Gallant Magazine SL - Holiday 2018

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Issue No. 8
























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Divos Titanum Editor In Chief

Grant Valeska

Creative Director

Photographers & Stylists

Annan Adored Blair Lockhearst Bo Zhu divos titanium Engelsstaub Ethan Fallon grant valeska Kiana Jarman

NEVA CRYSTALL Rich Morsch Shocking Wonder Static Frenzy Tank Dareason Tyler Oysternatz WAYNE

writers Taylor Wassep Models

bock mcmillan Tomais ashdene holter Tyler james ryder jj goodman scar requiem

Cover Photo by Kiana Jarman




Notes from the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 26

Photo by LessthenZero

PHOTO BY Kiana Jarman


have always preferred even-numbered years. In hindsight many of my biggest life moments and happiest memories are often connected to a year that ends with an even number. I can say 2018 is really no different, but what I do find interesting about this year is that it has provided a few life lessons and ultimately given me the ability to find peace. The peace I am talking about is not peace with others, but peace with myself. I have always been people-centric. I am largely extroverted, although I have grown to really appreciate and draw energy from my solitude as I have gotten older. But one character trait that I have always harbored is that I care what others think. I simply do. And I have read and I have heard that you should not, but when it is ingrained into part of your very being, it is so hard to overcome. Trust me, I have wished that I could be that person who does not give it a second thought, and I am often envious of those friends who never care. It seems so liberating and light to not be weighed down by the thoughts of others. Caring about what people think requires energy. Energy that is not often spent in the best place, worrying about why this person might be upset with you or why they do not like you. This year I found myself tired and much of my energy wasted. The lesson I learned might not be what you expect, or least what I expected. 2018 did not turn me into a convert, now saying that you should not care what people think. But what it taught me is to care about what the right people think. You know those people – the

ones that are loyal, that can keep a confidence, that can build you up, and who truly make you smile. Finding your tribe is not always easy, and many people wear illusory masks and are not what they seem. Yet when you land on that treasured person, those are the ones to worry about because they care about what you think as well. Your energy is restored with these people and, rather than wasted, your energy is an investment. It has been a tough but important lesson to learn. And with that, welcome to the Gallant Magazine 2018 Holiday issue! This is truly my favorite time of year, and I am so excited we get to spotlight both Clef de Peau and Nutmeg. Marco is one of the nicest and talented people on the grid, and Neva’s ability to create such masterpieces is stunning! Gallant Magazine would also like to welcome a number of new contributors to this issue as well as celebrate those that have continued to make us the definitive journal in Second LifeTM dedicated to Men’s Fashion and Home & Garden! We hope you enjoy over 200 pages filled with holiday cheer and we look forward to bringing you more Gallant in the New Year! Happy Holidays to all! Cheers,





know what you’re all thinking, “I hate the holiday season”, and honestly, who isn’t thinking that right about now? As a former retail employee, every year I’m immediately triggered into flashbacks of Black Friday sales, complaining customers, and endless floor tasking. For the first time in nine years I haven’t worked retail during the holiday season and it’s been refreshing to sit this one out. During my time on the sidelines, I’ve realized we are all searching for that one perfect gift for everyone in our life. The world has brainwashed us to be a consumer society, completely removing all traces of what the holiday season was about to begin with. My challenge for everyone reading this issue is to have a “me moment”. Cuddle up in a warm blanket, skim the images and interviews, and spoil yourself with some me time. The holidays are stressful but at its core we should be celebrating time with our loved ones and taking a moment to live in the moment. The past is the past and none of us know what our future holds, so let’s live in the moment this holiday. My attitude going into creating this issue was similar to that of Ebenezer Scrooge; I had been dreading it for weeks. However, coming out on the other side, I’ve been so inspired by all the creativity our photographers and stylists have put into their imagery. This issue is full of festive [insert Mariah Carey gif here] editorials that will make even the biggest Grinch a believer in the magic of Christmas again. Along with the stunning editorials, we have two amazing creators who have done in-depth interviews with our premiere writer, Taylor Wassep. Each interview is full of fascinating


tidbits and behind-the-scenes stories from the creation of their brand to everyday life. Story time - before finding out we were interviewing Marcopol as our featured designer, I made the transition to wearing Clef de Peau skins. The timing of his feature was impeccable! Then we have our featured furniture creator, Neva Crystall of Nutmeg, who has been a staple in my décor folder for years. Her creations are a great addition to your inventory, she comes highly recommended! Both designers are incredibly talented creators and thank you to each of them for being part of this issue. I want to give a huge welcome to the new photographers who joined us for this issue; we are so excited you’ve joined our team for the Holiday 2018 issue! To our new and continuing photographers, stylists, and writers – thank you for continuing to inspire me and many others with your talents. This holiday season, I’m incredibly grateful for each of you. To our Editor-in-Chief, thank you once again for including me on this wild ride and allowing me to interpret your vision. It’s truly an honor and I’m looking forward to many more issues to come! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


photo by Julio Coosta

PHOTO BY Kiana Jarman










Snow Day



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FEATURE: Clef de peau





















Clef de Peau

Writer: Taylor Wassep Title Page Photography: Kiana Jarman Editorial Photography: Grant Valeska

ur journey into Second Life™ surrounds us with extremely talented individuals in a vast array of different genres. One such individual is Marcopol Oh of Clef de Peau (or as he prefers to be called, Marco), an accomplished creator in both worlds. His metamorphosis from humble virtual world explorer to skillful owner of a grid-renown store demonstrates his perseverance and allows Gallant Magazine the opportunity to showcase the legacy he now has within Second Life™. We are extremely excited to feature Clef de Peau as our Men’s Fashion focus for our holiday issue! When asked how he came to join this virtual world, Marco shared that he was a curious person who stumbled upon a news piece back in 2007. The story that drew his interest centered on a 3D world called Second Life™ and touched on how a woman had become the first in-world millionaire just from using this platform as way to make a living for herself in the real world. And just like that Marco was hooked on the game as a new resident, although it did have it fair share of issues. Some of you might remember the quality of content back in the mid 2000’s (or maybe you have tried to forget). There was not a single piece of mesh to be found - all flexi garments and bling jewelry as far as the eye could see. Marco himself even ran into some mechanical limitations with running this type of program on a laptop.

However, there was something magical about this time. Even with all of the hurdles in the early years, Marco felt that this world could be new and bring about many amazing experiences. After a few months, he was experiencing the entertainment aspect that Second Life™ has to offer: going to clubs, dancing, and meeting new friends from all around the world. With all of the new connections he made in the first few months, Marco wanted a place of his own to retreat to with his friends. So, like so many of us he decided to get some land and build himself a house. Marco added his own flair to his spaces, creating furniture of his own to decorate his home. His friends suggested he make copies of his furniture and sell them to not only make money, but share his eye for design. This was the catalyst to Marco’s first store in Second Life™, Marco Polo. Like his username, Marco created a store named after himself as a reminder of the nickname given to him by his lovely mother – truly a fitting name for someone apt to exploring this new virtual world! Eventually, Marco explored the idea to expand Marco Polo. He wanted to start crafting jewelry for men and women. With word of his talents and concepts, Second Life™ Fashion Magazines started to look at Marco and his talent. These interactions lead to Marco becoming a leading photographer.



With more eyes on Marco and his ever-expanding brand, Marco wanted to make his own custom poses for his furniture. Creating your own custom furniture poses was not something many people were doing at that time, allowing Marco to set himself apart from other stores. Marco’s creative talents allowed Marco to open a second store, Oh! Studios. As his businesses thrived in Second Life™, Marco’s creativity flourished in his photography. In his real life he worked for a time as a make-up artist. This translated to Second Life™ when taking photos because he was able to sense how the models should be represented in a photograph. However, he faced issues when it came to the post-production of a photo. Marco shared about how he felt so overwhelmed when he first opened Photoshop, having never using the program previously. His loyal and talented friends were there to help him learn the program and his portfolio of work is a testament to what a truly talented photographer Marco has become. Over the next couple of years, Marco wanted to try something new. He had been so invested in the furniture and accessory aspects of Second Life™ that he never designed clothing. He decided to open his first clothing store called La Penderie de Nicole, an ode to his mother who passed away. His taste in fashion also came from his mother, whom he told us had a great sense of fashion and was a true inspiration.

