The Ten Beyond

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A Photographic Exhibition Johan Siggesson, Duncan Cauchi, Joseph Lungaro, Sam Scicluna, Guido Bonett, Veronica Busuttil, Keith Ellul, Darrin Zammit Lupi, Ramon Curmi and Domenic Aquilina. WITH PHOTOJOURNALIST HRISTO RUSEV & THE BOOK LAUNCH OF


February - March 2019 Aldabra Gallery SmartCity - Malta

Curator Kevin Casha - Produced by Gabriella Mallia

The Ten Beyond Photography Exhibition at Aldabra Gallery, SmartCity Malta in February - March 2019. On March #Ten, 1927, an ad by one of the Greatest editors Fred R. Barnard which appeared as a Chinese Proverb was issued with the phrase "One Picture Worth #Ten Thousand Words". The idiom refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single picture. Earlier Russian writer Ivan Turgenev has expressed this sentiment in Fathers and Sons in 1861, writing "The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over #Ten pages in a book."

If a glance at one picture is so powerful, imagine the stories of #Ten Photographers.

On February #Ten, 2019 we welcome the stories of #Ten Photography Masters at Aldabra Gallery, Level 2, SmartCity Malta. All photographers are members of the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP).








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Wildlife Photographer

Johan Siggesson

Johan is a wildlife photographer originally from Sweden but residing in Malta since 2002. Already as a young boy he was passionate about animals and the natural world. Before Animal Planet, Nat Geo Wild and the likes, he sat glued in front of the weekly nature program on Swedish state television. After a Safari a few years back, he decided it was time to take up wildlife photography full time. Since then he has never looked back and today teaches photography courses and acts as guide on photography tours around the world. Over the years Johan has received a number of prestigious awards in international competitions such as: European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Travel Photographer of the Year and Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year 2014. Johan’s fascination with the world around him together with a keen interest in graphic design have steered his imagery away from the classical, descriptive wildlife type of photography towards a more artistic, fresher and experimental approach to the genre. His work today is instantly recognisable for its creativity and boldness.

"A wildlife photographer from Sweden residing on the small Mediterranean island of Malta."


Still Life Photographer

Duncan Cauchi

Duncan is an Information System Specialist, currently working at the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). His main duties are to keep the authority’s electronic data safe and accessible. Apart from this, Duncan has a great passion for photography, he has just achieved a Fellowship level (FSINWP) with The Societies of UK (SWPP), which was reciprocated by Maltese Institute for Professional Photography (MIPP). He was awarded The Societies Macro Photographer of the year 2011. Duncan finds photography both challenging and relaxing and he always strives to self-improve and find new ways to produce the image he has already formed in his mind, at the same time, he is in aware of the vast opportunities photography offers as well as the endless artistic possibilities it can bring about. Duncan’s work varies from intricate still life water images, landscape photography and the street photography genre. Duncan has also been awarded the ASICIP - Associate of the Societies of International and Commercial Photography.

"Duncan’s work varies from intricate still life water images, landscape photography and the street photography genre."


Traveling Photographer

Joseph Lungaro

Intrigued by the beautiful art of photography from a very young age, Joseph’s interest in photography bring him fond memories of when he used to eagerly await in anticipation the postman’s delivery of his father's copy of the National Geographic Magazine. He would then proceed to delve in wonder into the amazing photographs of places around the world; places he never knew existed. Like so many weaned on National Geographic images, his early interest developed into a growing love for photography. This passion has increased over the years, as he started exploring the various facets of this wide-ranging art combining it with his thirst for travel and knowledge. His interest led him into capturing people in their natural environment, exploring the complexity of their surroundings and yet trying to immortalise the essentials of their story. As often happens in life, other priorities started to get in the way. Often, he had to put aside his enthusiasm for photography due to his work as a qualified chef and later changing his line of business by entered the betting industry. However, as time passed he learned to find an optimal work-life balance and managed to make more time for his photography interests. He joined The Malta Photographic Society in 2010 and The Malta Institute of Professional Photography in 2012. This helped him to evolve and fine tune his photography. His work paid off with awards such as Photographer of the Year 2014 and 2016 at The Malta Photographic Society and Photographer of the Year 2017 at The Malta Institute of Professional Photography. Recently Joseph’s photography has increasingly evolved into Traveling and he plans his own solo trips to exotic and photogenic places all around the world. He has since travelled to Iran, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, Morocco, Vietnam, Thailand and Iceland apart from other more mainstream destinations. These places have helped him discover the beauty and diversity of cultures on our planet, some of them changing his perspective towards life and truly touching his soul.

