APRIL 2017
Chapter of Excellence Interview with Dr. William E. Frazier FASM President Interview with Mr. Sami Mahmoud General Manager Danieli Egypt
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4 Foreword
Ahmed Alaa Elshahd Ahmed Abd-Elaleem
Interview with Dr. William E. Frazier FASM President
Friction Stir Welding of AISI 1018 Steel and 2024-T4 Aluminum Alloy Mohammed Shaheen
Danieli New Technologies in Steel Rebar Production Mohamed Mahmoud Hariedy
Energy Assessment as a Validation Technique for Slit Rolling Islam Ibrahim El Gammal
Chapter News
Approaching the know how for manufacturing of metal products in the Egyptian industries PROF. Adel A. Nofa and Abdelrahman Abdelmotagaly
The Story of Composites from the Beginning to the End Arslan Ayaz
Interview with Mr.Samy Mahmoud General Manager, Danieli Egypt
FOREWORD Wherever You Go, Leave a Trail Worth Following Whether your life is valuable or worthless, this can be measured in two ways. The first way is the number of years you live till your death. If this is your belief, what makes you differ from any living being on Earth? A turtle lives two times more than you do, so its life is more valuable than yours!
Ahmed Alaa Elshahd President MA SC SU
The second way is; how far can you leave your impact on people and the environment around you? You can die and still affect people by your legacy. Do you want to live and die without anyone remembering you? Or prefer affecting and inspiring people wherever you exist? “Your life is not important except in the impact you have on others”. But, how can you « just one person» change others’ lives for the better? Get rid of frustration as it is your first enemy. A psychologist made an experiment to prove this. He put a dog in a box, one-half is a metal while the other half is wood. He conducted the box with electricity, so, the dog ran away to the wooden part. He repeated the experiment, but this time, he tied the dog on the metallic part. The dog tried to run to the wooden part but in vain. After a while, It frustrated and stopped even trying. The psychologist then released the dog and repeated the experiment. Here is the surprise, the dog did not move to the wooden part, although it had the ability to do so. The point is, frustration can stop you from reaching your goal when you are so close to achieving it. «Be an example and lead from the front». SPECTRUM is a real example for this. It is the first international technical magazine in Egypt and the Middle East, which is specialized in material science and made by students. It is considered a window on the outside world for those who are interested in the material field to be up to date with the latest industrial news in the world. It contains suitable sections for professional engineers as well as normal students. To be the person who is leading and inspiring others with his actions, you have to start with yourself and change your own life. You can begin with small things and continue to change your entire lifestyle, like replacing the wasted time during your day with more meaningful exercises. You also can develop yourself by learning new skills. Know that seeing somebody making a big change in his life can be very inspiring for others. Step out of your comfort zone to broaden your horizons and gain confidence and belief in your own capabilities. You will find out things about yourself that you didn’t know. For me, participating in founding Material Advantage chapter in our university was getting out of my comfort zone. Although my responsibilities increased, I had to manage my time, and leave some routine exercises to save time for my study. On the other hand, I gained more experience from difficult situations. I learned how to work under pressure and how to be a leader. Finally, I need to thank all MA SU SC members for their great work during the last two seasons. They are participating in affecting all members in our university by delivering them all the benefits offered by MA program. They want to be an example for upcoming students who will find this great program available once they enter the university. Our winning of a “chapter of excellence” award for our first season is a true evidence that we are here to affect, inspire and change others to the best.
FOREWORD The Power of Persistence Undoubtedly, we are living in a world full of daily challenges that require talented and skillful persons. The challenge and competence configure our life. So, I personally wondered what if the person is fully talented and genius, Is he/she capable of being successful? I found the answer in this ubiquitous quote by Calvin Coolidge which aptly sums up the quality of persistence. “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”. - Calvin Coolidge.
Ahmed Abd ElAleem Mossad Vice President MA SC SU
Actually, no significant feat has ever been accomplished without the trials and tribulations that go along with it. So, knowing and accepting that there will be obstacles and setbacks; then prepare for them is something beyond doubt. Nothing important was ever accomplished without adversity, setbacks, and difficulties to contend with along the way. Here is Henry Ford, a role model in persistence, went bankrupt three times before he managed to design his first automobile. As we all know and are grateful for, he subsequently succeeded to become one of the richest men in the world. He said: “Failure is merely an opportunity to more intelligently begin again.” This strongly proves that persistence is definitely the difference between a successful outcome and a failed one due to giving up. And by the virtue of persistence, we are here today to introduce ourselves to you as MA SC SU Co-founders. The startup of our chapter wasn’t an easy part and required a strong belief in what we were intending to establish. The idea of creating such entity started two years ago, I was completely contented with the role that it would play to upgrade students and raise their professional competence in both educational and technical aspects. So, I decided to take part in executing chapter’s initial steps for its first factual existence in Egypt and The Middle East. We were strong believers of what we were doing and always refused to give up until we got our target accomplished and we were awarded as Chapter Of Excellence as well. And now, we are celebrating launching our annual International Magazine “Spectrum” for its second edition. It’s really great feeling to conquer your adversities and enjoy your accomplishment. In fact, courageous persistence is the one quality more than any other that can guarantee success. In that case, it behooves us to develop the vital quality of persistence. Let’s make our slogan is ‘Press On’ in any challenge we face. I always believe in this simple quote ‘There are no hopeless situations, there are only people who think hopelessly’. So, don’t ever underestimate your abilities and always seek to make a change because as long as you are persisting making a change, you always never get conquered easily. You live only one life so, give yourself something worthy!
FASM PRESIDENT Dr. William E. Frazier, FASM Chief Scientist, Air Vehicle Engineering Naval Air Systems Command Patuxent River, MD Dr. William E. Frazier has been an active member of ASM International joining the society as a student in 1977. He received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Engineering from Drexel University in 1981, 1984, and 1987 respectively. He is a graduate of the Naval Aviation Executive Institutes Senior Executive Management Development Program and the Defense Systems Management College›s Advanced Program Management Curriculum. Dr. Frazier is a Navy executive with 35 years of experience in naval aviation materials science and engineering. His position is that of the Navy Senior Scientist for Materials Engineering and serves as the Chief Scientist of the Air Vehicle Engineering Department at the Naval Air Systems Command. In that capacity, he provides technical direction and develops strategic plans for the research, development, and transition of naval aviation technologies. William E. Frazier FASM President (2016-2017)
Additive Manufacturing: A Disruptive Technology ASTM defines additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, as ‘‘a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies. Synonyms: additive fabrication, additive processes, additive techniques, additive layer manufacturing, layer manufacturing, and freeform fabrication.’’ This presentation reviews the state-of-the-art of this rapidly emerging technology which has the potential to revolutionize the global parts manufacturing and logistics landscape. It enables distributed manufacturing and the productions of parts-on-demand while offering the potential to reduce cost, energy consumption, and carbon footprint. This brief explores the material science, processes, and business consideration associated with achieving these performance gains.
