2017 Annual Report Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise

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Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise The Irish Guild of the Church


Bunaíodh Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise sa bhliain 1914 chun (1) meon na Sean-Eaglaise Ceiltí a choimeád beo in Eaglais na hÉireann agus baill na hEaglaise a chuireann spéis sa Ghaelachas a bhailiú le chéile, (2) úsáid na Gaeilge a leathnú san Eaglais, (3) iomainn agus ábhar diaga eile a bhailiú ó litríocht na Gaeilge agus (4) ceol agus ealaíon Éireannach a chur ar aghaidh in imeachtaí na hEaglaise. Suíomh gréasáin: Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise: The Irish Guild of the Church was founded in 1914 to (1) promote all that tends to preserve within the Church of Ireland the spirit of the ancient Celtic Church and to provide a bond of union for all members of the Church of Ireland inspired with Irish ideals, (2) promote the use of the Irish language in the Church, (3) collect from Irish sources suitable hymns and other devotional literature, (4) encourage the use of Irish art and music in the Church.

Contact: Teagmháil: Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise, Ardteampall Chríost, Baile Átha Cliath 8 Email: gaeleaglais@gmail.com Tel: 00+353 85 1632772 www.facebook.com/Gaeleaglais Registered charity No: CHY7516

Réamhrá an Phátrúin An tEaspag Michael Burrows Bishop of the Dioceses of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory Is cúis áthais dom é ardmholadh a thabhairt don tuairisc seo ina ndéantar cur síos ar bhliain fhiúntach i saol an Chumainn. Níl aon easpa samhlaíochta ag an gCumann agus bíonn fís inspioráideach ag a bhaill i gcónaí, is bíonn siad i gcónaí ag leathnú a gcláir. Tá an t-ádh ar an Eaglais go bhfuil grúpa chomh díograiseach a oibríonn, gan stad gan staonadh, chun a heispéireas adhartha a shaibhriú, chun a hoidhreacht a cheiliúradh, agus, thar aon ní eile, chun teanga álainn ar leith, ar tíolacadh ó Dhia í, a úsáid i slí a thugann glóir dó agus a chuireann lúcháir ar a phobal. Once again, I gratefully and joyfully commend this account of a busy and fruitful year. Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise is a supremely imaginative body, ever coming up with new ideas and widening its agenda. The Church of Ireland is blessed to have a body of energetic people who work tirelessly to enrich its worship, to celebrate its heritage, and above all to use God’s gift of a distinctive and beautiful language in a manner that gives him glory and brings joy to his people. Cuireann gach baint a bhíonn agam le Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise gliondar ar mo chroí, is téann obair choiste an Chumainn, agus mé á fheiceáil i mbun oibre, i bhfeidhm orm agus mé ag meabhrú ar bhuanna is fuinneamh bhaill an choiste. Tá saol maith i ndán don teanga i ngnóthaí na hEaglaise. Faoi dheireadh thiar thall, is 'gnáthrud' é spreagadh séimh na Gaeilge anois, dá réasúnta é sin. Is í Caroline Nolan, bean ar cosúil go mbíonn sí i ngach áit, atá freagrach as iliomad de seo. Nuair a smaoiním ar éachtaí an choiste, ba mhaith liom ómós ar leith a thabhairt do thiomantas an chathaoirligh Trevor Sargent, fear ar mhór an onóir dom é a oirniú ina dheagánach i mí Lúnasa. Every association I have with Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise is a pleasure, and seeing its coiste at work impresses me as I contemplate their talent and energy. The future of the language in the life of the church is in good hands. The gentle encouragement of the use of Irish, however modestly, has at last, become a very ‘mainstream’ activity. So much of this is due to the omnipresent Caroline Nolan! As I think of all the achievements of the committee, I would pay special tribute to the commitment of the cathaoirleach, Trevor Sargent, whom I was honoured to ordain as a deacon this August.

Go leana Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise ar aghaidh lena obair iontach, rud a dhéanann tairbhe d'áilleacht na naofachta, ach a chruthaíonn freisin nasc eadrainne agus cuid dínn féin, rud a ndéanfaí an-dochar dár bhféiniúlacht mar Anglacánaigh Éireannacha gan é. Ba é sin an tuiscint mhuiníneach ar chúrsaí féiniúlachta a léiríodh Ardeaspag Donald Caird é, go ndéana Dia trócaire ar an bhfear céanna, i rith a shaoil fhada agus thábhachtaigh.

May Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise continue its marvellous work, not only of contributing ‘to the beauty of holiness’, but also of connecting us to an aspect of ourselves, without which, our very identity as Irish Anglicans would be greatly diminished. It was that sense of confident identity which the much lamented archbishop Donald Caird so splendidly epitomised during his long and influential life.

+Michael: Caiseal, Fearna agus Osraí.

Tuairisc an Chathaoirligh Rev Trevor Sargent 1. Aitheantas do na Réigiúin: Tá fáilte romhat súil a chaitheamh, sa Tuairisc Bhliantúil seo, ar dhul chun cinn Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise le bliain anuas. Tá cruth nua ar Thuairisc na bliana a aithníonn na réigiúin atá ina eiseamláirí don tír ar fad ó thaobh cur chun cinn na Críostaíochta trí Ghaeilge. Tagann an fhorbairt seo le fís phearsanta atá agam féin. Faoi láthair, tá deoisí agus paróistí áirithe gníomhach ag freastail ar a bpobail go dátheangach. Is cuspóir é do Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise go mbeadh deiseanna Dia á mholadh as Gaeilge ar fail i ngach deoise de réir thoil Dé agus mianta muintir na háite. Chuige sin, ba bhreá liom go ndéanfaí machnamh ar ollchruinniú gach bliain nó gach cúpla bliain a reáchtáil. Chomhdháil Ghaelach na hEaglaise, a thabharfaí air, b’fhéidir. D’fhéadfadh toscairí ó na deoisí agus paróistí teacht le chéile, Dia a mholadh, sult a bhaint as an gcomhluadar agus a bparóistí, agus paróistí eile a spreagadh chun freastail ar phobail Dé as Gaeilge I measc teangacha eile. Regional Recognition: We invite you to read our report on the progress made by Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise in the past year. Our report has a new layout this year, highlighting the work in areas of the country that are examples of promoting Christianity through Irish. This approach mirrors my own vision of how the work should develop. At the moment some parishes and dioceses are providing a bilingual service in their communities. It is the aspiration of Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise that all parishes will have the opportunity to worship through Irish, according to the wishes of the local community. To this end I would like to propose the notion of general meeting each year, or every couple of years. Perhaps a working title might be, The Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise Conference. I would envisage that representatives would come together from the dioceses and parishes, praising God, enjoying the company and inspiring parishes to worship through Irish, as well as other languages. 2. Buíochas: Idir an dá linn, ní bheadh Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise ann gan dorn beag daoine díograiseacha ar fud an tíre a choimeádann cuisle Ghaelach na hEaglaise ag bualadh go tréan. Ár mbuíochas go mór mór de Charoline Nolan, an tOifigeach Forbartha, de Dháithí Ó Maolchoille, Leas Chathaoirleach agus Cisteoir , de Mháire Roycroft, Rúnaí, agus den Choiste iontach ar fad, agus, gan amhras, den Phatrún, an tEaspag Michael Burrows, a spreagann obair an Chumainn go mór. Buíochas chomh maith de chléir, de cheoltóirí, de Phobal an Aifrinn agus de gach duine a chuidigh le hobair an Chumainn i rith na bliana.

