Katalog Chiny Lubuskie 2017

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尊敬的女士们,先生们, 我很高兴向大家介绍波兰卢布斯卡省 的部分企业组成的访华贸易代表团,为 宣传本地区的发展潜力不遗余力,该项 目在欧盟基金共同出资的框架内实施。 卢布斯卡省是一个位于波兰西部的充 满了强烈事业心的新建省区,与德国相 邻。其中十家决定访华的企业,坚信这 是一个很好结识新朋友,发展自己的事 业机会,并将推动全省的发展。 值得与我们合作,是因为我们代表 了卢布斯卡省最好的一切。我们保持传 统,寻求和实施新的技术解决方案,推 动经济发展和全民创业精神,多样的自 然环境 - 都是我们一贯执行的重点。卢 布斯卡省是现代科技的绿地。 我们真诚邀请您与我们的企业合作。 我希望本次演讲将鼓励您们建立新的, 成功的业务联系。

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure to present you the directory of businesses from the Lubuskie province, who decided to promote with me the economic potential of our region at trade mission to Korea and China, which is organized in frame of project supported by EU founds. The Lubuskie province is a young region in the centre of Europe, near the border with Germany, full of entrepreneurs. Ten of these companies decided to participate in a mission to Korea and China, because they believe that their participation in it is an opportunity to make new contacts with potential business partners and develop their comapanies and by that make a progress of whole our Lubuskie Region. Cooperation with us is worth of considering, because we represent everything in Lubuskiem the best. Cultivating traditions, seeking and implementing new technological solutions, economic development and entrepreneurship of the inhabitants, wealthy voivodships - that are our priorities, which we consistently implementing in our everyday life. Lubuskie is a green land of modern technology. You are very welcome to cooperate with businesses from our region. I hope that this presentation will encourage you to make new, beneficial business contacts. You are welcome to cooperate with the Lubuskie province!

伊丽莎白安妮波拉克 卢布斯卡 省元帅


Elżbieta Anna Polak

Lubuskie Province Marshal

元帅的办公室卢布斯卡地区 MARSHAL’S OFFICE LUBUSKIE REGION ul. Podgórna 7, 65-057 Zielona Góra tel +48 68 456 52 68 e-mail: kancelaria.ogolna@lubuskie.pl www.lubuskie.pl




卢布斯卡地区,波兰 卢布斯卡省位于欧洲的心脏地带, 沿着波兰 - 德国边界,距离柏林约 100公里。它不仅是一个休息和娱 乐的好地方(因为50%的森林覆盖 面积,超过500个湖泊),但还有一 个特点是种类繁多的工业生产的区 域。 通过该地区的战略过境路线包 含:东西(柏林 - 莫斯科)和 南北 (从斯堪的纳维亚到巴尔干)。此 外,Zielona Góra-Babimost (绿 山城-巴比莫斯特)机场还经营客 货航空运输服务。

跨境位置有利于主要来自西欧和 斯堪的纳维亚国家的投资。投资都 是位于市政府规划好的地块,特别 是经济特区,为投资者提供一揽子 激励措施,其中包括税收减免。

Cross-border location facilitates investments, mainly from Western Europe and the Scandinavian countries. The investments are located in the areas prepared by municipalities, especially in special economic zones that offer packages of incentives to investors, including tax relief, among others. The use of natural resources plays a significant role in Lubuskie province. The largest oil and natural gas mine in Lubiatowo (the largest in Poland and one of the most advanced in Europe) was opened in 2013. The planned annual production amounts to

Lubuskie share in production in%

卢布斯卡份额产量 在% 火鸡肉 塑料制品 鞋 家具

Lubuskie is a region located in the heart of Europe, along the Polish - German border, around 100 km from Berlin. It is not only a great place for rest and relax (because the region is covered in 50% by forests and over 500 lakes), but also it is a region of great variety of industrial production. Strategic transit routes run through the region: east - west (Berlin - Moscow) and north - south from Scandinavia to the Balkans. Moreover, Zielona Góra-Babimost airport provides passenger and cargo services in the region.