Dr. Frazier has also been the technical architect and driving force behind several thrust areas. He developed cross-disciplinary, multi-organizational program and R&D roadmaps in the following areas: (1) Additive Manufacturing (AM) of Structurally Critical Metallic Components, (2) Nano-materials and Meta-materials Technology, (3) Durable Aircraft Materials and Structures, (4) Corrosion Resistant Alloy Development, (5) Erosion Resistant Rotor Blade Materials, and (6) Integrated Structural Health Management. Dr. Frazier is a recognized expert in (i) materials selection, qualification, and certification, (ii) failure analysis, (iii) light alloy development, (iv) materials processing and manufacturing technology. He has authored more than 90 technical publications, edited 6 books, and holds two U.S. Patents. He was inducted as an ASM Fellow in 1996 and served as a Trustee of ASM from 2003 thru 2007. He has served on numerous committees including the AeroMat Committee and the Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, and a Key Reader for Materials Transaction A.
FASM PRESIDENT INTERVIEW Materials Advantage Suez University (Interview Questions and Responses) 1. To be a president of ASM International, it needs a real struggle, what is your advice for those who want to follow your footsteps? The president of ASM International is the society’s chief volunteer. It is important to remember that ASM is a society of professionalism who have come together to accomplish great work for the common good that cannot be achieved independently. I would be quick to remind him/her that our shared values of transparency, integrity, technical excellence, diversity, and constancy of purpose are the great enablers. Further, it is these core values that must guide our decision making allowing us to maximize our value to all of the society by working at the intersection of designing/engineering, manufacturing, and materials. I would also emphasize that volunteering to be the president or a trustee of ASM is signing oneself up for a lot of hard work. If one is not willing to work assiduously on behalf of the Society, he should not step up.
2. “The development of the engineering industry in any country is based on their knowledge about materials.” How far do you agree with this statement? Everything is made of materials. It is impossible to design and build safe, efficient, and effective devices without a fundamental knowledge of materials engineering and science. In order to develop structurally efficient designs, one must fully understand the attributes and vulnerabilities of the material systems being contemplated for usage. It is also incumbent upon the materials engineer to understand design requirements. Consequently, the materials engineer must be well rounded and have a broad understanding of other engineering disciplines.
3. As an Associate Editor for the journal of “Materials Engineering and Performance”, what makes the journal special to those who are interested in the material field? JMEP is a very special journal. The manuscripts published therein fall at the intersection of materials science, materials engineering, and performance. That is the journal’s focus is at the intersection of discovery, application, and effective performance. The journal publishes manuscripts which apply material science and engineering principles in order to enhance the performance of new or existing products, and thus, JMEP provides high value to society.
Personally, I like this type of direct connectivity between science, engineering, technology, and performance.
4. As your effects in developing a lot of technologies in material field inspire us, please tell us briefly about your contribution in corrosion resistant alloy development. Working in the area of corrosion can be very humbling. The physics and thermodynamics of corrosion are clearly not on one’s side. The lower free energy state of the corroded product works relentlessly and inexorably against protective corrosion measures. For decades, we have struggled to make wise material choices, protect corrosion susceptible alloys, and inhibit the kinetic pathways of corrosion. Our efforts have met with incremental improvement but have not resulted in corrosion free products. I believe that in addition to pursuing improved coatings, paints, and sealants, we need to look at the system as a whole: as an electrochemical system. Three advances in technology are required. 1. New inherent corrosion resistant alloys need to be developed. 2. Modeling and simulation tools need to be developed that can predict the electrochemical response of the entire suit of material used in a system. 3. New, structural materials and coatings that have designed in electrical properties, e.g., a dielectric coating allowing current to flow in one direction but not another or materials that allow EMI to pass while inhibiting direct current flow. Working in these areas could be exciting and rewarding.
5.Nano-materials and meta-materials technology attract the world’s attention nowadays. In your point of view, can this technology make an industrial revolution? Stated simply, Nano and meta-materials (Nano-Mets) are at the heart of an industrial revolution. Super hydrophobic coatings are being developed and used. Your cell phone may have been treated with this Nano-Met technology. Graphene holds huge benefits in electronic devices such as batteries and capacitors. Nano lithium technology has already improved the energy density of battery systems. Carbon nanotubes are being used in a variety of composite application in order to improve strength, toughness, and provide conductive pathways.
Emerging flexible electronic displays utilize Nano-Mets. Many sensors used in modern automobiles utilize the unique characteristics of metamaterial to improve performance. Nano-Mets are rapidly emerging technology and it is one that I expect to continue to grow in importance.
6. As a partner of Material Advantage program, are you satisfied with the results that the program achieved in preparing students in the material field to be qualified for future challenges? ASM is a strong supporter of Material Advantage. It benefits student participants in a number of ways. It provides a peer forum for students to gain experience working in a chapter for their common professional good. It provides students access to ASM (and our sister societies) content. I would, however, like to see a greater number of students converting to full ASM members upon graduation and joining one of the society’s professional chapters. MA chapter members should know that ASM’s professional chapters welcome student participation and engagement with chapter committees. My recommendation to MA members is to seek out an ASM professional chapter and take advantage of the opportunity to be mentored by seasoned professionals.
7. Finally, what is your advice for us (MA Suez University)? especially that we won chapter of excellence award last year? Firstly, congratulations on winning the chapter of excellence award: that is quite a testimonial to your enthusiasm, hard work, and dedication. I am reminded of a TED talk on innovation which discussed the “Golden Circle.” The Golden Circle is actually three concentric circles. The center circle asks, why? The outer two circles are “what?” and “how?” respectively. The essence of the talk was that companies that fail often focus on the “what” and the “how” vice the “why”. The “why” provide us with direction and helps us set priorities. This takes me back to the way I answered the first question. I believe ASM International is a society of professionalism who have come together to accomplish great works for the common good that cannot be achieved independently. We share common values. We seek to make the world a better place for all. We work at the intersection of design/engineering, manufacturing, and materials in order to maximize our value to society. So, my answer to your question is to be guided by the “why,” hold fast to our common core values and continue to work in areas which maximize value to society.
