GAU Vol 05- English version

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ALVALADE GROVE IN FOUR ACTS Hugo Lucas was the winner of the contest for artistic intervention in four prefabricated structures at Adventure Park (Mata de Alvalade), an initiative that came from the Municipal Direction of Urban Environment in partnership with GAU and with the Parish of Alvalade. The work of Hugo Lucas was held over the months of April and May and resulted in a set of colored images based on the imagery associated with the stories of our childhood, from where stand out: a Pinoc-




chio that has not stopped lying and has been to ensnare his nose on the trunks of the forest; a Red Riding Hood who walks under a carpet of autumnal leaves and that will cross with a bad wolf with a greedy smile, but not before passing by the foot of a monster who paints her nails in red; a foot from Grimm Brothers’s Giant, who has a red worm as his best friend and 6 green hills in the Forest of Sophia de Mello Breyner [one of the most important Portuguese awarded poet] where toys and pets were left.



EDIÇÃO 2014 Underdogs is an international working platform based in Lisbon, Portugal which aims to create spaces within the contemporary art scene for artists linked to the new languages of urban visual culture, and whose main objective is the promotion of connections, partnerships and collaborative efforts between artists, cultural and local operators. Promoted by Alexandre Farto aka Vhils, one of the most recognized portuguese street artist, and with GAU’s support since it’s former edition in 2013, this project proposes to combine a strand of gallery with artistic interventions in public space. In 2014 the Underdogs project has enabled the realization of six interventions of urban art in various venues across the city, involving national authors as akaCorleone with Kruella D’Enfer, and also add fuel, Draw, Mar and Miguel Januário in a joint piece, as well as some of the most relevant international artist attached to this plastic universe, like the Brazilian trio “Bicileta sem Freio”, the French artits Remed and Olivier Kosta-Thefaine and also the Spanish creator Okuda. Simultaneously the platform organized five exhibitions, both individual and collective, with some of these artists in a space dedicated exclusively for this purpose - the Underdogs Gallery.

Okuda - Rua de Marvila, nº 49




akaCorleone e Kruella D’Enfer - Village Underground Lisbon, Museu da Carris, Alcântara




Add fuel, Draw, MAR and Miguel Januário – FSCH/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Av. de Berna


Bicicleta Sem Freio - Clube Naval de Lisboa, Cais do Gás

Okuda - Galeria Underdogs, Rua Fernando Palha, armazém 56 (© Alexander Silva | Underdogs 2014)

Olivier Kosta-Théfaine - Marvila, Rua Doutor Estevão Vasconcelos

Remed – Regueirão dos Anjos




BIP-ZIP 2014 Within the framework of municipal “BIP-ZIP program” [Program for Districts and Zones of Priority Intervention in Lisbon] the “Literary Walk of Graça” project, promoted by the Association EBANO Collective with GAU’s support, brought excellent news of urban art to this Lisbon’s neighbourhood. The artists EIME, EBANO Collective, Leonor Brilha, Lorenzo Bordonaro, Mariana Dias Coutinho, ParizOne in duo with Mr.Dheo and Violant (this last one, in partnership with the Association REACTION MEDS),

performed artistic interventions in several walls and gables, giving rise to the creation of an urban art route in this area of the city. The project aims the promotion of one of the most fascinating and least explored aspects of Graça – its cultural heritage connected to poetry, art and literature – publicly exposing it through artistic interventions on the facades, helping to improve the image of the neighbourhood and upgrading public space for the benefit of residents and visitors.