A note of thanks: Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise continues to grow due to the small group of enthusiastic people who keep the Irish heartbeat of the Church alive. We wish to extend our thanks to Caroline Nolan, Development Officer, to Dáithí Ó Maolchoille, Deputy Chair and Treasurer, to Máire Roycoft, Secretary and to all the great people on the committee and, without doubt, our Patron, Bishop Michael Burrows who greatly inspires the work of the Cumann. Thanks are also extended to the clergy, the musicians, to Pobal an Aifrinn and to everyone who has helped the Cumann throughout the year. 3. Institiúid Dhiagacht Eaglais na hÉireann: Buíochas freisin den Institiúid Dhiagachta as séipéal, lón agus seomra a chur ar fail don Chruinniú Cinn Bliana. Bheinn ag súil gur féidir le Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise nasc níos láidre a chothú leis an Institiúid amach anseo, mar is é seo an áit as a thiocfaidh na cléir nua a bhfuilimid a brath orthu. Church of Ireland Theological Institute: I would also like to thank the Theological Institute for allowing us to use the chapel and facilities for our Annual General Meeting. I would hope that Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise will be able to forge stronger links with the Institute in the future, because it is from here that the clergy we will depend upon emerge. 4. Laochra Gaelacha: Mothaímid uainn go mór laochra ár linne a chailleadh le déanaí, go mór mór, an tEaspag Dónall Caird agus roimhe sin, an tAthair Pádraig Ó Fiannachta. Ba mhaith an rud é machnamh a dhéanamh ar ócáid chun ómós a léiriú dá leithéid. Smaoiním go speisialta ar an iar-Ardeaspag, mar bhí a shaol chomh fite fuaite le dul chun cinn an Chumainn agus ról na Gaeilge in Eaglais na hÉireann. Our Heroic Gaels: We dearly miss the legends of our time who have died recently, especially Bishop Dónall Caird, and an tAthair Pádraig Ó Finannachta. It would be fitting to consider an event to commemorate them. I reflect particularly on the life of Bishop Dónall Caird as he was so integrally connected with the Cumann and promoting the role of Irish in the Church of Ireland. 5. Foilseacháin: Mar atá muidne ag brath ar chléir na hEaglaise, tá siadsan ag brath orainn – chun guí ar a son, chun áiseanna as Gaeilge a chur ar fáil agus chun an pobal a mhúscailt a chreideamh a chleachtadh trí mheán na Gaeilge. Chuige seo, is maith an dul chun cinn atá á dhéanamh againn, maidir le leabhar Risteárd Giltrap a fhoilsiú go dátheangach, logainmneacha na hEaglaise a fhoilsiú san Eolaire, ar leabhar an Urr. Máirt Hanley a fhoilsiú, tuilleadh leabharmharc a chur i gcló agus cártaí i nGaeilge a dhíol, i measc tionscnamh eile. Ó thaobh na logainmneacha de, is ceart aitheantas faoi leith a thabhairt don éacht oibre atá déanta ag na daoine a bhí ag obair ar an dtionscnamh. Publications: As we depend on the Clergy of the Church, they also rely on us, to pray for them, to provide facilities through Irish and to awaken the public to practice their faith through Irish. To this

end, we have made good progress regarding the bilingual publication of Richard Giltrap's book, the publication of the Church's place names in the Church Directory, publishing the Reverend Mort Hanley's book, printing and selling more bookmarks and Irish greeting cards, as well as other projects. As far as the place names are concerned, we should recognise the magnificent work of the people who worked on the project. 6. Ceiliúradh teangacha in Éirinn: Sa bhliain 1914 bunaíodh an Cumann seo nuair a bhí dhá theanga á labhairt sa tír tríd is tríd. Faoi láthair, sochaí ilteangach atá ann. Tá tuiscint ar leith ag Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise ar dheacrachtaí an tsaoil don duine nach mian leis nó léi, a s(h)aol a chaitheamh trí Bhéarla amháin. Chuige sin, an féidir linn freastail ar an bpobal ilgnéitheach seo, agus an Ghaeilge a chur in aithne do dhaoine eile ag an am céanna? Cad faoi sheirbhís Taizé a reachtáil agus véarsaí Gaeilge a sníomh isteach i measc na véarsaí a bhíonn ann de gnáth i dteangacha eile? Cad faoi amhrán Taize a chanadh le linn na seirbhíse a chuireann tús leis an Sionóid Ghinearálta, a bheidh in Ard Mhacha an bhliain seo chugainn? Celebrating languages in Ireland. In 1914 this Guild was established at a time when two languages were spoken in the country more or less. At present we have a multilingual society. The Irish Guild of the Church has a particular understanding of life as experienced by the person who prefers not to live his/her life solely through English. In order to cope with this, can we engage with this multifaceted society and introduce Irish to others at the same time? If we were, for instance, to organise a Taizé service during which verses in Irish could be intermingled with verses which are normally sung in other languages? Or if we were to sing a Taizé song during the service which begins the General Synod, to be held in Armagh next year? 7. Alt seachtainiúil:. Cuirimid fáilte roimh an eagarthóir nua, an tUrr. Earl Storey. Tá suim ag an gCumann alt ‘cúpla orlach’ rialta a lorg san Gazette amach anseo, go dátheangach, b’fhéidir. De bharr go bhfuil páirt á ghlacadh ag roinnt scoileanna, paróistí agus ardeaglaisí i saol na hEaglaise trí Ghaeilge, dob fhiú an scéal a scaipeadh go seachtainiúil i measc pobal Dé i gcoitinne. Weekly article. We welcome the Gazette's new editor, the Reverend Earl Storey. The Guild is interested to secure a regular column in the Gazette in the future. It might be bilingual. As some schools, parishes and cathedrals are all participating in the life of the Church through Irish, it would be worthwhile spreading the word among the Church community in general. Rev Trevor Sargent (sargentt@tcd.ie)