RESEARCH Friction Stir Welding of AISI 1018 Steel and 2024-T4 Aluminum Alloy Mohamed Shahin NDT Section Head and Quality Control Engineer Energya for steel fabrication company
The use of light-weight materials for industrial applications is a driving force for the development of joining techniques. Friction stir welding inspired joints of dissimilar materials because it does not involve bulk melting of the basic components. This is a feasibility study to butt-weld dissimilar 4mm thick 2024-T4 aluminum alloy sheets to AISI 1018 steel sheets by friction stir welding. The effects of various process parameters such as pin rotation speed, traverse speed at constant + 0.2 mm offset in advancing side on the joint properties were investigated as shown in Table 1. Butt-welding of 2024-T4 aluminum alloy sheet to a 1018 low carbon steel sheet was successfully achieved by FSW. After welding, each welded material was cut by wire cutting machine according to the ASTM E 8M-04 standard code into 2 tensile specimens perpendicular to the weld interface, the area between the tensile test specimens was used for SEM, EDS and EDS line scan investigations then, one specimen was roughly cut from each welded material for performing optical scanner, optical microscopy, and hardness test. The specimens for the optical scanner, optical microscopy SEM, EDS, and EDS line scan observation were prepared. First, grinding with abrasive paper up to 2500 grits, followed by the final mechanical polish with 2ml 0.05Âľm Al2O3 suspensions and then the polished steel specimens were chemically etched 2% Nital solution for 8 s.
The tensile tests were performed at a rate of 0.1 mm/s by using a Tinius Olsen (H10KT). It is followed by Fracture morphologies of the failure. Then the Vickers hardness test on the cross-sectional plane of the welds was carried out using an HWVD 75 Low Load Digital Vicker hardness tester according to the ASTM: E384-11 this test is applied to 2000 of a load for 15 s. Fig.1 shows the surface appearance of the welds at all conditions showed that all welds were successfully joined without porosity or defects except at 250rpm&50mm/min there is a lack of Al beside the keyhole and except at 300rpm&50mm/min, there are micro cracks observed near to the end of the joint, the top surface of the welds is smooth with few flashes observed on both sides and the joint interface can be less observed at 75mm/min&250rpm and at 50mm/min&200rpm. Fig.2 shows the optical micrographs of that material flows from the two sides were clearly visible in the weld nugget, it can be seen that both materials are sufficiently stirred in the weld zone, where Al on the RS moves to the AS near the upper surface, while steel on the AS moves to the RS near the lower surface. There is a relation between the size of the weld nugget zone and the welding speed which slightly decreased as the welding speed increased because a lower welding speed resulted in a larger welding time and consequently the weld nugget zone received more plastic deformation.
Fig.3&4 show the optical microscopy showed the steel fragments distributed at Al due to the stirring action of the tool pin and the photograph of aluminum weld zone showing different size and shape of grains at stirred zone, TMAZ, and HAZ. SEM proved the optical microscopy results as the stir zone reveals a fine recrystallized grains of steel. Combined influence of temperature and plastic deformation induced by the stirring action which causes the dynamically recrystallized structure and the initial grains of the base materials are converted to a new equiaxed fine grain structure smaller than that in the base materials. The grain structure within (TMAZ) is evident from microscopy observations as elongated grains and exhibits considerable distortions due to the mechanical action of the welding tool. Furthermore, the grain size increases from the Al/Fe interface to BM due to a decrease in deformation strain rates imposed by the tool as shown in Fig.5.
Fig.1 The surface appearances of the welds with different rotational speed and different traverse speed
Table 1 FSW conditions
Fig.2 The macro-graphs of the surface at different rotational speed and at different traverse speed
EDS analysis and SEM were conducted to examine whether intermetallic compounds were formed or not at both the interface and at Al side, as shown in Fig.6, 7 and 8 higher traverses and lower rotational speed don’t produce IMCs at the interface and also produce large amount of steel fragments in Al, and at lower travel speed there is large tendency of formation of continuous layer of IMC at the Fe/Al interface. Fig.9 shows EDS line analysis of Fe and Al elements corresponding to the central region for 200rpm&50mm/min and 250rpm&25mm/ min were investigated and proved that no IMCs were formed at 200rpm&50mm/min at the interface. However, IMCs are formed at 250rpm&25mm/min with chemical composition 66.5%Al, 33.23%Fe and 0.27%Cu. judging from Fe-Al phase diagram, these IMCs are FeAl3. Fig.10 It was observed that increasing the rotational speed decreases the strength as the heat input amount increases which leads to softening of Al side. Although in all conditions there are large fragments of steel in Al, so the controlling factors are the IMCs formed and the amount of heat input produced during welding which increases with increasing the rotational speed. Under these welding conditions, 200 rpm was the condition that gave the maximum tensile strength of 231 Mpa which represents 124% of that of the AA2024-T4 alloy tensile strength which equal to 185MPa, at 250rpm the joint strength decreases due to the microcracks formation at the steel side at the stirred zone.
Fig. 3 Optical micro-graphs show the distribution of steel fragments at Al side
It was also observed that the strength increases with increasing the traverse speed from 25 to 75 mm/min as the heat input amount decreases with increasing the traverse speed. Under these welding conditions, 75mm/min was the condition that gave the maximum tensile strength of 202MPa, at 25 mm/min a large amount of heat input leads to the formation of the continuous layer of Al-rich IMCs FeAl3 at the joint interface which leads to a formation of cracks and facilitates crack propagation. The fractured samples of conditions which produce maximum and minimum tensile strength are submitted to fractography examinations in order to assess the origin of the specimen failure and also to determine which fracture mechanisms occurred. At the both conditions the specimens were fractured by the combination of brittle and ductile fracture mechanism far from the joint interface characterized by cleavage pattern and dimples on the fracture surfaces as shown in Fig.11 and EDS analysis reveals that the fracture completely occurs in Al side and indicate the presence of small Al-rich IMCs with composition 94.4%Al, 1.66%Fe, 0.77%Cu only at 25mm/min while at 200rpm there is no IMCs detected at the fracture surface, and from Fe_Al phase diagram these IMCs are Fe4Al13. So that the formation of Al-rich IMCs facilitate fracture. Fig.12 shows the average hardness of the base Al alloy and steel is found to be 137 HV and 109 HV respectively. At all conditions the hardness value of Al at the SZ, TMAZ, and HAZ is lower than the base that due to FSW creates a softened region around the weld, It was suggested that such a softening is caused by coarsening and dissolution of strengthening precipitates during the thermal cycle of the FSW and the zigzag shape is due to the presence of IMCs and steel fragments in Al side, so that tensile failure can take place at these softened regions. At the steel side, the hardness is higher than that of the base steel, probably due to the strain hardening effect created by the stirring action of tool pin at low temperatures.