"Recently Joseph’s photography has increasingly evolved into Traveling and he plans his own solo trips to exotic and photogenic places all around the world."


Landscape & Seascape Photographer

Samuel Scicluna

Samuel was born and raised on the island of Malta, where his love for beautiful, natural seascapes began. He has always enjoyed being outdoors and surrounded by nature. Growing up on an island has created a special bond with the sea and this has led to seascapes being Samuel’s starting point in photography. In 2012 he bought his first DSLR camera and quickly became engrossed with photography. In 2014, he went on an expedition to climb Mount Etna and later that year also climbed Monte Rosa. The time he spent in the mountains is what continued to fuel his passion for landscape photography. Since there are no mountains in Malta, he found himself longing to travel more and more in order to experience the ethereal vistas and majestic mountains in other, larger countries. In 2016 he traveled to Iceland for the first time, realising one of his dreams, and further affirming his passion for landscape photography. He has always been intrigued and fascinated by severe weather and the sheer power and beauty of mother nature and this led to Samuel also taking an interest in storm chasing and photographing severe weather phenomena. Travel has led him to persevere and learn new techniques whilst expanding his portfolio of work, which now also includes cityscape photography. He has always been amazed by the night sky, and going camping often has led him to experiment with astrophotography. Samuel enjoys most outdoor activities which include but are not limited to, camping, hiking, exploring new places, night photography, trail running, climbing steep hills and simply just being amazed at the world around him. His work clearly demonstrates his love of nature, his perseverance and mastery of what are usually difficult and demanding techniques.

"His work clearly demonstrates his love of nature, his perseverance and mastery of what are usually difficult and demanding techniques.."


Nature Photographer

Guido Bonett

Guido was born in Malta in 1956. His main love, purpose and passion is nature in all its forms. He has travelled all over Europe and regularly embarks on photographic expeditions to the rainforests of French Guiana, the Andean foothills in Ecuador, the Yasuni region of the Amazon, the Galapagos Islands in South America, Costa Rica in Central America and various countries in the African continent; such as South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar and Uganda. His latest travels took him to Madagascar to photograph a subject close to his heart: the endemic reptiles of the Island. Throughout his career, many of Guido’s nature photographs have been published in books, scientific papers and other publications, both locally and abroad. In 2005, he co-authored two volumes entitled ‘The Maltese Countryside,' a pictorial guide to the flora and fauna of the Maltese Islands, and 2011 saw the publication of his work 'The Natural History of the Maltese Islands’, intended to help out and guide beginners with nature photography. In 2015 he illustrated the ‘The Wild Flowers of the Maltese Islands.’ Guido has participated as a nature photographer in a number of projects in collaboration with the University of Malta. Study sites included locations in Morocco and Tunisia and coastal regions within the Maremma in Italy. He is also involved with the University’s Centre for the Liberal Arts and Science as a lecturer on nature Photography. Guido is an Associate member of the Royal Photographic Society, the Malta Photographic Society and has been awarded a Fellowship by the Malta Institute of Professional Photography.

"His main love, purpose and passion is nature in all its forms. He has travelled all over Europe and regularly embarks on photographic expeditions."


Underwater Photographer

Veronica Busuttil

Veronica has been diving for the last 25 years, ever since she became fascinated with the mysteries of the deep and qualifying as a 3 star CMAS Diver & Advanced Extended Range. Her main driving force in diving is to discover the beauty of the underwater world. It had never dawned on her that she would ever become a keen underwater photographer; now wherever she goes she makes sure to have her camera gear at hand. Underwater photography is an enchanting passion. It is the discovery of another world located on the seabed. Its inhabitants are creatures of all shapes and sizes that roam about in the depths of the oceans. Shipwrecks make also an additional exciting attraction. It all started in 2009 when she was planning her second diving trip to the Red Sea. Her friends suggested that she should buy a camera and that is what Veronica did. She started with a compact camera Canon Ixus 870 and eight years ago upgraded to another compact ; the Canon G16 and a Sea and Sea Strobe. War wrecks and seahorses are her favourite subjects. Taking photographs has opened different challenges in diving which make have made her further appreciate the colourful sea creatures and their habitats. She has joined the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) in May 2015 and has attended a “Fast Track to Photography” course delivered by Mr. Kevin Casha. Besides taking part in various collective exhibitions and competitions, Veronica has staged her first personal exhibition at Sistina, naturally showcasing her underwater images. Veronica firmly believes that if there is something worth doing, it should be one’s ambition to do it well.