2 1 1 6

0 3 0 .

. 3 % . 2 % . 3 % 4 %

自然资源的利用在卢布斯卡省中 起着重要的作用。 2013年,波兰最 大的石油和天然气矿(欧洲最现代 化的矿场)在卢比亚托开采了。预

• turkey meat • plastic products • shoes • furniture

20,3% 13,2% 10,3% 6,4%

around 100 million m3 of gas and around 300 thousand tons of oil. The region abounds in rich deposits of lignite, copper and silver. Other natural resources mined in the region include sand, gravel and gravel that allow for glass


计年产量约为1亿立方米的天然气, 约30万吨的原油。 该地区富藏褐煤,铜矿和 银矿。其他自然资源中的砂,砾石 的提取用于生产玻璃和建筑材料, 如:瓦片,红砖,泥砖,地砖( 公司有:GREENBRUK,PROBETDASAG,UNIBET,ZPB KACZMAREK) 。

production and building materials such as tiles, bricks, building blocks and cobblestones (Companies: ZIEL BRUK®, PROBET-DASAG, UNIBET, ZPB Kaczmarek) . The production of automotive parts and accessories is the leading industry sector of the Lubuskie province. Next industries include: wood processing, production of furniture and paper, and food products, as well as products made of metal. Other sectors include: machinery, electronics, glass and building ceramics, biotechnology, and transportation and logistics.

卢布斯卡省的主导产业是汽车零配 件制造。其他重点行业包括:木材 加工,家具和纸张生产以及食品和 金属制品的制造。还有一些行业, 如机器,电子,生物技术和运输和 物流。

5 global automotive parts and accessories producers located their production facilities in Lubuskie province. Gedia, Faurecia, Se Bordnetze, Saint Gobain Sekurit, and Johnson Controls. MB Pneumatyka Sp. z o.o., a manufacturer of pneumatic brakes and air suspensions for vehicles, is the pride among domestic producers. The company is one of the five most important manufacturers of these elements in Europe.

在卢布斯卡省落地了5个全球汽 车零部件及配件的制造商,它们分 别是: Gedia, Faurecia, SE Bordnetze, Saint Gobain Sekurit 和 Adient。波兰厂家是MB Pneumatyka,商用车气动制动器和气动悬 架的制造商。该公司是欧洲五大最 重要的制造商之一。

Lubuskie is a leader in wood processing and furniture production. IKEA INDUSTRY furniture producer and KRONOPOL – a Swiss manufacturer of floor and wall panels are among global players who have their production facilities here. STELMET, a manufacturer of wooden garden and pellet, biomass fuel that is used for heating homes and other premises, is a pride among domestic companies.

卢布斯卡省是木材加工和家具 生产的强项。瑞典家具制造商IKEA INDUSTRY和地板,墙板制造商 KRONOPOL都是全球性的。 波兰代 表企业是STELMET公司,园林木质建 筑和PELET的制造商,PELET是用于 家庭和建筑取暖生物质燃料。

Other companies specialize in the production of Luxury furniture, upholstered and leather, from solid wood, on base of wood-based panels and metal. These include luxury home furnishings and a wide assortment of office and shop furniture for offices, banks, the travel and catering industry, and the education sector (AEK, Agromax, ISTE, Polset, Steinhoff, Z.E. Divani Kasprzak).


