM peaks. Aeration Diffused Aeration In diffused aeration, air is blown into a network of diffusers installed at the bottom of a tank of water. The diffusers release the air in bubbles that collect volatile compounds, including THMs, as the bubbles rise to the surface of the water. A recent study predicted various THM removals using a 20:1 to 65:1 air-to-water ratio (AWWARF, 2009). The removal rates varied widely, depending on the THMs. Notably, chloroform, which is one of principal THMs of concern, has the highest and most efficient removal rates: 95 percent for 20:1 air-to-water ratio. Spray Nozzle Recirculation System The system consists of a submersible pump that would recirculate water in the tank through spray nozzles placed on the tank’s ceiling. Water would be aerated when passing through the Continued on page 6

Continued from page 4 spray nozzles, and THMs would thus be stripped from the water. Ventilation outlets and air extractors are installed in the roof of the tank to continually remove THMs from the air in the headspace of the tank. Capital cost items for the spray nozzle recirculation system include submersible pumps, ventilation system, stainless steel piping, and electrical upgrades. A recent study predicted 75 to 80 percent TTHM removal using a 10:000:1 air-to-water ratio for spray aeration (AWWARF, 2009). The spray aeration system includes the following components:


Spray aerator Piping Submersible pump Tank roof ventilation

SolarBee The SolarBee THM removal system is a patented, proprietary system that incorporates solar-powered mixing and grid-powered diffused aeration using a blower to achieve DBP reduction (Figure 1). The expected THM removal efficiency is 50 percent. Any of the aeration systems mentioned

Figure 1. SolarBee Process Schematic

Figure 3. Membrane Contactor and Membrane Air Flow


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

would require blowers to be placed at the storage tank location. Proper sound protection would need to be provided to minimize sound impact to the local residences, if they are close to the tanks. Air Stripping In packed tower air stripping or an air stripper, water is pumped to the top of a bed of packing media, where it flows by gravity in contact with a flow of air that is blown into the tower below the packing media. The treated water flows by gravity out of the bottom of the tower, and the air containing the THMs exits from the top of the tower. Based on previous studies (AWWARF, 2009), air strippers are expected to provide an Continued on page 8

Figure 2. Low-Profile Air Stripper

Continued from page 6 average THM removal of 75 to 85 percent. Air strippers are not effective at removing HAAs or TOC, but can remove some chlorine. Air strippers are typically stand-alone units that can be installed in a relatively small area and require little maintenance. Careful consideration must be given to distribution system hydraulics, if air stripper towers are used, because the air stripper effectively removes the head from the system at the point where it’s installed, which is a significant drawback. Figure 2 provides an example of a low-profile stripper that could be used in lieu of a traditional packed tower aerator. Granular Activated Carbon The GAC removes THMs and HAAs through adsorption onto the carbon media and has the advantage of removing both the THMs and the organic material in the water that reacts with chlorine to create THMs. The GAC also removes the chorine residual and could be operated as a seasonal solution to the THM issue. The usual operation is 10 minutes of empty bed contact time based on the flow rate; typically, 10,000-bed volumes are achieved before breakthrough. Research has shown that more than 80 percent of THMs were removed by GAC through a media life of 10,000-bed volumes at a 10-minute empty bed contact time (i.e., 22 liters of water treated per gram of GAC). If GAC is selected for implementation, rapid small-scale column tests on the distribution system water should be conducted to determine the actual carbon usage rates for the system.

Membranes Membranes have recently been piloted for removal of THMs and are specifically designed to separate the gas from the liquid phase; the membrane permits the flow of air/gases through the media, while preventing water from passing through. Figure 3 presents a depiction of the liquid and air flow through the membrane module and an overall process schematic. Layne Christensen (Layne), which packages the membrane equipment, has conducted several pilot programs with membranes for THM removal (the membranes are manufactured by Membrana). Layne reported 70 to 85 percent THM removal through a single membrane, and levels increase to more than 90 percent when two units are operating in series. Figure 4 shows a recent installation for deaeration. Membranes would be placed in line with the pump station discharge, thereby eliminating the need to repump. The membranes are adversely affected by the chlorine residual, so the rechlorination point would have to be moved downstream of the membrane system to increase the membrane life. Layne reports that the membranes can take 24,000 contact volumes before needing to be replaced. Advantages and Disadvantages This section presents the advantages and disadvantages of each option for localized treatment in the distribution system (in-tank solutions). The objective of the project (as shown in the case study) was to identify the most reliable and cost-effective treatment to meet the requirements of the Stage 2 rule through decentralized treatment. The investigation included bench and pilot

testing to determine performance of air stripping combined with GACs and developing models to determine TTHM and HAA formation.

Case Study Desert Mountain is a golf course community in north Scottsdale. The biggest issue facing the community and the city is increased formation of THMs due to water age. The Central Arizona Project (CAP) Water Treatment Plant treats CAP water by coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration. A portion or the entire allotment of this treated water flows to GAC beds for additional removal of organic matter. The water is then chlorinated and sent to the distribution system. It takes approximately three days, along with three chlorine-boosting stations, for the water to reach Desert Mountain, and then an additional seven days to reach its customers. In the summer, depending on water demand, CAP water may be blended using well water. The RES-92B site feeds the Desert Mountain water distribution system and is the last chlorine injection location. The THM levels during summer months can reach as high as 132 ppb. With three Stage 2 rule sites located within the Desert Mountain service area, a THM mitigation strategy was clearly needed. Pilot-scale studies were conducted with two air strippers for THM mitigation at RES-92B. A horizontal (box) unit from Carbonair and a vertical (tower) unit from Bay Products/Enduro were evaluated for THM removal efficiency under various air-to-water ratios and blending scenarios. The study also examined the effect of aeration on chlorine residuals and addressed the

Table 1. Summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of In-Tank Options

Figure 4. Full-Scale Application for Deaeration


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

issue of THM reformation after air stripping. The results of this pilot study are presented elsewhere (Mysore et al., 2013). The air stripping study at RES-92B concluded that air stripping is very effective in THM removal. It had minimal effect on chlorine residuals after air stripping, and THMs were reforming in the range of 50-80 ppb within 72 hours, depending on temperature and the water blending ratio (treated-untreated); however, due to the reformation of THMs, chlorine-boosting after the air stripping was needed to maintain the chlorine residual in the distribution system. It was also recommended that in the hot summer months, additional THM controls must be employed to make sure the city complies with Stage 2 D/DBPR regulations. The objective of the pilot study was to use information gathered during previous THM reduction studies to determine an effective treatment strategy using air stripping and GAC to prevent the reformation of THMs in drinking water. The pilot test system consists of an air stripping unit connected in series to the GAC column apparatus installed at RES-92B, which is located at the entrance to Desert Mountain. The air stripping unit was a packed-column stripper from Bay Products/Enduro connected in series to the GAC column apparatus from Batelle, which consists of three 2-in. by 48-in. glass columns connected in parallel configuration for simultaneous testing of multiple columns (Mysore et al., 2013). Influent water quality from the distribution system was used as a baseline for study comparison. There were no RES-92B influent samples collected after 37 hours because the incoming quality was expected to be relatively consistent following continuous GAC treatment at the CAP plant. Nearly 97 percent of the water received at RES-92B during the study was treated at the CAP plant, and the remaining quantity was pumped from distribution wells. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the constituents of which are precursors to TTHM formation, ultraviolet (UV)254, chlorine, temperature, and pH, were analyzed and recorded during Phase I. At system start-up, and 37 hours into the test, DOC results were 1.80 part per mil (ppm) and 1.89 ppm, respectively. Throughout the pilot study, the incoming DOC averaged 2.22 ppm, excluding the spikes occurring at 251 and 660 hours. As seen in Figure 4, after GAC treatment, DOC averaged 0.97, excluding the same spikes. Except in the beginning, DOC breakthrough was consistent throughout the study, with a value of approximately 46 percent. The bituminous GAC was effective at removing DOC, thereby reducing THMs. Figure 5 shows that water quality improved as a result of air stripping, which effectively reduced THMs from RES-92B by 85 percent at 0

Figure 4. Dissolved Organic Carbon in Air Stripping Effluent and Granular Activated Carbon Effluent

Figure 5. Air Stripping and Granular Activated Carbon Treatment Over Time

hours and 83 percent at 37 hours into the study. Although this is a significant reduction, THMs quickly reformed following air stripping, as seen in the previous pilot study (Mysore et al., 2013). Because of the unfortunate lack of RES-92B influent THM data throughout this study, it cannot be determined exactly how well THMs were removed by air stripping alone, as conditions changed (temperature, flow, and CAP plant treatment). Figure 5 illustrates that, while SP3 THMs were quite variable and most likely changing with site conditions, the GAC-treated effluent from SP6 followed a very steady trend. For the first 300 hours, SP6 THMs were nonexistent; at approximately 400 hours, THMs began appearing in the effluent and slowly trended up to a maximum of 5 ppb at 826 hours. It’s clear that air stripping and GAC were very effective in reducing THMs, and GAC was further inhibiting TTHM reformation by dropping DOC levels.

TTHMs was of concern while using air stripping. Air stripping, combined with GAC, was very effective at removing THMs throughout the duration of the pilot study; therefore, the chosen localized treatment system should be designed to achieve a lower-target treated water TTHM level that will provide a buffer of a magnitude sufficient to ensure that TTHM levels do not exceed the 80 ppb limit with reformation, or should be followed by another treatment, e.g., GAC.

Acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of the water quality staff and the operation and maintenance crew of the City of Scottsdale, and the equipment manufacturers who provided the pilot units for testing.


Summary Localized or decentralized treatment at the point of noncompliance is a cost-effective option as only the flow that is necessary is treated to be in compliance with the Stage 2 regulations. Both air stripping and GAC treatments are effective approaches for reduction of TTHMs in the distribution system, but the reformation of

• “Localized Treatment for Disinfection Byproducts.” Johnson, B.A., Lin, J.C.; American Water Works Association and Research Foundation, Denver, Colo. (2009). • “Comparing Centralized and Decentralized Treatment for Reduction of DBPs.” Mysore, C., Roberts, W., Fletcher, J.; ACE Conference, Denver, Colo. (2013). S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Veterans in the Water Industry

Happy Veterans Day! Welcome to the magazine’s first annual celebration of military veterans who work in the water industry. We’re honored to highlight these brave people who proudly served their country, both here and abroad, and who are again serving American citizens by working as water professionals. Along with medical personnel, police officers and firefighters, and first responders, those who work in the water industry provide a vital service and help to protect the health and well-being of the JOHN RAMSEY Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Air Force (four and a half years) Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, Fla.; Alert Cells, Galena, Alaska; Homestead Air Force Base, Homestead, Fla. Rank and any service recognition: Sergeant Air Force Commendation Medal, Air Force Good Conduct Award, several Sergeant and Airman Good Conduct Awards

community. Water really is a precious resource—one we can’t live without—and all water workers play a vital role in ensuring that everyone has all of the clean, safe water they need every day. This section includes information about bringing more veterans into our workforce, and profiles of veterans currently working for utilities and other water-related companies. To those selfless veterans who are now our colleagues: we thank you and salute you!

JONATHAN CANFIELD Branch, location(s), and years of service: Air Force, Anchorage, Alaska (four years) Balad Airbase, Iraq

Years in the water industry: 37 years How did your military service help your water career? I was a fighter jet mechanic on F-4 Phantoms, which involves being aware of all that is going on in the environment around you and looking at all of the things involved with the aircraft and support equipment. You have to look at everything, right down to the smallest detail. I believe that this is something that applies to the water and wastewater fields, in addition to continuing education and hands-on training.

How did your military service help your water career? The Air Force taught me discipline and the ability to take pride in my work.

Rank and any service recognition: E-4 Senior airman Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: operator Years in the water industry: Two and a half years

Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Water Plant: plant operator Charlotte Harbor Water Association: plant operator Charlotte County Utilities: utility water system control technician Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: operator/operations specialist

Years in the water industry: Two years

How did your military service help your water career? My service taught me discipline and dependability, and gave me a strong work ethic.

EARLE CHAFFEE Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Air Force Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas (four years) 158th Tactical Fighter Wing, Burlington, Vt. (one year) Rank and any service recognition: E-5 Staff Sergeant Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: maintenance mechanic

PATRICK PRITCHETT Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Navy (1972-1979) Atlantic Fleet Rank and any service recognition: ET-1 Petty Officer First Class Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: maintenance and instrument technician Years in the water industry: Five years How did your military service help your water career? I developed personal discipline and received technical training that have helped me throughout my career.

GEORGE PENNELL Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Navy: Charleston, S.C.; Mayport, Fla.; Great Lakes, Ill. (eight years) Rank and any service recognition: E-5 Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: instrumentation and control technician Years in the water industry: 15 years How did your military service help your water career? My military training and experience gave me multiple skill sets that go hand in hand with everything I do in the water industry.

Pictured left to right: John Ramsey, Jon Canfield, Earle "Chip" Chaffee, Patrick Pritchett, George Pennell, and Doug Leath. Not pictured: George Flores.


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

DOUG LEATH Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Army (two years)

Veterans in the Water Industry Rank and any service recognition: E-4 Specialist

Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Gainesville Regional Utilities: service operator

Water industry employer(s) and positions: AECOM: project manager I

Water Industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: instrumental technician and maintenance supervisor

Years in the water industry: 18 years

Years in the water industry: Six

How did your military service help your water career? The similarities are in the locating of mines in a mine field to locating meter boxes and water meters.

How did your military service help your water career? The Marine Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment are values that I hold to this day. My time in the Corps instilled strong personal discipline, which made going back to school for my environmental engineering degree much easier. Due to specific benefit limitations at the time, I was forced to complete the entire degree program in just over three years, which required a considerable amount of sacrifice to achieve. Without the financial assistance that the post-9/11 GI Bill provided, I highly doubt I would be where I am today. Through various deployments, I also gained an appreciation for the critical importance of reliable water and wastewater infrastructure. I saw firsthand how difficult life can be when these basic services are lacking. I’m honored to work in this industry and have a great sense of pride in what we collectively accomplish. Semper Fi!

Years in the water industry: 26 years How did your military service help your water career? My years in the military taught me discipline, which I’ve used in my work and to help others.

GEORGE FLORES Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Marines (13 years) U.S. Navy Seabees (13 years) Rank and any service recognition: Marines: E-6 Staff sergeant Seabees: E-6 Utilitiesman P.O.I. Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority: class A operator Years in the water industry: 11 years How did your military service help your water career? I was able to get credit for me 11 years in the military and apply it to experience in the water industry.

MICHAEL J. HAGER Branch, location(s), and years of service: Navy Seabees: NMCB 62 – Sigonella, Sicily; NMCB 1 – Guam – Rota, Spain – Desert Storm; Public Works, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; CBU 416, Fallon, Nev. 10 years: December 1987 – November 1997 Rank and any service recognition: Utilitiesman, Petty Officer Second Class Water industry employer(s) and positions: Manatee County Utilities: sewer collections Manatee County Utilities Department: conservation compliance officer


Years in the water industry: 15 years How did your military service help your water career? As a Seabee I performed many tasks in the utilities field, from planning and installation of new construction to maintenance and repair of distribution/collection water systems. WALTER HISE Branch, location(s), and years of service: United States Marine Corps: Parris Island, S.C.; Camp Geiger, N.C.; Fort Leanardwood, Mo.; Damneck, Va.; Camp Pendleton, Calif.; Iwakuni Japan; Twentynine Palms, Calif. I served for eight years.

TREVOR HICKS Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Army (five years) New Jersey, Maryland, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Texas Rank and any service recognition: E-4 Specialist Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, two Oak Leaf Clusters, National Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Asia Service Medal, two Bronze Stars

Rank and any service recognition: Lance Corporal Good Conduct Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon Water Industry emplorer(s) and positions: City of Cooper City Utilities Department: utilities mechanic II

Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Gainesville Regional Utilities: water department supervisor Years in the water industry: 25 years How did your military service help your water career? The Army provided training in many different areas and situations that I still use today.

TOM CARTER Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Marine Corps, Seal Beach, Calif. (two years active, four years inactive) U.S. Army Reserves, Gainesville, 301st Field Hospital (25 years) Rank and any service recognition: Sergeant Combat engineer, chaplain assistant (MOS)

Years in the water industry: 18 years DUSTIN L. CHISUM, P.E. Branch, location(s), and years of service: United States Marine Corps: Pensacola (2000-2001), San Diego (2001-2004) Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom: Iwakuni, Japan (2004-2005)

How did your military service help your water career? My job title was 1345 heavy equipment operator. The training and completion of the construction equipment operators course, as well as my on-the-job training during my tour of duty, helped me get my job in the water industry after my departure from the Marine Corps.

Rank and any service recognition: E-5 Sergeant Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon, Global War On Terrorism Service Medal, Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation, Presidential Unit Citation- Navy

Continued on page 12 Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Veterans in the Water Industry Continued from page 11 TOM DAVEL Branch, location(s), and years of service: United States Marine Corps Naval Sub Base, Kings Bay, Ga. (2003-2005) Camp Pendleton, Calif. (2005-2006) Served four years Rank and any service recognition: E-4 Corporal Meritorious Mast while on deployment in 2006 Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: City of North Port Utilities: collections and distribution tech 1 collections and distribution tech 2 field services specialist

and the mentoring I received from successful men turned me into the productive person I would become. All the things these men taught me I’ve used in my career: from self-discipline and reliability to the leadership skills I did not even realize I was developing at the time. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to have been able to serve my country and to the fearless Marines who molded me. Semper Fi.

