Let's talk about peace, English UdeC Facatativa branch magazine

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TEAM WORK Editor in Chief

Teachers English Day Leaders

Design and Ilustration

Yuliana Gallego, English Teacher Lorena López. Martha Díaz Óscar Acero Aldemar Cojo Rafael Chiriví Nancy Sanchez Yuliana Gallego

Gustavo Adolfo López Torres @elprofegus





Natalia Andrea Robayo Ortiz .










THE PEACE IN COLOMBIA Catalina Herrera Duarte Laura Leal

Enrique Arbelaez


COLOMBIAN PEACE Brayan Andrei Díaz Páez.



THE PEACE Oscar Ferney Cortes Jiménez, Yeimy Mendivelso Montoya, Yuliza Garay Acosta, Daniela Sofia Vivas, Paula Viviana Romero








The English Day was celebrated on November 2nd, 2017 in Facatativá. It began in the auditorium of the University of Cundinamarca. English

The participation of professor Rafael Chiriví, and his students "readers" who illustrated us about the meaning of peace, and the importance of the

professors invited several students from the

psychology career in topics such as the post conflict;

Manablanca Municipal Educational Institution

likewise, the interesting topics proposed by professor

from Facatativá, to be active participants in the

Oscar Acero and his students, where the relevance of

dynamics proposed by students and professors

industries, Business, and Technology is exposed today,

from the university, where each one prepared an

in addition to this, the great theater play by Professor

activity of interest, and the students' abilities in the

Aldemar Cojo´s group where each one of his students

language were demonstrated.

showed their skills in the English language through a

This celebration began with the ceremonial acts

newscast, in which they presented famous figures

that any activity of this nature deserves, with the

talking about peace, in this same way, teacher Yuliana

intonation of the hymns of Colombia and our

Gallego and her students showed a photography

beloved University of Cundinamarca, then the

exhibition in which they connected the topics Art,

program was started, where we could highlight

Memory and Peace in order to talk about the good

the participation of professor Lorena López, and

aspects of the Peace Agreement in Colombia, the

her group of students who did didactic activities of integration, like puzzles, and made origami figures, who broke the ice with the spectators, also

attractive contribution of the teacher Martha Isabel Díaz and her students in the "Nature vs Nurture" debate, in which the positions of many scientists face

that group showed us the meaning of empathy

those issues. Furthermore, professor Catherine

and some beautiful phrases about peace in our

Valbuena´s group presented a remarkable talk about


Cundinamarca. In conclusion, it was a great cultural show where learning and love for the English language were fostered, and there was a pleasant moment where they actively participated, .


LET´S KEEP ON WORKING FOR PEACE IN OUR COUNTRY WRITTEN BY VALERY TILAGUYPSYCHOLOGY STUDENT AT FACATATIVÁ BRANCH In our country, we have lived many years in war. We have been in middle of pain, poverty and feelings of anxiety, but at last we decided to do a change. I say “we decided” because the duty of getting a total peace is the responsibility of all of us, due to our actions and our thoughts. It is necessary to forgive and be forgiven because we hurt people with little actions that are the opposite to peace. Although, there are many things that we must change, we are in process to do it. We can see places as Caqueta that was a zone affected by violence. There, government is implementing campaigns in order to restore people´s lives affected by violence, and there are campaigns to educate people who committed violent acts. If we want to reach: “ una paz estable y duradera”,thus, it is important to implement this new thought among kids because they are the future of our country. The recent event of Pope´s visit , was important and satisfactory , because we could observe that many young people have the same thought about creating changes in our country. We must be optimistic about reaching peace, and we should think that it is a reality, because although this situation is in process we are giving big steps. People who lost their houses, they are recovering their properties too, and although they will not recover their family, they might find peace in their souls, because they may forgive and live their lives with tranquility. Although there are things that are impossible to forget, they are trying, and it is a big step to generate changes in our society. Let’s treat the others like we want to be treated, do not allow that moments of anxiety or confusion destroyed the process that we have achieved so far. if we do not continue trying, we will lose the possibility of creating changes in our territory. “There is no way to the peace, the peace is the way” and now that we have found it, we must not lose the direction. We must not lose faith, hope and union, because if we are united, it will all allow us to overcome the difficulties. We must create a future and a world for our children. We should begin in our homes by implementing: justice, love and values. Home is the starting point to create a real peace in our country.