其他的公司专业生产豪华织布和 皮革家具,运用实木,木质面板和金 属。这些豪华的家具适用于家庭,办 公室,银行,旅游,餐饮业以及教育 部门 ,如这些公司:(AEK,Agro max,ISTE,Polset,Steinhoff,Z. E.Divani Kasprzak)。

该地区的强势部门是纸箱和纸 板,包装纸和纸制品,波兰名牌企业 有:LAMIX和KARTON PAK以及瑞 典公司ARCTIC PAPER,意大利的 ICT POALND 公司和美国的Smurfit Kappa公司都是世界名牌的。

五金行业为产品制造,能源,建 筑,环境保护和农业提供产品,而服 务行业提供的服务包括各类检测, 翻修,改造以及现代化的工厂和生 产线的全面转移,公司如(Holding Zremb,Meprozet, MESTIL)。

卢布斯卡省是机械的重要生产 商。 Seco Warwick 是世界领先的 公司之一, 热处理和金属熔化设备制 造商。 除Seco Warwick 企业之 外,还有AMP,RIVA和REMIX等机 械生产商。 食品行业有丰富的产品,其 中OVOPOL生产的蛋粉(用于奶 酪和葡萄酒的天然保鲜),肉制 品(ZYGUŁA和BALCERZAK) ,SULMA的谷物和面食,来自 Nordis的冷冻食品,Magnolia和

Paper production is a strong industry in the region (packaging cartons and cardboard as well as paper and fancy stationery) which Polish companies Lamix and Karton Pak are famous for. The international include Swedish Arctic Paper and Italian ICT Poland, and primarily operating in both Americas markets Smurfit Kappa. Metal industry companies offer their products for industrial processing, power engineering, construction, environmental protection and agriculture, and services include all types of research, repairs, repairs, upgrades and comprehensive relocation of factories and production lines (Holding Zremb, Meprozet, Mestil). The Lubuskie province is a major producer of machinery and equipment. The world’s leader is Seco Warwick, a heat treatment and metal melting equipment manufacturer. The others companies from this sector are AMP, RIVA, REMIX. The food industry is rich in various products, among which internationally know OVOPOL’s egg powder (used for natural preservation of cheese and wines), meat products (mince ZYGUŁA and BALCERZAK), cereal and pasta from SULMA, frozen food from Nordisu, waffles from Magnolia and Luzyckie Pralines, lubusz beer Brewery Witnica SA. Among the companies with foreign capital stands out AB FOODS with the production of sauces, dressings and components for oriental cuisine. The food industry’s offer is supplemented by our typical of our region factivities of the wine and beekeeping associations. The Lubuskie winery offers several types of wines: riesling, pinot noir, gent and traminer. The activities of companies located in the Lubuskie Province influence also the development of other industries. A special role plays one of the leaders in the global


Lublin Pralines的华夫饼,Lubusz Witnica Witnica SA 的啤酒。在外 国公司中,AB FOODS生产酱料, 调料和东方美食的配料。食品企业 中增加了葡萄酒和养蜂协会。卢布 斯卡省红酒庄园提供多种类型的葡 萄酒:riesling, pinot noir, regent i traminer.

位于卢布斯卡省的公司也包含其 他行业发展的一部分。全球数字和 互动电视市场的领先者之一,高级 数字广播(ADB)在2014年2月报告 中宣布销售超过了的五千万台机顶 盒。 LfC公司专注脊柱植入物的设 计和制造以及治疗脊柱疾病的手术 程序(受34项专利保护)。他们可 以支持治疗大约100种的功能障碍疾 病,目前已经有45000个在世界上的 成功案例。

高科技也是APATOR RECTOR公 司的标志 - 该企业是为工业企业和大 型工业厂房的先进IT系统的制造商和 供应商, 服务行业如电力工程,热 力工程,供水和污水处理,天然气 和电信。

绿山城大学的教育培训为IT / ICT 行业的提供了后备军。幸亏有她, 卢布斯卡省的企业可以提供一流的 软件,包括给客服业务(ERP),军 事和服务公司。绿山城的ABD公司 作为该省第一家是全球性企业,奠 定了数字电视技术的发展趋势。目 前,越来越多的卢布斯卡省企业使