This was the foundation for his amazing store Clef de Peau. When his main computer broke down, Marco found that he could still sketch out system skins quite easily with his laptop. Despite this technological setback, Marco was on his way to bringing his new skin store to life. With the release of his first set of skins, named Jules, Marco christened his new store Clef de Peau (pronounced, “clay-de-po”). Marco wanted another french-oriented named store, so “clef” translates to “key” in English and “peau” translates to “skin”. His store name means “key to the skin”. Eventually, Marco would merge La Penderie de Nicole with Clef de Peau, making them one cohesive place to find skins, accessories and clothing. Like anything new and exciting, there are times in which you need to stop and relearn. Marco shared how there are challenges with learning the ropes of running a store like Clef de Peau. For instance, creating one skin might look easy, but creating the various tones and tweaking the skins to match the tones can be tough. Marco wanted to make sure his skins did not just appear like a change in the hue was the only difference. Also, fitting skins to several different bodies can be a huge challenge. Marco even confessed that he got to a point where he was being stretched too thin with Customer Service and being the man behind creating each and every piece that comes from Clef de Peau. His adept skills allowed him to overcome these difficulties and propel Clef de Peau to the next level.

Marco’s growth and success is apparent just walking around his beautiful store. Clef de Pea is a thriving business as one of the grid’s most successful designers. When asked about what sets Clef de Peau apart, Marco shared that this could only be answered by the customers, as they are the reason Clef de Peau is still in operation. Marco expressed his gratitude to all of his customers that he gets to create whatever he wants in hopes the customers will enjoy the new skin, outfit or accessory. Near the end of our Gallant Magazine interview, Marco wanted to make sure we shared that he felt so blessed from the support he has been given from everyone. Without his customers, he would not have a reason to create what he does for Clef de Peau. Your support and love is so precious to Marco. It is this that motivates him and will continue to usher in great things for Clef de Peau in 2019! Thank you Marco for your time speaking to Gallant Magazine and Happy Holidays!







Writer: Taylor Wassep Title Page Photography: Neva Crystall Editorial Photography: Bo Zhu

s each new generation comes into their own, styles and tastes fluidly change. Despite this constant change, we continue to look to the past and draw inspiration from bygone times. This ability to look back and appreciate the craftsmanship and style of an older era can springboard someone into a totally new world of creativity. One creator who has mastered this ability to make items of yesteryear look fresh and new is Neva Crystall, owner of Nutmeg. Nutmeg is a home & garden store dedicated to showcasing and reveling in the vintage aesthetic once popularized by older generations. To take the words right from Neva, “the essence is the naturalism combined with fragrances of old, rust, and vintage inspiration.” Nutmeg is centered on appreciating what we as humans have curated together over time, and Gallant Magazine is excited to spotlight this incredible store as our Home & Garden feature for the holiday issue. While the aesthetic of furniture changes with the times, at its core these items are still the rustic, first generation subjects molded for a certain purpose. This is why Neva has fallen so madly in love with a vintage style. The tangible lines that have remained in place over the years tie people together and create a constant beauty and design. To Neva, Second Life™ is an endless realm of imagination, freedom and creativity

where one can dig through the deepest dreams and bring them to life. Her dreams just so happen to be a picturesque, vintage landscape that she is able to deliver to our virtual world. Neva came to Second Life™ like many of us hearing about the game from a friend. Her friend knew Neva was quite creative and suggested to check it out. The landscapes and beauty that can be captured through photography in this virtual space caught her eye. Her newfound passion for capturing her avatar in the moment sparked a creative fire in Neva. Once she honed her skills with photography, creating her own personal backdrop was her next focus. At the forefront of Neva’s mind was the idea of creating a sim that she could mold into the perfect environment. Neva had to create the best location in Second Life™ and purchased a new sim, experimenting with terraforming and decorating the scenery of her newly found home. Pulling inspiration from her real life, Neva wanted to name this new home of hers after a beautiful river that intersected her city of St. Petersburg – Neva River. After hearing from her friends that visited Neva River and receiving tremendously positive feedback, Neva decided to open her sim as a place where others who share her taste of a vintage aesthetic could come and live. Over the years, her idyllic sim grew to multiple and the

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project called on Neva to hone her skills as a landscaper. As she was meticulously constructing her venues, Neva found herself on many occasions wishing that there was a specific item in Second Life™ that she had for one of her sims. She knew that while there was so much amazing content out there, she was missing the look and feel of certain objects that were specific for her. It was from there that Neva decided to try her hand at creating items in that very style she has been embracing for years. With this idea in mind, she set to learning how to create the items she wanted to deliver to the grid. This would be Neva’s greatest hurdle with Nutmeg, even before her store was brought to actuality. The complexity of learning to create the items was beyond the initial idea of the item itself. It was terrifying for her too because of the personal pressures she was placing on herself to make what she was seeing in her head. To this day, Neva still struggles with achieving what she wants with her store. Thanks to her friends she gets help each time. Nutmeg is brought to life through Neva’s inventiveness and the sheer helpfulness of those close to Neva. When Neva was more comfortable and able to bring her creations to Second Life™, she still was searching for the perfect store name. This was a hard task, as Neva is inspired by so many things. From furniture to nature, so much was spinning around in her head that she sought out her friends that could help her come up with a name that fit so eloquently. One friend suggested Nutmeg, a ground spice that harkens back to an era of yesteryear. It served as a fitting name for such a unique style and was quirky


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enough for Neva to use as her moniker. With a name in place and items to sell, Nutmeg was on its way to carving a niche spot for itself and cultivating a large fanbase in Second Life™. Each item Neva produces is inspired by various things. At times her inspiration comes right out of the blue, and at other times it comes from looking and seeing what is around her. Over time, Nutmeg expanded in a sense. Neva’s husband, Keon Xenga, runs RK Poses, a pose store adjacent to Nutmeg. The two share a lot of common passions, like photography. After a while they both noticed a lack customization of specifics they wanted to have in their photos. Through this shared passion of photography and wanting to push their creativity further, the pair began sharing their creations with the grid. RK poses opened to share the poses Neva and Keon created and used for this photography. Nutmeg was opened to share the furniture creations they used, and RKKN was to share the clothing they wear in many of their creations. These stores are first and foremost their dream. They share inspiration with each other, hoping to spawn something in one another and to help the other explore their creativity to bring their inspirations to Second Life™. “Every source of inspiration is important to have a little piece of you, that little touch that represents you as a creator.” Neva does not create something for Nutmeg to make a quick buck or to be the most popular brand in Second Life™. She does it because she has a deep love of what she does. This is purely a creative outlet that most of us can connect with, as many joined Second Life™ as a place to have fun and be creative. Plus,



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the feedback that Neva and her team receive really motivate them to create new and inventive items for Nutmeg. It is truly thanks to the loyal customers and friends that push Nutmeg to be what is today. Nutmeg has opened up the inspiration of so many residents in Second Life™, opening their mind to go beyond the modern aesthetic we have traditionally seen. Nutmeg reminds us to appreciate the craftsmanship and inspirations of past generations. It is all designed as a reminder of where we came from and to embrace our differences that truly connect each other and allow us to revel in our own creativity. Many thanks to Neva for allowing us the opportunity to share her story and brand!






I’ll Be Home For Christmas Photographer & Stylist: Rich Morsch

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ylist: Annan Adored

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Holiday Wasteland Photographer & Stylist: Tyler Oysternatz









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Photographer & Stylist: Engelsstaub


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Ph oto g r a p h er & S t y l i s t: E t ha n Fal lo n


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Colors of Chr i s tm

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Photographer & Sty

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Lifestyles with

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Photographer & Stylist: WAYNE

models: Bock McMillan, Holter Rez, JJ Goodman, & Tomais Ashdene


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What’s Cookin’? Photographer & Stylist: Shocking Wonder

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Photographer & Stylist: Grant Valeska MODELS: STATIC FRENZY & TYLER JAMES RYDER



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OF Photographer & Stylist: BLAIR LOCKHEARST


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At Home w ith

Alex & Dahi Photographer: Divos titanium











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advertise with gallant magazine!

Want to place in ad in SL’s premiere resource for interior design and men’s fashion? Contact Divos Titanium for pricing information!