Fig. 4 Optical micro-graphs of a) stirred zone and TMAZ , b) HAZ and c)steel base metal
Fig.5 Micro-structure analysis of a)-the stirred zone, b)-the stirred zone and TMAZ, c)-the HAZ and d)-the steel BS
Fig.6 SEM images of the joint interface at different tool Rotational speeds and constant traverse speed 50mm/min; (a) at 200rpm, (b) at 250rpm, (c) 300 rpm
Fig.7 SEM images of the joint interface at different tool traverse speeds and constant rotational speed 250rpm; (a) at 25 mm/min, (b) at 50 mm/ min, (c) 75 mm/min
Fig.8 EDS spectrum at the interface and marked positions EDS with related quantitative analysis (at %)
Fig.9 SEM images and line analysis of Fe and Al around the interface between steel and aluminum alloy at these conditions a)250rpm&25mm/min and b) 200rpm&50mm/min
Fig.10 The variation of tensile strength with the rotational and traverse speed and the relation with the amount of heat input, related IMCs, IMCs thickness and fracture position
Fig.11 The SEM images of the fracture surface of the tensile specimens at a) 200rpm&50mm/min and b) 250rpm&25mm/min
Fig.12 The hardness profiles across the joint interface at the middle in thickness direction at different rotational speed and different traverse speed Fig.5 Micro-structure analysis of a)-the stirred zone, b)-the stirred zone and TMAZ, c)-the HAZ and d)-the steel BS
NEW TECHNOLOGIES Danieli New Technologies in Steel Rebar Production MicroMill for Continuous Casting and Rolling production of Bars (MI-DA) Mohamed Mahmoud Hariedy Senior Key Account Manager Danieli Egypt The conventional process to produce steel rebar was (for decades) is to perform Hot Rolling Process on previously produced steel billets. This process involves the melting of steel scrap or DRI, casting of the molten steel into steel billets and cutting of these steel billets. Then, storing these billets leaving them to cool down. Afterward, the previously casted billets are to be reheated again to the hot rolling temperatures (around 1200 C). This process was relatively high energy consuming. A considerable amount of energy used to be lost in the intermediate stage between billet casting and hot rolling (billets cool down losing heat). Then another amount of energy is consumed again to reheat the casted billets to be suitable for hot rolling. These steps of the conventional process are shown in figure 1.
Billet Casting
Cooled Billets Hot Rolling Figure.1 - Steps of steel rebar production (conventional process)
Final Products
Another characteristic of the conventional casting and rolling process is the loss of material; when steel billets are left to be cooled and then reheated again, about 1-1.5% of its weight is lost in the form of scale formation (oxidation of iron). Another source of material loss in case of conventional process is the necessity to cut a part of the billet front and end (head and tail) during the hot rolling. The hot rolling of steel billets previously casted and reheated involves the risk of having “cobble� or miss rolling when the head of a new billet enters to any rolling stand. As a result of the continuous R&D in Danieli to improve both Capex and Opex of the production process, a new technology involves the direct rolling of the steel billets without cutting them or letting them cool down (Endless Rolling). This technology is called Danieli MicroMill (MIDA). Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram for this new technology while figure 3 shows the production steps. 10
Figure. 2 - Schematic diagram for the endless rolling process
The application of this new technology in steel rebar production results in many advantages, among them: • Saving in overall energy consumption by an average of 30% as there is no heat loss; the billets enter in the hot rolling line while it is still hot. • Improving the material yield; the scale formation due to reheating furnace has been eliminated, saving about 1% of the material. There are no billet head and tail cutting (only the first billet). Also, no short bars like the case when individual billets are used. • The possibility to produce hot rolled steel wire rod coil in any required weight while in the conventional process the coil weight was limited to the billet weight. • Increasing the production line availability (less cobbles); it may increase the productivity of the rolling mill line between 5-8%. • Increase the life of rolls and guides. In endless rolling, the steel is being rolled continuously without any intermediate gaps (no billet heads hitting). • Only two hours from the steel scrap till the final product which means faster return of working capital. • Lower capital cost as the required building for MIDA is smaller than the conventional building. Also, no reheating furnace is needed, which means less equipment cost. This technology has been applied worldwide and in Egypt too (Egyptian steel). From actual production results, one ton of steel rebar consumed on average about 320 KW of electric energy compared with about 480 KW for the one ton of steel rebar produced using conventional process.
Figure.3 - MI-DA rebar production steps
NEW TECHNOLOGIES Energy Assessment as a Validation Technique for Slit Rolling Models in a Simulation Aided Optimization Islam Ibrahim El Gammal Ezz Steel Plant (EFS), Soukhna, Egypt
The versatility of using Slit rolling pass in both the Multi-Slit Rolling Technology (MSR) and in the breakdown sequence of Flange-rolling processes represents a motivation to uncover its complexities and to optimize its performance. One of the main aspects of its versatility is the energy saving. For example, the insertion of the slit rolling intermediate sequence in EZZ Steel mill plant had decreased the rolling energy consumption by 17.4 %, during the production of size 16 mm steel rebars [1]. Establishing a Finite Element (FE) simulation model for such passes paves the way to optimize its performance through providing a competing source of knowledge and data in relative to the real physical experiments [2 ]. Validation of such simulation models is the only guarantee to rely on its extracted data [3]. During the Seeking for the global optimum solution, the iterative nature of remodeling and running the FE simulations call for the need of both a fast simulation run and a fast validation technique of its results, as shown in figure 1. However, rolling simulations may require large computational time [2]. Consequently, the mass scaling technique is popularly used for reducing it [4, 5]. Unfortunately, mass scaling is reported to degrade the accuracy of output results, despite its large computation time savings [6]. This work discusses a fast validation technique, by which the output results are assessed from the energy point of view. Not only that would increase the model reliability, but also it will detect the inaccuracies that accompanied using mass scaling as a speed up technique for the computation running time. In general, validation of a FE model requires achieving comparable results with the available measured physical data. In addition, it must comply with the basic principles of both the momentum and energy conservation laws. The explicit analysis itself depends on the law of momentum conservation [4, 6]. Using the energy assessment for the established explicit model, in order to validate the law of energy conservation, would extend the validation accuracy beyond the available physical data. Theory Throughout the simulation, the rolling external work ‘WK’ should be transformed into internal strain energy ‘IE’ (plastic deformation) ,wherease the kinetic energy ‘KE’ (acquired by the rolled strip) should not exceed a small fraction (typically 5% to 10%) of its internal energy throughout the process. Also, the total energy must be conserved, i.e. having a constant value with an error of less than 1%. This can be seen by plotting ETOTAL, the total energy of the system, together with ‘WK’ versus rolling time. In addition, it is recommended to guarantee that the artificial strain energy ‘AE’ (the energy that ‘ABAQUS code’ builds up to prevent uncontrolled deformation in the used element type) to not exceed 10% of the internal strain energy [4].