market of digital and interactive television – Advanced Digital Broadcast (ADB) holding company, which in February 2014 announced they have sold over 50 million devices. LfC company, on the other hand, designs and manufactures spinal implants and creates surgery procedures for the treatment of spinal disorders. The advanced medical technologies introduced by the company are protected by 23 patents (including 3 in the US) and 154 invention notifications in countries all over the world. LfC/DERO spinal system supports treatment of approximately 100 dysfunction diseases of the the bone-neuromuscular system and around 45 thousand surgery operations have been carried out so far in Poland and abroad. High technology is also a hallmark of APATOR RECTOR - manufacturer and supplier of advanced IT systems for industrial enterprises and large industrial plants, among others for power engineering, heat engineering, water and sewage, gas and telecommunications. The University of Zielona Góra educates staff as a natural resource for the IT / ICT industry. Thanks to it the Lubuskie companies offer top class software, including for business (ERP), military purposes and service companies. ADB , one of the leading global companies, has set the trend for digital TV technology. At present, more and more Lubuskie companies use IT solutions / tools to trade online. In a short time, the e-commerce portal e-obuwie.pl (shoes and leather goods) has gained popularity and recognition. Cinkciarz.pl is the first in Poland currency exchange on-line. Bloomberg acknowledged that he is among the most successful in predicting currency pairs of financial institutions in the world.

The Lubuskie region has close to 15% share in the domestic market in plastics production. The product range

用IT解决方案和电商贸易。在短时间 内,电子商务网站 e-obuwie.pl(鞋 类和皮革制品)得到了普及和认可。 Cinkciarz.pl是波兰货币兑换的第一家 在线平台。彭博社承认,它是世界上 最成功的预测货币对换的金融机构之 一。 卢 布 斯 卡 省 地 区 占 有 近 15%的波兰塑料生产市场份额。 产品范围包括尼龙和尼龙成品,其 中包括:化纤,衬垫,包装,踢 脚板,窗框和休闲用品中使用的产 品:游乐场,攀岩墙等(企业有 STILON,Rhodia,Masterchem,PoliEco Plastics Ltd,GUMOPLAST, AM WINDOW,CONSTANS,ELWIZ,R olex,UNITECH,Technochem,NO VITA)。

值得一提的是欧洲各行业的 领导者,其中有LUMEL公司是在工业 自动化设备和精密压铸生产领域的佼 佼者和RELPOL - 电磁继电器的制造 商。

includes polyamides in primary forms and finished products. Among them are: chemical fibers, linings, packaging, skirting boards, window frames and products used in recreational objects: playgrounds, climbing walls, etc. (STILON, Rhodia, Masterchem, Poli-Eco Plastics Ltd, GUMOPLAST, AM WINDOW, CONSTANS, ELWIZ, Rolex, UNITECH, Technochem, NOVITA). Beetwen other companies, that are worth mentioning we got European leaders in their respective industries. These are LUMEL in the field of production of industrial automation devices and precision pressure casting and RELPOL - manufacturer of electromagnetic relays. In turn, LUG S.A. is a globally recognized manufacturer of industrial and decorative luminaires. Among young companies, Advanced Graphene Products (AGP) deserves special attention, providing large-scale graphene to customers around the world.

那么接下来 ,LUG S.A. 公司是全球 公认的工业和装饰灯具制造商。 在值 得关注的年轻企业中,Advanced Graphene Products 公司(AGP),将大型 石墨烯提供给世界各地的客户。

www.lubuskie.pl 9

AMP sp. z o.o. Chociule 36D 66-200 Świebodzin Polska

关于公司: AMP 有限公司是一家成立于 2004年的创新型公司。 经营范围为采矿,汽车 制造和工具制造提供 设计,生产和运输热 能和热能化学处理设 备。我们的机器在超 高真空条件下工作,温 度范围为-1800°C至 3000°C。也可提供PVD 和CVD技术。 AMP有限 公司提供新型混合动力技术, 纳米技术和有机物及有害物回收的 RMO技术。 RMO技术可以专为私

tel. +48 68 382 26 48 e-mail: info@amphtt.com www.amphtt.com

ABOUT COMPANY: AMP Ltd is an innovative company which has been active in the market since 2004. We deal with design, construction and delivery of heat and thermic treatment equipment for mining, automotive and tool industries. Our machines work at ultra-high vacuum conditions and temperatures from -1800°C to 3000°C. We also provide PVD and CVD technologies.

