Proposal Development For New MSD Building Computational Design and Optimisation Strategy
A. Massing & MLP Design & Optimisation
B. Facade & Structural System Optimisation
C. Layout & Circulation Optimisation
Using the information from the site context and design brief, the optimisation aim to shape the base massing of the building that fully utilizes all the ready resource and explore the potential of the site as the icon of the campus for the next generation
To consider the practicality and constructibility of the proposed design, all the building elements should be designed with wellutilised and precise performance by the aid of computational optimisation.
The accessibility and solar exposure from skylight to atrium could be optimized by the improvement of the bridge circulation, which also facilitates the visitor transition experience within the building. (Not to be developed in this assignment)
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Optimisation Intent & Fitness Objectives
Union House
The first optimisation process focus on the new building massing design with respect to the existing context. To enhance the benefit of environmental condition and visual privacy between building, separation between each blocks is taken as the indicator ans attempted to be maximized. The building notability is also important for visitors to identify such iconic building from a far distance perspective. Lastly, the proposed GFA should closely meet the design belief requirement as a way to optimize the land usage and its allowed capacity.
Raymond Priestley Building
Baldwin Spencer Building University Plaza
Redmond Barry Building
St. Mary College Physic South Building
Chemistry Building Old Geology Building
Elisabeth Murdoch Building
Design Optimization by Context Parameters Union House Entrance
Redmond Barry Building
Baldwin Spencer Building Entrance
Entrance of St. Mary College
University Plaza
RF L4 L3 L2 L1 G Chemistry Building
18k - Total GFA
Old Geology Building
Fitness Objective 1: Building Separation
Elisabeth Murdoch Building
Fitness Objective 2: Visibility from a Distance
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Campus Entrance Towards Tram Stop
Fitness Objective 3: GFA Difference with Design Brief
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Flowchart of computational design workflow
Reference a 60m x 45m srf. as Lower Block base
Exploded base srf. as four Slab Edge
Create Floor Slab at corresponding levels
Reference a 75m x 60m srf. as Upper Block base
Shift points along curve for responding building context
No. of Massing Breakdown (n)
Position Shift Along Curve ( ti )
Join the corner segment as polylines
Offset Curves outward to create in&out Massing
Join all the curves end pts as a continuous polyline
Orient Slab Outline to first two levels
Extrude as a solid massing block
Rebuild all curves as a continuous polyline
Orient Slab Outline to remaining levels
Extrude as a solid massing block
Offset distance wrt to base srf ( di )
Lower Massing Block
Exploded base srf. as four Slab Edge
Create points on line as the Massing twist
Group points as NW & SE Corners
Twist Position Along Curve ( ui )
Design Constraints & Constants Design Variables for Optimisation
Divide lines into even segments according to Design intent
Create Rectangle by two points with rotation
Trim and Join the base srf with the rotated rectangle
Rotation for better visual exposure ( ri )
Upper Massing Block
Geometries for Analysis Setup
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Flowchart of computational design workflow
Massing Blocks
Solid Union Two Massing Blocks
Extract all Vertical Srfs (Building Envelope)
Massing Union
Generate a testing mesh for analysis
Find Closest pts to Context Building as its separation
Testing Mesh Grid Size (Δ)
Context Buildings
Design Constraints & Constants
Take average as fitness objective
Orient Void Edge to corresponding levels
Combine Curves into a matched data list
Extract the actual slab area for GFA calculation
Take the total slab area as overall GFA
Visibility Analysis from a far distance
Count % of points that are visible from either location
Testing points Location
FO1: Building Separation
Slab Outlines
Reference a 25m x 20m srf. as Atrium Void
Join pts into lines and obtain its length
FO2: Visibility from a Distance
Subtract two numbers as net difference
Take the result as absolute value
Target GFA (18k sqm)
Slab Union FO3: GFA Difference with Design Brief
Geometries for Analysis Setup
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Design Variables & Constraints
25m d4
t1 t2
ti є [ -0.10 , 0.10 ] Variable 1: Position Shift Along Curve
East Entry
di є [ 1.0 , 5.0 ]
Variable 2: Offset distance wrt to base srf ( di ) Building Parameters: Lower Block Dimension = 60m x 45m Upper Block Dimension = 75m x 60m Atrium Void & Skylight Dimension = 25m x 20m Floor-to-Floor Height = 5m Number of Floor = 5 Floors
Massing Parameters: No. of Lower Block Massing Breakdown on each side ( n ) = 3 Optimization Setup Parameters: Testing Mesh Grid Size ( Δ ) = 1m
rSE u1
u2 ui є [ 0.30, 0.45 ]
Variable 3: Twist Position Along Curve
ri є [ -0.10π , 0.10π ] Variable 4: Rotation for better visual exposure
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Constraints & Constants
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Optimisation Process and Parameters
The Optimization Process is carried out with the following parameter setting. Population Generation Size = 50 Generation Count = 50 Population Size = 2500 Optimization Parameters Crossover Probability = 0.9 Mutation Probability = 1/22 Crossover Distribution Index = 20 Mutation Distribution Index = 20 Simulation Parameters No. of Genes (Sliders) = 22 No. of Values (Sliders Values) = 3502 No. of Fitness Objectives = 3 FO1: Building Separation [Maximize] FO2: Visibility from a Distance [Maximize] FO3: GFA Difference with Design Brief [Minimize] Size of Search Space = 2.2e39
Pareto-front Solutions
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Optimisation Result Over Generation
From the Observation of the Optimisation Result over generation, three fitness values are all improved in its next generation, which reveals these established objectives are not conflicting but can be taken as valid and effective objectives to optimise the massing design.