Years in the water industry: 11 years How did your military service help your water career? My military service experience has helped my water career in multiple ways. I’ve learned to use my teambuilding skills to help with different utility crews that I was a part of. I used leadership skills from the military to lead and teach others. I have been able to adapt and overcome stress in difficult situations. Safety was stressed a lot in the military, and I am always thinking about that it my water career.

Scott at far left.

BRAD MENDEL Branch, location(s), and years of service: U.S. Army, Fort Bragg N.C. (12 years) Rank and any service recognition: Staff Sergeant Parachutist Badge, Aviation Mechanic Wings, Army Commendation Medals, Army Achievement Medals, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, NATO Medal, Former Yugoslavia Campaign Medal Water industry employer(s) and positions: City of Plant City: drinking and wastewater plant operator Years in the water industry: Two and a half years

SCOTT T. EDSON Branch, location(s), and years of service: United States Marine Corps (1989-1992): Parris Island, S.C.; Manchester, N.H.; Camp Leguene, N.C.; Middle East Deployment Rank and any service recognition: Lance corporal Combat Action Ribbon, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Nation Defense Service Medal Water Industry emplorer(s) and positions: Collier County: backflow tester, water distribution crew leader, operations trainee, water operator, senior operator City of Marco Island: water operator, lead operator, interim chief operator

How did your military service help your water career? My Army service taught me the commitment and dedication to serving my community and a team. While serving, my different occupation specialties allowed for continued growth in areas I was passionate about. My first occupation was a combat medic, which was a platform that supported my love of science, and my second occupation was as an aviation armament mechanic, which fostered my growth in the mechanical and maintenance field. Also, while serving in the Army I was able to earn money for college and the academics I needed for my water career. I have tried to bring all the great aspects of the Army with me to the water operator career field. Sometimes it may be a little annoying when I rely on my military experience, but it works.

Years in the water industry: 19 years How did your military service help your water career? My brief military service was one of the most important ventures I have participated in. I truly received more from the military than I gave. The education I received was vital to who I became as an adult. Being away from home for the first time


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

PHILIP G. DONOVAN Branch, location(s), and years of service: I volunteered for the U.S. Air Force at the start of the Vietnam War to stand up for my country, as so many young men did. I attended Lakeland Air Force Base basic training in Sambach, Germany, and flight school in Grand Forks, N.D. I was sent to Alaska, Hawaii, Thailand, Thai Pan, Guam, and Okinawa, and was responsible for delivery of top secret messages and deployment strategies. I was embedded with Green Berets units as they traveled unannounced throughout Europe, and on many types of assignments that were announced. My total service was for six years. Rank and any service recognition: I was a sergeant. I carried the responsibility as the direct assistant to several generals during my tenure. I was recognized for heroic actions for retrieving fellow comrades from a burning aircraft loaded with bombs. I left the U.S. Air Force in 1976. Water industry employer(s) and positions: I was hired as a water treatment plant operator in 1976 by Royal Palm Beach Utilities and worked there for nine years. In 1985 I moved to City of Lake Worth, where I worked as a treatment plant operator for the next 31 years until retiring in 2016. The Palm Beach Post ran an article about me, “Vietnam Vet With a Dream Career,” written by Kevin Thompson. Years in the water industry: I served 40 years in the water industry as a treatment plant operator. During that time, I continued to serve others by participating in local groups. I served as director for FWPCOA for Region 6 in Palm Beach County. My efforts included doubling membership participation and providing local training for young students who wanted to get into the water treatment industry. I was instrumental in establishing a course at Palm Beach State College to help students prepare for a water industry career. The course is currently ongoing. In 2003, I set out on a mission to get recognition for all of the hard-working and dedicated water professionals by visiting all the local public officials to get their support. I was successful, and was able to get the involvement of politicians, utilities from Daytona to Key West, mayors, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Palm Beach County Health Department, and even EPA, all to support the campaign for recognition. My efforts resulted in a $100,000 grant given to make a movie that showed the great career path for young people who wish to establish a career in water. The movie was a great success and has been used over the years to educate school kids and young adults. The movie is available for viewing at www.fwpcoa.org. I continue to serve the water industry as I run my private business, Donovan Water Corp., which services small water systems and collects water quality samples to ensure that all residents have access to safe and highquality drinking water. The U.S. and the water industry need more first-responder heroes to help us to continue moving forward and ensure water safety of all. How did your military service help your water career? The U.S. Air Force taught me how to align the loyalty and respect for my country that was already instilled

Veterans in the Water Industry into me as a boy; I was raised to believe that I was fortunate to be born in the greatest country in the world. I also witnessed the family teachings that hard work and loyalty lead to progress and, in some instances, survival. I’m a proud American veteran ready to share my experiences with anyone who would like to learn about my journey.

DONNIE A. REYNOLDS Branch, location(s), and Years of Service: United States Marine Corps: MCB Camp Lejeune, N.C.; MCAS Miramar, Calif.; Helmand Providence, Afghanistan Four years of active duty and four years of individual ready reserve Rank and any service recognition: Corporal NAM – Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, NUC – Navy Unit Commendation with Bronze Service Star, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Bronze Service Star, GWAT – Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, ISAF NATO Medal, Rifle Expert, Pistol Expert, Meritorious Mast, Certificate of Commendation, Letter of Appreciation Water industry emplorer(s) and positions: Garney/Wharton-Smith JV: project engineer – intern Years in the water industry: 10 months How did your military service help your water career? I learned honor, courage, and commitment. These values make up the bedrock of a Marine’s character. I turned 21 in Afghanistan with no running water and limited showers. We did our laundry in 5-gallon buckets and ate food out of bags. Sometimes we found bullets and shrapnel in our water bottles because third-country nationals would transport our supplies hundreds of miles through unfriendly territory. America became a memory that I often forgot. The luxury of toilet paper, flushing toilets, and mirrors were sometimes in my dreams. I remember the first time I saw my reflection on rest and recovery in Kuwait. I remember smelling a female’s perfume for the first time in Kyrgyzstan. Many events took place in the Middle East. I remember the evening of May 16, 2010, when a fire burned three-fourths of Camp Leatherneck. We didn’t have the water resources to fight the fire, resulting in a loss that impacted the entire region.

which allowed me to easily transition to a civilian career in this field.

My takeaway from the military is unselfishness, discipline, integrity, and loyalty. I’m a leader, there is no doubt; however, the military gave me a perspective of value that many cannot imagine. Generally, I glass over the details of my time spent overseas, but I would be foolish not to say my experiences are what hold me accountable. I understand how vital water/wastewater has become. We as Americans underestimate our first-world accommodations.

ROBERT (BOB) WILLIAMS Branch, location(s), and years of service: United States Air Force (25 years): Selfridge AFB, Mich., Sheppard AFB, Texas; Udorn RTAFB, Thailand; Ankara AB, Turkey; Hill AFB, Utah; Plattsburgh AFB, N.Y.; Tyndall AFB, Fla.; Osan AB, Korea Rank and any service recognition: E-8 Senior Master Sargent Water industry employer(s) and positions: City of Orlando, Water Conserv II Water Reclamation Facility: treatment plant operations shift supervisor I supervise the operation of a 21-mgd advanced treatment facility that supplies reclaimed water for the southwest Orlando area, including Universal Studios, Metro West Golf Course, and the Millenia Mall. On the off shifts, I’m also responsible for remotely monitoring the city’s Water Conserv I Water Reclamation Facility, which supplies reclaimed water to the southeast Orlando area, including the Orlando International Airport, Lake Nona Medical City, and Lake Nona Golf Course. Years in the water industry: 53 How did your military service help your water career? I began my military career in 1965 and received training and operated a 6-mgd activated sludge wastewater plant at Selfridge AFB in Michigan. I worked at the wastewater treatment plants on all the Air Force bases I was stationed at, including a trickling filter plant at Tyndall AFB in Florida. My work at Sheppard AFB in Texas especially helped prepare me for a career in the field, where I was an instructor on wastewater treatment for six years. I also operated water treatment plants at Udorn AFB in Thailand and Osan AB in Korea The Air Force trained me in all facets of water and wastewater treatment,

LAWRENCE BLAKESLEE Branch, location(s), and years of service: United States Coast Guard for 23 years 1990-1993: Coast Guard cutter, Point Arena, Norfolk, Va. 1993-1996: Coast Guard cutter, Matinicus, Cape May, N.J. 1996-2002: Coast Guard Station, Mayport, Jacksonville 2002-2005: Coast Guard MSST 911-08 (antiterrorism unit), Kings Bay, Ga. 2005-2009: Coast Guard Station, Fort Pierce 2009-2011: Coast Guard cutter, Thetis, Key West 2011-2013: Coast Guard cutter, Sitkinak (engineering petty officer), Miami Retired as chief machinery technician (E-7) – November 2013 Rank and any service recognition: Four Commandant Letters of Commendation, five Coast Guard Achievement Medals, Humanitarian Service Medal; 911 Medal; two National Defense Ribbons; Meritorious unit commendation four times for operations in humanitarian service and law enforcement Water industry employer(s) and positions: City of Margate: chief utility mechanic Years in the water industry: Five years How did your military service help your water career? I was a machinery technician by trade and during my service, one of my responsibilities included the maintenance of the equipment used to produce potable water aboard ships. Other responsibilities included managing the level of potable water produced, as well as the crew members responsible for the production and the proper disposal and storage of wastewater. I ran evaporator systems that made 20,000 gallons per day while out at sea. I also worked with reverse osmosis water makers on the smaller ships. My background and training allowed me to work with Haiti’s infrastructure after the earthquake and I also volunteered in the Dominican Republic to get running water to an underprivileged school. While working at my last unit, in addition to being the engineering petty officer (responsible for all mechanical machinery and parts of the ship), I was an integral part of the task force team setting up all maintenance programs for the 110-foot island class patrol boats. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Veterans are a Valuable Resource for the Water Industry With water sector workers aging, water and wastewater utilities and government agencies are exploring how to bring veterans into the water workforce. With the anticipated retirement of many of the Baby Boomers, the water sector expects to lose 30 to 50 percent of its experienced workforce within the next 10 years. This, along with other workplace concerns, continues to be among the top issues for the water industry. Veterans, especially those recently discharged, represent a major recruiting opportunity for water and wastewater utilities. Prior military experience gives veterans an understanding of teamwork, discipline, and personal accountability that can make them excellent employees. In addition, many veterans already possess technical skills and training that are directly transferable to careers in the water industry. They have experience working in a highly regulated environment, they have shown a commitment to public service, and they’ve been trained to effectively handle stress in crisis situations. Military members are also a good fit for the water sector because of their experience working nontraditional hours.

Government Agencies Helping Veterans The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Labor (DOL) administer programs to assist veterans in their transition to civilian careers and oversee funding to pay for education and job training. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Water Environment Federation (WEF) are working with these agencies to promote water sector careers nationally. The most effective promotion takes place at the local level in the interaction between the utilities and local government program staff. With this in mind, EPA, AWWA, and WEF are working to help utilities understand the benefits of these


programs and how to work with them to recruit and train veterans for water sector careers There are many veterans, in both urban and rural locations, who are seeking employment. They can continue their public service by working to provide safe and clean water for their communities. Jobs in the industry include water and wastewater plant operators and technicians, water meter readers, pipe fitters, environmental specialists, geographic information system and other computer specialists, civil and environmental engineers, and administrative assistants and other office workers. In early August 2017, Brenda Lennox, thenAmerican Water Works Association (AWWA) president; David LaFrance, AWWA chief executive officer; Katie McCain, a former AWWA president; and other AWWA volunteers and staff met in Washington, D.C., with representatives from Soldier for Life, Marine for Life, Veterans Affairs, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Defense, to build awareness and strategies to help veterans seeking work in the water sector. The Veterans Workforce Initiative was born from this meeting.

Resources for Hiring Veterans The goal of the Veterans Workforce Initiative is to help veterans secure jobs in the water industry. Volunteers from many AWWA sections are available to network with veterans and help connect them to the water sector. Interested veterans and/or volunteers can go to veterans@awwa.org for more information. The initiative has developed toolkits for employers looking to hire veterans. The following guides could be helpful when hiring veterans: S “Employer Guide to Hiring Veterans” from the U.S. Department of Labor S “Guide to Recruiting and Hiring Veterans, National Guard Members, and Reservists: Small and Large Employers Guide” from Center for America S “Guide to Hiring Veterans” from Department of Veteran Affairs

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Knowing where to find veterans can be difficult, but there are multiple job-search sites for both employers and veterans: S Career One Stop: U.S. Department of Labor. A veteran and military transition website aids veterans in finding jobs and utilities and other water organizations in posting jobs for veterans. S Hiring Our Heroes: U.S. Chamber Foundation S Hire a Veteran: U.S. Department of Labor S Veterans Hiring Guide: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs S VA for Vets: Department of Veterans Affairs

How to Appeal to Veterans Veterans are often driven by purpose and having a mission; highlighting the goals and key components of a utility or organization will appeal to their mindset. The following can be helpful when considering and hiring veterans: S Human resources staff, recruiters, and hiring managers should be trained on how to recruit and select veterans. Without training, good intentions could fail because employers may continue to follow past or current procedures and systems that might unintentionally screen out qualified veterans. S Including a veteran on the hiring team can aid in developing procedures that will attract veterans to a company, translating military jargon on a resume, and assisting in the interview process. S Make job descriptions competency-based instead of listing years of experience. Consider work experience in lieu of a degree. S Create a veteran affinity or employee resource group to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace that’s aligned with an organization’s mission, values, goals, and objectives. More information on water sector workforce opportunities for veterans is available on the Work for Water website, www.workforwater.org, a joint project of AWWA and WEF. S

Real-Life “Rosie the Riveter” Reminisces About Her Contributions During World War II Betty Bishop I graduated from high school in Tidioute, Penn., in 1943. After waiting a couple of months until I was 18, I hopped a bus for Niagara Falls, where my high school buddy, Anne McKown, was already employed by Bell Aircraft. I immediately applied and was accepted after a couple of weeks of orientation. I was assigned to Dept. 53, where the P-39 Airacobra was assembled. I was given the job of fitting “belly cowls” to the undersection, which was done by filing, shaping, fitting, and then attaching them. I soon learned—and so did my superiors—that I wasn’t meant to be a “body man” (though I married one a few years later), and wasted more materials than I used. I remained in Dept. 53 long enough to ignore a rule regarding tools, which was to use a chuck key to remove a bit from the drill. It was easier to bump it on the catwalk (so I thought) and drove a splinter half way up my finger under the nail. This was the first time I ever passed out! I was transferred to Dept. 63, where I worked on the P-63 Kingcobra. I was the only girl on the “Landing Gear Gang,” with 21 men, but they needed me as my hand was the only one small enough to shim the struts through the small hole in the wing. Another job of mine was to bleed and secure the brakes. One-hundred-pound tanks of oxygen were used in this process; one tank slid from the dolly to my toe—and I still carry the reminder on that toe! I remained in Dept. 63 when the war began to wind down and sale of planes (to Russia) came to a halt. I was transferred to preflight where we fit armor to the entire P-39, to be used as target planes. I had acquired the nickname Bunny (I always hopped from one thing to another and have continued to do so) in preflight, where the plane was on the ground and I had to dodge several objects. Once, when going under the plane, I didn’t quite dodge an aileron, which is a hinged flight control surface that forms part of the trailing edge of each wing of a fixed-wing aircraft, and I still have a slight souvenir on my nose from that. To this day, I wear all of my scars proudly! I was 18 when I started working, but always looked a bit younger. I worked the swing shift at Bell, and once caught a bus about 3 a.m. for a weekend trip home to Tidioute. White waiting, a policeman came and questioned me about

“running away,” but I told him I was running “to” home. It took a bit of convincing, and I had to produce something from work to prove it. Once he believed me, he told me to tell my mother that he would be watching out for me. One time, my buddy Anne and I caught a ride home with a worker who lived beyond Tidioute. On the way back to Bell, the roads were icy, and that area was plenty hilly. As we approached the peak of one hill, we didn’t see (in time) a truck putting ashes on the road. The driver hit the brakes and the car flipped, winding up on the driver’s side. I could barely reach the passenger door, even by standing on the two others in the car; I finally got out and pulled them through the passenger door. The driver, Shirley, stayed to give her information to the truck driver. Anne and I hitchhiked and got a ride all the way to the Bell entrance— just in time for our shift! Movie stars and big band orchestras would stop by to “encourage” us from time to time. I remember when Kay Kyser and his band, Kollege of Musical Knowledge, came; there were several other stars who also came to entertain us. Knowing that my layoff wasn’t too far away, and that my sister (whose husband was overseas and later killed) was expecting a baby, I took a leave of absence and came to Florida to be with her. Ever since then, I have been here on and off—mostly on. I received my severance and vacation pay from Bell a few weeks after arriving in Florida. I met so many people who became good friends. I still have one friend from that era who is very special to me, and we have shared marriages, babies, grandbabies—and now great grandbabies. It’s been a wonderful experience!

Betty with Mark Todd, who flies a P-63 Kingcobra in various air shows.

Memphis Belle, a Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress used during the Second World War. Betty rode in this famous plane at the Air Show in Geneseo, N.Y.

Betty peeking from a special seat in the radio section of the Memphis Belle.

Betty Bishop’s link to the water industry is her son, Rim Bishop, who is executive director at Seacoast Utility Authority in Palm Beach Gardens and treasurer for the Florida Water Resources Journal. This story is copyrighted by the National Warplane Museum. S Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Operators: Take the CEU Challenge!