Cuisle Gaelach – Deoise Bhaile Átha Cliath agus Gleann Dá Locha

The Irish Heartbeat in the Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough


Thosaigh seirbhís nua as Gaeilge in Ardteampall Phádraig, Dé Domhnaigh 19 Márta 2017. Gabhaimid buíochas ó chroí do Déan William Morton agus foireann Ardteampall Phádraig as ucht an tacaíocht a thug siad dúinn. Bíonn Urnaí na Nóna ar an dara Domhnach do gach mhí ag 4.30pm. New monthly services in Irish began in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on 19 March 2017. We extend heartfelt thanks to Dean William Morton and the staff of St. Patrick’s Cathedral for their support. Evening Prayer in Irish is on the second Sunday of every month at 4.30pm.

Christ Church Cathedral launched Celtic Celebration with new commissions to honour Irish Saints Tá Ardteampall Chríost tar éis aintiúin nua a coimisiúnú, Aintiún in onóir Naomh Maolmhaodhóg, Naomh Fionnbarra, Naomh Bríd (Feabhra 2017) agus Naomh Colmcille (Meitheamh 2017).

Christ Church Cathedral have commission new anthems to honour St Malachy, St Fin Barre, St Brigid (Feb 2017) and St Columba (Jun 2017). L TO R: DÁITHÍ Ó MAOLCHOILLE, DEPUTY CHAIR CUMANN GAELACH NA HEAGLAISE, ANNE-MARIE Ó FARRELL (COMPOSER) AND DR IAN KEATLEY, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL DUBLIN Dúirt an Dr. Ian Keatley, “I am seeking to commission new pieces of music in Irish to celebrate as many of the Celtic Saints as possible, following the shape of the liturgical year,” he explains. “I aspire to ensure that music at Christ Church is, in the first instance of course, to the greater glory of God and to the spiritual needs of those worshipping….”. Aintiún Nua in onóir Naomh Bríd, Feabhra 2017

Aintiún nua in onóir Naomh Colmcille, Meitheamh 2017

Interdenominational Service during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Bhí an tSeirbhís Idirchreidmheach in Ardteampall Chríost, BÁC, i mí Eanáir 2017, le linn Sheachtain na hAontachta Chríostaí. Celebrating the Interdenominational service, in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin were: Mons. Dan O' Connor, Rev. Antóin Ó Murchú and Rev. David Oxley



The High School, Dublin wins Achievement Award for their efforts to promote Irish and take part in new Cross-Border schools project Trevor Sargent spoke at The High School Assembly in May 2017 and presented the Achievement Award to Mrs Sinead Quinn, Irish Department Coordinator, on behalf of the school for their sterling work in promoting Irish. Ghlac An Ard-Scoil páirt sa Chomórtas Bedell i mbliana agus bhronn Trevor Sargent, Cathaoirleach Chumann Gealach na hEaglaise Teastas Gradam Gaisce ar Mrs Sinead Quinn ar son na scoile.

Cuisle Gaelach, Deoise Chorcaí, Chluana & Ross The Irish Heartbeat in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross Bhí Ceiliúradh na Comaoineach Naofa in Eaglais Naomh Muire, Bóthar an Teampaill Carraig Uí Leighin, Dé Déardaoin 16ú Márta (an oíche roimh Lá Fhéile Pádraig). Bhí an tEaspag Michael Burrows, Pátrún Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise ag seanmóireacht ann agus bhí Ceolbhuíon Bhaile na Manach ag canadh sleachta as Aifreann Uí Riada faoi stiúir Roger Ellis, Orgánaí agus Cór-mháistir. Bhí bileog dhátheangach ar fail.



