Issue 2, Vol. 64

Page 3

fall festivities

Hazel Grosell/highlights

A WINNING SMILE: Head Athletic Trainer Alexia Clark

celebrates after receiving the Making A Difference On And Off The Field Award by Buddy’s Helpers.

Emily Kardjian/highlights

BORROWING BOOKS: Interact club sponsor

Margarite DePaola helps a Little Cavalier check out the books in the new Childcare Library.

Natalia Pavon/highlights

Alyssa Dopico/highlights

COLLEGE CURIOUS: Students speak to

SCRUBBING CARS CLEAN: Senior Adriaan Guerrero

college representatives at the College Fair.

washes a car at CAF&DM’s annual car wash fundraiser.

from the managing editor


HE FACT THAT LIFE MOVES on without you is hard to grasp, but it is one that I have been confronted with a lot lately. One day, your little cousin will visit you wearing your old handme-downs, your older sister will graduate IURP FROOHJH DQG ZRUN D VWXII\ RI¿FH MRE DQG \RX ZLOO ¿QG \RXU JUDQGPRWKHU¶V VPLOH OLQHV slightly more pronounced and realize that she, too, grows up. The senior class faces the realization that Gables will also move on without us. For now, though, we get to make changes and experience them as they come. For one, senior Hamyail Bokhari brings back the bhangra club after a two-yearlong break, as rhythmic Indian folk dance returns to Gables. It also offers a new level of diversity in the activities offered at our school,

encouraging those of South Asian descent to HPEUDFH WKHLU FXOWXUH¶V WUDGLWLRQDO GDQFHV hopefully for many years to come (page 5). *DEOHV KDV DOVR VHHQ D VLJQL¿FDQW LQFUHDVH in applications and opened a waitlist for the ¿UVW WLPH LQ \HDUV $IWHU EHLQJ QDPHG DQ A-level school and gaining a strong, well– earned reputation, the school enters a new SKDVH LQ LWV OLIH MXVW DV ZH GR SDJH As for sports, the Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Club has launched a new program to VXSSRUW VWXGHQWV¶ DWKOHWLF GHYHORSPHQW ERWK mental and physical (page 18). Miami-Dade will also make developments across the school district, as plans are made to push school starting times later, eliciting mixed feelings from students (pages 12-13). Additionally, for those who are like me and chomping at the bit to leave Miami, the

city makes changes that we will not be privy to after this year. For the next few months, we take the good and bad—despite fervent wishes to move away and embrace change of our own. In our city, plans to build even more highways are underway, much to the dismay RI LWV LQVXI¿FLHQW WR VD\ WKH OHDVW SXEOLF transit system (pages 28-31). To be fair, that is one change I will be okay missing. /LIH ZRXOG EH ERULQJ LI LW MXVW VWRSSHG without us in it. Our school, parents and IULHQGV ZLOO FKDQJH ZKHQ ZH OHDYH *DEOHV¶ halls—the comforting part is that we can make room for change in ourselves. h

sincerely, Georgia Rau Managing Editor preview


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