___________________________________ SUBSCRIBER NAME (please print)

Members of the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA) may earn continuing education units through the CEU Challenge! Answer the questions published on this page, based on the technical articles in this month’s issue. Circle the letter of each correct answer. There is only one correct answer to each question! Answer 80 percent of the questions on any article correctly to earn 0.1 CEU for your license. Retests are available. This month’s editorial theme is Water Treatment. Look above each set of questions to see if it is for water operators (DW), distribution system operators (DS), or wastewater operators (WW). Mail the completed page (or a photocopy) to: Florida Environmental Professionals Training, P.O. Box 33119, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 33420-3119. Enclose $15 for each set of questions you choose to answer (make checks payable to FWPCOA). You MUST be an FWPCOA member before you can submit your answers!

Earn CEUs by answering questions from previous Journal issues!

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Contact FWPCOA at membership@fwpcoa.org or at 561-840-0340. Articles from past issues can be viewed on the Journal website, www.fwrj.com.

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Ozone and Chloramines: A Proven Combination at Conventional and Lime Softening Plants

Is Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generation Your Disinfection Solution?

Localized Treatment for Reduction of Disinfection Byproducts

Nita Naik and Stephanie Bishop

(Article 3: CEU = 0.1 DW/DS)

Michael A. Zafer, William B. Dowbiggin, and David J. Prah

(Article 2: CEU = 0.1 WW/DW/DS)

(Article 1: CEU = 0.1 DW/DS)

1. In conventional plants, coagulation typically lowers pH because of the acidic characteristics of most a. turbidity. b. metal salts. c. organic color. d. polymer. 2. For decades, removal of algal-based taste and odor has been a primary benefit of a. ozone. b. copper sulfate. c. chlorine. d. chlorine dioxide. 3. Which of the following is not listed as a mechanism for reducing chlorinated disinfection byproducts? a. Reduction or elimination of free chlorine contact time b. Removal of natural organic material c. Increased system detention time d. Biologic filtration 4. Residual ozone is more stable a. at higher temperatures. b. in ground water sources. c. at lower pH. d. in the presence of higher alkalinity. 5. Which of the following is listed as a challenge associated with ozone application? a. It can increase chlorine/chloramine demand. b. It’s a weak disinfectant for viruses. c. Changes in water chemistry can potentially affect corrosion control. d. Mishandling of a hydrogen gas byproduct can cause explosions.


Chandra Mysore

1. Older onsite sodium hypochlorite generators lacking ___________ for each closed cell can overpressurize and explode. a. exhaust fans b. a cooling jacket c. passive ventilation d. flow control devices 2. Currently, the most popular replacement for chlorine gas is a. ozone. b. bulk delivery of sodium hypochlorite. c. onsite generation of sodium hypochlorite. d. chlorine dioxide. 3. Water used in onsite generation of sodium hypochlorite must be a. deionized. b. distilled. c. membrane treated. d. softened. 4. Onsite-generated sodium hypochlorite is very stable because it a. is not highly concentrated. b. is generally stored for long periods. c. has a higher pH than bulk-delivered sodium hypochlorite. d. can be supplemented with stabilizing chemicals. 5. Which of the following disinfectants poses the greatest risk of chlorate formation? a. Ozone b. Gas chlorine c. Bulk-delivered sodium hypochlorite d. Onsite-generated sodium hypochlorite

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

1. The Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule establishes a 60 ug/L locational running average limit for a. trihalomethanes. b. bromodichloroform. c. total organic carbon. d. haloacetic acids. 2. In general, the removal of trihalomethanes by air stripping is least efficient for which of the following? a. Dibromochloromethane b. Chloroform c. Bromodichloromethane d. Bromoform 3. In the case study cited, what treatment technique was applied downstream of air stripping to mitigate reformation of total trihalomethanes? a. Aeration b. Membrane treatment c. Granular activated carbon d. Chloramination 4. Typical operation of a granular activated carbon system requires ________ of empty bed contact time based on the flow rate. a. 10 minutes b. 30 minutes c. 1 hour d. 2 hours 5. An advantage of membrane treatment for removal of trihalomethane is that membranes a. permit 240,000 contact volumes before needing replacement. b. tolerate chlorine well, allowing upstream chlorination. c. do not require ventilation of stripped gas. d. eliminate the need to repump treated water.


Thank You for Your Service! Mike Darrow President, FWPCOA

Happy Veterans Day! ervice to our country and its citizens goes far back in our history. From the beginning of the American Revolution at the battles of Lexington and Concord, military veterans have given their all to protect us and pre-


serve freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is a very special issue of the Florida Water Resources Journal, celebrating the service of folks in our industry and the service they gave (and in some cases, are still giving) to our country. This is a wonderful way to celebrate their service. The membership of FWPCOA is now over 5300 members statewide. Many of these members are U.S. military veterans and I thank you all! Many are highly involved leaders of FWPCOA. Some members I know who are veterans and work very hard for the association are Tom King (Army), Walt Smyser (Navy), Ken

Enlow (Air Force), Ray Bordner (Marines), Phil Donovan (Army), and Brad Haynes (Army). I’m sure there are many others members (who I’m not aware of as I write this) who also selflessly served our nation. I thank you for your service to FWPCOA as well. Many involved members have carried this same spirit and poured it into the association and our industry, which is very commendable. The veteran spirit of public service, duty, and honor is a great core principle. Many water and wastewater professionals use some of these same principles when serving the public again in their postmilitary careers. These “silent sentinels” are on watch over many phases of our industry as they operate, repair, rebuild, analysis, coordinate, and manage the water, wastewater, and stormwater systems day and night in their professional roles. This in another highly respected role, in my opinion, of public service: treating and delivering water to serve the community.

A Little History of Veterans Day First known as Armistice Day, it was created on Nov. 11, 1919, by a proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson to honor the country’s servicemen who served during World War I. That date wouldn’t become a national holiday until a Congressional Act in 1938 made it so. It would remain a holiday for this select group of soldiers, sailors, and marines until President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill that expanded its intention to celebrate the servicemen from every American war. It would remain known as Armistice Day for the next 35 years until Congress decided to change its name to Veterans Day on June 1st, 1954. Its name has remained unchanged ever since. In 1919, President Wilson commemorated the first Armistice Day with these words: “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.” In 1778 Alexander Hamilton had spoken these words about military service:


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.”

A Special Day of Honor for All Who Served Every year, a ceremony is held at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate this holiday. During this time, the President of the United States places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and a parade of colors is presented by different organizations. Another tradition that is observed by many American cities is a holiday veterans parade that often includes bands, the marching of servicemen and women, speeches, and remembrances. I encourage you all to fly our flag at your home and the facility where you work, and try to attend a local veterans ceremony, if you can. Veterans are all round us all the time, in public service and in everyday life. My father and uncle are Army veterans; my nephew is in the Navy; and my boss, Lynn Spivey, is an Air Force veteran. Fellow operators I work with include David Stevens (Navy), Patrick Lincoln (Army), Henry Clay Bryant (Army), Tom Brown (Army), Brad Mendel (Army), and Mark Woodward (Air Force). I salute you all and thank you for the great job you do! For many Americans, Veterans Day is a great way to remember the hard work and the service these men and women made to keep the United States free. I’m proud that many of the members of our operators association have served to defend freedom. I thank each and every one of you for your service to our country and to the water and wastewater industry. God Bless America!

Indirect and Direct Potable Reuse Website Survey Results Walt Smyser, our webmaster, posted a survey on our FWPCOA website in August to look at the issue of potable reuse. This was in regard to the future water needs for our state. As you already know, water and wastewater are merging in our industry and we’re focusing on the scarcity of water, water availability, and other related issues. The survey was on both indirect potable reuse (IPR) and direct potable reuse (DPR), the “one water” concept, and general reuse of our water. Operators will be key in this new task, as they are now, in operating these facilities. A major issue is going to be the future cost of water, as compared to today, because as we move to more concentrated water sources, the cost of treating water will increase. In the near future, as

development in the state continues, the demand will far exceed the supply, which is why direct potable and indirect potable water reuse are good choices. The 2018 IPR and DPR survey was on the FWPCOA website for 60 days. We had 41 members respond to the survey, who were from different parts of the industry, with the majority of them from the wastewater side. Some highlights from the survey include: S Do you know what IPR is? 68 percent yes, 32 percent no S Do you know what DPR is? 63 percent yes, 37 percent no S Are you for using IPR and DPR in the state of Florida? 85 percent yes, 15 percent no S Should regulations use the current drinking water standards for DPR or more advanced standards? • Current drinking water standards: 63 percent • Advanced standards: 37 percent S What type of treatment license should be used to operate a DPR plant? • Dual water/wastewater treatment license: 53 percent • An endorsement on the existing license: 23 percent • A new licensed treatment class: 20 percent • Use existing single license for water/wastewater: 18 percent S Should there be a new category of treatment plant for DPR? • New treatment DPR classification: 60 percent • Use current surface water classification: 40 percent S Should regulations require IPR/DPR for highwithdrawal or high-demand usage providers? • Not required: 68 percent • Required: 32 percent S Are you looking for new training for these processes? • Yes: 53 percent • Not at this time: 47 percent I want to I thank those who took the time out of their busy schedules to answer the survey. This is the beginning of moving forward to the “one water” concept in Florida. We need to educate ourselves and be ready for this. We also need to educate the public for this future usage of water. The Public Reuse Commission is doing a great job of getting input and education from all sectors of water and the public to move this discussion forward. I applaud all involved in this effort. Thank you, and have a great Veterans Day! S

Florida Public Works Director Selected as APWA Top Ten Leader Richard Howard, P.E., CFM, public works director for City of Orlando, was recently named as a Public Works Leader of the Year by the American Public Works Association (APWA). He was one of the ten leaders selected for 2018, which marks the 57th year of the Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year awards, one of the most coveted and prestigious awards presented by APWA. This award focuses on outstanding career service achievements of individual public works professionals and officials from both the public and private sectors in North America. Each of the leaders are recognized for their accomplishments in federal, state, provincial, county, or municipal engineering or administration, including: career advancement; contribution to technology or job knowledge; commitment to the profession as evidenced by education, training, certification or registration, and continuing education; and professional excellence and service to the community in large and small municipalities. The other 2018 award recipients are: S Richard "Chip" Barrett., PWLF – Superintendent of Highways, Town of Westford, Mass. S Richard Fosse, P.E. – Faculty, University of Iowa College of Engineering, Iowa City, Iowa S Mike Frisbie, P.E. – City Engineer/Director of Transportation and Capital Improvements Department, City of San Antonio, Texas S Samuel A. (Sam) May, PWLF – City Manager, City of Margate, Fla. S Robert Mitchard – Public Works Director, Village of Algonquin, Ill. S Nan Newlon, P.E. – Director of Public Works, Village of Downers Grove, Ill. S James W. Patteson, P.E. – Director, Fairfax County Department of Publid Works and Environmental Services, Fairfax, Va. S Larry Schneider – Streets Superintendent, City of Fort Collins, Colo. S Josh Watkins, P.E. – Water Utility Manager, City of Redding, Calif. S Paul Q. Woodard, P.E. – Director of Public Works, City of Janesville, Wis. For more information about the program, go to www.apwa.net. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Awardees Honored at Fall State Short School The Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association recognized several outstanding water/wastewater professionals, utilities, and facilities during its Fall State Short School for operational excellence, service to the association, and outstanding safety records. The school was held in August at the Indian River State College in Fort Pierce.


Water Plant Operator Award of Excellence Stanley Ebanks Town of Davie

Wastewater Plant Operator Award of Excellence Alberto Montalvo City of Frostproof


Glenn Whitcomb City of Deltona (Water and Wastewater)

Jared Copland Gainesville Regional Utilities (Wastewater)

Bill Peele Town of Davie (Water)




Isabella Slagle Town of Davie

Juan Paley Miami-Dade Water and Sewer

Bradley Hayes Woodard & Curran


A. Randolph Brown City of Pompano Beach

John McGeary Town of Davie

EMORY DAWKINS AWARD Region 12 (no photo)


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal


OUTSTANDING WEBSITE AWARDS Shana Coombs and A. Randolph Brown City of Pompano Beach (I Can Water)

Woodward and Curran (Electrical) Accepted by Megan Bethea.

Shana Coombs City of Pompano Beach (utilities information page)

Chad Robinson City of Tavares (Wastewater)

SAFETY AWARDS Water Plant A N. Lee County Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant Ft. Myers (no photo)

Water Plant B Marco Island Reverse Osmosis Treatment Plant Accepted by Oscar Castellanos and Scott Edson.

Stormwater System City of Pompano Beach Accepted by Shana Coombs.

Water Plant C Mount Dora Water Treatment Plant #2 Accepted by Kristen Turner.

Reuse Plant B Northeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Davenport (no photo)

Wastewater Plant A PGA Wastewater Treatment Plant Palm Beach Gardens (no photo)

Wastewater Plant B East Water Reclamation Facility Bonita Springs Accepted by Jake Hepokoski and Derek Meyer.

Distribution System City of Stuart Accepted by Paul Davis.

Wastewater Plant C Big Cypress Wastewater Treatment Plant, Hollywood Accepted by Michael Johnson.

Collection System City of Stuart Accepted by Holwinster Alexis.

Reuse Plant C Woodward and Curran Inverness Water Reclamation Facility Accepted by Glenn Burden.

Combined Distribution and Collection City of Rockledge Accepted by Steve Blachaniec and Elon Poole.

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Ozone and Chloramines: A Proven Combination at Conventional and Lime Softening Plants Michael A. Zafer, William B. Dowbiggin, and David J. Prah igh levels of natural organic matter (NOM), hardness, and bromide present unique challenges for drinking water plants to meet more stringent disinfection and disinfection byproduct (DBP) regulations, as well as aesthetic goals. Tastes and odors (T&O) and contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs) further complicate treatment. Additionally, an increased public awareness of lead corrosion places a greater emphasis on maintaining the water quality that is going to customer taps. As such, water producers across the United States have optimized ozone and chloramine processes to address source water supplies that are challenged. Ozone (with and without biologic filtration) and chloramines have proven to be an effective combination for disinfection, T&O control, DBP control, and stability of water in distribution systems with respect to microbial regrowth and corrosion control.


Optimizing Ozone and Chloramines The evaluation and development of treatment alternatives and the optimization of ozone,

chlorine, and ammonia application begin with the following activities: S Establishing Treatment Goals: Water quality and operational goals are based on utility and customer expectations, existing and anticipated future regulations, and other drivers. Goals should also address resiliency and redundancy issues, such as production reliability requirements, daily and seasonal variability in water quality, and long-term changes to sources of supply due to development, climate change, or other influences. S Evaluating Source Water Quality: Source water quality will impact the application points, doses, and contact times for ozone, chlorine, ammonia, and other treatment chemicals. Important water quality characteristics include—but are not limited to— NOM, bromide, pH, turbidity, temperature, alkalinity, and hardness. S Identifying Plant Constraints: Available area, plant hydraulics, soils/geologic hazards, power, safety, security, and other site limitations may affect the viability of the ozone and chlorine-chloramine improvements.

Figure 1. Conventional treatment process with options for raw and settled water ozone.

Figure 2. Lime softening/clarification process with options for raw and settled water ozone.


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Michael A. Zafer, P.E., is technical strategy leader for drinking water with CDM Smith in Concord, Calif. William B. Dowbiggin, P.E., BCEE, is a senior environmental engineer with CDM Smith in Raleigh, N.C. David J. Prah, P.E., BCEE, is a senior environmental engineer with CDM Smith in Jacksonville.

S Assessing Capital and Operating Costs: Permitting, design, construction, operations, and maintenance and equipment replacement costs should be factored into process selection and optimization. Figure 1 presents a process flow diagram for a conventional treatment plant. The flow diagram depicts many of the process options available for ozone and chloramines to be added or optimized into the overall process. For example, process decisions and design criteria must be developed to optimize the treatment process with respect to: S Ozone application shown with both the raw water and/or settled water S Filtration options include granular media (conventional or biologic), pressure membranes, and submerged membranes S Postfiltration granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption and final disinfection with ultraviolet light (UV), chlorine, or chloramines (or any combination of these unit processes) S Multiple chemical application points for pH adjustment, oxidation, coagulation, stability and corrosion control, and other treatment techniques Similarly, Figure 2 presents a process flow diagram for a lime softening/clarification plant. The diagram highlights the options for applying ozone to the raw and softened/settled waters and the major process decisions and design criteria that must be developed to optimize the overall treatment process. Raw water quality data from two conventional plants and two lime softening plants are summarized in Table 1. Ozone process optimization rankings typically place the highest priority on primary disinfection, followed by control of DBPs, removal

of T&O and CECs, microbial regrowth potential, final (residual) disinfection, and corrosion. Depending on the specific treatment goals for each project, the priorities for addressing these (and potentially other) water quality objectives may change. The following paragraphs present data from the plants that explain how ozone and chloramines can be optimized to address disinfection, DBPs, T&O and CECs, microbial regrowth, residual disinfection, and corrosion.

