Tiphates Resevoir

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Tiphates Reservoir

Neolithic Era

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106


Tiphates Resevior

Named after the Tigris and Euphrates River deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Why a reservior? Floods After floods the over flow of water caused soil damage from the excess salt water in thier irrigation system.

Droughts During droughts they did not have enough water to tend crops leaving them to dry out and die.


The purpose of the resevior will help provide preservation and a stable source of water for farming (ie droughts and floods) and everyday life in the Fertile Cresent. Which is located between the Tigris and Euphates River.

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106


The resevior will be located along villages between the Tigris and Euphrates River. In the villages the Tiphates will be off the shore by crops fields. deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

How To Make? Preperation 1. Figure out the postion of the Tiphate 2. Construction - Dig slopes on the rive bank away from crops.

Resivior Setup

1. Dig a hole with a large diameter and a few feet deep. 2. Cut up Oak according to lenght for the inside structure. 3. Cut a few Oak pieces with long points for corner joints. 4. Line the bottom of the reservior with the Oak and plaster. 5. At ground level make two holes the size of a medium size rock. - One hole facing the river - Second hole facing the crops 6. After the fitting of the holes cover the outside structure with layers of plaster and adorned with a stone motif. 7. Cut up 4 wide Oak pannels till they come to a point. (wide to narrow) . deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Materials Needed

How the Materials were obtained

• Oak • Plaster - Lime from limestone • Large and Small stones • Stone tools - Transversely hafted adze with ground stone blades. • Mud and Clay

Oak and other materials such as limestone were transported by water from Syria and Asia Minor. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers are used for major trade routes and communication. deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Tiphate Reservior

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Tiphate Reservior

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Topics Representation of everyday life

This time period was the start of the Neolithic Revolution; the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settlements, including permanent structures. Crops such as wheat and barely were planted along the Tigris and Euphrates River which often faced devastating floods.

Role of an Artist

Farmers provide food and water for the community, allowing others to explore new skills. They are responsible for growth of agricultural technology and the well being of the society.


Starting froma hunting and gather community to a agricultural settlement the reservior would make thier lives a lot easier. They would have fresh water and surpluse of green crops during ths ummer with low matienece.

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Topics Cross Cultural Influence The Neolithic Revelution set the foundation for agriculure today.Thier techniques led to start of innovated farming. With all of the trial and error modern day architechs are able to create massive reservior that can withstand harsh weather condition.


Reserviors, Damn and Irrigations systems had impacted our everyday life providing us with sustainable drinking water and so much more. The innovation of these designs have made life so much easier and more pro-active to our everyday lives.

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

Works Cited

deandra canham | lynne acuario | HUM106

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