• Method The FEM implemented two 3D models simulating the ‘dogbone’ slit rolling pass, during the production of 12 mm steel rebar. one model with mass scaling factor equal to 5000 and the second without mass scaling. For both models, the strip was 100 mm long and 24.5 mm wide; discretized to mesh density of 17600 element/strip, where the element size is equal to 1.5 mm and of the type ‘C2D8R’, as shown in Figure (2). The material behavior was based on elastic-plastic deformation model of the Egyptian steel grade B400B at temperature of 1100°C. The boundary conditions were based on a full part modeling as shown in Figure (2). The plastic parameters are determined from the shida’s equation. The contact friction coefficient was set to 0.4. The strip was set to enter between the rotating rolls at an entry speed of 1500 mm/sec, where the roll diameter = 335 mm, with rotating angular velocity of 54.4 rad/sec.
Figure.3 - Plot of the Etot and the accumulated rolling work along strip rolling (100 mm).
Figure.2 - shows the full model assembly before and after partial deformation of the 100 mm long strip.
• Results and Discussion: As can be seen from Table 1, the ‘IE’ is almost the same for both models; representing almost the same induced deformation in the strip, as a result of the closed pass nature of dogbone pass. The artificial energy was improved slightly with mass scaling, where the Ratio of AE / IE (%) was reduced from 7.9% to 5.7%. On the other hand the kinetic energy was increased by nearly 360% when the strip mass was scaled up.
Table 2- The accumulated energies, in (KJ), during rolling the 100 mm strips
Figure 3. Shows a very high accumulated rolling work with mass scaling, which goes mostly in a raised up strip’s kinetic energy rather than in its plastic deformation. On the other hand, the total energy (ETOT) remained constant through the simulation process, but with a higher datum value in the mass scaled model. • Conclusion: The energy assessment showed the location of deficiency in the mass scaled model, i.e. jump of kinetic energy. The latter jump in kinetic energy shows the need for the careful or restricted use of mass scaling during such high speed rolling applications and its associated kinetic energy acquisition. In addition, the assessment provided a fast validation technique, which could be conducted if the rolling model was modified or remodeled during the optimization cycle. • References [1] Danieli manuals, EZZSTEEL bar mill contract (2010). [2] P. M. Dixit, and U. S. Dixit, Modeling of Metal Forming and Machining Processes, Optimization (2008). [3] A. E. Tekkaya, A guide for validation of FE-simulations in bulk metal forming. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (2005), 30(1), 113–136. [4] Abaqus Version 6.13.1, Documentation. [5] Nilsson, A. (1998). FE simulations of camber in hot strip rolling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 81, 325–329. [6] Islam Ibrahim Elgammal (2016), Measuring The Effect of Mass Scaling of a Rolled Strip during The Production of Steel Rebar, Spectrum, 1, 18-19. | SPECTRUM ISSUE No. 2 © MA SUEZ
CHAPTER-NEWS CHAPTERS OF EXCELLENCE AWARD You all know that the previous season was our startup season in Material Advantage program, but this was not a problem for us to win “Chapters Of Excellence” award after our first season as a reward for our big work during the season. SPECTRUM was one of our projects last season. This great technical magazine, which is made with a great effort. And yes, we could make such a project during our first season. For this and more, we were ranked second between all Material Advantage chapters around the world and achieved “Chapters Of Excellence” award last season.
This program aims to link between students and professionals for a period of time to give students the ability to gain enough experience to help them after graduation. After the success of the program in the first year and due to our belief in the importance of the value which this program provides to students, we established stage two with more mentors to make sure that the value reaches a lot of students. The mentors this year are with many specializations to give students the chance to choose the mentor they want in the major they desire.
As a result of our partnership with this leading company in oil & gas industry worldwide “Schlumberger”, we managed to hold a day in one of its field sites in Egypt. The day starts with a seminar about safety measures and `we took a free tour in the field to test these measures by ourselves. We had the ability to talk with all employees at the site about how safe they feel during their work period and all their comments were very positive. After that, we discussed about what we had seen and every one of us made his statement about the safety measures in the company.
Through that Event, we managed to make Material Science easier to study. Students began to understand it very well. The event aims to: • Establish some basics in metallurgy for material science students in order to make studying details easier by making seminars for students to explain metallurgy from the beginning. • Helping students in studying material science by making sessions to illustrate some points to help them pass the exams.
As a continuance of our collaboration with Injaz Egypt, we hold a distinctive event called “develop your idea”. During the event, university students gather to collaboratively address a specific business challenge and come up with ideas to solve the challenge using leadership, critical-thinking and teamwork skills. The program is an enriching experience for students as they are introduced to the Business Model Canvas and are divided into teams that compete against each other in a business challenge. This challenge requires students to propose a solution within a very limited time frame, given access to specific tools, information and resources. Throughout the program, students develop their interpersonal as well as problem-solving skills and learn to work under very tight deadlines using the available market resources innovatively.
After the great effect which the program left in high school “k12” students, it was a must to continue holding this event to give the k12 students enough knowledge about Material Science and Engineering field. This year, we hold the iMetallurgist in many schools differ from those we reached last year with a different program to encourage students to take Material Science field as their major. We could do this by showing students the importance of materials and their contributions in our daily lives.
As Material Science and Engineering Field contain many branches, many fresh graduates face a real confusion to choose the way to start their career. `In order to make all available destinations for a Material Science engineer very clear for him to choose the way he sees suitable, we hold this event which contained: • General Introduction about all available specifications in Material Science field. • The awareness of the market requirements at the currently. • How to prepare yourself to get a job quickly? • The required training courses needed to make you qualified to get the job you want.
CDC is the biggest students made conferences that discussed the difference between the academic and the real life work, and show you the skills you need to close that gap between them. Many leading companies participated with us in the conference like Schlumberger, Halliburton, Capital drilling, Baker Hughes. There were several topics during the conference to gather all students’ needs like CV writing skills, interviewing skills, time management. This event discussed different paths that a graduate can have after graduation and introduce the graduates to the skills needed to be professional at their work.
CASE-STUDY Approaching the know how for manufacturing of metal products in the Egyptian industries PROF. ADEL A. NOFAL, Dr. Eng.
