Biomedical Engineering
GMAT 631 Clinical Experience in Athletic Training IV 4 cr. Clinical Prerequisite GMAT 612 This supervised clinical educational experience develops handson application of athletic training skills with program approved health care providers. Students will be able to develop professional behaviors and interactions within a health care team and work toward autonomous practice readiness. GMAT 633 Evidence-Based Practice III 1 cr. Lecture Prerequisite GMAT 517 and GMAT 529 This course will educate students regarding development of discussion points and finalize scholarly research. Students will also prepare scholarly work with the intent of utilizing a public forum for dissemination. GMAT 655 Organization and Administration in Athletic Training 3 cr. Lecture Discussion of the issues in the organization and administration of athletic training programs to facilities. Topics will cover the knowledge to develop, administer, and manage a facility. Legal responsibility, protection of individuals, and implications of misconduct will be addressed. In addition, professional responsibilities and avenues of professional development will be addressed. GMAT 670 Clinical Experience in Athletic Training V 8 cr. Clinical Prerequisite GMAT 631 This full-time clinical experience is designed for immersion into supervised athletic training practice. Working closely with preceptors, students will gain continued experience in all aspects of athletic training with an emphasis on inter-professional practice. Working closely with preceptors, students will gain continued experience in all aspects of athletic training, placing emphasis on transition to practice and development of leadership and organizational skills. GMAT 685 Behavioral & Psychological Considerations in AT 2 cr. Lecture Students in the course will gain a comprehensive understanding of the psychosocial impact of injury and the rehabilitation process. Topics include, but are not limited to, psychosocial antecedents to injury, the emotional impact of injury, and the role that the athletic trainer plays in the rehabilitation process, not only physically, but psychosocially. GMAT 688 Capstone in Athletic Training 1 cr. Lecture This course is designed to discuss contemporary issues of transition to practice as an entry level professional and to prepare students for the Board of Certification Examination.
Biomedical Engineering Director: Davide Piovesan Ph. D.
INTRODUCTION Biomedical Engineering (BME) or Medical Engineering is applying engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes (e.g., diagnostic or therapeutic). This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine, combining the design and problem-solving skills of engineering with medical, biological sciences to advance health care treatment, including diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. Gannon University Graduate program focuses on Biomechanics, Bio-Mechatronics, and Biomaterials.
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The Master’s Program is designed to produce graduates who: 1. Advanced knowledge and skills appropriate to Biomedical Engineering. • Analyze data and apply critical thinking skills to identify bio-medical problems, manage risk, or propose data-driven recommendations or solutions 2. Knowledge or application of ethical standards within Biomedical Engineering. • demonstrate appropriate leadership skills while recognizing and assessing moral and ethical components and complexity of challenges faced by the medical and engineering community 3. Professional communication and disseminated information appropriate for Biomedical Engineering. • Display competence with oral, written and graphical communications, appropriate for professional clinical and engineering environments 4. Contributions, such as service, to the Biomedical Engineering profession and/or community.
DEGREES OFFERED The program offers a Master of Science degree in biomedical engineering (MS-BME)
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicants must have earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from an ABET-accredited program or equivalent to a QPA of 2.5 or better. 2. Applicants with non-biomedical degrees may be admitted but may require additional course work as determined by the program director. 3. Applicants must submit the following: a. Completed application b. Transcripts for all prior college coursework