OUIL505 // applied illustration

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AKIHIKO YOSHIDA Akihiko Yoshida is a Japanese concept artist who is currently working for Square Enix. As a concept artist he works with character, setting & narrative all in one go. His portrayal of character comes across extremely strongly as he is able to depict the characteristics, personality & history of a character just by their design alone. He has worked on Bravely Default, Final Fantasy III & XII.

AMELIE FLECHAIS Amelie Flechais' use of character and narrative in her work is astounding and proves how important scale, colour and shape is when creating a narrative on its own. Her work has a whimsical touch to it that lets the imagination go wild but it also has that sense of nostalgia there. Her characters alone are extremely lovable and are extremely dynamic and broad in their characteristics. The fact that she primarily uses watercolour only heightens the overall look that her work brings. She is a children's book illustrator but has also worked on various of animation projects, more recently she worked on the concept art for animated film: Song of the Sea.

MORGANA WALLACE Morgana Wallace is by far one of my personal favourite practitioners working today. The amount of craft that is taken into consideration into each of her individual pieces is outstanding, the fact that she uses paper-cut as well as a various amount of traditional mediums shows how versatile her practice is. Whilst she may not have any work revolved around she has an amazingly strong sense of character that is easily found in all of her recent work with paper-cut. Her explosive use of colour is another thing that stands out so much. The use of colour and shape really outlines the design of each of these characters and could easily tell a story themselves.

GILLIAN GROSSMAN Gillian Grossman primarily works with character and her practice focuses around prints/print-making. She speaks a lot about her process and the blend between traditional and digital media, as well as how she uses them both in her work. There is a sense of fluidity in her characters since she uses such a strong sense of shapes in nearly all of her pieces. The use of a watercolour wash and coloured pencil together with the warm use of colours her most popular works.

CASPER KONEFAL Casper Konefal is a prominent concept artist who has worked on various amounts of work but most recently he has been involved in the character design in Bioware's Dragon Age: Inquisition. His heavy attention to detail in regard to the concept surrounding a single character is astounding. On his website it shows just how much attention was put into just the facial structure of certain characters. He also worked on the amazing tarot card art from Dragon Age: Inquisition that set out to do justice for the character, tell a narrative, their backgrounds & own struggles. The use of symbols, patterns, position, scale and object is crucial for the artwork itself.

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