Professor of Metal Casting at Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI) Abdelrahman Abdelmotagaly
Casting Technology Lab Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI)
Most industrial sectors in Egypt depend, in some cases, on local supplies of spare parts; a process which very often leads to real problems as those locally supplied parts frequently lack the rational and scientific approaches to select the proper alloys to manufacture parts subjected to rather aggressive operating conditions. This situation leads to a higher dependence on imports to make the suitable components available. However, importing is not always an easy option due to economic issues as well as availability on the market considerations, in addition to the rather long supply times, which may lead to productivity losses and negative economic indicators of the production process. CMRDI has realized this situation of spare parts problems in different sectors of the Egyptian industry and established its own production facilities, represented in the experimental foundry and related workshops early in the eighties of the past century. That foundry has a considerable contribution in making high performance spare parts available for more than 100 industrial and service organizations in Egypt. The main objective is to produce a technology package required for the local production of spare parts needed by different industrial sectors of Egypt. Whereas the technology package will be transferred to commercial industrial plants wherever production of the components is needed. This will ultimately lead to lower dependence of that industrial sector on import of spare parts. Also, it is necessary to decrease the idle times of the production lines in the selected industry sector which may arise from:
• Shortage of hard currency required to import the needed parts. • Unavailability of the part of the international market, as the equipment may be too old to find its proper components on the market. • Monopoly of the parts by the equipment supplier, who very often asks for too high prices. To achieve the objectives of the project, the project activities may be categorized into four main groups of tasks:• Specification of the currently used spare parts, with special emphasis on the imported ones. A manual of spare parts used in the partner companies will be prepared, including materials & production techniques. • Local production of selected parts using reverse engineering of the imported components. Alternative materials as well as production techniques will be suggested, which may lead to performance enhancements of the selected parts. • Properties evaluation on the laboratory scale, followed by performance analysis under the actual service condition to be conducted with comparison to the original imported ones. • Technology transfer and supervision of mass production in the industrial partner foundries. The applied methodology starts with classification and specification of the currently used imported spare parts:
To study the alloy type, production technology and main relevant properties needed in those parts, the selected parts cover a wide range of the market needs and represent castings operating under different conditions of mechanical loading, abrasion, corrosion and other operating conditions. A special attention will be paid to select parts made from different alloys, e.g., carbon and alloyed steels, grey and ductile iron, Al and Cu alloys. The research team may recommend alternative alloys, which may lead to enhanced operating performance of the selected parts. For example, ADI (Austempered Ductile Iron) for better combination of strength and abrasion resistance.
• Research and Development: The main role of CMRDI as an R&D institute is to carry out the investigative studie s exploiting the pilot facilities at CMRDI experimental foundry, heat treatment and machining shops, to link the recent scientific findings with the industry. The selected parts are to be comprehensively evaluated, e.g., alloy composition, mechanical testing, microstructure, hardness, wear resistance, and other performance indicators to reach the optimum manufacturing process and materials providing the maximum attainable performance.
Some examples of the selected parts for the study: Valves are vital components in every engine that must withstand high temperature working conditions. Different grades of ductile iron with its versatile properties will be investigated as a material for valve manufacturing. The air lock is a complex component consisting of several parts. This part is used to separate air from the product, which is discharged from a cyclone separator into pneumatic systems. It is installed underneath the cyclone separators and air filters. It works with the negative pressure as well as an air seal against leakage. The machining tolerance should be minimized as possible. The CMRDI choice is to replace the air locks, currently produced from heat treated steels and grey Iron with others manufactured from ductile and Austempered Ductile Iron. Part Name: valve casing Part Material: alloyed Steel
Gears are essential components of almost all machinery used in different industrial sectors. A lot of locally manufactured gears are often used without the proper material selection to suit a specific application with consequent unfortunate results. Frequent stoppages of machinery lead to significant economic losses. Exploiting the wide experience of CMRDI is regarding this specific part, the selection was made with the intention to replace the gears, currently produced from heat treated steels with other manufactured from Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) due to its unique property Part Name: Hot Air Lock combination of structural integrity, bending fatigue, contact fatigue Part Material: Grey Iron, Heat treated Steel and wear resistance, machinability, noise and vibration damping, capacity together with lower weight and cost.
Part Name: Gears Part Material: Heat treated Alloyed steel
The Story of Composites from the Beginning to the End Arslan Ayaz President of material Advantage student chapter Institute of Space Technology (IST) PAKISTAN A composite is a type of materials that have yet to achieve their peak potential. With new research being conducted on different types of composites throughout the world, we have till now seen the peak of the iceberg. Composites are a mixture of two different phases of similar or dissimilar materials that have different properties that are evened out by their combination and have a combined effect. One material acts as reinforcement while the other acts as a matrix and provide the reinforcement strength and shape. The development of different types of reinforcements has been the breakthrough in the composite industry due to the reinforcements influencing properties of strength and other important factors. Composites are found all around in nature. Most if not all living matter is made up of composites like our bones, wood of the trees, shells of snails are some to name. The first humans learn to use stone, a wood, bone and horn. Of course, these were used because of their abundance and the ease to shape them but it is only later when higher intelligence was developed that they started experimenting with them and using them together forming tools and utilities. However, the examples of the first man made composites are seen when civilization began to form, humans, settled together in villages.
Figure 1: Plywood sheets.
Though as everything else the inventions of different types of composites was based on the geographical and cultural needs of the people. In 3400 BC, ancient Mesopotamians invented plywood as shown in Fig.1 by gluing strips of wood in different angles. This gave it strength in different directions, a property absent in natural wood. 18
The ancient Egyptians used to place their mummies in body shells made by layering linen in plaster or resin. These shells were strong and were shaped laying out the linen wetted with the plaster in the required shape and were decorated when dried. Later on, the linen was substituted with less valuable material like papyrus that gave similar properties. The one type of composite that had born throughout the world at different points in time is Cobb, a mixture of mud and straw or hay that was used to build stronger bricks, pottery and reinforce boats and walls. This material was not only strong and easily made but was also fire proof. The Mongols in the 1200 AD use the naturally acquired composites that were bones, horns, and wood and combined them with other materials like silk and animal tendons to construct a bow as shown in Fig.2, that was light, flexible, strong, sturdy and reliable.
Figure 2: Traditional Mongolian bow
The Mongolian battle and tribal instincts combined with this technology made them feared the warriors of their time. This bow remained the most feared weapon until the invention of effective firearms in the 14th century. Concrete, another well-known material that is a Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) has been under human use since ancient times. The use of lime and mortar can be seen in many different civilizations, notably the civilizations of Rome and Greece. Heinrich Schliemann, a German archaeologist discovered concrete floors made of lime and pebbales in the royal palace of Tiryns, Greece, which roughly dates to 1400 to 1200 BC. Around 300 BC, the Romans used a mixture made from their own recipe that included a mixture of quicklime, pozzolana (a siliceous and aluminous material) and pumice.
