Motoki Hitomi Seven Children
人見 元基 七つの子 January 14 (Sat) - February 11 (Sat), 2017
GALLERY MoMo Projects 2F 6-2-6 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0032 Japan Tel / Fax : +81-(0)3-3405-4339
Opening times :Tuesday – Saturday 12pm – 7pm Closed on Sunday, Monday, National holyday
人見元基 七つの子 2016 桜木、アクリル H.28.0 x W.20.0 x D.14.0cm Motoki Hitomi Seven Children 2016 Acrylic, cherrywood H.11.0 x W.7.8 x D.5.5inch JPY 120,000-
人見元基 話し方をおしえて 2016 アクリル、桜木 H.39.0 x W.16.0 x D.16.0cm Motoki Hitomi Tell me How to Speak 2016 Camphorwood, acrylic and button H.15.3 x W.6.3 x D.6.3inch JPY 180,000-
人見元基 魔法の時間 2016 樟、アクリル H.13.5 x W.30.0 x D.19.0cm Motoki Hitomi The Magical Time 2016 Camphorwood, acrylic H.5.3 x W.11.8 x D.7.5inch JPY 120,000-
人見元基 満天の星 2016 樟、アクリル H.34.0 x W.22.0 x D.13.0cm Motoki Hitomi Stadium of Stars 2016 Camphorwood, acrylic H.13.4 x W.8.7 x D.5.1inch JPY 180,000-
人見元基 遊園地の騎士 2016 樟、アクリル H.153.0 x W.154.0 x D.60.0cm Motoki Hitomi The Knight of Amusement Park 2016 Camphorwood, acrylic H.60.2 x W.60.6 x D.23.6inch JPY 980,000-
22.0 x 30.0cm
21.6 x 18.0cm
Motoki Hitomi
Motoki Hitomi
The Knight of Amusement Park
Seven Children
Acrylic, colored pencil and pen on craft paper
Acrylic and colored pencil on craft paper
8.6 x 11.8inch
8.3 x 7.0inch
JPY 25,000-
JPY 20,000-
23.5 x 14.0cm
17.0 x 12.7cm
13.0 x 23.7cm
Motoki Hitomi
Motoki Hitomi
Motoki Hitomi
Tell me How to Speak
The Knight of Amusement Park
The Magical Time
Conté on craft paper
Colored pencil on craft paper
Colored pencil on craft paper
9.2 x 5.5inch
6.7 x 5.0inch
5.1 x 9.3inch
JPY 12,000-
JPY 10,000-
JPY 12,000-
GALLERY MoMo Projects is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Motoki Hitomi titled Seven Children
that will consist of five wooden sculptures and several drawings themed children from January 14th to
1985 Born in Shimane
February 11th.
2008 B.F.A ., Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Adding fear and a sense of discomfort to the world surrounding himself, human desire, aspiration, jealousy, affection, and delusion to the gestures and the gaze, Hitomi has developed the animal motifs into anthropomorphic colored wooden sculptures. In this exhibition, Hitomi emphasize the narrativity that he has attempted to express the fantasy world as if reality is reversed since last exhibition. In addition, he shows the elements of humor, melancholy and vitality, the artist has themed, in the motif of children.
2010 M.F.A., Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music [Solo exhibitions] 2014 GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo 2012 GALLERY MoMo Roppongi, Tokyo 2009 GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo
Motoki Hitomi was born in1985 in Shimane, Japan and completed his M.F.A. Sculpture course at Faculty of Fine arts, Tokyo University of Arts. In 2008, he was awarded the Mitsubishi Estate Prize at the
[Selected Group exhibitions]
Geidai Arts in Marunouchi while he was a student. Hitomi had exhibited at Utsunomiya Museum of Art
2017 “Transmission // Itabashi //2016 Edo Today” Itabashi Art Museum
in 2010, Shimane Art Museum in 2011, ECHIGO-TSUMARI Triennale 2012 and Itabashi Art Museum in 2016. This is his forth solo exhibition at GALLERY MoMo since 2009.
