1.4. Use of the Logo 1.4.1. Use of the Landscape Logo Colour negative. Sea-green is replaced by white.
Black and white positive variant. 100% black and 35% black are used.
Black and white negative variant. 100% black and 35% black are used.
Contour or bitmap version. Used in case of black and white documents (payment orders, fax letterheads, etc.), engravings, textiles, etc.
1.4.2. Use of the Portrait Logo Colour negative. Sea-green is replaced by white.
Black and white positive variant. 100% black and 35% black are used.
Black and white negative variant. 100% black and 35% black are used.
The bitmap version. Used in b/w documents (payment orders, fax letterheads, etc.), engravings, fabrics, etc., and in case of printed advertisements with limited number of colours.
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Use of the Logo
1.4.3. Protected Area Landscape logo The so-called “protected zone” must always surround the logo, which on its sides is of the same width as the letter H in the used logo and at the top and bottom is of the same height as the letter H.
Portrait logo In case the portrait logo is used, the “protected zone” is formed on the sides when letter H of the logo is turned 90 degrees.
Exception The protected area is not required on: • some transaction forms where the rules set forth above will not be observed • ATM valguskastidel • lisaviitadel • kontorite välireklaamides Landscape Logo with Payoff
Head mõtted saavad alati teoks
Text and photos must never be put closer to each other than the height of letter H in the logo.
1.4.4. Minimum Size of the Logo In case of the smallest reproduction of the logo the word Hansa may never be smaller than 19 mm. The same requirement applies both to the landscape and the portrait logos.
19 mm
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Protected Area
1.4.5. Wrong Use of the Logo The logo may never be used on photos, conflicting backgrounds or combinations of the examples shown on the right. The proportions or design of any logo may not be changed. Always use the originals on the CD. The logo may not be lying transversely to the main surface and text. In case problems occur which have not been dealt with in this handbook, please contact the Distribution Division of Hansabank.
The logotype of Hansabank may never be used without the picture.
The picture of Hansabank may never be used on its own. Exceptions are possible in materials concerning advertising and events.
Page 11
Wrong Use of the Logo
1.5. Hansabank Colours This stylebook has been printed in CMYK process colours and does not give the exact expression of the colours.
C 100.0 M 0.0 Y 0.0 K 51.0
C 0.0 M 69.0 Y 100.0 K 0.0
1.5.1. Main Colours of Hansabank The main colours of Hansabank are orange and sea-green.
PMS 3025 C
Orange: in process colours C 0,0; M 69,0; Y 100,0; K 0,0 PMS 1665 C in the Pantone colour scale.
PMS 1665 C
Sea-green: in process colours C 100,0; M 0,0; Y 0,0; K 51,0. PMS 3025 C in the Pantone colour scale. Orange is used only in the logo and the split-bar, sea-green may be used on all surfaces.
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1.5.2. Additional Colours of Hansabank The following additional colours may be used in addition to the main colours: PMS Cool Gray 8 PMS 660 C PMS 194 C PMS 3025 C PMS 124 C PMS 612 C PMS 515 C PMS 563 C
PMS cool gray 8
The additional colours may be used on all surfaces either in 100% or in reduced per cent. The minimum per cent in the use of a colour is 5.
PMS 660 C
PMS 194 C
PMS 3025 C
PMS 124 C
PMS 612 C
PMS 551 C
PMS 563 C
C 0.0 M 0.0 Y 0.0 K 35.0
C 91.0 M 60.0 Y 0.0 K 0.0
C 0.0 M 91.0 Y 56.0 K 34.0
C 100.0 M 0.0 Y 0.0 K 51.0
C 0.0 M 27.5 Y 100.0 K 6.0
C 0.0 M 0.0 Y 100.0 K 18.5
C 30.5 M 0.0 Y 0.0 K 15.0
C 43.0 M 0.0 Y 27.5 K 6.0
Example of the percentage of additional colours PMS 194 C 100%
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Additional Colours
5% Use of the Logo on Additional Colours When used as the background of the logo the additional colours divide into 3 groups. Group I. Always in the positive variant, in the extent of the entire scale. Colour positive – logo may be printed on colour PMS 612 C.
