Main Campus SUMMER 2023
Visit our website:
For online courses call: 855-520-6806
These symbols are used in the class schedules each semester. An explanation is as follows:
M-222 means Moody Hall, Room 222
N-240 means Mary Moody Northen Center, Room 240
R-300 means Regents Hall, Room 300
FA-207 means Fine Arts Building, Room 207
H-100 means Hermes Fitness Center, Room 100
AT means Charlie Thomas Family Applied Technology Center Class room assignments are subject to change.
Pay for classes online with your debit/credit card. Some courses are eligible for payment plans.
Super Summer Course
Complete your 2022-2023 FAFSA now to see if you are eligible for tuition assistance
Do you already have your Nurse Aide and Phlebotomy Certification?
If so, you can complete both your NHA EKG and Patient Care Tech Certification in our combined 8-Week Summer Super Course!
Course runs Mon., Wed., 8am-12pm and Tues., Thurs. 5:30pm-9:30pm(June 6- July 27) and includes study materials, practice tests, and one attempt at each exam. Students must have completed Nurse Aide and Phlebotomy at GC to register for this Super Summer course, and to waive the healthcare requirements. Students must enroll in both courses for a total discounted rate of $1,200. Students who register by May 15 could be eligible for up to $600 in TPEG funding, so complete your FAFSA today! Course includes one attempt at each certification exam.
EKG/PCT SUPER SUMMER COURSE - you must register for both:
Certified Nurse Aide
View Healthcare Program Course Requirements & Instructions: ENROLE.COM/GC.JSP
Train to become a Certified Nurse Aid (CNA) in a long-term care facility. Course topics include residents’ rights, communication, safety observation, reporting and basic comfort and care. Students who successfully complete this program earn a THECB recognized Occupational Skills Award, and start on the pathway to earn a level one certification as a Patient Care Tech. Clinical hours are scheduled at various times by the instructor.
Students must complete our healthcare program requirements prior to enrolling. Students must wear burgundy scrubs with student patches and have a watch with a second hand. The student is responsible for transportation to and from the clinical sites. Students are responsible for certification testing with Prometric and paying testing fees online. This is separate from tuition; the instructor will schedule testing dates for the class. The program is eligible for TPEG and a payment plan.
Books, CPR certification and Clinical $899
Certified Phlebotomy Technician
Get started as an entry-level phlebotomist and prepare for your certification exam with the National Healthcare Association (NHA). Study the skills used in the performance of a variety of blood collection methods. Students who successfully complete this program earn a THECB recognized Occupational Skills Award, and start on the pathway to earn a Level One certification as a Patient Care Tech. Clinical hours are scheduled at various times by the instructor and may need to be simulated due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Students must complete our healthcare program requirements prior to enrolling. Students must wear burgundy scrubs with student patches and a white lab coat to clinical sites The student is responsible for transportation to and from the clinical sites. This course includes one attempt at the certification exam which will be scheduled by the instructor. This is nonrefundable and non-transferable. This program is eligible for TPEG funds and a payment plan. Students are automatically enrolled in UTMB student health for the semester.
CPR Certification BLS (Basic Life Support)
Galveston College provides CPR training for individuals, companies, groups, and organizations with flexible scheduling. Students are trained by our American Heart Association (AHA) instructors to help infants as well as adults in an emergency situation. Classes run for 4.5 hours and a textbook is included. Students who successfully complete the training receive a CPR course completion card recognized by the American Heart Association.
MSSC Logistics $1,200
Certified Logistics Associate topics include understanding the life cycle of global chain logistics, the logistics environment and familiarization with different material handling equipment, introduction to safety principles and safe equipment handling, quality control principles, workplace communications, teamwork and problem solving. Classes meet twice weekly for lectures. The focus in Certified Logistics Technician is on product receiving, storage order processing, packaging and shipment, inventory control, evaluation of transportation modes and dispatch and tracking. Cost includes one attempt at the MSSC Certified Logistics Associate & Certified Logistics Technician exam and online study materials. TPEG grant eligible. Logistics students must register for both classes.
Pipefitter Helper $1,105
Train to be a pipefitter helper. Students who complete NCCER Core and Level 1 can earn an occupational skills award along with NCCER credentials. The NCCER Core Curriculum presents the safe use of hand tools, power tools, rigging, and power equipment used in the plumbing trade for installation of different plumbing systems. The entry-level NCCER Pipefitting Level 1 training presents mathematical operations necessary to calculate laying lengths of pipe fittings for fabrication. Students do hands-on projects in the shop fabricating pipe layouts and basics of pipefitting are presented. Eligible for TPEG and payment plan.
Ceramics I and II Summer Session $250*
In this course you will explore the basics of the ceramic process, from hand building to the potter’s wheel. Some supplies are provided, but students will need to purchase additional supplies. A supply list will be given to you on the first class meeting.
*A senior citizen discount is available.
