ROS ROS (Rep Online System) is a tool to help you gather and manage your students’ feedback about the whole university experience. ROS has three questions: Is there anything working well? Is there anything working less well? Do you have any new ideas? This means you should be able to input all the balanced feedback you’ve received about any topic. When you input feedback as a Rep, you will get an email with a summary of that feedback so you know what things you need to take action on quickly or to remind you of what feedback you’ve gathered before a meeting. Feedback about your course is your responsibility to represent / action. Feedback about the wider student experience (e.g. Accommodation, Student Services, Catering etc) will be monitored and analysed by the Students’ Union and used to inform meetings and reports the Presidents have with those Services as well as inform the topics we discuss at Big Rep Meetings. It’s important to note that issues requiring immediate attention, e.g. concern about a fellow student, should not be logged in ROS and instead the relevant service should be contacted directly (see contacts page). You should use ROS to record all the online and /or face to face conversations you have with students; by doing that all your feedback will be in one place and you can get a report from SU in advance of any meetings. That report will help you evidence what might need further discussion or investigation. Just email us to get your report. ROS does not collect the name of individual students, only the Reps, so students can be reassured any feedback given to ROS is anonymous.