First Ind.
Last Ind.
First Gen.
First Gen.
First Gen.
Last Gen.
Last Gen.
Last Gen.
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Synthesis on Optimisation Process
Evolutionary Process Gen 6, Iter 6
Gen 17, Iter 4
Gen 26, Iter 31
Gen 32, Iter 33
Gen 45, Iter 20
Gen 49, Iter 30
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Massing Design Optimisation Selected Result
From the Analysis of all the Pareto-front Solutions, the following iteration is selected for next round of optimization, as it has achieved a balanced fitness result in three objectives with a relatively bold twisted gesture on the upper massing block.
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Optimisation Intent & Fitness Objectives
The Second optimisation process focus on the building design itself, focusing on the facade and structure system. To maintain minimal structural elements by incorporating the facade as part of the structural system and express its structural lightness as the building identity, the structure composition is optimized in the way of minimizing its deflection displacement with the optimal use of structural component. Considering the practicality and constructibility of the facade module, the optimisation process is executed to optimize the potion of typical module such that the design proposal is more cost-efficient. By reducing number of facade junction, the facade appears more homogeneous to its adjacent facade as diagonal mullions meet on the same spot.
Design Optimization by Practicality and Constructibility
F8 F5
F1 F4
Fitness Objective 1: Max Displacement
Fitness Objective 2: Facade Junction
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
No. of interface points along facade edge
% of Typical Module = Σ Ftypical module / Σ Ftotol module
Fitness Objective 3: Facade Typical Module
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Flowchart of computational design workflow
Chosen Iteration from Previous Optimisation
Design Constraints & Constants
Take Upper Block Face as Reference, and split list according to its Elevation
Offset Slab Edge inward as Support Edge
Divide first line into even segments by no. of support
Create points on line as the position of Support
Create a Ref XY-Plane at Support Position
Setback from Upper Glazing Line ( Δ )
No. of support along each side (n)
Position on Structural Grid ( ti )
Tilted Angle A (α)
In Clockwise Direction
Tilted Angle B (β)
In Anticlockwise Direction
Assemble Model as V-Columns
Rotate the plane along its local Y-axis of its Trunk line
Apply to other elevation with same workflow
Intersect with the slab level and join as line
Distort the curve end point along base srf normal
Distort Distance ( di )
Extrude with corresponding uniform profile
Design Variables for Optimisation
Categorise as C_Branch
Geometries for Analysis Setup
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Flowchart of computational design workflow
Offset from Atrium Void
Divide Edges as Column Positions
Generate Structure Grid by interval intersection
Offset Distance ( c )
No. of column along each side (p)
Max Internal Column Spacing ( g )
Extrude Points as Internal Columns
Filter out the Ground Floor Slab Edge
Loft Edges as Glazing Surface
Create Setout Point along bottom Edge
Orient Tilted Plane to the center of Glazing Surface
Contour and Intersect with Glazing Surface as Mullion Grid
Setout Point (s)
Tilted Angle A (α)
Tilted Angle B (β)
Mullion/ Facade Grid Spacing ( m )
Assemble Model as Facade
Apply to other elevation with same workflow
Core Columns Categorise as C_ Internal Column Design Constraints & Constants
Extrude with uniform profile
Mullion & Facade Structure
Design Variables for Optimisation
Geometries for Analysis Setup
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Categorise as F_Mullion
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Flowchart of computational design workflow
Formulate Slab into Beam Network (Srf to Mesh)
Extract Edges As Beams
Extract Upper Block Face F_Mullion
Beam Spacing/ Structure Grid (b)
Design Variables for Optimisation
Geometries for Analysis Setup
Extract All Edge Interface Points
Cull Duplicate Points within tolerance
Count total no. of interface points along edge
Extract All Typical Module
Count % of Typical Module in the facade
Create the shading according to orientation FO2: Facade Junction
Facade Modules
Slab & Beams
Design Constraints & Constants
Split the base glazing srf. as Facade Module
FO3: Facade Typical Module
Categorise as S_Mid Floor, S_Roof Beams & S_Floor Beams