Awareness Session with clergy from the Diocese, held in Bandon in February Bhí Caroline Nolan, Oifigeach Forbartha, i nDroichead na Bandan ag bualadh le cléir na háite, ina measc, an tUrr. Kingsley Sutton (Cloch na Coillte), an tUrr Anne Skuse (Moviddy Union), an tUrr John Ardis (An Sciobairín), an tUrr. Denis MacCarthy (Droichead na Bandan), agus bhí an Canónach George Salter agus an tUrr Tony Murphy ó Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise ag roinnt a saineolais leo. Táimid buíoch do Denis MacCathy a thug an-aire, agus ceapairí álainn, dúinn ann.

In February Caroline Nolan, Development Officer with Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise met with a number of ministers in Bandon to encourage the greater use of Irish in services. St Peter's Church Bandon could not be a more fitting location as it was Richard Boyle's son, the Hon Robert Boyle, considered by many as the 'father of modern chemistry' who oversaw, and financed, the first translation of the bible into Irish. William Bedell, an Essex man, was Provost of L TO R: CAROLINE NOLAN, REV. JOHN ARDIS, REV ANNE Trinity College and later became the Bishop SKUESE, REV KINGSLEY SUTTON, CANON GEORGE SALTER AND of Kilmore. He began the work of translating REV DENIS MCCARTHY. (REV TONY MURPHY, ALSO PRESENT, TOOK THE PHOTO). the bible into Irish but died before it was completed. According to King's College London, "The manuscript of the translation was rescued by his friend Denis Sheridan, who many years later gave it to Narcissus Marsh (1638–1713), provost of Trinity College Dublin. With the aid of two Jesuit scholars, Andrew Sall and Paul Higgins, and of the scientist Robert Boyle, Marsh revised the translation. Boyle nursed it through the printing process in London and an edition of 500 copies was finally published in 1685".

Monthly service in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, First Saturday at 12.00noon Bíonn seirbhís mhíosúil in Ardteampall Naomh Fionnbarra ar an gcéad Satharn do gach mí ag meán lae. Ár mbuíochas den Urr Tony Murphy, de Chánon Seoirse Sáiltéir, den Urr Hazel Minion a bhíonn i mbun seirbhísí. Táimid buíoch díobh siúd a bhfreastalaíonn ar an seirbhís seo go rialta.

Ashton School participating in Comórtas Bedell, and participating in series of new Cross-border music workshops. Bhuaigh Scoil Ashton Corn Bedell i 2015 agus tháinig siad sa dara áit I 2016. Bhí mír nua i gComórtas Bedell i mbliana agus bhí Scoil Ashton an chéad scoil ag glacadh páirte. Tá cúlra an tionscadail nua thíos luaithe. AN TURR TONY MURPHY AG BRONNADH TEASTAIS AR SCOIL ASHTON, SAMHAIN 2016

Cross-border Irish language music Workshops: Background to the project The Cumann began a competition, Comórtas Bedell, in 2012, encouraging Church of Ireland secondary schools in the ROI to create a programme of activities during Seachtain na Gaeilge. The response has been great and many schools from around the country have entered the competition, from Ashton School in Cork to Sligo Grammar School and from Kilkenny College to Monaghan Collegiate College as well as several schools in Dublin, including Alexandra College, Wesley College, and High School Rathgar. Then a series of contacts began with schools in Belfast, including Regent House Grammar school, and Wallace High School (Lisburn) and it was felt that it would be a positive and important step forward to begin to create an understanding of the various levels of understanding and engagement, and indeed opportunities for engagement, that young people from a Protestant background can have with the Irish language. This pilot project links young people in schools from the ROI and NI offering an unique opportunity to share different views and experiences of the language, in first step, low –key approach to explore these issues. The focus on music workshops is to set the language in an entertaining context that is not wholly focused on the language. The project is introductory in nature. The project is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs.