2015 "Encounter" Gallery MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo 2014 "Shitamachi Art Zoo" FUMA Contemporary Tokyo | Bunkyo Art, Tokyo 2013 "Summer Group Show: Indivisual Creations" Gallery MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo 2012 "The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2012" Echigo-Tsumari region, Niigata 2011 "Regenerate" GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo "Anima" Shimane Art Museum, Shimane
Artist Statement
2010 "The forest of the animal" Utsunomiya Forest of the Culture, Tochigi
I think I spend more time to remember my childhood even though I barely remember it.
2009 "Summer Group Show Hop Step Jump" GALLERY MoMo Roppongi, Tokyo
I never get tired of looking at children around me because I feel overwhelmed by their incandescent vitality.
2008 "Opning Exhibition" GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku, Tokyo
However, I feel strange frantic somehow.
2005 "Motoki Hitomi, Yuji Doi"
There is a Japanese proverb: Seven years old is under a god, which is construed as the infant is a god.
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Tokyo
This quote means that children under seven years old lives in the world between the life and afterlife, but also the children reach the age of reason and get into the society like elementary school. I’m wondering what human was before the mind and body turned into adult. I do not know the time I lost from myself because it was released from god’s hands now, however I feel like I was sort of unusual special existence.
[Award] 2008 Mitsubishi Estate Prize at "Geidai Arts in Marunouchi"
人見元基は 1985 年島根県生まれ、2010 年東京藝術大学美術研究科彫刻専攻修士課程修了、在学中の 2008 年
[ 略年譜 ]
には丸の内ビルでの犬の群像をモチーフにした展示で三菱地所賞を受賞し、私たちのギャラリーでは 2009 年
1985 島根県生まれ
以来 4 度目の個展となります。
2008 東京藝術大学彫刻科卒業
2010 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程彫刻専攻卒業
(2010 年)や島根県立美術館での「あにま展」(2011 年)、そして 2012 年には「大地の芸術祭越後妻有アート トリエンナーレ」など、積極的にギャラリー外の彫刻展などに参加して、幅広い層に親しみを持って迎えられ
[ 個展 ]
2009 GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku(東京)
2012 GALLERY MoMo Roppongi(東京)
2014 GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku(東京)
は人物彫刻にも挑戦し意欲的に制作に取り組んで来ました。 そうした流れの中で今展では子どもをテーマにした木彫作品を制作、それぞれの作品は前回の個展でその萌
[ グループ展 ]
2005 「人見元基・土肥雄二 二人展」東京藝術大学(東京)
2007 「彫刻四人展」東京藝術大学(東京)
「藝大アーツ in 丸の内」丸の内ビルディング(東京)
2008 「Opening Exibition」GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku (東京)
5 点の木彫作品と数点のドローイング作品の出品を予定、人の心に残せる作品になればと、新たなイメージ
「藝大アーツ in 丸の内」丸の内ビルディング(東京)
2009 「Summer Group Show Hop Step Jump」GALLERY MoMo Roppongi ( 東京) 「synchronicity」SAKuRA GALLERY(東京)
2010 「野外美術展 どうぶつの森」うつのみや文化の森(栃木)
2011 「再生」GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku(東京)
2012 「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ 2012」新潟県越後妻有(新潟)
2013 「Summer Group Show: Indiviaul Creations」GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku ( 東京 )
2014 「下町アート動物園 2014」FUMA Contemporary Tokyo | Bunkyo Art(東京)
2015 「Encounter」GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku(東京)
2016 年 人見元基 [ 受 賞 ] 2008 三菱地所賞 受賞
作品に関するお問い合わせは下記までご連絡下さい。 Please contact Momo Sugita about the exhibition and works.
GALLERY MoMo Ryogoku 1F 1-7-15 Kamezawa Sumida-ku Tokyo 130-0014 Japan
TEL : +81-(0)3-3621-6813 FAX : +81-(0)3-3621-6814
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