A peace process is an effort to achieve an agreement that ends the violence, as well to implement it, through negotiations which may require the mediation of third parties. (Alto comisionado para la paz,2017).In our country it is being developed, but for the process to be successful it is necessary to involve the whole society, for this reason the government has been in charge of generating projects for the participation of civilians in post-conflict. To be able to help in post-conflict it is necessary to know the history of the war and how it has reached this point. In Colombia, there are accounts of more than fifty years of internal conflict between groups of the extreme left and the government, adding later criminal gangs, drug trafficking cartels; years in which more than 8 million people have been victims of murder and / or torture, displacement and forced disappearance.

The boom of this internal war takes place between the eighties and two thousand, where it becomes stronger and more common the shots to different people, the attacks, the excessive growth of the enrichment by the drug trafficking, the kidnappings and the displacement and disappearance forced population of the majority peasantry, in addition to this, more than one hundred thousand antipersonnel mines planted throughout the national territory that only contribute to the increase in the number of victims.(revista portafolio 2017) In 2012, after several strong blows for the far-left farc ep, the peace talks between the two warring factions begin, culminating on November 24, 2016 with the signing of the agreements of peace dialogue in Havana and Oslo, reaching certain terms that were satisfactory for both parties. (FARC 2017)

These dialogues ensure that, in the national territory by certain public and private institutions, projects will be created which would guarantee a better transition of both the victims and the demobilized to the new life, projects that include participation citizens as actors and managers of peace and change, both in culture and in society. (FEU 2017) These projects include the hands-for-peace project created by high-level post-conflict, counseling supported by the United Nations Development Program in Colombia or (UNDP).Through these projects it is sought that citizen participation grows and they are all architects of the change in the country, mainly from the academy, since in these programs it is sought to offer the possibility of exchanging the knowledge and the desire of the university students for their phases of business practices and internships, in order to be able to carry an experience of a social and extension type that is often the component that is needed in the professional careers of the country. (PNUD 2104)


These projects are carried out in the so-called transition zones, where the representatives of the UN, the Red Cross and other organizations of this type coexist together with the demobilized guerrillas of FARC, there are carried out projects of sustainability peasant making use of crops that will provide food constantly to those who integrate this community, and receive psychological help so that in a certain time they can get back to civilian life completely if that is their desire, all this in the framework of participation citizen already mentioned above because it is in these fields (agriculture and psychology among others) that seeks to integrate peace managers as they have been called. One of the most relevant projects is volunteers of peace, it focuses on three strategic axes to contribute to the change and these are: health, pedagogy of peace and literacy; in this way, they make calls so that students can choose in which area they would like to help and after passing certain filters, they are given an induction and are taken to areas like Mesetas, Meta or Planadas, Tolima, which are affected zones that they need support in any of the areas of health or education already mentioned. What is wanted with projects like this is that ordinary people change their thinking about the peace process and the guerrilla in general, since some myths have been created with which it generates a greater rejection towards the demobilized what in turn generates violence and the main objective of the peace processes is the end of many years of violence that distorted the image of the country and affected much of its population.(FEU 2017) The importance of forgiveness must be emphasized by the Colombians, all of us, since according to the results of the plebiscite held in 2016, it is evident that the areas where the war was most cruel and perceptible were the highest rates of support, which means that people who had to live the war in their own flesh were able to forgive; then according to this reasoning, a question arises, if those who had to suffer almost daily the ravages of the Colombian internal conflict are able to forgive, why those who live in areas fortunately far from the conflict, are the ones that have more problems to support the forgive?. Maybe you will never know this answer, maybe the media have to do, maybe not feel the terror properly cause this reaction, maybe some leaders are opposed and people blindly follow these leaders. (Alto Comisionado para la paz 2014)The importance of forgiveness must be emphasized by the Colombians, all of us, since according to the results of the plebiscite held in 2016, it is evident that the areas where the war was most cruel and perceptible were the highest rates of support, which means that people who had to live the war in their own flesh were able to forgive; then according to this reasoning, a question arises, if those who had to suffer almost daily the ravages of the Colombian internal conflict are able to forgive, why those who live in areas fortunately far from the conflict, are the ones that have more problems to support the forgive?. Maybe you will never know this answer, maybe the media have to do, maybe not feel the terror properly cause this reaction, maybe some leaders are opposed and people blindly follow these leaders. (Alto Comisionado para la paz 2014) In conclusion, peace in Colombia at this time is so much closer to being a reality than just 10 years ago, and if all people collaborate in this process surely the episodes of violence in Colombia will become history, tragic and painful, but of which it was possible to learn to form a References: Alto comisionado para la paz 2017 tomado de http://www.altocomisionadoparalapaz.gov .co/Paginas/inicio.aspx