Leonor Brilha - Beco dos Peixinhos

Lorenzo Bordonaro and EBANO Collective – Rua Josefa Maria




Violant - Rua Josefa de Óbidos


Mariana Dias Coutinho – inside of the arch of Travessa do Monte

ParizOne and Mr.Dheo (ARMU-YAMA) – Travessa de São Vicente

EIME - Rua Josefa de Óbidos



25 DE ABRIL DE 1974

40 YEARS OF THE 25TH OF APRIL REVOLUTION In the context of municipal celebrations dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the 25th April 1974, we almost lost count of the projects in the field of urban art such was their quantity and diversity. “April 25th Today” was the theme chosen by Lisbon Municipal Assembly (AML) to the evocative contest of the 40th anniversary of Revolução dos Cravos [Carnation Revolution], through an intervention of street art executed on the north facade of “Lisbon Forum” building. The jury – composed by Helena Roseta (AML President), Jorge Ramos de Carvalho (Director of the Department of Cultural Heritage CML) and Júlio Pomar (plastic artist who chaired it) - enjoyed the 21 proposals received, and elected by unanimously, the work of Tamara Alves. An initiative that came from the Directorate Urban Hygiene and Office of Councilman Cordeiro Duarte, made in partnership with GAU, was developed by the creators Fábio Colaço, Hugo Lucas, Miguel Brum, Skran and Vanessa Teodoro, that made artistic interventions in five trucks from the municipal fleet that do the waste collection, thereby giving continuity to the “Recycle Your Sight” campaign. In GAU’s thematic exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!” held in the panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha, the artists Carlos Farinha, Hugo Makarov, Miguel Januário, Miguel Noronha, Nomen,

Telmo Alcobia and Tinta Crua were invited to reinterpret the muralist heritage produced during the PREC [period of remarkable revolutionary activities in Portugal’s history, and passed after April 25th], offering their vision of this iconographic heritage. 40 years 40 murals” project was created and boosted by the mural artist António Alves and developed with the support of APAURB - Portuguese Association of Urban Art, the CEOML - Memory Studies Centre of Labor, and several volunteers at Ateneu de Lisboa. In a lively and sunny morning at Parque Eduardo VII, during the “Festa no Parque – Agarra Abril Semeia Abril” [“Festival in Park - Grab April Seed April”], an initiative of the Municipal Directorate of Social Rights, more than 70 children and young people wanted to learn more about the world of urban art and experience its practice. They had the close monitoring and care from the street art duo Edis One and Timtim, and from the technicians of the Urban Art Gallery. Joint project of Express Newspaper [Weekly Portuguese newspaper] and SIC Notícias [Portuguese private Tv Channel], Gonçalo MAR created a mural about the April 25, which illustrated the covers of Expresso special journals, in the editions of 12th and 18th of April.

Hugo Lucas





Vanessa Teodoro

Miguel Brum


Tamara Alves- north facade of the building Lisbon Forum, Headquarters of Lisbon Municipal Assembly, Av. De Roma.


Vanessa Teodoro

Miguel Brum





25 DE ABRIL DE 1974

Carlos Farinha - GAU’s thematic exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!”, panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha

Nomen - GAU’s thematic exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!”, panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha




Miguel Noronha - GAU’s thematic exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!”, panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha


± MaisMenos ± - GAU’s thematic exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!”, panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha

Telmo Alcobia - Exhibition “Venham mais Sete!”, panels of Cç. da Glória e Lg.da Oliveirinha

Tinta Crua - Exhibition “Venham mais Sete!”, panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha

GAU’s thematic exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!”, panels of Calçada da Glória and Largo da Oliveirinha



25 DE ABRIL DE 1974

40 years 40 murals - Ateneu de Lisboa

40 years 40 murals - Calçada do Lavra




40 years 40 murals - municipal wall in Rua Cais de Alcântara


Street art duo Edis One and Timtim – urban art workshop at Parque Eduardo VII

Gonçalo MAR – Expresso and SIC Notícias Mural, Rua 1º de Maio




GOOGLE ART PROJECT It is really true - the Google Art Project has created a section completely dedicated to urban art! In there, you can find 5000 images, 30 institutions, 15 countries of origin, among the United States, Brazil, The Philippines, Poland and Portugal. When we presented the candidacy of Lisbon, in an attempt to put the graffiti and street art alongside the collections of some of the more notable museums and galleries of the world, Google Cultural Institute answered us - “You come at the right time, because we are creating a section dedicated to street art”. We could not believe at the beginning, but on June 10, there we were at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, by invitation of the Institute to attend the Press Conference and the public launching of the project event. Well, now you just have to visit the site in culturalinstitute/project/street-art?hl=pt to start a circumnavigation, which reveals all that urban art exists throughout the world.