"It all started in 2009 when she was planning her second diving trip to the Red Sea. ."


Fine Art Landscape Photographer

Keith Ellul

Keith Ellul is a fine art photographer who mainly but not exclusively shoots the landscape/seascape. Through his photography he attempts to express his mood and feelings of the locations he captures and to impart the same experience he feels to the viewer. Keith is a devoted photographer, he published his first monograph book in December 2015 – ‘Beyond the Horizon’ and he set up his first solo exhibition in March 2016 – ‘Harvesting Light’. He also took part in a collective project organised by APS Bank Malta entitled 'Diversity - Recognising Individuality'. He obtained his Associate with the Malta Institute of Professional Photography in 2017 and later in 2018 his Fellowship (FMIPP) with the same Institute. He is a member of The Society of International Nature & Wildlife Photography UK and has been awarded their Fellowship (FSINWP) in 2018. Regularly taking part in various International competitions in which he has won various awards, namely in the prestigious Black & White Spider Awards, International Colour Awards, ND Awards, Monochrome Awards & Monovision Awards. Keith has been using LEE Filters since 2013 and he is supported by this brand as an Official LEE Filters photographer. His style of photography, being a landscape or urban environment, has always a common factor, motion or movement. He considers the camera as a time machine, where he can briefly arrest time and immortalise a period of either a few seconds or minutes in a single frame. When asked why photography? He has no clear answer; rather it is the same as how some people turn to sport, religion or other disciplines to find purpose and meaning to life. Photography has given him a clear sense and appreciation of who he is. His motto is “Inspiration is anything;” it is a way in how one sees the world around oneself. He believes the artist needs to define himself or herself through discovery of a personal style.

"A wildlife photographer from Sweden residing on the small Mediterranean island of Malta."


International Photojournalist

Darrin ZammIt Lupi

Malta-born photojournalist Darrin Zammit Lupi worked at the Times of Malta between 1996 and 2016 and has been a contract photographer with global news agency Reuterssince 1997. His work over the past two decades has taken him all over the world, seeing him covering the Bosnian war, the Kosovo refugee crisis, the South-East Asia tsunami, the Libyan conflict, development issues in various parts of Africa and several other international assignments. His work has been widely published in the international press, including TIME, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, Paris Match, and others. He is considered by many as Malta’s most experienced and awarded photojournalist. Despite travelling widely, it is in his own backyard that he has done what he believes is his most important work, documenting the plight and tragedy of migrants trying to reach European shores from Africa, culminating in the publication of his book Isle Landers in 2014. Its accompanying exhibition has been seen in Malta, France, Luxembourg, Australia, Japan and the U.S.

"His work over the past two decades has taken him all over the world - seeing him covering several international assignments."


Astro - Photographer


Since childhood, Ramon has always been fascinated by the Cosmos; his first telescope was a small antique brass one belonging to his late great grandfather. However, it was only a few years that he started getting serious about Astro Photography. Having started circa five years ago by photographing the Milky Way in all its glory, he soon yearned to see for myself what is hidden in that cloudy white lane in the summer sky. Investing in heavier and more sophisticated equipment, he is today one of the very few Maltese photographers who are able to photograph the unseen and mysterious objects hidden in the sky. He feels deeply about the way the bulk of society proceeds with their lives, unknowing and uncaring of the spectacle just outside their little realities. Ramon finds it extremely relaxing and soothing sitting in solitude somewhere dark and remote, far away from traffic and the general noise of everyday life. Â He thrives on locations which have low light pollution levels so that his telescope-mounted camera can capture those mysterious stellar images of subjects that are so many light years away from us. His photographic collection is made up of a number of giant star forming clouds, known as Nebulas, situated deep in space. With the proper equipment and painstaking technique Ramon has managed to not only get to see these Nebulas in their full bloom and colours but also to capture them in an image for all others to marvel at.Â

"He thrives on locations which have low light pollution levels so that his telescope-mounted camera can capture those mysterious stellar images of subjects that are so many light years away from us."