C_Internal Column & C_Branch
All Geometries for Analysis Setup
Rebuild, Shatter all the geometry intersection such that all lines are interconnected for load transfer
FO1: Max Displacement Structural Analysis & Optimisation
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assign Supports, Loads, Material Selection, Profile Cross Section to corresponding components
Send the Assembled Model for FEM Analysis and Optimisation for Max Displacement in the Model
Loop & Feedback the Model with new set of Variables for iteration with a better Fitness Performance
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Refer to the Details in the following Sections
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Design Variables & Constraints
t2 ti є [ 0.40 , 0.60 ]
α є [ 0.25π , 0.35π ] Variable 2: Tilted Angle A
Variable 1: Support Position on Structural Grid (Curve Parameters)
β є [ 0.35π , 0.45π ] Variable 3: Tilted Angle B Internal Column Parameters:
Offset Distance from Void Edge ( c ) = 3m No. of column along each side ( p ) = 4 Max Internal Column Spacing ( g ) = 12m Structural Facade Parameters:
Setback from Upper Glazing Line & S. Grid ( Δ ) = 4m No. of support along each side ( n ) = 2(longer one), 1(shorter one) Mullion/Facade Grid Spacing ( m ) = 2m Beam Spacing/ Structure Grid ( b ) = 1.6m
d3 d4
di є [ -2.0 , 2.0 ] Variable 4: Distort Distance ( di )
si є [ -0.10 , 0.10 ] Variable 5: Setout Point ( s )
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Constraints & Constants
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation FEM Analysis Setup for Structural Performance
Gravity Load Live Loads: 2kN/m2
Conditions: (Tx ,Ty ,Tz ) & (Rx ,Ry ,Rz ) Ground Supports
Material S_Roof Beams Steel S235 S_Floor Beams
Cross Section I-Section Height: 30cm Upper/ Lower Width: 20cm Upper/ Lower THK: 0.8cm Web THK: 0.5cm
Horizontal Members (Beams, Slab & Roof)
Assembled Model
Material C_Internal Column Reinforced Steel C_Branch Vertical Members (Branches & Columns)
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Cross Section Sqaurish-Section Height & Width: 30cm Upper/ Lower THK: 0.4cm Sqaurish-Section Height & Width: 50cm Upper/ Lower THK: 0.4cm
Cross Section
Sqaurish-Section Height & Width: 20cm Upper/ Lower THK: 0.4cm
Facade System
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Optimisation Process and Parameters
The Optimization Process is carried out with the following parameter setting. Population Generation Size = 50 Generation Count = 50 Population Size = 2500 Optimization Parameters Crossover Probability = 0.9 Mutation Probability = 1/24 Crossover Distribution Index = 20 Mutation Distribution Index = 20 Simulation Parameters No. of Genes (Sliders) = 24 No. of Values (Sliders Values) = 524 No. of Fitness Objectives = 3 FO1: Max Displacement [Minimize] FO2: Facade Junction [Minimize] FO3: Facade Typical Module [Maximize] Size of Search Space = 5.7e31
Pareto-front Solutions
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Optimisation Result Over Generation
From the Observation of the Optimisation Result over generation, both the fitness value of FO1 and FO3 are improved throughout the whole optimisation process, while the optimisation trend of FO2 is scattered and fluctuating. Its improvement is not as obvious as another objectives, which explains the reduction of facade junction could be possibly achieved by chance when structure and facade system are optimized at the same time.
First Ind.
Last Ind.
First Gen.
First Gen.
First Gen.
Last Gen.
Last Gen.
Last Gen.
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Synthesis on Optimisation Process
Optimisation Convergence Graph
Gen 8, Iter 35
Evolutionary Process Gen 17, Iter 37
Gen 25, Iter 21
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Gen 36, Iter 28
Gen 45, Iter 29
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Gen 49, Iter 45
Facade & Structural Design Proposal Optimisation Selected Result
From the Analysis of all the Pareto-front Solutions, the following iteration is selected for as the final output of the optimisation process. It has achieved well in three fitness objectives. In particular to the second objective, the corner details and junctions are jointed quite well from those key perspective. The v-columns are also positioned in a way doesn’t bother the building circulation and the prominence of main entrance.
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui
Aerial Perspective
ABPL90123_Advanced Computational Design 2021_SM1
Assignment 3 Horror Vacui