better country. it is clear that we all have differences in ideals but that should not be an

Revista portafolio. Proyecto “voluntariado de paz”, tomado de http://radiomacondo.fm/2017/03/21/proye cto-voluntariado-paz/

take part in the change, where everyone is able to learn, teach, accept and forget.

impediment to build what the whole country wants so much, a place where the persons can share their ideals without afraid just with respect and tolerance, a place where all people can



To analyze the origin of the peace process with the FARC, I consider it important first to review the origin of the FARC. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army or FARC-EP participated in the Colombian armed conflict since its official conformation in 1964. Initially it was under the command of Pedro Antonio Marín (known by the aliases of Manuel Marulanda Vélez or Tirofijo) until his death in March 2008 due to natural causes. Subsequently, its commander in chief was Guillermo Leon Sáenz alias Alfonso Cano, until it was killed by the Colombian Army on November 4, 2011. On November 15, the organization confirmed, through a statement, that its new commander in chief was Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri, alias Timochenko or Timoleón Jiménez, who directed them until September 26, 2016, the day of the signing of the Havana Agreements, which sought to end the conflict of this guerrilla with the Colombian State. The FARC's origins date back to 1964, when President-inOffice Guillermo León Valencia decided to bomb the so-called "Marquetalia Republic", where a group of liberals and communists of peasant origin settled. This and other places in the national territory had been denounced by some senators as "independent republics", where the state authority was annulled by these self-defense peasants. Although initially the channel of activities carried out by the FARC were self-defense and guerrilla warfare against the state, in the 1980s they ventured into drug trafficking, initially charging the so-called "vaccine" to drug traffickers in the south of the country and then the 1990s, in the so-called "Clearance Zone" for the peace talks in the Andres Pastrana government, with the cultivation of coca leaf and the production and trafficking of cocaine by the jungle routes to neighboring countries and from there to the United States. They also engaged in other illicit activities such as illegal mining, extortion, use of Vietcong warfare techniques such as planting antipersonnel mines, murder of civilians, members of the government, police and military personnel, kidnapping for political or extortive purposes, attacks with bombs and unconventional weapons (gas cylinders, animal bombs), acts that have led to forced displacement of civilians, recruitment of minors, destruction of bridges and roads by bombs with dynamite, destruction of police stations and houses of civilians who are nearby. According to the United Nations, the FARC-EP and ELN were responsible for 12% of the murders of civilians in the armed conflict in Colombia.