Disinfection Ozone demand and decay are critical to primary disinfection as measured by CT products where “C” is the disinfectant concentration and “T” is the contact time for 10 percent of the flow to pass through the contactor or basin. Ozone concentration for a given water can be expressed by the following equation: C = (Co-Ci)e-Kt where: C = ozone concentration in milligrams per liter (mg/L) at time “t” Co = applied ozone dose in mg/L Ci = instantaneous ozone demand in mg/L K = ozone decay rate in minutes-1 t = time (after ozone application) in minutes

S Removing Constituents Reduces Oxidant Demand. Coagulation removes portions of NOM, metals, turbidity, and other constituents that create demands for ozone or other oxidants. This typically results in lower instantaneous demands and lower decay rates. S Reducing pH Produces More Persistent Ozone Residuals. Ozone residuals in water persist longer as pH is reduced. Coagulation will remove some of the demand-causing constituents listed previously and lower the pH (typically to 6.5 to 7.5 units) due to the acidic characteristics of most metal salts (e.g., alum, ferric chloride, ferric sulfate, etc.). The water quality change from raw to settled water will result in lower decay rates. The impacts of pH on ozone doses demand/decay in raw water and softened/settled

water are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Ozone doses of 2 mg/L were applied to waters at the ambient pH in the raw water (approximately 8 units) and the softened/settled water (approximately 9.4 units after lime addition and carbon dioxide stabilization). Additional ozone demand/decay tests were conducted with sulfuric acid added to the highalkalinity raw water and carbon dioxide added to the low-alkalinity softened/settled water. Reducing pH in both the raw and softened/settled waters produced higher, more-persistent ozone residuals, which allows plants to meet primary disinfection requirements at lower ozone doses. At lime softening plants, determining the optimal application point(s) for ozone is more complicated and less predictable than at conventional plants. This is because of competing processes and the following factors: Continued on page 32

Table 1. Summaries of raw water quality at conventional and softening plants with ozone.

At conventional plants, higher ozone doses are typically required to meet disinfection requirements in the raw water as compared to the settled water because of the following two main factors resulting from coagulation:

Figure 3. Impact of pH on raw water ozone demand/decay.water ozone.

Figure 4. Impact of pH on softened/settled water ozone demand/decay. Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Continued from page 31 S Removing Constituents Reduces Oxidant Demand. While combined clarification/softening can effectively remove calcium (hardness), metals, and turbidity, it can also be less efficient for removing NOM due to the higher pH (typically 10 to 11 units). If relatively high concentrations of NOM remain, only small reductions in instantaneous demand and decay rates may be realized. S High pH Increases Ozone Decay Rates. Lime softening typically increases the pH of the settled water to a range of approximately 10 to 11 pH units and the addition of carbon dioxide (recarbonation) may only lower the settled water pH to 8.5 to 9.5 units. The resulting ozone decay rates between raw and softened waters may vary by order of magnitude. High ozone doses may be required to meet CT goals in high pH waters to compensate for the rapid decay of residuals and corresponding short contact times.

Disinfection Byproduct Control Ozone as the primary disinfectant, coupled with chloramines as the residual disinfectant, can provide greater levels of disinfection and reduce chlorinated DBPs as compared to disinfection with free chlorine. Mechanisms for reducing chlorinated DBPs include: S Removal of NOM (DBP precursors) through oxidation and improved coagulation S Further reduction of NOM through biologic filtration S Reduction or elimination of free chlorine contact time Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids Figures 5 and 6 present trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) concentrations, respectively, for two disinfection strategies evaluated at a treatment plant. These strategies assume that the treatment plant practices combined clarification/softening, followed

Figure 5. Trihalomethane formation with chlorine-ammonia and ozone-chlorine-ammonia.

by recarbonation and filtration through biologically active carbon/sand filters: S Chlorine-Ammonia: Primary disinfection for Giardia and viruses in the biological activated carbon (BAC)/sand-filtered water with free chlorine at contact times ranging from 15 to 120 minutes. followed by ammonia addition to form monochloramine. S Ozone-Chlorine-Ammonia: Primary disinfection for Giardia in the settled/recarbonated water with ozone, followed by primary disinfection for viruses in the BAC/sand filtered water with free chlorine for viruses at a contract time of five minutes, and then followed by ammonia addition to form monochloramine. Compared to disinfection with free chlorine followed by ammonia, the optimized ozone-chlorine-chloramine process reduced THMs by approximately 75 to 87 percent, and HAAs by approximately 25 to 60 percent.

Figure 6. Haloacetic acid formation with chlorine-ammonia and ozone-chlorine-ammonia.

Figure 7. Haloacetic acid formation with chlorine-ammonia and ozone-chlorine-ammonia. Figure 8. HOBr/OBr– Equilibrium Distribution in Aqueous Solution as a Function of pH (Canada, 2016).


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Bromate The oxidation of bromide (Br−) to bromate (BrO3−) during ozonation occurs through a complex chemical process. Bromate is formed through two complex chemical pathways, as shown in Figure 7. The first pathway is through direct oxidation. Ozone reacts with bromide to form hypobromite (BrO−), which is then further oxidized by ozone to form bromate. The second pathway results from interaction of ozone with water to form hydroxyl radical (OH•), which has a higher oxidation potential than ozone. The hydroxyl radical reacts with Br− to form the bromide radical (Br•), which is then converted to bromate through further reactions with OH• or ozone (Jarvis, 2007). The pH of water during the ozonation of bromide affects the formation of bromate. As pH increases, the production of bromate also increases, as shown in Figure 8. This can be partly attributed to the increased formation of OH• radicals at high pH, due to the increased concentration of hydroxyl ions (OH−). Additionally, the HOBr/OBr− equilibrium (pKa = 8.8) plays a key role in the formation of bromate during ozonation. With an acid dissociation constant (pKa) of 8.8 at 20°C, above pH 8.8 OBr− is predominant and below pH 8.8 HOBr is predominant (Canada, 2016). In the direct pathway, ozone oxidizes OBr− to bromite (BrO2−), then bromate. Increased pH favors BrO−, the more unstable and reactive compound, in the HOBr/OBr− equilibrium (Pinkernell and Von Gunten, 2001). Additionally, at lower pH, ozone residuals are more stable; therefore, the ozone dose required to achieve disinfection credit is lower. Consequently, fewer hydroxyl radical reactions, and more direct and molecular ozone reactions, take place. For bromate control at ozone plants, several processes have been evaluated and implemented. Notable implementations include pH reduction, ammonia addition, and chloramine addition. Reducing pH to between 6 and 7 units has been effective at plants with low bromide levels (e.g., less than 0.1 mg/L) to suppress bromate formation below the primary drinking water standard of 10 µg/L; however, as bromide levels increase, pH adjustment alone may not comply with the bromate standard. This is particularly true for source waters that require high ozone doses to meet disinfection and aesthetic goals. The addition of ammonia or chloramines prior to ozone inhibits bromate production by forming bromamine and other compounds, and this prevents ozone from oxidizing the bromide (in its natural state) to bromate. Dosing chloramine at 0.5 to 1 mg/L has generally proven more effective than ammonia alone in suppressing bromate formation, potentially offer-

ing cost savings, operational advantages, and water quality benefits. Figures 9 and 10 present bromate formation data for ozone applied to raw water, and to softened/settled water, respectively. The data illustrate that applying 0.5 to 1 mg/L of chloramines before ozone application is more effective than

pH suppression or adding ammonia alone.

Contaminants of Emerging Concerns For decades, removal of algal-based T&O has been a primary benefit of ozone. In recent Continued on page 34

Figure 9. Bromate formation and control in raw water.

Figure 10. Bromate formation and control in raw water. Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Continued from page 33 years, health advocates, water suppliers, researchers, regulators, and other water industry professionals have increased focus on the removal of a wide variety of the trace contaminants found in some drinking water supplies. The contaminants include, but are not limited to, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, perchlorate, per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds, and other CECs. Ozone alone, and when combined with hydrogen peroxide, has proven effective for oxidizing many organic T&O compounds and CECs. Removal of T&O compounds and some CECs can often be enhanced when biologic filtration follows the ozone or advanced oxidation process. Figures 11 and 12 illustrate geosmin and 2methylisoborneol (MIB) removal for a conventional treatment process, with ozone applied in raw and settled water, respectively. The data are from pilot studies that spiked geosmin and MIB at concentrations of approximately 100 parts per trillion (ppt), or nanograms per liter (ng/L), into the raw water and then evaluated raw and set-

tled water ozone in parallel treatment trains. Both pilot trains included biologic filters configured with anthracite/sand and GAC/sand media configurations. For the raw water ozone process (Figure 11), ozone was applied at a dose of 3 mg/L alone and with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Three O3:H2O2 ratios (by weight) were tested: 1:1, 2:1, and 10:1. The pH of the raw water ranged from 7.4 to 7.7 units, and the ozone dose of 3 mg/L was selected to meet a primary disinfection goal of at least 1.5-logs of Giardia inactivation. Only data for the anthracite/sand filters are shown. The data indicate that raw water ozone, followed by biologic filtration, removed approximately 76 percent of the MIB and 84 percent of the geosmin. Advanced oxidation increased MIB and geosmin removals to greater than 90 percent at all the O3:H2O2 ratios tested. For the settled water ozone process (Figure 12), ozone was applied at a dose of 1.6 mg/L with no H2O2. The pH of the settled water after coagulation ranged from 6.5 to 6.8 units, and the ozone dose of 1.6 mg/L was selected to meet a

primary disinfection goal of at least 1.5-logs of Giardia inactivation. Data are shown for both anthracite/sand and GAC/sand filters operated in biologic mode. The data show approximate removals of 47 percent and 73 percent for the MIB and geosmin through the anthracite/sand filter, and approximate removals of 81 percent and 94 percent for the MIB and geosmin through the GAC/sand filter. The GAC was approximately six months old, so improved removal of the T&O compounds through the GAC/sand filter may be attributed to adsorption. When comparing the effectiveness of ozone applied to the raw water versus the settled water, the data indicate that the combination of higher pH and a higher ozone dose at the raw water provided better removal of MIB and geosmin than the lower pH and lower ozone dose at the settled water. This trend has been observed during several treatment studies and at several plants.

Microbial Regrowth and Corrosion Control While ozone and chloramines are an effective combination to meet objectives for disinfection, DBPs, T&O, and other water quality objectives, these treatment techniques can also present potential challenges. Ozone, whether applied to the raw and/or settled water, can: S Increase food sources for bacteria as measured by assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and biodegradable organic carbon (BDOC) S Produce oxidation byproducts such as aldehydes and glyoxal acids S Increase chlorine and/or chloramine demand

Figure 11. 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin removal with raw water ozone (3 mg/L) and hydrogen peroxide.

Figure 12. 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin removal with settled water ozone (1.6 mg/L).


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Although chloramines are more persistent as a final disinfectant in distribution systems as compared to free chlorine, chloramines can also present potential challenges, such as: S Serving as a weak disinfectant for viruses and requiring longer contact time to inactivate bacteria S Introducing ammonia, a potential food source for nitrifying bacteria, to the distribution system S The potential for chlorinous odors if the chlorine to ammonia ratio is not optimized S Changes in water chemistry can potentially affect corrosion control The degrees to which these potential challenges are realized are highly site-specific and can depend on factors such as raw water and treated water characteristics; treatment processes and practices; and distribution system size, materials, and operations.

Microbial Regrowth Biologic filtration can provide multiple benefits with respect to enhancing water quality prior to final disinfection and distribution. These benefits include: S Improved removal of TOC and NOM (DBP precursors) S Reduced levels of AOC and BDOC S Biodegradation of T&O compounds and other trace organics A comparison of how microbial regrowth potential changes through the raw water and settled water ozone processes is presented in Figure 13. The AOC samples were collected from the raw water, after raw and settled water ozone, and after biologic filtration through anthracite/sand and GAC/sand filters. Raw water AOC levels ranged from approximately 100 to 400 µg/L as acetate-C. The averages of all the AOC samples collected at each location over three months of testing are presented. Ozone doses ranged from 2.3 to 3.2 mg/L at the raw water and 0.9 to 1.2 mg/L at the settled water. In all cases, increases in AOC were observed after ozone was applied, and these increases in AOC were generally limited to less than an order of magnitude (i.e., less than a 10fold increase). Similar trends in reductions in AOC were observed through the biologic filters where the final AOC levels returned to levels similar to, or in many cases, slightly less than the levels measured in the raw water. It’s important to understand that not all drinking water systems that apply ozone and chloramines require biologic filtration. Ozone and chloramines without biologic filtration have been successfully implemented at unfiltered systems, conventional plants with membrane filtration, and lime softening plants with media filtration. Corrosion Control Because ozone residuals in water dissipate (or are quenched) within treatment plants, the direct impacts of ozone on corrosion control in distribution systems are small. With that said, the cumulative changes in pH, TOC, alkalinity, hardness, final disinfectant type and residual concentration, and other water quality characteristics can impact corrosion control. These variables must be understood, studied, and optimized to develop and implement effective corrosion control strategies if ozone is to be part of a new treatment plant or is to be incorporated into an existing plant. Changing the residual disinfectant from free chlorine to chloramines presents additional variables that require evaluation and optimization to avoid unexpected conditions. The con-

Figure 13. Assimilable organic carbon profiles for raw and settled water ozone.

sequences of not anticipating and addressing changes in distribution water quality can lead to: S Formation or destruction of biofilms and protective scaling on pipe walls S Losses of disinfectant residuals S Microbial regrowth and/or microbial induced corrosion S Changes in pH and speciation of DBPs S Corrosion of piping and release of metals such as iron, manganese, lead, and copper S Aesthetic problems such as turbidity and T&O These and other consequences can be avoided through the development and implementation of an optimized corrosion control strategy.

Conclusion Ozone and chloramines have proven to be an effective combination to meet objectives for disinfection, DBPs, T&O and CECs, microbial regrowth, and corrosion control. This is especially true for source waters with high levels of organic DBP precursors, high bromide, and elevated levels of pathogens that require increased disinfection. Important lessons learned regarding ozone and chloramines include the following: S NOM, pH, and temperature directly impact ozone demand/decay, and dose requirements for disinfection. Turbidity, metals and other constituents also affect ozone demand and decay, but to a lesser degree. S Plant hydraulics, site constraints, operations and maintenance (O&M), and costs should be factored into the selection of the optimal ozone application point(s), along with the water quality considerations. There are tradeoffs and these decisions are not always clear.

S Stabilizing raw water pH (with mineral acids or carbon dioxide) can lower ozone requirements for disinfection by producing more stable and persistent residuals. S Ozone can improve coagulation by reducing coagulant doses and produce lower settled water turbidity when compared to no or other oxidants. S Ozone can improve filtered water turbidity and particle removal, facilitate higher filter loading rates, reduce headloss accumulation, and increase run lengths between backwashes (compared to no or other oxidants). S Biologic filtration can enhance water quality, but it’s not always necessary if raw water quality is good and the distribution system does not have excessive water age, dead ends, high temperatures, or other adverse conditions. S Comprehensive evaluation of both the apparent and subtle changes in water quality resulting from ozone, biologic filtration, or chloramines must be addressed to develop and implement an effective corrosion control strategy. Water producers across the U.S. have optimized ozone and chloramine processes to address source water supplies that are challenged. High levels of NOM, hardness, and bromide present unique challenges for drinking water plants trying to meet more stringent disinfection and DBP regulations, as well as aesthetic goals. The T&O and CECs further complicate treatment. As such, implementing the optimal ozone and chloramine treatment techniques at conventional and lime softening plants requires a comprehensive approach in order to address water quality, constructability, O&M, and safety considerations. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


AWWA Section Services provides sections with content for their publications. These articles contain brand new information and will cover a variety of topics.

Does Cybersecurity Matter? It’s not a matter of if but rather a matter of when a water utility will be impacted by a cyber incident as no water utility is immune from this threat Kevin M. Morley So does size matter? The glib answer is of course it matters. The reality is that all water systems of any size now have virtual footprints that far exceed their physical perimeter. Cybersecurity is more than just ensuring that the customer service, accounting, and human resources folks protect personally identifiable information (PII) and conform to HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) rules. It goes well beyond keeping your desktop or laptop operating systems updated with the latest patches from Microsoft or Apple. The growth in the Internet of Things (IoT), or more specifically, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has led to greater efficiency in leveraging data to optimize utility operations and processes. This includes all of the employees with smartphones, iPads, Kindles, and laptops that IIoT allows to remotely access, monitor, and manage the system. Included

here are folks with personal devices that may ride along or otherwise “touch” a utility network, such as charging via a seemingly innocent USB cable or plugging in a memory stick from an unknown source.

for cybercriminals. Ransomware is the most frequent and simplest attack, which basically blocks an owner from accessing various files and demands payment for recovery (rarely are those files returned). This type of attack is rampant, as represented in the graphic.

All Water Systems Have People Most, if not all, utility employees have computers that support some level of internet connectivity for business purposes, like email. This may or may not include the computer that runs supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). Most of these employees also have smartphones or similar devices that may or may not be provided by the utility. Everyone is at risk of clicking on something that has a virus. Think about those emails from “friends” that say, “Here’s something you need to see: www.dontlook.com” or those emails from a longlost relative who only needs a little bit of help. As a result, this can expose a utility’s business and operating system to bad actors, which can have a significant financial or operational impact. “Bad actor” is a term used

Operating Systems Aren’t Consistently Maintained or Patched A large percentage of successful attacks, across all sectors, have exploited vulnerabilities that have had mitigation patches available for decades. The only way to know that things are in good shape is to determine what controls are in place relative to what should be in place to protect a utility’s systems, especially process control systems. Resources such as the use-case tool developed by AWWA provide a utility with a clear set of prioritized controls that, if implemented, can mitigate the risks associated with cyberthreats. This does not mean the utility will not be targeted, but it does help lower the likelihood that a hacker will be successful. This is a classic case of open versus closed—the more “doors” that are left open and unsecured, the greater the access and opportunity for bad actors.