AHEAD PROJECT, PADUA The Urban Art Gallery was in Padua, Italy, last May, by invitation of the Associazione JEOS within the opening of the larger project of urban art so far held in the city - AHEAD project - promoted by this Association in partnership with the local Municipality. The initiative integrates artistic interventions of six creators - AXE, Joys, MADE, ORION, YAMA and ZAGO - that performed in various places of Padua, with the aim of contributing to the artistic revitalization of some areas of the city, animating urban landscape and renewing more depressed and / or peripheral areas with pieces of urban art. In this visit, were also held several conversations and debates, with the team of JEOS Association, with the artists involved in the project, and with the Municipality of Padua, where there was the opportunity to share the experience of Lisbon regarding the municipal strategy pursued for urban art and making a reflection about good practices in this artistic universe. It was with great satisfaction that we found that Urban Art Gallery of the City of Lisbon is an international benchmark in the area of urban art, and that our city is considered one of the European Capitals of Street Art. GAU’s team was welcomed with great enthusiasm by all participants of this project and received a very significant media attention by journalists present at the event, as evidenced by several articles published by Italian media.





1ST WEEK OF URBAN ART IN FORTALEZA By invitation from Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture and from Porto de Iracema das Artes School, GAU attended the Week of Urban Art (SAU) in Fortaleza, which aimed to “(...) promote actions and reflections on the opportunities for training, research and production in the field of artistic street demonstrations (...) ». Held between the 5th and 7th of June, this initiative has integrated various activities such as workshops, debates, artistic performances, concerts and also the International Symposium on Urban Art, bringing together not only artists, among others Binho Ribeiro and Narcélio Grud, but also Brazilian researchers and Portuguese ones, including Ricardo Campos. And to swell further this whole graffiti and street art ambiance, WallPeople 2014 edition of this city took place simultaneously, the Network of Luso Brazilian Researchers in Arts and Urban Interventions - RAIU was launched in Brazil, as well as the documentary “AntropologiZZZando - Tracks Urban Art in Lisbon”, authored by Gloria Diogenes (one of SAU’s mentors) and David Diogenes, which we hope to future debut in our capital.

SORBONNE’S LECTURE GAU was present on the 10th of June, at the University Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, to conduct the lecture “The Urban Art Gallery at the municipal strategy towards graffiti and street art “, inserted into the 2014 cycle “Théâtre (s) contemporain (s) / Collections et Collectors “ by invitation of HiPaM - Histoire du Patrimoine et des Musées workgroup, in a session organized by Andrea Delaplace and Luca Menezes. All information about the HiPaM working group available in:


STREET ART LISBON Title: Street Art Lisbon Publisher: Zest Books For Life A few months ago, the publisher Zest contacted the Cultural Heritage Department, because it intended to publish some works dedicated to Lisbon’s heritage and artistic identity, between them, a book that showed the latest production of the urban art of this city. Therefore “Lisbon Street Art” which features creations from 2012 and 2013, or earlier pieces still present in its streets at this years, with approximately 200 images and a map identifying all locations emerged. In the words of the publisher - “Being an editor is to do what you love, and we love street art and love Lisbon. Not being artists, we use our craft to disseminate and preserve the memory of this ephemeral art and ask everyone to join us. But the truth is that none of this would be possible without the entire staff at DPC, including Jorge Ramos de Carvalho, Sílvia Camara and Inês Machado, with a special prop for José Vicente, the artist behind the lens. To all of them our “thanks” and “see you soon!” because this will continue. Nuno and Duarte [a.k.a. The publishers]”. The work is there, finally in bookstores, resulting from a partnership with GAU. It’s good when we dream something and our plans come true.








