ACD_SM1/2021_Assignment 2_Fangyi Miao

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Single Storey Model Flowchart:

Start Create rectangle in plan 40m by 40m

Move the surface Z-axis, 8m

Curved Surface

Extract Points

Move surface control points to form a free form curved surface

Generate random points on surface N = 54

Distance.(-6m,6m) Direction.(Z-axis)

Variable 01

Model Support 01

Define Supports


Scale the voronoi and move down

Select points as support loca�ons N = 10

Set points as center points of voronoi

Scale factor.(0.1,0.9) Move Distance. (0.5m, 2m)

Variable 02 Variable 03

Model Support 02


Project the moved voronoi to XY plane

Lo� the voronois as suppor�ngs

Roof Panels Random reduce top voronois as glazing N = 43

Multi-storey Model Flowchart:

Create rectangle in plan 40m by 40m

Support Center

Column Base

Straight Square Column

Set grid 4x4 Extract intersected points

Use points as center of squares Square Side Length = 2 * R1

Extrude squares as columns Extrude Height = X1 Variable 01

0.30 < R1< 1.00

Variable 02

2.00 < X1 < 3.00 Direction.(Z-axis)

Arc Pi

4 - X1

1/4 R2 - R1 R1 X1

Floor Height (4m)


4 - X1

X1 R1

Second Floor Column Base

Dimension of Top Square

Square Column Edge

Extract the top square ‘Cull pa�erns’, if the area is less than 15.

Because R2 -R1 = 4 - X1, So, R2 = R1 + (4 - X1)

Extract edges on the top of columns

If (2 * R2)² < 15 m² stop calculating; the column is one-storey high R4

R2 - R3


4 - X3





R4 - R3


Arc Pi




4 - X2 X2

Second Floor Column

Dimension of Third Floor Column

Set R3 = 1/6 R2 So, X2 = R2 - R3 = 5/6 R2 = 5/6 [R1 + (4 - X1)]

Because R4 - R3 = 4 - X3 So, R4 = 1/6 [R1 + (4 - X1)] + (4 + X3)

If (2 * R3)² < 0.5 m² stop calculating; the column is two-storey high

1.50 < X3< 3.00

Column Massing Sweep 1 Rail to form arc massings and extrude squares Rail: squares; Sec�on: Arc Variable 03

Columns are in different height


Suppor�ng Pipes

Column Massing Massing & Floors

Sweep 1 Rail to form arc massings and extrude squares Rail: squares; Sec�on: Arc

Extract Iso Curve Extract Iso curves as support pipes 5 Curves on each surface U=5

Void Conditions

Region Difference

Move floors

If the area of top rectangle < 15 m2, Generate squares (5m x 5m)

Extract squares as voids Pink color indicates floors

Move the surface as floors above Distance = 4m, Direc�on= Z-axis

Final View - Columns

Final View - Massing & Floors

The ver�cal structure - mushroom columns & edge columns are highlighted.

The horizontal structure - floors & roof are highlighted.

Edge Columns Extract vectors of the trimmed surface Use vectors as start points of edge columns


Evolutionary Process:

Gen 240.10

View Area Sum: 3467.81 m2 Max Displacement 7.92 cm

Gen 80

Max Displacement 11.33 cm Elastic energy: 157.45 KNm

Gen 240.20

View Area Sum: 3490.31 m2 Max Displacement 7.83 cm

Gen 120

Max Displacement 11.86 cm Elastic energy: 164.87 KNm

Gen 240.40

View Area Sum: 3495.94 m2 Max Displacement 8.12 cm

Gen 160

Max Displacement 10.21 cm Elastic energy: 145.81 KNm

Gen 240.60

View Area Sum: 3496.07 m2 Max Displacement 7.65 cm

Gen 200

Max Displacement 8.46 cm Elastic energy: 148.24 KNm

Gen 240.80

View Area Sum: 3496.23 m2 Max Displacement 7.98 cm

Gen 240

Max Displacement 7.92 cm Elastic energy: 144.12 KNm

Gen 240.100

View Area Sum: 3498.81 m2 Max Displacement 7.88 cm

3. Structure Dimension

Max Displacement 13.46 cm Elastic energy: 144.53 KNm

2. View Rose Optimization

1. Massing Optimization

Gen 40

Final Result_ Geometric View

Column Mathematical Relation:

R2 - R1 = Y1 Y1 = 4 - X1



R2 = (4 - X1) + R1


Stop; Column is one-storey high; No floor above

Ground Floor (4m)

X2 Y1 X1 2(R1)

R3 = 1/6 R2 (Constraints) X2 = R2 - R3 X2 = 5/6 [(4 - X1) + R1]

R2 (1/4 Pi) Arc (Constraints)

Displacement (cm) Mushroom columns Edge Columns Floor Beams Roof Beams Mesh load const Gravity Ground Supports (base poitns of mushroom columns)

Y2 =4 - 5/6 [(4 - X1) + R1]

4 - x1 x1

Types of Load Numbers of Supports

If (2*R2)² < 15


Fitness Structure Elements

1st Floor


Mathematical Relation:

1. Fixed supports center 2. Fixed floor height (4m) 3. Square section 4. 1/4 Pi Arc

R1 R1

If (2*R3)² < 5 Stop; Column is two-storey high; No floor above R4 - R3 = Y3 Y3 = 4 - X3 R4 = R3 + (4 - X3)

2nd Floor

2nd Floor (4m) 1st Floor (4m)

R4 Y3


0.30 < R1 < 1.00 2.00 < X1 < 3.00 1.50 < X3 < 3.00

Ground Floor

Variables & Domain :

R4 = 1/6 [(4 - X1) + R1] + (4 - X3)

Geometric Model: Three-storey high Column Two-storey high Column

Loading Conditions:

Structure Detail Isometric Section

Gen 240 Perspective View

Second Floor Displacement:

Mass Isometric:

Gen 40

Gen 80

Max Displacement 13.46 cm Elastic energy: 144.53 KNm

Gen 120

Max Displacement 11.33 cm Elastic energy: 157.45 KNm

Gen 160

Max Displacement 11.86 cm Elastic energy: 164.87 KNm

Max Displacement 10.21 cm Elastic energy: 145.81 KNm

Gen 200 Max Displacement 8.46 cm Elastic energy: 148.24 KNm

Gen 240 Max Displacement 7.92 cm Elastic energy: 144.12 KNm

16 14

8.04 cm


7.19 cm 6.35 cm 5.5 cm 4.66 cm 3.81 cm 2.96 cm 2.12 cm

Displacement (cm)

8.88 cm

13.46 11.33

11.86 10.21





6 4 2 0 0








Structure Optimisation convergence graph

Gen 240 Isometric View

View Rose Area:

Mass Isometric:

Gen 240.10

Gen 240.20

View Area Sum: 3467.81 m2 Max Displacement 7.92 cm

View Area Sum: 3490.31 m2 Max Displacement 7.83 cm

Gen 240.40

Gen 240.60

View Area Sum: 3495.94 m2 Max Displacement 8.12 cm

View Area Sum: 3496.07 m2 Max Displacement 7.65 cm

Gen 240.80 View Area Sum: 3496.23 m2 Max Displacement 7.98 cm

Gen 240.100 View Area Sum: 3498.81 m2 Max Displacement 7.88 cm

View Rose Optimization: 8.88 cm 8.04 cm 7.19 cm 6.35 cm 5.5 cm 4.66 cm 3.81 cm 2.96 cm

After optimizing the structure, I set up three points in the space, assuming that this is the main exhibition area. Then, observe which result has the largest observable region among the various results of the 240 generation. During the optimization this time, we can see that the massing is gradually stable.

2.12 cm

Gen 240.100 View Rose Isometric

Final Result View Rose

Material Dimension Optimization:

Final Structure Information:

Structure ID: Mushroom Column Cross Section : O Section Material: Reininforced Steel B500-EN Diameter (cm): 20 Wall Thickness (cm): 1

Structure ID: Edge Column Cross Section : [] Section Material: Steel S235 Height (cm): 15 Flange Width (cm): 10

Structure ID: Floor Beam Cross Section : I Section Material: Steel S235 Height (cm): 30 Flange Width (cm): 20

Structure ID: Roof Beam Cross Section : I Section Material: Steel S235 Height (cm): 30 Flange Width (cm): 20

5.04 cm 4.47 cm 3.89cm 3.32 cm 2.74 cm 2.17 cm 1.59 cm 1.02 cm 0.44 cm

Max Displacement: 4.63 cm Elastic energy: 146.56 KNm

Final Result Displacement Isometric

Final Result Massing Isometric

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