Nobody knows “ABC” Water

(Source: Verizon, 2017. Data Breach Investigations Report, http://www.verizonenterprise.com/verizon-insights-lab/dbir/2017/)


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

It’s reasonable for one to think that a large city’s water utility is a more attractive target when compared with Smallville’s utility. That concept does not work in cyberspace; while some attacks are targeted, many others are very opportunistic. In a few clicks and strokes of the keyboard, a hacker can distribute millions of emails to propagate their malware. In addition, consider that many control systems were installed before cybersecurity was something to even worry about. As a result, many utilities may not realize that portions of their system have publicly facing internet protocol (IP) addresses that are easily targeted by bad actors using sources like SHODAN, a library of sorts for devices connected to the internet.

Even if your information technology staff or vendor says you’re not connected to the internet, verify that this exposure pathway is indeed closed. In this case, the size of the utility hosting a publicly facing device is completely irrelevant and unknown to the prospective exploiter. If these devices are important to your operations, protect them and manage them accordingly, using the recommended controls. That begins with securing these devices and turning on the security settings many devices already have in place, rather than using default settings that anyone can look up online. The bottom line: cybersecurity matters. The size of your utility does not matter when it comes to cybersecurity. If a system is critical to your utility’s operations, you’ll need to implement controls to manage its cyber-risk. I suspect all your systems are critical; otherwise they never would have been installed, so get on it before it’s too late. Kevin M. Morley, Ph.D., is AWWA’s manager of federal relations. He can be contacted at kmorley@awwa.org. S

Displaying the award (left to right) are Scott Becker, Jake Hepokoski, and Kenny Farmer.

Bonita Springs Utilities Honored With Safety Award Bonita Springs Utilities Inc. (BSU) received a 2017 Safety Award from the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association for its outstanding safety record at the East Water Reclamation Facility. It was previously recognized with this award in 2013. “We are proud to have our operations staff ’s hard work and performance recognized through this award,” said John R. Jenkins, BSU executive director. “The entire department is dedicated to operating BSU’s water reclamation facilities with a safety-first approach.” Completed in 2007, the East Water Reclamation Facility uses advanced membrane-bioreactor technology to recycle wastewater for public irrigation and biosolids for use in fertilizer. A system of centrifuges and dryers pulls virtually all the moisture from the sludge, rather than hauling and spreading it on rural lands. This results in no sludge hauling costs, less environmental impacts to waterways, and a modest income source for the utility. A not-for-profit water and wastewater utility cooperative, BSU was founded by local citizens in 1970. The member-owned utility provides service to City of Bonita Springs, Village of Estero, and unincorporated South Lee County. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


LET’S TALK SAFETY This column addresses safety issues of interest to water and wastewater personnel, and will appear monthly in the magazine. The Journal is also interested in receiving any articles on the subject of safety that it can share with readers in the “Spotlight on Safety” column.

Lockout/Tagout: Water Under Pressure Poses Danger to Utility Workers ire hydrants are not just for fire protection. Water utilities use them to flush water mains, control pressure when working on mains, and supply potable water service in bypass situations. But when is it necessary to tag an open fire hydrant as being out of service?


A hydrant requires a visible notice when it is broken or when it is open and unattended. Lockout/tagout is one of the most important safety procedures that water operators and other workers need to know. Needless injuries and deaths happen year after year, either because lockout/tagout was improperly performed, or because it was not communicated to all parties who should have been notified. Verbal notifications are never sufficient and here’s an example of why. Several water utility employees were hurt recently—two seriously— when a firefighter unknowingly closed an untagged hydrant. The hydrant had been left open to relieve pressure while work was done on some valves in a nearby excavation pit. Two valves had been closed to isolate a section of the main so water department employees could cut and plug a 4-inch service branch. They opened a hydrant to prevent pressure buildup in the isolated main. Via telephone, they notified the fire department that the hydrant would be out of service until further notice—but they failed to attach an outof-service tag to the hydrant. At about the same time, a nearby homeowner noticed water running from a hydrant and reported the leak to the fire department. A firefighter went to the site and saw a small stream of water running from the hydrant—so he closed it! He did not see the water department crews working in the nearby pit. The water department employees working in the pit had just replaced the fittings on the end of the pipe and were

collecting their tools when the increasing water pressure blew off the push-on fittings with a high-velocity blast of water. One worker escaped with only minor injuries, but two others suffered broken bones, lacerations, and multiple injuries to the head, neck, back, and legs. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited and fined the water department for violating the standard for controlling hazardous energy through lockout/tagout. Subsequently, the department was required to create a job-hazard analysis for cutting and capping pipes and to develop an effective method of lockout/tagout to warn when a hydrant is out of service. The water department’s solution was to purchase orange out-of-service bags that cover hydrants whenever a main is being isolated and a hydrant is opened to release pressure. The utility also met with the local fire agencies to demonstrate the bags and explain their purpose to the fire crews. Water under pressure is defined by OSHA as a hazardous energy and requires “employers to establish a program and utilize procedures for affixing appropriate lockout or tagout devices to energy-isolating devices, such as hydrants, and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energization, start-up, or release of stored energy in order to prevent injury to employees.”

Utilities need to establish programs to teach employees about the dangers of water under pressure and to explain when a lockout/tagout device must be used. Employers are also required to train all workers to ensure that they know, understand, and are able to follow the applicable provisions of the hazardous energy control procedures: S Proper lockout/tagout practices and procedures safeguard workers from the release of hazardous energy. The OSHA standard, The Control of Hazardous Energy: Lockout/Tagout (29 CFR 1910.147), used for general industry, outlines specific actions and procedures for addressing and controlling hazardous energy during servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment. Workers must be trained in the purpose and function of the energy control program and have the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of the energy control devices. S All employees who work in an area where energy control procedures are utilized need to be instructed in the purpose and use of the procedures, especially prohibition against attempting to restart or reenergize machines or other equipment that are locked or tagged out. S All employees who are authorized to run lockout machines or equipment and perform the necessary service and maintenance operations need to be trained in recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources in the workplace, the type and magnitude of energy found in the workplace, and the means and methods of isolating and/or controlling the energy. S Specific procedures and limitations relating to tagout systems where they are allowed need to be provided. S When necessary, all employees should be retrained to maintain proficiency or learn new or changed control methods. For more information go to the OSHA website at www.osha.gov. S

The 2017 Let's Talk Safety is available from AWWA; visit www.awwa.org or call 800.926.7337. Get 40 percent off the list price or 10 percent off the member price by using promo code SAFETY17. The code is good for the 2017 Let's Talk Safety book, dual disc set, and book + CD set.


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

FWPCOA TRAINING CALENDAR SCHEDULE YOUR CLASS TODAY! November 5-8 ....Backflow Tester ......................................Osteen ............$375/405 12-14 ....Backflow Repair* ..................................St Petersburg ..$275/305 16 ....Backflow Tester Recerts*** ..................Osteen ............$85/115

December 10-14 ....Water Distribution Level 3 ..................Osteen ..........$225/255

UPCOMING 2019 CLASSES January 14-18 ....Wastewater Collection C ......................Pembroke Pines$225/255 14-18 ....Stormwater C ........................................Osteen ............$260/290 25 ....Backflow Tester Recerts*** ..................Osteen ............$85/115



4-8 ....Water Distribution Level 3 ..................Osteen ............$225/255 4-8 ....Reclaimed Water Distribution C ..........Osteen ............$225/255 18-21 ....Backflow Tester ......................................Osteen ............$375/405 22 ....Backflow Tester Recerts*** ..................Osteen ............$85/115

March 18-22 ....SPRING STATE SCHOOL ........................Ft. Pierce Course registration forms are available at http://www.fwpcoa.org/forms.asp. For additional information on these courses or other training programs offered by the FWPCOA, please contact the FW&PCOA Training Office at (321) 383-9690 or training@fwpcoa.org. * Backflow recertification is also available the last day of Backflow Tester or Backflow Repair Classes with the exception of Deltona ** Evening classes

You are required to have your own calculator at state short schools and most other courses.

*** any retest given also Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



A Legacy of Leadership Bill Young Chair, FSAWWA

ver since I began my involvement with the Florida Section of AWWA, back in the 1990s, I have been impressed by the professionalism and commitment of our leadership. It has always stood out to me that the section has been fortunate to be led by dedicated chairs who take very proactive roles in its growth and success. Never falling back into the passive “figurehead” trap, it’s this active leadership approach that has set us apart from many similar organizations. The first section chairs I met were Bob Bailey and Luis Aguiar. Both were “on the road” looking for new members and aggressively trying to expand the services, and the customers, of the modest Florida Section. As the years rolled by and Region II began to develop, I have worked under the leadership of many enthusiastic and visionary chairs. In the early 2000s,


Larry Ruffin, Jeff Nash, Glenn Yaney, Rob Teegarden, Jackie Torbert, and Matt Alvarez, among others, were particularly encouraging and supportive of my increased commitment and participation in our section. Over the past 10 years, all of the section chairs I’ve met have played major roles in my personal advancement and in the tremendous growth of our section. I am continuously impressed with the knowledge, commitment, and dedication of these volunteers. Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that these chairs continue to work toward our success far after their terms are over. In 2008, under Matt Alvarez’s term as chair, our section held its first “Past Chairs Summit” in Orlando. This annual event has grown in attendance through the years and clearly illustrates the value we put on the knowledge and experience of all of our past chairs. It also says a lot about the commitment and loyalty of our past leaders. They sincerely care about the success and direction of the section they helped build and we are very fortunate that these men and women are not content to fade away. With the helpful and professional coordination of our executive director and her staff, the summit has grown in both participation and

Peter Robinson (left, with his wife, Carmen) was section chair in 1996-97, and Robert Claudy (with wife, Annie) served in 1987-88.

Former section chairs (left to right): Tim Brodeur, who served in 1986-87, and Jack Smith, who served in 1985-86 (deceased).


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

value over the past few years. These meetings typically start with networking opportunities and “tale spinning,” followed by a half-day business meeting, This is where we update the past chairs on current issues and strategies and then open up the discussion to hear from them about what we’re doing well and where we might be missing opportunities to improve and to better deliver services to our membership. In just the past two years we have had the honor of hosting 27 past chairs, and every year they have offered very valuable and constructive perspectives on the section’s direction. One recommendation in particular that has been adopted is an in-depth examination of our goals for the Roy Likins Scholarship. This fund, which truly originated with these past leaders, remains very important to them, and because of that personal investment we have committed to the development of an updated long-term strategy. Our section has grown into a model of success. I believe we should all be extremely proud that our organization actually seeks out and values the contributions of our past leaders. They not only built this section—they still contribute to its continuous improvement and successful organizational development. We are fortunate indeed! S

Charles Hogue (with wife, Eloise) was chair of the section in 1982-83.

Curtis Stanton (deceased) was section chair in 1960-61.

Dr. J. Edward Singley (left; deceased) was section chair in 1976-77 and AWWA president in 1994. Bevin A. Beaudet (right) served as section chair in 1990-91 and as president of AWWA in 1997.

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Excellence in Operation and Design in Water Infrastructure Honored The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has announced the 2018 Operational and Design Excellence Awards recipients for operational and design excellence. These awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the water environment profession. “The Water Environment Federation is extremely proud to honor these examples of top-of-industry excellence in operations and design,” said Eileen O’Neill, WEF executive director. The 2018 recipients are: Collection Systems Award: James A. Hewitt This award is presented to an individual for contributions to the advancement of state-ofthe-art wastewater collection. James A. Hewitt has devoted 30 years to making significant improvements to the collection system in Akron, Ohio, and has provided industry leadership at the local, state, and national levels. He has been a constant environmental steward for the state of Ohio and exudes passion for the work and mission of the water sector. As Akron's city engineer, Hewitt has played an integral role in award-winning projects, and under his leadership, the city’s engineering department is responsible for the design and construction of $1.4 billion in system improvements to meet a consent decree. Innovative Technology Award: SimuWorks OpTool™: Hydromantis Environmental Software Solutions Inc. This award recognizes WEF associate members who have introduced new innovative products or services related to the construction, operation, or maintenance of treatment facilities. The SimuWorks-OpTool™ trains operations staff to run a facility and allows users to learn without impacting the environment. This technology eases the training gap that exists when plants undergo major infrastructure changes or large equipment purchases. Morgan Operational Solutions Award This award is named in honor of Philip F. Morgan, who served with distinction as professor of sanitary engineering at the State University of


Iowa from 1948-1961. This award recognizes valuable contributions to the in-facility study and solution of operational problems. • City of Boise Lander Street Water Renewal Facility Operations and Process Coordination Team Faced with upgrading its treatment plant to meet increased effluent phosphorus limits, city staff modified the aeration basin flow patterns to achieve Bio-P removal, shut down phosphorus-reducing chemical addition, set up air addition by hand without the use of automated valving, and converted a primary clarifier to be used as a fermenter. Because of the bold move from chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) to Bio-P without major plant capital improvement upgrades, the city achieved the new standards. • Jeffery Mahagan, Town of Hillsborough, N.C. Faced with upgrading its treatment plant to meet increased effluent nitrogen standards, the town developed and modified an in-house computer model to determine how to modify existing reactor zones. The town made the reactor modifications in-house without a major capital improvement project, and flow-paced feed pumps to maintain a specific detention time. The town achieved the new standards without a supplemental carbon source addition and avoided major plant upgrades. Project Excellence Award This award pays tribute to excellence and innovation in the execution of projects and programs in the water sector. • Central Pasco County Beneficial Water Reuse Project: 4G Ranch Wetlands Awardees: Pasco County, Fla., Southwest Florida Water Management District, and Jacobs/CH2M Pasco County Utilities and Southwest Florida Water Management District recently completed the award-winning Central Pasco County Beneficial Water Reuse Project, known as 4G Wetlands. This innovative, multifunctional project addresses decades-long

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

concerns regarding groundwater drawdowns in areas affected by public water supply wellfields in southwest Florida and are an important addition to the Pasco County master reuse system. The wetlands add a beneficial capability to an already very flexible reuse system and successfully demonstrate an example of a public-private partnership. • The McCook Reservoir Awardee: Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago The McCook Reservoir Stage 1 was formally unveiled to provide flood and pollution control to 3.1 million people in the Chicago area. The McCook Reservoir is part of the tunnel and reservoir plan (TARP), which is the Chicago area’s plan for cost-effectively complying with federal and state water quality standards. Its main goals are to protect Lake Michigan—the region’s drinking water supply—from raw sewage pollution, improve water quality of area rivers and streams, and provide an outlet for floodwaters to reduce street and basement sewage backup flooding. WEF Safety Award City of Garland (Texas) Wastewater Treatment Department This award is presented annually to an industry, municipality, organization, utility, or other entity engaged in the protection of the water environment to recognize the success of its efforts to promote safety and educate the water industry. The Garland Wastewater Treatment Department is dedicated to protecting the waters of Texas, while staff strives to ensure a safe and productive work environment. Employees participate in rigorous safety training programs, and the city’s Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant hasn’t had an injury resulting in lost time from work in more than three years. These awards were presented this year during WEF’s 91st Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, held September 29 to October 3 in New Orleans. For more information about the awards, visit https://www.wef.org/awards. S

FDEP Presents Awards for Operations Excellence The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) recently presented 2017 Plant Operations Excellence Awards to five northwest Florida utilities for their commitment to operational excellence. Three drinking water and two domestic wastewater facilities were honored during the annual “Focus on Change� seminar, which is sponsored by FDEP and the Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA). The drinking water facility award recipients were: S Naval Air StationWhiting Field S Destin Water Users Inc. S Bay County Water Treatment Plant The wastewater facility recipients were: S Military Point Regional Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility S Rivercamps on Crooked Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant "On behalf of FDEP and the state of Florida, I am proud to recognize these five

facilities for their commitment to operational excellence," said Michael Fuller, administrator of the Panama City branch office of FDEP's northwest district. "We are fortunate to have such outstanding community partners working alongside us, safeguarding Florida's natural resources and ensuring clean and dependable water for our residents."

Each year, FDEP presents awards to domestic wastewater and drinking water facilities around the state that demonstrate excellence in operation, maintenance, innovative treatment, waste reduction, pollution prevention, recycling, or other achievements. The awards recognize facilities that demonstrate a special commitment to excellence in management and have an impeccable history of recordkeeping compliance. This year the department gave awards to 14 facilities in all, including six domestic wastewater facilities and eight drinking water facilities statewide. The other awards are being presented at district ceremonies during seminars in Punta Gorda, Ocala, Pompano Beach, Lake City, and Haines City. This is the 28th year that FRWA has conducted the seminar with FDEP, which provides current regulatory information to utilities in order to improve compliance. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Accolades for a Water and Wastewater Industry Veteran Kristiana S. Dragash, P.E. President, FWEA ith all of the recognition this month of veterans from the United States armed services, I couldn’t help but throw in some recognition for one of my favorite mentors who is a water/wastewater industry veteran and a positive influence on the careers of so many engineers. Julie Karleskint, of Hazen and Sawyer, took me under her wing from the start of my career. Julie went to school when there weren’t many women entering the field of engineering. She attended the University of Oklahoma, receiving her bachelor of science degree in environmental science; the University of Kansas for her bachelor of science in civil engineering; and Oklahoma State University for her master of science in environmental engineering. Julie is one of the


women who paved the way for females in this industry today. Julie worked in the regulatory division at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and had short stints with Missouri Department of Natural Resources and as a contract employee with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the National Surface Water Survey. She also spent time in the public sector working for Avatar Utilities and its subsidiary, Florida Cities Water Company (FCWC). There, she initially worked for Avatar as an environmental auditor for all of its utilities, including those in Florida, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, and was later promoted to operations manager of FCWC, which owned and operated utilities throughout Florida. The company was sold to Florida Governmental Utility Agency (FGUA) in 1999. Julie went into consulting after that in 1999, initially working for Parsons Infrastructure and Technology, then went to Boyle Engineering in 2001, and has worked with Hazen and Sawyer since 2006.