Style Credits

Featured Designer - Nutmeg

Picture One: Piano: Distressed Grand Piano with Red Drape By Nutmeg - Piano Chair: Dark Piano Chair (red) By Nutmeg - Music Sheets: Old Music Sheets (standing) By Nutmeg - Metronome: Vintage Metronome By Nutmeg - Chair: Kate’s Spring Collection - Round Back Fabric Chair (pink) By Nutmeg - Bowl: Kate’s Spring Collection - Kate’s Bowl with Napkins (red) By Nutmeg - Chair: Kate’s Kitchen Clutter - Old Round Chair (pink) By Nutmeg - Paper Rolls: Kate’s Time Capsule - Historian Paper Rolls By Nutmeg - Diaries: Kate’s Time Capsule - Memoirs Diaries RARE By Nutmeg - Diaries: Kate’s Time Capsule - Memoirs Diaries (brown) By Nutmeg - Pillows: Just A Bunch of Pillows By Nutmeg - Bag: Bachelor Bag (brown) By Nutmeg - Straw Bag: Dacha Set - Straw Bag (pink) By Nutmeg - Rug: Chaise Longue Set - Old Oriental Carpet By Nutmeg - Rug: Chaise Longue Set - Old Oriental Carpet By Nutmeg - Hanging Snowflakes: Hanging Snowflakes (pink & white) By {what next} - Bucket: Farm Bucket Sapling By brocante. - Candle Houses: Candle Houses (a, b & c) By [kunst] & KraftWork - Christmas Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree (flocked) By Apple Fall - Hat Box: Designer Hat Box By Apple Fall - Terrarium: Snowy Winter Terrarium (walnut) By Elm. - Wall Decor: Forest Wolf - Wall Decor By Pewpew! - Rustic Tree: Advent 2018 - Farmhouse Rustic Tree By Trompe Loeil - Lantern: Advent 2018 - Winter Lantern By Trompe Loeil - Jar: Antiqued - Key Jar By DISORDERLY. - Dome: Antiqued - Key Dome By DISORDERLY. - Cage: Antiqued - Key Cage By DISORDERLY. Picture Two: Sofa: Chesterfield Sofa (brown) By Nutmeg. - Frames: Old Story Set - Frames (gold) By Nutmeg. - Ottoman with Crown: Old Story Set - Ottoman with Crown (dirt) By Nutmeg. - Bag: Bachelor Bag (olive) By Nutmeg. - Wooden Angel: Miniature Wooden Angel By Nutmeg. - Books with Keys: Chaise Longue Set - Books and Keys (v2) By Nutmeg. - Purse: Chaise Longue Set - Old Purse Bag By Nutmeg. - Candlestick: Chaise Longue Set - Wooden Candlestick (v1) By Nutmeg. - Candlestick: Chaise Longue Set - Wooden Candlestick (v2) By Nutmeg. - Brass Candlestick: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (1) By Nutmeg. - Trays: Romanov’s Garden Set - Serving Trays (white) By Nutmeg. Chair: Dacha Set - Old Wooden Chair with Newspapers By Nutmeg. - Table: Kate’s Bedroom Hardy Set - Iron Table By Nutmeg. - Lamp: Kate’s Bedroom Hardy Set - Iron Lamp (olive) By Nutmeg. - Pile of Books: Pile of Vintage Books (group gift) By Nutmeg. - Books: Streetside Bookpile (A3) By //Naberius// - Books: Streetside Bookpile (E2) By //Naberius// - Wire Wreath: Rustic Wire Wreath (summer) By Elm. - Christmas Tree: Wood Christmas Tree By Kalopsia Presents: Advent 2018 - Rustic Wrapped Presents By Trompe Loeil Picture Three: Bench: City Bike Set - City Bench By Nutmeg. - Broken Bike: City Bike Set - Broken Bike (white with stickers) By Nutmeg. - Bike: City Bike Set - Bike (green) By Nutmeg. - Magazine: City Bike Set - Magazine By Nutmeg. - Shoes: Old Wooden Boat Set - Worn Sneakers (brown) By Nutmeg. - Paper Bag: Paper Bag (group gift) By Nutmeg. - Snow: Dust Snow (two) By {anc} - Entrance: Metro Entrance By Apple Fall - Newspaper: Times Newspaper By Apple Fall Easel: Photographers’ Easel By Apple Fall Picture Four: Chaise: Chaise Longue Set - Chaise Longue (black) By Nutmeg. - Sketches: Chaise Longue Set - Pencil Sketches By Nutmeg. - Purse: Chaise Longue Set - Old Purse Bag By Nutmeg. - Candlestick 1: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (1) By Nutmeg. - Candlestick 2: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (2) By Nutmeg. - Candlestick 3: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (3) By Nutmeg. - Candlestick 4: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (4) By Nutmeg. - Chalices: Romanov’s Garden Set - Golden Chalices (gift) By Nutmeg. - Crown: Old Story Set - Old Gilded Crown By Nutmeg. - Wall Sconce: Kate’s Vintage Bathroom Collection - Wall Sconce (gold) By Nutmeg. - Books: Pile of Vintage Books (group gift) By Nutmeg. - Angel: Miniature Wooden Angel By Nutmeg. - Pumpkin Candle: Pumpkin Candle (gift) By Reka. - Table: Noel Table By Reka. - Fireplace: Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace (white) By Apple Fall - Balloons: Confetti Balloon (pink & gold) By Apple Fall - Bottles: Argentinian Malbec By Apple Fall - Wine Glasses: Wine Glasses By Apple Fall - Wire Wreath: Rustic Wire Wreath (summer) By Elm. Picture Five: Rack: Kate’s Hardy Bedroom Set - Hardy Rack with Basket By Nutmeg. - Tabletop Wreath: Vintage Tabletop Wreath (dark with lights) By Nutmeg. - Suitcases: Dacha Set - Old Suitcases (green) By Nutmeg. - Basin: Dacha Set - Basin & Watering Can By Nutmeg. - Shoes: A Girl Named Kate Garden Set - Not So Shabby Flats (beige) By Nutmeg. - Tote: A Girl Named Kate Garden Set - Rattan Tote Carry (olive) By Nutmeg. - Telephone: Kate’s Time Capsule Set - Rotary Dial (brown) By Nutmeg. - Diaries: Kate’s Time Capsule Set - Memoirs Diaries RARE By Nutmeg. - Paper Rolls: Kate’s Time Capsule Set - Historian Paper Rolls By Nutmeg. - Books: Pile of Vintage Books (group gift) By Nutmeg. - Mason Jar: Kate’s Vintage Bathroom Collection - Painted Mason Jar (white) By Nutmeg. - Cups: Kate’s Vintage Bathroom Collection - Antique Baby Cups By Nutmeg. - Candlestick 1: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (1) By Nutmeg. - Candlestick 2: Romanov’s Garden Set - Brass Candlestick (2) By Nutmeg. - Table : Noel Table By Reka. - Houses: Small Wooden Houses By Apple Fall - Bookshelf: Mercantile Bookshelf (double) By Apple Fall - Wreath: Lighted Holiday Wreath By hive //