They discovered that by using this new material they can simply form the structure they need and let it dry to form a strong solid mass rather than going through the difficulty of using bricks. The arches, vaults, and domes constructed which are still there to see had similar compressive strength as to modern concrete. However, it lacked tensile strength which the modern concrete has due to reinforcements of steel rebar as shown in Fig.3. This invention of reinforced concrete was brought by Joseph Monier in 1849. Now there exists a wide variety of different types of cement and concretes with different compositions with the most common being Portland cement that was invented by Joseph Aspdin in 1824.
Figure 3: Giant concrete structure with steel reinforcements`
Meanwhile, during the time the civilizations were maturing they were more inclined towards metals. As metals because of their properties and because more metal meant more strength for that kingdom and more weapons to fight with; in short, better survival. The main concern was on metals and how to make better weapons using them. Different sciences surrounding different subjects flourished. Synthetic polymers came into being in 1907. It was a thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde resin called Bakelite. This led to research and development of many different types of synthetic resins that would, later on, be used as matrices. 1932, Russell Games Slayter accidently discovered fiberglass as shown in Fig. 4, by directing a jet of compressed air at a stream of molten glass, a discovery that would spark the interest of the world in composites and in 1935, Owens Corning started manufacturing it as their patented “Fiberglas”. In 1936, DuPont was the first to use a suitable resin with fiberglass to produce a composite material. Fiberglass composite was lighter, stronger, was easier to shape and manufacture. This increased the military’s interest in the material and the boom in the research for composites started. At about the mid-90s, fiberglass products became accessible to the public. In 1947, an automobile with a complete composite body was made and tested which led to the production of the 1953 Chevrolet Corvette C1 which was the first production and sports car to be made from fiberglass. From the 1950s through the 1960s many different types of manufacturing processes were developed such as compression molding, pultruding, vacuum bag molding and large-scale filament winding methods were developed. These methods helped to produce such fiberglass products that would replace many domestic and industrial metal products. In 1964, Stephanie Kwolek, who was working at DuPont accidentally discovered Poly-paraphenyleneTerephthalamide or more commonly known as Kevlar as shown in Fig. 6. Kevlar would be used to produce bulletproof vests, an invention that would save countless lives in the time to come. The invention of carbon fibers as shown in Fig.5 dates as back as 1860, however, the first carbon fiber to contain 99% carbon was developed in 1960 Richard Millington of H.I. Thompson Fiberglas Co. and was put into proper use in 1963. Carbon fibers due to their light weight and strength and inertness are used in high-performance sports applications and are also researched upon due to their electrical properties.
Figure 4: Fiberglass sheet
Figure 5: Carbon Fibers
The reinforcements aren’t just limited to being in fibrous form; rather they are produced in a verity of shapes and sizes such as spheres, dots, and flakes. Likewise, the matrix isn’t limited to being just epoxy; rather there are ceramic matrixes and metal matrixes. One notable development for the production of ceramic and metal matrix composite was the Lanxide Process that has the ability to produce a composite of desired shape without or with very little machining. Now sandwich composites are being produced with the middle layer being a hexagonal cardboard like material that provides extra rigidity along with light weightiness. Composites are again taking over the industry by substituting metals in a household and industrial uses and in automobiles, airborne and space vehicles. Humans are going back to the use of composites as they did in the ancient times. In the future, composites will not only be used as structures or parts but will be integrated into the working principles of sophisticated systems. Many novel and innovative progress are being made in composites like soft magnetic composites. With further research, there is no doubt that the world will witness amazing materials in the time to come. [Article by MAC SPECTRA, A team of students of Materials Advantage Chapter at Institute Of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.]
Figure 6: Kevlar Fiber
NEWS 1- New technologies could slash the cost of steel production A 150-year-old idea finally looks like working Henry Bessemer, not only best known for developing a way to mass-produce steel, but also a prolific British inventor as well. In the 1850s in Sheffield, his converters blasted air through molten iron to burn away impurities, making steel the material of the industrial revolution. But Bessemer knew he could do better, and in 1865, he filed a patent to cast strips of steel directly, rather than as large ingots which then had to be expensively reheated and shaped by giant rolling machines. Bessemer’s idea was to pour molten steel in between two counter-rotating water-cooled rollers, which, like a mangle, would squeeze the metal into a sheet. It was an elegant idea that, by dint of having fewer steps, would save time and money. Yet it was tricky to pull off. Efforts to commercialize the process were abandoned. Until now. Advances in production technology and materials science, particularly for new types of high-tech steel, mean that Bessemer’s “twin-roll” idea is being taken up successfully. An alternative system that casts liquid steel directly onto a single horizontally moving belt is also being tried. Both techniques could cut energy consumption—one of the biggest costs in steelmaking—by around 80%. Other savings in operating and capital costs are also possible. If these new processes prove themselves, steelmaking could once again be transformed.
2- New water-repellent coating can survive burning and scratching A self-healing, water-repellent, spray-on coating developed at the University of Michigan (U-M) is hundreds of times more durable than its counterparts. This novel coating could be used to waterproof vehicles, clothing, rooftops and countless other surfaces exposed to conditions that are too harsh for current waterproofing treatments. It could also lower the resistance of ship hulls, a step that would reduce the fuel consumption of the massive vessels that transport 90% of the world’s cargo. The developers say the new concoction is a breakthrough in a field where decades of research have failed to produce a durable coating. While water-repellent finishes are available at present, they’re typically not strong enough for applications like clothing or ship hulls. This discovery changes that.
3- AK Steel Celebrates Opening of New Research Center Saying that it would help cement the integrated steelmaker as leader in innovation with the industry, AK Steel Corp. Ceremonially opened its US$36 million research facility, The company’s research team moved into the 135,000-square-foot facility in November 2016, but held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday to mark the completion of the project. More than 100 people attended. 20
According to the Indian Steel Association, steel mills in India are set to churn out metal at a rapid pace over the next decade and a half with output forecast to more than double bolstered by a growing economy and increasing urbanization.
5- Composite Material Certified for Aircraft Use TeXtreme composite material has reportedly been certified for use in commercial aero applications and qualified by an aircraft manufacturer. Haeco, a provider of aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services used TeXtreme to help improve its current seat design for weight, while still maintaining mechanical properties. TeXtreme used calculation, simulation and manufacturing support to help Haeco reduce the weight of the aircraft seat by almost 20%.