Colour positive – logo may be printed on colour PMS 551 C.
Colour positive – logo may be printed on colour PMS 563 C.
Colour positive – logo may be printed on the permitted colours in the extent of 20-100% of the scale. Example 20% PMS 563 C.
Group II. Always in the negative variant, background colour used only in 100%. Colour negative – logo may be printed on colour PMS 660 C.
Colour negative – logo may be printed on colour PMS 3025 C.
Colour negative – logo may be printed on colour Cool Gray 8.
Colour negative – logo may be printed on group II colours in the extent of 5-25% of the scale. Example 25% PMS 3025 C.
Group III. The use of positive and negative variants on these colours is prohibited. The logo may not be printed on colour PMS 124 C.
The logo may not be printed on colour PMS 194 C.
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Logo on additional colours
1.5.3. Use of the Split-bar, Logo and Additional Colours Split-bar is the feature that supports the identity of Hansabank and the use of which is recommended in all advertisements, printed materials and other media where the logo is used.
The split-bar is always in proportion with the size of the used logo and the height of the split-bar may not exceed the height of the small character in the logo.
The split-bar consists of the colours of the Hansabank logo: orange and seagreen, whereas the orange colour is always on the right and sea-green on the left. Depending on the background, the right side of the split-bar may also be used in white.
On black and white surfaces sea-green is replaced by black and orange by 35% black. In case the logo is b/w, the split-bar is always b/w.
In case the logo is negative, the split-bar is always negative.
The minimum distance between the logo and the split-bar must equal the height of letter “H� in the logotype.
Page 15
Split point The logo may be used as follows: Proceeding from the duality of the Hansabank logo, the split point of the logo on a white background must coincide with the split points of the split-bar and the additional colours.
The logo may also be printed next to the split point of the colours.
Wrong Use of Additional Colours Splitting the logo in such a manner is prohibited.
Page 16
Use of the Split-bar with Logos of Subsidiaries In case the logo of a subsidiary is used, the distance between the logo and the split-bar must be at least four times the height of letter “H�.
Asset Management
Wrong use of the split-bar
Asset Management
Page 17
2.2.1. Hansabank Stationery
11 mm
Shown 80%
43 mm
75 mm
23 mm
AS Hansapank Liivalaia 8
Interstate Regular 7/14
15040 Tallinn, Estonia Reg code 10060701 Phone +372 631 0310
Mr Toomas Tuli CYO “Eagle” Piiri 7-2 10152 Tallinn
Fax +372 631 0410 S.W.I.F.T.: HABA EE 2X www.hansa.ee
November 20th 1999 No 0024000-080/
20 mm
Dear Mr Tuli Folding line
Thank you for your letter where you introduced the program and future activities of Children and Youth Organisation “Eagle”. It is good to see that not only kindergartens and schools deal with children and young people. Children’s and young people’s organisations and other undertakings of the same kind are the ones who help to change the attitude of the society by making people think of the real values – family, children, education. Hansabank Ltd has regulated and ratified the areas it sponsors and its sponsoring principles very clearly, because for understandable reasons it is not possible to support everyone who is in need. According to the sponsoring principles of Hansabank, the bank supports mostly such areas of society that need help most. The sponsoring activities of the bank are focussed on the social sphere, which mainly concerns children who have lost their parents and families with several children. Support of the economic education of children is also important for us.
Paragraph marked by one spacing line
Even though your initiative does comply with the sponsoring priorities and principles of the bank, it is impossible for us to support your worthy cause at the present time.