I’ll Be Home for Christmas - Ricardo Morsch Picture One Hair: Xavier Hair By Modulus - Beard: Lumberjack Bento Beard By Volkstone - Jacket: Deserter Jacket By Deadwool - Gloves: Erick Gloves By Deadwool - Pants: Rey Pants By Galvanized - Sneakers: The Godly Sneaker By Represent Scarf: Wool Scarf By Deadwool - Beanie: Pequod Beanie By Deadwool - Dog: Snowday St. Bernards Adult By Jian - Sled: Cozy Winter Sled By Dynasty - Wall Basket: Poinsettia Garland Basket Hanger By Jian - Cottage: Cecilia Cottage By Trompe Loeil - Snowpile: Snowpile By Trompe Loeil - Tree: Fir Tree By Hive - Garland: Holiday Garland Straight Flocked By Hive - Wreath: Lighted holiday wreath flocked By Hive - Bow: Holiday Bow By Hive - Grass: Fairy Grass Winter By Keke Picture Two: Hair: Joao V2 By Doux - Beard: Lumberjack Bento Beard By Volkstone - Sweater: Josh Sweater By Dufaux - Coat: Cozy Gown Homme By ::K:: - Mug: DeerMas Mug By Thor - Glasses: Soony Chuny Glasses By M. Birdie - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Natural By Thor - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Silver By Thor - Ornament: Wood Ornament - Reindeer By Thor - Ornament: Wood Ornament - Tree By Thor - Ornament: Wood Ornament - Snowflake By Thor Ornament: Wood Ornament - Ikat Ball By Thor - Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree Flocked By Apple Fall - Garland: Poinsettia Garland By Jian - Bird: Snow Birds Percher By Jian - Tree: Ancient Maple Wild 4 By Heart Picture Three: Wall Frames: Winter landscape Frames By Ionic - Frames: Table Frames (A) By Ionic - Frames: Table Frames (B) By Ionic - Candles: Antique candles By Ionic - Skis: Vintage Skis By Ionic - Laying Deer: Huntmans Deer Laying By Birch - Standing Deer: Huntmans Deer Standing By Birch - Rug: Huntmans Plaid Rug By Birch - Side Table: Huntmans Antler Side Table By Birch - Garland: Poinsettia Garland Straight Med By Jian - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Natural By Thor - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Gold By Thor - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Silver By Thor - Orange: Dried Orange Slice By Thor - Ornament: Wood Ornament - Gingerman By Thor - Ornament: Wood Ornament - Snowflake By Thor - Pillow: Punchline Pillows - Christmas AF By Sayo - Pillow: Punchline Pillows - White Polkadot S By Sayo - Pillow: Punchline Pillows - White Polkadot L By Sayo - Pillow: Punchline Pillows - Navy Polkadot S By Sayo - Pillow: Punchline Pillows - Crimson Polkadot S By Sayo - Bow: holiday bow By Hive - Topiary: spiral boxwood topiary lighted By Hive - Fireplace: Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace White By Apple Fall - Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree Flocked By Apple Fall - Curtain: Breeze Curtains By Apple Fall Picture Four: Hair: Byron By Lock&Tuft - Mustache: Hipster Mustache By Magnificent - Beard: Victor Bento Hipster Beard By Magnificent - Sweater: Jolly Sweater By Mossu - Coat: Thomas Coat By A&D Cloathing - Shorts: Aidan Shorts By Clef de Peau - Socks: Thermal Socks By Vale Koer - Boots: Tactical Flip Boots By Vale Koer - Glasses: Soony Chuny Glasses By M. Birdie - Dog: Splendid Spaniels Upside Down Sleeper By Jian - Table: Noel Table By ReKa - Box: Christmas Handmade Ornaments Box By Thor - Armchair: Katyusha Cozy Armchair V1 By RK Poses - Wreath: Lighted Holiday Wreath By Hive - Garland: Holiday Garland Straight By Hive - Arc Garland: Holiday Garland Bottom Arc By Hive Bow: Holiday Bow By Hive - Fireplace: Period Fireplace By Apple Fall - Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree Spruce Green By Apple Fall - Deers: Woodland Deer Brass By Apple Fall - Reindeer: Reindeer Collection Static Look By Jian Picture Five: Hair: Simon Hat & Hair By Modulus - Coat: Hart coat By Deadwool - Jacket: Hart jacket By Deadwool - Shirt: Pinned add-on By Deadwool - Trousers: Hart trousers By Deadwool - Shoes: Oxford shoes By Deadwool - Bag: Ines Bag By David Heather - Shopping Bag: My Boyfriend’s Attic Gacha Shopping Bag By Zerkalo - Pose: Gentleman 3 By RK Poses - Street: Manhattan Scene By Minimal - Tree: Tree Nut Lights By Soy - Traffic Lights: High Traffic - Traffic Lights By Zerkalo


White Christmas - Annan Adored Picture One: Christmas Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree - Flocked By Apple Fall - Fireplace: Stature Fireplace By Apple Fall - Wreath: Magnolia Leaf Wreath By Apple Fall - Deer: Woodland Deer - Brass By Apple Fall - Wall Light: Gold Wall Sconce By Nutmeg - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Gold jar: lighted jar By Dust Bunny - Dispensers: syrup dispensers By Dust Bunny - Hanging plant: macrame hanging plant . stone By hive - Logs: Birch Logs w/ Belt By Apple Fall - Santa Figure: Happy Santa Figure (Creamy) By Apple Fall - Floor Lamp: Roanna Lamp Tall Mirror By Trompe Loeil - Gift boxes: Rustic Wrapped Presents By Trompe Loeil - Long Table: Raleigh Table Long White By Trompe Loeil Place setting: Seule Place setting By Loft & Aria - Jar: marshmellow jar By Dust Bunny - Tall Jar: smores jar By Dust Bunny - Centerpiece: Winter Harvest By Trompe Loeil - tree ornaments: watch By {sallie} - Tree ornaments: lace ball By {sallie} - tree ornaments: Ridged Bauble By Fancy Decor - Tree ornaments: Checker Bauble By Fancy Decor - tree ornaments: Toadstool Gold By Apple Fall - Tree ornaments: Pickle Gold By Apple Fall - tree ornaments: Gold Stripe Bauble By Fancy Decor - tree ornaments: Diamond Ornament By Fancy Decor - tree ornaments: Pinecone Gold By Apple Fall - table chairs: Bea Reading Chair By Apple Fall - chair: Oxford Wingback Chair By Apple Fall - ottoman: Old Story By Nutmeg - books: Books & Keys By Nutmeg - blanket: season of giving . hand knit blanket By Dust Bunny - rug: Rug Creme By Nutmeg - hanging light: dainty flower hanging light By hive - text box: let it snow By Trompe Loeil Picture Two: Long Table: Raleigh Table Long White By Trompe Loeil - table chairs: Bea Reading Chair By Apple Fall - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Place setting: Seule Place setting By Loft & Aria - Centerpiece: Winter Harvest By Trompe Loeil - Mirror: Dixie Mirror By Loft & Aria - buffet table: Robin Buffet Table By Apple Fall - purse: Old Purse By Nutmeg - Jar: marshmellow jar By Dust Bunny - Hanging plant: macrame hanging plant . stone By hive - Floor Lamp: Roanna Lamp Tall Mirror By Trompe Loeil - Tall Jar: smores jar By Dust Bunny Picture Three: chair: Oxford Wingback Chair By Apple Fall - books: Books & Keys By Nutmeg - Santa Figure: Happy Santa Figure (Creamy) By Apple Fall - ottoman: Old Story By Nutmeg - blanket: season of giving . hand knit blanket By Dust Bunny - Gift boxes: Rustic Wrapped Presents By trompe Loeil Picture Four: Wreath: Magnolia Leaf Wreath By Apple Fall - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Gold jar: lighted jar By Dust Bunny - Deer: Woodland Deer - Brass By Apple Fall Picture Five: Long Table: Raleigh Table Long White By Trompe Loeil - table chairs: Bea Reading Chair By Apple Fall - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Place setting: Seule Place setting By Loft & Aria - Centerpiece: Winter Harvest By Trompe Loeil - entryway: stay awhile By Dust Bunny - Dispensers: syrup dispensers By Dust Bunny