On several occasions, the governments in question tried to approach the insurgent group of the FARC to end the armed conflict, but without positive results. President Juan Manuel Santos, made the last approach in which talks were held in Habana, Cuba and discussed for four years. As a result of these activities the Habana Agreements were presented, which sought to put an end to the conflict of this guerrilla with the Colombian State and which was expected to be ratified by the Colombian people through a plebiscite that was held on October 2, 2016 , which would have provided guarantees for them to finally abandon the insurgent struggle and thus become a political movement. The result of the plebiscite was an adjusted NO victory. However, using tricks, and taking into account some objections of those who supported the NO, the government sought congressional approval, avoiding a new vote of the people; these new agreements were signed on November 24, 2016. On August 28, 2017 was held in Bogotรก the founding congress of the new party that maintains the acronym FARC but with the meaning Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Comun

Let us hope that these agreements will bring peace to Colombia and not lead to a greater polarization and division, seeing that the people were assaulted in their good faith by the Government, since it was not called to a new plebiscite after making the reforms to the document of the Habana Agreement, as requested by some representative of those who promoted the NO. However, this mismanagement and the prebendas achieved in Habana by this guerrilla group and established in the Peace Agreement, as impunity for the crimes committed by the members of this guerrilla group, which include systematic robbery of children for include them in the ranks of the guerrillas, rape the girls and then force them to abort, attacks on the civilian population and many other crimes against humanity, cast doubt on the positive outcome of these five years of talks and after the plebiscite in which did not approve the agreements and then the efforts outside the Political Constitution by the Government of Juan Manuel Santos as the endorsements by way of "Fast Track" by the congress.


Everyone can be part of the solution This photography exhibition was the possibility to show that despite of the difficulties and disagreements that surrounded the Peace process , if there is possibility to save lives and to build a better future for our children there must no be obstacles.


PEACE AND SOCCERÂ By: Natalia Andrea Robayo Ortiz Business Management IV

Soccer, soccer is a sport, but more than sport is a worldwide phenomenon daily enjoyed by millions of fans. Despite this sport is cause of great and majestic celebrations and it is a recreational event that must be territory of peace is also the one of many deaths. Hooligan are groups of fanatics who are responsible for encouraging players with banners, songs and intimidating rivals. These groups appeared in Colombia in the 70's and today all the great teams have one, but these hooligans are not only conformed by fans passionate about football and their team, they are also composed by criminals, this has triggered mostly in violent events in stadiums and outside of these, during and after the meetings due to team defeat.

There are approximately 100,000 hooligans in the country, who completely challenge the authorities and their concern to keep the place of the sporting event safe. Despite of this, sports community and authorities say that the lack of education in many sectors of the country is the cause of everything. As a solution to the problem, the aim is to campaign for respect for life, security groups different from uniformed ones, better control in the entrance and monitoring the stadium and numbered seats for easy identification of delinquents, and increase citizen awareness in the youngest people starting with educational institutions. Soccer is made to enjoy, have fun and celebrate, not to end in the middle of a pitched battle, we must be aware and raise awareness in the people with whom we live daily, we must be less rival and more friends, more comprehensive, more tolerant, more kind, we must put into practice the basic principles of coexistence to keep football as a harmonious event where we can celebrate in peace with our loved ones without any fear. Let's support football, let's support peace.


The Peace Oscar Ferney Cortes Jiménez, Yeimy Mendivelso Montoya, Yuliza Garay Acosta, Daniela Sofia Vivas, Paula Viviana Romero Administration V

The Latin term pax, peace can be defined in a

In Colombia, the peace is very important

positive and negative sense. In the positive sense,

because for many years this country suffered

peace is a state of tranquility and stillness; On the

due to the internal wars with the illegal armed

other hand, in the negative sense, peace is the absence of war or violence. On a personal level, peace is a serene state of mind where one can be in harmony with oneself and with others. In many Eastern religions and philosophies this state is called inner peace and is attained through efforts of meditation and selfknowledge, that is, attaining a spiritual and mental balance usually represented by the lotus flower

groups, also the corruption is consuming the taxes of Colombians and drug trafficking is another huge problem. Colombia should start a change but this change must start from home, where every Colombian contribute with something, either forgiving our enemies or friends and brothers. Also tolerating people differences like sexuality, sports, religion, among others. These characteristics and others can contribute to the peace and the change that is necessary. Colombia has to

