As an Indonesian young generation, I aware that Indonesia is rich with diverse traditional culture. However, raised and grown in the globalization era make me not having much opportunity to celebrate my own culture. Wayang is one of Indonesian cultural heritage that is lately not really recognised by the new generation. Therefore, in this spring/summer 2019, I want to create a capsule textile collection called “Bayang” that inspired by Wayang Wayang is one of traditional puppet theatre origin from Java. Has been used as a storytelling platform for a long time, Wayang owned rich techniques and values in term of the figure design, stories, language, characters, moral value and the supporting elements; music, lighting, stage. The collection called “Bayang” because bayang is the direct translation of “Wayang” from Javanese to Bahasa that means shadow. Therefore, in this collection, the concept of shadow is the main focus on the development process. Additional to shadow, this textile collection also insists on the concept of movement that shown on the dynamic pieces produced in the collection The collection is divided into two categories that target different market; women’s wear and kids’ wear with mother and child concept. For women’s wear collection, the main technique that is used is layering and overlapping. The layering technique is varied such as layered laser cur, layered fabric, bonding, etc. The layering technique intended to show the shadow effect of wayang performances. Furthermore, layering and overlapping also used to produce dynamic and movement. The colour combination and choice of the collection are inspired by the colour of wayang that usually uses natural colour such as brown and grey as the base with colourful colour as an additional colour. The fabric that will mainly be used is matt finished fabric to show a more natural visual that represents how wayang is usually made of natural material such as wood, animal skin, rattan and bamboo. Similar to women’s wear collection, the kids wear collection also use shadow and movement as the main concept. However, the application method is different. The textiles for kids wear collection are dominated with graphic pieces as the 3D and textured effect in women’s wear collection are too heavy for kids. Furthermore, the kids’wear collection also focuses on the concept of “play” and “interaction”. This concept is inspired by the fact that in the wayang play itself, interaction is one of an important element. Adopting the play and interaction concept, some textile piece is interactive that possible to be played by the kids. As the original wayang shape is a little bit scary for kids, the shape of wayang is modified to be more friendly for kids. Besides, the used of outline drawing and silhouette of wayang are more used. In term of colour, the colour of the kids' wear collection is brighter and lighter than the women's wear collection.