Garden Culture Magazine US 31

Page 73



aking cuttings and germinating seeds can be a stressful time for plants and growers alike. Find out how to alleviate most of the anxiety and make sure your plants are ready to take off when they hit the main grow room.

In the beginning Star ting a grow can be a daunting prospect. You may have been focusing all your energy on getting everything ready for the main flower room, making sure the expensive equipment is installed correctly, and the whole thing is hermetically sealed. As the last piece of the hor ticultural puzzle falls into place, it dawns on you that you have neglected the very first bit of a plant’s life and have no choice but to obtain some cuttings swiftly. Being late in the afternoon, you whip your phone out and dial a friend’s number to try and get something sor ted before the day is out. After a long period of ringing, the phone is answered.

Humid pr opagator c onditions result in ‘weak’ foliage. Therefore, har dening pl ant s of f c orre c tly is a cr ucial par t of pr opagating a cut ting , and when done c orre c tly, will se t them of f on a path to a highly suc c es s f ul har ves t .

*Muff led noises and groans. “Hello?” you ask. *Muff les turn to a hacking cough, as if someone were attempting to cough out their lungs. “Errrr…. hello?” you apprehensively try for a second time. *Clunking noises and unnecessary expletives, a raspy and out of breath voice f inally materializes from the speaker. “Y’alright, man. Sorry, bro; I’ve just woke up.” “Early bird gets the worm, eh? Well, I was hoping you still had some cuts available.” “Say no more fam; I got you, cuz.” “Because of what?” “Never mind newms; I’ll drop me round later. Safe.”

In general, plants are frickin’ tough

ies and child-like enthusiasm to star t your nursery. However, don’t be too hasty; with all this equipment and total control at your finger tips, it can sometimes be tempting to give your plants too much of the ‘kid glove’ treatment.

Plants are tough SOB’s

In general, plants are frickin’ tough. As an example, you can take a cutting of your favorite fast-flowering annual, put it in a glass of water on a window-sill, and it will happily root after 10 to 14 days, ready to be planted and grow quite rapidly. No need for the propagators, rooting hormones, nursery plugs or environmental control gear you just spent a small for tune on; they only require a small top-up of water every few days. Although, with proper use, these other tools can reap huge benefits. The keywords in that last sentence were ‘proper use’. Propagators and the like are great when it comes to increasing the timeframe and success of rooting clones, but while giving your young plants optimal conditions to produce new roots, it may not be so ideal when it comes to producing its new shoots. Humid propagator conditions result in ‘weak’ foliage. Therefore, hardening plants off correctly is a crucial par t of propagating a cutting, and when done correctly, will set them off on a path to a highly successful harvest.

Upon hanging-up, you immediately regret having made the call in the first place. When the cuttings arrive, they confirm all your paranoid suspicions. Lack-lustre, gangly-looking plants half bereft of life, also spor ting some suspect white specks on the leaves. Also, he decided to travel with an entourage of rudely inquisitive friends.

There is another way Rather than having to spend months reviving half-dead plants, the best solution is to star t from your mother stock or seedlings. After a quick trip to the local hydro store, you whizz back home with all the high-tech necessar73

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Articles inside

Ancient Farming Techniques: The Way of The Future

pages 26-27, 29

5 Cool Ways Plants Are Used For Textiles

pages 96-100

BEEHAVIORS - The Waggle Dance

pages 93-95

Steve Defino: A Veteran On a Mission

pages 88-92

Medicinal Weeds: Mugwort

pages 84-87

Farm City USA

pages 66-72

Feeding Cities With Urban Farms

pages 76-83

The Importance of Hardening Off

pages 73-75

Seed Soak Tea

pages 62-65

The Sound In The Silence

pages 60-61

Who’s Growing What Where: USA & Canada

pages 57, 59

Discovering The Genetic Potential Of Your Plants

pages 52-56

From Suits To Seeds

pages 20-23, 25

Exploring Cannabis Cultivation Around The Globe

pages 30-31, 33

Garden Strategies To Cope With Drought

pages 44-51

Ancient Farming Practices

pages 26-29

Seed Saving Part 4

pages 34-41

Growing: Good For The Mind

pages 42-43

Superfoods For Plants

pages 14-18

Author Spotlight: Dr Callie Seaman

page 8
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