We wish to extend our thanks to the Principal and Staff of the Irish Department for their support and enthusiasm in promoting the language. It was a joy to visit the school. This project will finish with an event in Skainos on 30 September 2017

Cumann Gaelach organised a service as part of Oireachtas na Samhna in Killarney


Cuisle Gaelach - Béal Feirste The Irish Heartbeat in Belfast

Bíonn Seirbhís Altú an Fhómhair agus Seirbhís Carúl na Nollag as Gaeilge go bliantúil i dTeampall Naomh Seoirse, Béal Feirste. Bhí an tUrr Chris Mac Bruithin I mbun seirbhíse agus bhí Cór Wallace High ag canadh ann. Every year St. George’s Church celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving and the Service of Carols in Irish. Rev Chris Mac Bruithin celebrated the Service of Carols in December 2016. The Wallace High School (Honours Choir) sing the carols in Irish and Latin, conducted by Mr. David Falconer, Music Director.

The Story of Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise during Community Relations Week Bhí Dáithí Ó Maolcoille, Leaschathaoirlach Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise, i mBéal Feirste ag tabhairt léachta ar stair an Chumainn. Dáithí Ó Maolchoille, Deputy Chair of Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise, was in Belfast during Community Relations week giving a lecture on the history of the Irish Guild of the Church.

Victoria College, Belfast, and The Wallace High School, Lisburn, take part in Cross-Border Irish Language Music Workshops Two workshops were held in Belfast in June. The first was held in Victoria College and the second workshop was in The Wallace High School. We want to thank the Principal and teachers for facilitating this project. It is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Reconciliation Fund. The pupils were really great to engage with the project and give it their best. The project will finish with an event in Skainos, facilitated by Linda Ervine and East Belfast Mission.


Timpeall na Tíre Around the Country Services in Irish, bilingual services and services with prayers and music as Gaeilge for St Patrick’s Day

Armagh, Dublin, St Patrick’s, Rathfarnham, St John’s Sandymount , St Pappan’s Santry, Belfast, St George’s Church, Galway, Waterford, Cork, St Mary’s Carrigaline, St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Roscrea, Clonmel, Cahir, Donegal, Rathmunterdoney, Dunfanaghy, Lismore, Ashford, Baltinglass

Parish Place Names Project Is cúis áthais dúinn a rá go mbeidh liosta logainmneacha na bparóistí in Eaglais na hÉireann go dátheangach in Eolaire Eaglais na hÉireann i 2018. Beidh ainm an pharóiste i mBéarla agus i nGaeilge agus beidh míniú ann ar an leagan Gaeilge. Táimid fíorbhuíoch as an tacaíocht agus an cabhair go léir a thug daoine dúinn, ach go háirithe, An Dr. Gordon McCoy, Máire Roycroft, Dr. Patrick McKay, Dr. Kay Muhr, Dr. Mícheál Ó Mainnín, Donnachadh Ó Baoill, Caitríona Hastings, Mario Corrigan, Niall Comer agus Dónal Ó Riagáin. Anuas air sin, ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a ghabháil do Representative Church House (RCB), ach go háirithe an Dr. Susan Hood. We are pleased to announce that the parish place names of the Church of Ireland will appear in a bilingual format in the next edition of the Church of Ireland Directory (2018). The list will have the name in English, its Irish equivalent and the meaning of the Irish name. We wish to express our sincere thanks for all the help and support we received from Dr. Gordon McCoy, Máire Roycroft, Dr. Patrick McKay, Dr. Kay Muhr, Dr. Mícheál Ó Mainnín, Donnachadh Ó Baoill, Caitríona Hastings, Mario Corrigan, Niall Comer and Dónal Ó Riagáin. Finally we would like to thank Representative Church House (RCB), in particular Dr. Susan Hood, for the co-operation and goodwill extended to us in completing this project.

Funding Support from the Priorities Fund for Bilingual Publication of An Ghaeilge in Eaglais na hÉireann Cumann Gaelach was delighted to receive a grant from the Priorities Fund to support the publication, in a bilingual format, of the history of Irish in the Church of Ireland. This book, written in Irish by Risteárd Giltrap, gives a very useful insight as to how members of the Church played significant roles in preserving and promoting Irish in the Church and wider community. It is hoped tha this publication will be available in 2018.