All Aboard - Engelsstaub Picture One: Building: Country Hall By Apple Fall - Garland: holiday garland By hive - Bow: hive // holiday bow By hive - Lights: Decorative Light By Botanical - Icicles: Glittering Icicles By Half-Deer - Bauble: Gilt Cage Bauble By Fancy Decor - Bauble: Striped Bauble By Fancy Decor - Bauble: Red Bauble By Fancy Decor - Wreath: Winter Heart Wreath By Apple Fall - Plant: Mirtille Plant By Ariskea - Bench: [Noel] Park bench By Ariskea - Santa: Happy Santa Figure By Apple Fall - Milk Can: Yasmine Noel Milk Can By Trompe Loeil - Berries: potted rowan berries By dust bunny - Clock: Train Station Clock By ionic - Lampost: [Noel ] Lampost By Ariskea - Mararon box: macarons and roses By dust bunny - Blanket: hand knit blanket By dust bunny - Tree: [Noel ] Christmas Tree Snow By Ariskea - Santa Ornament: Ornament - Saint Nick By Apple Fall - Cat Ornament: Ornament - Purrsian Cat RARE By Apple Fall - Bauble: Striped Bauble By Fancy Decor - Train: Santa Express Train By astralia - Sleigh: [Noel Blanc] Sleigh RARE By Ariskea - Suitcases: Suitcases By ionic - Snow: Snow form By ionic - Binary: Santa Express Binary By astralia - Poles: Electric Train Poles By ionic - Appartment: City Apartment -Snowy- RARE By ionic - Appartment: Winter Joy (Appartment) RARE By ionic - Fir Tree: fir tree By hive - Fir Tree: Green Douglas Fir Christmas Tree By Botanical - Ribbon: Tree Ribbon By Fancy Decor - Beads: Tree Beads RARE By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Twisted Baulbe C By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Studded Ornament By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Crystal Bauble B By Fancy Decor Ornament: Gilt Rose A By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Crystal Bauble C By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Star Ornament By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Twisted Finial A By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Rose A By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Gilt Crystal Bauble A By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Striped Bauble By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Red Bauble By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Red and Silver Ornament By Fancy Decor - Topper: Gilt & Pearl Tree Topper RARE By Fancy Decor Picture Two: Christmas Tree: mini christmas tree By dust bunny - Ornament: Striped Bauble By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Red Bauble By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Hunt Gift - Ornaments By Apple Fall - Presenst: Christmas Set - Traditional Presents By Half-Deer - Gift Sack: Dear Santa - Sack with Gifts By BackBone - Bench: [Noel] Park bench By Ariskea - Blanket: Denmark - Blanket - Beige By Dahlia - Bag: Old Purse Bag By Nutmeg - Suitcases: Old Suitcases Green By Nutmeg - Bag : Straw Bag Green By Nutmeg - Shoeprints: Snow Tracks - Shoeprints By Half-Deer - Santa: Happy Santa Figure By Apple Fall - Milk Can: Yasmine Noel Milk Can By Trompe Loeil - Berries: potted rowan berries By dust bunny - Vase: snowberries in vase By keke - Building: Country Hall By Apple Fall - Fireplace: Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace By Apple Fall - Vase: Gladiolus Vase By LODE - Christmas Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree By Apple Fall Picture Three: Market Stand: Winter Market Stand By ionic - Garland: holiday garland By hive - Pine Cone Garland: Pine Cone Garland By Apple Fall - antler: Dyrr ~ Faux Mount By Foxwood - hanging Pinecones: God Jul - Pinecone traditional green By KOPFKINO - laying Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Hot Choc Dispenser: Hot Chocolate Jar Dispenser By {what next} - Hot Choc: Hot Chocolate Mug By {what next} - Syrup: Colonna Syrup Bottles By {what next} - Branch: Yasmine Noel Branch Ornamented By Trompe Loeil - Cake: Holiday Glam - Cake - Chocolate By Dahlia - Cake: Holiday Glam - Cake - Brulee By Dahlia - Mousse: Holiday Glam - Chocolates - Mousse By Dahlia - Cupcake: Dahlia - Curious - Eat Me - Cupcake By Dahlia - Champagne: Cora’s Summer Champagne By Dahlia - Cokctails: Holiday Glam - Cocktail Tray - Absinth By Dahlia - Mixer: Cora’s Summer Champagne - Cocktail Mixer By Dahlia - Christmas Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree - Spruce Green By Apple Fall - Ornaments: Aspen - Foiled - Bauble - Cream By Dahlia - Ornaments: Aspen - Foiled - Bauble - Gold By Dahlia - Ornaments: Aspen - Fox Gold - .01 RARE By Dahlia - Ornaments: Aspen - Solid - Bauble - Gold By Dahlia - Ornaments: Aspen - Mercury - Bauble - Gold By Dahlia - Ornaments: Aspen - Pinecone - Gold By Dahlia - Ornaments: Aspen - Pinecone - Gold Tips By Dahlia - tree: Decorative Folk Christmas Tree By Dahlia - stool: Dyrr ~ Stool By Foxwood - Presents: Rustic Wrapped Presents By Trompe Loeil - Lantern: Winter Lantern By Trompe Loeil - Sleigh: The Frostine Sleigh By Granola - Santa: Happy Santa Figure By Apple Fall - Vase: snowberries in vase By keke - Building: Old NY Subway Station By [Schultz Bros.] Picture Four: Subway Station: SUBWAY Black By [MG] - Santa: Happy Santa Figure By Apple Fall - Skis: Grace Skis MC By Scarlet Creative - Sleigh: [Noel Blanc] Sleigh RARE By Ariskea - Lampost: [Noel ] Lampost By Ariskea - Christmas Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree By Apple Fall - Christmas Tree: Blue Beads (color change) RARE By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Bauble in Bauble By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Diamond Ornament By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Ridged Bauble By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Diamond Drop By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Glitter Bauble By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Star Ornament By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Striped Ornament By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Twisted Ornament By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Long Bauble By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Diamond Bauble By Fancy Decor - Christmas Tree: Two-tone Bauble By Fancy Decor - Appartment: Greenwich Park House RARE By Scarlet Creative - Appartment: Winter Joy (Appartment) RARE By ionic - Appartment: City Apartment -Snowy- RARE By ionic - Roadster: Tilbury Roadster - red RARE By [Con.] - Car: Winter Wagons - Full size Rezzable RARE By [Con.] - Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree - Flocked By Apple Fall - Mini Tree: mini christmas tree By dust bunny - Snowman: Snowday picnic - Snowman By Raindale - Lamp: [Noel ] Lampost By Ariskea - Street: LISBON Winter By Fanatik Picture Five: Thermos: Cozy Winter - Opened Thermos By DYNASTY - Treats: season of giving . peppermint treats By dust bunny - Cacao: season of giving . diy hot cocoa By dust bunny - gingerbread cacao: WarmUp Gacha #8 By ChicChica Milk Donut: milk take away By Tentacio - Donuts: [Noel ] Deanna Heart Donuts By Ariskea - Tree Cookie: WarmUp Gacha #14 By ChicChica - Heart Cookie: WarmUp Gacha #11 By ChicChica - Star Cookie: WarmUp Gacha #18 By ChicChica - Milk Stars: Sugar winter cocoa By Tentacio - Marsh Mellow Cacao: WarmUp Gacha #4 By ChicChica - Handbag: Handbag By ionic - Cookie Box: season of giving . cookie box By dust bunny - Presents: christmas presents . type c By dust bunny - Presents: christmas presents . type d By dust bunny - Presents: christmas presents . type a By dust bunny - Wagon: Train Wagon (decor) RARE By ionic - Suitcases: Suitcases (Pink) By ionic - Blanket: season of giving . hand knit blanket . white By dust bunny - Garland: holiday garland By hive - Lights: Decorative Light By Botanical - Ornament: Glitter Bauble (cream) By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Star Ornament (cream) By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Glitter Bauble (copper) By Fancy Decor - Coat: branch coat rack (edited) By dust bunny - tree: Heritage Christmas Tree By Apple Fall - Ornament: Glitter Bauble (cream) By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Star Ornament (cream) By Fancy Decor - Ornament: Glitter Bauble (copper) By Fancy Decor - Beads: Tree Beads RARE By Fancy Decor - Ribbon: Copper Ribbon RARE By Fancy Decor - Fir Tree: fir tree By hive -

Snow Day - Ethan Fallon Picture One: Hair: Simon Hat & Hair By Modulus - Beard: Heavy Stubble Beard By Birth - Jacket: Mid Coat By Complex - Camera: Instant Camera Gacha Red By Cocoroni - No longer available - Pose: X GACHA By WRONG - Skin: Dasan Skin By Clef De Peau Picture Two: Hat: Grant Beanie By David Heather - Sweater: Grant Turtleneck By David Heather - Pants: Grant High Trousers By David Heather - Skin: Dasan Skin By Clef De Peau - Fireplace: Chateau Fire RARE By Apple Fall - Table: Cypress Slice Table By kosmii - Bottle: Bourbon bottle 1 By [ kunst ] - Glasses: Bourbon glass 2 By [ kunst ] - Glasses: Bourbon glass 1 By [ kunst ] - Chair: Leather Dining Chair By ChiMia - Bag: Grant Duffle By David Heather Picture Three: Skin: Dasan Skin By Clef De Peau - Hair: Simon Hat & Hair By Modulus - Sweater: Jolly Sweater By Mossu - Jeans: Holloway Ripped Jeans By Cold Ash - Pose: X GACHA By WRONG - Bookcase: Groves Modular Bookcase By Consignment Picture Four: Hair: Owen Hair By Modulus - Jacket: Camron Over Coat By Hevo - Pants: Hart trousers By Deadwool - Building: Venetian Blinds D By TeddyJr - Tree: Fir Trees By Hive