Peace mean welfare and absence of the war, it is the ideal state from the social area to the individual area, the society search this balance into the community and it can be possible only if the values are applied in the coexistence. The

progress in different ambits like economy, politics, socials, educational and especially in the culture of the people. If we don’t change our behavior, we won’t be able to meet the true peace and tranquility we deserve.

peace is the only way to achieve the perfect development from individual to the society and

We can contribute the peace with different

everyone must practice it

actions like help others, tolerate their likes,

The peace need anyone values for achieve it,

respecting their opinions, avoiding discussions

inside of them it is possible to find: respect,

or fights. Also offering solutions to the

freedom, consideration, tolerance, humility,

problems that appear in our work or in our

honesty, justice, equity, equality among others

classes at the university. We believe that if we

but the principal value is love, if everyone love

follow these actions, we will have a better

everything, they can be better in every area of

relation with classmates and coworkers.

development. The principal peace problem is the selfishness. ENGLISH UDEC, FACA'S BRANCH| PAGE 10

IIn conclusion, the peace is essential for everyday life. It will give us security and a peaceful state of mind. However, Colombia still has internal wars that although are fewer than recent years, and they are about to end, they still hurt us. That is why every Colombian must forgive and forget so we can start a new country with news probabilities and news goals for everyone. And someday, we will be a better and more developed country. It can be observed that peace is more to an individual level. The individual ideology is the one that has brought the destruction of peace that is why there are people that want to dominate and to submit the population regardless of the consequences, which may contain a war that will benefit the most powerful people in the world. Peace in the world is very important for the country as it contributes to the good understanding and communication between people of the different populations, eliminating differences bringing tolerance and understanding. It can be highlighted that most of the values contributing to peace are in the family. These values will help to reduce problems avoiding conflict and giving a step towards peace.


COLOMBIAN PEACE Brayan Andrei Díaz Páez.

Talking about peace in Colombia can´t be just a criticism about what I don´t like. I also want to give my point of view on what I think should be the point to deal with, the real problem of the country. For me the problem lies in intolerance, I still do not know why or where is the origin of this social "virus", but I have some ideas that could help to mitigate its impact. first at all I consider the solution is “the children”. Young people who can still be molded and formed in an appropriate way, which I mean by this, is that we must grow young people with clear ideas of respect, responsibility and most important the value of dialogue, teach them to express their ideas in a constructive criticism and accept that everyone is different. On the other hand, the adults´ problem is more difficult to address, because I know the problem is something already established in the personality of some people, and usually the trigger is linked to socioeconomic problems or sentimental problems. first of all, we are invaded by corruption and this generates in people an idea of constant mistrust since it is known that some politicians steal the country resources, generating poverty in the lower strata, degradation of the infrastructure of the cities and other problems, all this together generates spaces or situations where people simply explode at the slightest push. The solution for this situation could be more controls by and for the authorities that serve people to mitigate social problems and help people to overcome some social problems. Maybe it is not the solution but for sure it will be the first step.


PEACE IN COLOMBIA Catalina Herrera Duarte Psichology II Laura leal Psichology II

I see children, mothers and all those people who are victims of violence in Colombia and I can only think one thing: it's about time. Yes, it is time for the war and the bullets to cease once and for all. The day that the government announced the negotiation with the FARC, I felt very happy and full of hope. Now a new era begins for this country, an era full of tranquility, quiet silence in the mountains and not the noisy roar of weapons. Victims of violence must be revived, vindicated and, above all, they must not be forgotten. There is no oblivion for the cruel and ruthless war, but there is hope and a new opportunity to be born among the ashes like the Phoenix. More than a reflection is a message to all the victims of the armed conflict, so they stand firm and brave as they have done all these years, because you should never stop fighting more when now it is for a good cause, that good cause is peace. As Neruda said: "They can cut all the flowers, but they will not be able to stop the spring."