This special edition of GAU’s Journal, with a different structure than usual, aims to highlight the important role that partnerships have developed with GAU in the implementation and viability of urban art activities in the city of Lisbon. Given the many initiatives we decided to keep an evocative section of the celebrations of 40 years of the 25th April, which resulted and still continue to involve the completion of a wide range of works, presenting the final pieces of the exhibition “Venham Mais Sete!”, the set of artistic interventions in five municipal trucks of waste collection, the artistic intervention on the façade of Lisbon Forum building, headquarters of Lisbon’s Municipal Assembly, the artistic intervention of Expresso/SIC Notícias wall, and the project 40 years/40 murals. Also in this publication, we highlight “Passeio Literário da Graça” project, developed under the municipal program “BIP-ZIP - Neighbourhoods, and Priority Intervention Zones of Lisbon” and promoted by the Association EBANO Collective, which created a new script of urban art confined to this part of town. Meanwhile, the Underdogs platform continues to operate in the entire urban area of Lisbon, as can be seen through the creations produced in areas as diverse as Marvila, Alcântara, Cais do Sodré and Avenidas Novas, alongside a gallery space where have held several exhibitions, near Braço de Prata area. In the international context, the GAU was particularly active in recent months, taking part in the launch of Google Street Art Project, which took place in Paris and that currently includes 30 partners from 15 countries and a total collection of 5000 images and videos. In addition to this pioneering initiative, we were also invited to attend the official opening of the urban art program “AHEAD” in Padua, Italy, promoted by JEOS Associazione and to give lectures on the work accomplished by the Gallery, not only in the University Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France, but also in the First Week of Urban Art Fortaleza, Brazil. In conclusion, we would stress that this edition of the magazine was only possible through a partnership with Zest, like other fruitful collaborations that have enabled some activities of GAU. Interested in publishing some works related to the artistic heritage and identity of Lisbon, the publisher bet on urban art as artistic expression present in the contemporary city, putting on newsstands the book “Street Art Lisbon”. Thus, it will be in a simultaneous release that these two editions will reach the hands of the public, celebrating and confirming the vitality that the graffiti and street art enjoy today in our capital.

The artistic production of Alexandre Farto aka Vhils is unstoppable and urban art is grateful for that. “Dissection”, the new solo exhibition of the artist, curated by João Pinharanda, opened July 4 in EDP Foundation - Museum of Electricity in Lisbon, and shall remain open until October 5, 2014. For next semester, GAU has scheduled the realization of the 2014 edition of the Annual Urban Art Show, the last phase of the “Faces of the Blue Wall” project in the Psychiatric Hospital of Lisbon, the release of “Lata 65”, one of the winning projects from Public Participatory Budget of Lisbon’s Municipality this year, dedicated to senior urban art, conducting another edition of “Recycle your Sight” campaign, dedicated to artistic intervention in glass recycle containers scattered throughout the city and still support other projects in the world of urban art we do not disclose right now, to surprise you in the next volume of GAU magazine.

Jorge Ramos de Carvalho

Vhils - Fundação EDP – Museu da Eletricidade

CREDITS GAU vol 05 - July 2014 Publication of Urban Art Gallery Edition of the Lisbon Municipallity Cultural Council of Lisbon Municipallity Municipal Direction of Culture Department of Cultural Heritage Director - Jorge Ramos de Carvalho Associate Director - Sílvia Câmara Copywriting - Inês Machado, Miguel Carrelo, Luís Pousinho, Sílvia Câmara Graphic Design - GAU Design – Tiago Morais | Cultural Promotion and Communication Division Revision – Sara Simões | Cultural Promotion and Communication Division

Secretariat - Gracinda Ribeiro Cover photo - © José Vicente | DPC CML 2014 – Hugo Lucas Photos - © JoséVicente | GAU CML | 2014 (except where indicated) Print - Novagráfica of Cartaxo Print Run - 1300 copies Type font - Helvetica | MrsEavesXLSerNar ISSN - 2182 - 777X Legal Deposit - 351671/12 Distribution - Free Contacts – Rua do Machadinho, n º 20, 1249-150 Lisboa | Phone. 21 8171945 |

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