营和公共部门而设计。这项技术 用于处理有机生物废料并用垃圾 发电。

AMP is implementing new hybrid technologies, nanotechnologies and recycling of organic and hazardous waste with the RMO method. RMO technology is designed for the private and public sectors. RMO is a biomass waste-to-energy valorisation technology.

兴趣范围: AMP正在寻找来自航空,汽车, 国防,五金工具和采矿业的热能 和热化学设备的买家,客户可能 是处理市政垃圾和工业废料处理 的私人企业或政府部门。我们的 主要客户有:航空航天,国防, 五金工具,汽车制造和采矿业以 及大学和科研机构。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: AMP is looking for potential buyers of heat and thermo-chemical treatment equipment from aerospace, automotive, defense, machine building and mining industries. Potential purchasers may come from private or public sectors dealing with municipal and industrial waste management. Our major customers include aerospace, defense, mining, automotive and machine building industries, universities and research institutes.

产品: 公司提供锅炉设备: 真空炉, 高温炉, 高温发电机, 氨解离设备, 热化学炉处理设备, 用环保洗涤剂的清洁设备。

PRODUCTS: Our product range incorporates furnaces and equipment for the following applications: • vacuum furnaces • atmospheric furnaces • atmosphere generators • devices for producing cooled ammonia • furnaces for thermo-chemical treatment • industrial washers using eco-friendly washing agents


A&S Niepodległości 38 67-400 Wschowa Polska

关于公司: A&S 有限公司 总部位于 WSCHOWA,是一家主营 中国的进口产品小企业。 进口的儿童玩具和配件 类产品产自中国,在波 兰市场上以KINDERPLAY和KINDERSAFETY品牌销售。自2016 年以来,公司还扩大了 花园和家居产品和旅游产 品的发售,推出了两个新 品牌:CAMPELA和MASTER GRILL。公司一直在德国(科隆) 的展会上寻找来自亚洲的参展商。

tel. +48 505 830 954 e-mail: tomek@linkbaby.pl www.zakupy.linkbaby.pl www.kinderplay4kids.co.uk

ABOUT COMPANY: Company A&S is based in Wschowa and imports products from China. According to MSP classification A&S is a small entrepreneur. Toys and accessories for children are manufactured in China and sold on the Polish market under the brands Kinderplay and Kindersafety. Since 2016 A&S has extended its product range by adding garden, home and travel products,

公司员工16人,2016年营业额 超过1千万兹罗提(约2千万人民 币)。公司有两家波兰境外公司 帮助出口到德国和英国。

launching two new own brands - Campela and Master Grill. Company is constantly looking for suppliers from Asia participating in trade fairs in Germany (Cologne). Our staff consists of 16 employees, in 2016 our net turnover reached over PLN 10 million. A&S has two foreign subsidiaries with the help of which it provides export to German and United Kingdom markets.

合作范围: 我们正在寻找儿童产品的供应商 (婴儿玩具和配件,包括汽车座 椅,旅行婴儿床,喂食椅等)和 家庭和园艺产品(花园烧烤炉, 躺椅)和体育旅游(帐篷,床 垫,睡袋和沙滩毯)。上述产品 的进口量为每年60多个40呎高 柜。我们是一个诚信的买家。我 们通过在波兰和国外市场上创建 自己的品牌,不断扩大我们的产 品范围。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: We are looking for suppliers of products for children (baby toys and accessories including baby car seats, travel cots, feeding chairs and etc.), Home and Garden products (garden grills, deck chairs) and Sport and Tourism products (tents, sleeping bags, beach tents and blankets). We import more than 60 large 40HC containers of these products yearly. We are a reliable payer. We are constantly expanding our product range with new items by creating our own brands on the Polish market and on the markets we export.

产品: 儿童玩具及配件,花园,家居及 旅游用品。

PRODUCTS: toys and accessories for children, garden and home products and tourist products.