Colors of Christmas by Divos Titanium Picture One: Hat: Wool-Lined Deerstalker Red By Mon Tissu - No Longer Available - Jacket: Deserter Jacket By Deadwool - Pants: Broberry Jeans By Deadwool - Gloves: West Gloves By Noche - Hat: Nicholas By FALKON - Jacket: Boa Jacket By BlankLine - Scarf: Legand Scarf By RealEvil Industries - No longer Available - Gloves: West Gloves By Noche - Pants: Cody Pants By Legal Insanity - Shoes: Low Top Sneakers By Lapointe & Bastchild Picture Two: Hair: Narcotic By Stealthic - Sweater: Jolly Sweater By Mossu - Pants: Broberry Jeans By Deadwool - Hair: Xavier By Modulus - Sweater: Josh Sweater By Dufaux Picture Three: Hair: Joao By Doux - Beard: Stanley Bento Hipster Beard By E.G. Magnificent - Beard Glitter: Glitters for Stanley Bento Hipster Beard By E.G. Magnificent - Jacket: Admiral Pea Coat By Deadwool - Jeans: Broberry Jeans - Cerulean By Deadwool - Skates: Ice Skates Black Pegasus By The Secret Store - Hair: Ash By Modulus - Scarf: Scarf By BlankLine - Jacket: Robert Jacket By antisystem - none available - Pants: Cos Laces Pants By flow - Boots: Talon Boots By REBELLION Picture Four: Hair: Hysteria By Stealthic - Beard: Stanley Bento Hipster Beard By E.G. Magnificent - Beard Glitter: Glitters for Stanley Bento Hipster Beard By E.G. Magnificent - Sweater: Xmas ‘89 Ugly Sweater - Reindeers By Bleich - Jeans: Broberry Jeans - Cerulean By Deadwool - Hat/Hair: Lewis Hat & Hair By Modulus - Sweater: Tacky & Bright Sweater By RIOT - Pants: Tacky & Bright Cords By RIOT - Boots: Talon Boots By REBELLION - Cup: PupMas Mug By THOR Picture Five: Hair: Reach By Stealthic - Beard: Stanley Bento Hipster Beard By E.G. Magnificent - Suit: Ritchie Suit By David Heather - Hair: Ash Hair By Modulus - Suit: Ritchie Suit By David Heather - Sparkler: Sparkler By ChicChica

The Tree Farm by Tank DaReason Truck : Red’ Mister Plow Lounger By Bad Unicorn - Snow Man: Frozen Dead Snow Man By Bad Unicorn - Wand : Tree Wand By Madpea - Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree By Apple Fall - Lamp : Noel Lampost By Ariskea - Bench: Noel Park Bench By Ariskea - Lights: Decorative Light Set - Straight By Botanical - Lights: Decorative Light Set - Flat Scattered By Botanical - Tree: Douglas Fir By Botanical - Tree: Green Douglas Fir Christmas Tree By Botanical Deer: Winter Decor Lighted Male Deer By Dust Bunny - Stump: Harvest Lumberjack Stump By Dust Bunny - Cane: Peppermint Cane Red By Dust Bunny - Sign: Merry Christmas Sign By Dust Bunny - Road: VIA APPIA Road T Winter By Fanatik - Road: VIA APPIA Road Winter By Fanatik - Mountain: Lofoten D Winte By Fanatik - Sign: Christmas Tree Sign By Floorplan - Bow: Holiday Bow By Hive - Wreath: Lighted Holiday Wreath Flocked By Hive Garland: Holiday Garland Straight Flocked By Hive - Tree: Fir Tree B By Hive - Garland : Holiday Garland Spiral Flocked By Hive - House: Snowy House By Nomad - Cottage: Snowy Cottage A By Nomad - Cottage: Snowy Cottage C By Nomad - Shovel: Snow Shovel and Broom By Nomad - Fence: Snowy Fence By Nomad - Snow : Snow Form By Pixel Mode - Snow: Falling Snow By Skye

XXXmas by Static Frenzy Picture One: Underwear: Elf Thong By NOCHE - Socks: Nate Socks By 4BIDDEN - Shoes: Mountov Boots By VERSOV - Hair: Sam Hat & Hair By Modulus Picture Two: Hair: Ash Hair By Modulus - Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree By Apple Fall - Garland: Garland By Bygone Picture Three: Underwear: Finn Thong By Cubura - Beard: Glitter Beard By Magnificent - Hair: Zack By Vango Picture Four: Outfit: Naughty Santa Gear By THIRST

Lifestyles With Wayne by Wayne Picture One: Front Steps Build: Marzelle Cottage By Trompe Loeil - Pumpkins: [Batch] Old Pumpkins By Ariskea - Pumpkins: Pumpkin Assortment Set By Apple Fall - Gourds: Gourds in Vintage Bowl By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: [Louise] The First pumpkin Orange By Ariskea - Pumpkins: harvest pumpkins By Hive - Haystack: harvest haypile By Hive - Plant: pilea peper plant By Dust Bunny - Plant pot: potted plants pot By Hive - Plant pot: Shield Terracotta Pot By Apple Fall - Lantern: Storm Lamp (Iron metal) By Apple Fall - Lantern: [Corine] Lantern By Ariskea - Lantern: wannabe boho. lantern By Junk - Candle: [Corine] Candle By Ariskea - Flowers: Oxeye Daisy Patch By Apple Fall Wellies: Cutesy Wellies Decor By What Next - Ground leaves: ‘Hello Fall’ Leaves Pile By What Next - Twigs: autumnal plant . oak By Hive Picture Two: Front Door Pumpkins: Pumpkin Assortment Set By Apple Fall - Wreath: Pumpkin Harvest Wreath By Apple Fall - Wooden sign: Harvest Sign By What Next - Flowers: [Corine] Chrysanthemum [Orange] By Ariskea - Bucket: Withering bucket By Junk - Flowers: Pumpkin planter By Dust Bunny - Pumpkins: Pumpkin pile By Dust Bunny - Hay bale: harvest hay bale By Hive - Milkcan: Martha Milk Can By Cheeky Pea - Plant: autumnal plant . oak By Hive - Plant: autumnal plant . chestnut By Hive - Pumpkin stack: pumpkin stack By Dust Bunny - Pumpkin crate: Autumn Flower - Orange with box By Sese - Pumpkin: velvet dwarf pumpkins By Vespertine - Ladder: wanderlust - blanket ladder By Dust Bunny - Bench: Knoxlane Barrel Bench By Trompe Loeil - Wooden hanger: hanging leaves By Dust Bunny - Lantern: Jolene Lantern By Mudhoney - Lantern: Feuilles Lantern By Apple Fall - Doormat: Doormat By Vespertine Picture Three: Living Room Sofa: Cozi Sofa By The Loft & ARIA - Pillow: Cushion - Satin Trellis By Apple Fall - Coffee table: Zinc Top Coffee Table By The Loft - Books: Book Arrangements By Apple Fall - Drink: Fall Woodland Drinks By What Next Wreath: Pumpkin Harvest Wreath By Apple Fall - Mug: [CozyNight] Choco & tea By Ariskea - Lantern: Brother County Lantern By Cheeky Pea - Cookies: Fall Woodland Cookies By What Next - Pumpkin: Pumpkin - Fairytale II By Apple Fall - Twigs: [Louise] Wood Sticks & berries By Ariskea - Banner: Happy Fall Banner By What Next - Garland: Harvest Pumpkin String By What Next - Blocks: I Love Fall Blocks By What Next - Vase: Harvest Wheat Vase By What Next - Bucket: Withering Bucket By Junk - Frame: Hello Fall Window Sign By SAYO - Candlesticks: Pumpkin Candlesticks By SAYO - Wooden sign: Fresh Pumpkins Sign By SAYO - Pumpkin: Pumpkin - Buckskin III By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Pumpkin - Casper White II By Apple Fall - Vase: Dahlia Jug By Dust Bunny - Garland: Fall Leaves Garland By Mudhoney - Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Shelf: Antique Store Shelving By Apple Fall - Coat rack: Coat Rack By Dust Bunny - Dried flowers: wiccan artistry . dried flowers . RARE By Dust Bunny - Poppies: Preserved Poppies By Apple Fall - Lantern: Storm Lamp By Apple Fall - Frame: Gilt Frame (Sea Campion Study) By Apple Fall - Frame: Original Artwork: Hillside Manor Sketch By Apple Fall - Books: Design Books By Apple Fall - Horse figurine: Plaster Horse By Apple Fall - Cloche: Snowdrops in Cloche By Apple Fall - Jug: Roses Jug By Apple Fall - Hand decor: Hand of Hercules By Apple Fall - Arm deco: Strength’ Fragment By Apple Fall - Cloche: Pumpkin Clonch (Colours) By Apple Fall - Hat box: Hat Box By Apple Fall - Teapot: Tea Time Teaset By Apple Fall - Deco box: Ophelia Box By Mudhoney - Basket: dreamy outing . blanket basket By Dust Bunny Picture Four: Outdoor Dining Build: Saylor Square By Trompe Loeil - Table: Anashara Dining Table By Apple Fall - Table runner: Storybook Woven Table Runner By Apple Fall - Cheese board: Cheeseboard By Apple Fall - Apples: Apple Sprig w/ Branch By Apple Fall - Plate setting: Autumn Place Setting By Apple Fall - Nest: Nest w/ Speckled Eggs By Apple Fall - Bread: Au Pain (Sourbread Baguette) By Apple Fall - Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Cake: Kiwi & Blueberry Cheesecake By Apple Fall - Cake: Fall Harvest Cake By Apple Fall - Wine: Argentinian Malbec By Apple Fall - Vase: Hurricane Vase By Apple Fall - Candles: Plaster Candles By Apple Fall - Pumpkins: Pumpkin Assortment Set By Apple Fall - Crab claws platter: Stone Crab Claws By Apple Fall - Turkey: harvest feast . turkey By Dust Bunny - Table centerpiece: autumns calling . pumpkin centerpiece By Dust Bunny - Bench: autumns calling . bench By Dust Bunny - Chairs: autumns calling . chairs By Dust Bunny - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Fireplace: Vivienne Outdoor Fireplace By Trompe Loeil - Banner: Happy Fall Banner By What Next - Wooden blocks: I Love Fall Blocks By What Next - Vase: Harvest Wheat Vase By What Next - Frame: [Dakota] Hello Autumn frame By Ariskea