Pictured after the FWEA luncheon at the 2014 Florida Water Resources Conference are (left to right): Greg Kolb, Julie Karleskint, and Kristiana Dragash.


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Julie became involved in FWEA shortly after moving to Florida in 1989. She joined WEF in 1987 and was active with the Kansas Chapter prior to moving to Florida. She became active in FWEA to meet others in the field and keep updated on issues that impact Florida, since she wasn’t in Kansas anymore! She initially served on the Public Education Committee and later became its chair, followed by being vice chair and later chair for the West Coast Chapter. She later served on the FWEA board of directors as a director at large, and then as a mentor. Julie’s favorite part of being in FWEA is very similar to my own. She says that she enjoys, “the relationships I have developed over the years as an FWEA member and the opportunities to promote what I care about: creating a cleaner, safer environment through seminars, teacher workshops, adopt-a-school programs, classroom presentations, and at the Florida Water Resources Conference and the Water Environment Federation Technical and Exhibition Conference.” I could not agree with her more on that. She also added some advice for any young engineers starting their careers: “Get involved and do your best to do your part to make this world and its environment a little bit better, and cleaner, than it is today.” Though Julie and I work at competing consulting firms, I have never felt like she was a competitor at all. Throughout my career she has kept my best interest at heart when giving me advice and has always been eager and happy to help in any way that she can. To hear how she talks about the clients that she serves is nothing short of inspiring. No matter how tired or busy she is, you can hear the passion spilling out of her for safe, quality water and the environment. She cares so much. I aspire to have a long and successful career in the industry like hers, and to lift up as many others along the way, as she has done . S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Kenneth (Ken) Enlow

Veolia North America, Tampa Bay Water Surface Water Treatment Plant Tampa Work title and years of service. I am currently the project manager for the Tampa Bay Water Surface Water Treatment Plant. I have 48 years of service in the water industry. I began my carrier in water treatment when I entered the U.S. Air Force in October 1970 and stepped foot in my first water treatment plant in December 1970 as a water and wastewater purification maintenance technician. I was discharged from the Air Force in April 10, 1974, and begin my service working for the City of Tampa Water Department on April 20,

1974, at the David L. Tippin Water Treatment Plant. Besides plant operations, my duties there included operating the raw and finished water pumping station, utilizing steam turbines for both high- and low-service pumping. I became a first class stationary engineer and used this experience later on to join the U.S. Navy Reserves as a boiler technician. I obtained my Class A drinking water license during my 18-year tenure with the City of Tampa and moved on to work for the City of St. Petersburg’s Cosme Water Treatment Plant as the chief operator in 1992. In 2002 I left the City of St. Petersburg Water Department and become the operations manager for Veolia North America (Formally U.S. Filter Operating Services) at the Tampa Bay Water Surface Water Treatment Plant. I was promoted to assistant project manager when the plant was expanded to 120 mgd in 2010 and promoted to my current position of project manager in July 2017. What does your job entail? In my current job I’m responsible for the overall operation, which includes operations, maintenance solids, and laboratory. I also have two satellite projects I’m responsible for: a maintenance and monitoring project for the 15.5-bil-gal C.W. Bill Young Reservoir, and a

maintenance project for the S.K. Keller H2S removal plant. I have a staff of 30 people. What education and training have you had? I am a high school graduate. I have two associates degrees, which I earned utilizing my military veteran benefits: an associate of arts in preliberal arts and an associate of science in occupational safety and health. What do you like best about your job? I believe that my job as a water treatment operator is the most important one of all. We are always there providing water to the public for drinking, utility, and play. What professional organizations do you belong to? I’m a life member of FWPCOA (I currently serve as vice president) and a member of FSAWWA. How have the organizations helped your career? Professional organizations have helped me lay the foundation for my career by providing education, technology, and innovation. Professional organizations are an excellent way to network and maintain a connection to the heartbeat of our industry. What do you like best about the industry? As a water plant operator, I stand with other professionals in this field to prevent the spread of disease. The water treatment profession could not be more necessary. I believe that water purification and disinfection is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Even today there are people dying from waterborne diseases that could be prevented simply by adding some chlorine to the water. What do you do when you’re not working? I like to ride my motorcycle when the weather is right and play video games S when the weather is wrong.

Ken out with his bike.

Scholarships Available for Utility Staff to Share Innovations of Interest With Other Utilities Scholarships are available for water and wastewater utility personnel to visit other utilities with innovations of interest. The exchange, supported by the Water Research Foundation, Water Environment Federation, and National Association of Clean Water Agencies, provides an effective way for utilities to learn about, gain confidence in, and adopt new technologies and approaches more quickly. The scholarships are administered through the Leaders Innovation Forum for Technology (LIFT), and are known as the Scholarship Exchange Experience for Innovation & Technology (SEE IT). As water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) are transforming themselves into utilities of the future and becoming drivers of resource recovery, economic growth, and improved environmental performance, the implementation of innovative technologies, processes, and approaches is essential. These schol-

arships enable staff to visit and see innovations in action at peer facilities. Utility representatives interested in investigating a new technology or learning about an innovative approach at another facility are encouraged to submit an application. If selected, the sponsoring organizations will provide travel support for the personnel to visit the utility that

is implementing the technology or innovation of interest. In 2018, the scholarships helped fund 28 staff members from 10 utilities to travel and see technologies in person. Candidates may apply to visit innovations that include new technologies and processes, but also novel approaches to service, operations, and finance. The LIFT SEE IT is part of a broader clean water sector effort to help provide the tools and resources necessary to help utilities transform their facilities into leading actors in the world of wastewater, drinking water, stormwater, and water reuse. The LIFT has identified 12 technology focus areas as priorities, although applicants are not necessarily limited to these topics. Scholarship recipients will be required to record and share their experiences with peer utilities and others. The LIFT SEE IT application is available at www.werf.org/lift. Applications are due Dec. 14, 2018. S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Is Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generation Your Disinfection Solution? Nita Naik and Stephanie Bishop hlorine is the most commonly used disinfection method in water and wastewater treatment plants. Chlorination was first used in the early 1900s, and alternative chlorination methods include the use of chlorine gas, commercial bulk sodium hypochlorite, and onsite generation of sodium hypochlorite (Figure 1). Onsite sodium hypochlorite generators (OSHG) were introduced to the water treatment industry in the 1970s. In 2007-2008, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Disinfection Systems Committee conducted a user survey of drinking water disinfection practices. The disinfection practices surveyed included chlorination in the three forms


mentioned, along with other disinfection practices, like chloramine, chlorine dioxide, ultraviolet light, and ozone. As reported in the 2008 survey, 62 percent used chlorine gas, 30 percent used bulk sodium hypochlorite, and 8 percent used OSHG. Although initially not widely embraced, recent advances in OSHG technology and increased safety concerns of chlorine gas have made OSHG a viable option for both water and wastewater treatment facilities. Since the AWWA survey, 29 percent of users switched from chlorine gas to bulk sodium hypochlorite. Although bulk delivery was the most popular replacement for chlorine gas, OSHG appears to have gained popularity among users.

Figure 1. Alternative Chlorination Methods

Nita Naik, P.E., ENV SP, is a project engineer and Stephanie Bishop, P.E., is a senior project environmental engineer with Arcadis U.S. Inc. in Tampa.

Chlorine Gas Traditional chlorine gas is an effective disinfectant and is shipped and stored in pressure vessels as a liquefied gas under pressure. Typical chlorine gas vessels are transported in 150-lb cylinders, ton containers, and rail car tanks. Gaseous chlorine is injected in solution by using a vacuum-operated gas regulator and flow control valve. The venturitype injector helps generate the necessary vacuum. Chlorine gas has been used in the water treatment industry for over 100 years, but recently, regulations have increased concerning the safe handling of gaseous chlorine. New chlorine gas systems (Figure 2) have several safety features to minimize risks by providing storage in an enclosed facility equipped with gas scrubbers and connected to an emergency ventilation system. Operational changes have also been introduced, like disconnection of chlorine vessels from withdrawal piping manifolds, and loading and unloading of containers from delivery trucks that must be performed by at least two operators wearing safety equipment. But even with these safety features, there are risks. The delivery trucks transporting the cylinders through residential commercial areas can pose a high risk if the truck is involved in an accident, which could cause large-scale toxicrelease incidents (Figure 3). Risk management and added insurance requirements add to the total operating costs.

Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite:

Figure 2. Chlorine Gas Delivery System (Source: U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board)


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Between 12.5 and 15 percent solution of commercial sodium hypochlorite is delivered by tanker trucks (Figure 4). Storage container sizes largely vary and are available to meet site-specific requirements. Dosing is accomplished by means of a chemical metering pump and/or a liquid vacuum injection device, similar to those used in chlorine gas dosing systems. Bulk sodium hypochlorite is probably the easiest to

Figure 3. 2005 Train Crash in Graniteville, S.C.

transport in terms of operational procedures and normal day-to-day operational requirements are minimal. Per the AWWA Disinfection Systems Committee survey report, utilities utilizing bulk sodium hypochlorite have more than doubled. Although use of bulk hypochlorite appears to be hassle-free, it has some drawbacks. Bulk hypochlorite is currently cheap at less than $1/gal, but future price fluctuations may occur. Historical pricing fluctuations have been observed and are shown in Figure 5. Temperature and storage duration affects the concentration of the solution, and temperature rise also increases the formation of chlorate, which is a byproduct of degradation. The speed of degradation also correlates to concentration, and higher concentrations degrade more rapidly. Due to degradation, gasification occurs in the storage tanks and piping, which causes operational problems; also, high pH of high-strength hypochlorite causes scaling due to hard water and leakage in the chemical pipelines that may result in frequent piping system replacement. Since commercial sodium hypochlorite is very corrosive, efforts must be taken to minimize spills. Unlike gaseous chlorine, surrounding areas are not threatened by a leak of high-concentration sodium hypochlorite. The liquid spills can be contained onsite by using a containment area or double-walled storage tanks, but the risk of transportation with the bulk delivery trucks persists. The trucks may have an accident, and containing the spill becomes difficult (Figure 6). Also, operational errors during delivery have been reported where another chemical (ferric chloride, for example) was delivered into a sodium hypochlorite tank, causing the pH to drop and release chlorine gas. Continued on page 50

Figure 4. Commercial Truck Delivering Sodium Hypochlorite

Figure 5. Fluctuations in Hypochlorite Price (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index by Commodity for Chemicals and Allied Products: Chlorine, Sodium Hydroxide, and Other Alkalies [WPU06130302], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPU06130302, Oct. 5, 2018)

Figure 6. Tanker Truck Filled With Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite Overturns Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Figure 7. Overpressurized Electrolytic Cells

Continued from page 49

Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generators Three common materials are used by OSHG: salt, water, and electricity. The salt dissolves to form a brine solution in a brine tank, and sodium hypochlorite is produced by passing a solution of salt through an electrolytic cell and using electricity for electrolysis. The following is the chemical equation: NaCl + H2O + 2e = NaOCl + H2 3 lbs + 15 gal. + 2.2 KWH = 0.8 % NaOCl + 1/35 lb H2

Figure 8. Capital Cost Comparison

The key components of an OSHG system are: S Brine Tank and Pump • Mixture of salt and water is stored in a brine tank or salt saturator. Morton Solar Salt is typically used and is blown into the tanks. The brine is pumped to the generator. S Water Softeners • Water softeners are essential for removal of minerals, like calcium and magnesium, from the source water. S Electrolytic Cells • Electrolytic cells include electrodes with titanium anode and cathode, which convert brine to sodium hypochlorite. S Direct Current (DC) Rectifier • DC Rectifier consists of a fully isolated 6pulse three-phase step-down transformer, which converts alternate current (AC) to DC.

Figure 9. Operation and Maintenance Cost Comparison

S Control Panel • Control panel includes the programmable logic controller (PLC), operator interface terminal (OIT), terminal strips, and variable frequency drives (VFDs) for pumps. Continued on page 52


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Continued from page 50 S Hydrogen Dilution Blowers • Blowers dilute the off-gassed hydrogen from the electrolytic cells. S Storage Tanks • Sodium hypochlorite storage tanks store the generated solution for usage. Typical storage duration is two to four days.

Some of the advantages of 0.8 percent onsite generated hypochlorite are: S Very stable due to low concentration; hence, reduced risk of chlorate formation due to degradation. S Batch process; hence, storage volume is reduced. S Lower pH than bulk hypochlorite; thus, not resulting in increased scaling and pipe failures. S Greatly reduced risk to plant personnel due to lower concentration.

S No requirement to purchase, handle, or transport hazardous chemicals; hence, no risk to public safety. S Low-risk management issues. The main disadvantage of onsite generation is very high capital cost and high life cycle cost compared to chlorine gas and bulk hypochlorite. For utilities wanting to switch from other disinfection options, the operation and maintenance (O&M) of OSHG may seem cumbersome without extended operator training. Another concern is hydrogen gas management and the potential of combustion.

Hydrogen Management Safety Hydrogen produced during the electrolysis combines with dissolved air and oxygen generated at the anode. The undiluted gas exiting the cell is approximately 3 percent air and oxygen; therefore it’s below the lower explosive limit (LEL) of 4 percent in an air environment. If this diluted gas is not released immediately, there will be hydrogen buildup exceeding the LEL. Older systems without passive venting from each closed electrolytic cell can overpressurize, causing an explosion (Figure 7). Dilution of hydrogen byproduct to safe limits by dilution blowers and new electrolytic cell designs allow passive venting from each cell to reduce the risk of explosion. Figure 10. Old Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generators at Lake Park Water Treatment Plant

Figure 11. New 2000-ppd Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generators at Lake Park Water Treatment Plant


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

Design Considerations S Increase in water temperature affects the generation process and brine at higher temperatures than 80ºF, which can result in higher power consumption exceeding the 2-2.5 kilowatt hour (kWh) range. Installation of water chillers or brine tanks in covered space can be considered. S Hydrogen vent pipe design needs to be given special attention. Hydrogen dilution blowers shall be sized correctly with air flow sensors. Hydrogen gas monitors should be installed at multiple locations. Consideration should be given to installation of redundant blowers. S Consider 30 days of brine storage. S Consider generator installation, as well as power load management protocols. S Consider bulk sodium hypochlorite backup with a dilution system for usage during catastrophic events and extended power outage. Cost Comparisons Figures 8 and 9 show capital and O&M cost comparison of bulk hypochlorite and OSHG, which are from the AWWA M65 Manual, Onsite Generation of Hypochlorite. Major capital cost items for bulk-delivered hypochlorite solution in-

clude storage tanks, buildings, and chemical feed pumps; for OSHG, capital cost items include brine tanks, electrolytic cells, rectifiers, water softeners, control panel, hydrogen vent blowers, feed pumps, and hypochlorite storage tanks. The system size categories, per AWWA M65, range from a 1.5-mil-gal-per-day (mgd) treatment plant size to 112.5 mgd. Size 3 represents a 15-mgd plant. As seen from the graphs, the capital cost of OSHG systems is considerably higher than bulk hypochlorite, but the O&M costs for smaller plants (less than 15 mgd), are comparable between the two options. Major items contributing to the O&M costs of bulk include chemicals, equipment maintenance, and labor costs. For OSHG, the cost of salt, power, equipment maintenance, period replacement of cells, and labor contribute to the O&M costs.

Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite Generators at Lake Park Water Treatment Plant The older 1200-pounds-per-day (ppd) onsite sodium hypochlorite generator at Hillsborough County’s Lake Park Water Treatment Plant (Figure 10) was replaced with a new 2000ppd onsite sodium hypochlorite generator (Figure 11); the lowest bid received was $800,000. The plant-permitted capacity is 15.5 mgd. The project included replacement of water softeners, installation of a new brine pump and skid-mounted generator, new rectifier, control panel, upsized exhaust fan, new piping, and vent stack.

New Products Weil Pump, a Wilo Company, is pleased to announce that it now offers a full line of vertical multistage booster pumps and systems. The new booster systems combine Weil’s programmable logic controller (PLC) panels with WiloHelix V pumps and are available in two-, three-, or four-pump configurations. The multipump systems offer real-time diagnostics and remote monitoring, with variable speed control and balanced run time for each pump. The booster packages are suitable for many applications, including water supply, pressure boosting, agriculture, washing/sprinkling systems, cooling circuits, and condensate return. The systems have a maximum head of 780 ft, maximum flow of 550 gpm, rated pressure of 232 psi, and a liquid temperature range of -4°F to 248°F. Additionally, these systems are certified by NSF-61 and NSF-372, have full 304 stainless steel construction, and feature 300 class ANSI flange connections. Weil’s PLC panels are built in-house at Weil’s production facility in Cedarburg, Wis., and provide a powerful platform for the control of most pumping systems, including commercial, industrial, and process and booster service pumps. The panels feature an easy-touse, 7-in. touchscreen and offer onboard ModBUS and optional BacNET and LonWorks interface. Additionally, the panels

boast full-system kWh energy reporting with detailed metrics, built-in troubleshooting, and alarm histories for offsite management and control. Weil’s booster pump offering also includes the Wilo-Helix V high-pressure vertical multistage centrifugal pumps, as well as Wilo-Helix EXCEL high-efficiency multistage pumps. (www.weilpump.com)


The new automatic potentiometric titrator HI901C from Hanna Instruments is designed with simplicity and focus in mind. The HI901C features the ability to titrate for a variety of applications, including acids, bases, redox, and selective ions. In addition to titration mode, the autotitrator also operates as a fully functional pH, redox, and ion-selective electrode (ISE) meter. The 40,000step, piston-driven pump is capable of dosing extremely small and highly accurate volumes of reagent, helping to achieve a very precise endpoint. A dynamic dosing algorithm keeps titrations timely and accurate, making analysis more efficient. (www.hannainst.com)


JWC Environmental has released its new Monster Wash Press. The company is building on its legacy of innovation of Continued on page 55

Lessons Learned The brine tanks are located outside in a containment barrier. A canopy-style cover was installed over it as part of this project, but it doesn’t cover the tanks completely. Since water temperature affects the OSHG operation, other utilities might consider enclosing the brine tanks, similar to the hypochlorite storage tanks, to avoid overheating. Installation of a chiller can also be considered.