STUDIO BOZON SP. Z O.O ul. 22 Lipca 20C 67-120 Kożuchów Polska

关于公司: 本公司是以美学为重点的工业设 计公司 ,每个项目堪称独一 无二。专业领域为汽车, 家具和视觉设计

兴趣范围: 我们针对汽车行业要求设 计家具。产品具有艺术品的特 质,也由直接从汽车和摩托车赛车 上取材料制成。 我们正在寻找设

tel. +48 692 489 404 e-mail: r.hutnik@bozon.pl www.bozon.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: Our company deals with industrial design of various forms with a major emphasis on aesthetics. We specialize in automotive, furniture and visual design. Each of our projects is unique and novel. SPHERE OF INTEREST: We design furniture in the form of automotive. The final product not only looks like a piece of art but also is made of materials directly

计和美学以及汽车领域的合作伙 伴,这将有助于我们将产品推向 市场。

taken from car and motorcycle racing. We are looking for a partner who is engaged in the field of design and aesthetics as well as the automotive industry that will help bring our product to market.

产品: 我们创建逼真的3D视觉和动画效 果 独特风格的网站设计 提供全球最高的服务水平 使用最先进的技术功能 图形软件开发人员的紧密合作

PRODUCTS: • Photo-realistic 3D graphics and motion • Exclusive websites • We offer the highest level of implementation worldwide • We use the most advanced technologies • We cooperate with graphic software developers


IGLOTECHNIK sp. z o.o. os. Pomorskie 29 65-548 Zielona Góra Polska

关于公司: IGLOTECHNIK 有限公司 是专 业建筑行业的专业公司 - 领 域包括工业和零售店的通 风,空调和制冷设备,。 我们是一家拥有25年经 验的公司,完成了9000 多个设备安装。

合作范围: 寻求通风,空调,制冷行业的合 作伙伴。 贸易合作 :采购通风和空调 及制冷设备。

tel. +48 68 320 16 44 e-mail: iglo@iglotechnik.pl www.iglotechnik.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: Iglotechnik is a specialized executive company operating in the field of specialized building installations - ventilation, air conditioning, heating, industrial and shop refrigeration. We are a company with 25 years of experience. During this time we have completed over 9000 installations. SPHERE OF INTEREST: Partners from ventilation/ air conditioning/ refrigeration industry. Cooperation in

trade – purchase of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment. 产品: 公司提供结合建筑系统效用功能 的先进系统。 公司负责提供设 计,安装到售后的全套服务。

PRODUCTS: Our company offers advanced systems that contain usability features of building installations. Iglotechnik enterprise provides complex solutions from design through execution to maintenance.


P.P.U.H. INTER-CASTOR SP. Z O.O. ul. Krośnieńska 5, 66-600 Połupin Polska

关于公司: “InterCastor”有限公司已经 在钢结构建筑市场25年了。 多年来,我们广泛的钢结 构制造领域,特别是金属 和玻璃加工生产线,汽 车生产构架,输送带和 辊式输送的领域力,按 客户要求和设计提供全 套或部分设备。

tel. +48 95 728 23 33 e-mail: biuro@kanbud.gorzow.pl www.kanbud.gorzow.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: The company InterCastor Ltd has been in the steel construction market for 25 years. Over these years we have gained tremendous experience in the area of manufacturing a wide range of steel constructions, elements of metal and glass heat treatment lines in particular, automotive constructions, conveyor belt and roller conveyor designs and many other projects ordered by our customers following their requirements and documentation.

兴趣领域: 我们正在寻找锅炉行业的合作伙 伴,涉及锅炉制造和热处理,热 化学金属和玻璃的生产线。我们 根据客户的设计提供全套的设备 或组件。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: We are looking for partners from stove industry, furnace manufacturers and technological lines for heat and thermo-chemical treatment of metals and glass. We offer production of complete technological lines or their components according to the customer documentation.