Yours sincerely
Three spacing lines before signature line
Kalle Kaasik Public Relations Manager Katrin Karu +372 613 1676
The splitting place of the logo shows both the right margin of the text and the splitting point of the split-bar
Page 26
Height of H (security zone) between logo and address
2.8. Press Release Shown 80% 20 mm
20 mm
century Schoolbook 14/20
Century Schoolbook 12/14
70 mm
23 mm
PRESS RELEASE July 28, 1999 12.00
CONSOLIDATED ECONOMIC RESULTS OF HANSABANK IN FIRST HALF OF THE YEAR The consolidated net profit of Hansabank in the first half of 1999 was 390.0 million Kroons. The balance sheet volume of the Group as of June 30 amounted to 30.88 billion Kroons. The financial results achieved in the first half of the current year were affected by the stagnating macroeconomic environment in all Baltic States. The consolidated balance sheet volume of Hansabank increased 11.5% to 30,883.0 million Kroons in the first half of 1999. The increase stemmed from increase in the volume of two main sources of financing, customer deposits and loans taken from other financial institutions. Assets have increased 15.1% in a year (pro forma). Increase in the deposits of the Group was rather modest in the first quarter and reached only 4.7%. There was a noticeable leap both in Estonia and Latvia in the second quarter as a result of which deposits increased a total of 14.6% to 16.9 billion Kroons in half a year. All of the increase proceeded from call deposits whereas the volume of term deposits decreased. When the increase in the volume of term deposits continued in the first months of the year due to high interest rates, then in the conclusion of the first half of the year their volume decreased as a result of a considerable decline in interest rates by 3.4% to 4.51 billion Kroons. At the same time the volume of call deposits increased 23.0% to 12.39 billion Kroons. In one year the deposits of Hansabank have increased 46.2% (pro forma). As of June 30, the market share of Hansabank according to deposits was 55% in Estonia (69.9% of the deposits of private persons) and 13.2% in Latvia. The volume of loans taken from other banks increased 26.8% to 5.15 billion Kroons in six months. In January Hansabank withdrew the second part (600 million Kroons) of the syndicate loan signed in December and in June Hansa Capital received the first part (470 million Kroons) of the 626 million Kroon syndicate loan. The volume of the given liabilities has decreased 2.0% (pro forma) in one year. The volume of bonds issued by the third largest source of financing decreased 17.9% to 1.68 billion Kroons in the first half of the year. Annual decrease 29.9% (pro forma). Total external capital increased 12.1% to 25.83 billion Kroons in the first six months of the year. Annual pro forma increase was 7.5%. The equity capital of the Group increased mostly on account of earned profit in the first half of the year and reached 4.59 billion Kroons on June 30. At the end of the period the capital adequacy (without unaudited profit) of the Group was 19.61% (Tier Õ 17.42%) and of the bank 19.52% (Tier Õ 17.36%).
Mart Tõeleid Analyst +372 613 1569
Page 37
Press Release
Double height of H (security zone) between logo and block of information
2.9. Fax Letterhead Shown 80% 15 mm
20 mm
20 mm
70 mm
Interstate Bold 9/20.5 Century Schoolbook 11/20.5
To: Toomas
23 mm
Tuli Date: 30
Fax no: +372
Phone: +372
633 3555
Phone: +372
613 1132
From: Kalle
633 3444
September 1999
15040 Tallinn Estonia
Fax no: +372
613 1131
Phone +372 631 0310 Fax +372 631 0410
Company: Hansabank Re: Letter
Interstate Regular 9/20.4
Liivalaia 8
Company: Kotkas
Double heig (security zo between log address
www.hansa.ee Pages: 1
incl this FAX MESSAGE Interstate Bold 10pt
Dear Mr Tuli Thank you for your letter where you introduced the program and future activities of Children and Youth Organisation “Eagle”. It is good to see that not only kindergartens and schools deal with children and young people. Children’s and young people’s organisations and other undertakings of the same kind are the ones who help to change the attitude of the society by making people think of the real values – family, children, education. Hansabank Ltd has regulated and ratified the areas it sponsors and its sponsoring principles very clearly, because for understandable reasons it is not possible to support everyone who is in need. According to the sponsoring principles of Hansabank, the bank supports mostly such areas of society that need help most. The sponsoring activities of the bank are focussed on the social sphere, which mainly concerns children who have lost their parents and families with several children. Support of the economic education of children is also important for us. Even though your initiative does comply with the sponsoring priorities and principles of the bank, it is impossible for us to support your worthy cause at the present time.
Yours sincerely
Kalle Kaasik Public Relations Manager Katrin Karu +372 613 1676
Page 38
Fax Letterhead
The bar mus of same hei small letters the logo