Conclusion As utilities look at disinfection options, other noncost factors as discussed should be considered, besides the cost of bulk hypochlorite versus OSHG: S Chemical availability (location of manufacturers) S Neighborhood risks of chemical exposure S Chemical handling S Frequency of chemical deliveries based on solution strength S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



Construction Labor Shortage: A Local and National Crisis David Walker t’s no secret that the construction industry is facing a major labor shortage crisis. The market is red hot as the economy continues to strengthen, and funding is finally available for long-awaited projects. At the same time, the industry has seen a steady decline in the number of craft workers as the past recession claimed thousands from our industry.



The Florida Section AWWA Contractors Council recently raised some attention to resource limitations in the Contractors Roundup column in the August 2017 issue of this magazine. This problem continues to keep contractors and owners up at night and is not exclusive to Florida. Our state has massive capital improvement programs (CIPs) worth billions of dollars that will improve water infrastructure and

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

our quality of life. We’re in competition for resources with other states in the Southeast with similar spending plans for water resource projects. These projects need to be built and contractors want to build them, but where we will find the craft people to execute them? It’s estimated that in less than two years, the industry will be short over two million craft workers. The skill level of our workforce has declined and is aging: over 50 percent of our workforce is over the age of 45 and looming retirements will only result in increased shortages. More importantly, our industry has an image problem where younger people don’t see construction as a lucrative, lifelong career. This perception needs to be changed by the entire industry and is not just a problem for contractors. Owners with large CIP programs will face higher prices, less bidders, and slower project completions. The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) and Georgia DOT have both created programs and task forces to help tackle this issue. It’s time for contractors, owners, engineers, and educational institutions to focus more attention on improving this industry perception. We need to raise the attractiveness of construction as a career and maintain a positive brand for the industry. One of the goals of the council is to remain a resource and educate the Florida water market on the challenges facing our industry. There is no greater challenge out there then the ongoing labor crisis. A consolidated effort is the only way to make a positive change. The industry has finally recognized the problem, so what can owners, engineers, and contractors do to help? Here are some suggestions: 1. Get involved with regional and national recruiting efforts. State-sponsored task forces and vocational support programs are ongoing and need industry professionals to support these efforts. 2. Promote the industry and construction as a career, along with its salary potential. We’re not construction workers—we’re construction professionals. Utilize social media and other marketing tools to improve the perception of our industry. 3. Demand and provide clean and safe worksites. Focus attention on employee retention, benefits, and the good working environment for our trades.

The water market is flourishing and opportunities exist for new labor to join our industry. Now is the time to increase our recruiting efforts and join together to ensure the success of our projects. The Contractors Council remains committed to networking and educating the market on the challenges and delivery approaches to water projects. If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved, or would like the Contractors Council to provide assistance with your next project, please contact me at dawalker@walshgroup.com. David Walker is a program manager at Archer Western in Tampa and a member of the FSAWWA Contractors Council. ____________________________________

Contractors Council Update Michael Alexakis With the FSAWWA Fall Conference fast approaching (it will be held November 25-29 at the Omni Resort at ChampionsGate), the Contractors Council has been hard at work organizing and preparing key events. This year we will be holding a projectfunding workshop with a group of panelists hosted by the council to discuss how to fund your next water infrastructure project. There are several areas that owners can tap into for funding, including State Revolving Funds (SRF), Water Management Cooperative Funding Initiative Program (CFI), United States Department of Agriculture Water and Environmental Program (WEP), Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA), and private funding, just to name a few. Come join us November 27 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. to learn more! In addition to the workshop, the council is leading the effort to organize the most talked-about event of the conference: the BBQ Challenge! Come join us November 26 in the evening for some terrific food, open bars, and a great atmosphere! To maximize the potential of the event we are looking for sponsors! If you want to learn more about the workshop, or if you would be interested in being a sponsor for the BBQ event, please reach out to me at malexakis@whartonsmith.com. Michael Alexakis is senior project manager with Wharton-Smith Inc. in Sanford and is vice chair of the FSAWWA Contractors Council. S

New Products Continued from page 53 screen washing, compacting, and dewatering technologies by providing a system that will cost-effectively deliver the cleanest and driest screened debris of any washer-compactor system. The press features a Muffin Monster grinder to precondition screenings before they enter the wash zones. The grinder effectively shreds rags, plastics, and trash, which promotes removal of soft organics and fecal matter from the screened debris during washing. Once screenings enter the wash zone, cleaning is further enhanced by a patent-pending rotor paddle. The rotor paddle agitates shredded material to improve diffusion of spray wash water throughout the shredded screenings for even better rinsing of the soft organics out of the screened solids. The end result of the shred and wash systems of the product is that organics are returned to the wastewater treatment process, while the inorganic solids are compacted into a dry plug and discharged into a collection bin. Additionally, by thoroughly removing soft organic and fecal materials from the screenings, the odors in the headworks area are significantly reduced. The company has further improved on washer-compactor technology with some key maintenance features. The system is now designed with a removable 6-mm screening element to allow for easy field change-out and replacement. Additionally, the auger rotor and field-replaceable screen can be removed via the top of the unit instead of having to slide it out of the end. This design feature minimizes the clearance space required around the press installation to perform maintenance activities. Finally, the press is designed to give owners options on how the unit can be configured. While including the Muffin Monster grinder provides the highest level of washing performance, some budgets do not allow for the technology. The press can be configured for purchase without a grinder initially and allows for easy upgrade in the future. A press without a grinder will still include a spacer for the grinder and the control systems will be designed for a “plug and play” upgrade. This makes upgrading the system with the addition of a Muffin Monster a simple task in the future. In 2000 JWC Environmental first revo-

lutionized screening management in the wastewater industry by bringing together its Muffin Monster grinder and a compaction and dewatering system. This product became the Screening Washer Monster that went on to win a Water Environment Federation Innovative Technology Award in 2001.The new press has now reset the standard for washer-compactor technology in the wastewater industry. (www.jwce.com)


The wet-end components of the Vanton Chem-Gard® line of horizontal, centrifugal pumps are constructed of injection-molded, homogeneous, corrosion-resistant thermoplastic materials, such as polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polyvinylidene fluoride. These materials are 100 percent inert to fluids across the entire pH range. Along with other nonmetallic materials that are also totally inert to acids, caustics, ultrapure fluids, chlorides, unknown waste/effluent streams, and other aggressive and abrasive chemicals, Vanton’s line of products feature a sealless, magnetically driven design, along with a range of ANSI, self-priming, and closecoupled pumps. (www.vanton.com)


The Water Eater® wastewater evaporator from EMC has been engineered to efficiently evaporate the water content from many noncombustible wastewater sources. A power exhaust system releases the moisture into the air, leaving only a small residue requiring disposal. This massive reduction in the volume of liquids requiring disposal not only slashes disposal costs, but also economizes by reducing storage area requirements, labor and time for handling, and frequency of disposals. All Water Eater water evaporators have been designed to operate simply and efficiently, and are constructed of quality materials and equipment to assure trouble-free operation and long-life service, as demonstrated by the thousands of systems in service. Installation is easy. The product is available in gas- or electric-heated models. Evaporation rates range from 5 to 40 gal per hour. An optional auto-fill system automates the process and allows for 24-hour operation. Manufactured since 1984, the water evaporator is a proven system, with thousands of systems in operation around the globe. (www.equipmentmanufacturing.com) S

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Test Yourself

What Do You Know About the Groundwater Rule? Donna Kaluzniak

1. Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62550.828, Ground Water Rule (GWR), adopts the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s rule of the same name, under the Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR Subpart S. The rule requires microbial source water monitoring for groundwater systems that do not treat all of their groundwater to 99.99 percent treatment of viruses before or at the first customer, also referred to as providing a. 1-log virus inactivation or removal. b. 2-log virus inactivation or removal. c. 3-log virus inactivation or removal. d. 4-log virus inactivation or removal. 2. Per 40 CFR 141.402, groundwater systems that do not treat their groundwater to 99.99 percent virus removal and are notified of a total coliform-positive sample in the distribution system must collect samples from each groundwater source in use at the time the total coliform-positive sample was collected. The samples must be tested for a fecal indicator (e.g., E. coli, coliphage, enterococci). What type of monitoring is this? a. Assessment monitoring b. Compliance monitoring c. Follow-up monitoring d. Triggered monitoring

c. Five additional samples, within the next 24 hours d. Five additional samples, within the next week 5. Per EPA’s Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide, if any of the additional water source samples is fecal indicator-positive, or if required by the state after the initial positive result, corrective action must be completed. This may include eliminating a source of contamination, correcting a significant deficiency, providing an alternate water source, or providing treatment to achieve 99.99 percent inactivation or removal of viruses before the first customer. Within what time period must corrective action be completed after notification by the laboratory or the state? a. 30 days b. 45 days c. 90 days d. 120 days 6. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Triggered and Representative Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, if a groundwater system (GWS) receives notification of a fecal indicator-positive source water sample collected under the GWR, the system must notify the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) within 24 hours and provide what type of public notification? a. Tier 1 public notification within 24 hours b. Tier 2 public notification within 30 days c. Tier 3 public notification within 12 months d. Notification through the Consumer Confidence Report only

are the monitoring requirements for GWSs using chemical disinfection and serving 3,300 or fewer persons? a. Continuous monitoring is required, and the lowest disinfectant residual must be recorded each day. b. Daily grab samples must be collected at the hour of peak flow, or other times specified by the state. c. Hourly grab samples must be analyzed to ensure the state that minimum disinfection concentration is met. d. Weekly monitoring with 24-hour composite samples is required to ensure minimum disinfectant concentrations. 10. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, what are the requirements in the event continuous monitoring equipment for disinfectant concentration fails? a. Conduct grab sampling every hour until the equipment is returned to service. Resume continuous monitoring within 14 days. b. Conduct grab sampling daily at peak flow until the equipment is returned to service. Resume continuous monitoring within 30 days. c. Conduct grab sampling every four hours until the equipment is returned to service. Resume continuous monitoring within 14 days. d. Conduct grab sampling every four hours until the equipment is returned to service. Resume continuous monitoring within 30 days. Answers on page 66

3. As described in EPA’s Ground Water Rule: A Quick Reference Guide, triggered monitoring is not required if the state determines and documents, in writing, that the total coliform-positive routine sample was a. collected by unlicensed distribution operators. b. collected as part of the monthly required sampling per the Total Coliform Rule. c. invalidated by the utility. d. the result of a documented distribution system deficiency. 4. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Triggered and Representative Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, if the initial triggered water source sample is fecal indicator-positive, and the state does not require corrective action in response, how many additional source water samples must be taken within what time period after notification of the results? a. Two additional samples, within the next 30 days b. Three additional samples, within the next week


7. Per EPA’s Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide, one of the major components of the GWR consists of an evaluation of eight critical elements of a public water system and identification of significant deficiencies. This evaluation is called a a. compliance evaluation inspection. b. level one assessment. c. sanitary survey. d. water system technical review. 8. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, which GWSs must conduct compliance monitoring under the GWR? a. All GWSs providing 4-log treatment of viruses before the first customer that do not conduct triggered monitoring b. GWSs that conduct triggered monitoring c. Only GWSs providing 4-log treatment of viruses as a corrective action d. Only GWSs providing 2-log treatment of viruses 9. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, what

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

References used for this quiz: • FAC 62-550.828, Ground Water Rule • 40 CFR Subpart S, Ground Water Rule • Guides on EPA’s Ground Water Rule website www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/ground-water-rule: • Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide • Ground Water Rule: A Quick Reference Guide • Ground Water Rule Triggered and Representative Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide • Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide

Send Us Your Questions Readers are welcome to submit questions or exercises on water or wastewater treatment plant operations for publication in Test Yourself. Send your question (with the answer) or your exercise (with the solution) by email to: donna@h2owriting.com.

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


News Beat The Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) board of directors has approved $1.2 million in funding for 14 new research projects. The planned research, which was recommended by WE&RF’s Research Advisory Council (RAC), will significantly advance the Foundation’s research agenda, addressing high-priority research topics on stormwater, wastewater, and water reuse, including advancing utilities for the future, integrated water approaches, and intelligent water systems. The RAC, which is comprised of highly respected researchers and experts, recommended the 14 new projects based on their readiness and significance to the water community. The list of projects is provided on the WE&RF website at www.werf.org. “Each of these projects represents important Foundation research that will advance the water community,” said Rhodes Trussell, Ph.D., of Trussell Technologies and the WE&RF RAC chair. Due to WE&RF’s ability to leverage funding through partnerships and in-kind contributions, this new phase of research will provide two to three million dollars of research for the WE&RF research portfolio. “Based on the need for these research topics, the projects will generate large interest in the water sector and the water research community,” said Jeffrey Mosher, WE&RF chief research officer. The research projects will address advancing integrated water management planning, stormwater management, data analytics, resource recovery, nutrient removal, and potable water reuse.


HDR subcontracted with New England Fertilizer Company (NEFCO) to complete facility design and construction of a biosolids processing facility for the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County. Responsibili-


ties for the project include the overall management of permitting and design, procuring engineered equipment, providing field staff during construction, and holding an electrical subcontract and subconsultant agreement for assistance with permitting and site development. Highlights of the design-build project include: S Eliminates land application of biosolids S Creates a useful product S Utilizes landfill gas S Serves multiple wastewater treatment plants S Will generate revenue The facility consists of biosolids receiving, storage, and processing areas, along with electrical, mechanical, and administrative areas, all of which are totally enclosed within a single 27,800-sq-ft precast concrete building. Adjacent to the building are two 250dry-ton product storage silos and two regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) with a 137-ft by 7.5-ft diameter steel stack, two cooling towers, two building odor control scrubbers, and standby generation equipment. The process consists of thermally drying the biosolids with the use of two triple bypass dryers and the appropriate supporting equipment. The dryer and RTOs are fueled with landfill gas and backed up by natural gas. The $27.8-million biosolids processing facility uses 100 percent landfill gas to process up to 600 wet tons per day of biosolids generated at five wastewater treatment plants in the county. The drying system uses two rotary drum dryers designed to utilize landfill gas, natural gas, or propane gas as fuel sources for heating the drying gas stream. A burner is employed with a smart valve system that employs multiple operational curves to ensure that the correct air-

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

to-fuel ratio is utilized, depending on the fuel source selected. Landfill gas with methane concentrations between 50 and 60 percent is combusted in the burner, generating the 30 to 40 mil BTU/hr per dryer of drying energy required. The process produces a high-grade, marketable organic fertilizer for horticultural applications. The process is safe and sustainable and can produce a revenue stream. Using the landfill gas makes use of a byproduct that was wasted, as well as reducing air emissions at the landfill.


The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) has recognized Hillsborough County, Westra Construction, and McKim & Creed Inc. with its DBIA Florida Region Honor Award for outstanding utilization of designbuild practices on a project that improves wastewater service, boosts reliability, lowers power usage, and minimizes future rate impacts. The team was selected for work on the $25.9-million Dale Mabry diversion pipelines project. The award was presented October 12 during the association’s annual conference in Orlando. The project involved installing more than 12 mi of large-diameter force mains and reclaimed water transmission mains to transfer flows from the Dale Mabry Wastewater Treatment Plant to the Northwest Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The project also allows reclaimed water to be returned to the region to offset the use of potable water for irrigation. The project is the first of four designbuild projects to be completed as part of Hillsborough County’s $250-million northwest Hillsborough consolidation program. The largest consolidated capital improvement program ever undertaken by the county, the program will retire two aging wastewater treatment plants and consolidate treatment

into one facility that will serve the area’s wastewater needs for decades. The consolidation program is estimated to save the county approximately $86 million in operation and maintenance costs over the next 20 years. “It was critical for this pivotal project to be successful to set the stage for the remaining three phases of the program. Our team was formed about a year before the procurement was issued, and it had a long track record of working together to complete water and wastewater infrastructure projects,” said Robert Garland, P.E., ENV SP, regional manager with McKim & Creed, who oversaw the engineering portion of the project. “This afforded the team great familiarity and confidence in each member, which is the cornerstone of a successful design-build relationship.” The design-build process provided multiple benefits for the county. For example, the team was able to directly negotiate easements to quickly facilitate an alternate route, and incorporated maintenance of traffic reviews as part of the design process, which saved time and money. The team also used trenchless technologies to minimize environmental and community impacts, developed and implemented a successful and proactive community outreach and public information program, and incorporated alternative pipe materials and more stringent testing protocols to obtain permit variances.

approximately 30 million hydrological measurements and approximately 5 million water quality data points. While the online training is new, the district has offered in-person training classes to the public for years. To expand public access, the classes have been converted to the online training videos that will educate viewers on the types of data available, how SFWMD collects data, and the best way to search the database to obtain information.