产品: 为玻璃行业,集装箱,自动装卸 箱,回收粉碎设备提供钢架结构 及部件,托盘,锅炉以及全套设 备,零配件,

PRODUCTS: Steel constructions, steel components, pallets, furnaces and technological lines for glass industry, containers and hoppers, recyclers, operational spare parts for ovens..


MECHANIKA MASZYN MACIEJ FALKIEWICZ ul. Osadnicza 3 65-785 Zielona Góra Polska

关于我们: MACI EJ FALKIEWICZ 机械公 司 是一家有20年金属加工 业历史的不断发展的家族 企业。我们有现代化设备 和技术可以提供高品质 的产品和专业服务。 客户满意是我们服务的 主要目标。

tel. +48 684 535 502 e-mail: biuro@falkiewicz.com.pl www.falkiewicz.com.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: MECHANIKA MASZYN MACIEJFALKIEWICZ is dynamically developing family company with 20 years of experience in metal industry. Up-to- datemachinery and technology allow us to produce high-quality products and provide professional service. Customer satisfaction with our service is our main goal.

合作范围; 我们正在寻找金属加工行业的商 业伙伴。一方面我们寻找客户, 另一方面也找寻 金属材料和组件 的供应商。 包括车床,机床。

产品: 我们公司提供服务,即可承接小 批量定单,也可以 大量通过数控机床自动填料加工 金属和塑料配件。 金属的热处理形式为:硬化,渗 碳,等离子氮化。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: We are looking for contractors from metal industry. On the one hand – customers, on the other - subsupliers of materials and resistors (components). Machine tools for machining. PRODUCTS: Our company offers services and small-volume (and large-volume) production on CNC-machines with bar feeder for machining metals and plastics. We also provide heat treatment in the form of hardening, carburizing and plasma nitriding.


POLMAR SP. Z O.O. SP. K Okulickiego 35 65-559 Zielona Góra Polska

关于我们: POLMAR公司自1987年以来一 直在波兰市场运营。在此期 间,我们获得了必要的知 识,积累了技术和经济实 力,能够专业可靠地履 行委托给我们的任务。 我们专注于以下两个领 域:空调和建筑。我们 目前的活动以及未来的 计划都侧重于将POLMAR 打造为一个坚实和值得信赖 的商业伙伴。

tel. +48 68 326 59 59 e-mail: polmar@polmar.pl www.polmar.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: POLMAR has been operating on the Polish market since 1987. During this period we acquired the necessary knowledge, technical and economic potential, which allows us to implement projects entrusted to us professionally and reliably. We specialize in comprehensive services in two areas: air conditioning and construction. We perform our current activity (and will stick to this rule in future) in a way that

POLMAR is constantly perceived as a reliable and trustworthy business partner. 兴趣领域: 我们正在寻找同行业的合作伙伴 (小型和大型企业),即在建筑 服务以及空调选型,销售,装配 和服务领域。我们希望向外国合 作伙伴出售我们的设备和服务互 换。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: We are looking for partners (small and large) in the same sector as ours, ie in the field of construction services and in the services of selection, sale, installation and service of air conditioners. We would like to sell to foreign partners our products and we are interested in exchange of services.

产品: 空调领域:提供技术咨询,挑选 适合功率和类型的空调,供应和 安装最优质的设备,专业保修和 保修期后的服务,有效的维修和 故障修理。 我们公司在建筑和维修工程领域 提供服务,并进行红外热成像测 试

PRODUCTS: In the field of air conditioning: reliable technical advice, correct selection of power and type of air conditioner, delivery and installation of the highest quality equipment, professional warranty and post warranty service, effective repair. Our company offers services in the sector of construction and repair and conducts thermal research.