6- Failure not an option for steel with microstructure Now, together with colleagues in Japan and Germany, researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a way to greatly reduce the effects of fatigue in steel by incorporating a laminated nanostructure. This layered structuring gives the steel a kind of bone-like resilience, allowing it to deform without promoting the spread of microcracks that can lead to fatigue failure.
7- New Technique May Lead to Materials More Resistant to Hydrogen Embrittlement A team of European and Australian researchers has developed a new lab technique that could yield better strategies for combating hydrodgen embrittlement and, in turn, lead to advancements in hydrodgen fuel cells, corrosion prevention and catalysis. In a paper published in the 17 March edition of the journal Science, the team describes how it was able to spot hydrogen atoms in carbide precipitates. It’s a significant development because it is difficult to measure hydrogen in metals. That has hindered the development of new materials that resist hydrogen embrittlement. But the team’s method, which combines advanced Cryo electron microscopy techniques along with others, overcomes the problem.
8- 1-D gets easy: Simple technique effortlessly converts bulk materials into oxide nanowires Now, researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Ga.) have developed a technique that may put ceramic separators at the forefront of the next generation of safer, improved batteries. The team devised a simple method to transform bulk alloy materials into oxide nanowires at room temperature and pressure, without the use of catalysts, toxic chemicals, or expensive processes. The technique is so simple and inexpensive that the authors think it could propel incorporation of oxide nanowire materials into a variety of technologies, including next-gen batteries, lightweight structural composites, advanced sensors, and electronic devices. | SPECTRUM ISSUE No. 2 Š MA SUEZ
DANIELI EGYPT Interview with “Mr. Sami Mahmoud” General Manager Danieli Egypt
Material Advantage student chapter Suez university has the honor to have an interview with one of the industry leaders in Egypt, Mr.Sami Mahmoud. Mr. Samy graduated in 1972, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, metallurgical engineering. Started with the Egyptian Iron and the steel Company (HadiSolb) in 1972, as a 8 production engineer, Passing through different jobs in the public sector, private sector and multi-national groups, Today the General Manager of Danieli group representative office in Egypt.
Mr. Sami Mahmoud General Manager
1- Being the G.M. Of Danieli Egypt, could you tell us how your journey with the company has started, and what is the impacts for your experience? I have started with Danieli in October 1989 (about 27 years ago). The the mission was to study the market and to put the necessary plans to establish a good market share based on state-of-the-art technology by Danieli, which was very important to improve the steel production technology (quality wise, smooth mass production wise, lower production costs wise, …), not only, but also providing training of hundreds of specialists and engineers, in addition to some good jobs. With services, honesty and hard work; together with my colleagues, we got a local market share of about 65%. I2 was always enjoying the job, even with its difficulties, when selling and constructing production lines with tens of thousand, hundreds of thousands, and even Millions of dollars. It was always a pleasure to me. 22
2- How do you see the role of Danieli in serving the steel industry? As slightly mentioned above, Danieli started to improve steel industry in Egypt, in production quality, low costs, creating hundreds of experienced technicians and engineers, in addition to productivity wise, which Danieli production lines are sharing 65% of total steel production quantity. All big players of steel industry in Egypt are Danieli customers, such as Ezz Steel, Beshay Steel, Suez Steel and Egyptian Steel groups.
3- As the GM of Danieli Egypt, how do you see the future of iron and steel technology in Egypt? The iron and steel technology in Egypt is on the track to improve in the near future, because of the continuous improvement in the suppliers’ technologies, which are always introduced to the Egyptian market. Also, there is an increase in the trained crews. Quality wise shall be also increased considerably due to increase of demand, following the increase of population and planned mega and big-size construction projects, being already under execution.
4- After this long experience in industry, what are you still doing to keep yourself interested, updated and inspired? Still working, enjoying the hard job, and trying to assist in creating well-trained young people in our main activity and related activities.
5- In your opinion, what are the challenges that face Egypt today to be on the right track in industrial field? Main challenges are: •Modest local and direct foreign investment, mainly due to comparatively non-stability in last years, because of the two revolutions, terrorism, wars in most of surrounding countries. •Low parameters economy, made by the present generation, due to accumulated problems and mismanagement of the economy in last 40-50 years. •The modest level of education in general and accordingly modest level of graduated people. •Considerable portion of the new generations prefers easy jobs, easy life, as they see what is apparently shown in the media. Less loyalty to almost everything in general. Other several reasons.
6- As a student, what were your interests, and what is your advice to students to be on the right track? As a student a long time ago, I remember that I was always looking for a career matching with what I like to do. This is the guarantee for a successful practical life.
My advice to students is: • Try to look for a job which you like and enjoy to do, and not any job to gain money, maybe just for a while, till you find the job you like. • To listen carefully to the advice of their parents and teachers and think about them. Then, to wisely choose and take what is suitable to him. • To be reasonably serious in his job and practical life. • Always to face the problems and solve them, instead to escape away. • To avoid smoking.
7- Reaching our last question, would you like to share any thoughts with our readers, especially since we are 2016 Material Advantage Chapter of Excellence worldwide? Yes; as for readers of new generations: • Be ambitious, insistent and do not give up easily, because that difficulty makes strong men. • Do not dream of easy life without effort. • Be loyal, reliable and trustworthy. • Finally, be positive, optimistic and avoid pessimism as far as you can. Danieli is a leading company in the manufacture of steelmaking plants and operates in an international context characterized by high competitiveness that requires increasingly higher quality standards. It has produced and exported top level technology and innovation worldwide for more than 100 years. Some achievements in the 21th century: • World first drawing line for flat and squares up to 140 mpm. • World first thin slab casting of 80-mm-thick slab cast at 8 mpm. • World largest conticaster for 750 mm round bloom producing 60 tph per strand. • World largest EAF: 420 t twin electrode DC furnace. •First Diamond cold rolling mill, for Nikkei Siam Aluminium, Thailand. • Mtpy World’s largest Direct Reduction module with Zero Reformer. • 450,000 tpy high-tech seamless pipe plant in the USA. • The first Steckel Mill for Titanium, Nickel, Copper-Zr Alloys and Stainless Steel, at Chinalco Shenyang in China. • The first T-WIN aluminium extrusion press. | SPECTRUM ISSUE No. 2 © MA SUEZ
Ahmed Alaa Elshahd President MA SC SU
Ahmed Eneaba Editor in Chief
Hossam Ayman Designer
Gamal Eldien Tarek Designer
Baher Shehab Eldin Editor
Ahmed Gharib Editor
Omar Hesham Editor
The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition 8–11 May 2017
I Nashville, Tenn., USA I Music City Center
w w w. D a n i e l i . c o m