What’s Cookin’? by Shocking Wonder Picture One: Kitchen Island: Small spaces kitchen island cabinet By Dust Bunny - Recipe Book: Sugar-Coated Recipe Book By Granola - Placemat: Xmas Paper Placemat3 By THOR - Cup with Cherries: Gold Leaf Cherries w/ Cup By Apple Fall - Strainer with Cloth: Sugar-Coated Cookies Vintage Strainer By Granola - Candy Canes: Tied Candy Canes By Apple Fall - Candle: Autumns calling candle cup By Dust Bunny - Red Cup: Cup of your tea / be merry By {vespertine} Sugar Bag: At home baking bag of sugar By Dust Bunny - Cherry Filling Jar: homemade cherry filling By Hive - Cookies: Sugar-Coated Cookies By Granola - Wreath: holiday wreath flocked By Hive - Hanging Basket: Hanging Wicker Basket By Apple Fall Picture Two: Stove: Cook Stove White By Nutmeg - Kettle: Winter Kettle w/snowflake By THOR - Ginger Cookies: Granny’s Winter Cottage Gingerbread Cookies Plain By 8f8 - Kitchen Utensils: Pitcher & Wooden Utensils By Nutmeg - Measuring Cups: measuring cups / reds 3 By {vespertine} - Cookies Cutters1: Sugar-Coated Vintage Cookie Cutters By Granola - Cookies Cutters2: Cookie Cutters By Pixel Mode - Rowan Berries Pot: potted rowan berries By Dust Bunny - Red Pot: Red Pot By THOR - Chair: New Beginnings Cardigan Chair By 8f8 - Stack of Blankets: poetic autumn warm blankets By {vespertine} - Books: Recipe Books By Apple Fall - Stool: Old Round Chair Linen V1 By Nutmeg - Corner Cabinet: small spaces kitchen corner cabinet By Dust Bunny - Syrup Dispensers: syrup dispensers By Dust Bunny - Cooking Glove: Cooking Gloves Left By Meli Imako - Cloth: Cloth White By Nutmeg - Pudding: Christmas Pudding By Apple Fall - Santa Claus Figure: Happy Santa Figure By Apple Fall - Boxes with Bow: Sugar-Coated Holiday Tins By Granola - Chocolate and Cherries Pie: Chocolate & Cherry Tart By Apple Fall - Poinsettia Cake: Sugar-Coated Poinsettia Cake Gold By Granola - Chocolate Cake: Blackberry Bundt Cake By Apple Fall - Cup Stand: Holiday Cafe Cup set By RH - Sink: small spaces kitchen sink cabinet By Dust Bunny - Dish: Christmas Dish By THOR - Cookies: Xmas Cookies By THOR - Pot Rack: Antique Pot Rack By Trompe Loeil - String Lights: christmas lights A By Tarte - Kitchen Island: small spaces kitchen island cabinet By Dust Bunny - Recipe Book: Sugar-Coated Recipe Book By Granola - Placemat: Xmas Paper Placemat3 By THOR - Cup with Cherries: Gold Leaf Cherries w/ Cup By Apple Fall - Strainer with Cloth: Sugar-Coated Cookies Vintage Strainer By Granola - Candy Canes: Tied Candy Canes By Apple Fall - Candle: autumns calling candle cup By Dust Bunny - Red Cup: cup of your tea / be merry By {vespertine} - Sugar Bag: at home baking bag of sugar By Dust Bunny - Cherry Filling Jar: homemade cherry filling By Hive Cookies: Sugar-Coated Cookies By Granola - Wreath: holiday wreath flocked By Hive - Hanging Basket: Hanging Wicker Basket By Apple Fall - Horse Toy: Granny’s Winter Cottage Horsey Toy By 8f8 - Rug: Granny’s Winter Cottage Throw Rug By 8f8 - Straight Garlands: holiday garland straight flocked By Hive - Bow Garlands: holiday garland bottom arc flocked By Hive : Picture Three: Syrup Dispensers: syrup dispensers By Dust Bunny - Cooking Glove: Cooking Gloves Left By Meli Imako - Cloth: Cloth White By Nutmeg - Cookies Box: Verona Holiday Cookie Box Red By Dahlia - Gingerbread Man: part of Xmas Cookies By THOR - Pudding: Christmas Pudding By Apple Fall - Wreath: holiday wreath flocked By Hive - Sugar Sifter: Bayou Sugar Sifter Gold By Dahlia - Gold Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Gold By THOR - Santa Claus Figure: Happy Santa Figure By Apple Fall - Boxes with Bow: Sugar-Coated Holiday Tins By Granola - Chocolate and Cherries Pie: Chocolate & Cherry Tart By Apple Fall - Poinsettia Cake: Sugar-Coated Poinsettia Cake Gold By Granola Chocolate Cake: Blackberry Bundt Cake By Apple Fall - Cup Stand: Holiday Cafe Cup set By RH - Candle: autumns calling candle cup By Dust Bunny - Heart Sign: Heart Enjoy the Little Things By Apple Fall - Bow Garlands: holiday garland bottom arc flocked By Hive - Cabinet: small spaces kitchen corner cabinet By Dust Bunny Picture Four: Table: Country Table By Apple Fall - Chairs: Alba Dining Chair Red Tartan By Void - Table Cloth: Noel Table By Nutmeg - Candy Mug: Bunny candy cane mug By Dust Bunny - Chocolate Mousse: Holiday Glam Chocolates Mousse By Dahlia - Gingerbread House: Gingerbread Cake By Apple Fall - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Natural By THOR - Champagne Bottle: Cora’s Summer Champagne Brut By Dahlia - Center Piece: Holiday Glam Antler Table Arrangement By Dahlia - Cheese Board: Cheeseboard By Apple Fall - Butter Dish: Bayou Fleur De Lis Butter Dish By Dahlia - Pomegranate: Pomegranate By THOR - Caviar: Holiday Glam Caviar By Dahlia - Festive Cocktail: Holiday Glam Cocktail - Berry By Dahlia - Toasted Bread: Swan Toast Caddy & Toast By Apple Fall - Candle1: Brass Candlestick 1 By Nutmeg - Candle2: Brass Candlestick 4 By Nutmeg - Pillow: Punchline Pillows Crimson Velvet Tassel By SAYO - Rug: darling rug By Dust Bunny - Christmas Tree: Heritage Christmas Tree Spruce Green By Apple Fall - Stepladder: Stepladder By Apple Fall - Giftbox1: Giftbox By THOR - Giftbox2: tiny box mistletoe By {vespertine} - Giftbox3: smaller pompom box candy cane By {vespertine} - Kitchen Cabinets: practical kitchen stove side By Hive - Hanging Banner: Christmas Banner By Apple Fall - Copper Mixer: Copper Mixer By Apple Fall - Coffee Pot: Vintage Coffee Pot By Nutmeg - Gold Tray: Romanov’s Serving Tray Gold By Nutmeg - Apples: Apple Sprig w/ Branch By Apple Fall - Dinnerware: Dinnerware (cutlery on top) By Nutmeg - Appetizers Tray: Holiday Glam Antipasto Marble Platter By Dahlia - Stand With Ornaments: Holiday Glam Red Baubles By Dahlia - Poinsettia Garland: Poinsettia Garland Straight Long By Jian - Noel Sign: gilded door sign c’est noel gold By {vespertine} - Figs: Foodlicious FIGS Group Gift By 8f8 - Berries and Spoons: Fresh Berry Collection Spoons By Ayla - Cocktails Tray: Holiday Glam Cocktail Tray Berry By Dahlia - Poinsettia Pot: Poinsettia Pot Classic Red By DDD - Turkey: harvest feast turkey By Dust Bunny - Jar with Utensils: Shabby Baking Collection Jar w/ Utensils By Ayla - Hanging Tools: hanging tools copper By {vespertine} Picture Five: Table: Country Table By Apple Fall - Chairs: Alba Dining Chair Red Tartan By Void - Table Cloth: part of Reka Noel Table By Nutmeg - Candy Mug: candy cane mug By Dust Bunny - Chocolate Mousse: Holiday Glam Chocolates Mousse By Dahlia - Gingerbread House: Gingerbread Cake By Apple Fall - Pinecone: Christmas Pinecone Natural By THOR - Champagne Bottle: Cora’s Summer Champagne Brut By Dahlia - Center Piece: Holiday Glam Antler Table Arrangement By Dahlia - Cheese Board: Cheeseboard By Apple Fall - Butter Dish: Bayou Fleur De Lis Butter Dish By Dahlia - Pomegranate: Pomegranate By THOR - Caviar: Holiday Glam Caviar By Dahlia - Festive Cocktail: Holiday Glam Cocktail - Berry By Dahlia - Toasted Bread: Swan Toast Caddy & Toast By Apple Fall - Candle1: Brass Candlestick 1 By Nutmeg - Candle2: Brass Candlestick 4 By Nutmeg