SANIT AR al. 11-go Listopada 91k 66-400 Gorzów Wlkp. Polska

关于我们: 我们是一家水暖卫浴专业公司, 承建室内系统,包括供水, 天然气,污水和新的污水 处理系统建造。我们用 遥控的钻孔技术进行工 作。我们还在餐饮,酒 店和游艇码头的领域开 展业务,拥有休闲地产 - 足球场和2个网球场

tel. +48 95 720 58 35 e-mail: biuro@sanitar.pl www.sanitar.pl www.marianagorzow.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: We are a company of the sanitary branch, we perform repairs of internal installations, water, gas, sanitation and we construct new plumbing and sewage networks. We carry out works using controlled drilling. We also operate in the fields of catering, hotel business and yacht harbor. We also have recreational areas - sport pitches and tennis courts.

兴趣范围: 通过这次商务考察,我们希望开 拓新的市场,加强我们公司的形 象。在波兰,我们公司已经运 营了30年,通过了ISO 9000认 证,连续6届赢得了“值得信赖 公司”的称号,我们也参加了“ 商业领军与公平竞争企业的评 选。我们的业务目标是建立新的 业务联系,结识新的业务伙伴, 并扩大我们的业务领域。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: By participating in the economic mission we would like to gain a new market and strengthen the image of our company. We have been running our business for 30 years in Poland, our company is ISO 9000 certified, we have won the title of Solid Company 6 times in a raw, we also participated in Business Leader and Fair Play contests. Our goal is to establish new business contacts, find new trading partners and expand our business field.

产品: 室内系统安装(供水,天然气, 污水处理),承包水和排污系 统,经营餐饮,酒店住宿。

PRODUCTS: Internal installations (water, gas, sewage), water and sewage systems, gastronomy, hospitality.




ul. Broniewskiego 8 68-200 Żary Polska

关于我们: ZDZISLAW MICHOŃSKI 建筑 和维修工程公司 专业从事金属构件和零部 件的制造加工和液压系统 生产,目前正在扩大其 汽车领域的业务。

合作范围: 公司研发了赛车的安全系 统,我们有兴趣与这个行业的 合作伙伴合作。合作范围涉及安全 系统的生产,安装和销售。由于安

tel. +48 53 196 18 15 e-mail: michon.rules@interia.pl

ABOUT COMPANY: Repair and Construction Company Zdzisław Michoński is a manufacturer of metal constructions and their components. We also deal with machining and hydraulics and now expand our business profile to automotive issues. SPHERE OF INTEREST: Due to the company's development of the sports vehicles safety system we are interested in cooperation with partners in this sphere. The scope of coopera-

全系统的特点 - 高性能赛车(包 括方程式赛车和类似车辆),每 年的订单为几百套。该公司可以 为外国合作伙伴提供现有的头颈 保护技术,以及赛车,包括方程 式赛车,摩托赛艇,甚至可用于 航空航天工业的安全保护系统。

tion implicates production, implementation and sale of the developed system. Due to the nature of the safety system - high performance sports vehicles, including formula racing and the like, - we estimate production at several hundred units per year. We can offer to foreign partners access to driver’s and passenger's’ head and neck protection technology which is currently being developed. This system can be used not only in high-performance and racing vehicles, but also in motor boats and aerospace industry.

产品: 生产金属构件及其零配件,为赛 车提供安全系统

PRODUCTS: Metal constructions and their components, sports vehicles safety systems.


ZAKLAD SLUSARSKIE KAZIMIERZ ANDRZEJCZAK ul. Osadnicza 2 65-785 Zielona Gora Polska

关于公司: 我们是一家拥有30多年传统的 家族企业。 我们公司提供热处理,体 积和表面处理的加工服 务。 公司提供表面碳化,钢 化,退火,感应表面硬 化,渗氮等离子处理技 术,

tel. +48 683 264 187 e-mail: hartownia@op.pl www.hartownia.com

ABOUT COMPANY: A fami-ly business with more than 30 years of tradition. Our company offers services in the field of heat treatment, volume and surface. The com-pany offers surface carburiza-tion, volume hardening, an-nealing, induction-surface hardening, plasma-ion nitrid-ing,

合作范围: 我们寻找新技术,热处理的解决 方案,设备和热处理机。

SPHERE OF INTEREST: Searching for new technolo-gies, solutions, devices and heat treatment machines.



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