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gŵyl wrTh graidd diwylliaNT CymraEg

Nid oes amheuaeth na’r Pafiliwn yw un o’r elfennau fwyaf eiconig o’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol gyda’r babell binc enfawr yn denu sylw ymwelwyr ac eisoes yn ganolbwynt ar y maes. I sawl un, gig y pafiliwn yw uchafbwynt yr wythnos ble mae rhai o enwau mwyaf cerddoriaeth Cymraeg yn perfformio ar yr un llwyfan am noson fythgofiadwy o adloniant. Tra bu rhaid i’r gynulleidfa wylio Gig y Pafiliwn llynedd yn rhithiol, talodd Gig y Pafiliwn 2019, sef yr un diweddaraf i gael ei gynnal o flaen gynulleidfa byw, deyrnged i ddiwylliant pop a chlwb y 90au. Yn sicr, pan fu’r Eisteddfod yn dychwelyd i’w hen ffurf yn Nhregaron eleni, bydd Gig y Pafiliwn yn un digwyddiad fydd yn siw’r o ddenu cynulleidfa enfawr. Rhan arall eiconig o’r maes yw’r Bar Gwyrdd, neu Bar Williams Parry fel y bydd yn cael ei adnabod o hyn ymlaen yn dilyn cael ei ail enwi eleni. Mae’r enw newydd yn chwarae ar eiriau ac yn cyfeirio at R. Williams Parry, y prifardd o Ddyffryn Nantlle. Mae’r bar wedi ei leoli gerbron Llwyfan y Maes ac felly’n gyfle i dorri syched wrth wrando ar berfformiadau byw gan amryw o dalentau. Y seremoni gadeirio, fodd bynnag, yw un o draddodiadau enwocaf yr Eisteddfod a’r Gadair yw un o’r prif wobrau caiff ei ennill yn ystod yr wythnos. Yn draddodiadol, mae’r wobr yn cael ei roi i fardd yr awdl orau o dan 300 llinell, er caiff nifer y llinellau weithiau eu cwtogi i 200. Mae’r seremoni’n digwydd ar Ddydd Gwener yr Eisteddfod ac yn ystod y cadeirio mae’n draddodiad bod yr Orsedd yn bresennol ar y llwyfan, sef cymdeithas o feirdd, llenorion, cerddorion a phobl nodedig eraill y byd diwylliannol Cymraeg. Iolo Morgannwg oedd yn gyfrifol am sefydlu Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain yn Llundain yn 1792 a bu’n cael ei adnabod fel Gorsedd y Beirdd hyd nes y cafodd ei ail-enwi fel Gorsedd Cymru yn 2019. Yn aml, caiff y Gadair ei wobrwyo mewn Eisteddfodau lleol ar hyd Cymru gan gynnwys mewn Eisteddfodau ysgol ac mae’n gyfle gwych i feirdd ifanc dderbyn cydnabyddiaeth am eu gwaith llenyddol ac i ysbrydoli cenhedlaeth newydd o feirdd Cymraeg.


Er mai gwactod fu ar faes arfaethedig yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, mae’n sicr y bydd y cyffro ar y maes eleni yn cael ei groesawu gan drefnwyr, cystadleuwyr a mynychwyr yr ŵyl. Braf bydd gweld diwylliant Cymreig yn cael ei ddathlu wyneb i wyneb unwaith yn rhagor ar ôl dwy flynedd o gael ei gyfyngu i sgrin ddigidol wrth i Dregaron baratoi at haf byrlymus, hir-ddisgwyledig. Ers dros ganrif, mae’r ŵyl wedi chwarae rôl greiddiol yn nhirlun celfyddydol Cymru ac o weld yr holl dalentau ifanc sydd wedi bod yn dod i’r amlwg dros flynyddoedd diweddar, mae’n debygol y bydd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn parhau i chwarae ei rôl holl bwysig dros flynyddoedd i ddod.

Geiriau gan: Catrin Lewis Design by: Isabel Brewster

Photography by: Sahina Sherchan, @sahinasherchan

Photography by: Sahina Sherchan, @sahinasherchan

Festival season is approaching fast- it’s time to begin outfit planning.

Rihanna’s bedazzled mesh unitard layered with a Gucci vest and denim shorts. We all know the outfit. Whether it features on our festival mood boards or is sought back as inspiration for the latest festival trend, time and time again, we are brought back to an outfit that defined Coachella 2017. You cannot avoid mesh during festival season. Whether it’s a patterned mesh crop top paired with a denim skirt or a pair of mesh flares accompanied by neon underwear underneath, mesh dominates the festival fashion front. Not only is it a light fabric that won’t gather heat in the carnival sun, but you can also style it however you want and still be able to take it off and show off the cute crop you have on underneath.

You should never underestimate the power of print—especially when heading to a drum and bass rave this summer season. A zebra print set is not only eye-catching; it also speaks for itself and requires minimal accessorising. Animal print may be associated with the colder seasons. Still, with the emergence of more colourful iterations, cow print has never looked more summer-ready, especially in neon shades, perfect for a funky festival look. Kendall Jenner frequently turns to animal print when heading out, spotted at Coachella in 2019 in a jewelled zebra set paired with a Swarovski-crystallised face mask- and this was when masks were considered cool. Masks in themselves, not that of the blue, government required kind, but the hip, bandana, multi-coloured scarf type can spruce up a lowkey festival outfit. Whether it’s a full-face moment, frequently turned to by Billie Eilish or a jewelled number worn by Hailey Bieber, showing less skin on the face at a festival adds an air of mystery to your outfit whilst simultaneously protecting you from windier conditions.

Words by: Lucy Matthews

Dua Lipa’s choice of fashion for the festival season is one of my favourites. At Glastonbury Festival back in 2019, Dua was seen wearing two gorgeous outfits- one (on the left) being this stunning metallic bronze loose-fitting dress, partnered with chunky silver and gold bangles and military-style boots. A boots and dress combo is for sure something I will probably recreate when we approach festival season.

On the right, Dua is seen wearing a bedazzled bikini top, some oversized cargo tracksuit bottoms and combat boots - similar to those from the other outfit. As festivals are typically in the summer- wearing a smaller top and thicker trousers is such a festival must, allowing for comfort but also keeping up with the trends. She has tied a windbreaker around her waist - to allow for keeping in check with the UK’s unpredictable weather.

My style for the festival season is very similar to that of Dua. I wore a patterned dress to a festival I attended last year and paired it with fishnet tights and tied my oversized red shirt in case the temperatures dropped in the later evening, and my black cargo boots.

When I go this year to Inside Out, I will most likely opt for a simple outfit; a cropped top with some loose-fitting trousers, but adding a lot of accessories with colour to boost the outfit up even more.

It’s always best to go for comfort, especially as festivals last all day and you’ll need room to manoeuvre to cater for all the dancing! And NEVER wear anything with heels. Your feet will thank you later on. Boots ensure that your feet are not only comfortable but appropriate for those muddy fields.

Words by: Meg Evans Design by: Rahima Bhatti

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