Annual service in Daingean Uí Chúis as part of Féile na Bealtaine In addition to the regular service in St James’ Church Dingle during the May Festival, Canon George Salter give a talk on his life. This event was attended by over 100 people.

Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise and the General Synod

An tEaspag Dónall Caird (1925-2017) Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam Méala mór bás an Easpaig Dónal Caird dá chlann uile, agus go háirithe dá bhean cheile fial, Nancy. Fear uasal, lách, séimh a bhí ann, tírghráthóir de chineál dílis oscailte, mac dílis d'Eaglais na hÉireann, ceannaire pobail agus Gaeilgeoir go smior. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal. Bhí cáil mhór ar an Easpag Dónall Caird, a théann i bhfad thar limistéar phobal Eaglais na hÉireann. Chuir sé an-suim sa Ghaeilge, san Oideachas agus san Fhealsúnacht le linn a shaol. Rugadh Dónall i mí na Nollag 1925. D’fhreastail sé ar Choláiste Wesley ó 1936 go 1944, agus is sa tréimhse seo a chuir sé suim sa Ghaeilge ar dtús. D’fhreastail sé ar sheirbhís in Ardeaglais Naomh Pádraig, agus chuir sé iontas air a chomh-chreidmhigh a chloisteáil i mbun adhartha trí Ghaeilge. Thug sé a chéad chuairt ar Ghaeltacht Chorca Dhuibhne agus ar an Bhlascaod Mhór. D’aimsigh sé Séipéal Chill Maoilchéadair agus pobal Protastúnach Gaeltachta, agus d’fhás a ghrá don teanga ó shin i leith. Bhí Dónall ina mhac léinn i gColáiste na Tríonóide idir 1944 agus 1950. Oirníodh mar dheagánach é i 1950, agus mar shagart i 1951. Níos déanaí, ceapadh mar reachtaire é ar Pharóiste Rath Mhichíl, Sean Cill, Baile Átha Cliath. Phós sé Nancy Ballatyne-Sharpe sa bhliain 1963. Tá beirt iníon acu, Ann agus Helen, agus mac, John. I 1970 toghadh mar Easpag ar Luimneach, Ard Fearta agus Achadh Deo é. Sna 1970idí, bhíodh seirbhísí Gaeilge á reáchtáil sa samhradh i Séipéal Chill Maoilchéadair, agus Seán Ó Riada agus Cór Chúil Aodha rannpháirteach ann. Ceapadh mar bhall de Bhord na Gaeilge i 1975. Bhí Dónall mar easpag ar an Mhí agus Cill Dara idir 1976 agus 1985, sular toghadh mar Ardeaspag ar Bhaile Átha Cliath é. Bhí sé mar Chathaoirleach ar Choláiste Móibhí, an t-aon scoil lán-Ghaeilge Protastúnach sa tír. Labhair Dónall ag neart ócáidí Gaeilge thar na blianta, agus chuir sé aistriúchán Béarla ar roinnt iomainn Ghaeilge sa Church Hymnal. D’éirigh sé as mar Ardeaspag i 1996. Sa bhliain 2000, scríobh an t-údar Risteard Ó Glaisne nach maireann, caibidil faoi Dhónall ina leabhar “De Bhunadh Protastúnach”. Bhí cónaí air agus é ar scor i nDún Laoghaire le Nancy. Bhí sé i láthair ‘chuile bhliain ag an tSeirbhís Idirchreidmheach Gaeilge do Sheachtain na hAontachta Críostaí, a eagraíonn Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise agus Pobal an Aifrinn. In 2010, bhí Dónall ag ceiliúradh 50 bliain ó ceapadh mar reachtaire é, agus 40 bliain mar Easpag. Bronnadh Gradam an Phiarsaigh air ar an 22 Aibreán 2010 mar aitheantas dá chuid oibre don teanga, agus ghlac