International Sport Photographer

Domenic Aquilina

Born on August 2nd, 1957 in Senglea, Malta, Domenic has been involved in the photojournalism sphere since his early twenties. He is the official Malta football writer/photojournalist contributor to – the official site of the Union of European Football Associations -and a regular contributor to various UEFA publications. His association with UEFA spans a long number of years. Specializing in photo reportage, he has to date covered thirteen UEFA Champions League finals plus numerous international matches. Domenic is also a regular photographic/journalistic contributor to a number leading publications abroad, namely Guerin Sportivo (Italy) and World Soccer (England). He is an accredited member of the Association Internationalle de la Presse Sportive (A.I.P.S), Institute of Maltese Journalists, The Malta Sportswriters Association and The Malta Institute of Professional Photographers. Domenic’s forte is definitely Sports photography and he was appointed as one of the official photographers for the Malta Football Association in September 2010. His work was awarded with the SWPP’s UK ‘Sport General Photographer of The Year 2011’ at the SWPP Convention 2012 in London, England. In June of 2012, Avantech Malta - local distributors for Canon products in Malta, officially announced him as the first ever Canon Ambassador for Malta in recognition of his international achievements and loyalty to the brand. Another prestigious award arrived in June 2016. His UEFA Champions League capture titled “Heads I win!” was awarded 1st Place in the ‘Editorial Sports’ professional category in the Moscow International Foto Awards 2016. Since July 2016 he occupies the role of chief photographer within the Sports Photography Section of the Malta Independent – one of Malta’s leading dailies. In September of 2016, EPA (European Pressphoto Agency) listed him as their official Malta “stringer”. The esteemed news agency, based in Frankfurt, Germany, generates over 7,000,000photos within a network of 400 professional photographers worldwide. The EPA image database grows by an average of 2,000 images a day. Domenic has been awarded the ‘Malta Sports Photographer of the Year’ at the Malta Journalistic Awards in 2014, 2017 and 2018.

"Domenic’ s forte is definitely Sports photography and he was appointed as one of the official photographers for the Malta Football Association in September 2010."



Hristo Rusev

Hristo Rusev was born in 1994 and he is a Bulgarian journalist. He works mostly on social issues, political events, breaking news, crises and wars. Hristo' s works have been acknowledged and published by the world’s most prestigious media: The New York Times, The Guardian, The Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, BBC, CNN, Associated Press, National Geographic Magazine, New York Magazine, ELLE Magazine and others. He was consecutively awarded Best young Bulgarian photojournalist and also won the prize of BG Press Photo for international photojournalism. The documentary 'The Last (Eternal) Mime' is a photo essay (20142018) on the subject of pantomime art in which Hristo Rusev is telling the story of Guerassim Dichliev and Marcel Marceau and their struggle. The project is a finalist in the Siena International Photography Awards, Italy and is Honorable Mention Winner/ 2018/ PRESS/ Performing Arts of Paris Photography Prize 2018, Paris, France Px3 Paris Photography Prize. Follow:

"He works mostly on social issues, political events, breaking news, crises and wars."


Curator & Co-ordinator

Kevin Casha Master SWPP; FMIPP; FSWPP; AMPS; AMPA; Hon FMPS. Master of Fine Arts in Digital Arts (University of Malta) President Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) Technical Co-ordinator Malta National Picture Archive

THE TEN BEYOND is a photographic project which brings together the outstanding work of ten of the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (and Malta’s) top photographers; they are ten artists who excel in a particular genre. I felt it was high time to say thank you to these passionate artists not only for the work they constantly regale and inspire us with, but for clearly demonstrating that we have local photographers who are more than a match for top international photographers. The exhibition being held at Aldabra Gallery at SmartCity will be a showcase for the best that local photography can offer. The fifty prints (five from each author) have been printed by MIPP main sponsors ILAB Photo and PhotoInk who, for this project, have admirably joined forces so as to jointly give their usual professional service to the MIPP; no matter how good an image is, high-end printing is imperative in order to bring out the best quality possible. All the photographers selected to participate are resident in Malta and their names are synonymous with top quality photography. It was not easy to select and restrict the photographers to ten, but I looked at consistency, passion, creativity and track record. Guido Bonett’s nature work is second to none, whilst the consistent high level of sports photography shown by Domenic Aquilina is proven time and time again . Keith Ellul and Samuel Scicluna are both major exponents of the landscape but their work shows that there are many different paths towards producing engaging photography with this genre.