THE ROLE OF THE PSYCHOLOGIST IN POSTCONFLICT AUTHOR: CARIS ANDREA CHIA AMAYA PSICHOLOGY II Colombia, has for many years gone through difficult times, in which its population has been immersed in terror, due to the emergence of bands outside the law that initially had socialist purposes; but over the years they were filled with ambition and began to use the people as a means to bribe the government and in several cases to involve them in their purposes of crime, such as drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, corruption, among others; this situation all it does is to fill the pockets of the upper classes and leaders of these illegal groups with money by means of the manipulation of the citizens of middle class and even more of the low class to fulfill its criminal ends. To begin, one of the gangs outside the law has been the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) (Noticiascaracol.com, 2016) that began to operate around 1964; this group was created by Pedro Antonio Marín alias Manuel Marulanda Vélez or "Tirofijo" and only after almost five decades and when crossing through two peace processes of which the second, (in the government of Juan Manuel Santos) culminated in agreements made in Havana and the signing of an act in which the two parties agreed to a bilateral ceasefire where the military (state) and the FARC would end a struggle that lasted several decades and left thousands of victims, more precisely (Portafolio, 2017) "has affected 8,376,463 people" including victims of forced displacement, homicides, disappearances, torture, kidnappings, among others. Based on the above, these five decades of conflict left an endless list of victims that the government has so far been in charge of repairing economically, but the question is that these victims not only need economic support, but also the psychological one because a Mourning process carried incorrectly can lead to future consequences affecting mainly the quality of life; in that order of ideas, what is the role of the psychologist in the process of reparation of victims? To begin, it is important to contextualize the situation in which these victims are, initially the growth of illicit cultivation implies that the FARC forces the humble peasants to leave their lands, it is worth noting that in some cases these people are opposed because from one aspect psychological abrupt changes are not easy to assimilate for people because it is complicated to assimilate the fact of leaving everything they have built through the years to remain in misery, so usually this fight ends when they face the murder of a loved one generating grieving processes that can not be properly addressed due to the situation, so finally children, youth and adults end up with psychological disorders that underlie the aforementioned; disorders such as post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression, drug addiction, among others.


Another point to be discussed is that, although an agreement has been reached between the two parties where each one undertakes to comply with the stipulations, there have been attacks that frighten the victims since they decided to denounce they fear that their lives and those of their beings dear ones are taken away and by this circumstance the process of mourning is attenuated. Due to the aforementioned, the psychologist is a key player in coping with the post-conflict process since it is clear from the university that its purpose is to help the citizens, the victims need a repair not only economic but also psychological for all victims; I refer to ex-guerrillas since a large number of these people were forced to be there and they are peasants who hope to reunite with their family and be accepted despite the atrocities they committed, but this requires support that is based on acceptance, learning to cope with mourning and being a guide for the patient to overcome this dark stage of Colombia, to do this from the beginning (the university) psychologists must be trained to have the capacity to guide the thousands of victims. In conclusion, we can infer that although the peace process is not perfect and has certain shortcomings, it is that crumb of hope that Colombians lacked in order to rebuild those walls of trust and solidarity; many of the individuals who were not directly affected claim that it is not easy to forgive but those who lived in this conflict are tired of fleeing and crying for their loved ones, they have been the quickest to forgive that the only way to bring peace to the land is to make our own lives peaceful, it is important to emphasize that the role of the psychologist is important enough to provide the necessary support to the thousands of victims left by postconflict helping them to overcome in a healthier way everything the damage caused and avoiding the emergence of new psychological disorders. References Noticiascaracol.com. (26 de septiembre de 2016). La historia de las FARC: 52 años de un doloroso conflicto. Noticias caracol, pág. 3. Páez, D. A. (09 de Septiembre de 2015). Los psicólogos, claves en el posconflicto y en el proceso de paz. Las 2Orillas, pág. 2. Portafolio. (2017). 8.376.463: las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia. Portafolio, 1.


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