What Fee Should Lo Once you’ve got lots of feedback from your students, it’s time to ensure you can deliver it in such a way that it is effective in creating change. The easiest way to check, is to apply to ABCDE of feedback:
Is it: Accurate & Appropriate – is there enough detail in the feedback to clearly explain what the issue / good practice is, and what the impact on students is? Use the decision tree to make sure you’re raising it in the right forum and in a timely manner. Balanced – is it inclusive of everyone’s view. Have you made sure to check with minority groups of students*? Constructive – is it worded in a way that clearly highlights any problem but in a moderate and practical way? Try offering solutions where possible using phrases such as “wouldn’t it be better if…”, or “could we consider… “. Apply the Rat Sandwich approach.
What Feedback Should Look Like