Ramon Curmi’s passion with astro photography has enabled most of us to view and marvel at images that we would not have dreamed of, whilst Veronica Busuttil takes us into the wonderful realm of underwater photography. The photojournalistic work of Darrin Zammit Lupi needs no introduction and again he continues to show his mastery not only by telling a story with a single image but by adding design, aesthetics and composition – elements that take his work to another level. Johan Siggesson’s amazing wildlife work is very different from what we usually encounter; he not only documents his subjects but his creative input gives his images that Fine Art feel. Joseph Lungaro is a fine allrounder who excels in travel photography, again not only by documenting what his camera captures but by using his keen visual sense and skill of captivatingly capturing the moment when the light is at its best. Duncan Cauchi, on the other hand, painstakingly creates artistic images using the difficult medium of water and is capable of freezing instances in time in order to give us a glimpse of how a passionate photographer can produce engaging work from the simplest of subjects. For me, it has been a pleasure to have instigated this exhibition and to have hopefully brought such top local talent together in one gallery. Naturally, my thanks go to the photographers who accepted to participate, exhibition director Gabriella Mallia and Aldabra Gallery and all our sponsors, particularly ILABPHOTO, PHOTOINK and the MIPP.

We are proud that all the exhibitors are Malta Institute of Professional Photography members and that once again we are involved in a project aimed at helping to promote our local talent. Lastly, I would like to thank all the visitors who will be viewing the work – may they help to increase the recognition of our local photographers.

Kevin Casha

The MIPP Malta Institute of Professional Photography

The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) officially came into being during a meeting held on the 2nd of October 1996. This first meeting, open to all those with an interest in Professional Photography, was held at the Grosvenor Hotel, and was the outcome of a group of individuals who had for a time been discussing ways to improve the standard, respect and recognition of Maltese Photography and Photographers. The idea to form the MIPP was first discussed and agreed upon by Kevin Casha and Colin Pilling on the 16th of July 1996 at the Coach and Horses in Birkirkara. A subsequent meeting, on the 1st of August, saw Konrad Agius joining the first two. Further meetings where held with several interested persons contributing. These where namely Walter Barbara, Joe P. Borg, Martin Abela, Anthony Portelli, and Charles Calleja. The MIPP’s yearly International Seminars are much awaited by local Photographers and to date have brought to our islands many top level international exponents of the art in order to lecture, demonstrate and collaborate with Maltese photographers. In this comparatively short period, the MIPP has come a long way, continuously evolving in the process, yet its main objective still remains the “Furtherance of the local Professional Photographic Industry in all its aspects.”

The First Major MIPP Seminar


Gabriella Mallia B.A. (Hons) Melit. Co-founder of ArtMalta Art Manager at Aldabra Gallery

I feel intrinsically involved in front of such photography capturing not only the highly balanced lights of the images they show, but also the talent and experience of the artist behind the camera - in one single moment. We are connected by the urge to see, and moreover by the desire to show what we see. In our activities at Aldabra Gallery, we care to bring a message of respect through arts and to share meaningful experiences with the aim to inspire our environment, to communicate our motivations and to connect in creativity. The participants of 'The Ten Beyond' depict their passion and dedication in influential compositions that truly surpass the untrained eye and bring forward unique masterpieces characterized by their individual presence in every setting.

artmalta Operating at Aldabra Atelier & Gallery, SmartCity - Malta

ArtMalta is a Brand representing a team of dedicated artists who share their artistic journey. The initiative was co-founded in January 2016 by Gabriella Mallia and Aaron Lu. ArtMalta operates at Aldabra Ateliers & Gallery, Level 2, SmartCity Malta since May 2018. Sub-divisions include AMOT (On Tour), AMET (Euro Tour), AMS (Sound) & Think1st (Design). Follow our activities on:

They reach far in the cosmos, deep under water, climb high, search quietly, quickly and persistently in time to preserve a moment and present it for all to see. During a workshop at the EUIPO where I met photojournalist Hristo Rusev, I was motivated by the thought that Ideas are everywhere. It is a greater skill to organize ideas and bring them to reality. We are honoured to present 'The Ten Beyond' Exhibition and the Book Launch of 'The Last Mime' at Aldabra Gallery. I am thankful to all participants for sharing their wonderful art, to Kevin Casha for his commitment towards the organization of this Exhibition and to Aaron Lu and technical partners at Think 1st for bringing forward the design of the Gallery.

ArtMalta: Think 1st: Aldabra Gallery: MIPP:


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