Yoga $139
Therapeutic yoga classes are gentle and include yoga poses modified to individual’s needs, gentle movement sequences to help improve the body’s movement patterns, yogic breath techniques, and guided relaxation
Wear comfortable exercise clothing and bring your own mat.
Fitness Center $99*
Enjoy the advantages of a regular exercise routine at the GC Hermes Fitness Center. Register for: GCLR 1000.1800
Summer Hours of Operation ** M-R: 7:30am-6:00pm, Closed Fridays
You must present your ID badge.
• Arts & Design
• Business
• Computer Applications
• Health & Fitness Careers
• Hospitality
• Legal
• Information Technology
Some restrictions apply.
5/15/23 - 8/25/23
* Senior Citizen Discount Available
** Some exceptions to the hours of operation may apply.
Online courses and career training programs prepare you for a new career, or help you advance within your current occupation.
Learn new skills and prepare for industryrecognized certifications by taking our online course work.
Registration and payment is all done online.
Visit our website:
Call for more information: 855-520-6806
Galveston College Continuing Education
F E A T U R E D C L A S S E S :
E s p o r t s A p p r e n t i c e
Y o u T u b e C o n t e n t C r e a t o r
E n g i n e e r i n g C a m p
C h e m i s t r y
H a i r B r a i d i n g
B a k i n g
*Parental Consent Form required for registration
C u l i n a r y C a r e e r E x p l o r a t i o n
A r t s & C r a f t s
D a n c e
B a b y s i t t i n g
L i t C a m p C r e a t i v e W r i t i n g
L i t C a m p S u m m e r R e a d i n g
Please register at least one week prior to class start date. Tuition and fees must be paid upon registration. Students must complete registration five business days prior to a course starting.
MOODY HALL M-140 CALL: 409-944-1344
Senior Discounts: Classes listed with an “*” are eligible for a 50% senior discount for those over the age of 65 and who live in-district. This discount is applied upon registration.
Class Cancellations, Room Changes, and Rescheduling: Courses with low enrollment prior to a start date are canceled prior to the start date. Students will be notified by phone or email when a class they are enrolled in has been canceled; however, we are sometimes unable to reach everyone. A refund of 100% is automatically processed upon cancellation of classes. To help avoid cancellations PLEASE REGISTER AT LEAST A WEEK PRIOR TO THE START DATE, and encourage your friends to register with you. Occasionally, canceled courses are rescheduled for a later start date, and you will be notified by phone when the opportunity presents itself. In the event of a class room change notice of the room change will be posted on the Continuing Education doors and the classroom that was originally listed.
Refunds: Refunds prior to the start of class will be 100%. Refund requests should be made in person or by phone to 409-944-1344. Refund requests must be received during normal business hours and at least one business day prior to the start date of the class. When a class is canceled you will automatically be refunded the full course amount. There are NO REFUNDS GIVEN AFTER A COURSE HAS BEGUN. There are NO REFUNDS for ED2GO, ProTrain, or Language Authority online courses.
Parking: All students must have a valid GC parking sticker. Please pick up in the Media Center Rm: R-120). Visitors to campus must park in the visitors parking lot at the corner of Avenue Q and 39th St. Unpermitted cars parked in the Moody lot will be towed.
Student ID Cards-Visitors: Enrolled students are required to posses a valid student ID card. These may be obtained in the Media Center (Rm: R-120) once you have your payment receipt. Visitors to campus and those who are only here for a short contract training class must display a visitor name tag on their person. These are available in the CE offices, or from your instructor.
Smoke Free Campus: Galveston College is a smoke free campus. Smoking (including e-cigs) is strictly prohibited in all buildings on the campus grounds and parking areas.
Classroom Conduct: Students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom and/or laboratory in a manner that is conducive to good academic progress. Failure to comply with the lawful direction of a faculty member, teaching assistant or instructor may be a disruption for all students enrolled in the class. Disruptive conduct is considered a serious offense. Faculty reserve the right to remove a student from a class for just cause. Students removed may be referred to the VP of Student Services for disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Use: Cell phone use is strictly prohibited during all class/lab sessions. In an emergency, please step outside to avoid disruption.
FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), was established to protect the privacy rights of all students. FERPA specifies the types of student information which can be released to the public without a student’s expressed consent and specifies the persons and agencies that may receive other information, which according the FERPA, a college may release to the public without a student's permission and is referred to as “Directory Information.” The information included in the FERPA definition includes name, address, telephone, date and place of birth, degrees earned, date, major, and field of study, academic classification, dates of attendance, number of semester hours in progress and attained to date, previous high school and college attended, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Students may request that Galveston College withhold their directory information from the general public. To do so, students must fill out the appropriate form with the Admissions Office.
Record of Completion And CEUs: Nationally recognized CEUs may be awarded on certain approved occupation-related courses. One CEU is awarded for every 10 contact hours. All courses will be given a Certificate of Completion. It is up to the individual student to see if these courses are eligible for CEUs.