Into The New Year by Grant Valeska Picture One: No Credits. Picture Two: Towel: Tommy Towel By NOCHE - Hair: Nial By Modulus Picture Three: Suit: Havana Suit By David Heather - Earrings: Diamond Studs By Yummy - Shirt: Jorge Shirt By Ascend - Pants: Tyler Pleated Pants By Ascend - Hair: Nial By Modulus - Jacket: Spring Jacket By Gabriel - Pants: Tweed Trousers By Deadwool - Necklace: Onur Necklace By Amias - Hair: Eddie By Modulus Picture Four: Shirt: Havana Shirt By David Heather - Pants: Havana Trousers By David Heather - Shirt: Jorge Shirt By Ascend - Pants: Tyler Pleated Pants By Ascend - Hair: Nial By Modulus - Shirt: Havana Shirt By David Heather - Pants: Havana Trousers By David Heather Picture Five: Jacket: Spring Jacket By Gabriel - Pants: Tweed Trousers By Deadwool - Necklace: Onur Necklace By Amias - Hair: Eddie By Modulus - Shirt: Havana Shirt By David Heather - Pants: Havana Trousers By David Heather

Tones of Jewel by Blair Lockhearst Picture One: Chair: Alexand Porter Chair By The Loft - Pouf: Sawyer Pouf By ARIA - Rug: Sawyer Rug By ARIA - Rug: Fur Rug By PILOT - Console: Classic Console By Fancy Decor - Decorative box: Nelson Bodega Box By The Loft - Books: Books & Bookends By Fancy Decor - Lamp: Durer Lamp By Fancy Decor - Lamp: Ambrose Pendant Light By The Loft - Deco bowl: Prescott Decorative Bowl By Fancy Decor - Clasp boxes: Stud Clasp Boxes By Fancy Decor - Deco box: Marble Box - white By Mudhoney - Vase: Wren Vase By Mudhoney - Plant: fiddle leaf branch By Dust Bunny - Mirror: Morgan Mirror By The Loft - Tree: Apple Fall Heritage Christmas Tree By Apple Fall - Ornaments: Fancy Decor: Tree Decorations 2 By Fancy Decor - Pillow: Ruffles Cushion By Apple Fall Picture Two: Chair: Neve Chair By Mudhoney - Ottoman: Orville By The Loft - Sidetable: Hamil Mustang Table By The Loft & ARIA - Books: Zoete Book Pile By The Loft & ARIA - Vase: Eagan Vase By Fancy Decor - Sphere: Zoete Decorative Sphere By The Loft & ARIA - Blessed: Blessed By The Loft & ARIA - Fireplace: PineWood Collection - Herringbone Fireplace By SAYO - Mirror: Ornate Mirror By Apple Fall - Santa figure: Happy Santa Figure (Holly) By Apple Fall - Mini tree: mini christmas tree By Dust Bunny - Firewood: firewood basket By Dust Bunny - Chandelier: Tropical Glam Chandelier By The Loft & ARIA - Garland: Evergreen Collection - Sage Garland By SAYO - Cushion: Studded Cushion (Chic) By Apple Fall - Garland: Leona Garland By The Loft & ARIA Picture Three: Fireplace: Aish Fireplace By MADRAS - Chair: Hamil Armchair By The Loft & ARIA - Couch: Solana Couch White By The Loft - Coffee table: Juniper Coffee Table By The Loft & ARIA - Coffee table: Modine Coffee Table By FD & Commoner - Vase: Olympia Vase By ARIA - Flowers: Hydrangea Bunch By Apple Fall - Mirror: Ornate Mirror By Apple Fall - Candles: Tivoli Candles By The Loft - Vase: Tivoli Vase By The Loft - Reindeers: Tivoli Reindeers By The Loft - Stocking holders: Snowflake Stocking Holder By The Loft - Stockings: Christmas Stockings By What Next - Garland: Poinsettia Garland By JIAN - Garland: Swag Pepper & Pomegranate By Bygone - Sconce: Crystal Sconce By Fancy Decor - Christmas tree: Douglas Fir Christmas Tree By Botanical - Rug: Ambrose Rug Dark By ARIA - Tray: Scalloped Tray By The Loft & ARIA - Decorative trees: Jordan Christmas Trees By Fancy Decor - Decorative tree: Decorative Folk Christmas Tree - Brushed By Dahlia - Deers: Woodland Deer - Brass By Apple Fall - Roses: Rameau Bowl of Roses (red) By Fancy Decor - Peace Decor: The Luckiest - Peace Decor By Peaches - Flower arrangement: Pilar Floral Arrange By The Loft & ARIA - Sidetable: Ashcroft Side Table By The Loft & ARIA - Lamp: Jones Lamp By Fancy Decor - Snowglobe: 2018 Musical Snow Globe By Fancy Decor Picture Four: Table: Seule Dining Table By The Loft & ARIA - Chair: Ambrose Dining Chair By The Loft & ARIA - Chandelier: Oren Chandelier By The Loft - Candelabra: Wedding Reception - Candelabra Silver By The Loft - Peonies: Golden Cage - Peonies By Tres Blah - Vase: Forest - Flower pot By Bazar - Tree: tabletop tree By Vespertine - Table runner: Seule Runner By The Loft & ARIA - Peace decor: The Luckiest - Peace Decor By Peaches - Apples: Apple Sprig w/ Branch By Apple Fall - Tree: Mini Christmas Tree By Dust Bunny - Pot: Juniper Potted Banana Plant Pot By The Loft & ARIA - Curtains: Ambrose Curtains By The Loft & ARIA - Clock: Cloche Clock By Fancy Decor - Chandelier: Seule Chandelier By The Loft & ARIA - Cart: Winter Bar Cart Full By Backbone - Reindeers: Tivoli Reindeers By The Loft - Baubles: Holiday Glam - Golden Baubles By Dahlia - Chocolates: Holiday Glam - Chocolates - Peppermint Bark By Dahlia - Cake: Holiday Glam - Cake - Brulee By Dahlia - Cocktails: Holiday Glam - Cocktail Tray - Absinth By Dahlia - Platter: Holiday Glam - Antipasto Marble Platter By Dahlia - Console: Solana Media center By The Loft - Garland: Leona Garland By The Loft & ARIA - Glass decors: Christmas Tree Forest By The Loft - Vases: Ambrose Vase Trio By The Loft & ARIA - Wall art: Flower Still Life, Brueghel the Elder By Fancy Decor - Plate setting: Casolare Place Setting White By The Loft - Christmas tree: Douglas Fir Christmas Tree By Botanical - Ornaments: Gilt Tree Decorations By Fancy Decor



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