Nancy leis ar a shon. I 2014, bhí ceiliúradh in Ardteampall Chríost nuair a sheol an Breitheamh Catherine McGuinness beathaisnéis ar a shaol le Aonghus Dwane. Le blianta beaga anuas, bhí cónaí air i dteach altranais Brabazon i mBaile Átha Cliath. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal. Bishop Donald Caird (1925- 2017) It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of former Archbishop of Dublin Donald Caird. His passing represents a great loss to his family, particularly his devoted wife Nancy. He was a gentleman, kind, warm and open hearted, a patriot in the best, open and inclusive sense, a loyal son of the Church of Ireland, a leader of his community and a committed Irish speaker. Bishop Donald Caird was well known in many circles beyond the Church of Ireland community. He took a keen interest in the Irish language and in many other fields including education and philosophy. Donald was born in December 1925. He attended Wesley College from 1936 to 1944 and it was during this period that he first became interested in the Irish language. He attended services in St. Patrick’s Cathedral and was enthralled to hear the congregation worship in the Irish language. He paid his first visit to the Gaeltacht in West Kerry, and became acquainted with Corca Dhuibhne and the Great Blasket Island. He discovered the local Protestant community worshipping in the church of Kilmalkeadar and his love of the language continued to grow from that point. Donald was a student in Trinity College from 1944 to 1950. He was ordained as Deacon in 1950 and as Priest in 1951. Later, he was appointed as Rector of Rathmichael Parish, Shankill, Dublin. He married Nancy Ballatyne-Sharpe in 1963. They have two daughters, Ann (married to Richard, with three children) and Helen; and one son, John (married to Julie, with five children). In 1970 he was elected Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe. In the 1970s services in Irish were held during the summer in the Church in Kilmalkeader and Seán Ó Riada and the Cúil Aodha choir performed there. Donald was appointed as a member of Bord na Gaeilge in 1975. He served as Bishop of Meath and Kildare from 1976 to 1985 before being elected as Archbishop of Dublin. He was Chairman of Coláiste Móibhí, the only all-Irish Protestant secondary school in the State. Donald spoke at many Irish language cultural events over the years, and also translated a number of hymns into Irish for the Church Hymnal. He retired as Archbishop in 1996. In 2000, the late Risteard Ó Glaisne included a chapter on Donald Caird in his book “De Bhunadh Protastúnach”. In retirement, he lived with Nancy in Dún Laoghaire. From time to time he celebrated the Eucharist in Irish in Christ Church Cathedral as the request of the Irish Guild of the Church and he faithfully attended the annual Interdenominational Service in Irish during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, organised by Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise and Pobal an Aifrinn. In 2010, Dónall celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination and the 40th anniversary of his election as Bishop. He was presented with the Patrick Pearse Award (Gradam an Phiarsaigh), on 22nd April 2010 in recognition of his contribution to the promotion of the Irish language, accepted by Nancy on his behalf. In 2014, he was present at the launch by Judge Catherine McGuinness of his biography (written by Aonghus Dwane) in Christ Church Cathedral. In recent times he resided at Brabazon House in Dublin. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Coiste an Chumainn Management Committee Bíonn Cruinniú Cinn Bhliana ag Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise gach bliain le linn Fhéile Cholmcille. Táimid go mór faoi chomaoin ag an gCoiste Gnó agus ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabháil leo go léir as an obair a rinne siad anuraidh. The Cumann holds its Annual General Meeting close to St. Columba’s Feast day each year. We are grateful for the support from the Management Committee and we would like to thank them most sincerely for their commitment to the work last year.


An tUrr Trevor Sargent

Leaschathaoirleach Cisteoir Rúnaí

Dáithí Ó Maolchoille

Oifigeach Caidrimh

Carol Revington


An tUrr Adrienne Galligan


Canónach Seoirse Sáiltéir

Oifigeach Taighde

Seathrún Mac Éin


An tUrr Tony Murphy


Cearúl Tyrrell


Justin Ó Scanaill

Máire Roycroft

Má tá comhairle ag taisteal uait nó má tá ábhair adhradh de dhíth, ná bíodh leisce ort dul i dteagmháil le: If you would like to find out more or would like resources materials please contact: Caroline Nolan, Oifigeach Forbartha,Teil: 085 1632772 nó amharc ar ár suíomh gréasáin, www.gaeleaglais.ie nó www.facebook.com/gaeleaglais

SÍNTIÚS SUBSCRIPTION Meitheamh 2017- 2018 June 2017- 2018 Bheimis buíoch as do shíntiús. We would be grateful to receive your subscription for this year

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