The videos are available on SFWMD's website at www.sfwmd.gov/dbhydrotraining. To access DBHydro visit www.sfwmd.gov/ DBHYDRO. S


The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has unveiled a series of 12 online videos to help the public learn how to use SFWMD's expansive DBHydro environmental database. "The district’s governing board is committed to following sound science and providing the public with access to that science, which informs our water management decisions," said Federico Fernandez, SFWMD governing board chair. "This innovative and easy-to-understand online video training series further expands taxpayers' ability to review the scientific data gathered on their water resources." DBHydro, which has been the repository for a significant amount of environmental data for years, is now readily accessible online and the public can view vast amounts of historical and current data on south Florida's water resources, such as hydrological measurements and water quality sampling results. The database also provides access to groundwater information for specific wells and multimedia videos. The database contains Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018



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Engineering • Inspection Aboveground Storage Tank Specialists Mulberry, Florida • Since 1983






Motor & Utility Services, LLC

Showcase Your Company in the Engineering or Equipment & Services Directory Contact Mike Delaney at

352-241-6006 ads@fwrj.com

CEC Motor & Utility Services, LLC 1751 12th Street East Palmetto, FL. 34221 Phone - 941-845-1030 Fax – 941-845-1049 prademaker@cecmotoru.com • Motor & Pump Services Test Loaded up to 4000HP, 4160-Volts • Premier Distributor for Worldwide Hyundai Motors up to 35,000HP • Specialists in rebuilding motors, pumps, blowers, & drives • UL 508A Panel Shop, engineer/design/build/install/commission • Lift Station Rehabilitation Services, GC License # CGC1520078 • Predictive Maintenance Services, vibration, IR, oil sampling • Authorized Sales & Service for Aurora Vertical Hollow Shaft Motors

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES - Classified ads are $20 per line for a 60 character line (including spaces and punctuation), $60 minimum. The price includes publication in both the magazine and our Web site. Short positions wanted ads are run one time for no charge and are subject to editing. ads@fwrj.com

P os i ti on s Ava i l a b l e

Engineering Inspector II & Senior Engineering Inspector


Involves highly technical work in the field of civil engineering construction inspection including responsibility for inspecting a variety of construction projects for conformance with engineering plans and specifications. Projects involve roadways, stormwater facilities, portable water distribution systems, sanitary pump stations, gravity sewer collection systems, reclaimed water distribution systems, portable water treatment and wastewater treatment facilities. Salary is DOQ. The City of Winter Garden is an EOE/DFWP that encourages and promotes a diverse workforce. Please apply at http://www.cwgdn.com.

The City of Winter Garden is currently accepting a pplications for the following positions: EXPERIENCED & TRAINEES/LABORERS - Solid Waste Worker I, II & III - Collection Field Tech – I, II, & III - Distribution Field Tech – I, II, & III - Public Service Worker II - Stormwater Please visit our website at www.cwgdn.com for complete job descriptions and to apply. Applications may be submitted online, in person or faxed to 407-877-2795.

WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATORS U.S. Water Services Corporation is now accepting applications for state certified water and wastewater treatment plant operators. All applicants must hold at least minimum “C” operator’s certificate. Background check and drug screen required. –Apply at http://www.uswatercorp.com/careers or to obtain further information call (866) 753-8292. EOE/m/f/v/d

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS U.S. Water Services Corporation is now accepting applications for maintenance technicians in the water and wastewater industry. All applicants must have 1+ years experience in performing mechanical, electrical, and/or pluming abilities and a valid DL. Background check and drug screen required. -Apply at http://www.uswatercorp.com/careers or to obtain further information call (866) 753-8292. EOE/m/f/v/d

City of Groveland Class “C” Water Operator The City of Groveland is hiring a Class "C" Water Operator. Salary Range $ 29,203-43,805 DOQ. Please visit groveland-fl.gov for application and job description. Send completed application to 156 S Lake Ave. Groveland, Fl 34736 attn: Human Resources. Background check and drug screen required. Open until filled EOE, V/P, DFW

Position Requirements: Possession of the following or the ability to obtain within 6 months of hire: (1) Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Stormwater Certification and an (2) Orange County Underground Utility Competency Card. A valid Florida Driver’s License is required. • Inspector II: High School Diploma or equivalent and 7 years of progressively responsible experience in construction inspection or testing of capital improvement and private development projects. • Senior Inspector: Associate’s Degree in Civil Engineering Technology or Construction Management and 10 years of progressively responsible experience, of which 5 years are in at a supervisory level.

Lead Wastewater Operator The Coral Springs Improvement District is accepting applications for the position of Wastewater Lead Operator. Applicants must have a valid Class A Wastewater treatment license and a minimum of 3 years supervisory experience. Must have a valid Florida driver’s license and pass a pre-employment drug screening. The Lead Operator operates the Districts wastewater plant, assists in ensuring plant compliance with all state and federal regulatory criteria and all safety policies and procedures. This position reports directly to the WWTP Chief Operator. Provides instruction and leadership to subordinate operators and trainees as assigned. This is a highly responsible, technical, and supervisory position requiring 24 hour availability. Exercise of initiative and independent judgment is required in providing guidance and supervision for continuous operation. Excellent benefits and compensation including a 6% non-contributory defined benefit and matching 457b plan with a 100% match of up to 6%. EOE. Applications may be obtained by visiting our website at www.csidfl.org/resources/employment.html and fax resume to 954-7536328 attention Jan Zilmer, Director of Human Resources

Florida Water Resources Journal • October 2018


Utilities Maintenance Supervisor $58,829 - $82,778/yr.

Utilities (Safety) Program Coordinator $48,399 - $68,102/yr.

Utilities Storm Water Foreman $47,911 - $67,414/yr.

Utilities Treatment Plant Operator II $47,911 - $67,414/yr.

Utilities Treatment Plant Operator I/Trainee $41,387 - $64,204/yr.

City of Tarpon Springs Water Distribution Technician I $33,344-$53,719/yr. Water Distribution Tech III $36,762-$59,224/yr. Wastewater Plant Operator C $35,012-56,405/yr. Water Plant Operator B $36,672 - $59.224/ yr. Water Plant Operator C $35,012-$56,405/yr. Apply online at: http://www.ctsfl.us/jobs.htm Open until filled.

Utilities System Operator III $41,387 - $58,235/yr. Apply Online At: http://pompanobeachfl.gov Open until filled.


City of Eustis Wastewater Operators The City of Eustis is seeking two Wastewater Operators. Please visit jobs.eustis.org for full job description, salary, and online application. Background check/drug screen required. Open until filled. EOE,V/P,DFWP

Applicant must have High School Diploma or GED, must possess a minimum of a Class “C” Water Treatment Plant Operator license at the time of application. Must possess and maintain valid Florida Driver License. Competitive starting salary depending on Class – “C” $43,208; “B” $44,709; “A” $47, 709. Excellent benefits. The City of Margate is a participant in the Florida Retirement System and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply on line at www.margatefl.com. This position is open until filled.

Town of Davie The City of Edgewater is accepting applications for the following positions. Wastewater Operations Maintenance Superintendent Supervises personnel and oversees operation and maintenance of lift stations, sewer lines, manholes and other wastewater collection equipment. Salary Range $37,835 - $59,134 Wastewater Maintenance Technician Repairs and maintains lift stations, sewer lines, manholes and other wastewater collection equipment. Salary range $27,164 - $42,452. For full job descriptions and to apply online go to http://www.cityofedgewater.org

Assistant Utilities Director $85,491.54 - $120,295.34 / yr. Project Manager (Utilities) $80,544.88 - $93,240.58 / yr. Utilities Plant Operator I – Water $40,393 - $48,018/ yr. Utilities Plant Operator I –Wastewater $40,393 - $48,018/ yr. Utilities Electro - Technician $50,724 – $60,296 / yr. Please visit our website at http://www.davie-fl.gov for complete job descriptions and to apply. Open until filled.


November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

City of Titusville - NELAC Lab Supervisor & Senior Utility Engineer

Mechanic/Technician-Full Time Municipal Pumps, Blowers, Jet/Vac Trucks, Street Sweepers Patspump@AOL.com, Fax: 407-648-2096

Competitive salaries. Great team. www.titusville.com

City Of Titusville – Water Production Positions available - Electrician, Maintenance Mechanic 1 & 2. Titusville is a great place to live and work. Please visit our web site for full details at www.titusville.com


Water Treatment Plant - Chief Operator

Technical position responsible for implementing the Industrial Pretreatment; Fats, Oil, and Grease and/or Privately Owned Collection and Transmission Systems Programs and other Program Area. Work both in the office and field is required to achieve compliance with prevailing regulatory codes and Sewer Use Ordinance. Works both in the office and field is required to achieve compliance with prevailing regulatory codes and Sewer Use Ordinance.

Manatee County Government is hiring now for a Water Treatment Plant - Chief Operator! Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 5 years industry experience, plus 2 years supervisory experience. Possession of a current FDEP “A” Water Operator License required, prior to appointment. Equivalent combinations of education and experience will be considered. Work with us & enjoy an excellent benefits package, generous paid time off, pension & more! To apply, visit: www.mymanatee.org/jobs

Required experience in environmental sciences; water/wastewater treatment; environmental monitoring; industrial facility inspection; FOG management; and/or wastewater collection and transmission system inspection/maintenance For full job posting www.largo.com/jobs






Distribution Technician II Accepting applications for Distribution Technician II. College degree preferred. Backflow Tester Certification Required. See full details at www.tampagov.net/jobs.

The City of Largo - Naturally A Great Place to Work!

P o s itio ns Wanted Dual C Licensed Operator and Comm/Industrial Electrician

Sr. Operator, Class A Harvest Waste-to-energy Plant The Sr. Plant Operator will be responsible for operating the Harvest Power Orlando (HPO) Facility under the general supervision of the Plant Manager and direct supervision of the Process & Maintenance supervisor. The Sr. Plant Operator is responsible for the efficient operation, regulation, and maintenance of equipment and facilities located at the Harvest Power Orlando Energy/Anaerobic Digestion Plant. The schedule for this position is 7 days on, 7 days off; day shift. Harvest offers competitive pay and benefits, including paid time off and a 401k match.

Seeking Wastewater or Drinking Water Operator and/or Industrial Electrician position in the Orlando area. I am experienced with construction, maintenance and troubleshooting motor control systems and pumps, as well as treatment processes. Although currently in a work release facility, I bring a strong work ethic and professional references. Salary negotiable. Complete resume' available upon request. Please contact Richard Griffin @ 321-279-4835, or email at aquaelectricsolutions@gmail.com

LOOKING FOR A JOB? The FWPCOA Job Placement Committee Can Help! Contact Joan E. Stokes at 407-293-9465 or fax 407293-9943 for more information.

Harvest Power is an equal opportunity employer. For full job description and to apply please visit: harvestpower.com/careers

Florida Water Resources Journal • November 2018


Test Yourself Answer Key From page 56

Editorial Calendar January ........Wastewater Treatment February........Water Supply; Alternative Sources March ............Energy Efficiency; Environmental Stewardship April ..............Conservation and Reuse; Florida Water Resources Conference May ................Operations and Utilities Management June ..............Biosolids Management and Bioenergy Production July ................Stormwater Management; Emerging Technologies; FWRC Review August ..........Disinfection; Water Quality September ....Emerging Issues; Water Resources Management October ........New Facilities, Expansions, and Upgrades November......Water Treatment December......Distribution and Collection Technical articles are usually scheduled several months in advance and are due 60 days before the issue month (for example, January 1 for the March issue). The closing date for display ad and directory card reservations, notices, announcements, upcoming events, and everything else including classified ads, is 30 days before the issue month (for example, September 1 for the October issue). For further information on submittal requirements, guidelines for writers, advertising rates and conditions, and ad dimensions, as well as the most recent notices, announcements, and classified advertisements, go to www.fwrj.com or call 352-241-6006.

Display Advertiser Index 2019 Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition ....................................................59 AWWA Veteran Workforce Initiative ..................41 Blue Planet..........................................................67 CEU Challenge ....................................................16 Grundfos ............................................................17 Ferguson Waterworks ........................................43 FSAWWA Fall Conference Calendar of Events ..22 FSAWWA Fall Conference Overview ..................23 FSAWWA Fall Conference Opening General Session ............................................................24 FSAWWA Fall Conference Incoming Chair's Reception and BBQ Challenge ........................25 FSAWWA Fall Conference Registration..............26 FSAWWA Fall Conference Poker/ Golf Tournament ..............................................27 FSAWWA Fall Conference Competitions ............28 FWPCOA Training ................................................39 FWPCOA Online Training ....................................51 Gerber Pumps ....................................................47 Heyward ..............................................................53 Hudson Pump......................................................45 Hydro International ..............................................5 Lakeside................................................................7 R&M Service Solutions ......................................29 SEDA Symposium ..............................................58 Stacon ..................................................................2 UF TREEO Center ................................................57 Xylem ..................................................................68


1. D) 4-log virus inactivation or removal. Per 40 CFR 151.400(c)(2) General Requirements, “Systems subject to this subpart must comply with the following requirements . . . microbial source water monitoring requirements for groundwater systems that do not treat all of their groundwater to at least 99.99 percent (4-log) treatment of viruses (using inactivation, removal, or a stateapproved combination of virus inactivation and removal) before or at the first customer as described in 141.402.”

2. D) Triggered monitoring Per 40 CFR 151.402(a)(2) Triggered Monitoring, “A groundwater system must collect, within 24 hours of notification of the total coliform-positive sample, at least one groundwater source sample from each groundwater source in use at the time the total coliform-positive sample was collected . . .”

3. D) the result of a documented distribution system deficiency. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule: A Quick Reference Guide, under Triggered Source Water Monitoring, • “States may waive the triggered source water monitoring requirement if the state determines and documents, in writing, that the total coliform-positive routine sample is the result of a documented distribution system deficiency. • States may develop criteria for distribution system conditions that cause total coliform-positive samples. A GWS can document to the state that it met the state criteria within 30 days of the total coliform-positive sample and be exempt from collecting triggered source water sample(s).”

4. C) Five additional samples, within the next 24 hours Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Triggered and Representative Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, Additional Sampling, “If the initial water source sample is fecal indicator-positive, and the state does not require corrective action in response, GWSs must conduct additional source water monitoring. • GWSs must collect five additional source water samples (from the source(s) that contained the original fecal indicator-positive samples) within 24 hours of being notified of the fecal indicator-positive sample. • The additional samples must be tested for a fecal indicator using an approved GWR method.”

5. D) 120 days Per EPA’s Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide, Step #8 – Corrective Action for Significant Deficiencies or Source Water Fecal Indicator Positives, “You must complete the corrective action(s) within 120 days of notification by the laboratory or the state, or you must: • Develop a specific plan and schedule to complete the corrective action, • Submit the plan and schedule to the state before the end of the same 120-day period (the state may also require you to modify the plan or schedule), and • Comply with the state-approved plan and schedule, including interim measures (§141.403(a)(5)).”

6. A) Tier 1 public notification within 24 hours Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Triggered and Representative Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, Notification Requirements: “If a GWS receives notification of a fecal indicator-positive source water sample collected under the GWR, the system must: • Notify the public within 24 hours. • Tier 1 public notification. • If the system is a community GWS, it must provide

November 2018 • Florida Water Resources Journal

special notice of the fecal indicator-positive sample in its CCR.”

7. C) sanitary survey. Per EPA’s Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide, “The targeted, risk-based strategy of the GWR addresses risks through an approach that relies on four major components. Those components are (1) periodic sanitary surveys of systems that require the evaluation of eight critical elements of a public water system and the identification of significant deficiencies; (2) triggered source water monitoring when a system identifies a positive sample during its Total Coliform Rule monitoring and assessment monitoring (at the option of the state) targeted at high-risk systems; (3) corrective action for any system with a significant deficiency or source water fecal contamination; and (4) compliance monitoring to ensure that treatment technology installed to treat drinking water reliably achieves 99.99 percent (4-log) inactivation and/or removal of viruses.”

8. A) All GWSs providing 4-log treatment of viruses before the first customer that do not conduct triggered monitoring Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, When is compliance monitoring required? • “GWSs that provide at least 4-log treatment of viruses as a corrective action must conduct compliance monitoring. • GWSs that provide at least 4-log treatment of viruses at or before the first customer using chemical disinfection, membrane filtration, or a state-approved alternative treatment technology and do not conduct GWRtriggered source water monitoring must notify their state in writing that they provide treatment and begin compliance monitoring.

9. C) Hourly grab samples must be analyzed to ensure the state that minimum disinfection concentration is met. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, What are the compliance monitoring requirements for chemical disinfection? “GWSs using chemical disinfection and serving 3,300 or fewer persons must monitor for the residual disinfectant concentration and meet the state-specified minimum concentration at or before the first customer. The GWSs must monitor on a daily basis and collect a grab sample during the hour of peak flow, or at another time specified by the state. If any daily grab sample is less than the minimum disinfectant residual concentration, the system must take follow-up samples every four hours until the residual meets or exceeds the state-specified minimum concentration. These systems also have the option to monitor continuously.

10. C) Conduct grab sampling every four hours until the equipment is returned to service. Resume continuous monitoring within 14 days. Per EPA’s Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide, Failure of Continuous Monitoring Equipment: “In the event of equipment failure for continuous monitoring, provisions are available for all GWSs serving greater than 3,300 persons and GWSs serving 3,300 persons or fewer that opt to monitor continuously. If there is a failure in continuous monitoring equipment, the groundwater system must conduct grab sampling every four hours until the continuous monitoring equipment is returned to service. The system must resume continuous residual disinfectant monitoring within 14 days.

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